lLARRIAGE~S, lINSTON.-On Woduesdmy, 9, 1914, ' aI St. James, Toronto, Ont., EditI 1Johnaulc, ho Este n H Prifsion,1Gardej LEGÂL MéO.Es FAREWEL L, K. C. Banister, County Crawn Attorney and County Solicitar. - Offilsaouth-wing Court House, Wliitby, N. Au E. CHRISTIAN barrister, Solicitor, Noasry Public. Etc. I' - office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. - Money ta Loan. 6, VOIJNG suiITH, LL.B. Issuer of - MARRIAGE :LICENSE-S Court Hous., Wliby, or residcamce. D. A. J. SWANSON Baianiter, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveynncer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontrioi -Office- No. 2 King St.. E, Mackic IBlocksi Poes-Office, 321; Residence. 326 Marriage Lienes. A. fi. LJ [aauer of Marriage Li !ents corner druustore. Wbitl' go Wtneseaerequlred. 6. 'v eTha eater -Canada Improvement a Land Co., LF-mited R*l (sîate Dîiuler.4., Egtats N Managî'd, Usi.Cllkacted, First Lhara Arramag;eal, per termu aPPlY Ilead Office, BroclSt BelPoo193. l"mai, 'ioe7. $ ale@s Maiangers, à OI SNaRICHARDSON, Ihtby, *Mi GUURT, PlastoprI M l5yulugton As.TORONTO 'WiUiitesïPl.aed to give estimaatss on aIl k idof Plastem'ing, Latbing, etc.-1 Mairges loderate. Write for Terms. FARMSWANTED We vint a tarm of about one hundrc acres on the £aurth or filtli concession dt Whltby Township. If yen have% 0"~ teoeili, write Coumry RuIsiutte a'nd Fsrm Brokei Lumaden Builing 6 Adela1de St. tut TORkONTO) ----i-------Sons -aensial LvUI laudiuay -RBul Bus b il trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIE. We bave taken over th. Domlon Expressbusiness, bttùÉm1mg Oâtobe lut. ,ÂII - .o ar.fahiy atop~d.d W. Bellphom-49,14 end 74, et.bWsa d Ofee: 101 UI AS 1914-' Ulseul sud Elegant Christmas ]Presenîs-. MOOTIS BRU89ES0, COR BRUSHES, Etc. PERFUMES and TOILET REQU(SITES, SPEITAÃ"LES AND ETEOUSS8ES. -,FOUNTAIf ES AUTO STRGP,-OILLETT'8 and BUADE RAZOR8& JEî WILLIS Drmgglst and eptielan SMEDICAL HALL Break S. a Whltby. uuw.n, w W0L IuWiWU and et1Une ln the servite of wbch -Stone )aYork two yonng men Olbert anid no tragie aly_ s-t bis life. ri Co- Conr, 7ad 21 years - oft "Billy" Stone lived with hie par- agwere taken fram the train On ents, ýMr. and Mrs. WIa. Stonie, not whlch Vbey wecoe teallng à -ride, fai trom the station, where he lost They are being heid pendlng an ln- bis lile. He ýwas nearly 22 years of vmtaigtion, but It sema pretty well age, and had epent hie whole lite il, etablIuhe that tbey got on the Whitby, go that lie was known prac- train at Osâhawa, when it lcft there tically by everyone. et 12..40, after th. tLme the trime He wau a thity yowxg nman, and lesuupposed- to have .ILmn commnibted. was the 1ite af the home. He had Newa 'ot the murder upread about recentîy purchs.sed 50soma property town lk. wlld fire, snd lttle e suad warn looking toward ta Iupzov- wes talked of for dayu At lirat, theê ng (t and muking l, more valuable. theory of s robbery motive wus hel< He- was a model son to bis mjthir, ister corne euggttonuthat it nit who la heart-brokpn over the tmg- have lien -tramps whom-,Stmie' Wu' edy. orderng froni the utatica. 