Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Dec 1914, p. 2

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njy beee ale~iiingt per lb. dlew Califprnia,,Rati.in% ,perlb. tdin.. Figs, 3 i ( Ir 5 Extra Pastry Flour f or S i cr sç. FANCY CýHINA n and sec what w@ gv-te offer',yçqu.Our prices have net . wiII put lway ny-týin, vy .ou buý'unisi >ounred at. ie IlProxipt Deiv . ' A~NI~ARD ANK TORONTOI HT B'Y ý BANI - I Have Pûèohaged Another 'Now Stock, 1Inecl11uding Meii'a fuits, IMeWs overalso, ?4ei1s Sunday pSnt§, .Men's. wnrkin g patits, Boys' sitesand'p'ants, Meu's woolen -1socire, monu"a nd Boys' Sundsay shirts and working shirts, Men's and- Boys' best sweaters and sweater coats, Men's and boys' best winter caps, Men's and boys'1 - leoce ined underWear. Lots of braces cheap, Ladies' stylish skirts, Ladiei' bouiedresses,' Lidies' waists, Ladiis' 'u nderwear, Childrens' underwear, Children's fur sets cbeap, Lots, of boots and rubbers, '!te tof towels, Ladies' and wenes, ufflers, Ménss and boys' raincoats Hlarry Neskg.I, DnM ,,asWhltby w 'WATER AND LiGHUT- COMMISSIOERS 1 FOR A CHRISTMAS, OR NEW YEAR'8 OIFT uoetin -Wby not Select s4 etlln 4ectric,l,' such as READING ,LMP WAHING MACH1 OSE L SWIG~4AfHIN IOTOR CRLGTOS MILK WARMER HEATING PAD KITCHEN RANGE a COFFEE-PERCOLATOR TEA SAMOVER 'CHAFING, DISH HOT WATER 'HEATER SDIO ,SD O DISC STOVE, ETC. forever, and, covering a- ibeshum that gives as4 P't. -- kif t 0'f this kind will be a joy ititude of sins 1k. charity, wil] weii as him that roceives. GE1 iIilayfidE ' m&4ç"~~~.C ~ ~ k.iJBP1I7, ~ î 1or '14Hn -,F: --,- t' ~ro k44 ~.PIaet* "4, ~ . ...FOL CQ a 4r915. 4 WsVoate hsF MII1sf ~mg~O, . BtI'4, . 'SIrly 18,~' tToÉI TI~ 'U iBI DO',-~R .1 More, 13* L W, ~ ut~e~ ~ ~L'AN w~LL'"~> S~; TIO li % A t " 1 t 1 1 , ; i Kem>71%î'Mî; Mc1lnty1e 69, 'Lý Hub- Pu.., rich .Moe sunflýou oal7laia5. CàNNIeGTON-ýThoï. X.FotrL v~~EUDDB> beRiO8, E.' ElvldgeS4!, M-. SnàiIth ,h 4 eei.o. No acewJdyjùe Cahk6;Ctr-r 9MIf, ~S4IA 4 CIITSn WM l.'Vt u63M.WaI$rî 60, '1U. Bra- J Inwh$'m, .e e mattçrj1rgaly. May"1i 4', ý liy' 1.&ý.t;11, ': 881.14SA 5011~sytén 1,I. 4b tI ot1 54, . i ~ h" T he blad c n1 b J:an. 5 , y aJn&.ldr,, Ite 'ltra soand Reaira. J.6, E 8él Cî tioi3 sle, ,ws~.UAYE [O~Ca.A4Paer. LS ~O1 g 50 3 Tm 0 A . oldrj.ng .J ki dfE,4 1 p, DudaS. e',o PO.bo tc sch do. l t ýLï 80nOf, -Beayertop; lz,,..a..8. 'f1sher ~ ~.1ioeg W14%rV Xltllr- > wheathebowe 'dose mol'é 4c t.yoIire45, W ~dosiuor44, b.u«.4 Mr12, a,,,.uJ$6 p1 1Q Nii 42, H. .Iohn r. n4o, K. Lavec taa4 y TOkC. o 'A , q1.1, » ._ , >4 'ro i"gt .1 1 M 4 ~9, ~p,, :5'a~.34;., t j t ,'1. UPTE4RGfolQyJý "DAnel Lesuord,& ' ______ t . 4 4 ~~~~~~ i t ~~Atherley, Clerk-Jan. 71 Ma". 