in agai Ooie le." For cion uedto work, m is ta its actual et m -a quarter of es ulace tainstaIlatbn, and tbii, tIsa ought ;t ,have, tput ita per sbapeoY ',PowpeWepT bave med te place littl, dependence on dock, evon wben it ïs runnlng, thons bas beom n' cer ta.iaty 'eof iL being This o mun uiaUftliOy à Zaing. Cl$tzm -an ie ly' aebomcaused Much arn be and 0.7*110by the fact tha&theb dia! hai not bon_- recordlug oorret tImO, Mad ulies 4 4 4 s T!w-e areper&" lig ntans sgr b lae"we asbould' ment up wftth'omnethhng maretaný words, fi. the cal! ever o0 It, lu alumt cetain 'tlat lempor- or - for the lpu1 ' - -mi-log, tb. ,*Inter an i hedýp ryoks lu rmnlg ofib. rebe 1h OMM,-oi- uuc~'steh WATER AND LIGOTCOMMI"IOAI'J", Do yeu know cf anythisg else that hanbeý eeai~ ceming down lu priýe for thb, lait few ysars,:except t 21 -Eleç,trlcLIhte The chief business of a Municipal EléëtriéDp~ ét furniêh eleetricity fo r light and Power- "at, Oeuse, to tihe i nhabitants of the muuicipality. Owing 1ê ".reduections -In 'th. price af metere, and te the genpral ihcrq-s' 7* bsns it bas been faund passible ta Iawor îhe caut f af.ght 4fo' the consumer by efiminating meter rente af ter. they; '0~ bien 4 paid Ibres years. GET VOUR M-IOUSE WIRED, Kand help us ta reduice the rate stili further, and strike a blow ~t "the high caut oa! living" by using eleetricity ïn the hame. GEO.. W. P. F.VeRysauPt. TREA&IURER'8 SALE 0F LA N0--FO>R' TAXES Y virtue ofta warrant un( erthe haad ef the Warden and the seul et thîe C"%prauw ofthe County of 0ntari >,dated the îztI 4day eft 9eptetnber; £igt4, coemidins dnien Bta 4v upen the lands neatlened la the followlng lit for arrears oftâ&ta here:x aud cantesaiu erein set forth; hereby give notice that unles stéch arrearuuand testes a sueser paid, 1 shahl, la complilace wltb the Assesument Act, proceed te sdil by PubI Auctian, tiîuuaid lands,orain' mch theffeof as may be necessary for the taxes, ut lb -Court Heu.., la the Town cfl hitby, on SATIJRDAY, DCM E 6f,1914 u-t the heur ef twa e'clock ln the «ternooim ITOWNSHIP 0F RAMAj part Lot C u. Acres Taxes Cos Totalm ýPat or Unpat N 8 F 50 10 38 2 51 12 89 1 ispa 10 G 100 $13 43 .$2 59 $116 0 Pat 14 G 50 $ 983 $2 50-'$1233 UnPê 2 100oo 13 86 z266 16 46t Part WX o f E X p art part Village lot je, 151k A,Pieng pbeingN S village lot 69, C uroh St. Whitevaie being S> TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Lot Cp2n., Acres Taxes Costs le 2- 50 8 87 2 50 122 100 9159 2 50 'O WNSHIP 0F BOK Le'ý C n. Acres Taxes .Caste X 2% 83 2 50 --~24 31-38 3 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING Lot ICon Acres Taxes 1Cests 14 1 9~ 31 53 3 Z9 31 5 I TflWNSHII1 Part Lot Con. Ai -Pt. N%4 17 - -Co. Bldg,., Sept. 45, 1914- 9( 17 99 1>-OF EASTV mres Taxes U( 37 70 Total Pat or1 J' 37 1209g Total 5 33 34 66 Total 34 82 Unpal Pat Pat Put or Unpat Pat Pat Put or Unpat 02 95 20 94 Put WHITBY Coits Total Pat or Unpat > 3.42 4t12 : Pot a. A. McKAY, -, County Treasus'er. .4 FOR VOIJR XMAS BAKIr4G- w Ourrants, per lb. 10ndl c w'Raisins, large fat ones, per lb - "10c wly Seteded' Raisins., per IL.---' 1 2îc edles California Raisin sý per lb. 1 2o wTable: Figs,' per lb.'15 cc( t. 