Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 1

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.~ m~' aI~L~V IJI~1I ~ 4ouwas tha t th proqety ahould bO j. empt; but that f It were ass- studenit 0.~~~ [',e , oeber Wh woe HIH SOHOOL WEI at tire ParmI' Pywo.I.croni ONTARIOCANAD.A T.HURB'ARM'DEhvaw Wl.qjol W&LTBY, ONTÂRIO, CANADA. THTJRSflIÂY flF~CFMR~î~ Q mil - - IJ. LDJZ THE WAR -ha& advanced the price cf many manufactured ln Europe. Wc aire making no change in prce., -except in lUnes directly affected by the war. We are lcoking alter and con- sidering the intereet of our Patrons. It'wil pay you to cýome here for Jour Drugs,,.Modiulnes and Spicos. Our goods are the fineet quallty. Je Eo - WILLIS Drusgglst and Opticlan MP.DICAL HALL B,1rock st. a 'Whltby. ProfssinalCards LEGAL iINO..Eé FAREWELL, K. C. Barrister, County Crown Attorney and County solicitor. Offi. south wing Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN Sentsgter. Soicitor. Notay Public, Etc. Olkie, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. JAMES RUiTLEDOE9 Barreoter, Etc. Money to Loan on easy terme. Office lmmedlately suuth, Royal Hotel, Whi:by, Ont. 0. VOLINO SMITH, LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court Houàe, Wbitby, or residence. De A& J.eSWANSON Devriter, Slicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Officê. o - , ~ Ontario Bîk Offcé-o. ,XigýS'K, 'MackieBoc Resldence-sa Drew St. ?boou-OUc, 32; Residence. 326.' Corner drugstore. Whitby go Wi<emaea reqslred. Th Creator Canada Improvoniont £ Land Co.> Llmltod "mi fltate Dealere, Estaten Managed, Rente Ooltected, Firet Loans Arra:mged, Propertien bouglis and sold. Fe em ly b.ed Offlce, Broclc Se. BelPoe13. Imd. P'hone 70. f3ales Managers, hIUIN à RICNUDUSON, WhItby. WM. COURT, Plasteos 44 y.IeomAme, TORONTO WilU b. pleased to ;ive estimatee-nal kinda ot Piastenug, Lathing, etc Clhargea Modéra te, Write for Terme. FARMS WANTED W. vant a farm of about one hundred acre on the fourth or fifth concession of Whitby Township. If you have a fam to sel, write JOHN FISHER & leo. Coe.try Real Estate and Fartn Brokers r- E 1> Lumsden Building 6 Adelaide St. East TORONTO <10 18819 & SORS and dOray Bsns Bau to ail-trains. ÂtJTOMOBILE POP. HIRE. W. have takea over tie Doicn Exproe business, beglnuing October lot. ÂII modré earefuly attended to. Bulphonus-89 14 nid 74. stables and Office: Lu t . iltai, lit, WJ-UTBY BRANCli NOW INAHANDSOM N'iEW QUAikrERs. Eniargid Piemises Necess.ity ýýto .Ajýcommodate While, turing the past quarter cmr- 1 winos which admt ample liglit' tury-, Canada and Canadian lnsl#mkaad itrugli whlch. suffclent freeh ai:' <tiomi have been prospeçlng and de-[-eteu lthout the danger of placlng Iveloping lu a mnarnie that fias been the erks'(n a cold draught. The ainioet a marvel to the world, keep- building Ia heated wltb hot water, 'Ilg Pace with'this goýwth, and well aud-the eiectrlc lightin-g laIo 0dl.trl up in the vn, lias been the Stand- buted as to-give plenty of liglit te ard Bank of Canada, whlch, from a both customers and clftks. The fi- smail, almoat unknown place In 1876, tures are of a beautiful design, ln has now becozne one of the strongest keeplng wlththe fnterlor.ý and best k'nown of financial institu- The woodwork le uniforni through- itions of the Dominion. Typlca.l of dut, it belng ail fumed oak. The the advance of the Standard Banki of desks, stools, chairs, and aIl rallings Canada lins beeji that o1 the branih and counters are of silar niaterlal, In Whitby which !ast week took pos- and present an extremnely handsome session o! -the new quarters on the appearance. The walting rooni for north-èast -corner of Dundas and customers (s siipplied with sents, and Brock Streets. a mnost importeant teature 4s that Formeriy" the business in Whithy there la adequate floor space on the was handled by the Western Bank, customers' side. 