ln Uls violnty atendeti oç nd udind uti ted ln on Saturday lait. Hult Wty velconie.>... CHANGES- CANA-- CIFIC TRAIN S;ER-ý 1%e 4a oui O(>s.traveling pub-. lie a ediretoti to thie lm- VXo d ue-Jen'ic& vis &"LakeOn-ý. tWio Shore Lin." lu counection vitii Toîou1t.o ifreal route. Coinienong Suaday, Decexber 18, tbe fp*lw4ig fait listesviii b. op-' ïrMw VfiN Ohava, Port .nlopCo »uirg, Trenton and Belvile lustead oSfPoeboro, Havelock, aud Tv.eMo' Tiain No. 20, «-IThe Canadiani," 1eavlug- Toronto 9.00 a.m. daiiy, ar- riving Montreal 6.10 p.m. Train No. 02, *'ThiWoverinefrlnvlng Toron- to 11.40, p.m. dally, arrivlng tMon- -,troai 6'.55 a.m. r. Wetbounti. Train No. 19, "TRIe Cnadian," leadung Moutreal 8.45 a.m., arriving Toronto 5.40 'p.an. Train No. 21, "TRhie Dominion," ioeaving Montreai 10.00 p.m., -arriving Teronto 7.85' lioor.wge m1n; v-oi. J..are- Uot gin IbIS warnumg. vis!, .. oômA.UJ. Oitiana d -By ordoej'ý' 'Dr. W. Adams. Th&, Board of Edu- Jh .Rbrsn ~ t'$JTB LOC LS~' cationi sont a agn(ioUtfloral .oS .oerta, aco;thteacing staff sent a -- Sceaj beautiful bouquet- the roprelsente- CHANGE IN CÇANADIAN .PACIFIçb ýA.U buitet paper nmat b. printedi, tives of thie Bar contributet' a beau- }TA!S scèbrdiug to thie Dalry ldustry Act, tif ul vreatii f sud tRer. weethur .Sumday âtRiaige,,Iu th6'traiuu on Leave your, order at th.e(Gazet*& antifloral'tribales. tue nev Canadian "Paciflole Une Obronicle ,office. nei. uembers'o! Towu Copazutwero 'lt4irough Wbltby bzoigit, two .of, the present lu a body, -the Board -o! Ed-jfà nest from the- old Une toi tRiu.:,but Fsnoy Christmas sippers-8300 pairs ucation Wva lip -rqgp ed, tii. tiieY lre not timeti to stop boe. ail kindsý_. prices and -slzemi- AU to b. memibers rldlng togot'4nr ta scar- 'Phy oulti bave -madie a moet. con- isacilficetianti maughtered là orChdà s- clage to Union Cemetery, whei i n- ve.Ient.servdoe for Whitby,,audIt le, Jmas iresernisal.4h.p.j'8ho.. ow terment took place. to, be hopisi that the officiais: w~4iI, by X. W. Collus'l. - 4- ranglng for - topplng atWityJ .='4'- DEATH 0F MRS. F:- E. JONS Lm nbectzn obte patron- 81,000 TO THEIBýELGiANS. On, Wedmeeday, December 16, there . t theCantdian Pacifle.,T, Tii.folowlg ltte bas ! u tmâ- âSdawà y at ber residence, Byron 1 "0 Thie foy ll .R. i ltlt e ,uTee - I~ ' ~ M!.F ~ WORD FPROM SALISBURY, CAMP.- ~r o! ti.WiiftbyWar Relif hiWIySo!MooeFo Wly'wE.i-Joesz Word vas received by reilral «Deto-Wih ar Mis. Mleoéii,-:cit4zmn. For some tinie Mrs. .janejs Whltby -this week» from S alisbury W have roui letter 0. the * iti enli u Rlehp.wjsnwo os umh !ti inot., ocolulin s arit for81,000 for huit out for brrevey o h« rtCaaia~oUget rn r - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t oiaReifFt fro Lhc ondition b"tibeet more crit- Gerrie »urk, of -Port Arthur#_ Who j the Bo! Wm.Riey. - - fom t e!, a, and its serfon uva rea1 tv. yesr 1s ago spent he vinter bore, Tws of certaiay' ah&ut-o 1ud i .btcoib oe vspursuing a coursie'of atudy iielb natdon froi6 Whtby, ai f. e * dOO bt i r. Johes passed awsy direction of Rer. Jos. Fletcher. Mr. aoe in boo.,on .ca ue~ spite of metileal,.aklll. - 9'uk ays ther. ezpoct very som. tq ilto bey' vboat for W" ticb -i.Bei.lit.JOl mid> iiu asIa504go I lo glansausesst present cauting. Wrni otp.8.veboaI ll yeu, pleebe goodet oti a n. .rlg Tovusbip fOcty-Mot 7eAeago LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. tRe rumients o! Wiiftby' very hourtily' 8", IlTa ýt Uf »ii 09 Wo'be10l0.un- -Tk oieta la our sanie. Mi il $hocame vith ber huibeui nd Tk itimtRa Your ffuly, - amiy te Whtby sirersi yeara aego. 1 Thie Coincil of the Corporiffon H. Prfithud'hm, Mr. Joues, andti to daugbters sur- 01 tRIe Town of. Wltby Iteuads tb -- H. regu r. Vie. construot as. a local improvement Sia o ti. cho ue o p.81,000 « . T7% e funeral i v ii b Roi on-id y Ptivate rala conno ctio s - letw een te Motheaiachèq r uemof$1,0 0 .55se t oterOORg service, atthe- hcusebeig th e ise and,. the street lines ou b as o o mre el veta f or t Rie B o gia s.a01 4 4 2 -c o c.5T i. ser ic v i b a u b tree ts sn d a t su ch tU mes as bu bée recevedý or tbnducteiatt by Rerv. M. Fp. Sezsmlth tRe CoUncilmay direct, -and Inltends A choque for the. amount, *wii1. Rbe pastor of thie ýXétiodist Tabernaclej to epeciliy ass. the oist upon the forwardeti.