imperled 0105 i. tne commxuado' rme & u&zrmuzo ahi m F <3es. Dankl, wkià e re;sted ip the Jasd ýhsrdahips o 4 tet'gu Vistula from 'Ivangorod'-aud New whileithe Germasse bthev. -Alexndre sfter the.colllpe of the I erved mn. -Âuitio-Gimrià n invasion. Igiti@ud IAppreutly thee Âustrang ix of eo-épprating'with ther ou en~ff good theii retreat ,outbwas'd in a wîithdrawa.l to >, Ooow methes upç>er Vieuda., 4ut, were Czers.torshowa., 'he krAtrias s s-I swift enough tê ssoapè aa ui pear to hove foilow.dva-the!r 0wuI mevemeut bv Rusab4ava4r1YNO courmes in au atteinpt iro withdra.w croià sdths Vistule .freom Souéh-1 -ra iIaioêWs.n.GWIli& ,mdiidand-,w.v0deatwd- iw e~O 0hog li.passe thse a srpportlng foroes fOlAowsrV Carpthiixe ntoEunfry. Austrians from the uorth. QIJEEN -hI-u VISIT TO WOUNIIXDN Qladdened Heartsr of Soldleis ilth Gifis of Pipes and (CIothing. A Adespa;tci from.London says: QueenMay aidavisit Vo Paign- tninDevouhire, ia order te in- _sV1et the. merican Woman"'s lie- psai, whet~e domo 200 wôuuded sol- d 8r froi-tahe front are being.tend- ed. Ac o*npanied by Lady Artisur Paget, bay Randeulpi aud Mns. Lewis Haroous-t, memùbers o! Vhs Ho0'taiCômmltee, sud lier per- sou-ai uite, Vhs Queeis léLo n don sud rrsmaiued in the _ho 'Val - r more- fhan, two heurs, which -*re pasaed in 'visltiug tbey wards, ta ~ ing tVo Vhseptients, and distii- butijng aslnin i enspersonal pre- se 9 setfppes, shirts, cigarette& and W ism muffera. Tire Qussia, who was ehown round ths wards by Dr. Ho' ard N. Beains aud oütaer Americau n emberseof thse staff, - wbich 4lu entiwe-yAmeriesu, and coasiata of two American Rsd Cross unit$ of, six surgeons -and 24 nurs-es, was greably &truck by ths -efflelenoy diaplay.d, wlieh is en-. tirely due to Amerloan 1effOrt, tie. whoie sum mreded for tirs support ei the ho-pitaI being contributed by Americaus. ESCA.PED AS FIBEMEN. Ten Offliers of the Kaiser Wiihcim - freak Parole. -A despateir o Vire Exchanage Tels- grapir Company e! bondon. -rm Las Paimas, Canas-y Islands, says thât Von officers frou tire Ncrtb Germ'an Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wil- bplm des- Grosse, which was de- aitreyed early in the war by t-ie Bri- tiu-ia cruiser Higliflyer, wbho were on prlhave xnadë itheir escape in a uteh teamer, disguised as fine- men. Tir e iis ad been lodged on .8 Germo< steamer moored in the -3iarbor at Las Painias. - -lior%ï--- ot lrïoutlr "Pri-isunned.9" A despateir -4rom b ondonsanys: Thte Admiralty parblished Vie names 0f1 52 offices- and warrant offices wiro wrea&board tire Britis~h crui- ses- Gocd Hope urlen it uras suuk -- -wiuh tire cruiser Monmouthr by tire Gc naan sqitadron off Vire coast cf Olile. Thet names include kirat of hiear-Adualral Sir- CirristoprsCia- dock, commander of- tire Britishr 84iip. Tire Monmoutir had aboard 42 ofÈcers. Tire captain o!fVire G-ffd Hope uras Phuili Franckiu. Tire surptain cf tire Monmouthi was F ran< Brandt. Th-e Adais-ailty announces birat in tirsabsence cf fustirer ieso- mution te Ioss o! tire Monmiouthiri nour "officially presarmed." SPREA>S 'ro CllIREN. t- cFoiiiid-Niith Sure Moutbs. A despatcl i fs-m Protvidence, RRT-, sa:Fe-ar-- tthVie foot -andi mI~garia eorts, thse wib , -a tormxed, was £ oen'hroà in-the contre n