Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 7

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rusonr. of the pruan Gu&rd. bIbreaÏoe.- Puan ur. ïrived 'e - ébat the BIti* jvM-Imtnhl0I%~ olirs re.lized the kiud of mop had advaneed wktà MVin 0 ~beyhai been fighing for theo laat Ithe muzzles Ofthei fiedd gun, When ëW-dGys. , uge foIlows thoy- were. j lhese belched forth et eý 1n11 i tAi.m nearly fvon. tbeim f rcsm #th'v "Whi.n oS e aIsze4that magi'f xnt etê'tJitIuts*4îr loeut regiment .hIe now been me- could stand thie. lli.y brc>ke. mrelyhaudled by the. Britiah trOOpe w&v1Breds ld & Thefrfigtwk WtI t4ird time n, dtb,4ýita mnen aided by o ",vasa,. by Lr oou pon a .~loe fthe -Blâàk 'WMob4 siW,"êIi elePi' lie Gennlan aiiuy, tfi.u Qnt> 8lm inD OC ly wuIthQhOzS, W"Up sud **HÏ4es jujt what *ItteB$ laeidi o~t~twag.o d p ut up.warigwr.e "Atter submitting fer ov«regt "ft hgwab5tUI ioutô a terribleséheil fireef btimdsi tue - *#tyBD [yMite aid:ehrapnel, td i 1Br 'hIry <tonywoe 1i. 1ii Wpepi were gettinq v3ry tired, and driven -back Over the 1~eM ýt ws« next tO impo&sie te eend whioh but sasboiltiihSo they lied 'eief tiothe advanced'trench.. un- taken -fmr eind.B*Lsibut ti tl ater dark. The Germ.mzs, anti- were purmuedi b y h il1uders ciputng thii condition of thngs. for over a mille d Êkd réezing t"t it w«n nw or "T- ntresit s J&tI 3r never, maesed in force their Frus- rnm lost ever 4b thousand u"nn siain <uard andd m other force& kilIed and eoee thuee dioumaud &ad drove the Britiih baok through wounded,,as weII a. their fl5- uer, weight of nuinhers. Baek vanced trenebes, from which th$ Ici. w n, otestiug each trench fuai attaek lied origiuâted, and the. stbonyas they evaeusted it.' rti.h artiU«ry --j# ow seiidinit 'Wb.n wthin &bout izIty yards Ils a mile furthser into their M! where the -artilleip W8 idd.n,rnk. ARIRA-S SHELLED 10 PIE&CEtSi AClergyman ri From There TeIIs of Devastfttofl Caused By the Gernians A despatch, from. Boulogne *sYs: -A clergyman, w-ho rexuineOd iu Arrastr n ghevery bombardmeflt, h«as' given, this description etftth. towu as la exists to-d»Y *: "I have stayed sud I arn goin'g te continue te etay et My peet in tihis ruined town. Yefterday the place 1usd axuther beunbardmeuit, th fourth. Arras la now e grave. Tii. churciies sud the. catiiedrai are aIl gene. Four luuu&cd houfes have been hurned. Tii. roads are disappcaninig sud les;ving enermous Cavitues. - Yeterday the civil and ,yilitary hositus ab St. Jean wqa'I shelled fer tiie tet time. The, wouuded and ick were piaced 'lu tue cellars. One o! bhem WM e Chie! Megistrate, who was badlY woun§4ed by ahoeli. The Hospice i. aise s victin' o! tiie explosion ef shelàJ.e,30 xpeople' being killed sud 17 îujured. Tii. dead sud -we-unde.d are ail huddled togetiier in cellers. Tii. only peo- pie stili seen in the streets are pîiest* aud soldiers. For ever a month w. have heard