Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 8

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lare in thi Our stock of . - FIESI GROCE-RUES, Fair Irices. Hîigýest Qualîty., Quick Del.iv'ery. -Best of 'Service. i n the contest interest grows. Get your ballots in the box just insi4e the store door. Standing' w*ill be published S'hortly. *e W.M. LAWRENC E:. Brooklln,ý - ontarlio v. GOLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS Elase Price $32.50- This nmode1l finished in'mahogany or quaxiered golden oak, Al exposed metal parts are heavily nickel plated. The, tonie of 'thi~s instrument is controlled by the Columb ia Tont-Control Leaves, operated by~ a but-ton ini the froni pilaster, and also by -a vaniety of needies. The "Eclipeè *' is aleo fitted with the' NE~W COLUMBIA REPRODUCER' an-b as the new Bayonet-joint Tone Arm o6f one-piece fjseamiess drawn tapered tubing. PRICE $32.50 Other moi!ch ranging in price f rom- $12.50 te $250.00. The Latest , Patrlotic Records now in stock. Cali and hear îhem. R.K.LAWREýNGE Brooklin, - Ontartoi U.ASOLINE -IENW.NES This is the season te make use cf an angine a few houri every Beforo purchasing come inx and inspeot or Ideal Brantf ord >,aIse Grain Grindoru, Wat.r Bowîs, Steol Saw Frames, Pumpu, iks, etc. Standard Cream Separators Loet us demonstrate te you the 130W foatures -found in this hine, which place it in a clame by itmeif. .Ân important feature iha intercha4ngeable Bowl, which permits the use of any capacity wl with t-heonoe size Frame and Gearing. It je easy te t-uns, is gless,- andl requires oilisg only once or twice durnsg a yoar. IL-~The 1900 Gravity Washer maikes washing easy. Iu i. ihe'climax cf effi c- losey, ha.s detachable tub, and winger stan d â ttached on the main frame. This would make a Clatmau5 preeent which no porion could f ail te approolate- The Tweed Sanitary Closet is aeon#eniëeohich can b. installed in any dweling withoÎt watorwenks or plombing cf any kind. It coamest tvepp rcimney. Othe r seasonablo :oodé include Fur and Fur L ned Goats, Rbes, Hfameau, Blanketa, Mitte and 1 Gayas, Triaks, Soit, Gaies, (ilub Baga, Graphe- phonos, Stôves and Bonges. WE DO HABNEBSBBRPAIBING. ,BW HÂBNESS AND -PARTS HÂAND ýMÂDR W. . DISNEY. mur ï Presidexit, Rsv. 1H.W. Kcoly, Mr. K. soi IMOUUIiZIWWy one usw 'uuv uuMer W.bber, the. oftizejishp vice-pXesideut' moruiij bat orle beefaàt.- We entead -teck charge of -the..meeting.., Dr. Jas. Our 8yJfpatiy fortile- beavy loisour Moore gave an «ncollent address -on yo=g.& frienda have latey sSaued. "Cltdzesbp," la wblcb b6 gave, <a 1[r., Guy la movtng-Borne of bis <xx- nmaterly rrvie* of th iis utory cf th" plemeni to hl ne home on west growth of our - frees ati'titons, and -ide of Pckui. Vioxtrasted our i.rieO dgwth - *ie Tihe O.N.R.le nmetng regulex Bt&PW of nme otbit fl5l401i5. Mr.and Mrsai tstop 27, Kinuale. onMonday lait, N. White sang a duet, and a isie ~passengers -boarded thie :ltrala l'or tro elomed the progarn wlth *"Tbe thé ý, M. H.ý M . Old Waysiile Cross." Meetings ax MoBrien, Mxi, 0.J. Sevos" , I held overy Thurgd" y evenlng ast, eight Pongally 'and gsCn ece They The Methodist Sxmdsy Sehoolluetndhoet.saeev1n pr.parlng to o entertain the Sumday Many are sufferlng from very smvre S~hol (at*utd her onMonaycuids. lIr. and Mrg. Nagégare a.mong December 14. Tes will be served ai th unfortunate ones. -the clrnrclx. 