Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 5

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ods, bes, Mirrors,' Cure Pieces, Etc., y Ooedis (ditto) k. Feuntoj,, Pens9 Safety Razors Pipes and PockçtK,,îves' Spectackes. and EyegIasses,- K Jvs OrkS and Spoons LFea wiberoz 6 %&ifds Jewelry of -2AliIGKnds4 Diamood Rings Cutt Glus Bratoney $Brnzes C bes Silerae Cabnets rr- Beo.Purcbasing à Watcb Be Sure "ý'-d Gel Our Low Speciâl Pruces. A Oeouiâne Ooe-tbird Discount C Compete Series. ~T1LM~ 1S411 T HERE"are More Waltbam' Watchcs in-uson the great rail- roads oi this-country than ail other muakes cornbined. Why?, Because flihe Wal.tham Wtc can be relied upoà te keep accurate turne under thec mcst tnying Conditiona. "Il'$ Time Yom Oruned a IViaIam The regular meeting of the W. C. 'T.U. vIii be hsld ln Vhe audtorium -of the Publie Library on Wednesday - ..aternoon, December qVh, at 3.30 o'l .Wll those who promised Vo coutribute toward Vhe support of Vhe inissionary vith the oldiers at Vhe ^Iront, klndly brlng or send their W .ls ILI5meeting. A PEEP INTO RUSSIA. V. 0. N,.-IMPORTANT. An Important feature cf Vhs regu- Wculd - you like Vo ses a IRUusau lar mcnthly meeting of Vhs Whitby pvicture 7Ths la a town near thseIbranch, o! Vhe Victorien Order cf UraI Montaîns. Look dcvii tlat Nurses, on Monday, 'December 7th, Btreet ; someo f ths shops have Vhs will be a meeting cf Vhs Home omr- zhutters up. ,No 1 t I19lanoV sariy mittee with" Vhs Execuive Commit-. <losng. They are liquor shops. and tee. The meeting viii be held dunVile ths great- Czar lias ordéred Vliem mad Board room of ths Publie Library. aIl like hem in Russia V o 'bs shut Eacli member cf Vhs Ladies' Commit- -Up vhube Vhs var lests.. IV la a Tee. tee lu requeated Vo lis present ut 3 total Empire. -gS these soldiera o'eieck sharp. The-Home Committes marching hrougli,-evsry ons sober- wili meet at 4 o'eloek.. nobody "saund4ng treat, " because M they. cannot buy beer or spirits -1 WilI Vhs ladies vho are knittiiig "ivodka" they eau IV A prieut la Bainclava caps kindly ýmeet with Vhs spealagn tO the cnowd. lis says, 'i convenor on Saturday afternoon at have noV seon a drnni man fer Vhe auditorium c f Vhe Public Lib- veeks. IV viii cost the revenuei ra.ry between Vhs heurs of 2.30 and 5 £91,000,000O-a year Vo keep ths peu. o'clock. pie sober-biut 1t lu Worth mors thunai hs 1" 0. L C. WAR RELI'F PUNI). Abstinence In Vhs Army. . Money eollected la College $116.65 Do you vaut any more pietures?7 money realized by -concert $60.50 ç .Would you like Vo ses Vhs regiment cheque Vo BIlîans, $70 ; cheqw tl' Afa' fiA 2G4hI IiLlauur5 ,uutis U ion "AXn--r-- 7U L"Ud, bS roprtyo! r et. ¶, R. q m . 