Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 3

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A th"weré WX kuOW 1Jat OiilT to foi a ut ham, wo$kt. b. or., 4bie - a., tu . reacbud iUi40cle 4aerdý »ofer kapl ici, , areder b tendor, are - chor44d thon in th» liodab' ellel l'r!w'rJtended tei bave oey"btý4eX AÀm'>' L 'iII ber butler bron¶bt uP~t »8~~ti~~a- ln a flot, -Ld 4arrived by had. tb.',tli e d'cemca f man *arnnce& Iliat tbe 1 rSni l c d(rten. lRe -wýoto e ta a t zitor-car waO ald, acblag 'but1i=y COI» Ji-~- h. boLx fur a certain musical plece luin'wanti te go hkome, cemy iipper niuet whbluihz .gy Jllen la-d'expreeied a ,groat' be foracnotfber occasion. D m *and seo deetre ~and lie wanted tu lno-w A ""~Mr. Bryat. 11m lnuodn ln <a z-vc âm thbê pleasure ofai 1PY-alfmost sy 'ulaite tlnLonJdon,' for eey- I n« tlît ,baut eveiins. body béloni3nq te vie le ,@ated." ia ,ac,ý 4aîàyoi.cyou like," lie write.." lcan. ui uln eýI anqà <Lluîg ut, but 1 shoffld lîke bCO jfe hd a slow, Curlons way of cpeaking, Come lD uri=ng the .veaing if 1 iasy ga 1ý"dtemore Lady Ellen looked Lthl »a~ia7ainge D vn."the morobis, htrgced tb. roemblanic ho-1 RéýéU eraýher 'a dear!" Omuid LadY 1tm icoathlmanaMof ' a wrsnan.. e1IIIEI Elien. 'uamte tfi te»amlneoii 'Sheo .<iîbbled back a s laccePtin cd f ar mure l inetton titan la deflulle the box, and thankl1fr.- 2cndertyen a" lknes wu.rmiy;&len abc apent the feu liaJf-bhour Tet1ic ta a ttnina h fil te,eIîoinrtea utii peoee as'mree'n .,car rolled awuy; theu 'ettderten felipped tqwn - -4id flnally got ber cousin, the'bisesi-m fAmlllarly tbroui J*lanc.. ai- ol CiWiltchire, te promise te Join "lIl walk back i wth von," Ic cal. Thon lier halaugbed "Mo gla4 to sWe ou gaing It was aâ rt ai -Ur. Tendorten'c sbrewd 'Dut and ?ut,' Bryat-,that'dg a sensible ilevernets 1usLt tebaver ýêa thb. tak thl tao 2a C c1ppdt dal of Lady E ien'c life, afoTL eerm:;tt~ I .a'aucac tibuanccci. ta eL ore o balieodwtlhum; *Uhic l"Icamae ont -iogae Myowa caciety," heint had a littie thi]lilacshe: llscdB atacO~d tbat Me a wa no'w bcg;nlataitt drIft more ned w ieat-m a'way trainMr. Tender. itercy ruto hli bands; aad certain Vague 'ten'c band; and obc-u»1c4 bimaecf ln lildh- droanie w»rcb lie lad ccarccly eriitd lins a Cigarette. .0 M hLrncelt to definediti ta" fane chate,in "'l none too good camPai»' for iny k se ammnta hl.clf I" ba aded; thon ha e ld ont hie ucha mmen asthi. andJ. 'I van o won'ulthi uli-me in- lie arrived at thc theatre ater lia vag bspble, -Mr. Tendertoas but I am not caten a duIl dinner at h eClub Juat n h raos t ome. trne for the >.aet ait; oaNt!hic heart gave v Eraîlit M hom'e." Ega T ane* tIitiiai hliealied Icat - on1 do ..ri ietir l ciug"ie wuc rTyn- ]en w" iaccontpanied by nolO "prondrtnIl .l 6loa ler hon vcr saon. Wh thau the Duches afWiltshire. ua ce aud. dItero er atSm.clb It wae -<P.'rôud moment for Edgar Ton- iaîght m meat=7clb- 4it'iton te bo teen escortlug tiwo enoh veli' -ti<orro<YWg fThat remindi'me kncewn wome'a..wben tbe ouitala dropped ,orcynUbtn .cm l a iid everyone trooped ont of the tlioata-c41.hve -norlans." Bryanit ancwerod him la the veatibule hae'bad- Lhe cat.efaegé 001817. aalmtrudeIr. i"ood-it." <,f metetilnir everal people whom lie ki c li.nodded hiie ad 0crue the road inI te City, tand teb.wlomlie voticlsafed tescatie îrem fuither eeatlon, ami oa ooad of the bead; but as hrO-e -ew a deen brcath of relief cas he iurned i rom seecking theduchee'a foot- laund himooel sc.. le'was truc; hlie dd mai) hoe came face -fo face witb a ma net go aotraîlht homo, but walkod the. -whomant flrct lie only Just vngncly recg s treets -for hours, IL wae a loveiy niglit; nized. Then 1Mr. Tenidertwir mled hmu aur- hrewaa iron n; -but the beanty ouaemilJo, for thle Mau wuc Jallan Bry- ai the nîit wac >bktted ont far Julian. an. lie wac standing almmstaiiileMIl, idclied hinceif. and vet b. kuew that lettins tic crawd go part hlm. They ex-lieswcpaero nwtstdbtwe chanced only-a few wordc, and tli*a Mr. bimmef and the future 'whcl thie main 'ýtonderten liaîtenied bacli thilepai-ty. frôm--wbom b. bat mît pvartedbaid t-rust But Lady EUleu bad uottced Jüliau. mnhi. 