Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 3

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. il luse *SmitJi appealed qn is - by th >hihb-ut seot*oa ofthe J. R. vere plâeed on the roll b.e ex mui Batik Offers Farmers I a comploesandeatIbfacWr ybankiqe service,.U Se« Notes oollected on favorb ermod&%ý âenau est The Savinga D eartment-le Ï mie, and convenlet deposltor$wyMfr~r I wHrITBY BRANCHI: A. A. ATKINSON.,.Manlapr OSHAWA . H. BLACK, Th-e Ford' Coupe let A car of style in a class by itseif.. Beauty -ini design. Rich in appointment. Roomy and conîfortable. Every detail in mate- rial, make and finish ca'rries the highest c1ualifyr. Ford efficiency and large produc- tion making possible the sollpwing price FulIy Equipped- (f.o.b.Ford, Ont.) $850 Buyexs et thia practlcam Ford car will ahare ln profite, if *we-tl seiitmail 30,000 new Ford cars between Asiguat 1914 and Aàgnst 1915. - Fora l Moor (tompaii? of Canada, Limitd -W. J. LLJKE SON, - WIIITBY, De«ALERS Farmns For Sale -Upwards of férty farina fromi 25 acres up, and at frein $3à an acre, guarantend te, show -'atisfactory resuits frein investment, iocated io Whitby snd Pickering Townships. - Every conceivable roquirement uf soil, buildings, erchard and offher improvements can be met in the varied liai off ered. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Decause ~ ~~~7mTaT tpiritS - Mill the ladieg who are Es W NNq rlest fa Balaclava caps klndly met Bell phone 109. gays, 'I convenor jon Saturday af t esencfan for thse auditorium of iervne'rr e e tie hes o _____________C. WA R RELIEp ' 1 'PY. MoneY Collected la College 4 iWctures?7 moncy realized by - concert rgmetcheque to Belgians, $70 ; ch t-, THE bias 90 the Ried Cross $70 ; %avera.go si men who expenditure on wool for Ira 0men of $2.25. ST ~ rrltor1s box o! knitting bas lied the! o-ff ; another will be read l3azaar to be held on De for College Charimes andW 0 #Fund.j L'S Keep Tliuràday, December I ix waluable asistance ta coI j ~<pD OPp10 ~ ing drafts. etc.. MORONTO _____ ___ WHITBY B-R ANGH, C. A. UUMellansage.r dm ~ é. et B Dwmauvll Brookllo (C. Ad MaClellan t4anasmor,, îidcwca _____-@jue Oshawa (J. P. dw.ua, IMager), Pickerni and Part P-7. AINS'IN -CLOTHINO &0 Have Purmchased Anothiir New Stock, lucludlng ,Men'@ suite, Men!e everallç, Men's 5onday pants, Men's wnrkin g pantig Boys' suits sud pante, -Men's-woelen sbcks, Mon'a and Beys8' S8unday shi;4 a nd, working shirts, Men's and Boys! bout sweaters 'sud méditer coats, Metî's and beys' bout winter caps, Mon'e and beys' -l pe lined undiîwear. Lots of braces 'cheap, Ladies' stylish kirtu,- L.dhhov»s dresses, Ladies' waistu, Ladies' underwear, Ohildrenu' undea*jsr, Ohildrenfs fur sets -ch.ap, Lots of boots and rubbeîs, Lots of towe1s, Ladies' and moe'smufflers, Men's and- boys' raincoitu The"mduot 9ig y hlta - ~ ~ ~~nwnver. It wAs Saint, "i!what'can 1 do for Ye V' D IPen*eon 42, E tpeuu 2 poitedeu tiaIlb.f~M Ibudlacgj -!Iamn theKaiser," aYs'ho, !'fin- L. Rvn42, À. RI!o42, K. Lsver 'the brack 'was' valued lu every -in. per« Of0 Jarrna.uy, War Lord of. 40, E. Kemp 38',1Z.lbri 88, G. Mc- sancze at