Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Nov 1914, p. 5

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independent Phone !~ L4Z1~ *:'1U~7V> - SOME WATCH BARGIS' These, watches, were named for another jeweler. MAENSB' WATCHES Neat, strong standard wate reguWa 'ýl' 1 - o :&; for Heavy,op.n facd wateh 10.00 '1L Fine golifid 11. aeextra moveent :regular . 14.00 fori0.1 titra quality flled cs,17, jewel works,rogular -20.75 forI13. Solid 14k cae with 17 jew.l works, 'regular- ., 40.00 for ISM Ileavy, solid 14k meu; igh- grade worko Ko.0 LADIES# WATCIêES Fine 14k wateheu, op to $mmO An cepeialiy fine filled wateii, regulàr 22.40 for 18.00 ~good f1111.4 casewateh. regular 1 1-. 14.40 for M.8 Au extrai fine'eilvêr, watoh, regular 11.00 for LU It il pa yn uatto..our ladies watohcs. We never have, shown suueiigood, value.. Each one guaranteed, tlhree. years. BRAC ELET WATCHES - GlId, splendid values 8M.00 ta 50.00 Gold.fillil 14 MO-to 22.00 'Bulver .12.00 1.16,00 -Ail these watches have metal bracelet comiplote. We are shoWing the mout np-to-date stoc'k in Ont>grio - ounty. WRUST WATCHES $8.00 will buy Our cheapest. IVe have them up ta 818.W0. We eau &]no show you nome speelale 'in tht. ]in@. it will cost jou nothing te examine theue at. your leisure. XMAS UI& ONLV 5 WEEKS- AWAY Make your selections now and have themù laid aside mail Xmas. A smali deposit will d , it. Our stock is the largest we- ever had, and- is also the largest in Ontario - Countye R. N. BASS- ETT ONT* Jeweler, and Graduate Optician WH-ITBY, Tii u PFz aGm>wers 'Auto- .1 ation Zi q~auJ.notoila -thé' Hx ei-roronto, laut week, mWajgL awgof growra being presn h o large"a several,,cir- .Cunutances preventfngthis. The. dir- Moor wreeThuisday ai- teraoon, cr ' ng Mkr, E. LIck,. Of tiie Kingston Road, east of- WhitbY.. Mr.. Llck is manager of the, Doslawa Fruit Growers, and Is aise' President aid Sales Manager of the, CO-OPerÎttvë 'rufft2,drd;kérs of On- taro, i -4-d MWsejîaneous Advetts Horse, bugby aid ere., in good shape. Appîyý box 8979 Whitby. WANTED.ý A general servant., .Apply-t w,, Jeu. Kfing, Wbtby.-tf. WANTED. To purchase or reit, a- piaxol la. gçod condition. 'Appîy,,to Mrs. Ply-, peu, Pickering, Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. At the convengi*1.8-*-'Women's in- ITen barrels o! No. 1 Belileur ap- *%titutes iield in Tcrýntoast week,'ples. WilI erchange for good Barred November 101h, llth and 12th, Whiiit' Rock Hens or White. Wyandottes, -ex by wau ýrepresqed by. thie following wifl seli at 12 a barrel. Apply. box ladies : -Mi-sse thel Fletcher. (dele- 1 10, Gazette OMeie. gale), Mis. Geo. -A* Ross, Mrs. D. - Wilson and Mns. J5 . ?4!9ýchell. Many- FOR SALE.. social functions were -glven in their Rhiode Island Red puliets apd cock- bonrth' risteno5aiy ebeng -erels, Mav burds, selling cheap. ýH. luncheanby -Mrsii--Joua tBaird La--W. sharp, Hdllview ]Poultry fsxm, law, of tbe« '"Gra1gç," ' .at er city lot 28, eon. 4, Whitby.7 Phono .125 residence ý"t Clàrendon Crescent. Tii. ring 15. oCher guesta Keâçnt included Mrs. A. M. Itenatis, Piesident of the. Local FOR -SALE. Cauncil o! Women .).Helen Mac- S -C. WiteLghrn Cockerels, Murchy, Mr .<!kýSt*ruthers, and fS. flur IJbr e o riC 94 tan Mrs. C. E. Mitcbellk formerly Miss-foipr-rdOA..11 Ian Myra Staaton,. of the O.L.C. f aculty. 'W. MceCoinn4ck, R., R. No. 1, Brook- lin. * BIRTHS. HOUSE FOR SALE. GASTON.-In Whltby Townsip, an New trame boue, li storc'ys,_ six Sunday, N4ovember 1, 1914, to Mr. rooms, 8-piece. bath, furice., electruc *and Mrs. -Frank, Gaston, a daugb- light, Apply J. 1-1, JAMES, Whit.. ter. by.