'Ban'k ofCanadaorsad l u long avent, of Joyouanes and bappi- Ãœ ther band, Wn 1914,, thé, aeposîts neàs, eand as ue!éul -menibers and, w#ere $35,018,592, priatlîy one hm workers- of Princes -May. Lodge, dred-tmes thé, amouat ln 1876 ..théo Dýht.r ýa4d Maids . of England, Capital wu $52,8M0240, Mdni a- ii eacCept thMu Jardinier. 'and Sets .we 45U101.Thè -11'4 .stand froni the mombors ,as a wtlwlo, dfrdend was 18 per,'cent.;! I1 tho and may Hoavee's .richeat blessing year 1880 a Reserve PFusil « 7,500 ho bestowed on yeu and yours, la the .Was eetab'hed, whlch buhaî'beei wlah cf al pour friends. Iwrgely lncrod, eachpearu nMi l 14 Simed,.onbelilto! the lodge, now standos at- $à760,240, a"muItiJ S. .ATI ON more 'than Qhfecapital. ~ President. The depoltà-of tho. Standard« Benk have increasmi ln 2h. pawt 4Iadé by $24,000,000, ir other wordste r no he ie teamountI1n 1904. oiee yb-Icnc The President, ln aIdresa the Siareholders at the aulmeeting Dear Sir iast February, cailed their attiention 1 notice in your Iast. week's issue te a very important mct <n 'ibIs con- a note on the proposed Hydro-Elc. nection. He said, "A most 'Impot- trie Railway, suggêitixg that the, ait itemn is the large increase in the line run on the ýsouth side ef tic dosffits o! the Bank chrring tie year, sixth concession. Evi'dently yotir. cor- 9howig an Increase of over- tiree respondent is a Bre'oklln man, and a mull4on dollars, a larger sum iban sympathizer witli some of the large the capital stock o! the Bank, and in tarmers Who so strenuously opposed a year tn whfch the countt_ lias thc by-law. Do not forget that il 41 been sufferlng more or less fill'ancial is the damage to .property or the ln- dépression, it is at- once a gratifylng convenience& to the residents, your tenture, -helping as gt does the carn- corrospondentë-s argument will 'Lpply ing power, and evldencing a 'Murther to the. owners -or [and on the iouth manifestation o! the, confidenicé o! aide o! the 6th concession Uine as the depos1. ing public." Weil as on the norih -side. , Frt.h,'r In the tlt yih ears 'durng wýcthe Standard Bank bu been ding business the dividends declared have hee>n raised from 6 per cnt. te 13 per cent.. the latteýr havini% been - ~paid for the las-t three yearqs. This -I -.~, 15lu addition ho establisbing a Re- t 'i Iserve Fund, a sum of almuest, $4,000,- 000, s0 that it, cannot be sald that the safety o!flthe rigits o! tÈhe public ~ -s-bas been sacrifleed for the lateresta o! tue-shareliolders. ~X j ~That thc public may appreciate what bas obtatned durlng a, period I~ ofetotn years, it may be obscrved that -' the Standard B3ank bas paid an -ay- - ierage dividende!o nearly 12 per cent. Iwhich leis isderably lu excess o! tie Iaverage distribution by other Canat- Jdian banking Insttutions. This sum is eequivalent te a bonus of over 25 per cent. upon its pald up capital during Vint terni. Tic Standard ranli has 124 NEW STANDARD B ANK BUILDING, branches tireuglieut tie Dominion, a large proportion o! wiici arce wncd by Uic Bank. Tic business is belng but in Peb'ruary, 1909, the Standard Tic celiing l8 paneled, and us tint- pushéd'. evcry year Into new terri-i Banuk of Canada absorbed tic smaller cd lu creani and light brown., glvîng tory. Satcty has been prlmarily the- institution, and thus - the Standard Itvr uhteefc fmr l iraI consideration of. the manig*I began -ite carcer la Whitby. The !act vr uitcafct et-rba ment. Tic Bank engages lune speo- tbiat tic change was made lm hw The walls sare stuccocd, and aru tint- ulat'Ive opçentions, but confines Iteeif SIX years mgo makes thre progresnad inl faint prfsmatlc' colore. Areund te legitimnate business transactions, and growtb of tue b"ue(e o! the the walls at regular lutervais amrcagciy of a. commercial natu .i De- Whltby branci ail thbe mtbre pheuom. largt-coluains, eacb o! wbihic b eru.tpositors ,ait s -eIeier Zw'k r enal, for as suol i t- certainly-must ucar tic top Uic lctters 48S" and tbcretere assurdftint tic bank 15 as be rccognlzed. "B' entwlned, tic leVIers and de- sàfe as It can bie made; thtin t Iu thec <ompmratvely short tIma comatiens bclng gilded.