a constant cannunade, suad thée enemy have been witiiin two milcs o! our towli for uearly four weeks." On< the mer. cou] I e! i1IDIl peued fire slowly. The enemuy seenu- M ~RUFLUETi~ ed net te have e2rpectcd te meet US., M The Germans fired salves e! their epar ~ eaygune, directing them exclu- iy OaTu lvl at -tie flagship. The encoun-j ter continued fMr 14 minute-s, atter Tunks' Pet Battit Cruiser Vieil op sppeai-ed luntiie og, taking advaiu- Fin AtenauExpe~en tage of he-r speed. I "Tii. Bresaiu tokneprluti on :gourd.. fight, holding hersel! on tie bori- Tzen. Tiie Evstafny suffered eunly iu- A A lipateli ftorenudon zays: A significanit damage.,,Dr Ëî1t battie was touglit in tihe Black "The. Rusian bases were a lieu- Pu! 8eàý1tweeu Sebastopol and Odessa tenant, tiiree ensigns aud 29 sailors ot by .a RWan-flet c twobat10-kilàled, a lie.utenanst-- ud 19 eail.ors Thi by aRuusan leetet to b tie seriousl-y weunded and five sailors nei ïhipisud fBye cruisers aud s Turk- ligbtly wounded."li ish iquadroal oomposed o!-tihe tam- Iu putting the. Geeben te fli eI~ t Oua Genmnsu batule Cruiser Geebeai the Evsta!ry deleated "as. P paPs and thbe iightCruiser Brssu. The .notuiously her sûperl4r In. evry- Nu Rusmian espect.The. battie c ~iser Groebeu 00( ýRsjnGoverument suppli8 e- lis &. rus.i et22,400 ta" ns, d 28%/ tsiliso! tii. ftght, and a"sert«s fiat kuots speed, whaële i.re-Dread- tue Geeben'wass bsdy dara& by nougt batt.leghip Evet.a ry i. et broadaides frein the Ruei& a eniy 12,300 tous and 17,1Â2kuot. ahpa 2-iuch guns, sud CSC5>id'Ouly speed. Tii. Goeben'is main arma- R( because etflier 6rest speedl. ment consigsaof ten Il-inuoliasd The Turkish Governnient givea twelve 6-inch <un*, wiiile the Ev- eut that due Ru-milanfleet tva.de.- etafry car-m nie ily tour 12-inci, L!euted, fiat ba-Rusmian - battle0hiP tour 8-inch sud twelve. 8-incli. wgs seniously dsmaged, sud tfluat' tiuw Russisu siips, pursn.8 by tii.j Tuirklsl ships, lied te - ebaitopol New Mlitary Tent. hiabpr. A despatuda f rom London seays: f Th~ tatniet lsuedby ue us-The.w«b weatlier -prevai ingoeat SBd- Sian Mlulsétry of Marine5 gives tuh$ isbury, Plain le.itely ha. made, a suit- follOwinug aceount' O! the engag9e- ashi oýccain -tor dennstnation Iu men ovt be 8,. dveuuethe Canadiau camp <of a 5pecL5l "OnNovnibr 1,-adivsio 0 fmiltary tout invented by F. P y- fixhe Black. Ses fleeb, retuinhg fromin wiu, et <tta-wa, bormnerly of the its cruie te Bebastopoi, near tb»Roysl Nortb-Weit Meîunted Police. cosat et Ansto1i5', aij1ted 25 mile*. Tho "Coutinever tot," ae-it i-s froeti.Biienmones Iiit etyied, laréai-blut witii vertical -isi detaebuieot,ensustiiug othe ides aud.Uhtly loping reef, Geeben asid,61be Bresiu. The nus- mmadcetofw" c ovcred witlu rein- -s-an "-mueet un-filronce0,1140;va.l.4%PJlnu Nëiubr s"ie an do more th&bsu hannir the. otherý with big guis Thoê Grnpuum dld net prem e*r ar4tiledy 1wt" » seetigly a& on' the préviusd6y. it -I. Qfiscilly mSounoed th". * Germans-vworeforce& te abandon lma!VY -MW sbecauée Ofethti ea in 1g waters. Near Ra 1 a he ai i".a~ged two -large mortuvre *hie * d<rmu.ns had been umible te, remove. lne r.e'o crr pondence .sy tha;b à.e.have lost canunn ad automobile»éS Io tii. ftcod-euged the. oharacter ,of operatione. There la no deoubt'that bad weabher bas. 