nro adJy damgd bythefire irom2ithe Uthewtzep und, a ton* bom»bard-- mnnment rom Vhs e"a, "Or r'taldery W41% orrpletely p7e" The- losS. have, not-yet ~i1M bee' snrt4in-edbut , -viw'omf- th teevy fire, are les. tan w. si-. peetedYl I. - 'FOWttINfý1 WAY' Bumsans lvcarlng Down the De@ terxees o Lut L nmrd Vuxt - Pru.ssin,. - A de2spatoh f-rom London 8ays: A suerai -enfflerpeut, -on which tis fats of Gsrnan's eastern front- t er provinces may depend, à israpid- lIy develojping a1fi aloni tire extsad- Isd lUne froua Stalluponen te (Ora- r 'Caw, w'ire the, dvaueing*ifrces of the Czar have com* 't cntc ýwith tire' armies of Vhs Kaiser, ithe- latter evidently bein-g determined î t at Vo offer a- stivb'boru resist- -auce toe rIussian progress. Ail- ready the whoie eastern and south- era iborder laud of E&à t Prussia i.s ringing witir conuliit, partieularly ~ in the region cf Vire Mazur Laites, where 8lav sud Toutou are struk- -~ ~ 4 - gUing for ths possesiQu efpassei, whose relinquishineni by sibirer GerunrCown I'rlnee'i Mother-In- &rMy means aerieùus dedent owitig Law Rias Reaouraed Gernsany. te Vire nature of hs country. jThre Grand Puchesi Auasntasia oful'lire Germians failied xre a vigorouu &Mecklenbourg-S.hrwerin, mother-in- offensive up the Vistula. jute Rus- elaw o! he Orown Prince Fredorai sian,,Polo.nd f rom the stronghold of William, liasrenouned lier Gcr- Tliornù. Aceerding te, officiai state- maxn uationality and resumed ths ment f rom, the Germanis uationaiity of her birtir, which is sougirt Vo reacis Wloclawek, 30 miles llussian. -Hereafler sire wiiilis)ef-rom Thefi, by a'sirnultaneous ad- knowu as tire Grand Duchesur Mika- vance on iboth ýsies e!ftire river, but levitscri. Sire is tie Czars cousin were rerpulsedby tire ltîrssians. The -and aister>o! Vthe Grand Duke Nieoh- Geranan force in titis direction rui olas and Micraci. Sie lias given saidteavbensrgleed y bier beaubiful vila on the Rivierà .tepshavrediy n treneed fro for tihe rse of t-le wotrnded seldiers. I Loek, wirre neeffrt ans mrde te - check.tire Rusiuiaxr advance se F EA R FAM1 N E 1IN G0AÀT S. dAys age. .01 the fighting on tire Ptrsen and -Sile sia fronts Vire Rsir generai Frerueir Aniarrals are Being Ft41 tii staff naerely saya Virat "'ina Vie izen- IIxitlis Irdian Soidies's.- stocliowa region 'tire G2rtraxîns are A despatoir from New York says: mnoving graduali- tr tfire.ilsa Advices reaehmng hors e tirte effect frentier." Unofficial reports pass- that the Britishr Goverument is feed- ed bY the cencor and pria-ted ia the ing its Indian tr-oops in tire field on Petro.grad newspapers, lhewever, Frenc-h gr)a.ts are worrying.-gilove: stat -2,that 5xevcre defeat hwis bep.xa imnporbers in titis country. Tirere1 inflicted on the Glermnans near Ka]- promises te beý a >ihortage un gont isz, anad <at t-ie etry lias rotreat-! skins for giove manufacture, Tot-be- cdi(te iris own coîrntryafter losia'g cause the Indinicerops eat tire en- twelve ireavy gîtas and ivaving tire goat, b~ut because tiey are xnanv dead on tlire fielid, îrsing tire skins as mats Vo lie -un- lu tire trencires. - i__- _ To make sure tirai »y no chanoel- eheuld tire meat served offeiad Vie religiolns acruples cf tire Rindusç,1 te Britishr Governirrent his bevu'ra serviag goalt ment. Tbe inloration i.s tiret tire In- dian roopý are coassrming bet-wecnj tfive and six theusand car cases a 1day, orý five iuindred dozenol01( goaL. A~aixnagtiat t-le war lasts 1 nly six incabits, a mcci cocnfserva-! 