Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1914, p. 3

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---*', fer, c aLura. If 1m.f ~'v~ ~<> bal £ oic, wbfhih ie no>doubt Ladi Detwen PediarS and vagrante' one J.Beaiash and A. Maw 'hCbbOsing the. <leigi, lie !as b~10, bopt busy- anaWeriiig the . door, fron enlO Fll ) ? on grjn juPOn litS artîstie -ome Of these are gtalwart, robuit bn~Idîlnga1 by, physlcal lahor thxan by ebarlty.. - (o y- h aking, Pid, ý' q)aid 81.fTu ehodist S. S. 'purpose lod FrIlayeu li teraIllyg e ish pick Uphereue .u1 Jng their annuai Xrnas troc and box th renes NedugtnirtAJ i. -- - S bu- cise c la an , pf. ION Lt. cf ~ .j~m~u>-4ctin 5 . ( 1chan à-[ l -'5.0. and therimýrvemeïs cnbe et i theva[914,' that alilpersons having dlaims mmmcinr nproemeîscane mt i th vried Iist offered. GOSPîEL TEMPEuRANCE. MEET- against the estate of thee Laid Peter 1ING A SUCCESS. 1l'errY, who died; aIthe said Tiown W NN --The. Gospel ToxnPerantce service held 91 Whitby on' the 25th day et No- Je Ea W INN, M W HI BY ntise Couaiil Chamber on Sumday V01mler, 1914, are requiredti t deldver atternoon was a auccms. The chai- or send by post, prepaîti, te Albert Bel phno109 - P. O. Box 394 Man, ianisîs remarks, satedthtiatise 1 . .ackon, Witbý, (Ontario, the ex- liesdene, unda St Eait.meeting was a union service iseld un- Pocutor o!flthe saidbpstate, on or bie- Ite id nc , u &d- - t.E- t.der tie auspices of tie ciurcis , ore tie 5th day of anuary, 1915, (1 .XT.U. and Royal Temnpinrs. . their naines at tess and a full. ____________________________________________________ Rev.- Mr, Campbell, wio was description of their lagins, ànd thoj preacing la St. Andrew's on Sun_ nature of tm e securities, if an%', field day, ia his address saidtihat ise was 1)v tioni, and alwayu ready te assiet In every got! Fuirther take notice that aI ter tise' work et reformatîoa. said 15th day of January, 1915, the __jA quartette was contributeci by tribd ie esutatwl poededs -four YOlmg ladies of tise l3aptst tiuehe eeofthtie sait! de- J. L W i n g tLo n Chuircis, andi a solo by a member o!f oselanlOng tise parfiles entitleti the -Metisediat Churcis.- Mr. E. tberetb, havlng regard only ta tise ARTI TIC FLOR ST kitc, o Carpbelfor, Mssieary dalins o! whicis le shall thon have- ARTISTUC FLORIST - Skiftarf tahpeilRoyl MTe pary 1notice, and thp saîd exectrsa KING ST. EAST Phone 419 OSHAWA, ONT. was tise last te speak, andi bis a& net be liable for tise sait assets or _______________________________________________ dres ws 'nsplring anti optimistic aly part tiere!, te any peron e He Po!n11tMt toward tise Liquor Trafflo whose cam lihe shall net tisen h ave CHOICE CUT FLOWERS Daily, No. i quality as being a great evil. 75 per cent. recelveti notice. only. Everythiig in saonadstr.ictly feh ofet crime, mliscry and degnadation AlbertW. .Jackson, seaonandfrsh. etOf ur country was traceable _taitise Executnr, by lcenn5eit sale- of intoxicating lîquorç. A. P. C'hri'stian, MIERS ýREOEIYED BEFORE 12 O'CLOGK (MOON)- WILL BE Pour million ofthtie youing menonfethis %lcltor. DELIVEREO IN ýWHITBY THE BAIE'DAY. tise United States wer'e being de- Dateti December 14, 1914. -26. stroyeti by'tise awtul sia ot intein- qo - We handie notbing but the very best quality. Perance. Homes are being wrccked, Schooi