- stands up;on a sound business basis, ince tic amalgamation, the business Ou enteriug thc building, one secs and tint île poiicy lseue et progrees donc by tic Standard Bank lu Whit- at tic right ltha manager's office, a tempered witU 1he principle ef sate- by, loans,depoaits, savings, etc., bas commodieus section, ralscd sligbtly guardiug ite customers from cvery iumreased Vo more thona tirce Vîmes above the heigit of thc surroundiRgJ possible- danger. its amounttnt tinttlire. This in il- floor. Tic netîceable teature is thal This Is tic plan of action whicb B sl a mosl rcmarkcable record o! is oifice, contrary to tie usuai cue- bas built up once o Canada's ment deveiopmment, and speaks botter than toni, is entireiy epen. This tact reilable and strongest cinared words for the management and pot- strikes ene curiously upon cutering, banks. Tic wisdem o! tic pollcy ta loy o! the Institution. but a utIle consîderation will prob- accu in tihe evet Increaslng confidence The Standard Bank in Whltbv lias'ably disclose tic reason for Ibis lu- placed la the bank by thc public. been under tic management o!' MnI. Cbas.-\ A. MeC(lelian since the. tinie of ite %msumption of the business o! the- oid Western Bank, aud -tois gnal, courteous manuer Must be ascitbed no. amaîl mensure of tie success et the business, as well au te lie gen- oeral business pelley laid down by tic Board of Directors at Head OlUce. Tierhm le ne department o! business - which (s more Important te tic aver- age man, and yel -on whtcli bo is more sensitive, tian tie liandlai side. Il lias ever been, the atm of tus Biank te gîve all possible asist- ance to tie business man, net ouly --- 'lu the mattet ot collectlng and trans- mittiug tunds, but lu glving advicc on monclary matters., Tic borrower le made to-teel tint he lO ns wclcome as thc depositor ; the small merdiant lu 'as cordinily greetcd as tic larger. In tuis way tic toot<tcs of tie man wbo desires a boan o«r ticeue wio - 'wlshes te open a snvigs 'or current ,-i~ account have been nnturallv turncd toward tic Standard, and ic busi- ness bas uecessnrlly.gTowii. INTERIOR 0F STANDARD BANK l LIG -Thc Standard Bank bas a v'erv large patronage tram the tanmt4 commuaty efthle district. Farni sale notes are given epecial atten- tion, and the farmer vie uns n nuiu- ber oft tese luis Possession as n result o! bis autunin or spring sale, te relieved of a good deal o! trouble and womry by ia.nding tieqn oaier te tic Standard. Bày tic very efficient, and satisfactory service giron, au cirer tncrcasing business bas resulted, unitil le-day Vie agricultuniots are almost as a unît custemers eft tus baaik. For a coasiderable lime pressure for accommodation bat been telI ln tic old premises on Brook St. norili. Floor space tint vas aI oee ine quite adequate became muci toc crowded. , For ycars and until just recently, Vhe Bmeoklin branci, o! ici Mr. MeClellau i(s aIse mana*e cm, mad Ils bendqunrters la Witby, aud Vhils urtier crowded tic offces. Tic cail fer tncreased accommxodation finnlly becamc e sî steirl liaItich Walan Bleck at tbbcecrner e! Du- dao sud-Brock Streets vas purcbased for uew premises. . Tic accompanylng photographe vili give thec reader an Idéa et thc band-; nomne appearanca and piondld cequlp- meut o! tic building. The ertenlor Io o! Roman stone. The entmance Io froni Brock Street, and ln tiro-ugh large swing doors ltob a vestibule, trom vbtch one caters th. bauking rom. - Th1e fraI Impression reeelved ou on- *crtng lu thgt o! well-ilglmt, wefl- veUtlialJod, elean, commodloinsroome. Oupouih and veut aIdéesame large novation. Tic manager, whi the A Suirp use Party@ eue lu charge ot tic bank, lu cul off M.adMs .JHleIiee trom is customers, if lie sis una e losed office, viereas wlti the open arebysrrsdls ensa office be eau sec them -enter and maY ,arcbi srnsdhs ensa greel theru. Wilh tieclcoscd office,- eveniug when between tirty and, wiencver n customer is cioseted witi fei'ty ef their trieuds dropped in te tie manager, others naturaliy inter spend the cveuiug. Tic littie affair tint be is bonnowiug money. This is aunethdicioofPnés vcry treq-uently no h ae n h May Lodge, Daugiters and Malds ot open office serves te do away wlti Eugland. Tic evening vas spont, the erroneous Impression people are mnost Pleasantly iu games, etc., me. apt Vo receiva.