more. than $160 per. acre. Eurlpf" says hie, "Top Dog of 'theisInyre se. Howmvr, tise Court 'offered to et -tWor-r-Id,"l sogys- he. "'Why ain't tise maltera 'stand - sa tisoywere if tiseGuard lurnedout, and wisere's ls Art e D 'ne're RailW'aywould agree. Tis -»,w'aasDolband? Ain'l Heaven full of e ow he td satlsfactory, and ne promise iwas soildie ru '"Pl' fertiscensng. Il was tisoretore decld-l "Well," says -theý Saint, quit. pe- &,Our factory, ýon So aur d -Mr. ed by tise Court t rais. tise valua- ltely, -turn.lng e: Ït;wokn dse oafe v. tion of thse land to $800 an acte. Tise his ledger,, "tisere'. s prinklin' ipo Rai!wa y-Cornpany will, et course, ap- .tisere. Excuse nme innerence,'.' y an'cf lieO baGrh- peal ltiste Jiïdge. !hqe,- "but lbe ye tise ginîlem.an Whh o orad bis tMei.- eubÙp fthé 'PThe C.P.R. also klcked où 111(00 burnt down Leuvain 'and killed a lot crooae ylt ebe fts fterns, al ef which tisey claimed te of ivlrnin and cisildiser in BelIgium V' MUslc Supply Ce., - wisolesale distrib- r be exempt, viz., thse bridge on Due-f '1 arn," sayu ise, twbstln' bis nIers for tise Columbia Co.'s Graf- dus St. est, assessed at $8000 *lte moustache. "But don't mention eucb onoins and Record.oin Ontario. water , tank, $1600,' dthbe ,si111al trilles, 1 could tell ye handreda e Mr. Sabine said "Outexperience Io, bouse at tise, diamond, $500. Ail1 vicoles loIse tisat if -ye caîed t a o ouil rtaea p lisree tisey protestod were, under th istefi for an heur or îwe."o Records, people are speasdlng mnoney essemsrent Act, exempt froin taxa- J "Den't throuble yerseîî,"l' ays tise more freely thats ever before. Busi- tien. The, bridge was tound to Sant,"I've got 'cm ail down on lane swtockus o etgood tisaInor-h ho Included'in exeffiptions namied fl thsedocklt. Lutiser bas nearly kilt iaretstock cf bod ot- asntu- tise Act, and was thserefore eout 011f.iinselft, keeplng yer iedger pested,"mntIasbl si e-, n e Tise tank and tise isignalibouse wmr says holi. "Y'er trlends le expoctin' hiave had te màke extra specialet net spoclficaliy mentioised la tise haw, of y.. They'li' be molgbt- gla i alb fo rtecrpds asen stock. Tise however, andi tiseCourt refusesi to see ye, and 1 If you don't gel * a e .rfu-ieordshbeen mlywen- treal tisenililcewfse. Tise C.P.R will ,war-r-um rocepition," sasns e, "nsy Caes."-llethise oorbitae "et%,al Msak ho matter befôre lise Judge. name's not'Pether," osa hoi. ?ieArisai!, rePresenled isy A. E. "l'hanks," eald tise Kaiser, lookmmglndt6iar, eporeuirLousidne hng- Chîtatian, -appealed oonnlier asse -pîeaued, 1"T thougisI vo were a mîan ,Ind * officeasreports tin cae tisin ment of $4985 on ber Dundas Stretet ofsinse, tise' ne. Jarman ;and wlîen a r ang d a eh bion <te'ada w store property. This assessmenl was does the lift go uu ?"are mang onesale Iofn is anofOrb conllrmed, as was aise tisaI of R.N. J "oms," says Saint Pether, thouit- ti1udothsaeomnyior Bassetl, wiso was net prtesent te fui Icîke. andi suokma' tise lad of biseT"nrd5 i, ln England nione, the sum support hie appeal. gooldpen, whihst is eves blazed o! (One Thousands Guinaff bas al- S. L. 