Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Dec 1914, p. 1

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AiscsDel manufactured in Europe. We are makiag qne change in price, cxcept in hunes direçtjy affected by tic van. - -1 W. are lookIng after aid con- sldcnhng tie iawereat o! Our patrons. lt vili pay you 50 Copie here for your frugsi%8duies aid Splues -.0ur goods are tir fineat quallty. JE. WILLIS lDreggI.t and OptIla. MEDICAL HALL, Stock St. a Wkftby. LEGÂL JNO. E. FAREWELLe .C. Barrlutjer, County Crown Attoracy anàl S County Sol;cstor. Ofti south wing Court Houae, Whitby.ý A. eCnmusnAu Berri~leie. .Ultw. N.at, Pmftc. tc. Oi5ce, Brock St., Opp. Standard Baink. Money to Lian. JAMES RYTLEDOO,-Bar Ssit, Etc. M oney to Loan on easy termes. O&cc immcdiatcly suuth Royal Hotci, Whitby. Ont. 1 lutter -of MARR[4GE LICY.NSKq Court houa., Whitby, or realdnce. or. iA4 I. SW4ASOM - Iarrister? SMlicttlor, NuMWY Vbliç Ofie-N. -àKint St. 'wieMe Dlock PhoàoS-OMke, 329; Rs 32o ~6. A. M. t'tu%' 3at ttge U 1u Coruer demabue. whift1 [ami O., U.I -Real Nate Deal., BUssête Uaaged, Ratta OolI.td, Fint LouasArrnged, ilroportie. bough and moId. F« eMaapply usift om. Brook Sb. MoI P M . 9$LaPotl'omo 70, sale.s laps U. S OURIS plastoeor WIiI be pfa o F1i l a te on a&l made etfPi&atonn, ag.thl.goe.. *barg«. Kam te. Wel4 for Terme. W*wauit a (mmret abosut me. badred umewa.kthe toerîb orftb omluoe di WWtbvT.v.ahlp. U Fm baiesa j0eux PISKBE& eo. C*Owsy ROWaMi st "sd Vaa e oers TORONTO ------- -------é* UpuiUwy 1w mmd kq SuÉ.. Duo to4hlti.hluo. AUTOKOBILU VOS RIDE, w W* Wav. lakm - the ---4 b~fi..g 06.1 laS. Ml os4.w oser.tulIy aMa.îhd lEs. Doit p&om.o-U. 14 mmd 14. 8~Moo m.d.OUi.î p ' ý Ca»., 'Affer au flnesie qfbut -siort dura- 'Mlon, Major Jamîes R«Uledge,; barris- ter-at-iaw, oie o!fihe-best klcowa and mcit htgbly reepectéd and eou teemed Çtbqndk of Wbitby, passed a.waV, on Mondayr Deomber.7. Suce ho wasfatken il1 asfew -weeks ago, mnuci -an#ety and concera lias been expreesed bthle tOwnqspe and la- qcir'is as to is condition were con- sfantly beling reoelved, for seldol 1 a conumunity blesed witti men, o! such Worth as. Major RutIedge, aid It" was frit tiat hé couldc 111 -lie Sparedt froni the ranks o! those who) seek the welfare o! thé, towî and- COmmunlty at large. If was iopcd af oiie tume tint lho wculd be re. etored to heati, but liter bis c(m II unicipl o Ilf.4ong, soi servat ie, bet JSoýïlh Ontari( Churcli, and and Lay De Churcb, WhiIt The people lois cf an hg spirlfed admii terS, and a ci wliose Influesc exerted for tl ual advaaiceme The fteral noon, service Saints' Chur4l TOWN SllERS Tir session Moaday uigkt Tuesday. Tie which first ke cd iconit jandi then deti 'Ut-.Iuesdayi don, or -othen% tice iîstîilatioL or la other wo fions to the properties la t towxi, and la Aliat trea whcî THELAT JAÉS UTLDGEý In in conîmîttoe, was decided to Wilson and D. Cameron. do this, provided the Provincial I The remuineration for the deputv dition became more serious again, Board of H-ealth granted the Town's shaîl be $4, and for bis clerk $3.00. and o4 Monday the end came peace. application to use a teniporary sep- The booth will be $3.00. I ully . tic tank until the completion of the Batcman-1-arper-Tha.t this Council James jLutLedge