'Wbat an awfully caod-looking man!"uoni aihc uit. "Hie remlndc me awfully oai@ceo- one I kuew. Whoi o ? le a*n a peali- CHPTER vm. flic ta him." - Iis naminc Bryanut," Ufr. Tonderten AfLer heoltatlnir a very long tins. iu- maid. '"Re bas met came Into a pet of lien recolved te write a-few linos La Franki maney; baso an awiully ulce obapi I amn Denryore, tbe man homo Tram Inclîa who airaid t e 1 awlully lorrely; lic doec't bat cn co'good ta hlm. secrn ta kxiw auybody" Re sent tbe letter taeLb. club, sud td -Introduco me," alt Lady Ellen lunlier -net expeot ta beaýr for came.time, far-wben autocratie 'way, la10t ho beard ram Dr=rethe eLlher lfr. Tenderten hecaitated Juct a iractIOlý mnu adtotld hlmu that hoevras going over -ai a cecond, andthtin -*ont ta do ber wll. tuolreland for at leauL a couple 0f mentbe. Ao hli turned wway Lady Plen turaed 'The nelt Mernlng. bowcver 'whon lhc tu the-habesa. wae arouced iran hie cshort ivv andl -1 lave acûtliibnite brins tbat minute nnlIappy sloop, Steplens bran g lt' hlm beintroducad; doccn't be remnlu yon of among other lettons one irain hi friand. Adntan before le wcut ouitao Airl".a, Der'yinarc wae lu Londcon. and cugeSi-ý Th(, duolieceexaminet Jullan Bryant .e lunch at lic club.' IbrOugli ler iong oye-glassen and aedted III Smii wflllY anIsOinte mee yen, tear hier heat. od chu»." 1lie wroto. -Our- letter wau0 ..cýho la ratIer likè Adrian," dba myctorion. Fortunae1 , I -vas ln town sait. Who ie le?' for a couple ai day.a=JuiL la euedt fiady Etlenoehrngtd ber cboulterg lu Ret Le. an e«Y that '- d talg er t-ir favorite fasition. Otrante liasnlappened te yen, and Si YOD ,*1d, î't knew; but lis looks is e 1i1cay, wite iroman aoter addreuc I am hlipng Porii, wont yon corna bacli and bave that thii.nt-range nomehilng la geot faiea. gome enapper wiili me, thon I eau sait: thegaYen Mîglit Judt telteplino througb ta the twa mon l4)qoMe. îo. club tefa a{I Yeu eau lie ai tbe Club. 1 Biut the ducîosac ecllued. leave for relnda to'morrow ulgit."1 -lbvi ýds maay late ulgîte." elle Mr. Bryant instructed hi@ valet ta ait b -ad a'cie doesafar moÏre wbeon ee la ln Once elephone tîrongli ta Uic Naval andl 1(i juot forà few tays tbiannthe MilltarY, and cay (lat ho woul.d be thora whole of îlîi ceacan, lh eemie ta me; audtetameet 1Mr. Derrymare ai the tîme car' 1 ama off to the counntry qulto oarly ta- geoled. sitinrow. You biat beiter loetlme ta.ke yoa 1l1e emilet a litile filtly to hlmeelf ai w'îîh nia. Neil. Yeou arcu't looking a bit lhe uotlced the yal-t'a suFprise, anti by ,iu tlfhlz. you know!" a certaIn satisfaction at tais noccage. -1h 1 arn only tîntd," Lady EUcen an- "Tlioughh l a tes my money," Jullan ýi-îred in ber rcetiegs way. ald ta nîruceli. 'In(>doubt ih ag eonpnder. "la inext moment seewan umîîîug on cd lw. as sorntllng vIoked Out af the gut- t h imail whd lait followcd 1Mr. Tenderten ter," rathern shyly tend la a senoe not wIllingIy. Hie moud wa44 calmer, bis ouîlook 1000i ,Ilow do yau do.,1Mr. Bryant?" cshe iald ditartet in the morning. and anihlie mm. 111- lie'r pretty frank manner. "Do you ed aver the varions beggiig letters wlîcb kiiow. you arc se exacily lîke a coousin of formedtheicmusc af it;i correspondence. mine t-bat I very nearly spoke to yoltaicsone of -power, whlc.h, al anen love, wif.boîit an ir.trodt-,cilon." craptiInta bic velus and holpet ta- icelare fhe-, reaentet limtai thle tucletu,an iit inailuis own oyes. Iliey chnttcd on about utc play. AiLer thc Re resalvedthdat lfs cbarlîy stouît not frt-.t moment -ni tneat3îneea. Julian dnifted bc gîvenapsarlnirly. Ifcbldsuffered so- back qiite naturally 10 lite prapor atti-.mcii hinli lie haneyer inteadedto ta m tude, Intactd. Lt iepmed -Le hlm a ie n waySany man or womaa 'wthouî going sltoot- thors talkingt'o these wamen ai so- ml i mia udr case tand seeing -wbere and 1 doty- ble was Jîat wliat lhe lad beu liow tbeY coulil le lelpeil. in tituie arfi before bis fath'er'c teath A@ b.a thie liibzeakiait. Julian remolved anti tît ail that.bit fallowad nîicnwarda ta niaIt. hie way tae1Mr. PîsYtell'a prîvate hall 11&-311 nollîiri but a étrange drea-i recidenca.Ilie Ibatlet Tantortea, Lhe man .Mr, Teaderte'u founti hineif enveing was a livIng reminderofai al that hle wanî. te aller ma-i, fan thene wase omehing cd La forget, for Lie wae recalvedt l for. SbontW ulan Bryan'*i nanner tend 'way 5t':Yet, thUtughélecavered over the barn- of opý,kng whch iewold noyeracoquire. ing'eaterness ofai iaheart.