'Pros objected te tise Increase like rubles, "Ye've madie atst hiflîn rpady been placesi io tUic credit of ýo! $1100- ever lasI year on isresi- asistaire. mv nman.- YOUR l.FI' tsePne o oumbalesFudtferdtse deuce on Dundas St. West. He le~ GOES DOWN. 'hsal e Coluin-bamPa>rolecordsta ducesi cornparisms weth tise assois- bavtieebeel'vng tosa eg redstsad meut on lots, adjacent toe î owI, hv engieieRgîet n te show tisatieh was unfairly . dealt Late Mrs. W. H. Frenq;., Hospi-taus.o! tise Second Canadian wltis. Ho tisought lii land, aseess-1. Contingent." ed--for $1600, sisouisi ho lowered to' 'Are we downisearted" eentinued $1000. Tise Court gave hlm $200 -Dicti Verv Suddenly on Tuesday Mr., Sablie, and ho ansvýered tise teduetion, maing Il $1400:- No'ting Wluile She Was ln Oshawa. -question isnef, "No10-Busînese wltb' was one lth tiseappel -on he T s yrpathy o!1Vthe wh(olc coni- us was never better, anss, if we are bouse assessnxent. Iingt leftonrtW.-11ue Mr. Trees aIse appealesi on ts us' eatheMr W11.F'onbt aythersent lateof tceàs o valuations of tise properties 'of -Jas. as smiyi hirsdIn eev-a tse-pent ato!né. ae o MoClellan, Chas. McClelian, .J~. ment ef wife andi mot4xer on* TuesdaY mn etst on. WllIîýand -los. White. AIl tisese, hoe attenoon, November 24., - - ST. ANI)REW'S NIGHT..- fiu re poucedw.t rt ieren Mrs. Frenchi, who had been enjey- Monday, November 30, tise day on figresprouce t supor ' heing goosi healtis, went te Oshawa on whicis tise remory of tise Patron claim., ansi tishe sesmnents wereTesa afroo wihUc ntn{ Saint of Scptland is celebratesi, was confirme& Tu o! a ated-inSimcte tseth- obÉ 1erved uelthsva.Teo- Rtoss mros. andi honie others had tieno tedn imo t h$ne ofuiety t var. Te loy- also aiinealeti, but theïr notl"es were ddist ('hurcis concert in tise e-venlzsg. ifrail oi on!Sins i eid n lu- sent ln too late, and ceulsi net, She waiked down town with Mrs. rormmsi.ievdsenn intsomair oge therefore, be regarded. Fred Frenchs aad on leaîving bier saisiroa ul n sece algu MNr. 4. E. Christ-ian, who repre- csce would caîl on Mrs. Chappin1 taslni rgrm iepaise sentesi some of these belated ones, tise Rectôry, (Centre Street, as she Solniadbrpouewr ads naised a contention that tise, form QI feît cold, and ber felt were wet. This ini song ansi verse, as well-as in thse tiseassesmea slW wasnet a ac isd, and had only been ln the speeches, and a Most enjoyabie limel cord wllb tiese tatutory forni. Tise bouse a few minutes,whnistot aisstutîtsewesm'or. Court, isowever, iselioves that il wai a sovere pain and askesi Mrs. Chap- - and would net consIder tise questionpnl n otobtbfr u of aloewing theso appeals te ho ln- coulsi ho doue Mriî. Frencis was deasi. cludsi n tse iel 1!lr.Cisrisian Mrs. Frenchs was a daugister O! tise saisi lie intendesi to in-t-stiepa-te tise late Mr.n andMst .Jrrvick. ner Sh matter for bis, own satisfaction andi was borni ntWihy erOi tisaI of bis clients. - awa, ansi was -married in 1888. She Have Healthv H12ir. THICK, SOF'T, FLIJFFY, AND NO DANDItUF-IJSE PARISIAN SAGE. If your bair is uosing ils natural color, coming out ansi spitling, or lacks tbat enviable softness, glosa