1 WalthamWatch TIhe Waltham has been avarded highest honora et every Interna-' tional Exposition and bas taken ,1en God Medal offéed ncd Ca menicae o1875. N. Jeweler and Oraduate Optician WITBY, Be sure to -go to the Council Chai»- VICE-PRESIDENT OP O.H.A. ber ce Tueuday, Deember8tl, at 4 Sherifi Paxton, of Whitby, who bas o'clock. The ladies of Vhe Baptist beéu a meruber 0f ths executive cf Church are having their annual sale th Ontario Hockey Association for cf f ancy goode',' .worklng , aprons, .several sasona, la thia year Vo oc- cssidy an4 les creai». Aise the Mis- cupy Vhe position of Second Vice- sion Band have their vonk for sale, Preoident.' wbsoh vili interest Vhs liVle folks. ... A splendid perk and bean supper wltli SHOP AT HOME. many othen o thi 25ii Mr. -R. Newton Johns, speelal lac- tory representàtîve cof Vhe Williams Piano Co., Oshava, vas lu Vovo. lest veek ln' Vhe Intereute, o! Vhe coi»- Spany. Heo reports that a baud- umsOeNew Scale Willilams Piano, style Louis XV,, finished la Spanisb Mahogauy, was sold laet week to Mr. John Webber, Brookl. This ipiano ls equipped vith the brasil Agraffs Toue Prolonging Bridge, and lu an exact duPlicete of Vhsepan supplied by Kubelik, Vhe noted vno- iinist, ou lis last appearance in To- ronto. l<ubelik:vas s0 pleased with Vhe piano that lie autographed it as a mark cf appreciation. This style of Piano nov heara a reproduct ion of his autcgraph in letters cf gold on the top cfthe lid. The different mcd- e15 are aiways kept. iu stock at Stalter's mnusie store, (1-hawa, vIe wivil bo Picased Vo furnisllCataloguies SALE 1IEGISTER. Out of eveny hundrecl o! Its men who oxpenditure on woo for knitt.ing C . ikerng eTp. ale af 10 are abstainera ; or Vhs 1,n00 men of $2.25. wo o ntigt8 the Hi ghland Brigade cf Terrtonialsj One box cof knitting has been sont ocicck sharp. WM. Maw, auction- ln Bodfford vho have algnsd Vhs off ; another wiil be ready before cr pledge in" less Vlan a moaVit. jXmas. -- - Bazaar Vo be held on December 12A r Firth anid family, wlio have 'I bi for College Chanities and War Relief beeui residents cf Whitby for some'1 0 Fund. time, last week moved te Toronto.j SLocal Happeings % Keep Thuruday, December1fr TORONTO EASTERN ACTIVITY. 0 Vhs fancy sale and Valent tea, under At lasVt tere is scmetMing doing on L Vhs auspices , f Vhs ladies of Vhs the long dormant Toronto Eastern ~ R. C. Church. Railway. The Dominion ila SHOP T HOE. ~ eardInspecter dld lis duty by' Sff0r AT OME.Ordena are niov. eQming ini for going over the lnin aths gusoline 'Xmas cards. Don't leave ut til oo electric v h<ch lu Vo gins 'a er The ladies vhô' aye knlttung vriut- 'tate, us-many-cf Vhs best Ues are vies' shortly. This vas on Fniday les for the soldiers are requested Vo -],fable Vo ho sold ýout.", Cali and ses last. The car la a liandsome affair iénd ail Olnished vnr Vto lira. G.M. oii'Samiple hyooki 'NOW. C. ýA. Good- and very roemny. IV ¶ ýreated a meut Ries, by Saturday, Deomber 12. fe1llw" Soif, Gzette ind-»Chrc>n- favorable impresdn Ibn those Who ___# - cîs. ',sav .it ruiining'through Vhs tova.j Division Court Ivil l e hsid s. Vhse;--The Inspection ves' uutisfactory. court lieuse hors on Fniday, Deeem- ONTA'RIO LADIES' COLLEGE. lu again iii evidence. This ime it îu ber o! cases on V hs docket. sale -'O! vork lu aid of Vhs Coliego a Party cf C.N.R. officials vho are 6 ~Y.W.C.A. Chaiios and Vhs War Ps- looing over Vhs road vith, a vlev