Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 2

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- a~Iazuiiv, w'w.wflaiVocurmlun aixomo--. &Ajm.k*uvKu W 'm J 'U& C4 am#V19 NoiY. L1 1 I biles for ltheconveyane Of the Mcm trous donations , were mail. thélb 191Os. M a e n-M a e n orý_T.1.1 cwTe sbec fMr i. l veig4- UXBRIDGE. *J. -Moore, Tii' Gilliv ay, C ooko, dmo. ?*C1Mat.k11: 5. r ~~receive- their -slght, and the lame Ji i . to Can da Can da coin and Lleut,-Col. Farewell â&dt Canad& . CCLI7&d& drmed lb. Couxwil, ai e. aldi pe~' rae cleansed, the 8O N ii~, H On ave t1h. gospel Preachcd unto them" l Crdlk, lk Jan..0MaNU.18, the County of Ontario, Who are now, r'Ikl md L' u ais of!-a May 14, JUJY81 e.9, o. on active service overrseonl. M.Dcl àâ ý.stebsflp.ýD.N JV, was. decided thlat tu.s-mle icus e nte a histianity 1191 Jan. 15, 1916" should be referred-t icF inne Ipres«îse lef ini -thé' ccnduct"4>t 6. BEA VEITON...'Chai. A. Pater- to h Fianemen and . nsttutions, Just a, po- 'son; Beaverton, .Clerk- Jan. 8, Con~mittoe, b be eported On Sg1h Jesus by 1-1s works, ao Mar. 12, May 15, Ji 6 et 0 presoùt sessaon. dJ- of S P.o0 Dr. Moore, prcsented, the report of-atinsurim n are cedbythtr Nov. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. c ou. t>M B i A R E c o R o s tpConu.lsMomes re Tooie's Oreek -cin. Cr:jn r o:aty7. PTRoaoEDnielLeagord, FbiOnai oun dary lok b nd out .any flaws Ini tleir 148Y 169 .JuIy 17, Sept. 14, Yov, Adoriet~as made until th lives.. The ChurM, toc, l isjdgaei by 17, a.1,1J O E C E A B' R ouewn day.ewhat >it acCflmpishes, and for this 1311. reason lb isaiv0li that teChurch ByOrer THURSDAY. to-day endeavors to look alter the J. E. WAREWELL, Now on Sale Mayor Wiiiis, Of WhlVby, and Colin- bodies à .~la hesel !mn Clerk of the Poe. dill or- Ernest Harper, were a deputa- Syiupathy and pyhllanthrc>phy are the_____ tion trom the Whitby Town Council, surest ways to the heart o! one who(I T G e t I. s N - In the matter of connecting thé sew- needs assistance. It.is thodéal o! ON M EN T Emmy Destlnn hue sewerage'systen now being con- f ter. "ery fe~ohrsbr f~1DOIIsadltfa êth tc __________IntheTown-of 1h. hy It den." was stated that a general sewerage n sîre manner the Sonso aiSc,)t- ýit -vol par yen te aduai oi The famous diva f the Metropoli-system, for th. town bas - becs ectab- land are ini existence, not fo h okmadlsoet for orc. tet Opera House contributes two liised, an4 'that the Town Coiecl benefit o! thlemueives, butfor the as, Dontî b. mluled by agents. W. do opraic eecios na double derdta h.Cut hud be sistance of others, whe need' help a~ ltepo bm Conuequently va Dip e corasaoo assesscd for sewcrage construction,1 a lift bou the road to success. In eau. and do allow tb. agent's cou. Disc-Racrd tatowners of propertles ex- neariy every 'cas -,hor sitnel ime,1O-e eIwlhyuw cmpt In the town were wiigte. extended thce eeled no Certainly Bave by purchaulng froa n The Fox Trot assessed. - rember o! the Society. ACl oi&ctd jIt was alto pointed out tht he Mr. Dickie made a plea for a largerA aiSlctd Thedance that took the «go-" Couny derives benefit froni the wat,- and more comprehenoive constitution ii~ Irnf i from -, tango." A fine Double .2 erworks, and electrie llghting sys'teni,!