-tf. W.C.T. Y' DO PEOPLE r' Lx' >RINIC? - .. "alcoholta motive" IlI what ofessor Patr'ick o! tiie University f, -j *owa, Ih a recent magazine an- ~ tj~,tells readers- that he Is in ,m*hof!. He musitiiat hewat t know why men drink lnrtoxicatiîg itquor.. The Continent says that thre Prolessor's lnqulry lu an agreéable elgi of- ne thlîg at leat- ýthat qcience* to-day bas decided that drink- fig 'is, not a normal and rat- S tonal habit of men. It is sometiiingi for wbich a neason has to-be sougbt I the unreasonable., But lt seems to-Tii. Continent, that 'roferor Patrick, after the manier o! many saientific mei, makes with i'lfl bis j>rofoumd air of Investigationtlery much of a mnystery out of %wht an ordinany 6fnIooker would tlrink quite g imple. MYoung mei drink becatse otiier mei do., Intbe start of it luis là the, most Imitative of ail vices- leasl promo ted by Innert Impal4es. A!- terwaid' men, drink be,,-t:îse alcohol b-1as produced a dlseased and uniat-I - . rai appetIte. Isn'b 1hat the. whoio! cof the alcobol inot ive V" local HappeninÀgs$ Mn,. G-eo. Ferester bas rocovered from her recent seriôus Illness. 5UU ill D raliliuf i iUjJU 4SUU '.JL Tii. Anglican Young ýPeople's Asso- I ciation will hold a social on Monday A N 8W Dopartient À short program, will be Having taken over the Tiie Whitby Fie Brigade bave ar- agency for ranged ho, bold their annual ball and supper as usual on New Year's Eve, t mnIflatere Vine Tursday, December 31. It will bej BtranDuqiUMS Ce W. are prepared ta attend ta your wauts in theUe of VI CTROLAS We have a ver>' large and good asqortment of Records, by ail the world famous artists. The Victor makes it possible for you to hear any or aIl of these talented artists at any time, with in the coni forts of your awn home, without having to go to a big expenso or travel a long way. Corne in any timne and we w ll b. pleased ta play a selection for you - Wilson': Studi See Burns' siioe windows an Frn- day aid Saturday for 1116 greatest bargains in shoes ever offered i 1Witby. fondspairskduomieathermsanelling u hodall prie.adBs' eer,èing sh. ISu our Stock 0! stores aid rang"-. hallpe. a Brs. eu g hewjehave the besi l-ine, and aur p1em:e s a l e . 16 m t è l o eo. M . I i c o , EB y Attention le called ta. theotact that' thIng in hardware. page two of this paper contals la- TeCut OUClwl od is cal ne-ws aid adverlisements. TeCut oil ilhl l -4-usual November spedai session neIt An auto strep razor given away week, commencing TuÇsday alr f ree toiai>' -oldien yau mu>' desire, noon, November 24. - if yau blrchase on. at Basgett's. -4-800 pains girls', boys' and Ichildà- Don't lau ta gg . l. nScott, & -ren's Ciagsie boots 11nGUn NOtai, Co-'s displa>' of windows on Satur- Vici Ki1d, Patent and Tan Cal! beath- day.- Great bargains Inside. Phonoors, sellng away below wholesale Nýo. 123. prices at Buris' cl.a.rhng shce sale. i nemst. f..,.t a4-ftfbutter wraPPers se -p wi u all at Bus' great sioe sale anad v'--' U ......au -u-- ee th. bargain tables at - 50c., 750.,IfusBt 10w .al ho ,prlnted. Order aI 5c., $1.00, $1.25, 5, $1.6~ Ail, once frai» C.A. Gaodfellaw & Son, aods les han bal! the, regular pnice. the Gaztte ai hrnle, Witby. - -Bell kel ephono. 23, Indopendent 59. Mr .N. Bagsetlias donated 100 «r cent, 'of his sales during thb.'As a result o! 1h. Patribtic sale !sdIL o! Novemjber 131h tb 101h, tb coiidicted lait Saturday, wlien a per- he War Relief 1Fund. I enitage of th. cash sales was do- 44- nawte t -iWar Relief F'ind, 3iLr The Roi'. Dr. B3oyle, of Trinity W. G. Wallons bas giron the Treas- MliIge, will be. the.preaclier nnrtifS $20.460as isu otibition. unda>', Novetuber 22nd, aI 'botb -4- O!fOis In Al 'Salais, Church. Tiie Women's Inst(tute will -ment - -4- fi the. Agreultural zoomis on P'rday The Ladies' 'Aid of tboe Baptilit atternon, KOVember 201à, at 8 p.m. kurci 'wil-bhold Ibheir sinus! sale DMr- vssi5 Il ISPeak itthit met?, le 'usful aid fancy' articles sulable fgon 4"Tic Defective Chilf." ALI or Xnas *gifts ln, the'Cosmil tCbam, i womgea welSô ;. 