Reports. Wecrr nstock everything that a florist usually ProPetbasted', andth ie way rof- handles, so you can depend on us whcn you send anti deatb. "lTbrow ent tue Lite HIGH SOHOOL WEEKLY EXAMS. an order ' Line", was suag, and lihe meetIng * Trni IV. c lo s e d w lt h t ie b e n e d i t o n . * - M i d f H i o r . E . L S e s i s hNul$ IISTLETOE AND KIAS JJEGORATIONS a speolalty Just now. ----- uenHsoy-t .Sxmt 100, Ida Cook 67, B. Meeker, absent. Fera@, Palmns and Flowering Plants in great Variety. AUDLEY. Mediava History....R., Mowbray Artstc un ra Wo k S ecaly.O nlFrday, Dember 18, Audtiî 48,M.i onk 42, 1. 'Long 28. Arisie unra or a peiaty -Ani .JomIII. PuleScisool and the Methoduot-S. fADnt HlstOry.-R. Richardson G4v us one trial and you wiII corneaa in S. Wili hoid aulea cwpScrt la the 8@ .Rtan6,M eney5,G gai..chool'house. The prograin w-llpan- Llnboi 5 6 , T. .rocenned 5 8 . Rbn takeo! Chiobiasnatre. - Json 54, M. Pogg 54, D. Wauglih 50, *'Gjlfîfluîîîîîhaiiîîîîfîîînîîîr-, r4un'T111IY Pvening, i-'oceiiD *&# ueleiis%' mr3glaU15ft 1Wo elien one nf Our lBth.-ew Iyards, Re happsned to ,notice a ~The deatb occurred bore -on Tus --------------daY of BMr, Chas. -Ha 1rt e, in lits 79tb yer. M.Hti haàd lived bore for_ agreat mantY ysars, and was ex. cee6dlngly weil-known tbrougbc>ut bf district. ife var hlglily estsemed TI HO Ig-ro'w la feit over bis passlng. or by r. alwho survihlm, dmuch *Mfwu 4w~usicere sympathy Io It lu ber b.- W #1yemâà 01 u gu.k whom & ....o.? l A tS3 B E E N le 10 OIipv a d . eelv d *pW l to.#rs< a ourrsî sa n u sd.T ihe annuai Christm as tree. n 01 uI W..DY RANCff A A A TIINSON# malbth@Presbytenîan Sunday. Schoei, bed Inthé schoolioom on Tues- ____________________________________day eveuisg, Decembor22nd. A spe- 'a t cia! progranl of soings, marches, Md recltatlons lu belng prepareil by tue pupils of the acool ; also a dialogué -_________________________ by the. Y011111 peopie. The. chair wili WjUmuIMU 5TflvE ho V ,~11btake at eight o ocshi«pp by oldren free. Proeeds In d O! 04yhk àlgasn lii I hav, for quick sale 1 second band parlor cook see îh Re Cross P'und, Ashburn. *vreD, Worth $2000 for 10.RAA.j i scod au cok teeneriy nsw, c'oal or wood, ol MS li ViPonil, of lrooklin, là 880-00 for 20,00 çost vlsitdng ber cousin, MIss Suaie Bray.C h r s *8 00f rS 0 0Mr. and Mnr. Chas. ReesOn vistod a o ------ atChristmas onguataCostt I waîanew steve of any description, eaan sd ces Our W. are glati to ses Wnu Bray bac.k I g0"ocl itia(, 4stock as v sut sBiiliii order t b rotii.Leage an 15% mae roQwTe League ga.woii attended on YO a ae1%b uigbr sln seoeSndaY venng, and the duet wh cliEL i ,MeNally, Bethei, was mucir appre. y im eeour.X i clated by ail. EveilythinCLLC U riah Jonles Wmeý Istltutoet Shirley on~ BROOKLIN, 9 ONTARIO' MOUNT ZION. I Corne and sec96"he Milter's iI 13Bride," given by Uxbridge talent at I __________ y'No- 1-3, Pickering, on Tues- - IThi - - __________ -day evenl-ng, flecebroe2id. Ad-I mission 15C. I n- 'e<mi;tin !4I, .t8b,.fr2e iltafnOif Cannotlb. Csr.d bjLZ, applications. 