ansi beauty, do net despair--pretty hair lu largely a miatter o! care. If' il is tee tibm niaire il grow. If il is barsi and brittie, soflen il up- iubricato itl If you bave dandruffii lis bocause tise scalp la tee dry and, flaIres off. Fresbeas up tise scalp wilb Parisian Sage-all dandrufi disap- pears, !alling hair and ilchiag beasi cease, your bair is desýbly beautifu.i. Parisian Sage, sold by A.H. Aflin! andi at ail drug coursIers, is - just i what yeu need-a largo botle costa but 50 cents. Il sureiy 'makes lise! hair lustrons -andi seoin twice as abundant. Yen cannot be disappoint-1 ed la Parisian Sage. THE DOCTOR'S IAGNOSIS.ý (Continuesi frein page 2> name amoag tise Iist o! eur con- trlbuling mercsa.nts. Your namo il net on our city tax books, nor deoI1 find where yen have pali a city 11- cense te do a mercantile business in competillon wilh our homo mercis- anIs. .Tisose are a !ew answers te yeur questions, ansii trust yon wlll ses thse justice oW theia. ATTEMPTED TO PASS BOGU.S - CHE QUE. A dispalçis freai Brampton, Ont., datesi Nov. 27, says --A daring_ at- tempt wai made yestorsiay moralng to pas a bogus choque on the Dom- inion Bankr Sexe. Tise unknown, wise gave thse parne O!f.Jon Hoiden, 'pre- Sented a mankosi choque eudarsosi by R. E. Porritt, a -weallisy Ciinqua- ConsY farner, fQr $500. Thle «toiler wVas asploua, andi iande(fit tsbtise manager,-ariso lrfrd to get la toucis witis Mr. .Porritt, in tise meanime bise stranger hlkod le lthe cmtr&l phone station, anddt.-eplzomed ' tise ban tisaItishe choque uwau alrigit aid teo si I. ýSisrtly aller,> tise bank got la bush wIM Mr. PointA, but the strange bad departed. .The poUMceare uow Ioing for b!.. Thse mamase et ima fUnaDmm Bnk was-in ber 5lst vear. She was a Me thodisyt in religion, and an earnest worker for ber church, a member of the fl'ile ('mss and had plans in progress for the beautifving ni her class-room with flowers. Mrs. French wp.s dearlv' beloved hv ail who knew her, ansd was alwavs a kind and heipful neigrhbor. Reside lier sorrow- ing husband, she, leaveq; to mnurn ber lt;ss si'e childr-en. Mrs. IW lieu, West Wehithv :Flrrn,. ni Ottqwua, 'William. of Queen's I'niversitv. TinLy.. ston :Mariorie. nttenilinm isineqs ('ollhce, Toronton, and (flulvs Pnd Conrdon at home. One brother. Vr. Flmer i.ick. and five sisters survive ber. ., is'r Vrq. Pix, of West Whitbv is this wek îs inlrLrvine: a verv critical onpritian. The flimerai ni the' late !Mrc;. Frerrh tonk niace on Frtiv afternnnn to the Union emtr.ineafr D)e'eaqpd waq a siofrniMr. Ar-1 thur Jeferv, MNra .C ,%. 1hn Mfrs. I3ontta and Miss llck, of Whit'- by. WOMAN'S BEST Mrs. Kofly Addsesdi lWomo ta Tako "Fruf-a-TlvOS" BEGOIZ&Xs, ,ont., Ava. a6tk. 1913. "I canhighly reoommeud "F5ruit-&- tiveis" becamsth" y111< me au awft lot'ol goodand 1 câanot op" ktoo lslghly about tisem. About tour ymnr eo, I com7=ceitaklaf "1FTUit-ap tivullfora emrl bea-down .i=4 they did me a world of good. W. bou¶ht a good- many dollar'. woeth. bu twas money w.Wr t beceuse tbey dld &Il iat you. o ho. Thir actlou la so piient, ----àr wuti oth«Imerl tives, that I fonud ouly thm hyewen es la tMu m be 1*artlc"ulry sutedb. o Mms, bu acoeuntoitbirmI m -cigautle aotom, Med Ila that ,qms'ids çr wom a i»VMM aja"4LLr a ft. bde -M- - 010 YOU CAN GET COLUMI Co.lumnbia Records arp e WHITày, UCIN G -44 Wsat .. . .4.2Aa. O1 olinsAM....g.s@a., Sunday trains leave ttforoto 4.52 ai.m. and 74~pm ~m e. onto-trains stop ai -WMitby !unguSo at 8è.15 aid 955 a.mad .80 p. tJP-TOWN STATION Go roth ... it Ïoa.tm. JGotolgpçh ... 