1, ThIis uchl,<Itandu he,&.! nd huer w.A M ,DnttOfs, ua s ~-1E~Y T1~EL. , 4 . .4 i 4 t B> Orerth e ontin. butiea St'Pb"j-è.Ne,1y bÈÈw-Iý, k111aEr. 17 Jani. 189 1915.TIRUISSSo ai lq Prmr 4r.. Pu t.s41'o V'b'ythelrw oal .Y !ee. . Handueme Catalogue sont onroqqest. ~~t O. ' ~ li~p y~ti e ~cs 10 Narspsclark oet he Peace. Charles Sts. Ipr1s. ---'-~'--hf-- "Prltm.tve'>tones up, mvigp R.lu11 ..Baker, Cl.' Lâvileri rtes# atreaagthne, pnrlepi ' Oshawa, Ltccng.4 Auç.%o,.erN T Sy ClieHI -..,gives- pure, rlch,cîOanbood btiCsîD r M N M M NTS_99r1t'Lrànsr~ 'Clas V.a.V-C. Heard and R. Joues, tr:tlth« straeff olif. >Jh d IRI..,m.oageun ae pi> esl o .Jar equai , W'. .Tbomipsen, K'. James. hPut.4ysnlold by ail dcalm rfiiýs aéaie nso v r , C ra eý,W ae pl esl r .Po Iais V.-C. ,Harris, G. (GrahamntasSe. ta box,6 for.#so twisî siz 2j" it wilI pa y - yen to - sýa t :-'Toum~ H. Seldon. Wiln, t uieor sent i>e.tpald on receipt of Pdbric btw"brlindsud Inpect for y<rulft. OW , ________________ Dou'tc b.mloried b>'agents .W. dUa d eammRE.~ leCGlai -sluiod ot ample>' ,thees. efsequentir Wi anLICHNSED AUCTIONE9 t lasa VI-H.- QuIntoes, V. Toms. ea u ad do shlow tUe agent'.oo> RÃ"b&son, R.Hat, G have recent'y added te my woll. ADVêUTR Sr. I.-S. âýtmal . MARRI El. miso, .10 ps« sent., ýwhIcb 1yon *M equipped liver stable a heav>' team- pepT $q Graam 'TYRREILL...MaGrg,r...1SWhtbylBave; b>' p'rcbasing (rtomus. atid dra>' for ail kinds cf cartage and- Âed : .Çnts forsiis~ .--L 1.D. McClinton, E. Bradley, on Saturday, Decenaber 5, 1914, elSictetalgwr, n ilb»lesdt omd ,tl. zeo. cm J. TOdU and J. Bryck (equal).. receivo orders, which will have prompt. reS8dDàï S Sr. I.-L MorowB. Wllln, ~ by th.e11ev. G.A, Melean, Mr. Wm. ïag latL f OII Nemn James Terreli, te 21is Elizabeth anI 8 d "re attention. Bell and- Independent phoues, Jr 11-0 MMlln . cntrAnStuart hMacregopr, both oet Ue PHNEI6c. WIfl'ar-Nu; 111.-O. McMillan, P. Mclntye, Whiteby. uiîuI.1BankU!U l U POE ; -WtaBl and E. Gurnev (equal), L. Palmer. on Tueiday, Deceinher 1, 1914, StMr, Bnk hIb'.GAlGET AL RIN. Sr V-l aeH. Richardson, Wilfred - M. Crawlooetb, to Miss _____- JohmG pj/ MSturges. M:' li-beh Indar, 11ev. 'M.E. ï FRATIIOG, * Sexsimith, offic~iating. - F .II~Pn'$Mnfane' MODEL SOHOOT,. WIb, PTICIAN DNA TWS HTY'_____ -Ir. IV.-Mary Mitchell and Goldie A lectter from Vancouver. 8WAN Se'Urt' t .Raa Wilims OUNTMIN PENS .'SspDna"Ie; 'Willam,.In renewing hie subicuption ho, 1 j!Asfflg'f Throe doors- west et Whitby 'Noms. Srd.i IIorMayk. nel Ruth Bell, tbis paper,. Mr. John Burns, ci Van.,t If yon 'want a Swan Safety We are ýr4 parà:wo'l, tali «t"bdo0'Irol Sdiermak I.Ma ionilrOt couver, it. gi-ves, a brief, accoant' Y 4hat can b. carried in the pocket sc*8VI , c ol lsonshrtnoic, oIi .Jr II.-Edth igtos Janof *the excitfing Encideneswith r. ,,,ny way,-tben the Swan ise the Uns o ofrt notcas tt»dt Meeker, Edward Oke. gr etes'podo 0 ids o ne yen WMIt. e- or -'Ontgi gardte he siplad f 30 HidusAgents fort' tfi ario'w id xil,'also .Sr. Il. -Phyllis" Shepherd, Katie who were refused admlissien te the '< ' $se Up Ceîu i tv e o 7 5gaoininos Harlock, Nellie Gough. .country, and who were'in the. har- . 