y pocerof Ipo!ttfr- -riday and r parasits, Mn. and A. H. 13LACK, .&a %e Y .4-.7 I hv4 fo qîc sle Icond'hân d';srltrcookà ' à ~wil oven, wortiî $20.00 for $10,00. - 'r~ l nc dýndcoo etvengalynew, coaj< or W.00d' cnet cil IV f . If you wal 'It a new siove of any description, eal and aSe oi4r stock asý we must sellinii orier to inake rooni. Yoî ca .ave14, ~ byinhbre slong aistok lss BRtiOKLlN*ï ONTARJO«'i ~VN ~J4ADA" Mr.HualeyWofWhitb, 0leê.opg jigr1W. Grahbani Pfamy people wore forry or NW I~ ortoIl *4i BaIli liIair timie lng. T.Price o All the Oddfellowu are reqg b qtIat Brookl1n on Fridiý ln.9--rere wIlipe a debatej eod ti;ne lu expected. raug fair and Ito 1 J, gCalp. r ,,',t'îr- 1' - jrr r. - 111f> 1q ~ rrrrrm ?;i b r i'icm - '-r ---r _____ if-t.U.ui'riUkI 11r1 Jgoî r, shagri f ta us r> i ZIii!iigvn, r 1r ~wnlt, b NE4I)PSS~$î~PARIS Ae '-d~<t~ PÎË!ian Sage t'an - b Jiadat any drog caunten 14 Is cer- tamniyý&eedess to have tVin> bZ'ttle, . éetted, stringy or faded haiX., No. niatter how unaightly the honr, 'ow bVA1Jy,,jtir ris llIlbg, or how mùïb daai- druif, Parialan S4age la ail thair ta neodi. Fîëîùent applications ani weli îubbed into the scalp *1llVdo .wonders- it actsJike magie. TIf bainrot.sare, aounluhed and- at4nu-q iate to grow new bain, Itdhlug1 acaip, dandruf! and !alhing -thafr oease-yourhei dfeels fine. Best1 o'!'ý Sail, the lutin becornes soft, lullty eand -abuzidant and radiant w4th l!fe !and yoUUty will be uurpriaed and deliight- èd wlth Parislan Sage. Try air rast one fif ty cent bobtie ,frorn A. H.' AI- lin. Ils. wil nef und the purchase price If your are no-t entinely sains- fied. - KINSALE. Mn. Jackson, of the Brock lUdad;ý had change o! divine service Iwre on * Sundà ay His sermons are aiways an inspiration to his hearers., Our public uc'hoclisl preparing for an entetaininent at the ci me (1 schoi. Look out,- for a -gond titi., Tihe S.S. intend giving an oyî.Ltcr suppen and esiteriainment betwCffli 'b a o froti ~ p -r lio ~lir arr-. n -r rrW.ar 0rr P~f r' ra it.00, 1 r 4, Mid ittneîtÃ" tftu. r wrrmrr rj - {rrïr~i';rr 1. .'-.rr. r 'r . -~ r,," b il~ Y -'id - - rail -"lji EvertM~~>cS it N 'a I I~-1 J t4iel (r Xrnas.and the New Year. I'articu- L M~~I I * '~ ' lars later. lY- Mm. John Galie, of Whltbv, has N 'I'I m~'1 ii sd (~m e u%~ ~tbeen vislting at r M. S. M1acke-'s, A 81-8 UF*o "rd' Co eMrs. Mabel Rogers bas octn ýiç- A car f st~le in clas h~ isdf Bauty~iting 4niToronto. 1 gi en in de,,gn. RicWÃŽiapl)(,ntment. Roomy heard, but we think, owing te the _____________________ a jd rmto table FEver> detail in mate- war there wiII be littie or perhaps ni ilmak n i snîicarriaes-the hîih-t ZIOchange r exciternent. - qL.