'StIi lliïy was exceedingly popular with more -the0ries have Wea. propotunde, hie friends. He alwffls bad a sm-lie but it lu as welI probably ta. lot sud a cheer word for those -wité ~theze paso unuotied- unii troag wliom ho kad to deal aI th. statton, eidenre of the proper sort lu ehown and ln his social lite araund the ýà to tahe truc cause of the criflie. to,%n. He bad a saplendid phyotqu., On j Fridsy safterncon Coroner .P. snd slthough Only five feît lave mcli- McGlllvray esnpanelled a Jutry, as es ln ho1gt, was able ta take cmw foiiows: MSurs. - L.F. Richardsonof ai mself agaiuat Imucli taller and, <oreman), Art.hur -Elli, Peter wi- larger boys. He wau absolutely Iour-' liams, Fred C. Lynde, Fred R10er, les., and would frequently, under the James Gray, WPn. HOPPe - and John rules of the ratroali oompanly, ooeSt Smlth. The -jury ieed ,. bOWY,- rrm suad wanderers wbo lnslsted ifter which ChW efMacGrollty told bis- on ling ln thie jtation. It wat story of the dl scovery o! the crime. remarirec mamxy tumes thaI ie, show- Adjournment was made until Satur- ed no fur of any of thes mon , U day attern-ocaof thlt. week. matlter what thefr size or appeat- Dr. E. L. Proeter' [7oebl,11TOG a suce.This I. wbat Pmtohe u- poilt morteni exanoation on FridAy pîclon thal thedé&d migirt have 1,een. .venlag. It wasUdleoveed 'that the. o<mmtted by a tramp wh ix< e~d biuliet pussed throqgh the muscle of! pasu tii. niglt t the station." tho hetrt, ' UM through th1h.amSI- Il w11 be many a loffg day before lbon, whlcb would acocct for , h. the terrible tragedy .wlll be, forgelte. û9t that Stone waiable tO te- lnWhMy» It bas removed eue 0f phione befor e hodid. The bâllMet 'ii.brught young met of the. fovu, .was froved lédgéd In 'th. lotI sud bac left maaây an scblug -heart, lmg. l iai a 58-caIbr*e Doinidona. prticulsrîy fa the commmmlty et Inopeeôtdr Greer, of lhe Provincial ,port, WMty- where Billy Stone, wss Police Dep arimeqt bus bei ln town Imwn iit. lig Sti A] ed, roc Sti wil jus cd go, oi cd. cepj lai hia be Oaa befl and par dro, o! cali the no han was or Ji nn OM ETH-ING FOR NO7HIN This stateinent is generally coneidered unworkable and untrue ]Read carefully anDl uee. Dec. 2lsto, at 8 pme In the MUSIC Hall THE TABERNACLE Se Se are preparing t o give the. people of Whitby an -up-to-the- minute entertaliument,_ eD3ioyable and oducative. - Yes, it's Diekens' "Christnï-as Carol" Be. Tiny Tizn, hear bie ',Goa Bleue Us Everyone rSerooge, the Miser, wig be visited by the ghost 'of bis -former partuer, Marley, also by othée from the. spirit land; Sorooge wiil b. tranuformed sud wil receive h. true Chrictian sprit. IADINOS VIII IF IIVEN §y Min o. mNuOLLD* While mothe rsa cdret. off . L. C.moli o Waothil ohers aeiden suifer f o h t'a isu o shah b. thebirmotto. Every centof nit profit shahl goto the. We aticlipate from you-"Goo.d," "1Wel worth moie. " The -ftmd, ladiposed of ai you would wisb, tiiconcert is rcshly free, and haie we net almout proved our statement- "Bomething WeNothingr" WM. STONE MURDIRIJ> ing a careful search for any clues