- la coult flnt And. with t;n liere was n faint But-set asjde altogetlen te cla.maning ofai n F-of orJeousy, ion nndanbtodI Ju- canscicace-Enit. Ie muet know cose-é t alil lryant was a liand6icoe man,. Îlarc- tinc about ber, wherce ahasv-. or wîaî IvL~'. t-li laie exl)erienceii b ail madie ht-m @ho -wa doinj;. 11w «lie wae living. Lvi etrt'aiea. Nevrtbelcee, Un. Ton- " .PîcYdeil Will look aller lier for mne," hali d-rteu-nttt lie ho itethile string@ lu hie sait: "ai leasi I1chh ma ititnt Ir e dae T11ir-- haA lxé'rn o noustion Of tisons- Titere were rnornentn whiea sopîîieîn Sf, h i-,tu-n'-n hitnipif and Brytent a yet: cama te hie ait anad the woenots tit EnId fI') Cm;i,'>4iltt a1 tete satra Edgar Tonc- lad wiiian I in rletton etruole hlm as be- iî-r: n 'w'igî a luirje ln tite.gond tiige frtzs o igniltoaai of inut. Thay woe whi('11 lat fitlîn san levihly ta Bryaint.liciter- apani for n ime au heanst' 1ey But th:e unail tu corna. antd1Mr. Tender- ad tnifteti away fnorn the beauîy 'at lifa: î--îlf'ra-hI wiaî Lic y lnt ,.f i-ir sun te yahaer altobet ut or noan wont.cild wa ît Lîy El n d biry Lu 3l i colT ete hew e La lictogeliar aaw-e a-te him . ld tce c nnt evar Lite eadow ai lIai er-im ted at thea- divida Lboni; aireever, as e'couid net taro lt uieiniobeeîtli-'r healahne or le aad Enidtoxaether. lia-euein lte oit nov- envy. lick in té mlcory tend lIs drntg- ery ndvtha-atiLilurtilg ktowletîc af fl-lurer aad Jultia Bryaent «hi-a-ttc vea fitemte tionght of acetanretunri' vet- lie couit Itot fanai, tend lochk-whore li<m iglt ho nlwaya sa-w Exît. Tharn ta-t been a girl on the 6fige the nîglît befone wto wais veny like lier' For au iboathie ra-rt bld sootitilI a-ad thon ho tnt haIT nicon in tic «eau 'ta go round atd caai ler; Lien lue bail ceeabis ml6take. the gfr an tc «la-geonoly sug. Wguet EaId. ii« w îe hbail beent8satii-fen- cnt. Rec oriencdtihLe car-i< 1)e brouttroutd, a-ad te drove la Mn. PleydelI'a moeee home: the lausekeepen taformet Iimtm hau s@ite expecle er onimaiter withina nweek. Julian wcut uand-rtgot mI itte ca-r. Tiers wai et-hi suanliaur or sota 111-be. fore ho coult mcci Dernymare. ie drovo lut-a Bond Nîroot. Tht' «casa. tie of Lina avig lioncy ta eilisoti tva eu iveny sîra-uge tat ie alwaya bhesllatet telone le enteret a ion: t ut Stephens had- mate ma-ny ougges tioteaa i tint -mornlag boutranona itjiti lierequin. et, a-ut lie orderot Iavlsbly hein a tled i upon vîthliLi-Iateeuauîc c It ow cha-tacterlzed lie mananr af evsnyooe i about lim. ir li onîi" e lecar 'tend dtuinet ta - walkealwyabout aili tl e could -go va tte club. a-adta-If way dcwn Bond Street le met Lady Ellea. $hoe vone the-te'tiest 9ofgavas, a-athad a- Fenol liulI-dog rotting at ien hoels. Site stopriet lim,, lding oui ber la-nt. "liow uic. te cee yan i' cie mid. "Do Yeu ieaotv.I wa-a jusitiinklag aboJ3ut von. 1Iwantceb ta ring yom up rnt a-k ehuO gîc ntt wauît b. coavealenu ion yau i L dine wiLli me, ibut I couldatnt 3-ayur, tiiibe Inîî'l thei teleptonie booke, Mr. Bry-' a-nt." lie caloreti a lit-île, adt thn lIeeit-- "tdouit titink il isla Ic hebook, tut it will boeInlu rieter ndthten lhe gareelae- 'Ot! se sait; "that Io vîcre t-lati que - l auaadlire. Mauock uEed ta live. Do You not, I vas al-wa-ya «arr y'for ten. Site tieomet sa onl.Ddy kobe? Juinras now quile pale.-i "'fea4" hle ait. "I kne ler, ila,-dy El- lea. Sit efbt me btr- louoe; .heuleft =e a-lI- liat Ilia-te.' "Now that -%vs rery fîi-pofaiberi." Lady Ellca i-aid lan ber pret-îy, bollIe tvay. -1 rond a-Il about lier wiii. }tatîîi ste pois of money. I doa't renmmer ep'iiig yotî- neamý3In t Le aper," cliv attet. ..I wzaeu'LmentioaeMiî inte wulh.- «id- Mn. Brynt. 'lu wac a mnecirl legacy a-atno ne cknowa anvtliin% about it cx- cepting LIa lavyere, exceVing vonreeli."1 "Do von'waat it Iolie acsecret. Oitf a-r awiully good at acree" sait Lady Etlen., (irtIuyi iuian iea trimind lier ai Ad- i-a-a-nad ycerlaJly ala sIcdit 1k, lu r lewuse ul ce, antiseCod eat alook ut, yonuer t.bsn Adrian" anti 'it i two eLnong .a-rms. not cippiet Jike pon Ad- iian. 1"Wora yeun iathe a-ny t" eie aak- cd hlm. Re Iliatet au instant, andt ten tait ber l InýhtLreimeat lie bat siiet.e "Oh! vn usun't mimd m=ya-kiai quai- ioâ," Ladiy Ellen ca-Id. 'I am nwfmlly cnrtous-uboui -peplo I likej adt iVie yeni, Mr. Blr'yan-," plie or_ýd, 'becanee you ni-e sa 1k. hty côunein. 1I lia» Fao' et Adiian one dayw lhela m 'esa, lmsdd ma-n. I tare ca-y van know lhné bf aiai Colonel AdrIan Darwaey. H. 