'Mr. Norman Col*ll bas been driv- A sertes of tbree Sunday S0luool ing up and down ou! ýsIderoade look- Institutes ln being arranged for the Ilng feor fat stock. He lnforms un he Metibodist ScIhools of lthe Whitby Dis- I5o o the. road te stay, and iill give trict to bo beid at Brooklln, on Mon- the farmers, tie top price. dey, December 14,; Greeabaak, Dec- Mir. Joe. Harloron ls quito poorly, enrber 15 ; Greenwood, Decexuber 18. sot ga.ining as bis. many , rlends Rev. F. L. Farewell, B.A., Field Sec- would like te sem. zetary ot the Sunday Schoel Board Howard Mackey tg worklng with an of the Methodist Churcb, iwill ho uncle near EnIfleld. preseat, and wlll assist local leaders, »lvîne service was coxiucted. by. taking Most of the Institute studios. eux pastor, Rev. E. W. Tink, ,lst Ai Sunday Scbool workers arý ln- Sabbatx, and ithe annmal appeal for vlted 'to, attend. the nearest Insti- IMisilaary support:was asked. Miss tue. ...:?4nnie Rlcha4ipesdda the Keep Dec.* 9th, for St~. l*honas? organ. Churëh BaýzaaX pnthe Mssoic -Halll, The Youxlg Péopw îeev Broir.Oyuters wll l b served. an entertalnment- îere lait .-Friday Order prfnted butter wrappers trom -eenlng. AÀixed audienceo bu C.A. Goodfellow'& Son, the. Gazette fifty persons, vas in à«miedanxce. Pïo- Q,!Icç, .Whutby. Wèça send tbern to cmes were $5;- yeu by ma4l. Bell 'bs2, d . Dr. Fred Jones, of Windsor, visit- IMiss Freida Barthau, of Toronto, ed witb bis wlte's tather, MIr. Syl-. spent the week-end wlth Miss Bessie vester Mackey, also with is siuter Brown. Mcrs. C. J. Stevenson, i-ixd other Méos Vera Vipond snd Mise Bellefreds Walkex, of the Oshawa Hospital Keep Dec. 9th,. for St. Thomas' itasf, are spending ,a few -days wlth 'Churdi Bausar iln the Masontc Hall, their parents bere. Broo kiu.. ystexe wiil be served. Those holding ballots for Law- Mr. and Mrn. Widdiflsld attended rence's Grafoxiola Coufeet, are ro- the fuserai ot their amt, wbo *as quired te have sanie deposited! in the Iaterred. at the VlhgscM Urbrl4ge box, so, that a report of the standing last *ee. We. extend car aympatliy oft the contestants may be made sert te the bereaved relatives. weok. O= -township bas- made au onice!- Mr. Chas. Ellioti wau ln the City lent chîprment cf clotbing, provisions on Tuesday. ett., to the deserving Belgiuns. Thé Mrs. 'X.' W. Colwill aud daughter, collectin taIras hiro by Madame le iginnie, were ln Toronto for * few Mar for the seme caime reacbed thie days lait weok. -.exeln u 46,g!rtygod r.Art. Hannam was borne from e -cel-et -m----- M il re'.- od Fénelon Fali for tbe week-end. ne Dgn130nt oCqe reports ubat the work on the steel Db afat a Cpauty b. Cmved tb barn lo progreslxrg fine. The boyS d lÏI01Bi S .Th raact are al lu fer -the regular gcod «i. W eocs re d«eaeuansd ït a n V tl tiutiormuu. Ddnmis uuu ty au iu. 19r. W. M. -Lawrence, reprusenfuiin ied s udii ofsbemom ai~sÉ o tb tbe Wbltby Presbytery, vislted Auli..uti*'binu Tohe. Wben tbf. tube in lamed burn and Utica on Sunday lw4iii! M eaIt e eni ey aouudrlmDctbeai spoke at each place in bettaif of 4h uit,1114&ud sleuthe iàmauutieu c be takeu Budge cf the Prembyheiin ChUirdl. bu.afn& will b. deotrqyed joreyer; mise emie dot. aArecausedby oetarh%. wblcbfa nm Lawreg la .ellng Hobblin Ztm&!usjugsuflQ d oudillea ef the 1pSpuco made-lo-order nuits snd overco*tg ewI iveeeHude elaaMe~aj 20 per cent. discount -for the. moits caae , et Me.. ioeuged b-cat"r tbat canneSt cf Deesber cmly. Balloti glft on b. nred hy 1511 a cstarr c'ure. Smd fintrie au- sales. P. JCHECNEY à CO.. Telede. 0. Mr. Delosi McNeilly, of the. Queens'u lavmivPil frceuâtitssleu. Own, Toronto, bas bees hiome for a __________ few days, on beave cf absence te ses bis parents before the 2nd contiuç KINSALE. ont leave for England. A few of! lsii ome talk of a concert in the sear finonda called on hlm lait evealsg future la eur village, thxe proceeds te and p reeented hlm with a sinal To-' be applled te, the Red Cross Pund. membrance as a toIsnof e their s- *Iî la a wo'thy ýcause, and shctrld meet ten. fwlth thxe hearty support et ail,. KYRTLE. JMr. Franxk Harrison n0w drives a MYRTLE.ulce littie pony. Old Bill bas boas. Ur. and lIra. D. Black and tandly iuperaiiiaied alter about thirty yeara of Osbawi4 spoit Sunday ai Mr. F.' 01 entr'eme