eaMSY unVe ugane DbYprffl orty andi payung ~me. Moore; -A Choque for $1000, thSe r la#t week'» onvassi> as be WArded f rôm tua towa le glaar Qonsul ln Kontrel, ' wardu this mcml wortby caus. cleallai sae o! bate at coul B Do your Xmas buying Bt C40.o. K, Jfru'Voti aumber cf tannel Rice'u hardware %tere. Wo 'bave the uiirIu/ ,fl6ii ta' pyjamas andi largeit andi but 9*09k tochoc ou bueteand ~*eatiy for nm*lg tram at loeest prIces. N*- trouble to ant iM-'1ri6 l iad'f' MiY ladies who show gooda. -do 'hot Amit à iid felueWouiti liko -4--'te iiolp wIth ý hee' ýMfcrtu wouId ie 'War Rlief Sooety inteuit smod. <caflan't i et o à e t articles, as laa contributon -te tii'. Nationa1 tboyefs ziiiaeh -needéd by -our Cana- Patrlîotlc Fi'id.' The, town wiil not din- býoYtW ho canamd, b~ut Mus. R.W. Alien __ (lie rw*oy), 'Tirr.'et 0,lie So- T HEICOMIiT'ýyCHRgisTMAS cloty, Wii li e.pleasédti te rceivo ail, R~ doaton. ~ 4 liai ohniwilty .,,Christmas Sqpare, New,,Yack, wo ftars, age.. Se tmhsl upuar'ale ideai tht si#o. Il'bas. apread --te city aMd towa. all over 'us continent, mand"Mi 50a19nWhitby la ite ao 11 1 oneC, wbuch wili ho helt in athe cpm air, probm.bly on tAie,.lawn cf " Dr. EvaW,' reiienco. ,On the. Ires are te lie flaced giftsa fer qU ' chltireof et i commmulty who W'e their namin a# wlshlixg to e'orunmbereti. No 'dstlnqbion is mate as to whetiaer bhe, farnlly 1tu richi or poor, Cafidlau or forelga, the ' mly 'atipeul*toa be4ng tat tlii. fmé of *6l1i~ hltiwhola le recelve -a gif t almil. be recordeti with the ladltu prevlousiy. A goot i l of wcrk la being doue le. makete Iis li- neowate n4n puomes. rurtbar parti", lvii lteii.ldes who bhave fniabet katteti work whudm wnu to e ho Ut with Mia. King,,kLtnùdiy lave the ar- ticles witb Nxu. Ted by Satirolay, December 12th. We willi b. glati aise If tbose wbo bave fuiabed i famnel The Wîr Rejief Society ire igain the receiplents of a cheque for $150 from Mr. James Campbell, and f arn Ily, of Chicago. This, togetiier with a former cisque for $200, lucreases the"Patrletic Funti by $850. Tii. ladies wlsh' to express their blianks for thus generous donation. BAPTIST OHURCE. - Swiday, Deç. itAi. Services as usual., B untiay Sohool andi Bible Classes ai 10 a.m.- There de a clan for ach andi overy o. Mornnng service 11 ' lc&k. Sub- joct-"The Nee ti o ati the, SuppIy of Wisdem."l Eveniag service 7 o'c'locu-ten mi n- nIe song service. SubJeob-<'From the Dopîhe of Despair tle R eighta cf JOY."l8 The. pister wiil bave charge Of both services. A, cordial invitation Io extendeti to ail who do net 'wçorchip eisewiaere to werublp witi 'us., ECONO1MY MEANS BUIJYNO QIALITV 60008 AT A RgASONABLE PRUCE We have the Price and Qualty goods to offer you. - TRY US. FOR VOIJR XMAS BÀKING- NewCGurrants, per lb.' 10 andl121c New Raisins, large fat ones, per lb. 10e Newly Seeded Raisins, perb6. -.Seedless California Raisins, per lb. New Table Figs, pe r lb. Cookin., Figs, i bs. for Extra Paitry Flour for Success. FANCV CHINA 1212C 25e Corne in ad sec wlaît we have- tô offer yeu. Our prices have net I increaseti. We will put away anything yon buy until you needIit, Jno. E, WAT4RIIOuSE r k ~ o n I r o 1 mp t I h'iv ' y P a..A~ S~'~~ 91 [me., kl WA a kundly ou V esteewd byal wbo ýor bis, hcnest waysand ,mao, k"w *fThe limerai wa beon OUS&t#rdair troin Nicholson & -Seldou's tcadet- taigroomu, lntetmnt boag mad *at -'Vickering. ne%,. R.W. Allen, pas-' tor or Ail Saints, Cburcb, o! whlob Mr. PerrY- wau a minhr, ocadlsi thie service. Tho pall-beaxers w.rs z Mesurs. Frank Matbfuw, Wm. MBW, Wmn. Ward, John Ard, Lewis GImb Mt1 andi Richard Goldrlng. A CITIZEN, HONORE»). Ailhhonor ham hem comerr@d, Upona ,Whitiby.layby -Ume-Royal. Canadian Academy, 1which helti ses- slons receutly la Toronto. Tii. Roy- al Acid.my 10 a national association- of artistu, anti moulu la succssive Yeara la'Moii>eal, Torounto andi (et- twIa. ý,WhUle each'Provi&ncehaîia ts own Societyý, the. Royal Academy ceveeS al tii. 1rovlaceu ant i a.