1tive a2ssîruption, tire-e troc)p- wil1 1 consume approximateiy xrînety thousaad dozen goiits. Becarîse of- C this destrùaction cf tbe geais tilncye r is iike-ly to be a sirortage la Frcneh kidskins. j "j! TJur-ks Sernlt inFort llevry. i Bound for Fort HcDrý as Itristrnn' es-s cf uns- a rain ioad e! Tirrkq1 passed tirroargirtire Ts-onto. ternii-' nais freru 'Brantford. This mwa- the: first occasioîn ttla ay fi if c the Ottoman, Empire have irea: plrecd ira ciistody. and the arrivaI BUCKNiAM PASHA, mouth diseasehbad sprrad tb humain cr actraIointe ±roao cTe reai a dnrari anrfor'd D. Bnr-krram, inrn heings was expr6ised îiy Federi getdelo ntre Tietan In ovaScotla, who <s now ln and State authonities. Four chul- was compoqed ef t-w4 coacires and a euprenre eumrnanad of the Turkish drèn of a- Providence man who baggage car, wlrich was filed witlr anvy, wînîch <s operatinr agalnist owned ixfecteid cattie were found tire effects of the priisoacrir. Tire! Rumssa. te have sorers un t1ieir inoutias. .oA lrmbrfTrk aetewa-- boy of fourtenen who had taken care 120, A fui-1 Ânpany of thre local 111111SI1 L SE 57.0110. 1 o! te cwsiad ire noi, po- nfitia was placcd in icharge of the noucedsymtons.Tire chiidrcn prisoners, and while ton men were 111il;ii,, Not -'Abl i F. isInnt1 Lsses neuned vmptnrs.plae d apor tire piatforms witir 4~Ve eneaic ysvri~ loaded rifles a% grradrthtie remnaia- ~OlY~Iir IIl u todrs, but Vtre nature cithe diseas der wer'e seated in tire cncrs1. A dpn -tfrm -Lonnrr suy1 haé net beer determined definitely. tween their charges. Tire Britidu ca-mt'ties ru itirevar rrpz - - ()Ctweinr 31 we-re i.tlpr oxiîtniteiy% CIT1II~E~TI\rI 57,00mnr4 fal] ;rakm. Thicsestr- SOONER THAN ate Vasgiven bywa dT Jia _____________to a questioib dadrjj meMnielr of tire Hounsf fr,)m lEast1 Shlp Went-Down and Those on Board Cheesred anidi Derbgiriie. rrîirasnditl Sang the National Anthem cd ]that lie wrrs it ina puoiierte -imat e -Ire i onf iire "tirer1 n lieid pou enr, 4or Lirnrii4JnflLeie rrnrV &a sd -have sirs' pre,4ous eefrt. made yM. ua ot Vsy of thai n, iss a tU L Ts 1- h Bon!bFôr Ever Is 5, Cenians A despatch from Petrograd says: istier for War. Enver Pasha himself Thoe@h'a& been -a revolt oïf the Con- waz unhurt. A leiter which wae stantinople garrisoIn, Five German found declared that the bomb was ofie :wre killed by -a bonib in, meanit for the. mani who odd Turkey the paiae Enver Paiha., the Min- to Germaaiy. JeRkI RÈYIN UONIISHAýpE-È MUST BE RECKONNED WITII IN% filE PRESENT WAR. Su Saja a War (2rrerpndest- Hffave Hluge Forces to Draw From. I Thre Turkimit army iras been train- sd by Usrmau officers, but Vhs uavy bas been builit uplargely ou the ad- vice o! BrLtiah and American offi- cers . Tu.skey, iV is said, canu put at leasb 750,'000 traiued me-n in Vire field. burt only aportion of ths to- tal effort ln arme ou-id be deliver- ed at 9-ee ime or in oone place. Ths uavy h rnmade up-ýo! about 15,000 n-eu, and it fa- net formidable. But uneas other nations are drawn jute