'waa vside lu tic Tr-ansvaali; but lie got jsd caf louai-i." "Inteet, - i do kaow Colonel Da-wney by ramne." Julian a-ht wammîly. avr, gil h j Lq4s hans enue ver 70;000 men te lu hic preseut condition, Indu *bon h fen, &lbd aooeiùpanyiaig' t1ee. Captain Derry ores Jalned -hi= lhe foundt-ame ix India~n princes, who are b ilmueli looklug at Jnliaa rallier elceeool x y."~ Ee 11 ir. Fou muet bav aila uba time, Wrh ai£les $,,000. Ee tthinner îthaa van. weie. ad y9nhan't st JtMpr,~Jlne-b e tee mnclt bib -La b. preud about w e Rlgýf;I ohuwi ob e we met last.",nfd-ixgt Kn ere "'Tac, 1 have boeueintig lrbaglis-ba adi ýitIgt t.piyo K*ng (emrge; turne." calt Bryant, andt ien hlie a ;~bs.voyy&ah sppame I angbtt askfor 0r1 lmihi iWp.y to the frcýtn,ý ean con¶i-atil"5tIne, becauce wlxiu y cw _pa.ied yb is c -ee-ero ime 1wasc pretv U r oL c.ces10w town - bi6sz±e&,y.rxl ma ocaa be ami saw -lie laughad-"welg ' ion.Sir Perteé i onceDi the, now IvcgWtcammoncye, gmarc than moelt popnlar rnier-in India, and knwhwatta dowlth -fwmn ez a a üù t IlThat casants iatereting," ad Captalafr nnyyfSSAt niatt Derryman; au lie led Lhe way ta uncliean. f raind of Qneeu:i Vitorja,, te ,Whon "Bow ba' e va aaed IL Jalian?" ho wrote liL Ë- !euecn S,«case ai l.-a mont un.. - <invtan tly, gViing lie r hisp expèCedtcauungtecm z2a. V1ew6O upon current In4îan far 'Weil.I'JeiIlvaad d f . of inportance. 'Tan alWava 'were oneolaitue beat.,aat Y«u tacerve W11thicgood Fye au'geL. -TelI p0 The 'Mab-a jho fa-dwbo come -marc."-< Jutian EBliaut verT brielly gave hlm the ha'a1a d bi trcop&,, a-wl rewunre etorv of hi. labcnitance, of canrse, with- a$ièedispo6a! of tle Britjs-h Gavý- eut aav refcreuce wliatever ta the caniu- erun eut, is -one of thue moit power- tien nttachid te It.; "Br. Joveil" uaid Captaln Dcrrynan. ful of Indian rillera1, as -w-eý 4 one Tan u y&-wenfav.that van are..lu lueIt. Thlé e ometlai. 'wai-tlih hvIng, ilnt IL? ,Weflwlist are ë onlto doawth your., 0011? 140I0toaStt.h â u at ou -were ntepd- ed to bean eBi 1r; bu," ho 14808 Lb. nett uaament "I ta ar vaniFour ifliaé plans about 7onr iutue?" ",No,,'ocuit'Bryat. I bave te malte mv w on a-I" lu lancled a curions»y mraîn"cd ?aaguiami then lie eald:"-Tic fact la = wîifo and I are net together.- Thlna ai tralned bctween -ai, aIe tokl"ereeli ont of mv lif,. Derryman yen dou't kuow what an uglv thling real, taw-nnitt poverLv Ii"i ",I'm carry," Captalu Dorryman ceit. 1e' pauel fer- an flastaui, and ten adtet, III do't mind cofesîng t e on, Bryant,1 that more iban once ince I caw Fou i1- have loutndyschf euvytag yen. Yonu tait me so nuoli about 'Four wîfe thatI .1 f ciL ébat wbatevcr aise wau golng wran wltu Fan, at lcast anc vory great lap ncoc was besitwed on you. Hi-s, ryant -/ scemet te me utb e sort of W mn I've alwaye 'wanted te mcci." "Dent change lu ubaL, Denryman, be- coasiL la the trutli. I dont tiuk tbere Jeanuother likc ber, but-" Julian stop- ped abruly, and the other man vei-y- >/- eaulckiy turnedtihLia ubjecu aifilie couver- 1a0taiked about- al coi-le oainlga, and ~~ neyer once aaixn ouclict an Bryaut's own. ~~-/ Veretl atea 1n fa tt eiy apant n very pîesanat hour- en he uinrasit eLa o edît ce e'-x >/yX- 111 swani You nlwnys te put up wIthlm.,l -'- Frank," ho alt, "wlienevcr Fou ai-e aIn -/ town. 1 amn seiry you ara gaing away ta.> < ulgiht. 1 boult lave ileed von te came - a.eut ct wltb me now." "I 'Promis etan a a ew tinys vitli van belons 1 g o back te lini," atian Derrymaiu @aid; "but wby do yau cmv luD towa? Wliat Fau wanuî lachange ai aceac. change ofaiar, change ai surraunt- arn ju'st dniiting," Bryant answoi-ed; r art ho spolie the truiLbu "I tO't qiiite know 'wlat lies IlatLb. mmiclate future." "- Tien lis laugiedt tistrange, Oeuipy maugit. "Don'î be surprlmet If van fiat m back in ttc imiter nia-lu." / "III 1telI yen wîat," malt Captala Derry- $":yY mani. "Just make un1,your minutetacapie.. acroce ta Ireland for a week or no wiLh MO. MIy Deatfo ile w o telicited te sec Yvan 1 ca-nni-amiseu van e r ond fie- The.Maharaîjaihof Bar-oda. ing. if tIc birdi are net ai the fincit quai- "I thiak I will corne," msalt Bryaut'oeut- denly; "bu-t 1 hêve a certain amunat ai of tlie wnlhce.Hie fonefathers buîtnemu witichIt musi attend La befare 1fah ,antusiiteIda u crin leave lown. ogtaantuinheIdnM - ,mLActîni an a cutten impulse wien hlefhe tiny, but the Maharajnhi is proud lnernrnmau, lic walkcd La tIc Acadexofman eagr,-obeu our aide to-day. Muie. lHs thaugît iL probable tat nî nid g miglit lavp tLuCaed thcre. or tînt theraua- He mIes ovri a Stn>to langer than thoritios mlgît iu sons -way kibow cerne- M'aies, andadlhas an incarne which ie tiing ai ber mavemeati. But *thc porter only @boaok is bond, lice aid Wa be m'ii'e Vlian .