'imreaad the or- husution eoftiie troops. TRAIN4 BASE WRECKED. Informatlon Whl.h Led to Bon'- bardaient of Beigiau Coast., A de.patch f rom London sys: A Bofterdâm de.patoh te The Dsily Mail saye-, "l'he British fleet're-, cewved iformtionuon mondy whleh lihem to carry out a vmg- orous bombardaient at Kuocke and Zeebrugge, on tihe Belgian coai. The Bolv!ky Oompany's works -on the. Brumie hp oanal, wlich are beiiug us aabase or Cermauu militari trains, wa. wrecked. A train of five cars, fihled witii soldiers, waa struck by:a esheil, teck ire sud was destroyed. Mucdh dainage was doue te thbe German stores and aup- BIG CLOTUINO ORDERS. Ueitiery Comipany to Furnish Soeke, Underwcar and Sweaters. 1es he beengstevnd fein Bteh sCud FenreclGeve u- I Srutish yangsrenh eery I uptsny frtho mnufture o i uude frwesr an fatu0edof )00 dozlen haîf-hose, 3,000 suite unter ii couany1500a ely eatrs. Thrie nigitysd day a tar o!teorder bihandb raya December 15. ,LA'Ns FOR 'NEW DRY DOCK. will Be 19150 Feet Long, aud wull Cost About*- $3e000,000. A despoitch f rom Ottawa sys: rauglilsien of tie Departînent et able Works ar est work on plans the uew dry dock at Haitax. ,%-lag which will 1)0 completed »0 feet iontg sud 180 feet wide. Swif'l be speeial.I>r adspted for ne- ur wenk on ships et tic Royal avy, sud ii; estimTated te cost $3,- BIG SUCCESSION DUTIES. teeipts Thie Ycan 'NeanlY DOuublc the Estimate,. accession, duties psid te the Pro- wi inêiai T-reman-er ton the. fical yearro ugt ol10"i amounted te $1,287,633. bal a oompare8 -witii $1,146,144 for theSb ses1 yesr of 1912,'1913 au imores.e Iover $141,000-. hi-estinuste -ivo ivnby Roi!f. Mn. Lucas on hi» 27 0dý t iat sesion estim>Led lue- -A ýesieu du" cuat *$700,000 but at 1 1 lue tulue e-dmitted tixat tle me 1<- 'PIC iren were only nominal. WONI'r I MX Bad Food andil(ooul Realili WOnipt Mlx.i battle endei, bringing fd. eneuuY ylof' t e teut, bcend up COMf;rt, Thle îîiiuuin stomadlu stands înuch i tarboard,,sud opeued ire et s dis- lies lu the tact that it la se con- abuse, 4xtt it wo't retin good ta-nec ot 40 omble leutths (&bout five stnuctc-d tint it eau b., put toget-ixer besitit if you give it bad food. Thes.e 11).fi-at salveo!of12-iýor ak down iu a !cw umlnjtes. If you feed igit , You'sheuld feel ~uns trom thbe flsgsluP Adinral The War Office lias given a coetraot iglt, for propen cood sudd s good j votary %truck the. Geeben i foi- 10,000 6f the-se toits, sud it j'. mid la thie sune î-ad Vo 1îeslih . - cusd a eploio aidsiis, t-lxped by Mu-, Aylwiu tlust lis de- "A yeai ago 1 becanie miach'05 .tin b er ou ii-c. Feilowing Lie Ev- monstratOinhafore Osruaian offi- abarm,d abouý t ny healtb, for Ilhe- $3 sCary, the.