Thelb !Wdneajday contatned-Law reIïtlng t owigaiy, WHTL O IIJY est of theseuspecied parties. The -opassible dites, taït4e 'befiug in- tilaîed shah , o. litlstp oewsPaper repor'ters of Târonto dafi- vestigated by Detcti4 Ocrer The by-law bté taie1.cu lies. bave heen affcring many Possible At, the C.111,. amiTrak hlhoSlciOlon ai privatîdraIne ho con- 6s Night'Operator at the clues,:,soie o! whlob, are very-, fan- bbc forÇçman,- eaid that a man who ticet with the sewes asra fo .JuçtonSttin. tasthloothezs of wblch maY be poe- a.ppearcd to be crazy grabbed hlm, tie second erswumeadbau fors ullylate lgtdirection. How- enr VsHotushr b-<.' Under il, ayen !r tbes. on over, il qb not the intentlin cf Ibis fore- nildalghton lb.he e'cf lb.hemur lotions willl be upread, over bton Net fot years bas Whltby lien go paper o rehearse affairs that may-be derj' and' lhréieaten t'O IIhm fY525h eulaimlIsamn I s<ired u L ba liou ver the dast,- bnt4roly .irrelà vant, a~-wlbpar- Chloto rofued'e d det 'hlm -ho 1'Uic oto a pse ha . IrlyciewibOccurred oà rlY OnAtake ofthie nature ofr "buttlng tl" rallway station'. Aftta *tic -igStewart- be lnstruched to ý proceod FrWaymomulg hau wheu yoan he bcprivaI.lte Reoftheilsdecae iisî t the clutelies of: . the i.jwtb pulting la the pia.drain, Billiy" -Stoue, nighli aperator aV Young man. a. etagr,, Choloeyshorialt cbiilois - ~Whitby -Junction station, waa $ut Ou oa daya DtSt G reer snd W&Y Vo the ecamp, a mile 'ihiuhai-t, sud Mr. hiRper referred ho hie qUestion aud - kilIlk. The yÃ>ung min Was 0a Chief MacOrotty drove to Heydon- bold bis oelw)mr~e f bis ex- a! the fre. delivery limite, proposcd î-we~kaown lu tôwni and had 00 shore Park, - where Ihe> hail hoped peiene l In he' town. Who .Chioto by theExpress Coimpanies 11nd dla,' maaytrinondsa bathe crime causoci ta capture a man who bail beau seen Ilearned of-> he tragedy aI Wbltby cussed-ah tic lait meeting. The su ex'raordiuary. dogreo. of ,cz4wto- lrowîîng arouad the Park and wio J-miction hie!lo1~d~ i o- Couac-il wae aofthe opinion-thal b aintan srrw.- sought shelt« lun the summer cet- cluc!ed tat thue perpebmahor was' the.limita werc 1ao r conflned, and! tiat At 12.37 ou PrI-day moralag, Les- îage QI Mr. Samuel McLagllin, of mria who ada thr 'o~ed hlm. letebrioycoee ludism lie Cormack, of, the Bell Telephone Oshawa. B aya the.'man was 'about 5 feest 6S ider. The miater was le! b cier tilt Central,' anaweced a caUl froin thc The ofcers made a caretul soarc i tches in begbl. Chnoo-was go a Inter date, but It la' umdergtood Junmctloù Station, o! lhe premises trom cllar Vo frightefied-thal be, dM'-not nmbe a that objection wilIlieomde oth ie "Gel sme the Chiot, quick. V've garrot, but tailed Vo, locata the la- mental note atfilow the. etrange mmn Railway Board. been abat," wau Vile startllng mes-- truder, 'who hhey believe may have wae <ressed. - -Mr. T. Lowes, of Murray & ,Lowes, aage lie recel-yod front Biliy Stone, , eSn ianplicatoi n h hotn c , Vsogier-o h uwrge ss "Whlo did it," Cormack asked, as St.one. According Vo John Chestniat, ~~1m a pressaI, -a-ad answered seir- he