Vhs war to support Vhs allies, Vhs influence-of theis Tus-k may prove a vsry important factor. James P. ATc.hibaid; a w&r corres- ponudent iin fiftesu campa-ignas, writ- îng iu WOrldsa Work, receutly said: Tus-h aura Solulier'. "Turky muit be seri usly coyn-- sidsred thi is coxsfll.ot. oRer arma migbt easily be Vhs balance o! power. Tihere à a ne better frgliting force la tire world te-day tiran tire Turks. I saw a hun-dredVirousand Trs maobilized un Aibania dur-lg tire revolution befons tre Balkan wrtr, with as littcr trouble as would nove a brigad-e-nagnificerrt fatal- is, -armed and equipped ia tire mvst modern annes-. These men went dnowu te defeat before arr ia- fe rior people and an inferior force, beatea, noV by Vire as-as o!fVtre enerny. but by politica at hronme. A fcw weeks ago I saw Virose fame1 Tuirks in CJonstantinople. Tireyl again irad tiroir oid spirit - heu j cquipuanirt wasevea -better,nrd tire raseles domains cif tiroir emapire, wvii h lad been a draimr on tirin, muid been ciii off. A m-eu' party is rn 1iX.u-es, and the, Turkey 4,f t-eday arust bie reckomred wirhInmitis strarg- gle, botlairn arrisarrd J dipl rnlaay. Pinere is n-o boter irrfantry- la t-ire nvoinl41tiraitÉlie Trli'rk ef r tiroi- alrsternio irhaîr r ,. thirr mna- Lionni teiperanc', wici s a pa,-rt 4)f tliir-c'faitir, îlots tireraamen;tire: test foout s '.Àcrs c tntWsnld." l'ril-risi I'usse'SMi(rns. Murnîxnud V., Str1tan Kcf Trrrkey, aira ira 1844. uns proclnimed Sil- tan tin April 27. 1.909, i ira mrcessen t. -iris eider bîMe.Abduli Haaaid Il., wý-ino aas (lepisrsed by tiew inniarni- mouns vote uftire 'Natiornal A.,se n j 1, ly, Trrrke.y lest ,berritory arinr i'opo is a resirit o!'tie Balkan wn l-ier Aiatie possessions areAs Mitron. Armrrez and Knîi[r Nlesopriarniaand Syria. and \ein a mrxnd Hledjas la A rnbjia. 'titrk (Jneks arnd .lbaniaas, it s I ' rnt ei. rntrke rip 70 pnr cent, of tht j luîilitlimnrr <4if Errr.ýpeanr Pîrke.y jIn Asiatic Tutikey t-iere are n l arge annn 4i f Tusrks, ai4mt 7,000.0o0 .\rn ls *ard raany Greekg. E tnrds, (ieasint. Armeaiuns. tc(. Tire Trrrks, are newliere found in a sciai mrnnias. bîut,-they are -seat- rin-d urver nirunstt tIre eratire Bel- 1in nn u mievernn inri)tianand lier-. icgrrvia. N irr're aruetiey More rrrmaer rus thira n li otie n il1- girai u lucre tfilu nu is a striirrg Taur-_ I lar >ir nrir-tsioiicn. 'Un -k'~ .mred nrerwirelinirtg io.~iratire firit HBalkanr ur, .anrd tis was refiected la the genennal pcriiticai sitruation a-t te opening cf 1913, uueir tire Union and, r;artY nited tire(Cabineot. Con- s)raxine cerrt.inîred, axrd la Jane tire G rand Vizier wais xnrdcred and a nsw Gabinet lormed. Taking ad- vantage -ci Vthe outbreakç oi hostili- ies beween Bu-igarisansd ber fer- mer allies, Turkey reoecupied aud retains Adri-anopie sand e0goodly elics of berritory ulie-had lest i ths war. A GENERÂL'S BÂIGGAGE. The Amount- Has"Nothlug To Do With a Mau'i A.biIity. It naay be laid dowu as a xuiiitary axions that a geueraVu abiiby is net sneaaured by tise amount cf bag- gags ie takea te was-. It i5 aaid that w-heun Generai eis John Freuchr embarked Vo take cern- inand o! tirs British forces uow fighting wibh Vthe Frenchr againat the Germaus in Norireru Franc, ail tise