-of vhieb Mni. Jones vas a unember. land sbutting dlrectiy on tRIe, work. SDeepeet sympathy la feit, for Mr. 2.Tejtmtdcoto h -r We caunot guiaantee te f91 i orrs Joues andi bis <aughters I the .... per iineai foot le; $0.65. Tii. specil for Xmas Cards recelveti after 'De- of tihe vif. andi mother. asseusment le to bo paiti lu. 10 su- cember 21st. We Invite yau f<->+_muaJi nstaiments. look over our #ample books. C.A. A. WARNING TO MERCHANTS. AnÀ petition against the work viii CiandIa11iýw &k nn-hR -p....Mr_ - - _ .. <. . nrot aval ïito Dre,.+ 4.t Commeuwlung Montiay, December 1,Chyonicle, WRitby. Br.adebSmithcli ii. fotleowlug train Nù. 88, leaving Toronto 8.05 Brgdlajoivd'h olwn a.m. andti ra-in No. 87, arriving To- j comnmuication wiilcb ls wortii re- tweeu -Toronte anti, Trenton, aise à , BELGIANS. Dpr St-olwn u gaes Smtro FlnndOtoa.wa.mvviirun Tyrin TDONTIONSoECEItD his season ouhe sua cIus- Smut's ail an Otava Trin he ccuItve O! the Whltby Wa.r te eaul yen-at4anVlon to the dangers 004 for, Trenton andi intermedi te Relief Seciety desire te submiî 1the te lite anti property frein. Christmas pointier wlri baerentfom-5.20 p.m. 1tolbOwing '" fild, icomforts" recelVed decorations, dlsplays, ec., wRifch are - Puîbe paticlars'!rm Cnadan romi ladies of the town anti country frOquently made, at thu fiie of the -Pacillc Ticket Agents, or write M.G.' during the past mnQit: 125 pairs-o! year. TRIe use o! Christmas greens, Murpby, District Passeger Agent, wristieta, 50 pairs socle, 40 ma«rte, Rharva pcmn n hurifai Toronto. -26. 36 shirts, 23 caps, 8 -pyjamas, 2 iabe tspmerias sasn d rper iesa deze - ouswivs, doen antikor- secery, cotten te represent snew, -McLEOD v TOWNSHIP MARA. elÉe'Is. A former contribution o! 62 anti the 1k., (especiaiiy ln connec- The astcaseon he ocke atthepairs bed Secks, 20 choiera bqlts, 37 t'on with clectrie anti other ILghting Te lait aseontfied ateek'atnte sCarfs, 20 pair s wristlets, 34 pairs systems,) le decidediy an increase et Wbitby 5& an ation fo da oag s, -ls,5 caps, is gratefuily ackuuew- i'azard, it being impossible te make sustaineti by Mr. andi Mrs. McLeed, h beg cuied.f -a, displays et that nature pefrfectly sage. wben their herses becamne f rightened î h bv aecuieo ener-- ThIe Statutory Conditions ef your and ran aawile they were pass- eus 'donation sent to Oshawa lu Oc - Inryurance Poiicy read in part as 'fol- Igs tod rau away, ineto hetober toward equipping tRIe mcmet of ws : -Tongasenp o hr b1 ug. h On tarie County lu the second con- "Amy change materlal te the risk _tracionehnp et Maya. 'aJ lingent. It le hepeti that the work- but Within thée control or hknowledge Aoutr ain ngued ivenlbyaers wili continue their generouOs5UP- of the assureshalavoid thé poi- iiauling a water tank and the stol port, as field conitorts are 'Constant- lcY, as te the part -affecte<i thereby, ___________________ toi y in need ef repicnishing. upless the change is ,prompt.iy noti- A 1 -il-u pKv c. TOS C>JwuAi.