rang for Cilef MacGrotty. who lives nearby, thle stranger made >IATUIUKI MU !TING' te' qutosriretah. e 'i don'-t know, but get bue Chlèf bis first appearazace at Vthe park tilec stabed Vilat the contraot wf lb R.B. qulck," waa Vile roply. nîgilt prior Vot6 th tragedy. He wms - TOWN COUMfCfL, Stewart cmalled for a maintenance Wilen Chiet- MacGrotty à nsweroc! noV seeri again unti shortly bofore period oft tiree manths Iroin the Vile teephone caîl no, repli' could be il1 o'clocic, when, Cilenut gaye, thie bume the sewers are complcted, that obtained tram Stone, and Leslie man, who appearedtl ta le nervious, Thle Town Council ilold a specmal La, a period during wiih any eink- Cormack lLiaaseIi told the Chiot what boltcd out of the fronit door and ran s"slori on Tuesday evening, for the Ing ofthle ground or other trouble ho had isard. ln an easterîy direction. Cileatrit purpose of Vraacting nny business whll bo remedied by Vile contractor. Imniediatels ('Chief MncOratty hum- isays h.o oncealec! imlrn iar tile j wiich might have a.risen, and aiseAu the work wIll b. flnisbcd shortly, ried down town, asked Nlghtwatch- Mclaughlin cottage for somne tme because IV ls neoessary ferVthe Town tile maintenuanoe period would end un ni John Patterson Vo acco-mpanY afterwards, but the man did flot re- Clcrk Vo prescritheVaie anial 8atae- March, which wouid b. uselesVi> Vile iiiî, and the two went ta Vile sta- turia. An examiaîaticyn showed that ment of the Town'on Decemnber 15. taOwn, aesVthe frost wou-ld not be out tlo.tile mani had slept andl caoked in a Clerki White submuitted bhe state-- oftVhe ground aI blt inUre. Mm. ronfla in Vthe attie. 11!e police aile- ment,' whîich wilI appear shortly in Lowes rOtpcrtcd tilat tile contmactot "";' aI4. madie mesureMacts aofVile foot- printed tarm for distâjbution among haît coiasentied lat exlend the time to P prints in the suow at Vthe iront eni- ile ratepayers aofVile Vown. .June 1eV. / rjcsta the cottage, and think Mr. Laidlaw cle a thaes a rv !vlal sia-tc ia iecîeiatention Vo Vile Caimil ndjourned Vto meet next t h e e r a y r o v o f v a l a b l . a s i s - f c t h a t t h e u n p a - i d t a x e s f o r t i M o n d a y , D e c e a n h e r 2 1 a 1 . Mic~hael, Basso, Vthe Toronato Ital- more than at Vh Wnaj date in 1913.ya tpeebaoutV 2aa -- Ja itet'ree, asinlAiibv o He asked i something could nat be Wheret to Find the'News i , nvestigation amiong thm alatndng a uit , tis e Tet-PAGE ,ONE wor4ngher onthesewer contract, total taxes reccivable for 1914 areî ýt sonmudr. and to geV informnatinn whether or $3,000 mare Vian for 1913. J Vle Soe udrd noV anv mcmbers o! thle camp ilad Tu date thie sum of $22,468 has etng oi Town Councul. ~ nih o Vil murer.- dte uast veam $21,788 had been pa'id. j 'ases ini (ounty Court. -The poli-c are very busy'thVie The Increase -in the. total taxes re j Ior tEuainMes -- case of cour.i, haut (Io noV reveal ail ceIvable la largelv counteracleti 6o Townshlip Council. - t- tlaev kaiow, so that' nov statenient, as far by the increase In Vile amo-unt of PAGE Ti-iIieE Io their woveraaeîas and deliherations uxapaid taxes. <unr orrespondc.nc'e. muth'altîa-cthrspecalation. - A discussion arase ns V-a Viecal Vtb'tms A pevitiar fe.