was born in Dar- diposai plant. In Council the ma;&- regrets the logso!o our esteemed ex- liiIgton, near Bowmanville. . le had ter was opened again, Mr. A. W. Mayor, ey-CIounclllor and Chairman a brilliant career at Toronto Univer- I Jackson nîaking application for ini- of the Board of Eduîcation, Mr. «Jas;. aity, graduating with the degree of mediate connectic>n, as he had iuat Rutledge, and direct tint a letter bo B.A., and a gold medal for matée- installedl a bath-roorn and wantcd to sent to lis widow, cxpresslng our matics. Anwing Lis clas&-mates at coniplete the work before the cold appreciation of bis long public Çer- the University and at Osgoode LaW weather settled down. - vice. Carried. Sehool, which he subseciuently dt- Mr. ;Harper wanted ail work on Harper-Laidlaw- That the Mayor tended, were Sir John Gibson, forni- laterals dela.ved Wil alter next meetr » and Treasurer are hereby. authorized er Lieutenanit-G('overnor of <Ontario, ing of ('ouncil, and pressedl bis argu- j to nêgotiate wliih any batik or cor- and Col. 3. lK. Farewell, K. C., o! ments wîth much persistency. Other poration for 'art adrance o! $25,000 this town. inciners, including Reove B3atemn, to pay for extra. work complefed on "r. Rutledge served as Captain o!, Mr. Colwill, Mr. Laidl-aw, and the sewage disposaI -works, over and a- tie Darlington Rifles during theFoi%- Mayor, urged that at least the more bove the estimate of $80.000 icreto- lan Raid, and subeetquentiy ,an- Adjut-. urgent cases 8hould be attended to at fore - passed. -until the works are fin- ant and Brevet.-Major la the 34tb once. ally completed. ('arrled. Ontario Reg4iment for twenty years,. This was at iength agreed to. At1 Council adjourned t4iJIDec. 15, for for wblche &~ce lie reoeiveil the of- tkae next meeting the 4ueàflon o! h general business. Aiccrs' long servie decoration and 'construction of otber laterals wili tie Fenian Raid- active service med. beho det1with. . L tA 5 5* O u al. . 1 The War Relief *.-fciety appflemitoD me r .tiu*Uu i Open Part of Mr. Rutledge's légal course eCounciî for 'a generous contribution. lncluded »er-tce ln the, office of Chic! to UieIr funds. at Court Botte. Just4ce Sir A*am .Wilson and flic W. H. Butt, Chaîrmniof the Ex- I____ lion. Mr. Justice Patterson, of the press Traffie Association of Canada, 'Four cases vere on the docket at Suprême Court. hlavlnig been calledl adtsed the Council cf ticir propos- itheCcourt House on Tuesday when to the bar, ho 'became a miember of al te estabilali a free collection and thfe lmember Sessions conmmenced. A tlic irai of Farewell, McGee and Rut- dclivery zone ia Whitby At present large aumber of juron hb eem suai- ledge, and moved to Wiitby. Sirice -the free area ineludes aIl fthe towii. moncd, but fhe grand jury, whtch was the dissolution cf this linm Mr. litiJ-he proposedl area luaua fo!lows :'ito bave been preeent for a cnîminal ledgc bas carrie4 on b is law prac- 'Starting ati the corner of Trent and case, was not needed, owing to a ttce we Brock streète,, west to Centre, settienient havlng been effeefed. Major, Rutledgc was married to' forth to *Gilbert. west to King, Geow v. pearos was ealled for a Mies Harriet Heard, of Canadagua, north ta Dundas. west tO Palace, retrlal. The case had bora