-O! our benefit sociebies and our phil- iflI! .u. Disc Dance-Record - $1e2 and that ne assesxnent had been aiithropic organiviations, s0 thatthe 11 0 miade thereon. Th' Ontario Ladies' only qualification oins muet hUive te fc n ok Coliege and Dominion Goverament secure assistance should be that he Bance., d Worku y The Nlght Before Chrlstmas - have signiied their wililngness (be ls-reaily in need. (Vnrist made neo (ppMOt StandardBakWhb. assïsd- orseweragc, purposes, and distinction. He helped ail who came At last- a really 'Ïatisfactory lb was toit that the Counby shouid tb hlm who woe truly in- waiit of Children's Record. -Every owner aise be in accord with Vhe proposai.' assistance and cheer. F 11E BPATfG ofadicintumn soldgtThis application was reterred te Mr. Dickie's sermon was most M_ - .k. kUEL, PIOA tha is 'insoublentisÉeorld andthe Finance Commnttee. pressive, and was greatiy appreciatedOPTIA ths ie oul DscRcod n The 'Council vlsited -the Chiidrcn's by the membeîrs of 1he Churoh and S WAN delight the kiddies - - ~Siielter In Oshawa, bcing conveyed te congregatien, as we.l1 as by the Sons OTINPN and froni the Sheiter lu motors fur- o! Scotland. AND ALL THE LATEST POPIJLAR SELECTIONS, nlshed by Oshawa oltizens. - -~-- If you want-a Swan Salety INCLtJOINO 46ALONO CAME RIJT!H." j The Counceil meb again at 4 o'ciock HOME GUARD MEETS. that can bc carried iu the peeket Reiebrte eu omltscolcte c teSog te odir any way, theri the Swan is the aRmeb r e singihg bve ei recuordteongeteSlir Several reports and by-iaws were A iist of seventy-five mcn of Vhe - o" yen want. aesnbgbv enrcreonreceived and rcad. town who are wiiling Vo join the ' 1 sic1300UP COLJI BI P TAOjlc EC RD FIDY.Home Guard is 1he resuit -o! a meet-1 CO U BAITROIC E O D RDY ing beld. on Friday evening last, call- 70 YOJ4GE STREET. A cemmittee was appcinted te in- ed by the Organizaien Committee. Corner King St., Toronto. FOR SAL BY - vestigate tbe matter of baving prop- Mayor Willis presided over an cathu -_______________ erty, beienging bo persons commitbed siastic gathering of youxig mcn and - - Iauue ~ to bths House et Refuge, made avail-, those not eà4pung, but ail interest- R5 i~s I SSE'LT - W flIIMTable tor their maintenance. à cd in t'be movement. ~U! Rd L H -H I - by-law was passecl appolnting1 The elect'ion of oelicers was carried Or, holealeonly fro Muic SpplyCoTou~nto Sl eriff Paxton and Mr. A.'l. Lawier, eut with a view' te choosing mc Or, hol'sal ony, fomMusi Suply ô.,To'rnto tr seeàfor the Witby High Scbooi, who are not now actively connected T Agents wanted wÇere net actively represented. t epor.ts and by-laws occupied a with the militia, but who have haît TORO N~e laree part o! the atternoon session, mailitary training and are recruits. and ýReturn ________________________________________________ andi it was dccided Vo ait in the The resuit was th&t Thos. Crouch j. - - vnng. [,was chesen Captain ; ýJohn T. 1-Tomas- F R N N -H - - f by-law was introduccd to raise bylot Lieutenant, and Frank Math- Frem Stations in Canada, Kingston, 'wýw' ' w wmoney1 by'way of temperary loans.ison, 2nd Lieutenant. Renfrew andi West thereof until sucb lime as Vhes-taxes for 1914 The cheice o! Mr. Creucb .as Cap- Oo on I risDcmo 0 WAT ERAND LIHT C01IWISSINERS 1 have been collected.' tain is a wisc one, as h. bas had odgi FMtrnsDc'ibe10 WATE AN LIHT OMI ISS ONE S Z The Townships o! Scot-t, Pickering considerable military experience, hav- anmd ail trains Osoombor il and 12 and Rama bclng in arrears e! monies ing serveti in tbe South Atrican ca- payable toe cCoixnty, the Treasurer paign. Mr. Hërnsby and Mr. 