- otîher Russiau shipK "(rm will resu-b in furthxi-er oderq. <an te ýsufer affer each uneal, no0 lii. Rssin <n. ui-Sauple tout.s ene.ted in Gircen iMater how ltle 1 ate,' savsa aI ïïa efxvlflt amsoount oen iu- Park, PiccaditLy3, and us"d by te WsenLonn seA ies o xlooswr ce Teuritoiisa%, howed *iat boblt me-n "I lost n4y appetite. andth ~le -teny "A mens et r~losIui wce see , d- horâe* weu-e bettor pu-tect&l ithouglit -t!ffood grew dsatfii i-n the huit ot tfie, Goeben, whi1ch Vîan îrnder canvas. with the resuit t hait 1 vas not nur -f - -- . -iuled, and geL weaîk ad tlin. o -My licmue cares weme very heavy, Cleqer R se f a renc , Armai orbeabide a large fanily of in>y own r. Clever Rse o1 aFrencli irman for aun ageti 1 inlie. Vereva4,n-eue ito ahou-. der nvh<tîelold bîudens, and io -A de*patoh f rom JParis sq~s -hi M llis'ratihu' ari.jîlauîe nad litvew a cortie what uiglut- 1 mus et- ther , t -clerneut& L'Hommre itîclain Gm-res foutil the 'rTauhe e-;î 14 b -and tdus liotiglul nearlv clrovce i anve asu ount of tih. experiencesliaile. Iluit- lue wius ueceive~i wài tg, iLfrantic %%lien I1uealized huiâ rny of Rland Gar-rob, flue Fueniiavia- terrifie hue I 'roîilush4; l O iitt ylwa .>It-li vasrtakirîg dovil. Vr; who wam ferced te land luntlue iun twlueîîlie. latti-e-d ,eli,îd tI' - u-j î'l ai ,trticble iii the ,>îjer enm'à oeun-ti-you accuîut oetî111- F-ecl u hues. He humide-cl imbuit ll,Euit s'ine t- lu itii trouble likc ton tfotibl'es. (Go5i' e greetel i oiig tAie iustfil.îulded reiuel niie .livihg ieirlme-d lmy d-jeNt witi a hail cfbuj.ltS. He leigiued tionps, A (Ierini itî -u.,lucu mil. andl ;et îg lulthiis .gt'in a fait hy the tricli dives gtid twists' ceîuclc4l îim' Reimsi. The twc, (ler- , 'i gave ;(ii.;îpe-Xt-s au trial. 'l'lie lu du#e4 Iroq,-entyl- , e oý4ibi- matfitan h;ats,aî-d liad le:- t lut-l firsi di>Ji of thris deliitjis fîOod tiens, 4prpenIe tO hl6 da -.irueCt..4j . LV thr:-lvers i i hard pm-ved that 1 had atuck iek irigh-t It n 4GeripuaPiti.ktr le.în- t"e-1119 5 Pea-sat-ttotig d seb ' and sppilQewleetd l411. route hen j renclI etdier& arrived ',My tincornforteb-le feelings in Ga-ms lutt4é Genuuatuia toa.da ptret ixni ,matcî disappeqred asud! biemagie and in ar nt iulidflAy %4o1 space.0 tine I was again îunselt. si-ideV)e B'ritisil Drove Turks Prom Trenches mou,,gli1 00erbu re.alize I a-m a, ver y Areptw _________M.,_aI-i due tO ije plný.i4 fot', A dsptoi rom London si1ys entmeuuehed posibLton about 4;500 GaeNî-. LC rvm.b- A esachf s l neyCpfrigt( l aubvdian iPo oM The. Officiai l'rFese Bure4fi ua.h-1o8 gcnnt catitngtCgiiPosumto,~~ ed .e fgoi. tj.oýth n any prWsneýr>, camp eltiolO t tefatu ltenf, 'h ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ient and arn'tlun.t'on QOur cartuin edth lmn 11e ok T the~q fj foic. tiers were three -officersa killed' an' ]ioad t-o Wclviik," lui pkgs. operatingon tuoSuselAati iver 15 wfttnd-éd, and ln the ramuk rand ~Teesa Reatl." <t*t ith PrsnGu ! 