Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1914, p. 5

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po prchaàse & wtcb, aid Iç.new yq~u coauld, sa.,ve foi I'urtot purcbase prCe, would,.yau biauy antfrai u? fyou wulwe os ~~Ami: ~U.U , abet ~IOO p te'ý ).oo.- &-et ustneî,,rate for- vo.& numbi, iÇtiI, AaofJ -v4 Lavaier. I2.0o 8o$8000 Watch chaia - .5t 5.0A,.0wao.BoC .5tO 7.00Wthqba-Q.5 -'.0Poo 1avs 4 >1.2 eke tisnIoud rias - LOOGto 40.0 ou tuin OS .5b .O mrlls - 2.00 to -5.00 Signet rlu< - UmbrMLja 2.00,,o,12.00 U Pmbrolias ao * 0,1oo 'n. Pis - Mto0.&Ubll - Bedooy tolotst 8.0.k 2.01ae, . 1.00 *.114.00 Cuf lk .0m1,0~~tai eare sý Druedroom dck .5Y 12.00 $itrybrh 2.00, b 11.00 Shirt. studu -.5ti.0~ taaêo Dieahelet wmt'h - 800 to 50.00 Coat bruso - 100,to- -2.50 Tieclp.- .15 to 8.50 lu CMh * 1ahrbg - 100 tO,.12.00,lU$t brusIbes, .50 to-ý 1;25 Gollar buttonsu . 10 -to .75 Hat Pi1nlu Kgli bag' .2.50 to, 6.00 Ppes - .1.25 to'70 Leathere pocket book SO.u.Bn ekp (ýa rigs 7 o .00 P1aYlng Cards .1.00 to 1.50 Signet: rlng',(go1d) $1.25 .Up. Fztl o Jee ae - .25 to2.00 Sft R~u 1.00-to 5.00- Wfcatç h . --5*ý up. 'Bedroom dèoâ,k Pennpoed,~t i ..00to 2.00Püootjoeklyes - .45 -b 1.25 Wateb tob - 75.p.Ioyitanod Broc -.20 40-QQ.:Smoking sets ' .0 to' 4.00 Kountai 7p5c8.5up. piecesýW.ndod GENTLEMEFII , 50toBrasa.'-ash brays ,.-.40 ta >8.50 .lE bofy ,c<at bish - .5.U.MT ý-Btone .nJn 9'o~,0to -50.0«..'Bdr- Jok 10 o 1.0:,EbOnY 'militarY brualu $L-50 pr. up. Brais 1jardineer üg' - # R. N . BASETi J-eweler .arrd Graduate Optici'ar WIIITBY, V. .T. J. tion o! the splendid. servicrcndcred using. O)ffice hours, 7 a.mn. to 8.30 by the Brigade- at the lire lastsuin- p.In. Sce bis Cthe dtlnh!p, mer, when the 'barn at -Mýr. McLarb» per. rav.inti a At least six recent suicides or a t- .. .... 'ý- 1 "M Thog. 'ni brouýht inta this tonipted 'oinrrcd"lr : ATS ~~. 1E~ fide at 'week Tour '"Baxtýr"' ap- .ectly V o the salôoon; John 0. Mack ' The arnuai Xmas Trec and' enter- pics which wcighed about fi! téen -c,! Viewtield, esniltted suicide * by tainmnent o! the Whitby Baptist qunce,»'each. TheY are a fine sample 'drinklng a mixtume. o! strychunncand Church', will be held on Wednesday o! fruit. Mr,. Conlin backcd 40 'bar-1 wbIkey. C. W. 'Ba-ilinger, formertofi'lnei! x week, December 23rd. The tels 'of these apples f rom the orch- forcet supervisor at Camp Crooli, usual good program wil-j bc provid- ard of. Mr. Henry 1lanks, IPickering. ihiot hinisel! la the Franktin 1liotel ed.' The !git.,proceeds are, to bc de-s-4.. ,atDëtwýo4-_ H hd bei . rinin voedFund, sa The Womnr's Institute ivili meet imeiy - litad ' N.ighn,-_o! Aber- caine along airé help. The entertain- on Friday aftrnoon, Iecme 8 .4~~t~>ç.Lagcojni4t.tl ~jj .gent iili commence at 7.30 o'clock. in the Pbi irr t3ocok cide by the carbolic acid-route, iiav- Admission 16c. ' -Al Women and -girls welcomne. tng .having became despondent aver 04 -- bhis inablity to break àiaayf rérm the1 The Fire Brigade *111 hold their BAPTIST CHURCIT. liquor habit. J. A. Y13a.ghmaiur-*o! annuai bal! on New Years'sEve, 1udy eene 0 T1erry, had been drinking lèviy and Thursday. Deeember, Slst, ia the Services as uul ndySho wble- cspndest hothfùfef Y At usi Hal.and Bible Classes 10 a.n. A cliss Aberdeen Louis O. COtkij"tcmpt- .