ît,îir is th.at 0oN on- lng In of Vile 1913 roly l was tat- AI>Ai , M'r dav il was leariiel that Stone's sus- etd that there w'as oni) one case in %%Iithb" Nvws Itemus. ter hl a idream hlast iweek, in whicla wihVilehetaxe 1r 1.3 had noV >GEI shp saw hi-r brothor shot a-, hp stt ec-n paid. liv' resaluton of the lclHpeig.- - at lus desk just in tile sam ni cîae (otincil the (olleto asntried >(l' IVN ii wiich the crime <s suppose 1d Vo Vo return lihe 1913 fax rall yte Fre tyBby Drowi ~ .~Vta 'ndiai. hlave ilecra eommiitte<. q lst o! this month. This means Vilat omr hty 1rond 'i 1 lE 1ATEIVIII1. STO-NE. -Sto-ne s elotlies reveae no traces If th tax\es in qulestion are net paid Division Court. ' ilipowder near t-hac ullet haole, wilicil cbattels may bac seizMx for. satistac- PAG E EIGHT li t1y front wlndow huwag the desk show.s that Vile siiot was <firel roln' a{ ian Of!te V ieef- . i rookinan nd Kînsale N ews. ghl tlm Va ina-iII4I.U ýtQdigtance, probahhs' tirough lthe ie'- l'lhemalter o!fie tiýition of ! bbcýý-7 ist the rai s 1)00thie trac-k. ina- et svjnâow. mrk iad Vown biaildin<es 'asm-- le ail w-as stdili, but III lime dirai -ierred M. For years.in Vile (manciaI ;lat tilcv couid msec thle body o! THE FVNEI«L SERIVIC:E. statemciaiî Vie value ilas heen placed lr :ane li .ing on t-i l our. 31lr. îrank In &Pite of a blizzard tlret raged at $M-5000, wilcreas Vile Insaimance 'tl a , LftU laway, who lit-es nearby, was caîl- du.tung the ait 'ernooja on Mýondlay,1 carried on Vhem les for $20.000. The Coau a d Fo u 1and lime door trona the skaia people turned out i large iumbers i omancil déclded th- h aqto om1 into the office w-as torcMe. to attend Vile tuimral afi1%,11. St-one. j was mucli too low, and on matilon o! touîe was touaid ta be quite de-ad. The room a aI lias home, just.%-est et '-l aidlaw-Warren, It was dchded Vo ia a bullet wouxmd ina lis breast the station, aI lime foot o! King Sî., hnrcase.t In the statement Va $30, olo o st o-ver Vile heart. w bore the body la>', -was filled withi000. " Ca 8o o Ani exarmijation ai the roni ho-nagni-lcent floral oficriùgs. 1-eat jThe Streeta ('ommitte recomnmend- Becid - 3 2. OOtOn 1that eî erytairg ivas ina the ustial ýircrding sceies .maarkcd tVil at par t-I cd Vie ioîlowlng accotants for pay- >od orîler. Neit-her cash d raer ixmg w itha Vie reimains by the mollierI ment :- ?nole lt 3 otf r tichet. cabilxet liad beecn disitUrh1-t and Vie sisters ofthlie d-ece4,$ed. Six -John MacCarl----------1$2825 FoldO t r)(I o * Thre was no indicalion o! 'a tellow operators on the Iiiaa à cted as -Jas. Mcheod-------------... I12.00 Flour - 3. ýO Cwt- uggle having taken place. N-all- pali bearea's. AV SI. - Johil's"Circu, -las. Sawdon-------------6..... .00 g was found ina Stone's park-ct ex- whiene he ilaf long agobeen confiran- Wiithv To0w-nsip----------.. i7.65 - Ail .a li(-ti- s ganand pt sanie keys, but il ivas learned cd, 11ev. F. Glover., who oliciatcd, bfs. leard & Sons-...