baggage he took was con- taiued in a single suit case. CanVrariwise, wbhen Napeleco III., Emperor ei France, iefV Paris un 1870 te take command or!tirs as-mies which fie said, wiere geiag straigit te Berlin, he teo4k' alomag 48 trunks, besides a mst volumin- cus kitcee and bed-roem equip- age. Tire Germans goV evcry scrap -o! iL ahl at Sedan. . iisgon, tirs Prince Imaperial, escaped froua Se- dan and tire beieagues-ing Germians witir iris pessonal effe cti, whicir fi- ,ed a speciai trriA of five cars. THE "RYR 0F SEA" A Lorng Sioru's. Theu, patriotie 4coteirman led li- dareed tue Lanacasirne finnds Le go t(, %rgyllfre for a lioiidny. Onti tireir retîrn, las met tirsu. -Weil, irow dii vou eaj-oy ver- Felveal r)id yor 'have goud wa- tirer 7" - - '-Trs- ws jist a sro-war ucrics first day."' repiiet one noftirera. 'Didn't 1 tel-i you <Mat it uns ai lies a.,bouitt he Highlands being A deapat-ci rom!s-n,ea eVsogmad says : -charge ni! expliosives .lPari 4ni)f rIe - - ' - -- _____- et 1' Agph aceountliras busen s-ncrew gnrt off bru bontis. whilietire; pyG -Tiahome,"uatedd h Sivied haere -o!the enad of tire Ruq- utirnt janaped its> ets Se anen Ye ars as em n p aI. hte L sian" transport P Vn'luwich he e ieketiu . hTiikh ot Rasiane a usk soopes- titan airrein -11i).._____tr des-lirs-te t-e Tarkish csruser Orre- li" înpi lpain andnta iuand - bren. ýyiron c-aieçlupon tW simien- fLui cf mrern 'sens left aboard. Amstire A dc-îrntm.ln fs-i unrLdnin sav-s: 'ras clear froan tirs evidence that l'te 8- SeIsAl Rigit. as - ierespaiahededbi e rutr hi urutdou Vre iaalmjn nsSeven ynn'pnlsevitîrde aastIte ia< paid spécial attentier o m endu r c- he uraavery muck in lovewti ~ fr ir scnr, peîe tre 4-ve ad ern 0on deck giving iris blessiag te s! se c npsdi ieOld Bailey -ing reports on espionage aesa ihm, and oe eveniug*, rije tirey luer ahai ii Vte ejlcmnî f Vtetir rra, sie rmeied bot linaCm i Est- lrt. the barber founnd naval maltera The accused wu ras alerus sire yPSýel. Ideut. Ragowsky- pes-isiaed eieerang asnd singing Vhe natinal gin ty et ,i'èn-ng -a*s a spy linrtre alieged Vo have coaspired wt's-l-ý,el etir ucre asheve whieateatn efi-easecondant-hem, et ei c!Mse 10. .'F.vfti e rny yuhv 'leatbtn«tig ù frea of a-terSpy SVexa nar b eiuaiter ru gettinaga iýa nameà Isee otites-gir1lhw' ol ----- Wrkng a hs raeiread o h H.M.S. Fohud "Yss," Tejpeied the yoamag ma, in xio~:UI3a;rnv. auci it-s alateadJedito curiniunarw e nfcrma-tîou prepr- a le~tlie urardea: and mnfficers -cf fthe c4icia Vo the interes-t-s f!ltire SVaVe. .' brin r1c oue ye.-u kucu." riiiig tneig;iilros-iai~i. Aeccîrdiag t tlite Ernst la a Britis-i-bora subject -of-- n-d aevidencnair, e gatin la tc itrer bStein- Ges-man desceut, :and il ararie t eTeWta usin ___ on________i liantes- tirough airether '.barber- anci a «es-nana avoman. lie uas eue Of . Ea l'l.~.o ie t l liast ifn a amiti ciapeuin vnrthl-tiiVo iris in- te irst aliens ars-euted after the Ianle-jNoWlii. - l de tj oa 4poa as at tulcsaatief-ia era' cjnte iîy actiag as agent iry forward- Udeciasation of war, but cbbained iris Man <can do eue-fous-tir o-f a pece 01 irf'hl Lor Robes-te o i genglato bt'irenizonie t-n e ing it scortainisrg information., release as a Britiaash abjeet. Aiter worin laturcday-e heur long -41ihre ~'îed as~ tie Inimatropa. Lar Pnbers E n~plptded thnt- lire hmd lnng thue auibirri-ties ha-cl ben-urntcliinlg take Vo finiI? Kaudahar la goingVo France. Tire Iwas' borts iniCawnupomre. I nriia, (nai tric uebusittess o!