- fresi-ments beiug scrved by tue Next te cmanager's office ta the înladis. accounant'p desk ; next lu tic tell-~ An address was thon rend te - the er's cage ; the ledgcr keeper's coun- îost nd besteos, and a beautitul ters adjoin Ibis, sud aItich extrema:, jardinlere and stand was prescnted end o! the room i 15 le section viere le lieux on belial! efthVe lodge mem- discounts and collections are attend- bers. Mr. Hailetl repicd Iu a nent edVo. Tic arrangement o! tic offidO speech, expmcsslng tom 'Mrs. Halle«i and dlerk's equlpxnent la mont 001* aud Ixinsel! ticir deep appreciatiou pact, yet icaving ample mooni fer ean td tise hertine mîill more accommodation, wvici Tic nddrcss vas ns tellows - .vilI -iradoubtcdiy b. requlrcd wl-tb Tu Mr. and Mme. W. J. HahîcIl: continuous growti. Dear Brother sud Slster,-Scrlpt- Ia 11k. mnanner bas tie Standard tire tells us tiat a certain, man made Bank o! Canada cxpertcnced a steadp a tat, and f avited ail his triendu Vo and mapld Incremue lu île business Uic suppcr, and vion lime bost a>~ Sînce lie vcry peu Of! ls i ncePtion pemred ie, asked ,vberc vere ail th- ag a cbarbered bank. A glnc! oerguesîs liaI lic bad Itu'ltier comn? the abstract statement prcscted at -Ra sent ontt fieascertuin wiy tlil- lithe st annuai meeting ds sufficlent vitation vas net acoeptcd, sud ail tO .eonviuoceuoe o! the bUsinesacu- w-tb ene cousent began tc make ax- menan sdIntegrllp upon wblei tue cuses ;.orne bad a msirried vif., tme. Bank bas been founded, IaneMer that fore h. could net core, etc., etce. sueh a grovbh sbould recuit. Tun We pour !eliov members o! PrIa- 1876, lbe Inaugurai peto, lie de. os Rap L'o<Ig,. d unotwait for tue Pouffa amouubod Vo 58398,129; tihe Invitation knovlng limaI pour doors capital vws 5501,250, and the total versalwayu open le tua a91 limes, assle w ere $1,277,170. A dividend and oer voicm. Hum W@vabav à! 8 Per cent. vau paldal the-eliC¶ Omo te l o r !asbartioet but o! the OrsI pear'; buinessn ielwljbesm Md 0coralulatna ui' more, some of the land own",rs on the~ souti side o! the road wcnt to considerable sacrifice- to come to Brooklin te vote f'or the bv'law, while nearly ail] those on the Tiurth side did ail they could to thwart the 4 efforts o! those wanting the rail- way. llowever, we think the Hydro-LiJec- 1 trie Company wili likeiy know wîere .1- sf Luto tla m utii.. rn 1 f ln tiib ir 4 hand, did we not vote on a 5v-law proposiug te run the railway along a certain route? I1 Be, can tint route be mnterially cliangcd witiout Iutertcrlng witb tie interests and righhs of tliose wbo voted-? FAIR PLAY. Court Doings in Whitty. Onu Mlonday Rex vs. Farewell occu- pied tie attention o! His Hlonera Judge McGillivrav. - Waltcr Fare. well, o! Oshawa, bail been remaudcd by Magistrate Harper for trial, on a'j charge of tailing ,o keep a proper set 01 books, and not belng able te pro- duany ateie had made an as- signment. Between January 2, 1907, sud Aug- 'mut 6, 1918. Pareweil coducted a bootetand' she ssnes du-Ah.