70 YONGE anREET. opers-one71* -7-5.dpu2n. Ineredat 1.Doo'hyG orgbr for two monhs wal'ting de-,g per ton 7.6 ___M___M.,___ (Ilâdys Eaton, Evelyn Bonneil. yeop9,s 01g S..Tooto eqaîprtnr.I.In rmrTjnH- dsod11WlK1 Eg60 ' '" " stock, Rosslyn Shepherd.. liesasys, " that "%' was a ' Germanj Sr. .-Chance Maw, Norma ~r cheme ho iÈt.i trouble between "At Harbor Coal- shede 50 Conts - mack Hatie row. 'Britain qad Indawlph bas,-- also IdallutoauL ~ fafîed 'ie Bowri' , 'pe to'leu, "@ :NT4 .Ir. .-Erie Clark, Emily Sleight- Mr. Burspwsr,çtont lese. "'iiâkRANTON4l holm, Myrtle Sturgess. Ounoa:rcetv~ teCai". The na mîe guataîtes tbth -Vr ontnWIýcreciplent oI 'df t 1as 'é9Wo!fot..iago uui uîy Sr. l'rimer.-VTorontsos 1 0lc esec ad h<iiwlIfist qu o 'i. Ward, Myrtle, Sturgess. 1 esettnouowil r'itese Intemedite Pime.- BrtieMacwith whom he lae eug4ged on a big; lntrmdiae rimr. Tirte Mc- cntract. theicafidreus was as fol-t TorointoU,I,Ç.Tw:& riu AI I Kay, Rhonald Thomas, Harold Riec t'Il" ' 4 'tMW~-WVM Mn Jr. Prnimer.-.Sam. Taylor, George -.John Burns, lBsqujre :- " Unexcelled train servioe. kghest clauis4 f;"' fiiltIIIIalfIlh mfi B3rown, CluTford Webster. On thigt 1 oeasioi of youir birth- of equp tmcnt,, - Bl e. oe'~e.i. VUUI,~t, mUilJN*91 DUIE{W'T SIOl~ day, w wl *sbyôu 'ho acceph Ios oueCaîoulFoed HEîeNAIN Nmb<'rder ;,ô, , 1, 1 îefi *th'Yj rôe1b ldy us, and Sunny Southi Imprognable Strongth, InhNUm ý; Senfer Dlvlsibn. - our co pÏ - on the Main 9treet h rn TukRIa st Sr.IV-B Gid4ngC. in, . avii' ' Te rad ruk ailwyi h OlIUflNllprBiDvdoDdoi, ONTRE446TROKtTO Sr. V. oldivi, C Kig, » 1"Tfe ýnk lâbutmout direct route Item ail peoite. East e Waagh, ,E..Willis,'H. Pindar, M. AI- "ThlakIbtte 9guisetamP,h' through Canada, via Chicago' DetroitFrrtsa. ulllrainapyt >1Rî.HoG laway, P'. Stintevant, R. Gold ing, The rnan"s 1h. gowd,' for a' that. o ufao . .F ra B. a .l îinle y oVN atelnfrmCndnPaie W, Ross,-W. Smith, M. MloLeod. We believe if' ail men had been of the 1pPriuu rmCnda "i Sr.II.-A' MCausn.ndH.tye f oh BuusIlwoldnoerFast Traislaa1holcs of Rouites speclal Rap. Queen&vict<,ila'ete., "ticket Agete, or write,, . > Èr.III. '. McCusan, H. YPeOfJ'-n Mryrt ie.dneerToronto,,Mgr.. ý - M. 9.urhyl)stict Passen er ge Jermyn, G. Lunkrgen, N. Jermyn, havé been iiacess2ýty for yoiit illns- V.îî parlcnlars froua agents or write *u ui**IlIgjý o onrKn sn og tot.ýjA R. Reynolds, (C. Ross,, A. Lowe, R. tinous ancestor "RobeeBurns" te c BiNo, mO mii liii"W.rogest, ro Unionhia on, nntoni.f v V Yanstone, M. Ross. hlave pennéd those Uinos. nistrCt aue mv115 .R LW Jr. III.-A. Stone, I. Allaway-, J. i Wlng you many more years -'of X. Steuhnson. Agent. phone m. Whitby 'AguWtb é3rant, R,_.. Blow, C. Waugh, jr. bealtb sud 'prooporlty, ~~mtth- J.SoVw-lI n -ea t'-. in- Make a Chrîistmas present of a year'stsubicription to this, St. Il.