- cludes membera irom1 al' erti Dominion. fais' year, early là 1 Novemýbe, the Acaglemy bheld t &amiual exMUhLbto ia Toronto. .1t'lu a great distinctton for mu artist to, have a picture 'ac- coptati andi h=g at on. ec! theze ex- bibillons, Yet this year one of our oiftizens, Miss F'lorence McGillivray, wlie lia roently returned [romn a- broadt, was honoreti by having two Of lier pictures acepteti andi huxg. Miss MOGigLvraY lias turither been honoreti by .having one o!flier tiwo exhibita Purchased by the Domiuion (*overnment tO e eplaced inlathe. Na- tional Art Gallery at Ottawa. She à a entitiedti bthle warMet congratu- latiOns for the hlonor she lias brouglit ipOn b£Telf 1. andi ler native ton. At morne inter date ah. hopes to give la .Wilby an exhibition of lier wenk. THE WEJGHIT OF ? 3RbllIXD. Te the Editer : Dear Sir,-Would yon klndly inforni me tlircugh your columns If there bas been any change made ilubtie, statu- tory requirement for the we-ight cf bakers' bread. On ocrer'ai occaions frerCla J.D.R. Jamneson seizeti brcad 'for beung untier the lawful wcight, whi ch was tWo pouzadaai- gis andi four. pountis double loat. Re-! cently 1! bougiat a double loaf cf1 plailî breati whicli welghed exa.ctly 2 pountis and three ounces. Certalnly aomething ought te be donc ln- this matter to enforce the law. Why de ont the authorities book alter the ln- tereala of the tewnspeeple ?-z À A RATEPAYER. 4 Editor's Note.- The Statut. re- - quirea that plain breati al weigh 24 ounces te the single lent. Any baker wbe sella breati boss than thlal welght is difrectly -vlatlng the law. We bave befoe us the following dis- patches frein Sarnia, tiateti Nov. 5 : "The bakers oft tus ciby will re- return ta the 24 cimes boat ot breati to-morrow, according te Chie! o! Police Forbes, who notifieti thein te- day that. the law w#oubd be enforced if Vhey continuedti t make boaves of .20 ouanes."1 This law is belig enforcèti ln other places, and lb nssuredby couti be enforceti here, if any cases corne to Iight were short wcight la bcing given. DEATU 0 F WALTER MeG'REýGOR The death of Mr. Walter McGregor, a well-known and highly respected resident of Whitby Township, on Thursday. evenilng Last came as a shock te the comnmuitv, many peo ple not being aware that Mr. McGrc- gor bad been lll. 1 A week before bis deatb be was arounti andi in bits usual hln O - i'b 4Qle M ', > , * 1. 'n Ssumî:n, pastaroth@ eMuwIOUIS Tabernacle and - Ahffbndi Chuich; a"d lnteirmeat was made ln Unio oem.. *0ery., The palI-bearees were Mesrs" Nichoia»ý DeiJîrti Geo WMlteiawf, «îuary Rumdle,, Lawrle Rundie, Neil The déep'mlympatay 'co the cosuMU- stY lu wfth I.M oG egor imd tam. 11y -la tbefr È"i bereavununt. THE 1BELGIAN RELIEF' CONTJ$I- BUTION. The Couaty of Ontexto 01 Girls' AsuociaU' oewish toexetend Uieïr, hoartieit 1thanks to the ciiz -of Whttby a-ad suffurding,,ounty 'for whlch thuy reçpOnded ito tii. caii for. beip for thi e iWiu. Tley wère on-i apleod to send one case of prorduions& anid 16 Icauuof olothing in- excellent, condition'~, a kgreat ýquattty of whlch, was PéeiMc4à - w. A ,great demi ,of credit lu, due. tte,.morobulIwho, besideu'uendlng jla provisions andi good wârm cothing, boots, shboos, has andi caps; for the bales, gave 1swoepIng ,;reductlons on everytbng, the Iadfeu plrehased, thee avfag been sonié money donaîted for tiiat purpose. One littie boy, whouebleart waz ln tlOi.work, divided blis K icrt- nmas motey between the, Beians andi Siok ChIldren'W Hospital*. The lad- Ofl aury ty in 911uîpm r Mtdansd BeauIt Yon ai e, Invited to Write for it if Intereuîed in the kind of school work wbich brings bout muccess. Addreuu W. M. 1 SfW, Pa'uldmmt.' 