1" 1 - file 31-it=en' kied and aboujt £vo eur ciad Ibm aSaIo- l15h11'A neon on aldith esil 11 ! i tpittars trom im Iuu ign e 5. They are fembo'r il oui-, r ops reY eutoz woundea.7 îtisflî, trues anO <MIimilthumani) luoresi. Thei.picture showe Belgan s'w t le an eeStiol part 0o! tii.equip- link *bichumakea :.e o- troi. by a singlek ma oe f the vaut srmy werkini ve&awld. fild, tPRIMES-11F.IAU PO OT fét ee ;scond patsuti, $6.I; *ti *5r . 90, Ontario gât g oper cent patenta, quioted ai, .59to $40 sealuOrd. 1 Wb*t-MAnhtoba No. 1 Nortboflul5nw. quotsd ai 41.2s 1.2, No. 2 at, *i4. On tarlowbsa,, No. 2. quoed at *1,21 to $.u, st oituipoints. oata-O)nt,artO. 49 te 6WC, outulde. ang st 610 53e on $rack, Toronto, Woetsrn (an- adj, Ne. 2, quotod at 60e, and NO. 3 ai R7 1- Ba -5 o 68o outolde. e8e.outaide, for No. 2. PesN.2 quotd ai $160, outalde. Cern-o. 2A.msIcau72e, Bar porta. ~uwb5t~NO £ a 14 e75c, outaide. Er~n aS hora-r al,$24 a ton, anti short$ at su6 te al. Ejolled o&ta--Car loti', per bsg o? 90 Ibo., $ 3 t o $ 3 1 . 1 Butter-- Cbotco ds.iy, S& to 26c'$ inferlor, W0 toOlie; ereansry priuta, '28 12 to29a; de. sod, 21 te 27 1-2e. Eg.-New.latd, saoi, dozen, 35 te 38oj1sterage, 28 to 30c. Upflsl-12 to 12 1-le p er lb. for strained. No. 1 honmroomb. 82.75 Ver Sozu; No. 21 $2 te $2,26. ' Pou1t7v-Ohloekefli, dresssd, 15 ta 1160-. duc., lb., M.12 te 14e-, fowi,10t lie;, turkey, dresssd, 16 teO2We. i Obeuoe-,zLOw, uarge, 16 to 161-4e; t Bean-PriaiS. bushel. $2.1i to $2.80; landptcàed. $2.90, Poittoo5-Onltop, 65oe uer bag. out. o? stoes.56c lu car lote.»Ne0w Brunicke, car uta. 6c psr bas. Daied iay and Straw. Dealers are parinsasa. fllowu for car lot deliveeIsB on traek bers- StraW id 41uted i St $160 te $8 S ton, la car lote.,one taek bers. gay-No. 1 nov hay Is quoted ai $16 te $16.50 ou tract' bero. No. 2 at $14 ta $14.50, and No. 3 at $11 to $12. ProvIlions. do.. besry, .16 ta 17c, talla. 14 1I2 te 1ie; breakfast bacon. 1811-2e; g-,backs, 21 te 22c- bonelebmcke, M4. Lard-ManÎkst la steadi- MaIf l1-2 te 130 for tierce.Compounditi. 34 te 10e. Winnitpeg Orain. No...,. 2 iv.low. 54e. Oats feee. ."6£l . IaZ-NO-- le. 4, 66e, ",6k a2; No c '. 1.26. - U t n t d 5 até5 M a k ts. - itnwules. Nv 1.wu.t-- b.tard, f5 74- $t oiiin 1.16 1--S u n : 7 -S' N o:e. o t. er $1.12 134 1 .16 7-8- Deeelibéi-, *1.14 3.. Ost-$o. - w es. 4te46 1.2c. ]?jeur, fane! Patente, I.8i; ais lears, *4.05; second cdeant 59.Bran.,$1. DauA.Nov. 2.WiS-O Ibard 1.91:N.1Nonthetti, $1.18 14:8.e [orthrn, 1.18; December, *1.1611 Linneed. 