use! ulieums. L. *Browa.' Seme talk ot reorganlzxng thse wln- At tinte et writing lIre. Pike li ter beef ring. - ln a very critîcal condition. Keep Dec. Oth, for St. Thomas' Mr. W. Tarves, jr., ot Det.roit, le Churcli Bazaar in the Masenio Hall, visiting bis parents. Broorlin. Oysters wlU be served. MIr. T. W. Brookes, was in To- Mr. Story, wbo bai -been laboring rente lait weok on a business trip. with Mr. Fred -ibslon for sme it s coming 1 What ? Xnias. Who?7 months past, bas returned te hie Old Saint Nicholas te, the Xmaàs home, in Manldham. tree. Harbron Bros. have secured tbe The patrlottc concert, whf ch was lait losd of turnlips, but will begin betd ln thxe Association Hall -on F'ni- a liule sooner nexi Besson. Mxr. Long aid tanxily have moved. faxm, 1.1 miles sortis o!Whutay towx.- lite lIra. R'.Wlleu' bouse 'n tihe vilt He latmondte show tie-farmingoumr- lage.1 rgputy lui tàm -. vlhl'y boy tefaim Only elgbt daya more et Beaock'a big recodfrptaogwlgsen 'blg sale. formmtar amedgA ek Sosse talk ofthe mail -trai arrlv- A -large ahfpmt oet gonds -vwo <ig liere ai Myrtie Staition befoTo shiedfrmKi*aeasret t Oa..,commslngosMosday«int. por -suffemtug Beigialait wedc. Paticulaxa s ent woek. neTi Town*hfp et Ptckerlng bave ro, MisNorton, the ievaiget, vil! efflded te tthe need*->o t beir loi- ocopy ,tae Methodlsi. >pulpit on Sua- lcwuslnobly. -day morlng and evenlng nt, sud leep De. fM,, for _ St. ThOMas vili, hâld revivâ1 5vlcmes vOY Ul5t Cbirih' Bazair ln the.Isent e Eau, but Sffluday for t-bras- vai. Bokf.Oyatm ewll be uerved. Ma«r. Frank and BerI~t RvWt, eidan -port romiou .uj SALE 1WGISTER. (lot your ýrubboes at cea aiBa- a oru i xîgh r aock's <luriug thbe M& ual..,mnefoot The C. '. Pauafa i .T ate be~lsaImnsot I3 bo. New Valenoja Raisins, for 25e bis. Extra larg PFgs-for -25e ,You can't buy befftter. The price speaki for Itself. ilE 1( 2 lbs.. Sêed1ess Raà'is for 2 lbs. Seeded- Rasisfor Mixed Peel, per lb. p GTffin & Skelley btands 25e 100 doz. Canned Peas, No. i goods, at. 4 Cans for 25e -e Botties of Essence for 125e 3Cans Corn,. Tomatoes and* Peas 25e We have several dozen- Men's Ail Wool Shirts at Prices e rangging from -76'e týo .o to elear -at 9e Men's Heavy'iRubbers, ail marked ,way down. -Also,, several, Girl's -Winter ,Coats. at hall price. Au BROOKLINt Bell Phobe iwor2. - -~ ~ -w~ -w~ -w -w -w~ -w -w~ ~ -w -w w w w w C. ELLJOTT ONTARIO Ind. Phone 16. Mean.çe, TrO do our best to: I-lrd ims render ail the assistance we can we are 1 determined to keep prices down tu the lowest.notch. Below we quote a few- of our. special offerings. Al our. goods are marked in accordance. Ail Soaps, - - - Puritan Soap, - - Corn'Flakes, Raisins, newý, - - Currants, new, - - - Ourrants, blue Gem, - - Essences, - - - Peels,- - Aylmer Peas Corn and Tcmatoes, Salmon, Star Brand, - Horse Shoe Salmon, - - 6 bars for 25c' - 10 bars for -25c 3 3for 25c - 3 3fôr25e -3 for 25c. -2j for 25e 3 3for-24c - - per lb. 15c' 3 3for 25c- - 2 2fqr25c- - per tin 2c A Few specîaIs -in Dry Goodsi Ourtain Scrim, reguiar 40c- yard for Curtain Scrim, regular 30C yard for - Heavy Shaker, Regular 5cyard for- Black Drill, regular 2ýGyard.for - Shaker Blankets, regular $1 85 for,- Dres Qoods, Taitan, regular 2*5C yard for- Towelings, regular 12~C yard for Our Xmas Goods have nearly ail arrived. No trouble to show goods. - 25c - 20c - 12c - 22c - $1.60. - 22C - lOc Give us a- eall £ ARCHIVES 0F ONTAIR TORONTO MEDI' ack St. ,rNO. E. FAfR Ister, County County south wing Ct A. E. et irfita. .solicitor. e, Brock St, Moncy 5. RULEDO ýMoaey te Loi e immediately - whitÉ eVOIUNG Issu MARRIAGJ msit H-use, Wl 0. AJ. &miter, Sellai -u Nat sile propertieil Le-j àappiy1 Fne193. sales 44 uaktu WMlitb piesod t ami mB the foqu ?te il, wun TOIR spft T.W; &-«q immb- 11

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