-- for every one, 'cd suicide by shooting.. Tbluexces- HON OR. F-OR A FORMER,~ WHITBY Mor4ihng service, il o'cloock. Sub- uive use 01 liquor ané 'clgàfettteg is i BOY.~ .""jc-. The Incentive to Christian ~lleged ta be the cause. S. Bcrernan In the recent' Lord' Mayor's Pro -'Sérvdce." hung blînseif trom a railroad br idge cession in London, six Highlanders Eveniiig service 7 o'clack. 10 mnin- aieair Gary. When last seen alive he were chosen train the Canad(an Con- uta' sang service at the beginning of ,was drlnldng at a- local saloon.- S. tingent ta take part in the, parade. meeting.. Subjeet o! address-"'Pros- ,.Dakota Issue. ' rom ane thousand Highlanders, the pects for past, present and future.", firat o! the six to ho chosen was Donald Kerr, a former pupil of te j Collegiate here, and a native'o Pickering village. Great sale of hockey boots at $1.98 per pair. Men's, Women's, Bo 'Ys' and girls' boots, reg. price $1.75 $2'- and The asto wî1 conduct bath ser- vices. A cordial invitation la ex- teaded toalal who may wish Vo worship with us. Remexaber Vhe, Firemen's BalI to' bo held - in the Music Hall on the' eveni4îg a! Thiursday, îDecexnber 31 $225 S«e prce U.49Fat thne Red-4- Shoe Store, M.W. Collins'. Buy mother ar father a pair o!, spectacles or eye glaises this Xnias.'# We will examine the eyes free .ao DEAN-JOHNSTON. charge -afterward's. Bassett's. On Wed4fday luit, Decexnber 9th, the marriate took place oL Miss A COLD SNAP. PJdith Tawasead Jolinston, daughter, Winter was uâhered la VMis week' o! Mrs. Rasa Joh.nston, of Whitby, wlth a rush. The snaw talla o! Sun- ta Eston H. Deap, of Louisville,, day>..overed te grouaé ta a depth Kentucky.' The ceremony was helé la o!f'a few haches, and àtill more came St. James' Cathedral, Toronto,-and on Monday, mak'ing enough sleigbipg was pertommed :byý Rer. Canon for the appearance, of a few - cutters. Plunxptre. Mr. and Mrs. Dean le! t Monday nlgh-t a strang wiad, bitter- for New York. 4 1'y Calé, sprang up, continuin~g ' al -4-- ~Ilght, and well an iùto Tuesday., Ho for Xmaa 'at Home at the olé The calé saap fraie up a Jew waber liresiée. Secuire your tickets et E. systemnh Ie homes a! unprepared Stephenson'% offce, -Whi-tby,. at your citizens, aad made people shiver la' leisure., Single . tare'- tickets goad remembrance a!f.the cold speils 'of going Decenber 24 and 25th, goad tilI 'last-winter. The icernman-was 6n' the ess4-2e6ýiito' tpra=. At lare and-one- Ijob 'àt thé Aretia, and anys lihèt If ,jikd,w 1.goç4,. &oingRZ2ad tPa 25t1u; the côlc ý continues therewilI . be >qôd Il end of 28th ta retun., Also skating by Saturd.yenight. lii îr datesanad tares tor New '-- Yearq holidays. Buy your Toronto, Frein' the Mami, Florida, "Métro- Ri ~ e and, ail local and foreign polis":* "Fred C. Luke and wi!e, of t bkt 't. Stephenson's.' He re- Wa ,rcester, Mass.,. are-- among thée deenis bis tiokêts wheou prevonted r ecent arrivaIs ,n la imL, They are 1- Road- the advt. Somethiug For Nothing" en the..front page. 