Phoneo your ,order for pr'unted but- lief Fnnd. Atennoon Vsa vill ho è *fnal. arrangemente hefere- start- ter wrappens'VO hs Gazette aud. ssrved. lng Vo rua Vhs car regulunly betvsen Chnonlcle office. Butter vrappers . là.... *'WhltbY, Oshava and Bowmanviule. nust nov al ho printed 1 order Vhs»-] Staff Sergt. F. Blatoli, a preminent' When thut date vii lie lu stili un- wlhene you cau geV Vhs>» promptly Oshawa memben o! Vhs 34Vh Regi- determhIned, and At reasonable rates. C. A. ment, lias been ransferned Vo Whit- - Do't bu>'à wagtch bieore "lk tuent of W Coh r ni SU ONT.@ WgtmWadb.8" grades. III - w Sec.-Trea.-R. M. ýDeveel. Manager.-D. Mathiso. Tralner.-Al. Butler. Executv-J. C.,Hyde, John Wat-' son, J. J. King, Geo. Flnugan, G M. Goodfellov. Mr. Pearson vas appointed dle-j gate o hs O,.H.A. Convention in» Toronto on Saturday o! hs Week, when Vo teams iii be entered from. Whiby, Intermediate and Junior.' IV I&. sxpected that Mr. Mathion wiii manage ths Intermediate teai» and Mr. F.N. Burnu vwiii bar. charge of Vhs Juniors. DEATHS. PERRY- Ini Whitby, on Thursday, WE SERVE -fiOT- Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Bovrilj FUMGE CAKE A SPECIALIY METCALFE'8 CHOCOLATES and r I I Qood!elovw & Son. by, vhbere he viii do duty ett Vhe HOCKEY CLUB ORGANIZED. E. - -Armori es, there. Staff isergt. 13latch A meeting of the hockey enthu- lfis -M.'. Ormi itou, -formerly o! bas reslded In Oshava for Vhe past siastu vas held ln the reception roi»» Whitby, 'lnsa letter from Prince AI- flve and a haif years, and both hoe of the Hotel Royal on Tue idayj beift, Sask.,I' says "I appreciate and - Mrg. Blatel i rch regret leyv- evejdng, vhs» arrangements vere your- paper nd feeol 1 cannot get on lng their tnany friends Ini Oshava.- made for Vhs cowing sason., vithout IL. l have enfoyed my trip Vin'leator.. There vas-a good sttebndance, Vhe veY miuch. The mountains are cer- - + - 01 Seeretary-Treasurer maklng a bie! taiuly vonderful,, but I have noV Corne fo Vhe sale Ini the CoiunlJreport, after vhlhie <> ofi n wer e .iound any, place 1 vofibd rather live Chamber on Tuesday next, comi- -eleeted'as- follovi:. than Ontario.",, . annong at 4 o'clock. There viii be Ion.-Pres.-J. P. Paxtoej. - - a»y usefuj and fane! articles suit- Preldent-W. G. Wilalt. SHOP AT HOXE. able for Cbnlstaeglffts. Vl08re . s erca at the j v d l ±T a î de.~ai ITEA ROOM . 1i U a Attractive -Groceries -AT- Attractive Prices Gr. Sugar, 14 Ibo. for $1.00 New.Raisins, per lb. 100 New Ciirrants, per IL.10o Surprise Soap, 6 for 25 Duteli Cieanser,, 3 for 26o Tomutos, 3 for 250 Cora, 3 for .25c Peau, 3 for 2§c New Fige, 4 Ibo. for 250 *OUR DELIVERY SERVICE wilI piease yen. Whetlier yen bave vr bongbl of uns or not, we want your trade and offer you prompt deiivery servicesea an indcement for yen te give n yeur patronage. Your business fniend, WM.' ',MEEKER Phono g~, .