$10,000,(W0 a remernb&d tEndperfectly wcW -as a y.ai'. studeat. brut le (declared ihat lie lia- t a secc licr for more thlan a year. and wau A (Ii c f $1.65,000. coaiviacedthtito aield uaLbeen. ,"She pramîeti te wriie," Bryanit saidtet Ana(,thler familian prince is bIte linmelf. as b. walkédtaway."Whyomn't Maharajah of Mysore, -who lias1 she lei me kaow wlera ibein? Watl15acetffvlc frnt<(bu hapening La lien? Oh! titis terrible sit' ae ftas - f r -e (bu leace!" 8 5,0)a-t te disposai of tite It waso eouisitîinlg more titan ber silenîce îadian Govrmn o-xedtr whitciionesset upan îtaî. It ns te sanme * <vrtetfa xeniu- of respaaelbllity. 'n connect!4 î wit.li an E xpedition ary Wlea lie raaclîed Iiq tome le a-aico FnrHsSVt cntan nal thc ourng ca-n tiibc praparat, tend in- oc. HsSae o-an erý rtrnated tabis chauffeur ta-t lie wonld 6,000,000) Hirtdîs, wtt-, contrih-te drive humeeif. fifoe forIda ry n Tc fitephena. ithe tmperturable aad thcie foe fcrIda mn, diseoreet. ho esIt as li e gt inta ttc car- he is one -of thlose Indian ruiens en- I a-ni oiag forai- oug cPm lan the caun- titied Vo t-ho Imperia] salîte 4)f try. I do'i quite know witen 1 ciahi get ba-ec. Pertana I1 bnn'î retura to'ntght. 1 tweut-oh1 ganit. -will telepbane tlrougl» - The Maharajah oYf Gwal.fer. in ait- "Tes. sir- 1 uadci'tand, sir. Won't y an ditia)n t-ocarn hoopess<isI take Morion wiib Fan. sirt He'd l-ecitandyhrigte,1 -se -) h if ,a-ythiag was Le go wrang, von know. - lospital shrp te de a hich on-- "I kaaw aIl t-bore la-ta kaaw abont a ' hei-- fN car." maId Julian withliels eriou Enîle. ugnasteit witih hLaisef tend thte Be- 'I tan't wanî -anyboty witit me.' umnof Bliopa.1 lias offered tio place 1 . To becattitiîîued.) icp it; " r ra - - il L'HENER'S NEWV AILMV. Ationg, ie 1,000.0100 Aie 200,000 Old Soldierg. o! t-be G-ov-'rnent of Indla and ta provide itorses a-s î'aaouis., This lIndian prince. bow-eu-c'î, lias in t-lue p-ast guveru man *' evidences 4À his loynlty ad gelierositi-. It The bulk af Lord Kitcleai's r.ow George t-o be distributteit anîong army o! 1,000,000 mou now caning cia-ratabIc iisti-uiti-o-ns in cormren- into beiag, will not, accoriting ta onstion o! t-he Curenatiouî. Ht' ne- an expert militany view, ba nea-dy u'ompanicd the British Expedition fon service ia the field anti! acxt ta Chuinua ceven year a-go), and pro, sprnug, bat owiug t-o t-le cupeoir *ented oûn t-bat -occasion s hos-pitai cia-s cf men wlchaovburespondod sîîip for LIn-o 'cnmodat-iou of tue, ta thîe caJI -t-hei t-raining is pro- wouînded. He ie on-e aoflie mos-t en- gresig rapidly. Among t-bout, ase rgetic andI anlgîteneit nîtie-rs of cording to auticritativc cii-aleA, Inîdiai fLitaie arc nea-rly 200,000 aId soldiens î'aîteiîtIlîî. wboj liae s>-ed la t-lia British regîn. la-n ariny for pariode ranging t rom-f MKettonof t-he Be-guixa of -o:- saven ta Lwe <eea-rs, a-adtheso reca-l s it i';twhiclt sali-dt form an admirable stiffealng, for i-est BU-atbroy ea-go), t-ho new necruilts tram civil lite, îte- %bevas proen-mted'o King whcn tlîe sacie lat-ninng. T, George and Qucen Mara. &hi-origne t--is nînet- ho addrd many aiea Mlo aven a ternrt-iy af 7ý000 asquai-e lane senved s-hort periods, lui the, miles, conqistiug aofa-bout 1,000,000 roluin, eer farces o! t-le militia. ' ialia-bt-ants.. Site is au,-ext-ieely Ail wes-kly mea among t-ho naw aon>Istdwcaman, vitb a-n in- reernits bava be-en rapidiy weeded teimea admiration ton ail things Eng- ont daning the atiff rsininý, 'a-ad lici, and is beioved hy -ait hem esuh- -most- af t-ha menara-n devei1opung in- Jcs t-o fine ehots, vhile t-heur excellent Anoi-,tîri'pc-t--c-t Iodlan mi -le . physical condition wili make t-hem the Mahtarajahb of Ka.