5148 1-2; Dcember, $1,47, Livs Stsik Marksti. Torto, Nov. 24,--But<hst eows soi4 frn S6.75 to *W60 hein; psitt for sooCS1t ebolce. *$6.26 te $5.75 for mm llà (Cli ners anti cuitera front *4,35 te 0*,.5alo tbe latter at $3.75 te $4.25. -with î%mn roligt xtul? ai $3,50. , Otockerw fron ta te$6.60 as paid agni for liht tuf and mediuml sta . $ '.75, Cale, were about sisady,.19 brtn the average. wfitlt od eal cong hi tweefl $9 su ad o mwe-4 te m anS * ligit, between $7.26 and 7.60 for lent ttd $6 for uti. ieep-45 and 5.f hievy houks btween $4 anS 5 and f t bptWeen 13 IInS$4. iaoge do Sfoin87.! 1<, $7,90) ed and water4d and IM5 L counutry-poltute. Montreai. Nov. 4. --P-rime hentef, 7 1 7 1-4e:-,medium. i to 6 34e oi- pilmo, 41 5c .: -atin iOn. I te -4e. Mfl eit c. w a q $8 e e11 alves 4 1.21 te 0 1-2 . g "-k 4 1-2 to 6e, Larn 714to734o. Ilog 8 1-4 t-o 8 1-2o. GÉRIMlAN SiIETiIBARBED) A (irlnilnsi Offnee te hfave Ifit ln Pessesitmu. A deip1.ate-h lu-n O ttaw% -a ý.xe Tutb About Germnansd f Vaterland, ur erunani publie tiona. la-ve ben prohibit-ed f V( the Canadian maila uder theo 'W Meg;stres Ac. t-ig made a- crii: nal eOffence c> ýcircuate thesep pers or te bave theun in possesSni 'Jlhey lhave, icen partieul«urly dîtf sie again-t Girezt Briain and t cause uf the allies. 'theIgiuu& M&nsW r uied-, d#-, ~' ~ t~çu~ ihuehal atGreen- Littile models of ]Kitcheuer, are 1104 beiàé n4kby tube hundredt in ltont,> âd unaY-toôit illu9gon tube lr6ntof bii&~ Lsdy~Meniu, wid ciet ir-Wal- ter euzeshAs <iven ber hi e in Godoi uareéLendon,1e ti benefik o! the Blgan- eug' s "IenrytheIi. ni who bas the chneof joiinu -, ooansd seizes it. iyti rnwola it and refûis lt,1 laidthe Atcl- bilip o!fYo Edwaârd Nseh, heenbouse kçePer ci M4h ead Whuwiek. wue 1usd $26 ttAco frrefuÏag te put hi. bar lis oun uaceordaue with te ue.worder. M(r. Jose lh Cýorv"en,* O! Neweautle, bes offerea a ' -agt of $50,m00te- Awardsthbe loundation of &s'Pyn"sde Brigàeto include SV an sd GERMAIN BOMB 1<ILLS TWO. Klssilen Fromt Âeroplane BarelF Mtius Geueral Near Duakirk. TrwOb frO eail. 0en aMd piping boti Bolilght'thiy nit itn tiu6 mouthl à rare aat Jind"d, 13ùt eer go much better seured wfth Fer andy.maklng rou eant béat CROWN BRAND COltN SyAUp., And It maku exCellent pudditýgupomie.. THECANDASTAROR COMP&NY, LamaTD ManutactureraiOf the famous Bd- rnfad wardsburg Brani.FrtWDIm Bold by Ail Grocers. Send- for the im-d wardoburg Free. Ret cipe Book.. ý- T1HE NET HAS TGHIENEDý The Immigration and Customs' Reguatiotis Are No-w Very Strin gent ner hier, sud dropped two bembe A despateh !rom Ottwa as natiOnalty, oge', ue2tsdng neai the town hall. A womsu sue Precautions which have been taken the previoue decade, purpose in en- a cbuld 'were kuil.d. A general o!f a. reu*t o! te wa.r, lhave reit- te-ring Canada, sud> leunoh of riat, tiie allies who w ue near dte *W P dl ~- tIngn iî ig < ant he bc-like. Ail îu.l5icolaPO "mo ' hall t the tim e e ec ped injury. ed i --"qe t 4 h eu' g ) are being deta 4i ed for nÎetigl- Germeti