~lly Frci -ffienc ani lage r'~dc- iss Gladys Mowbray, who lias tion makiýi possibl hie îI ) oîîwjlh price éi been in Oshawa, has reurdhoe niuch h'itter in hiaitrb. This is en- FuIIy Éjuibeed (/.o.b. bord, On~l) $850, j ctrghgtlernat f.d.Yu X baliirlaoe 4~ uyra i Iis rrti"I Frdcar'~î -ar 'l,îppower, ainng the à rixth concession on the ubeif. The llttle folk wu %I1 trti 130 11 0 iW Forl i S iî 4mr A 13i 111i1 vo f en need a eild and 191 atextAngmt 115. all cathartie and they do l .os.-Ilarbron Is notir mproving inappriaie CbOamIaau APord tô2otor ~~ompan~ bealth. lts.Foiouai of Canada.,LI,îîited . , .Mowhray. of Granton, fset toiendc b»&lAli geon.jaîl,î W. .J. LUKE & SON., - WtTBV, DËALIERS of MNjr. JTohn Lawtnn, wbo dieati aneO unCH fev lîavs& ago at bar houle, waq welî NEfM EIIN O.TRMO1 knnwn here I)v anmeP of thr, older lnaonea, and iniich resMp(el. W- tend- Pr nur snpathiv to Mr. Liwt4ninatd T BL S MOUNT eadquarters, 'contalning the follow- 2 - -- -- - - - -- - -irig 'irterostîng paragraph - ('ore and ksert " Thte Mittgtrel's 'lie Central i 'crutive Commit- r Pride " iiven hliv l7bridIgt talent aitei, bas beeti advised that needs are r F i ii iho chooi,MN. 13, Iickeing. )non m- increasing every day, anti that dona- daFeennr, Snale2d d tions wdll be reqilred for Illany milslon 5c. ontbrr. AIthough filled %wlth adfuir- ation for the splendid gifteof ifie .UpwrdsoLlzty.fams rom25 cre up a.d a frm - ASJ-[RIRN. <'anadiaii people, important 'lona- oi,,îory frrn £ro 25acrs,-p, ad a friiions bave been receiveti from all $35 an acre, guaranteed to show satisfactory results from The annuai Ç'hristmas tree and en- over calnada, the Central Exel"îîtive inyeetment, located in Whitby and Pickering Townships. tertaininent uinder the ausrýrcas . O oi'ufittee inusir once more appeal, to Ever coçeivah1 reuireentof ou, uiling, orhar the Iresbyterian Sunday Schooi.l who have not donaireti et. '[t. a~i otervdi ' fëùencai 1 e t in the varied liËt* Offered. un'CucAhun vi ecals particularuyuo inuatrr iheiti! nitlhe *ashool-room on Wednes- of eatai,îes de f cti4gad po day evening, December Z3rd. ASOdprtin toe g~ ittao! &7 . ia! prograni o!fsongsarchesre- uerved> etable,;n vn~ idEn-~~ J. . Wv HÃTBY citat(ons and drills la heing prepareti wnrn eloirbing. As before ut ripptýaij. Sthe pupils ô! the school - alsn to evervone for gilts bi g or stuail o! 4 -ei P. O. Box 394 a ýdialo>gue by the young -peapla>. The nci' or of menas, women'a or Dundas St.t East. chair %,0111 be iaken aireighir o'clo>ck, iia(ren's elotrhing, nc"w o od, un- fleiu~dene, -sharp, by the Rai. Wm. .Johqsto-n derciothes, shocl and biankets bflng f re. roeets n ad ! Rti('rsaceiveti than of outergarments and Fund, Asbbu-rn. eatabies. >'aleti dmcats, flour, dried '~ ' -- -~-fruits, saittii fish and bacon are .Rerc~tintof D<,nations rma eiel" - ~ by mocai applications. au îiiey.aawîpI reb he The !ollowlng letter hu been ne- diacased portion of the. cet. )flfÃœsOâiy ose ~' of~ed ro~theTresurt ~~f ~ ayo cire deafucao. and thae-ja b coausttu. ýc&ved trofitlonairerensuleÃ, the Re- =*ùuc4tv 1 .. -lie-Work fbr th - ti 1 !the war flamed cndition oôti iuco Il lis Of lb, i-e c WEelgium :- ustichian T1uJ seon *earn OSIBIl,, 1W1 yand wh is e n %i&thze Phone 470 onoslNo. 