'l1m-ips. for .Pastry Flour, ' iorSucCiess5. r £013 FANCY CÛINA me what wo hâve 1ta on ryqu. Oui pxiccu bave sot I put BwayanYthlng y« buy unthl fou ne"d le quite a f ew people have 'the impres- 1sufer with leiff"W t'lmpI1~: atoi that their local dealer alwayS b~4f1.w~ ùf~sdtk - - ~ " rulta-livei!Y' le' tb67Y,, se tit holes tbem up'fer. higher pries than i *th omu" . preWhil in' neighbing-t.ewns.--This1. 1 19~resioIn prevMls linthe public 'iVi tÀ..*W are MW by alldea1Ui rnL~~~~~4 roadn h soof prlnting, et 506. à bel, 6 fw 02.50! UI hS,4 paÃilcularlyi 'Witby. Beè,ause -of Wbi J £ivLui = "I, Ottawa.' coïifltons bers, whatever prias 11187=:M becargd l ni tbO ee lghis Persona] Mention. rplbbery. As amatter of tact Whitby prie. are lower fi both advertislng Mi. Harld Staiton, o!1 Toronto,, ad. priatlnmg. than thase prevsllig l spent Sunday lu tawn. moit, other towisa o similar size In Mr. A. & Macpevs.n spont, .SUD- Ontato. A'merchant was canvaisd day with hie parents bers. by ýa traveler- for an gr-tten M. N. Brewn, ai T oranta, wu In prlitiug -firin, and- bis lmportunlty tawn for a 'tew dayi lait week. led toaâan rder bolng given hi= -Misi Mdjory' Macklem Is vlsitingi 'foÉa tbousan&,envelope . Aooampar- wth ML1aued- Mrs. R.N. Baisett.. lion0 o!the colt ta the IDODObSt Miss Hele'Wood, et Nsw Y, lu '*t 'lth Ie prirc at wbich ho ceuld viulting ýWit)i Mns. F. C. Hatch. 'teotii' h obh Wib Mrs. Dý. W. Carrutheru bas moved 'th _îd that ho paid 88 13 per cent toToronto, where sho will resîde in more 'thai he would bave bilhad fuub e op0t. bis maney ln Wbltby. Sain'-futre trnes a ý'travelor*111' cut his usual Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kerr snd cbild- puc> e aid get under the tawn priiti- ren are visiting witb Mr. and Mns. or'd - rate just ta get the erder. I GO. Kerr. shéèüdd be iememberod,-howevor, tbat Mns. Bon. Fraser and cblidren, ef the'fimnMe traveler represents pays Toronto, are visiting relatives in ne ,taxes itt the Whitby treasury; town. Uiey» buy no geodi at' the stores; Town, Cierk Jos. White returned tbey contvibuto nething tée-the schools aon Saturday lait alLer spending ton or churches Pr local Improve ment en- days on a huntlng trip. terpriges et thecocmmunity. Whà y, Mrs. E, N. Granger and daugbter, tbon, sbanld 'they b. supponted at the, et Scarboro, gpent the week-end wlth sixpense ef, the local. printer ? There Mr. and Mn., Jas. ISmilth. lu ane tbing wo uhould- keep -eVer Ini Mn. Whitney, wbo bas had the con- inid wbesi tempted to send'un eider tract for the new wharf at the bar- away that can be filed at berne,-and bon, bas llnished bis wonk and lbit tihat lu that every dollar we send a- -onths1ek way belpo cerne, athen town or clty, tCwn. .1. E. Frwl a en l and ur ownsuierate hatextnt.Detroit for several days, enjoying'a * s s sbrief holiday, and incidentally attend- When the. County Ceuncil meets gtbmaiaetbigandu- next week they will be required te ter. appoint two miembers et the Whfitby Mr. Milner, who bas been ledger- Boazd ef Educaieon-one-ta replace keepen in the Dominion- Bank for F. j. Joncs, resigncd, and ene te o ne ime, bas been transferred to replace Dr. dames- Moore, who bas Tarante. Rils place was taken by vacated hils position by non-attend- Mr. Williams. ance. For many years It bas been i - - ithe customn of the County- Ceuncil TAB3ERNAC LE EI'WORTH LEA- ta, appoimnt one et their appeintees GUE "AT HOME."1 tram outaide the Town et Whitby On. I davevninz te ffiersan E .5,* ,~, .. s . - I wilI holcl a -Dy'Saleto çlear, the Stock out. Tis WIl be o ne chaceina lifedime' when You can getý - Two Pairs et Boots > For- The Price of One. > Every-pair of Men's, Womenr's,-Boys','Girls'- and- Children'boots, shoes, ail klknd-s.of rubbers and overshoes;- also a llarge- s tock of, clu-b bags, suit cases and Automobile skates will be sold' tt Away Below the -WhOesale PrIpcei%ý See Our WiBidows agi argaTiables agi be Coaiaced Open Evenlnge. BOYS gold #11 ;.Terms Cash. The stores lately occupied by R. B. Hoar will be to rent after December i 5th. . I I~-F FN.*BIJRN-S '. BROCK STa, NORTH WHIT-BY, ONT. R NOTICE.. The' Wbitby War Relief Soclety Fer years te late Mr. Parker, o et - o te ehois abrnceh ave appolnted the tallewing lucHes , Duibarten, was a member oetthe embrst tege whoe"tTube"rnu el e ofthLb. diffreut depant- Bourd, but did net attend meetings Eporeofcso t hLeugu. weîe "At Ho mcener;ofwoîk ;-Mrs. E. E. Stanr, on an- average of once a yeur. M,r. nOg the mombers f he oir ap ndlude choIera bands ç Mns. F. Hatct2, Bal&- FL.Green, o Greenwood a a officers and touchers et Lb. Sunduy clava caps t MY>s G. Rice, wristlts ; miember fer severai yeurs, but ut- ScimoollanLthe S. S. reem. The Mis. G. Mowat, seuils -,Mra. Marri- tended oaly one meeting, se fan as roem, wicmt was prettily decoruted son, bousewivest Mbin. Ted, Cutting w. eau leuru. Then Dr. James Macro for the occasion, was weil filied, and COM. Earch coneaor bus a supply wus uppointed, but se fan this evear ut ter al bad been heurtiiy weieomed et woel. hoe bas net' attended a stagle meeting by the pasten, an excellent program - and by non-attendance fer tbrce suc- was rendered, censisting o! songs, A HEAVY RAIN. cessive meetings bas disquallfied hlm- piano soles, reudlngs by Miss Olive The nain tibat visited this vicinitY self. We believe the (Counciliweuid Helliday, ot the.O.L.C.. and a very b. well advised ta appoint a man re- interesting paper by Mil. L.F. Ricb- On Sunday wus a. rogiilai "aed- sldngla hibv e b#vacancy, as ardsen on "The Relation cf Lbthe kr. Commencing duringLb pat expenience proves that there is ('bureb ta tb. Sunday Sehool and nfgitt,ifeunudalayS dy no use appcinting an outsider. The Epworth Loague" Ligbt nefrosh- until early Monday moraing, bciug B3oard of Eduration is compcsed o! monts wvero served at Lb. close of heurs.T o reuitus o habot thet thîrteen 'mnembers, of îvbom seven Lb. prograin, alLer which impromptuibus h eutwsta h tom-m a quorum. IL is cf ten difrlcuit spe1eches were made by Mr. H. W. ground was thoroughlly soaked, and ta seeure a dîucrum uat meetings, for %ilicox, Rov. Dr. Hane and. Mn. A. Lthe streets became small bogs, cspe- anc cause and anothen. W. Lbink W. Jackson, most beurtily Lbankîng eially whem-e exeavut'iag for the sow- these weenno rwlntatn the l.eague, on lichait et the officiaIs, ers h-ad been done. Inlaioe places, meot cnn'nsboud r in e.tattpre frLbnxeldt iethat had been the earth in filled-in trenches aank sons hc wli atendmay . ap g'iven them. The meeting closed witbta