'Math- Account "Toronto Fat Stock chbow." was requestedti te urnisb statements ison are aise both weil fltted for Ail tickets valid te retura up te and in- Do yeu know cf'anything e. that bas been steadily andi ask for cheques for these amnounts tbe positien. ...- cluding December 14, 1914. i !~-Scott, $358.87 ; Pickering, $205.14; A rol was at once epeneti, and, ulpriuaarmaet rrt ceming down in prîece for the last few years, except Rama, $21543. before adjournment seventy-three ulptclr rr gn.o rt ISeverai more reports were reccivcdrnames had been securcd. LUIs -la 1~eA ot E e t i .~ t ?ad onsiderd. urgntly requesetd that otheravill . SteubeUnon . Agetfo, phon en. 1 STU AY1.Guard may net be lesas tan oehn The morning session was eccupîcti dreit censiderably over that is los- The chie! business of a Municipal Electrie Dept. is te wltb repoerts, as was alse a large sible' The ffrpt drill was flxcd for ricty ligt part- o! the atternoon. 1 Wcdnesday eveni-bg, December 3, in uril electrct for -ih and power "at ceat" te the The County Clerk was Instructed', bbc C'uncil (1bamber. inhabitants ef the snunicipality. Owing te reductions in le presecute ail hawkers and pediars1 The movement, as bas been pr&- bbc price of meters, and te the gerieral increase in business, witbout a Itcense tbreugbout the viouslv pointed eut, is a niost iL bs ben fundposiblete owe Ibecoa o!Iigh tethe norbheffi part o! the Coumby. jwortiir one. There isane man in lbth-e- itha benfondposiletoloerth cstoflihtto te The -Cemmittee on Ceunty Preper-, country, whe la able, but vould turn . - consumîer by eliiminabing meter rentea ater they have been 13! was authorizedti t purchase type- out te defend bis bhrne and ail that paid tbree years. rtr fo thP.bleShOIn is dear fremta ftorpiign irivader,;. ne- jcesary. But ah eudhopead - Dr. Moore andi Mr. Wilson, on be-. te o - e telligfti n e the C G ET YOUR 1-IQ SE. Vi IED ai! o! bhc Ceuncil, presented the: het ativantage, whicb cannot be the ~F - GE O R H U E W R ,3Warden with ancne, ntiq in sQ cs uisaegaiato l ffccd!. TIEAS(/REI?' 8SALE QF LANîJ. B irtue of a wax rant underîh bad o e u arden andt t o!the Counye!0 taldatetite11 aye eîm B -tt'e toy upon iilandi îe nem uthe followng lilt for and cog as Sierein set forth ; :heey i. notice-that unleas st mooner palti, I shall, ln comsplance wlîb the Assessment Act, pri Anction, tiles"lI lande, or no much thereof as muay be necessui Court Heuse, ln th. Town ef Whîtby, en - - - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, J-1 et the heur eftwo el - ~ TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Lot Con. Acres Taxes Ceuts N îlis F 50 10 38 .251 xo 'G ti oo $13 43$259 1 4 .G .5o, $9 83 $2 50 2 L i'ce 1386 2a6o TOWNSHIP 0F M ARA part Lot Con. Acres" Taxes Costa w JiOE Io 13 6 8 87 2350 NX12 12 100 9 59 2 50 TOWNSHIP'OF BROCK. part Lot* Con.' Acres- Taxes Cos PL Il X - a 83 2350 t.9 14 34 .31 38 3 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING partLot Cou.Acres"'Taxa, Coïs Village let 10, Bilé A, Pickering belngNM Village lot dg,4 Whltevsle belng 8> '4- 5 % 3153 