-M. Allaway, A. Kennedy, Signed by thinty-slx men. pape. tothatabset frend à. Starr, F. Crouch, P. Burdge, E. T1409. PETER.qON, E.rg Ros .Foremn I' 13low: ? ~'11eïE.Sonth Vancouver, B. C:,NO.28,A.14W Oili t Junior Division. l NCIl I~ 1U ~ Second Book.- Lerne Thompmet@on beCE'.1 UOIM UL KarI Soutliwell, Allau Mcboed;. b l E . Pifrat 1Book.-Gnâace àoldnlng, Anna .~ Toronto. unr catalepsi expiains 7This is the essn to make use of an< gle a f4ýw heui's every Grant, onnnillftomChares Arngttour superirt. n upment, Staff dyBfore purchasing coen -nand insèpêct' Ã"ùr Ideal Bra'tf ord St.y ,tn al~ laJs a ineams. etr ouble" dus haMethode and Rej ts. Y en are Goldnlng, Edards Lowe, Maur- q1e and crtilbuneu-i iavited to write for it if interested.lina; ale o Grain: Gr indrWtrBws te a rîePm Pnien.OhaiosPeny, Non f esionsudbllousesslu .meed 'in tbe k¶nd ef sohool work whi h'Tanks,"etc' lSe .Stanr), equal, Viola -Sloan Ena 0T1bin7 eatscea dru .M erouch, .Jessle Southwell, Antiwur SHAW, Ppuee""' rown,HaodMoes tci s"S tiad remSpaos 'Jesi 'Lwe, a~IL'ai~~rnSaniè ____________________ La u Yoentrate- teà you ,thenew features found iiià-this %rrmac1vine,,whiclt; Ice n ci b .ùuportant ~tarr, IsAace àhc $~n evle pol I t<N Up t i yA èné' i ~Ia~eôe Rsvnthe. - 'interchangeablse owl, ,which; 4 444 : ivf âÏs « NiS R11 É ýiperiffls o;eYCaah JulnPmr-Ivy Lomax, -on .î,thteolm iz ýPrtj anc usn. ~aIIigan, -Alfred Penry,' Duiley Sxtt, Z1Ï,p.w«U Fine, Liie, Liv. Stckplate-GasBw ihteeesz riemdGaig ti ay ~4trl ~orge, Lemax. . . I.lhmwS Accident and-Automobiles.,iiOOs n eurscln nyue'rtîédrn ra Agent for the beet Canadian, Englieh '.. 4 4 ~~ ~~ ;"' kî'~I" -'~h 1ipU r.ar.tyWahr ______________ ~ -n~lce~ tbincaè.' 41 *'t-e1iab ffi EASURER 8 SALE, OeILAND,' FOR' TAXE8 vires cfta warant undenthe baud-e! the Wandeu mad the gem et theCroa,, ,;b.~~ 1adIssO î the r eof 1,é us ayb.nlecgs ary fer te taathe ld s, TUR Ar, ' to lee thehu e8mè t ,t, 0 e e wck Il e af bierno tIesi lan o' o n. ch hreo s Ta e csti Toértlhe t ot'llath 8.aum80,Ï251 ofiWUmpet. Lot Cm Aces Txes COUS t alPt'fna I@59 19,O3~,~ 8", 89 Uupu 14 0 9 050$2 s *la TC 1 ,. ÃŽ2* 3-.6 'TQWNJfIFofJÇMAIN : S Lai'Cn.AcopT*ès OsToa fpl@SOv' 4 4 *t K 3153 329. 348i 4' '4 I Pai % ~g 4 'i: tt'99di.5~9 20é4' tPa TOWNSHIP O EAST-WHITBY.~ Lot, Con. AcresTauesCootsTotal"Pat or umpa: 37 f;- ý4112' -.T a ts., j 4 .1,.ble tul~ and rigrsan~d ~Sanitwry Closet 44 4 I -'4 44 4' 4 I have for Ifyou wAU Vlou can -,w BR( Upwards 45au acre, sud dtnlher unj J. E.y l>'1pl j CI-IICE ,,Onlu.' laTrnes Blankets, Ml t o~, >Ã"~~li~ Ékk~'~ o- l~4ft~~gq>4~1141 4 ,4 4 4 't'? ' 44 ~Jbr~ÂF~. f'flv' t - K4~I~>UJ~ ATIfai bý X* RL -Ný 13 ' 8' ' f~. NHASSTT'S-'~ 'Y MIr ' J ~ ~.DI tAIo BY idFur Ils eýnd 44 4 : 444 4 We We'Cýa4rr' I ~4f t 4- Give Bell and.Independoenf ARCHIVES- 0F ONTARIO TORONTO liMoL Wuhmasci Pma dm wL, mo"tmq b.Mr W.wm i il 1 i - , -1 . 1

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