ý--îmir. Ha i-- a- nalusblo addition' Vo t-le nast ceit-tlypresuded sta-VameetingF at aili-ed army which yl ho in t-le field Srîinagar, liis captal, sad deliri-d next .pring to eommuence t-he am-nnu't sldrng speech t-o 20,000 people, pnigaaga-net ermauv -whiclu roattlted ii thesalsriptian - ~ , 0,4 ma-ny Lbou-sa-dso-f pou-nude. Boalççîîî-aicf Gai~t, Ia-eiir ile anaof t-he iasrgest and 11(flgijrdtofG -"Inuaost ptoîtperaus of flic Indian TVie kaiser's Priesiani- (iu s'., tates. tend noted fur Lt-a eba- ;a-idI t4>lia-veho-en almerst %nVipit dout weavianlIJsd licquor M-ai-k, hile ia thle recent fighitig, were lasti- ius su"'l'vai n oprwn -p-y tted by t-la fat-ler of Frederick rising ia importance ainong Vite th(, G-ont. The "OltI Dri-Il 8cer- Ou-ienta! at-. geaiîu's." amubitiona was Vo ta-ve a- MOIilitb slhould alec hbcma-deaI bodyguard o-.f giats, sud i-coiuit-s t-be Maharajah of P-at-alla, w-ho îa were sought in ail pat-e ci t-le &a-on ls way Vo thbe iront- Fait- world. Nat,. enxin u'thue bazai-s ai îia lac ca sple"dd record for layaity India or Asie Minai-, it ie. ssid, behînd itfolar in 1857, w-heu pri-t-c- eau-Id a- be'ad ta*er 4lovc t-hoci-owd aliy t-le -whole ai Hinuduata-n 1sd i-e- and escape t-hocyea ai King Freder- vlVted aga-luet flue Bitiali, sud t-le ick's ciis Enorma-us bunuties Sikhs vere wayei-iu-g, thbe Rajah a1 weie p-id fo mc ailmpsig t-atlat day, with auly anc atteinn, t-une, end an Inighbn-upicked np by rode lata t-icineareet Brii s tMuilc t-be Pru-sà.s(- Minater iu London sud piaeed aVt-bhe disp)of d thle rocoived no le" t-bau$6,500. Go'uerime-at notVanl.y hie flglit-ng a mou, but t-ho w-bole oaiblis t-nosry. "Oold a-adna-w to-day. my dean,-I Crawtorf Ja(in -slaaqle resta-- Oalg- piQthî-Y. "sud YOUr <ubest- À&n80a at)-Don't order anybthing for me. expo.~'"A rigit," reaponded I'm uaL -]ungry. Clrsabaw - But- daughter; 'Tii Put On -an ext-nay-ou will ie by Vie t-ino fl ica-tci eoa4oai pawder, nma." -bringe it. insure a ac fiad fruit glar s hlere si-e pinta 0-f the c"eoKeC melon. It wii] do no iai-m if there is as muoli of the. iater as therÀe is angar,> but le" ia on-ionly ueed- ~The ai-nap must b.e ooked1w and carefully akiniamed,'as asdark ccum dir>figre*-th4s pre"erye M W h ei sirnp la rçadyr put i the melonsud simmrrfftmincp Seile any Pree#ve. Other Methods of Iiafing-;Maiy :peo?]e càt up the citron, sprnkie waiter, sud 1lýt V tan çovcr niglit. '1hey theù drain off thils i r, and loet Lsos-k in dean watr, t~o it ia w&W ronly uüitlits lits - parent. Finally a nsirup i&made highly eeaonétiwith lemoýn aç gin ,ger root, or. bath, eud',thei-tion cookkcd in that. utMisBeau.ie P her' d'y na-id "'steeping eetuet in'brin. je n-ow obsoiete." Yet-sue unffd alni tstifi on -the, melon, as moât peopfe to-day,. althong en-r. pure foo ad 1aws, do not hoW m-anu- facturer,ta use it, -suid ne onc will use it ;ho c-arec more for heaith Vlan for a ha-udeeme preserve- 1V is handsome enough without thle aluum. la cookine t-lie melon, which bac been soaked îin brine, there je a time when it pis up, - ad Ît je probably at this point when the. prcufessionai makers wonld duocme- thing ta keep it puiff d, but it quick- ly 'collapses, unlees given special treatmeat. -The rather cosi-se ca- died citron of commerce le neually in quarter. aad when it is to be candied s-thorne iV need bc eut no enualiler, alt-hough t-he Large pieces are harder Vo mnaage. Preparing L'itroni for (Cuke.- Jeunie Jane in fier recipe for pro- serv&I citron uses a-luxa, bu-t iu lier recipe with the aboLe tiLle F-lie anits it. Iu bath caase-e eusez soda, whieh ih unusual. Her recipe reads : "Bel the citron in -soda watcr un- til it lile"r or tender, bave ready a nice sirup of sagan; put'in the citron, aud -loi! mati! the. sugar bas strack through it; tako iL out on pilates ta dry eslewly,- aprinkie pul- verized sugar on bath aides, V-wo or t-hi-e times until it is di-ied enoîîgh. Thea pack ia wooden boxes, with sugar be-tween the iay- ors.'" Citron Cake. - The aid citron cakes arc tet.ro expebîsive foi' us, since a pound of butter and tram six ta ten eggs %-ei'e used. The pouad cakes had at le-ast a ha-if-pound of butter, aud gu'neraliy a pound. But we e-an tiqe citr. -n in a-ny simple cake reci-pe, flouîîiîug it. altd if with rai- sins and curnants, when a cup os-oh of thee e suised, have baVa ha-if-cap of the finely--clîaîpc'd citron. In Lhe poîtnd of cake Long thin .etrips of the citron, have been considercd attractive. A three-egg cake -- Tbree-fou rt-bs cup cf sifted sagar, bal! a cup of butter or margarine, and trnc cutps uIf four and a cap of inilk or t-o cups o!f our anita hall cup of milk, mako a nat toc ex-j pensive foandation for a fruit cake. It le all righLtatu beat -the whites and y'olks -of the cgg