3'-S % -f99 395 TOWNSHIP 07 EAST WHITBY Lot Com. AcresTua - Cos 4 -1I79 -37-70 3 42 JL A. -- unti Committee granteti $15,000to last F TAXES be under contrel o! the~ Sr. Judge, Wi OR tbbc Warden, Clerk, 0ommanding Of neim ficers oetVhe 341h Reginient, 'andTI he saI eoftthe CorooratuotiReeves oft he respective municipal- ' oer, 1914, cemmnîrJîng me ities. thet ,r arrears of taxe&. thereon J. F. Paxton anti A. T. Lawicr M: Lcbarreàrùand Lests art ereaP>ne oteWib ih1 oceed te soul by Public erapeneitteWbbyHg bo ary for the taxes, ai tbe Schooi Board to 1111 va.canclee caus- Mi cd by the resignaijien etf .J. Jones ber 914 a.nd Dr. James Moore. >'cck ln the afternoon A grant o! $5 was inde te h cl Canaijian Pres Library for the Blindi. â& -Total Pat or Unpat Tooie's -Creek bridge, betieen On- lu 12 89 Unpat tarie and York Counties, bas been $16 02 Pat rebulit .ab a cost ef 52503.88 each e $12 33 -Unpa t Ceunity. a.n ec 646t .,The bewn of Osbawa was re-im- Mi bursed te the extent ef $150 for mon- frîeîý Total Pat er Uupat ey pald as glfts b lbhe members o! Mr Il 37 P94 the second contingent- whe wcere non- son, la 09 Pat reidents e! Oshawa. Each man had "B% Tota Pator Upatbeeà given $5. M Totl Pt o -Upaî The eni of $20 was granted-to tbiIqlm 5 33 Pst .orth *Ontarlo Poullr-y AsMociatoii. rien, 3466 PsIt The Towushlp cf Piciering bail ap- >-M TotalPat r ri p ipied to. have the -Pickering bridge Tetl Pt o Tlpaîassumed ýasa Ceuuty bridge. Tt Wae 'recmm.nded illal au. effer-be madie 34i3 a at ve the bridgeas' ~ a nb 34 8 - st ~-col ofepars, matntenaie, etc. TII - -O te b orne equaiiy by_'tic especlfe tainn muntecipiltle. - -Ashi 30 94 Pst Tic Pinance- Comiittee recom- lu th - seidetitha-t ailCowmty iro -rylà tà . Totial Por Un à lb. 'l'own o! Whyb. alôv t -1 al pat i o u ln ie 'werag yses aI amas4 49cis AYt190W.auesomez4l e! 50 ,rcu.ohrI C«Dtl om aiue pliaed-on lb by lie Cet- Sro CuintyTTO5U't yrAudilors,, nameiy $54,000. ihari Luise vYinnie ivio LUVr bflpent prtUe et week wibb frientis aI Osbawa. Tctitiing bells are ringing in bbc igbborbood Ibis week. rite beys are waiting for coiti wca er te gel the rink stertei. [r. H. Mclntoub la renovating bis me and addlng te i-ta Improvemna. Ira. Robert 'Wiicos'son La visiting [r. Leslie MoLe.n, e! Toronto, led on frienda * bere Sunday. last. âss- Besale Roberts isibtidtrienda Oshawa lest week. lasers, Sami Nichol. anti John keLtt are prend pessesuoris -e! -y brcd bountia. l49 Luchla Ellens vîsileti Oalswa ada last week.- Ir. Win. Guy Io atitenfflng te bis Lou'a affaira wbildhc la akuig-a uinesatrip."' r. sud Mrs. M. Doolftt4e haveý e Rqqî iozqs v 2ulpuoda oq, id. lu Western.Ontarlo.- r.' George Browne was caling on, te of bis many frisutis lat we*k. nal -,Xmas re. and euber- under lb. aupicea of the Supla S o w flll b e h ld uday Sebool roni on Tues- ing, December 22uL. Sp.- *ram di aongs, reclio, sud- drilis', allp a dOgu oung people Of lthe fda Chair taken a818oCIO! 8-cranton Ceai1 Ohestnut and Steve per ton $7. 75 Egg per ton A t H a r b e r C e sh e de 50 c e n ts per bon less. "1SIRANTON Cei.The name guarautees bbe hEst eua Lity. Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. z4. Impregnable Strength, Maimumi Be noînomparable Oividoids, MInimu Net ost. For rates and f ull information.apply to FJ. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN, Speclal 110P. Queen & Victoria St.., Myrtie. Toronto, Mgr. Tho Mutual Life ~ E. R. BLOW. Aonnt. Whithv '71E8T CLAOS WORKI GUABANTINI Charges, moderatç. Appiy DPundas St. West orP.O. box4 DmiNTAL W. ADAMSY, Dentiot, Offioe,Dun Streetý, Residence-No. 4, the Terri Byron St.,, Whltby. Phone No. 129 JAS. BISHOP,ý Oshawa, '-Llcensed-Atmoee. si meusr tb L Pahbmnu. For t« and dates apply t10 id! or G. Rot r LICENSED AUCTIONEHR -AND VALLIATOR. All kinds of sales prempty aftflA. ed to. -Arrangements -for sales-« b., mde at thé, Gazette Ofiee. Terimreseonable. Bell ad ndepenqdent phonos. WtJITBY, ONT. .James &WaIlker,4 Pumip Manufacturera succesors to £,~W. Evsm Shop, Dundas .5trieet, Whltby. Tbreo doors west po! WftIby Home4 W. are prep ared to instail wood or iron pumpa on short notice, aiso attend to &Hi kinds of repairing. Agents for the Ontario wind miii, almo Poe-el50, Indt 26. WINTER TOURS TOTBF LAND OF HE '"n s NwADais MON.TREAL-TORONTO'l DETROIT-CHICAGO Particulars trom Canadian Pacifie Ticket Agents, or write Fi. 1. BLn , .rctPaenerAget, in de rial, qÂlal - ion FuO *Buyei 1914-a -W ilJ . Upwar $35 an acre - investmuent,, Every coni, and ethler ln Bell TII bythe Bell Syster A BUSINESS MAN tli us . hb -other daây of- how h. Isl meeting the slackenljng up initrlide. Ho -vas about* to, sen a salesman ta1eo a" customer two hundrod and fifty miles away, but he had littie confidence ln the outcome tth rip. .He had flot time ta go hlmself, althôugh ho dld vant very much ta hbave a persanal talk wlth this customer. This ls tho way this business man çxp1ained h ta u. "Al at once 1 thought ai the telephon-why not cali 'ýixm up a". talk, vlth hlm myseif ? When I first spako ta hlm, ho 'Wa9Ë a- utîlo norvous about buylng- anything. but by a litie reassuiltgtalk -,jsab et e a first cla u o.r tram hlm. 1 amn naw caverlng aur ontire toerrltary by. lon# -distance- telephone, md I tellyau Ihe-restuits -are gmet. My ano regret las that 1 didntt aaap the telepJone mýehod soner." -2 Thê "aVI#g the long. distance bolephone, offocts hitime, and- labôr, Ivo gret fgctars là bdsiness'co8to4 makes ht the great aily of th. up-ta-date business man Wha, le trying la keep thlngs Up ta nôrmai GOt the habit af reachlng your varld by telephone-lt will pay you. Snrg. Bo. Terphone I a L o n -D tance S tation. 0oFtc ILL Have Puir -Men's suits, Mci pants, Boys' suit - &îuday shirts ai ~and sweater ceal 41nce lined ud LaÀdies' bouse dr ARCIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO 'I. W. DUDLBY. .STSLrD Wh by'ont.Toronto. àTI! O SETIER POSTION. hi tkita corselbthePopular Toronto, Ont._ -~Tbfi coo1 .tand. be..d d s houlders aboeshordin uluem Cll. au ln con@idered, rani. anig the b.est on iiicontinent , liandsome Catalogusnt on request. 'Co. yoe esd W. J. Bllot. charusâeta .î- Principa Livery, Cartage, and Team ing., I have recen:Iy atidedt i y poil. equippeil livery stable'a heavy t"se and dray for ill kinds of cartage and teaming work, and will b. plesei te reçoeive orderu, which wlll baveý prompt and careful attention.- PHONE 6j@ GARRIAG6E Tg MEET ALL TRAINS. Joh)nD imbl T WHITBY 1 i.801 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w - Fo fi -- - --- .. 1 Vf "Auvay he j"Xp . whilby 1 1 1 qkALEIL a ý World

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