7,18.w ..64o 5 p.is...15p, C.P. R. Go4nt Wst-9 37 i.m. jOin "-.Aî IavefrBroug" a a10 a.., Ni. EwsNsproprletor. MAILS CLOSE 6i ee-.30 ar.. FoS0-6.îo .. 8.30 9.u. lerPort Whitbp-- 6.30 Iant 6.30 P.m Fer 'qosth-..jO..m - ,MARRIAGES. - SMITH-BREEN-InWhtIby, oeLWed. nesday,, November 25, 1914, Miss Mona- Breen le Mr. Bort Srili, bots ef Whllby. ........ . ....... 0.e*Si .ae......0.501 .5 CRed lveri ..i8.011 * FLOUR AND ITED. FlIeou.Pe CWI.....8.25 t08.0, Chppe4f t.dJ@%.....14qt11.88 (uormmual ........ . .... om Bis, petboa .., ...î.e . l 18oi.0 Shorts, pet toni . .... 1.0 MÇAT, POULTRY A»'PROI)UCB> ICalMe, ilve welght . 8.5.,8.50*67.50. abop eush........ -*10$4oS." Hops dresses . ..1100 b 12;00 flop, select......8toI.iI4 Chckens, Per lb .... -. 0.16 t&,0.20 .Duohuper.,lbi..... .....08.18 to 0.8 Gesm,' dmssud, peulq.... 0.18. té 8.20 Turk'ey, drsed, 'Pet lb. .20 t 0.28 Butter, Pu lb . ........0.28 te. 0.80 Eggu, ne..w, ý . e i 0.27 b 0.80 Lard, pa b........ 0.11StoO.0 Potato..,'pet biM .. 0,90 t 1.1 Appes, Per-bare!oi. . 5040e 8.00 Onione, per bg...... .1.00 tb 1.20 Hay, perfoun.. ... ...14.00 t IILOS r - fIDES. Woo!,, uowashed ........ 014 te 0. 17 Cait, skina, per lb. .015 to 0.18 Lamb, sklns, mach ..i0.70 te 0ois Hideo, Per. cwl. 18.. .00 te18.400 Sheffepik/n"..... .... ......0.I5.to 1.18 Demuos......... .0.28 te 0.70 Hous Haies ......... 2.50 te8.00 Tallow, rend. , per lb.... 0.0 00 Altike clover, per bus. 8.0010 89.00 those foes of conifort and iwell-béing, there la ono faznily -remedy univýermUay regarded as the best ebrrective cf derned Conditions cf the, organs of digetio. Peset suffering, fa relieved promptly, sd worse uielness preened by hnly uae of BEECH AMIS, PILL6Su Let this Wondçrful remedy lofyUr stontach, stmulhle your liver and -kIidneys, reult your. bowels and yru will feel i mpxe-ed throughout your' entre systsm. A few doses 'Wllhjp o 0, xôii why, for the. cM.o- and minor ailmenta oi HliBeecham's Pillas Are 53RigLt First--A%,. PrwrtU y T<h --I ~ s~.s.~.aE -t,- I"Oh!e Look What Sanita Claus'>Brought" You Can Make This Picture a Reality by I Sending Home or SendingYouïr Frienicisa, COLUMBIAý l GRAFONOLAà and COLUMBIADOUBLE-DISC RECORDS Any1 one of the dealers belo-W wil slady demonstrate any Grafonola, fr:m the one ai $2O.OO--Îand it's a real Columba --to lthe many other modelaraning in price to $650. -A smali iniial' payment places any C olumbia iyour home--and on Cbpsstmnas ntorning if you wisb. Balance cati be piaid at your con- *enience *fter the holidays. There. is a full thous and 85c'Columbia Double-Disc Reords- ithe Columï1biû',Catalogue IBIA GRAFONOLAs AND RECORDS FROM SET.WUITRYO ONT.-

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