opee etaoeL.ra ponedin ho ir sà ten ad. hebuessp singing "Its a long, long wy t level te a foot below, rendening Lb.l camngbmfor L. oar I e a Tipperarv." atm-cota dungerous ta traffic. Muniy Imotn t natuerehenBoa d s f esncellurs were floeded,.ad Lime steady Impotant natre, nd eseresnain teuad every leak -that a roof prompt and thoughLful consideraion PROVOST MACKLEM ON aflem-ded. Xery littie m-cal damage, and action. w-sdPreveetver DISTIIT DOINOS. versity, 'prencbed ut bath services in TelatyWrRlifS IAil Saints' Chunclu on Sunday. Ris T ')c ~rReif ei"ty The Uxbridge -Journal ollers te give subject was "Missions," but it migbl. have opened a Belila Fund, and will the Town Council ' a franie buiding as weîî bave been "'War." luis bru- r canvas the town for suliscti'ptions- oný 45 x 22 feet la ltéu o!fLb.eJeunnal's liant stu'dy efthLie world-wide strug- Tuesday, November 24tb. The sec- taxes for 1914. 'i'ýhe Journul's Ltag% ' r redom anow convuîsing the rotary, Mis. Jeu. King, wlll b. glad bill cails ton $113.63. The Journal nations involved in Lb. war, illus- te heur tram volunteers hwi 'll as- says that la Lb. Township et Scott trated us iL was by graphie pictuies itnthcavsng tb. flaest bundred acre f arm witb a o e ode incidents oethLbiatLeseon TETAENAL. $2,000 bouse and a $2,000 bain wil land and sea, was uied as a basis of TETBRAL. nat puy as much taxes as the Jour- argument for sipnliar, militancy tu Suaday, Nov. 22. nul office et eue stery, 30 x 45. Christian missions. There warispîl- Service ut il u.m. and 7 p.m. S.S. dld music, Inciuding a dueL liy Mm-. ut 3 pm. t Hazel and Miss Jean Johastomi. 1 The services, - botb mornlng and BASE LINE WEST. 0 S. S. No. 1, Pickering, w-iI1 bold THE WAR DUES NOT AFFECT their ciesing concert au Deé. it. THE NURsERY B3USINESS. Iu spite efthLie wai-we are sellin., more nuruery,.stock titan ever before. SALE REGISTER. We have ron fan anothor agent in Saturduy, Nov. 21.-Auclea suare titis Couuty, howaver, and applica- ef bouse, let sud furniture, Lb. prop- tiens rsbould be sent in ut once. A erty etfte saVate et *tbe late 'rbos. goed ma aould cari freli $15 ta' Pensman, Bnaoklin vIllage. Sais. u t $0pe1ek lttrugb te win- 1-30 a'clock. Wm. Maw, auctie'neen. t er. No dellvening on colletiig. Out- uedy, Noveruber 24.- Aucleon lit free. 'HMSWBO AN & gae ai houjaold furnuture, tsepro,>-. SON Ce., LTD., Ridgovili, Oit. enty etf Wm. Calveriey, centre St. uertb, WhiLbY. Sais ut oie ooclk - CREDITOR'S AUCTION SALE. Wmn. Max, auctteneer. af valuablè bouse, -lot sud 'furnituise WedInesday, .Nevezaber 25.- Auc- at Biookliu. The underigned tIon sale Of standIng Vlmber, luelud- ceivOd Iint ans fromeinLbe ieu Ing luir birch -and aedan, theos ~tors of. the estate où- telate Thes. nt>' a!. J.A. eMcKay, lot 21, coan. 1,1 Pereman, ta> pell. by public auctlon at Wbltby -Towisbip, Oie Mlle est ,e!f. Broalcli'Village on Satuda>', Nov.1 .Wltby. Sale uat Oee a'cock. -Win. 21s1, Lb. folIowla#g valuaiblo prapemty, KBw, aiuct4onei. latoly aoccupled by Mri.- Pereman.1 - Brida>, NOivember 27.