se-parately, ba-t ta add the whites befon. t-he fruit, yet a me-t.hod inrh fofl-lowed Lo-da., le Wa ruîb Lte flour and butter togetben aud t-len atir the fruit into t-hie to save tloîtning it. t-hen Lhe cgg andI Liqtîid, tend finally the flour a littlc ut autLime. . setîîî Junts. Hot aluxa water will ta-ko sorenies-ý ont af cuillame. To eut ha-nd-boiled egge in even slices whon ma-king salads, dip-youîr kuife lan'wa-tanbetora usîng. (lan brason capper n'uithsaIt andI vinegar, t-hein rio with olive ail, a-ad- it won't tarnisi for a- long t-laie. A wa-y .to cook totugî mas-Vs: Ss-dte t-o keep t-ho jîices, a-ad t-heu st-ew anti! tender, aad ferre vith thiek grary d>old la-ce on emhroide-ry ca-n le eleoned by brushing frae of du st-a-ad t-heu nubbiag powdered slum vll Spanish sala-i is compoysed o! sma-il pickl-ed onians. draiaed sud c-oat-ed with mayvonnais;e sa-ue, pIn-ced inside a- border o! slces of tomat-oea.1 As &oon snain drops fs-1iou s gai-ment, Insteltle goods t-be w-a-y of t-h. na-pM-ut-h a sik ha-ndkercbiff or "cft brual, tend no mîarks viii remina. Ba.ked pot-ntocs are delieiousu if s alice of -bacon i-s put insido. Ma-ko s loo luintic pot-a-a itb ana pplo- coron, roll a-piece o! ba-con sud place l in -ha hle. Combe viii soc- a wrp if wa-shed vith sos-p aniu hot vater. It la best Vo put a tilt-le axamonia in lake- wa-riiwat-ern sd seraI tie ca-mb wihu ail bruetu. Ta ma-ke -the lesteu egg l in ih yau dp0ei-aqnettes go ini-ther, use hot-w vato, beating ailt-be whll Tic propo on la th-cetalleepoon- fue i- aivater Vo eue egg. When yon are/eooking a ciken fi-y i the ngt-o fadanut if it is i-opei done, If flu foi-k -fande lht vîng tender,, y u oale sure X ph it-ire Ç"ickon beiag vol- --Whea' washing eream vcio r cet- t-on g-oe, try putting Wratfle wster a -ev calcn skias whieb -bave boen boiloil2n' tu tii. J ni ig'wtoe vu'e s n eiu %sas e -ciswez, wil, water i t vilii ely dimpper, O1d-Fashoned Weddlng Cake. Fruit for this should be, prepsred in advance ga. £6Iows. Sixcupe ai ourrants, waihod, dnied and picked. Tii-ecaps of sultans raisins, thre.- eups of. citron cnt la fine strip, 'one bhah cnp of candied lemson peel, two cups of aino6pdn 'biaohedad ou-t l b4-.In awâÏ bwr ai mx four cnpa 'ai; butter and four cups of su- gar, granuiated or canfectioner'.; béaWt -tues.tog -6'etr untiLv èiry lghé. Break ten egge inta anotuher bôvi, do> notbeat tliem. Cover as4 wiwth sa big shoot af paper; s:tf our pits oifnOur over'Vils, add te fruit and tii fel- lowing epi em: twa tes-spoons' ad af nutieg, mace and çciaaîm onen tableÈpoon ec-o f claves 1, d ai1- epice. Mix -tie.toge'Vber and stand aside resd.y fer tuée HRave ready la s liVtle pitchor one ha-if plut at best brandy. Select, a deep cake tia aud gréas. witiu butter, lune it in .side with white paper sud ou the outside a-nd botteuu-with four or fi.el thieknessee ai very, Viiek wrsppia'g paper wih yenu must tic on. Have your aoven hot aud tie-fire bauuJréd, so iL will not Iunn ot quiicily.,iNOvî boat Vie butter aud sugar once more, a.dd t-he eggs two at s- tie, beating the mlixture aiter ecd addi- tion, Wiuca thc cggs are aIl used, tara lu the flour, aud fruit withi brandy, -mix thoroagul-y, peur -into (ho 'prcpared cake tin, c*ver iifl several tViikekases oi brown- pa-por and bake eiglut lionn, keeping-tio aven steady sud dear. Rem-ove fi-arn-the oven snd sllow iL ta stand on, tin sheet until quite caid. te vwiti a thin cea-t aI white ieing top a-ad aides, aud ct-anad in a cool aven ta dry, thon give, it a- second oat ai thick leing sud orna- ment aecording ta fancy. An icing ms-deof white cf egg, a few draps e cold watcr sud confoctionor' s saga- is the -lest for thbe Vhick ieing. - -LIVI NG6LUNE R.ABTS. Lifd- ini tic Trenehes oistl1 Battle Tie follo'wing extract f roui tle lottom of an afficer gives a vivid de- scription af life lu t-le trenohes. Toni days agio wo came iuto the tronches, a-ad for ten days we lt-ave, stnyed t-e-r. Ton dayel1 Aero- planes wat-aiing as, and sbolIs fly- ing overheod by day, alarme and rifle fine by niglut. WVe lire, Vie lite of a i-abbit--dig;ing ourseIves deep- or aud -deeper into Vie earti, titi vo are completely slueltemed fi-oui a-bave, coming cuit uow 4und Vicu, whea t-linge are quiet, to ccmck a-ad ca-t, making a-ny mares tha-t may ha afecessary ander caver oi dark- ness. Ammunition, food, and drnkig vaton a-ne broaghtitnl