pnisoners taken etY pre h migrtion adcilstouueregu- tien. are being empluoyed- inmunendiug latieus of the Dominion. Addition- Sirilar cane is lig ebserved lin the. road, whîch are full of great ai restrictions have been added thec case et the custims teglltinsi, holes oaued by the Ge'rnnhelis. fre i re te time, until the authori- ad baggage for which the. inspen-.» NYties now consider tht everythi.ng tors, would toniuerly on occasion - bas beeu douc te prevent the en- talcethbe ewner' e word, la now cloue KIN.I'S NAME FOR STRIEET. tra» nc. jte .country o! eitiier ly senrched. As xeairdé merchan- German epis or Gernuan goodi.Te dise sud otuher gondIs imponted, no, Freiwb ýCapital t Cli Thorough- the <erdinsry quer ies witi whih a chances'ire beiuig taken, ad Vbe far afer elganSovenelgu. traveller creeiug thc Canadian- -re beiug closely ern o d - fate ater Blgianborder isoenfrontéd have becai add- certain -whe-t3er tiiey are o! Gr- municipslity et Paris bas voted to ealculated to bring ont lnu minutest turc. Turksh rugs are uow ou tube giv Vteno. ! ing Alber't o! thbe de'tsl partclulars as te identiy, lât et contrabaud,, and 1V la under- Belian t soueboulevard. on cltizenship sud the 1k..- These li-1 stoem tixat -mscii hiprnents are t-ne- stee l Pri. -.clude psrticulai' as te parentage, quently being rejýcte d. Ru-Te Royale, tii Boulevar de'1 Capucline, sud the. Pent de la Con- S0W -AND X N S Gi IN OSTENU IIINES1 $500,M)0 TO AID BIELGIANS. Britain'iq Contribution for -the, Pun. Ene-My Bil to Be Preparing a ehase- of Food»tuff3. "surprise." for the Ailles A despatch train London -mpaya: ila Belgini. hli Francis Acland, Parllanuentary Un- A umc a teHgesy der-Secretany o! Foteign Aua. ATepi* fare ini.Hgthue s quik stated l i.heRÉou f et ConnTGerus ar nd niu b dun tecqt oui wed-nesday thst 41le Goveru- na sedsdnrhadt i.C ment iiad contributed r80,0 fUtl ntnin ADtl ult r m the. Belgisu Government for fthe ~,~ pîurclusseo! foodstuffe for tiie desti-- Mlitqey Mn have- beeu mur- nI tuto unbt&nts ot fluet couuitýry. prisedtOIbe hitiiente we have boasrd d& sO 1ituti. of Gernianu land minles., Perhape it l 'beesupoe iiWalis Th 4,000),000Genmaum In athe Filed. bave - -uet ~P.. te d »--Gamouit-b seil. AI- i fer the btuleiofG A despateh frein Paris aye; TheV thMrnetbey resoe pe MIt-iouai Temps eerreepondeit, et Ceopen- at d bS mie b' 9W ho hagen repeat.' f rnu tiieDanieh lu'* .umy, Ilmuethb.assumeci 9 tiieV e tienr ateegen syL t st Krupps theOeriu.D5e d not "ie tl»iiné thf bas inerea*Mc ite capital 1uy 70,000,- the. «round. Now ln thb. nortb-west, 'k L000 mai-hi te a total of 250,060,000ofet Wsgiun t lochs as if fthe Ger- de manke, lu order to, build ne* !so- mu es dpeuu ie u-c torie, te exeoute ftue enormueusuuili- pu h hmeduergoi tary orders of the Government, andi wIielh i. about fifttee mil«. wide, d teeupthe ninety-iil-ie 5i-iy h« boom -"aed forhldden gou d gt -corps, fouir illions e cx -onnt uyt liae ut te t.lefIo now toe b lithe. field. sW«lims and effieSrsci thie Germa» land Seroe o i.are ialewed bhem. Pi-eenta Eitten Free of Dnty. ouïly on .pcialpermite Ira= thei A deepatc-u frein Ottaws »a': Tebr eudrwho Ja- 0 htChims l nla diOtiOli tAi.