0-I French Cherry Liqueurs P lump White Cherries-- grown in Southern France. 1Each envelop- cd, ini a coating of liquid cream anxd then dipped in] pure, rich Chocolate. Haif-pound package 60C. (>'xc-pouîxd package 91.00 THEe ùl 'rHAT ARE DIFFERENT OEO.- I..WILSON Photodrapher WHITV, - ONT. REMEMBER WHITBY CHRISTMAS FAII THIJfRSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1914 Cou ncil Chamber, Whitby. Te'ronto $300*00 in Cash PrizeÈ SuaranfGO' Laie Have comnmenced busines rN W IB Tailori ng Oompany This is a branhOf a Toronto, firm,. experienced ini ail kinds of RepairgPesn and Cleaning. anhSPECIAL OPENINO PRICES FOR CHRUSTMAS Ail wôork is- donc on the' premises by First -cias Tajr'adCleaners. ILot Us -Make, Vour suit foru Chrsmas iTEIE, One, doà r, - DundasStet west cf past Office S-ale to. c'lear, the stock out. chance' in a lifetime -when' FrThé' Frics of Ons.@@ Every- pair'of Men's, Wo0men'S;< Boys'; Girls' .and' Chilciren's boots,'shoes, ail kindsof rubbers .agsd suitrches lo arg st oci k ftunl<slub sold at b Away Below the Wholesale Prices., Sec Our Windows id Bargaibi Tables aid becoîic The stores Iarely- occupied by- R. B., Hoar will be to rent after Decemhber i 5th. i i other Becaut, F.~' N. BURNS cari b tïme i WHITDY, ONT. NOTICE. Nottce 'la lereby givon that a- by-. law was passeti by the. Municipal Council of the Town ef Whitby, on thé Sud day of Noeember, 1914, Pro- vldlng for lb. Issue o! debeatures te theo imeunt oi $80,000, for the pur- pose cf raising money te pay for lhe construction of sewers, anti sewerage disPosai Plant la. the Town cf Wbiit- by, anti that sucli by-law wau regis- tered lu lhe Reglsbry office in the COunty o! Ontario on tlie 21st day cf November, 1914. Aay mon~o te quasi or set aside the same or any part thereof -must bo matie withln one montli after tUi llrst Publication ofthIis notice, anti cannot b. matie thereafter. inbua ging n wTn ue WULit, ana -NOVWIiUl 1 4' Ui. donations ef any kini, elther, mater-JOEHWI P laI, clething or money telbc sprenî .OSP own IEk fer saine, wll be gratefully acccpt- -----* eti. A lebter has been reccMved by Mrs., Fred HaIdi, frein the Relief -Cern- i mittc at Montreab acknowledging recel pt of bales, and convcying thanks te the reeidenîs of Whitby an 'socatira. of thc Olti Girls' As- Personai' Mention.- 11ev. G.A. MLcaa' ani C.A. Gooi-: Ifi iow were lu Lindsay on Tuesdayý Mr. Harry H1. arrisom~ani wil of Tronto, visiteti with he former's parents, M r. anti M rs. F. E. H rri-SIt son, over Suniay. Mr. andi Mra. E. M. Brown of[' Philadelphia, Pa., have licou 1isiting kfor a few daya with Mr. and Mirs S. o i *E. Tedd. j Mr. A. R. Rowland leaves Ibis e h ilas usual spenti the wlnter. B l Mr. Rowband thua escapes the_ vig- erous winter wealher of the norh,i anti enjoys summner sunshine whulb- bis Whitby frientis arc shlvering la zero weathr. Mr. Adam Kean, a Wbilby boy,E whe lias been la Terente for some 1.4 i, passeti the exarnination, andtIsl nowART S I F att Exhibition Park wlth lis senad KING ST., EAST hoo 7 contingent. Mr. .Johan Perry, anotb- -hn 7 oer Wbltby boy, la wlth the'eu- rteora la Toronto. Why do sa-se Ead heW CyUT