ý- sapplyi-ig hs cons-espolideace ire uns nîîe4st2d iiiam-Is it a caritrac' joorl effical anacnouoÙmtimakiug- vhisj iu 1 1 en- goii~sntion - t,) Steinirnucr, but it agnin on b-ire charge d fb iug a spy. ire wurniUn' y tr ay j0f - - - ke .]D'>'Iiioüà , Cth-di s -Send for the ~ Edwardsburg Free Reçipe Booli CWN- BRAJ CORN ,,SYRUI '. DleliousCroçwFudge, Taffy,.Butter Scotch and- Caramels!1 The'-be> t' yrup- for -candy'-makingl Economlical, toot-1- Ând",nothint equals Crowaý Brand Corn Syrup Wi1th giddle cakes or hot Msdel"n Canada ".Soldbýy-AilGrocers, The ,Canada Starçl C.LtT Manufacturers «! tishe' Famous Montrýeal Cardinal Toronto ]Brantford -Fort William Vancouver 3. WEEIKS 1<AIN 0FSBHELLSý Defence of Ypres Wili Rank as One of li5story' s* (lreatest Episodes.. A clespatch fromIn bndon says: Iagainst ît, QUIly to sco them breuWk The Officiai Pre&s Bureau sued, to pieces, one ufter-the othoe" the foilowing tateinent: I"Thel The fbonirdmen t'ci Ypres ser-- opérations during the last few dysed te absolvé the allies of the rýb1i- consste maily f ~gation of looking. à fter nearly one bave cnit milofflitO t thousand Gezrman prisohei's. The the north of the Lys, where the Gernian shebla fell on the, railway points of interest 'were ab first on station, whiere they evidentliy hop- the line -of Hollebecke, WVytschaete ed to ib1ow .up one of the arrnered and Meseines. There have aiso beeni trains. At &é mment prisoners severe encounters -on the Une f rom were a-waiting the arrivai of a spe- Zanvoorde to Frein-bhein: Icial trâin Vo couvey thexu to the~ "The character of thé fighting e-quth of France. They were killed bas been one of frequent and vigor-. in eppaIling uumbers, oniy 284 sur~- eus infantry attacks -ftom -the Ger- viving uniweathted.. One hundred mans, aczompanied by heavy sheil and siýby-one were' wounded -aà d fire, alternating with equrdy vigor- conveved to the P,iish base ojt oeus counter-attackis, the general re- ait;. Tie others'are ýstili unburied .uit being the maintsnance.,ef our ab tire rail-war.station. The Gz line, not wîtiiout considérable "tws Mans ýbegzn a rýjght'attnck and î}rey on eur side. but wvith stililiheavier weli on toýward lBethune Thre* basfes on the otlrer. Six mtrohine bewn sermnwd to;-he at their mercy,. gums and eo'er ene lhundred Prison- They had nmet little epstofor ers were taken by usq in oie day. tiretiin line of kixaki hvd-retr2ýated "Thbe German artîilery fire was befo0re +,lemiadocrve pi-.à cixîll a ront i bred- - ion-tire , dupes c(A aii]. 'Te fence preparatory tü thre advance i-nLrc' oeeda terrifh- of thre infantry. In thre ccntre the r~tu r hc eiae h struggle ba.. been At Ypres. the de- Germa. J ii he nie.antirue Vite fence of wlrich wiil certainiy he lte a ruh hi <t lr reckone-d ;n history %a one of ftire jforward anid <i 1 nrap i hat nost striking cpisodes 4:f tie Brn- ensued citer the Britiý:h fîr2 opeued tieh armiy. thn heir grr eew and inlactrv- ire- "For miore ta three wveeks thre car ne -a -panic--sitiken ireins