1&0. G.A. IteM, «, Tuosday, Decmber lM. Iru11%91 FrWdent %>'MmsP. Baleini, Secrc-, srluaism net w.k A meeting wili bc bvld on Monday night next, at 8 o'clock, -in Cierk Wiiitos office, to make arrangementsj for tbe Christmas - Fair. AUl persons Interected are requested. ta attend. It wiil b. noticed that the C.P.Rt. trains gong west have been cbanged in them time. The train !ormenly ieavlng Whitby ah 9.50 a.m. goesata 9.37 a.m., and the train which went west ah 5.42 p.m. now leaves at 5.35. Mrs. Starr, Vice-President o! the Wbihby War Relief Association, will, by request, convene the ' cholera bell committee. All belt knitters are In- vited to bring Iheir knitling and meet ah ber home on Monday, Nov. 23rd, fram 2 ta 4 p.m. Ail interest- ed invitcd ho become knihters. With Christmas only five weeks a- way, you'd belter leave vaut orden for Christmas cards at the Gazette and Chronicie office NOW. You'11 be so rushed later on that vou wiil not have tinue or you wilI forget. Come; in and se. our semples o! over two hundred designs, print-ed or with blanks left for your ne. PniM9 ta suit any purs.. Ail kinds mens', ladies' and ciiild- ren's feit boots and slippers seliing at hal! price ut Burns' clearing shoe sale. The Coulnty o! Ontario Old Girls are collecting warmi clotbing and provisions ta bo sent ta the. Bel- gians. Tbey wiil bc glad If every- oie will make an effort ta iielp ln this work. Contributions can be loft aI the. auditorium of the Public Li- brgy on Tuesday, Noveniber 241h, from 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. A coni- mille. o! ladies wIlllbco h charge. Tii. Government Demonstration car, containfng wooi aid egg exliii- Its, which was ta bave been at the Wbitby C.P.R. station on Friday last dld not put ln an appearance, Its uchedule boing ddearranged at 1h. lest moment. On friday afternoon, short-ý iy before ie lime for Il. arrivaI at Ibe station, ýnatices of ils posîponie- mient were poubed. It wiIl b. her. at a date to be annoiuioed lter. Mrs. Oeo. Rice, convenor of!kit-1 ted wristlets for the. Wbltby Women'uI War Relief Aseccation, invites ali ladies intorested la wristietmùg te mneet at ber home air Mondai, Noevember 28rd, from- 2- 'to4, p- . Bring your kniitting. .611intereted flivlted te become kitter. We a«0 preparing a. supply for nertIcanting BAPTIST CHURCII. Sunday, Nov. 22. il a.m.-'.."Wbat Whitby Christians are."1 3 p.m.-Â mass meetïng ini the Bap-' tist Churcli for men, womnen -and childien. Young men and women Wn. pecially Invitod. Evangelist .Torrie will speak on thie pubjeot, O"Choosing a Wife." 7 p.m. Subject, "The Tragedy of Calvary."0 Mr. and Mrs. Torrie are to reniain, In Whitby ail next week,. holding meetings each night until next F1- day. Flveryone weicome. ORDERS TAKEN FOR XMAS FRUIT CAKES METOALFE'8 CHOCOLATE8 MERMAIO TOFFEE and 10E CREAM at the Maple Leaf TEA ROOM j Attractive Grocorlos -AT- Attractive Prices Or. Sugar, 14 lbo. for $1MO New Raisino, per lb, 100 New Carrante, par lb., 100_ Surprise 5oap, 6 for 2Mi Dutch Cleanner, 3 for 25o Tomatoes, 3 for foc Corn, 3 for M0 Peau, 3 for 260 New Fige, 4 lbo. for 260 OUR, DELIVERY SERVICE wili please you. Whcther you have ever bought of ns or flot, we want yonr trade and offer yon prompt delivery service, as an induenent for yon to give u your patronage. Your business friend, W M . M EEKÈR .1 1 n 9, WITBY W. G. WALTERS' I DBay- Salsof-TailorMd MENs' SUITS- SatudayNove mber T11 E 21 fact that Nve are overciowvded with Mei s rweed Suits coxnpels us -to makî-e big sacrifices inlirices 111 order -to clear thcmi out quiekly. Iii ail w-e have iii stock one hundred and sixty suits. Amiono- theltiuWilfn McAlpi'e-Richardson and( J-oi berlin ii ks wih~iIbe dividcd in three lots, viz $12*00 Suits-for $15,800 Suits for $20000 Suits for $7090 9090 12OF90 and be convinced that they are real bargains. MIEms HATS $140 grOy, and Those stylisl i Hgl Crown TeIe8COPC -;oft -ýilats ii bine, brown,: black a nd green., SoM e have-t h e pencil edge butterfly bow. Ail. -new. goods this seas ,on. Regua value e.00 to 82.0. aturday special $1"'ý49., Ladies' and Misses9Cot $1000P, Ladie' -Coats -reduced to -$7.90 $13.00 Ladie's' Coât edcd o$99 DMON'T FOReÇT 1H18 SALE-- WG.WALTERSI' WRITIY, ~,vI- -~ .~?' ~ 4. 1h-. ~ Stregumllnckl«"Ue, reg $88fot-SOI tu ~ gold flled *10' '12 14-76- '20.76 1.it 1.00 Bell ~ho~cjj.~ ---4 4. wom

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