heard New York, who survives uni. nrht isat ntto Perry,!petmyby.ug îtrbt In the death- o! Ilajor Rutle.lge f'outh to -Mary, eust to Pine., was carriod to the Court o! Appeal. -Whitby bas suffered'a distinct and south to Dundas,_ sait to Reynolds,j The Appellaf. Court, Chief .Just.ice decided loss. If would be ditricult ';Outh to <Gilbert, lncludiung O.L. C., IMulock preiding, sent if back to to conceive ef a more public-spirite4 west to BIrck, s"tih to Trent- be trbed again. i.Judgc Mlntyre, broad-minded, active citizen flian Brocl street south and norUm to sta- who was on the beach, turned the lic. In every movement that m.nt,, fions would alsc be included. case over to* liii Honor .Judge Me- progreas or benefut to the commu-' Tie Ctty Council o! Berlin wrot.e Gilllvray, who, he said, would have a nlty James Rutiedge wae always f0 Whitby Couacil asking that Whitby P4nd freer cf opinions than ho had be found amoug thfie leaders. Hoe miglit join with tieni ln memoraliz- froni thc previcus trial. took an active part in secuxtng the ing thc Gntario LeKislature to' no The plaintif!, George Gerow, fi Instalment of tic clectrlc ligit and amend thc Municipal Acf ai; to ln- Reeve o! Port Perry. The action' a- watenwonks plant ; b. wu active ln dicate clearly how surpînses frein rose over a dispute as te who was promoting tlic moyement for the new tue operaticn c! munleipal-owned )i able to psy for tic maintenance o! Public Libnary recenfly completed ; francises may hé dispoed of- Ber- a cattle guard, aid alÉo over cer- lie was for mazy years Presdeont ot lin's Watcr and L4lgit Commission tain otiter questions as to a road fthe Llbra.ny Association. " take tic ground that thf surpflus thirough fie defrndant's land. The lu municipali matters Major Rut.- ïiould be applled upon capital ac- defendant ln. a counter-claini for ledge fook au inteneated and active couait. The Berlin Couneil aay that S440). part. Hi was for many years Rem any surplus sheuld be applied to fhe A jury Wa called te deelde the and for oi canseoutive Yeats Mayor "OducUiOa cf the' getieral taxation, question ô! 4amagea, but an action of Whitby. Ho las also heem Chair- The Act le not clear upon tiie point, for- specifie performance had f0 bu nma of the Board of Education for Meurs. Harper and Warren a.rgued deuilt wlUm by Hie Honor only. geveral ymn!, a poaiUSoa wileh le fiai rate. ahould be no higior than W. H. Harris, Port Perry, and A. Alled ai the tinte of hie deail. Hie wufficbenUtet carry fhe sysfcm- in E. Chitn, . Whiby, for plahutiff f, vews ou publie mat4es were regard- otier words. fiai thore ehould b. Sharp. & Cooke, Uibrldge, for de. et 48 earying miel wulght wihh110 suflua. -fendant.. ffim. aid tiere have been very few Mayor Whllhs ftouglt I waa bet- JUDE 1. LISCUMdB. mm*etagiof Whiby's cihm uén ing ter te have a low far rate thag a' A double court vus 1.1 at thé tha l,..t fhfnty yearsnt aiwhlh le was low water iand ligIti rate. mulons, and -Judge Mchntiyre beard on siains areiaing to 1Major. Rutledge imas a -STETS ý iù cil»onduliW l a P#alio on- STREET'8.tla ounepion wU it s 8buslness, tieadreliable Con-' Jý, û MacCarl, .,work .8'7.75 and Mrsi.Ju4sd ng uer was _One Ing au omfcer of! 