- tr.'tfry hebain a O tpi ses.d eenit, &I despatch neceived. freinfthe Bnne- "Foisfglve*khaarve-t arur f State for fte C alenlea I l u rom fl u, we Isaru ba t a ti ve I of a d i tiu c tly se soli5b l e ch a r o- l'pdie i g u du is8 ~ter. It etates fiat présents te lu- in<poSdig n hedi-w dividuxal acîdiera or te iodkS ttof .t~jGrnunIn mle mnnbe-longinag to tube Canad -ueno cx-dT flld wt pe itio na ry 1for ce w rlll le' ad nulted c u l t e c I u1 e ftl d w t id f ne of duly. sheli. -on b om a and strong expbo. to alves. The cylunders aer. asteued n.te chaîne about ton teet long wluich e - . . '.-. .are 11mb' anohob uti rud "éThroùgb eleotunlo connections to the inus eau b.exploded- ut a. ig greeýt distance, Guupowder Placed near thue mines Ila red by thue dcc- grtric oui-ieut, and thie resuling ex- ly, -p loulou causes the, cylindera te I-m leav~e the puund te a heghttoet Bye .85 or six teet. nen -the alueck caused b. iy the re*isî.auce cf due sneoer to oalies thie dynanmite.lunthbe cylin- ep preads in aà- directions horîzot- 'P-t', I/ ~~~ des te xoesd i cay 'il ae, luheSultan of Tnnlkey. ituns q)Fst, va ut *~Ie fiuiers' (J~ ~~~ B .1.-cle> h ml -\ V 'r"Dàýf fui1 ik a nunlg t~~~tý witoBètn luN.hich 4 4 twet Ê :à n re, cap-I 4441~. - ave oui auiul t fouy ~ rticed abandon Sio~ ei, ermans Foulid WarshIps WêeO Sparing Streets oit.Ses Front. aile$ Diikirk cemneepondent",tbe ýensuisoticed -thm the i.fine frein ie English wsnlips mpsred tohi. ouses ou the ses front Mt Mldd.l- rike, w!iereupou tiiey teck up uarters lun ubesu:This tctbe- nie know.n te thé British, wh> *1ddey bornbard4d Vthe bouses Ive éyhsips et once. The Ger-r )a esmuatis were enonnioue, Vie- ead alous beiug estiuated -at ,70V." li. corresponent ci tthe Sm iu WW y edr nlak ur- her indiestloustsu fmpeêdiaig ermibaretreat frin tii. lin. iuey re Dow holing. Thei transport, e emye)ha&. be.as uuved backmsv- ra9idnls. at diffnemitpeints sund J» mining of roae Ws been car- - lsd ouit.nmlvely i the peut tew says. Acurdiug te Lb. cernesponz imi, the. arrival 4 et!iiayBrktih guise o!lakt lmas doue mmuciitow&rdéi leoraliElne thîe G.rrnans, whosà runs are heouing Muueh fthe wveo-- lor wear fionu reekicas use.- Reoute ntandte o5cner .c- with tii. d.maud tuhat flhe city smur- reuder. The. cmnmanant o! t-le Belgrade tertre.. ..aed -an uour foe'r 'onsldematiou, He dld pot ppya ýh'e Msd o! thbe- tume, 1amdiibn- hardment by tic Axttriaus wa» L conimen(cod It "turnsth trick» when you- et sick TOJ Ma îtr.eI f -;ii Ire .v t" -t i. .5 I -'e. y s -I -~ r £ -a

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