by niglît; Lhe wouuded aie sent awsy ta t-he hospitai. We do not wa-eb; we do n6t change aur clâtiies; wc sloep a-t odd intenvaIs vianever -ive crin got tle chiance. tend daily -we geL mare accuistomed L'o <tai lot. It is ratler an odd existence.1 Little haies dug boes-t-the parapet, jut big enoagh to ait lu, -our ýhomes, with stnaw a-ad perhapes a-ciié or tva for wa-rmth. The eald ie. in-, tense at nigit, sud t-base good ladies vbo have mado us woolen caps a-ad coxaforters bave ened cur t-ha-nie;&s a are getitiug ied ta it, Tîhe coldest moments- -are tuluame viien t-lure i5su ananui of nighta-t-tsci, sud woe pring fi-O oui leep to stand ehiveing behýI'd t-ho parapet pe!ering aven thbe vai-I L'Oé ic u- onemie-s, sud flrng a-t thc flashes-af t.hein rifles. A drummer telle of seeing a sigu in a raiiwsy ca-r eut West wh.ich ca-d r "Do not put yanr foot on the. casitions." Te wbkb s- asa-ei-el wng had added in pencil: i-an you viii dirty your baots." gepai.ati îliaft drive for eaehu viioc.ifeaturos a. new mater truck r, -.,large oavacity and.per. Wirees' stations 'along-tii'.Bal-,. tic ses arcel- by Rassis t-a transý- mit weather- reporta to Petro-gi-ad. Th T.-bacuk of s ne-,w bai brush cati b. -caiovod, perrnitting àit ta b. Celaed-lby -po*fing -wator irough Ai nov -milk aepara-tor for ions.-' hold use, parts ù4h. ukitu ailk,'Which - te di-awa off at Viibottom, t6y giav-I ity.- Acerding .ta a Pris (g- tçr1 yea-st, dihuted vit l 1k1e- rm cd' wate ,W c~~by eit i-nmed fr uer non.r Ri Brit$slu inveuxion-le a, u ~ snnatcd witi foot a-ad-i-nâAeis ta-en- aille persoasto e casure tero'wn iieight by facing it, - - An electrionil sntomstic record-- ig tsi-geV fer indoor -rifle ehotingi -hss been invented by an Eaglish-i An easiiy ranipùiated lever boldo htie lid on-a. necooking ute'nslrl se "tighLtbt "its contents -are boiled> under é' tea'm pressure. - Prospectlug -o- petroleunu in) Venezpela la being-ca-riied ou wit-i encon-a-gin« mnocets byone Amueri-'. ca-a a-nd, two Bagliai campa-nie. Mare than 90 pex cent. ofa h,,Vie a eobol a-iascohole' drinks tbat MO.rI made la tic ?llippiacs ai-e îerived1 from tih. sap aci palm treesn Fer fumigating -books'in public iP- brarica there.ha-s been inventcd an air'ighlu case -iawhièh tlley eau 'le eubjeeted te suiphur flames, Electrie traction bas penot-rated' inta Suznatia, viiore a large coalj comps-ny unes eleet-nie léil.nou.ive.ij t6 hlait-he produets Ai its Mines. -, For exiperimnta-I purpoest-be hoa b.eca bult an agiuit-irai tîac- ian engin. Viat las mIietils t-i-eivo <cet-lu diamueter with eight-acu-iacbj "-~TefUionet South Aiesa illj- -buiid -an irrigatiýn dam ian-the[ Tranava-al t-ha-t wll impoud norei t-la-n 5,000,00,000 cabie <cet ai va--; The bandie oi a - iew wire ca-rpet! -le-t-er is raîsed several inclues fromî thbe mnial shaf t t-o, are iLs nser'sw ha-ad fi-on conta-ct 'with n ca-i-et. -- Astca-mohip wreck in Se&ia-ùd w-as tna-ced tat-hoeilatteryv lu a. sail' orn pocket eleetria la-mp, w*hlcb> wvasejîaid t'o bave affected t-le cern--- pas$.- To-en&eua i iit qi-s t Lacloier- v of t-le Whini pa0o aiNiar Falls a- pasenge r-ca-riug crible i kuay will be 'buit s-cross t-he river. - A Pî-ocese Ji as beea-ýdisco'vered i4i Japa.n by which uiikwor-ai ma-y i-s cutured tou times a year laetead of twice,-aii asuai, a-nd letton -clki prodaced. A. sccessiul Moseow mai-chant, uauied ýSpiridoaow, wlio lad ma-de' a vast fortune, thheugit-af -a -novel vwa-yof invrtiug the pgeste «ta uhs golden wedding. Tie 'invitations' vere cngra-red ou golden cards.' Wlîea tic recipieate opeaed tii, on- velopes, they were na-urally' pes-, ed with t-he bea-utiful. învtatrwa,' but snpposed thaft- tey were only, gilded, A dloser exaiuian, howv, evai-, siewed Liat-tiie milionajze had act-uaily seat -ont c*rids ;foi reai gold. Monsieur Spiridenow sent lu a-Il tva -hnndred invitations, The* card. ver. ma-de 'by a Moscèow jev'ý e1er ly a apccialipri-Ceose,--.nd fte nia-toil vs tùea-irm a smine eowued by the. millionàire. EaCII ca-rd, vas verth about $25. * er bo- a-s the hlhes-t railroad sta- ,tion k t-be worl4, îb,csa feet abone Do you lay ddiey 4A 5-lb. Package of RfDPÀT gaz" or "A 2p-lb. ýas 'f PA}'7 -ge8t' ad&fif1it uajiUty -dcean an-d uncontamiinated -ithe Orfginal Paèkage? Or do yotu r -fi- q'. ~ 1'1 52 --j - - f> f I '-'S 1$ -z '3 --Qi y a

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