5esf bey canuot rescis tb. dPr i bnofte ar. Ther. la euly Our wsy o cseidcefueusand that la by conaiul- hoa -ale* Defuest.là% csua y au in. m flanied C"nditiou of the sumcis nai of i onîs 0 u Ibs t.r e U te t beioms culI Rcsedy mtrzbJtiai sm Ycurcigar s nlcuntsrr . u for Ire An b. hIrI ia b__8.k ___à P.JryClu d, WC res,o-S Now~~. îh. tîme ~ukefliu th ifr 118 fr 0tio un haN T A R put n m re isi on tis fasi. Dri e a For - -d 1yis tubedarto dat ottw a Nonvm-n e! inu es li e a en ii h o . sce sar t ipOuet hO et re sa e b iîca nc.w c a no b- îown durizg tise buy ssaue~, ~evsuîee thousandtho , nîong te Ccandiatroo pshe m n es et Qlc uoufm. l lam r5, J onr4, L Can din frm rdri v IN A . F r ecue i's1-SiIbr lan u tecaal.e ntfr C naa e akd lai so ido 4 K ihlsn4, J. Hs Wc wgl Sve Oe RudredDollrs fri u il $~~ops -t e i e t p e ar.oo mucha lp nitpillfrhostilta nti mi ite. Tssl seIiysiu nlal rm a....Jc fo I'xYa' hret-« o0 ailoFor- d.y91,sE. Stapldont Ot8awA.. Goidnin au 'd ede ton rco a tte r pof it. fw i oîuh iewsr aenbîs m ltti b ta P smatr eeri aI K Bckee8, E. Ccube2rRo 2 74 . ain7, . Fllèr7iM sdden aiy7 e' Ca Fod C. armer Aurive the For d Auçuat u.n the Ca caia n troops ie on_ Mra. o il tOMavi rn e n ertH. 81p a .lodig8, F e~- S ute ehi6, P tue6, H o m lfe rs ee SalisbphTsPlain.xBnt th whechv raltulusetc pi I UIW1tAl enh maiwai ho hld 0, e.Jor tj 50 , . o GIir a4, L. H bol4, D , tvatelibeing- dismiasaderfr andtise r u a ck as u r a ra, b sy dt e uat o 1 A . e 44 , . lson k.tt J . ,W A i s 4 , W W II , 8 , E plessure- are'Tuempoonthe2Q loon eneibuisf total 9Po WFr ddt e i h is e feVa rw a s e c ei vc 'abo r e im a in e p i e t o u g hb u t i F alo 60 , E . R b n a u 5 , A . W i o s 8 , M M i i 2 , J to-Ianb! m n d , and t a tt se ie anso ha Province aiedy l nrîs nuas R1h da> 54 H. om 0, D Bll 8, K La ry 4, J T us2, . to be wî 8. Ti. Pc cases lut ieueat hv en e almatrmy e c seule'24sa-y92 (Aled laarsk te serg nts @or u t i l' don t hs e Gek ner al'. or ePMIn.b-Pordont.> ave af lertheritdi sipaline of 11 BuYer et basePrValcartier0 »Iand i SalisbfuW*aydhaveeilmcttor. s oictopCed F a e Frcr i e& s auF o r194,a Sakg tl e etlc uedpnrli.ero ait.it r.vb yT lkni. ea'bu 'te elieated by thelIctte str Gprere at IL--- h oe 2 .C on,2o4, L.Rli in i. Canadian troeps, w ithi s Io n o tietawa . No !m ileter e , ls one rt s l ý .eG i ,G .sRob-- has Ton. C tJ w a d u c f f o t y f a m s f o 2 5 ar s p , u e r o de a , ta a m nt i sa n iesa mo r e m th e t " wn < î dbe la d t etise C o u n j7 8 , E . ' C o n n o r 7 4 , G . S h iruyw IlI 5 8e M W 5 J. reLU arte d of sho sa l is fatoy re uîs fr m dic etn lar ow e sui e s w l i - av ty fon t A rlaoer eeae. oued oUi mv e on, Ic t, 1113 , E L R raWub id Pc e i g o n hp .te s be stoppdietrey N tcma erb il i len pusuai e l 8 WB j -OG M G lira 9 L u b Wordtay iseff.t as rrequd eremen't seul,2,C- bu&tt 8,dAings 4, W miser duop- ....... s.. THIS COLMI GRAFONOLÂ FAVORkITE $65--ÂF-Sy TIERMS IF DIESIRED 7OU can choose any one of the, many Columbia I Grafonola-Recoird Outfits at $25, up. WeylIsd one to yeur home (or anywhereý you; say) for -a &mail inifial payr:.:ent.--and on Christmas , morning ïf you_ is# Balance can be paid, at your convenience, after the hofidayso Columbia Records are Made in ii ad There is a fulil thousand 85c Columbia Double-Dise Records in the Columbia Catalogue .VOU CAN GET COLUMBIA CR.APONOL. AS AND RE£COR DS MROM R. N. -Bàssett, W1.bitby, On-,* AîMINED. e:uudto be- es. lau'e dehecta were bý'ad =ms Rion wem -* lntuba pl. tSbb C, as- !Ijlto

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