FLOWER.C Sua o! STrotieme et i li. ekIly aonIy. Everytýhing in see pper witilia repuatîen tit la0 un- ' O D RS R C IVÊO BEFORE 12 O questioa1ed. Il l10 lte rmBers hui-1 IR i ness paper, ant i wating farmer's DEIRDINWTB Int-ereste aillb.helime. Aside, even,Weh denoh gbt !rem Ils 'mnarket reporte, whli i WWecary ndlsto everithia- acknol&%dte lie ieset In thecrv-ii. : vrth Dîulv4Itl a ipiper of weighui, handlessoyucndp d Yen cheuiti bve fI corne tleyonr an,-orde-r. home every wesk..',Ail ,tbrougb tic Wlong 1. Of lrnlta tiMi furauz OLLV, MISILEIGE AND NIAS DECORI wflofatlio lbroetn eaigmae- FerÉPaims'andFi-. la ca.threghlY ,rellable chamraor rsFowering W TMg papfe lai peial eiubbling - Artistie Funëral Worî arrangemelnts idta 'rie Sun. betus bhave your teaewal anti adtht ie Sua GiV'e Us one trial 'and you to your tint of pipm afor 1915. ___ - tMiss Eppe# t,e!Bramtierti,has been lie guet oï M. wM. Mabll fer the pa.st weék. INSURA NCE Fire, Life, Live Stock,' Plate Glass, Accident anti Automobiles. Agent fer tie beat Canadian, English lin d American conipanies. JAMES MCCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont. Phone i ROYAL THEATRE, WV'edy Spealal Fuature Nights e4f have installei a -new Simplex -biine, which is absblutely flickeelesa <d easy -on the eyes. Saturday night, xoc te ail. NICHOLSON& SELDONI Phon ,32g W H I FtB Y ,. PL POSITI ON FOR FALL AND WIN'TER.' NW t have it f(J2 ill.X L . i i t ,ra ha t t êt Itî,.iifil ait i, ,: . tt L _e OVER 600 ACRES .11wh thraîuph tOur s l'u u , tr, Otp'hi'Cf'fl 1111r and guarantee tdrlt,4.îtv f rveli, 1i.litraile cli. cr exsare vAua.1Iv Li ty if aý f the r IceWgve andi the volume t f le '>i7s' doe. lW ite Peiban t'ursery Co., Tr .(it M.-Ian<sorne catale4gut' 0u1ir<'qîûj lfýt tti fi> aj4icant or thîîae wfalîhuig Nurgevry lifîtk.. rLORIST OSHAýWAg-ONT, SDaily,- No. i quality ason and strictly fresh. SAJED WILL BE the very best quality. that a florist usually on - us when yout send, iTO~a' lpoolalty just Dow., %Inu, in grcaf variey k Specialcy. 7 - a wali.flo r' The eua -'..Wl be ,C! the Publie afternoon, De .c'clock. li * 'oatribute to" i flusinary -wi- Iront, kintily A PEEI Would yen UpiCture ? This lraI Mo>ntala Street ; somre c ahuttors, up. -'1losing. They the great Czar aIà l lke -them i Up w-hile Mhe vw total Emipi:rb. iarchfig throq nobody "standi they cant t * vodka-" litr ci .speakIrig to thf havè not s!een * pie sobcr-b1ut i a're- ahvta,:inrqr pledge tinÙrt ore - STPAT fI The ladies w' lets for the soi senti ail finiqhe Rice, by Stu Division Ctu Court Fluse hc ber4, atl1 a.r * ber of Caqs or0.1 - hone vont e ter __wraipperi Chronîcie ollc must now ail b wh pre" vo uam anti aI rease. eodfelbow '& .'Miss M. E.0 Whitby, lu a le lien, Sask., yotur paper andi '<6und an'r.viacl les were alis enableitesenti a quantity of bedding, living lad 15 qugils given by tb. church auxiliar-' les ant iintividunla. Speclal- mention miglit le matiee ofthe trientis att Al- maontis, who contrîbutei so, largely. Twe bags eof four were aIse tionat- cd, altogether making a shlpment et 2000 Ibs. Ilb'weuldbtiliA-mpossible te tlaurk ail the. kiati friends perisonaljy whe .belped, but bhe Assointion leél bliat specini mention shoulti be matie of Mr. Elvidge, wlio gave al his spare lime' the two afbernooni. anti eveninga turing the. packlng. Through the kindnss cf Jos. Heard & Sons the cases were taken te lb. station free of charge, andi the, G.T. R. cariedt hein frea te Montreal. AR;CHIVES 0F 0NTAII TORqONTÃ" * 'v. A -AT 50ONW This will be one i you. canget BROCKas 'TNGRTH The. I THTORIONTO be- 1 Open Evenfinge, a