- tien. TRIe '!ollowlug are thie streets upon which sewers have been laid.: Euclid Street Chestnut "Stu:e.t King Street Waiuut Street Kent Street John Street Centre Street Mary Street Byron Street ERIn Street Broch- Street i)uudas Street Greene Street Dunlop Street Perry Street CoRborne Street, Ash Street Gilbert Street Peel Street St. -John Street Hicioory Street Trenit Street Pine Street Pitt Street fDufferin Street Keith Street Deceruher 16, 1014. JOSEPHI WHITE, - Town Cierli. Dated -26.,- DEATHS. .JNi'1CS-At %Whitby,en Wednesday, December 10, 1916, Ida -M. Ilortop, belo-ved mwlfe of F.E'. -Jenes, in ber 49th year. Whatkîndof aglît -wll brighten the eye-, bi aifcîogotesoi - warmt~h to the heapt, a-nd inspire appreciation, of, thegvr ighfen -theo hne work. by making this I an Electrical Christmîas. Hot Point Irons $4.25 Eluotrlo Heaters $6.00 Oatnadlà n Boauty Irons 4.00 Elotria Toastors 4.00 luotria. Table Lamipa 5.50 Eleotrlo Broiera 4.50 A omploto lin@o f loctria Flashllghts- 75o and. up Our. Iioe of foreîî jsacrificed t*0m nadeSkates, overi We have a complete line of RIFLES useful for Target Shootirug as welI ai; huntingt priced from $3,25, Bel-i Phoneé the agency for the famous Skate Straps, l5c-up. Hockey Pucks, lOc Up Special pricsHockeokelOvem. 2..r*rt Specal pice on ocky sticks to Sunday Schools, hockey clubs, -etc. Wo carry the' beat line of Skates., We have secured the agency for thefamous Automobile Skates, made in Canada by Canadian worknien, ounces ligi-ter and stroncger than any othez-and moderately priced from $1.25 Up. is filled with a complete line. We holdt SPALDING'S Une of Sporting goods. Spaidlng's Hockey Sticks, j5c Up. Shin Siuards, 25c up Hockey Knickers, $1,00 and up. Yn' made Skates is b0' oda kçe roor» for Ganâdi&,, a ùseful gft' Cotre ne ,and Iook thenm Brass 'Goods ,- Fancy Teapots Alarm Clocks Watches T'able Cutlea'y Carmvlng Sets Aluminum Ware Silverware Nut Sets What would be- more appreciated by him -than a good 8-afety Razor? us -merg i5o- ndU we cairy ail the leading niakes incîuding the %- Au& M*if le uî55U UI A complete stock 6f Pocket Cutlery to suit ail requirements, and moderately pric -d-from 15 cents and up. 1.0~ Wo)uld you please a keen, successfuJ man -»your husband or your friend ? ii/Give hlmo for Chritmas, the. keen succSufnj razor-- *i Gl letterl 0e.a il 04 $5éOOR!mand Watch our windows. Open evenings. J * McINTYR3 regardless of -cost, to clear the stoclk out.ý ïo, weeks. -Ailkinds ôf'Ladie,sses'and Children's -Boots, Pumps and Strap 1)Slippers selling wa below, wholeesalo prices. ~ Mens, oys' and, Youtlis Bootsv, ail kiiids of leathers, selling at haif pri-cei I . 300 pairs Classic Boots sëlinga.le&tn the wholesale price. 100 pairs of McPherson's- Lightning Hitch. Hockey Boots,- to be cleared out at ls than the wholesale price. * 75 pairs Automobile Skates sel1ing awýay below wholesale price. I Bags and Suit Cases to be sold at less than the average man can buy them for wholesale. IThis wiII be Your L&st Chênce for Bargêiî,s. I . Don'Miss I. IF.FeNeBRN BROCK ST., NORTH.WITYONT. Signet Stone I .4., * y' w. i CarIj~ ;y) 4 "'1ni Terr 1 :~ ed h Uv sixds, of iw Ca hxl IXVihLT te lîîrt h near r 1 fihe~ Abîcn ii wahs J;IO t AÀutoizobile sk~ Sle ofr an c coscb egi .ing bet 17, at -Mis CARI) Mfr. and _Mms. ily -wish to- than f or.-the, deep - - Acknowledgemi tribuitop t- oùUti of1 RefugÉe by Ri -Aile. The- old witu the treati. f ut, for tc khindi 'High Cùmmil _4t St. J ohn's ( - on Sýunday- moi -10. Rev. .Ios. ]Rcad -the advl Wotbing" ou thi on tc wiii bouse on Wedue ter Xlth, -ut 7-31 "42 rases ,of %ebst maltes, pK puces, nt the-i~ Collins'.- EMAS GIET 1 S.Da!ld Me, a The Hardware neXt the Post Office m hn ARCHIVES 0F ONTARUC PERPLF3XNG Q-UE~STION --y ANS WREDi Wo voa itistip from Santa and'II pa ss if on to you. -Our Sporting Goods Dept. Tbe prices are right. 1 ýý -Un -E BALANCE ofihe R.-B.,Hoarb s ock.ýwi,1l-Us-oJd. for thle next t.w 1 , ý '-: -117 7. 1 Li 9 r.810jafIFim Miz n O.Cedtiil,],rm()p zýýý A n Auto strOP;i $5-Ã"O and up Cregit- 41-a cbȈ 4 en-