'the Jas. MeLeody work .. ......82d00 01,thefi.cnfeetaui's. Tic Rehooca c Conservtilve Asscia- -s> Sadn .1 -, 198.76 Loge, of Bgaverfon, won fie piano, R. J. Undcrwood T )îîî and Miss Jude x~as secOnd, la fhe cSu. nember -o!fie Anglican Deveîl« Bros., top atreets 14.00 10t.'t:Mrs, Jude.clahned fitat the 1 bas servéd as Waeden R. J. Underwood.....1.0 wanding o! flhc piano to- the Iodge,, clegate Of All Saints'- Thos. I>everill.......... .40, which,meant a number, o!fcontestants bby,. many fîmes. H. W....n. .......1.0 banded -tegether, Was n .otf ain, ac- o! WViifby mourn fhe D. Wileon (T. Prop.) ...9.02 cordlng te ftheontesf. Sic, clatmed onest, able and public- T.G» Wlitfield, stat4onery _, 1.1() damages f 'or alL the work aid, g Inlstrator Il public mat- C. Tod, wrati .........700 peaueinvolrved lanlier- daughiuer 'pa itizen witiouf reproaci, Tic Standard Pressé-....108.00 ln tie onfest. Judgmcnt reserrefi. ice wasýalways activelyl Water and Ligi-t Cofin .... --3-- be morâl and Intellect- Water and Light Coin. 4.261 rat cf fie people. - tIrs. M.J. AllIa......... 7.95 H meGuaris parade. will be ield fils alter-J Wm. M arsiall, sharp aw 2.40 Weig conducted lu Ail V.O. Nurses nursing _...15.50o - h at 2.30 o'clock. J yLws were Put *t.hiough pro- Seventy oimbers cf fie Whitby - - vidiîg for fie issue o! debeitures tolf Home GudFd met lu fie Couacil ratiO $4.000 fon fie extension cf wat- Chamber onu Wedneaday'cvening last ' U CL C N r and llgif services 'to raise $1550 1 for the finit drill sunce teinaugura- iLATERAL$. Walis,and te ix, tirne and place for cidedly encouraglng to those who are holding aituicipal nomilnatiens and if ti. back o!fie prcject. Neariy eicethons for Mayor, Tl4eve, Couacil- one, iundned men bave slgned up, aid ie! Ceunoil bold on lors,.Scbool Trustees and f wo waten more are expected te ohn. The exteîded over ite and-ligif commissioners;, ad te, ap- boys were put tinougi an houris "bone o! contention" point Depufy Returnini ()Iicers andi drilluder Capf. Crouci and luit. ept the Ceuacil engag- Poil Clenki. lieutenants, and took te flue work ~te f111 alter 10 p.m. The followhng wcre tir appoint- like dueks te the water. Tic offi- alncd thenti in ounoil monts b>- polliag sUlb-divisiî)ns. cens were greatiy gnatfilid wlth flue nonaing, was the wis- .-F. .1. Jones ghop. F. .-Joncs way ia whiclm the Guard rrsponded, Wise of going on with and H. f-leashaw. P and earneotly urge etiers to john n o! "literai" sewers, 2. Ileard's livery office. John No- with ticie youag nmca imds, rxtradiag connec- bIc and .1. Pegan, Tir use of tir iligb School gym- Sstreet lino for aIl 3. ouncil Chanuber. (ieo. RZobb nasluai bas been graatcd for one he central part o! Vie and~ Alex. Wh'tlaw. yrar bv the IBoard o! Education. alI cases outside o! 4. Disnevs offit-e. .Iohn qtiÀth-i d 'T'e nrecessary wlring, etc., hi being re application is made .Joliii uv.1 insfalird l n the gymnasiumn, and itj a ne. is expeedea bat drill wuil e ield each Wednesclav evenlng, for the pre-i sent, at least. Mr. E. Stephenson spent the çveek- end ln Toronto. Where to Find the News PAGE ONÉ Death of Major James Rutledge. Town C'ouncil Meets. December Sessions Open., PAGE TWO 1liglh and Publie School Rleporti. A letter froîn Vancouver. PAGE THREE Correspondence. Recept o! Donations Ack-nowledged. PAGE FOUR Whitby Locale. P