'Automobile skates at $2.25 a pair at Bhurns) clearrng sale.' Sale o! fancy articles and hats at cost, beginjxing on Thursday, Decem- ber 17, at Miss Luke's. CÂRI) 0F THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Stone and tan,. ïly wish ta thank their many friends fSr the, deep sympathy shown thern in their recent sad bereavement. 'Acknowledgenient is made of a con- fribution of , hot buns sent to House, of Refuge by Rev., R.W. and Mrs. Allen. The old folks were délighted WIt th e,ýtrea;tf and feol'very gratn- MfQfr. .t4.inkn8inas zeii 40-doiurs. %Hgh Commnimon will be clebrated .at St. John's Church, Port Whitby, Cn $Îmdsy . -moraing -next, Decexnber 10. Rsv. Jos'. Fletcher will e!- ýRond,'tise advb. ".SomàethJng For Nothing" 1:on1 the, front-page. 'Alil-Sainta' Sunday Sohool Chriet mas To il ehl ats-sho toueson . Wednosday evèaizsg, becen-1 beg 30th',-at 7.30o'rlock.- '42 eales 'o! rubborn, al - o! 'ont makes, perfect ftting, l10 >s pucese, at thse Red. Shoe Store, M.'W. Colline'. EMAS GI'T ¶TC PIRE BRIGADIe. 19r. -Davïd >McLaren, of Qttawa, bas muat .$que for $25 b the $ecro-r Ursv Atýýtbou Witby jlf rI & ado. as Settled on Ninth streci joying the sights a! tj land," as they dëaîl '1t, Mr. and Mrs. Luke i train- WotceMtej- -ta ý their automnobile, a'.Jai Luke is«a brother af W. WVhitby,. who alsa spou at Miami thrce years a ter. .10 t*, 25-.0 Shopping bag »" .75, t 1 C 51kwl ...a . lJ ..h :ut,:or --r1 $U l~, C t gls. vie- 1.25.tü,10.00 dv'o1 5F,.4n e-vil-Ien SO.t 1.00 Lahr a4cse 7c p, a c lt raànge btononi.and- 1.50.t> ~00China ste. - -150. Up. IeD parîs. -'Thé -lia<> p.g -, atlo wrrooî">oçdalj.1klwIth. JuIt* ' 2.00 Up. 2xèêcrTdo, '-kt cap.o - r t'ô - lny;al ~6~ .y, ~î ~~ Khfpork and Spdon, o ro'ablejs t hegoo, -'*r .2-5~> -Brutff and"Comb,, ras beit iùan. T e brid#î ,,partym7 .5 o 5.0 Rn, -Pin, tered the 4rawlûg re,,oo.m-! .1, theo- Ail Prfces tram 25c. up. "Bridai hrslqi.,Lbnrn, ok.w. H. e ?wIa,,;'uY FATHER . . PIYOd ýby ia.1.izjo1 tecr-poo15 -ý.<'.-~ -.5G -to 80.00; Cane, UnbIl0, -. gmoyceéiewdUte bymv 1 k -- -.-~ Cp hfe~soai~mSparka, 01 Toron", the - -.TO » RNT. .90 ta -.-&I00. SpectracJe ifp eVMr. lle. ,ot flsed- bî i.été~* . oÙr.p »l . 4 tuidy »J the liaterd ýRoberts h -wrr r bIrvin 5.,,Cobi,, in.'this week's Sat_ i.eai ~pn i4-od -wdy~.ves'in ,~ost, i se n - timateand iptcrestilng. that bas- yet - aPpeared.., Ib 'telis delightfuUy..o! a M ~R SALE C - P. day upent at his beautiflhonea f i> -lioldon onflY a short tinie before. reW4yto -rIét 'ba r nNo Bob.- went ta the front for the at isape.' Phoneorm wifte4-dâ mm LOTS1~ORSALE.' - - - - .Judge's Court aoflRevision 's ta o Lote Sx30.PrOeÉi0 ah,, held on Tuesday next, Decembe'r 22,Li. 5X0,Pie.10eh at 10 a'.m. for the purpose o a! easy.terms.. Çonvtienita lwa 14g appeais froin the - assessaient r li $ ît ecr~'p4.o 0( I n~ot settled satisfactorily at gizei ffc.-25 O ~I i I-Court 0f RPvision' held two. weeks' HO uSl . ~ I -.- . , - ' New frame 6 e~ftrysix' Buligta RENT. gt. A pply J. H. JAMES,' Whit- bht as heen'occupIédýý,by -by-ýtf. t and are en-' . -: -- ,- -. in théir car. iade the.. trip ýavan'n'ah. in ,kson.".M-r. J. Luke, ! tsome time ago this win- ' HOCKEY. Tbe O.iI.A. teanus have been graup- cd by the Executive, announcenient o! the groups being, made ôn Satur- day last. Grou 1, nterediae, i asfol- bora. Meet at Port Ilope. Belle- ville, Pîcton, Peterboro, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmahville. .1 Grnup 3, -Junior .