- lo of OshaWa. A!Vcr ho bad aasigeed ton the benellt oftis crediters, Il was fomnd Ilat be bad net kepl a proper set et books, and tie Crowu endeavored te prov 'e tint i. bad neg- lected Vhils luonder te dc!raud cred- flors. Farewell, who was represcnted iiy Messrs. D.A.J. Swanson maid G.D. Conant, et Oshawa, pleaded noV gullty. Thmecase ooeupled moet o! the 'day, and His Honor reserved judgment untîl Creva Attorney J.E. Farewell si-onld make a stated case. Maria Kazup, au Austrian weman, of Oshawa, wuas aigmcd ou a charge- ot assaull occasolong actual bodily hamm on anethen woman, Bon- km Rosaick. Tic woman was badly frigbtened by being 1rought mb Court, and Hie Henor cns-tdered tint sic iad been sufficÉently pua-- tsicd, se allowed ber te go on sus- pended sentence. - Elîn MeMuilen was chamgcd vîti retalning trust funds rorelveul rou, ber malce. Tic case was purely a tam-lly squabbic, and wss settied out of Court, thc detendant paylng mos, wiicb would amount te probably se muci - as the suni alieged te bave becu lnvo!ved.- THE TABERNACLE. December 6tb. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. S. S. and Organlzed Classes at 8 P.m Moruiug qubject.-"The Trtumpi ef the ible." Eveuing subt-"Wiat ShalT Do Witi .Iestis ?" or "Tic Riespousi-' Sebito!Ciolce. S15viceMa G'oal and 'Food Feed RoIIed Oats - $8.oo ton -1 Ail varieties grain and feed. Orlndlng ad Iiiug Evry Day Qtiick Service. Weli fane * 4.0 ton 3Ã".00 ton Six cents Por Bat ONLY 1J. Hs. Downoy & Co. S-Whltbyl Ontarlo., t t DWELLINGS - $1800.00. Cs amnt $14é0, bàice 'arranged. Seven_ý -acres market gardon, 7 roomed frame house, good 4 weli, outbuildings new, 2 acres of orchard- in full bearing. $240000. $500 cash, buys-a six rooméd brick veneer house, hardwood finish down stairs, 3 piece bath, furnace, verandai, electrio liglits, fixtures, good cellar, lot 50 x140.- FARMS $1300.00.' Brick dwelling 14 story, 8 roonis, large corner lot, geod gardem. Cash payment $700. This property J is ëituated ini the village of Brooklim. $4500.00,. 8.5, acres, fiolid dlay loani, 1i stçory rame dwelling, 7 roorns, fair outbuild:mgs, fhuwig tprig, a first-class grain and stock fan aan(] situated adjacent to a *good village with'shippitig facilities; albo sceol, churches and stores ou1117Imaîf mile dista.t. $11,000.00. .170 acres, large li story stone dwellitug, 2 large lx-nnew drive'shed, 2 silos, stablixig for 42 head of cattie, aud a lowirmg spring, near the farn buildiiigs. Good stock sud grain fan, antd situated near - the ';ales Managers Richardson, &..Richard'son' Bell Phosie 198 lad. Phomie 70 e11N <ep.FER Yeu The Finest Lino se 'Bots -and Shoos on- the arkef W ili you take time to glance over our latest s&'ection C'f Autumn Styles.- You will gain a manifold advantage by an eauly ckoice. "IThere is a lést and* leather suited to your individual uueeds." Cali and select a pair of good wearing -school boots for y-our boy or girl. .- Rubbers of every variety. Peel's SLoe Store. Phone 151, Whitbyo BuiLs Our firat'shiprnent has just arrived. Corne now,- and order while we have a good assorîmènt. - Hyaciaths, double or single, Tolips, double or single, Parrot TvIips Piper White Naîcissus Double Von Sion Nîrcissus per Doat soc Au T. LAW LER 1 I *--WHITBY, ONT..I Phones. Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 LOWERPRICE S> Beef, a staple foed produot la this cnbs materially rcceded ln prie W. keep a good supply of tie choiceeyogst ock Pork aise is much lowar, and nov tigt cotd veatier vill mcoc l hmiersO wiii be a large consumption cf this populti. food& Petatoes constitue a large- share o! table supplies, tnd theý au edseg about fifty par cent. lover than luat peur. Sugar alI bau abowa weakness te -the citent. of 30C pft humidred. Rosse. kaepars may ba encesraged aid are luvfted >te aupply their 0eed& <rom W. B. Pringle & Cols store. Tbey have cholca mev Raisi, extra value ta Currauitu, and Téas thM indus. repeat ordue. _W. B. PRINQ,.'LE & 0 0 WHITIBY OVXI ~f .RavIatw' dIS 4~ 15, H. Lomg 57 TT rMP o linpm rice. i I BY H. Lmg 5.71 Bell Phone les - Ind. Ph"& 70 A Pleasure to show g-oodq.- Almonds 2.30, P ý Coal oï Wonde-Ïfùl, Growth"', -o*f -Stan'dard l FO.R, SALE THE FOLLOWINO PROPERTIES: .PEEL'S SHOE STORE-

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