o u- Position, wii projecta like a bas- rnaniry. The British grars did th eir lion intb the CflCTTy's'ines, bias been work rn(.rci1ess1y. Tli2 Germianu lreid under a rain of shells mhiceh were driven bacK hlciter-Fl.elber, lis hardly ceased by day or niglrt. leaving Iîi-le-S 4f demi. Thecir guns i)urirrg tis tiin<è Vthe enerny lias were also -abarrdoaed, vwiilr -eve.ra1 puurcd-strcces-sive ivaves of infantry rorrnds o>f amxuiti on. EMIDEN PARTY STILL -AT IARUE TIr-e Omflecrsani fosIy Mca, With- - Fouir Giras, Escaped la Schlooniers.. et tire sterai witii an hotrr, whiilo - tire Sydiino'y was sca;resy teucired. Tire ianding pas-y, iraving cern- irrandceci t-wu ciorrtliii' supplies;, ieft on sclioo)ners irelonging ýto. tired owner o! ths isiards. It appear.c.; Liie't tir presenee o! ,the Emuden uta-s tmade knewn bote Sydaaey by,' i-elei f--d ite. ast- ern Camec Compaav'es staff onCo- cor uiancI. C- [-Adespatela fs-cm Syd-en. SW,' says: Tk.e Naval l3oard lacs-cias rec-erved details of tire flgirt in uhieli PAVîlîîs 'ERS. tire Gsiran cruis2er Emaden uras put -ef e!commission, Tire Endea an- Oruler-in.CotiiieU Makeu Ilfi, ('Iinl.- 9Ijived at Coco-s-Isl-aiad aad sont ra! lmceti>ustsnThn. {armncd launeles towing two, boats, j rse-.Forty m-ren utiti tiarese ffi- A despnitei frein Otrtaa a" ces-s and foiur maxims %»ere iand-ed Tire ordcer-îi-Côumcii, ma-king 1t a in fattecmr minute.s, and tirs lauding -cririnal effence tri circirlato (,r~ pos- pas-ty smasired tire wireless instria- sos sediti-otrraniati-Bnitism anid (Ger- rneuts and Vise englues of-tirs plant. Mau papers,- wlich rire coming ile- Ila tie manitime tirs AuebraJlian Canada froxî Ainnirican icities, w-i crurser Sydipey was sightecd on tire be rigidiy énfrfsced. Tue maties- i& horizon and tire Eniden immediate- te be taken rip by tire Pýost,7-naster- i y put itVo -, 'ea ving tire]and- Geaciai, and spec-iaIi iles 'al)-- lng party' botir boah; and ien, be- pnxted toesnfr-!x-e tire lat. rire hmnci Tire Emudea atarted tire fir- penalty la *$5,000, ort' tur yerrr'ira-- nu ber pnaoticeat fis-st being ex- pnisonnaioat.- ýTireain said te u ec Int, but ontenward-s it feu off. hreavy Circunlaticn 4cf saii J.apwes l he lest turc funnei.s and took fis-s Montreurl. DE WEJ'S FORC ES -DEFEAIED Enemy ini Uerman South.-West Af ricif, Uses, Dum- Dum But1ets I Conflict With Loyaists A uesia deatcf fsouaI $o-"-U n a. eev~{ ¶ A desp&toh t.rom Içwdou py% frighntful Maaa"p Çp.Dis-k V44 ene oonsn tor{te -da, tint tir DPY 5 T tedefeat 4o!*a F of fGerna n Chefs. 'N[ttà er. wur ap e ..i and, _nrbas~1 4 dionni, £à r4thliçrse,, 'Mrere la ia i'i4 neas- Vhessoutirera .bondes- .o!' Ger-, ater bsimag weuuded.<el-ap-. Inan south-west Af-IZ'nC, has bossa sones ia Preoria-. yo.Accordi'rg to tfre .a'eont n6faciai V.zet.orla desa eiîi forces intliited a:4 civd yRtiteru kaya 1 I eledosr oîradeti aud capture Louis Btira came It Pâ 12 meu. Tire Union lIos wuns i2 meanVire rebel tqeném era 4 ,* killed anti il wu nded, - mnde 24 miles tof- bu r "nOur efficess'aad meunavîto Wer Onrsag'Rive OoIÃ"ny, a tr 40 killed," Vire repent uny, With rugit fliarOir. '%ëhrebe e wsre ee some xeeptona, rss-e ivinlt-h verelY defeatd, 250 bpîug Vakeï dum-dïm bulle.t, antsufferend prisouiers. et J a