lort Wbitby and Base lue West Conwepondenee. PAGE FIVE. PAGE ElGHT Brookîtu and Dbtriet news. Goland- Food Feeil Rolled 0Ors Flou r $8 00 ton 3 32.00 ton1 30.00 ton - 3.20 cwt. Ail varieties graini and feed. Srindlng lad .11111 Eoey ay Quick 5%rvice. WeI1 Don. six -casu Prsag ILI tje H. Downsy 'a Go. fWIth, Oalemme REEBR'wNITyCUISNA FAIR THIJRSDAY, DECEMBER249 1914 CounilCham ber, Whltbye. $83OOO On Cash,.. Prizes9. The, toron'toB uaratesoLadie'ndM sTalrgGo Ask yeur pfr as t fis psuige u s tisfrlde'ai, ' Itw Ladies of this vicii ty should take advsntage to corne and look o-ver'-our @tore and share- in, *h. specia toé wo offer in LADIES TAÏLORI3D GARMENTS. Why spedyour irime, and money in going to other cities, when o a esrp ih eei orontw wi*h just sgoo quality and' workmanship at mnore reasonable prices, on socount of bs working expenses. FufR.Rpalred and Reînodelled. eleaunge Presslig and. Repalrlng. ,Millftary Repare Dund;-as ýSt.,t NiTixi Mei POSTPIORep WHITBY Ni.to 9 rit oar rTe* S.lt.mau is I J I OFII Fm;8L1 1iLOWl(OPROPEITS: DWELLINGS $1 300.00.- Brick dwllitg là tory, -8 nooms, large r an ot, good garden. C ash. paymeÙt $700. Thiîs : r iasitar iitevllg !lrookiii. $180,00.Ca~bpaymeat-$1400, balanice arraaged. Seven acres narkef gardon, 7 romrd frame house, goodt t well, 'ontbmilidiuîgti uîew, 2 acres of orchsard ia ftull beaniîng. - . $2400.OO;M,$500 cash, inbys. a7six nootaed b rick veacer house, handwood finish do,4wn stairs, 3 piece bath, funace, venatidah, electrie lights, fixtunes, good cellar, lot 50 x,140. $4500.00. 85 scre8, suil ay bau, 1-i tory frame flwclling, 7 roomns, 'aie outbuildings, lovimîg spi a finst-clis village with sippiîýg fa-cilitit-» ; alec scioul, churches and stores oniy bal! nmile distaî. $1 1,000.00. .170 acres, large 1^ story stone dweliug, 2- large býIanna, iew drive shed, 2 silo .s, stablimîg for 42 beo f .'çt'fde, alîd a flowinig spring noir tbe fanai buildings. O',ood stock and gniin fanai, and situated near tir pnoposed'Uydno Electrie Railway. Sales Man.1gers RHicbardso &Ricbardson Dell Phons 193 lad. Phone 7.0- PracticalXatlt Boýots sIioes Xinas Slippers Moceasins Hiockey Shocs (sliatLs put on- free) ]Ribbers 'and Overshoes PEELIS -5114 EvîybigFor Your- -Xmas cakes mad- Puddings M« ke your Christmas purchases as, -soon as possible and you wiIl have the advantage -of better service, better attention aniJ better selecti n. Our show window is highiy -suggestive of Christ-- mas préparation time. New itàloins, Currtnts, Flgs, D*t., Pels and Nuts are al l stock and we, carry only- twe best. WE SOLICIT VOUR ORDERSY &Te LALER WH1ýTBY-9 ONT* Phonesî': Beli, No. 47 Independent, No.«47- LOWE TICEIS! -STO.RE Nd# a staple <ood product 1I, bIs oeuntry, bau materlaly recomd ind fa la IWO keep *a good supplyof a th coeYoung stock. POrk " aIe. i ..lover, sýd m'»'wtlàtcohd veathekVilII nosb. hmou, m fil boa large cousumptimOf o! sis papulm&o a'ta@e oiatituite a lanne ohm eoftable supplleâ, snd th"y are eu881%0 abou Ifype'cnt, love, tha. lit yoa'., Sup~la b*s shw akaeus te -tho extont of 300joprsnrd o P a -Co là stoe. 'rsT bo chW* ew ev a sfetravalue' hn Curre4A"tudTo s a Inde opatordors W. B. oo* 't b) 4 f if ký-q bd&69& VU phosi. 15 tue

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