-Auctlon sale 1 Pr ame bouse, stable and drnl 1 o! 85 itead of cattîs, 'Counstlng of! sbed, fruit tissu, good gaidelu,- bard' mIlLîh 0ws, 1i-aid 2 yeà rs aid,_- and' aid soit wa1ef a cre laid ilOiO or calves, lte piopenty- a! W.S. Dels, ta les. -AIl thé furniturs will aise b. be sald-at ]S.A. -P oan- lot 21, 1 sold. Sais alt'*.9O o'clock sharp. Son. 8, Wbtby Tp. Sale at 1 o'clo& kTerni. caab' ee ep arpi >' Uhii. Ttni-.4moitht eredit oU ternt for whlch will b. pmsde baue-wn appnaved nte.-8ôWpect. pen an-, on 4ay of sale. Thas. .. rum num off for cash. ,Jus. IBlaop, auo- Thas. C akwell, e10c1110i5. WIliM idis- ~ -jmai, .itoer-O evening, wihI lie conducted by the Rer. A. R. Fo >Lser, ef Caiborne. Almouds aie holding titeir auniver- aary and Thankoffenlng ou Suaduy, Nov. 22ad, ut 2.30 e'clock. The ser- mon will b. preached by te Rev. A. H. Foston. Special muic furn(shed by te choir and etheri. 'The Trus- tee Board are askIng,,for au oiferlag 0r1$200.00. A heurt>' Invitation ex- teided Lo ail. CONY COUNCIL-COUNTY 0OR - ONTARIO. Thte adjouifed meeting a!fte Cecun- cil aioftseCorporation of, te 1ouat>' ,of OeLarioa-wlll bhield, pursuasit ta, adipurame, u ttVhs Ceuncil -Citamben' ti Lb. Couirt lleuse, Towu of Whitby, on Tueida>', the 24Vh day of Novem- ber, 1914, ut'te baur af, two o'cbock li the ai terRîteen . ARl accunts te hébe placed belais te iCoueilshould its forWarded, ,ta the Cauity~ Clerk at luist titres dt be!ore' Lb.l, meetIng i mid Co6uacl. J. M. FAREI-WELL, - Couty, 0b. ST. ANDREW'S EXTENDS A The largest coigregatlanal moet4fig hald- ln years was that o! Mouday nidtlt at St. &idre5aPr«mbyteuan Chureh, whea the members efthec cburch coivened to censîder the qumes-1 tien of extending a call ta ancet the i ton mea whom thcy bave heard dur-1 lng the pat two months and a hall.1 A vote was takea and a large mu-i jonity declded lu tavor of Rev. A.P.1 Menzies. The voe was. afterwaidi made unanîmous fer Mr. Meazîes;-and1 a euhl will be extended te him, ac- cardlngly. IL la nat* knawn defnite- 4ly, of course, whetber Mr. Menzies wlll accopt, but it lo hoped that he will be able te do ue. Mr. Meazies is a yeung mai, and a graduate etf Queen's University. aEWER CONNECTIONS' Ail peruons - desiring to have con- nection tram the sewers ta thc street lne et their property,, wil picase netîfte lcCIrk at ancc and that the cost thereot may be cbarged- as an anmiual payment unider the Lo-i- cal Ixnprovement Act. The contracters are under obligai- tien te put in these cennections, il done now, at a rate- conslderabiy Iower than would have te he paid for the work if donc at varieus times in the future. The Councîl have arranged-fer a temperary septie tank for the win- tor. 13v atnding te this ut once tb. Councilwould be able 1<, ant ine the niatter.- .JOSPIPH WHITE, Town Clerk. COURT 0F REVISION FOR TOWN 0F- WHITBY..t Take notice that -tb. Court of Re-1 vision will meet In the Cauncil Cham'-t- ber, on Frld-ay', b.27th day ef- No-1 vember, 1914, ut 9 a 'clock a.m., for1 the- purpese et hcarlng appeaulu inre- spect o! assessinent ral.î Ail pensons intenested will pieuet take -notice aiýd goyern themselves accordligly.1 11 JOSEPH WHITE, t &nm Town Clerk. l'On.etofthe meast influential ugni-t cultural papers in the Dominion," la the way others- nreet thLb.Weekly Sun of Toront; t I lia pupen m)Jieb appeais ta-thé. Wlde-iwake faîmers. Independent and' teaxlesa, it bu al- wayu guarded tebest Internts er Canadian Agriculture. Aside frein that; its accurate aid carelully cern- pIled market reports aid summaîles, ,give tbe reader a practicai gras»' ai market *Cenditiais. "Yeu have saved me dollars," le, the-.1tepeated recoin- inondation o!