27, 1914.Yoeaea êbri 1t;~? Mn.. FrO -'Hatch, ota a18tb ea0etluirfCcondition. Wh -bOnt - -eaalle aUr No. i ~~Dean r -R~a&~h,-Wel have your lui;bc ~Jfaad to b nCU 1ýf 1CE L~w R D f q0. a ertr !-~h t e. le iu affaceu y y on strici 'h t bh-fr :oino g y-We . ipve Q0n 11niidte Un o n ~ ~ .veryth a qçI étri y fres.- 1 or caadiçlaba cna gnon Ë b agl b. .'o,î.y1r îa f e yls caarrnr, @d or i IVE y E O 1 2 0C1W-1jE lMffBEFOE 1 0'6N i0us own"ef-' lVbý'r orthe yruln . PJ.CHE14Ey & ci,..'rol.do, 0. BN TU L E DA auspies' of ' tlwe Copat7 ? ailo Sold by Druggistu,7 Old Girls' Aimeà datiuy"n for 611e e- akHiiuinilPll î"i' , le nothing but the very best quality. gian Relief wgrk., We -ba o o stckevryhig ht forstusat he trouble you have[ýtaken In pack- When- eveni>g,,Igi1llos you, hke to W sockeveythng hata forit uualY I1Dý th, donaions, aud,,we hi do gathen arounif the table and. read, ei~ o-u* b1nVÃ"ItvI r. P CU te ýhavè hk-s à ét te the whole fan Iy ols Th"Weel oetown as 'ýoU suggest. Sun of Toronto bas - depgriments of an o erWll you thal the residents o!f terout to evryepftJom- tle,,mar-_.- MAS DECORATIONS a spoolalty Justbow. îe $lT6*rwao! Whi tby'tà id he niembens s ~iaidedltonil i. loi lfatbn 'downI 6ê1eour Aksociatio-n vêriyheantily In to,-û a4ooy t. te i by a bt1iit oeigPlants in great variety. - mw namffin toh s4pn«sdd, inton t~gbh wi ai, ohr »Ilistic Funeral Work à , Sprecialtyï Yours faith!uily, fisj1~ue, lÉ Wel'rtffawhileHo G lv us one trial and YOU wiIl corne again i RD'OM,' would it be for a ChristMas gft,, ut f~~ i ht4gtIwlf.â dùya - b4 ,"Pr ,'ou. A cincular has 'also been sent froni and heIp to make the fari pay.-ý :fils toi2 AlYT'ON eNTARJe ! .1 4 4-,. -'4 s h il 'Oh!~ ~ ~ ~~D LikWafataCasRoght 'Yo-,;- Can - Mýk Thii Pictýùre a 'ReaUà ScRçiiigHom ýe ,or Snig orFred1 [;RAFONOLA and COLUJMBIA DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS- hny aRne of the dealers below will A,,siiali nitia1 payment places "nY ladly domonstrait lay fooa , olm in'yoùrhore..-.anid on rom theo one t$ý O-adits'a- Christmas morning if youi wisb. sal Columbia-to -È,,h.magy other, Balance can be paid at your con- 'odela. ranging L' price to $650 venience after the holidays. rhere is a- fuli thousand, 85c Columbia Deuble-Disc Rec ords in the Coélum bia Catalogue YOUj CAN GET,.CQOiJMBIAGgAPONOL.AUS AND RECORDS FROM 'IL N. B*AISETTI IIITBY0 ONT, 0,olu bW Re'ords «'r Made in, Canada jý ~T(~~Yr~c! I e..' 8~.P' V ~ - 1' èz- i 4w 1-1 0 lit] sui ý - l i; fî 119, dit (!Xlitivot) Éi 1, 1 r 1 1, sybu 1 t 1; zýè q -jone s