- .2.25g ter VlaV ie ilad left hie watcil at continued the religlous service bc- ileydenshorc Park Coe-...116.80 fed ýme. Élis enîry book silowedti iat gun at thae bouse. llen Vile body iohn Rice---------------. ....12.63 - ilat entered a treigilt train going had ilcen borne Vo Vile hclrmahîr Leslie Moore, I-. Watson 68.00 st at 12.15, about twenty 'minutes ing, a hymn was sung, Vilen followed Albert E. Bell madie application for Grindlng and Roing Every ay fore he gave thbe alam. Thé. desk thie readiag aifVile beautiful, bhuril ser- a license for n bow»Rn alicy. rHo xaehun don hit ay o ile-ic o!V1e('brc- o£_nlLni-To-popoes-ore. a1.ilingon il B'y Shos -(Skatespt f free)' lilibber-anid Ovcà rsis a15. - Everything Por YourXmnas Cakes and Puddings Mk Ice your Christmas Purchase s -as soon as possible and you wilI hbave the advantage- of better service, better attention and better selection.. Our show wilndow 18 highly suggestive of Christ. mas pRpainCurdme. - i and Nut-s are ail in stock and-w-e c'a.rry only the best. WE SOLICIT VOUR ORDERS.' A.Tu LAWILIER WHITBYq ONT. Phonies;- Belil No. 47;ëlnindependent, No* 47 LOWER_ýý-PRICES Saf, astaplo food producî ln thi céouatry., hu mateniahy reeeedIn pfh9. W. ksepa good supply of the chof cerne Youg stock. - Prldu fise(smuch lower,-and nov that eold veathor vilii sosiberem h. viii b. a largo consumptlon of this popular food. Potatoe, constitue a large share ef, table s.plepadte f Ou ab>out fey per cent. lover elian lait ycsr pîs u h7iýulh -Sugar al"h uhovu w1eaknen te the exteut of o 3eï bu had"ed, Hem.. keepers may be auouragedand are invited te SUPPIY thuiwee fros.W. S. Prngle & Coli st ore. j Thay have choice, uaw ýRaisins,#extravalue ln C tu'e iMd Tes that 'Dg5c PRIa rau W,. B. PRI WRITBY s IlnprêolnoMnt & ýLanÇ,ýCoiL OFFERFOR SALE THE FOLLOWINO PROPERTIES DWELLINGS $1300,00. Brick dwelling lij atory, 8 roonis, large corner'lot, ted gardon. - Cash paymemat $700. -Thais prcperty jeiuated ini the, -aýilIage of. Brookliri.4 $1.800,00. Cash paymenî $1400, balanace araiaged, Sevon' acres -market garden, 7 roomed £rame -housc, go weIl, outbujIdiiigs tiew, 2 acrés of orchard in full 1 bearing. $2400.00. $500 cash, buys a six roomed brick veneer house, hardwaod finish down slairs, 3, piece bathfu« ae,4 ver nda a, ele îri lghts, - fi tures, good celar, lot 1 50 x140, 1 $4500.00. 85 acres, soi] -cay loani, 1-j Story trame d.wellîing, rocms, fair outbuilditigs,*flowitig sprýg fir- ai grain and stock fâanamd -ituated adja cent-to a good village with shippiamg facilities 1 s c, o l cau e e and stores only haIt mil&'detaaî. - si 1,000.00. 170 acres, large li story storie dwel lmra)g, 2 large ban' , new drive shcd, 2 siýlos, stabliagâ for 42 head of cattie, auda fiowitag eprimg raar the fanm' bualdings.4 Good stock and grain farm, anad sftuated near lihe proposed Iydro EleIctrie Railway: 4 sales Managers Richardson & i.chards.on.- Bell Phone- 19s lad. -Phone 7Ã" i -t --- - :tical XmdsGls plm lads 1-1 1 mé v%% c2l 1 'cd 1 l 1 0 e Xm'as p rqp«t ýordeml.,lý 13>0o tci Hoche -S'T OR E-, Phone 1513 PeeÃ