- WHITBY I I I- I J. I. WA i - rWI1TBY9 P)USEN$!rONAND ÀDDRESS. ovidently Uik~tia it * oe be ()A* Tuo, NWembe 17# a y 'ey boter lhlm be atop-h', lasest4,gg, lt4f. eremony t Ok rather than d"ba*éos," N. s plae l th~ Srpat' jM .at thp î1yùDfdhWIT hol Toronto ,camp, ., on W"hchocasion CO the,,,Iar.altena ' ir. lb tCmpany pxpsnted sgt- ponta day or two'ooIfticg mofh W. . H O:i WIth a gold ring and, a from people arouad . 4town, ad 0«. wriqt* aia urecognition of b9iis t'sV O 1theHO8pftîaJ I ilD O s» kind disposition Voward, Vhe members the good usnture c oilatsmm o, the, Company during bis, stay 'la thOiS Ho Rn-a<le a mitake, Jioveeuo, Toronto- Wen ail had asembled, as they turned.hlm opC he Lieut. Kré"c' rd an addreair, and IMacGotty.' Reginald lu now waitinj tus presStation vas made. a hearing, wbhich vill po,.Jy be bel 1Sergt-Major'Noie replied' very 11¶f.,. f4lId.lreruaner of another toem at tIls tingly, and'. expressed bis deep appre- ASÈylum Pari». .Clution Of"" the gitto and' the spirit 4' wýhich pronipted them. . '11ý .î Mr. and lira. Oso. Wa!ters ana Sergt. Hoie la a fne type of scld- Muus MYrie Wsiters, ' f Toromfo' fer, ýaÈ4 lbaýs for ys en a proxni Urieet $undaywti rgeo.Sul- ent meber of the' S4i eglment. Xêv nbi206k,ýbèr&e Ilivbe.s- Mis Advetts 1 , infurh4 "s»becellanpqus m .nliple Io 1vng'iet. ]EýYer,. , aàaânve here , acd 'u lpleplg.O on Vhse elei h lVng ' ent;é of the*S roomei bungalow, *lti a;tk and towny eleotrie llght,, by 1sj J=sury Apply 'tO W, »mB ARRESÈËb poft YAGRANCY.t K'eglnald Robertsoni, àya ni& #. Y..- Ilishman, onlY recently released froni . ft&ià6 hdaüéSi1 biUys, si t he Central Prison squad-at the Hos- rom,3-l>fe s aVit, f -ae, IdH pital for the insane bers, is- agan ligbV. Appy J. H. JAMES, Wbij... l n the Voila. lie'went to Toronto asb.t. soon ý'as *.released, havlng lu bis pos- LOST. session $15, bis reiuneration for six An automobile r uster =ot, pcob- inonthe vwork for the Province. Hie ably on BÉrock Street. South. 'Finder lnunediately proeeded to paint the. klndly leavýe wltb fEN. Evans, 4ca$ i ty red, and vas rouuded up la Vhs Gazette ofice. IdalIy procession before Magistrats Denison. Re vas allovedti o go on WANTED. condition 'that he vould jbt the- A -mald for general lbousework. Ap- W. ""G. WALTERS Again we are. Ofleing BIG SAxTu1oJcÀ& JK HN MENc ThAILerOvRcrMADEd T !E SITSy ord.ei to clear them ont quickly. Iii al xve bave, iii* stock mie hundred and sixty suits. Ajnmong ,the lot you -vi11 iu iMeAline-itichardson andiHlobberlin î inakes, which will 1be $7900 91.90- Cail at pur store any -day, look the ahove suits over and bo convinced that threy are real bargraiins., M EN'S HATS$14 Those stylish- Higli Crown Tellescopê So6ft 'Hats in blue, grey, browna, black a1nd'greenÉ.. Some have the pencil edgýe and butterfly bow.* Ail new goodsý th,*sa~n.leua value $2.00 to $2.50. Speial $1.4~ Ladies' and i'Nsses' Coats $10-00 Lades oats redueced to $.0 $13.00 Ladies' Coats reducedto $-9.90. 4 W G.WALTERS, "I t 1: ~1Y n WHUTBY, Fancy ClOcks BAASETTý di vîided ii-i th'ree lots, ýv'iz $152.00 SURS~ for $20000 Suits, for t i 1 Indépendcnt-ý a oulus compeis, us to in-ake big sacrifices ir, i - :-l n iuices, in. 1 4 Be-ads 01

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