- bundreds-of ita sýreid- ors. The eSun l0 oà ,thb. gound,,sud il fi net Influsnced by any >-packng bouses, an comm4ssion - merobants. It stands, for,.lamera alois, every dal ,in, the year. i It la tbe farmer'p fiiend, you ought te bo a readen. what ether women are dolng. The- leaid1ng article ln this, week's Satur- day Evenýng Post by one of the pa- per's cleverest writers, *oera Ha- ris, Is illunilnatlng du regard ta the new militancy amangatEnglluhwe- men. Another notable 'content lu de. voted ta the women -of Canadà asal- f ected- by--the war. It la by, Maudo Radiord Warren, the popular. ent Ilb- utor te the magazines. -AFTEI THE- WAR ing now. Gel oô one of auir will do<>it. l itIl] 1) yn ell. Froe catalugue. rie foi it. 8HAW8 e ndBIE r 8a SC.O-L8, Tora'ntog ý395 Yango st. W. N. Shaw, President, TH-PATROL« ~OF TUHE S-UN DANCE TRAIL B3Y RALPIL CONNOR THE. PATROL 0F IHE SUN DANCE TftAIL les the new novel of. the great'-Nortbwe t by Ralph Connor. It tells the utory of the lite et a Scout',n the Norîh-iWest Mounted Police during the Indian and half.breed rebellion led by Louis Riel. ' This book will tell the story.of the frustration' cf an Indian uprising which threatened in volumne te exceed any former-'uprisin g. Given the wonderful knowledge of bis céuntry and. the power dramatically te portray character à Ad events, Ralph Canner is- sure to produce an arnaiingly 'attractive, highly enteriaining and pic- turesque novel. THIIS STORY HAIS INT APPEAURiD Clotb only- $1.25 postpald, at all bookstores or franti Tho W stmisterGo.,Limlted Publishers ConfedieatiooeUfe Building TORONTO, ONT.î AUCTION -SALE -OF- w. e. wi-iyDO)0PEOPLE' -lieb "-alcebie met Ç'raiesson Patrick 61 4) Io'~ cflwa, Iu a recent -' 'file, tolls readers 4tarch ot. He means Le knew why. mon dri liquon-- The, Continent Professor's im-lnquir- i sign of! 9ne thing a science tu-day bas dccii Ãœng is nebt, a noni ienai habit oft-men.,I1 foir whtch a reasoa lia ina-the unreaenable. to- 'The (Continent,.t Patrick, atter -the ma qcientlfw i-men, ,makes profounîd arr o! laves rnucb io!a avtrau - '.' r)rdin-r nl"fk. rwul other men tÈb. lù ithfe S 1ý tir nst îritative irast promottd bv innci -t-erward men- drfnk b bias.-produced aà d-pas urai appetite. -Isn'tt of the ,alcobol nûi: Mm-s. Geo. Foroster frein hem- eccnt serioL 250 pairs ladies' pi fonds, -ali- k-ads -of leat balf priceat'l3urus' sale. Aftentioa i s cLl1ed- t - ~ page _two or this papi cul nemvs and advertise An auto strop ma free toa auy seldieryr Ifyou purchase onc -a Do't tail te sec Ce 's -display oet wi-nd< d ay. Great bartains No. 123.-- Calt at SB-uns' greal s the baçgain -table goods les than hal-tI Mr. R. N. Ilassett- per cen't. o! bis sa:s woek of November 13t the Wur Relief Fun&~ Thé -Rev. Dr. Bel Coilons. wJ11 be the Noti, 24TO )CK d weathei. ARtCH4IVES 0F ONTK' TORONTO $6,0 EDU[OLL4 ECONQýMY MIEANS IJYINNOQUALe GO00008AT A REASONABLE PRICE We have the Price' and Quality Goods to offer you. TRY US.ý l" à 6à 6AP