-Convenor, Dr. Taylor, Bowmanvhlle. Meet at Osh- awa, l3owmanville, -Oshawa, Whitby. The schedules arc ta bc arranged in the course o! a few days. The Intemmed laVe group 1isl the' sanie as last year with anc excep- tion. Cobourg'is not Vo-have an Intermediate teanu this year, and Pic- Butter and'poultry wanted. N. H. Scott & Co., Whiitby. JANSON-MILLER. One of the prettlest o! Deceniber weddings was soleninized on Decei- ber 2nd, when Eva Sydella, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jambes OJIOI"OI.TES FORI 111 IERM*ID TOFFEE OYSTERSTEW TRY A LINN OR LIOMT SOPPER a Ï 1Ise â TEA ROOMJ I Were- to get Iuse1bfI Xmas Gifts cet Prices at 'Geo, M. RIo's Hardware and :com'pare ,wlth others Hot point Electric Irons, $8.95 - Fanc>. Ton Pots. 011 Stores. AutomobilékSlîte's-w*th Radiait Eletric Irons, 8.6Gillett Safety Raxors, -47 Aluminum Top, $4.75 Carpet Swcepors, $2.90 and up' Auto Sirop Safety Rasors,,, 4.75 Hockey Skates, 500 and up O'Cedar Mops, -' 1.50 Ever Ready Safety Razors, 1.00 Hockey Sticks,.-- 1eadu Féod Chopperap, t1.00 And up Thermios Boules. Flash Lights.' Skate Strapa, - 100O and up Carvers ini Cases, --2 <00 and, up - etts andGloves. -- snow Shoès, $2.90 Pr. 1847 Rogers Knivýsanad FouIs. Big Ben Alirm Clockis. <uead Rfe, :..0adU Brass Gooa. ' Alumiinue. W re: Boy- Proof Watcbcs. Hand SielIa jighsB.s ISTORE OpP#N VERV EVENINO ,, EQ . ERICES iI4RDVARE t. 'p ~ ' 8Sto-ro Open Eveèry Nht 1Ii- ma Witb Crist,as.,on y Cfw day wby rot do your buyag-aly o e ~ ter selectior ssoki oe onpe&,w bavé m ore tin, towait on 'you '*'nd' yoca, This year the pr-evailing se ntiment is 6t I gvi go iexpensive USEFUL GIFTS - Read our Iist of speéçials* we are- offering étrdd prices frai» now tili Xmês. ' Men's wvhite twilled hemstitched silk handkerchiefs, regular 75c Xmas Price -49c unicrnsta ap ,g49so e Rb .6tO7icel nmie dome fastuer, pique'sewn seams, Paris satin' and corded-- silk, colors;> brown, backs, fit ages 6 to 15 years, regular 'blues,.rose, greens, piniks;, e.? regula'r . 75c, Xmas- Sale Price 49c price 25 to 30o, m> a Sle.1 9C Big Rédu .tions in La-i deis'and Misses: ,Co ats' Pure white table lin en; 60 inehes wide, regular value 650; XmaPlc 'AIl new styles this sa àsph.;lebowns gey -c . il i ' lis'-u La d ie s ' b n k r h e s f n ., 1 t - - J > s w e a t ýs l ? 6 n Inç~ ~ e mercerized lawn embroidered coôr'ners, mixed, with. brow -, t imýi_, si inl A ]box, regular, value '50e, Xmas to fit'ages 6'tol* l,~gjr-aue SalePric 39e850- to 00 , !Xmaâs SlePr ,5 dozen.men's ribbed und7erwear lu adis apesWa~,'~ ari mix shade, silk finish onr inside, reg-. al, gryblue, tan-1bown .reen-ad -ular' value' $1.25 garment, Xmas white, rglrvle 15 ~ S ale priée 74c"w ae giving rédciois o' O . .o we ar ' -.O ]Boxebd Xmas 'Gifts See our' diiplày'of ueseful Xmas gifts. Put up lin seperate.bo'x'es fr.n25e -k Wear the Fenangi. hose andi nderwear, mode -in. Canad; il sM iii W.ý Ce WALTERS - WHTYéIT -r- r moeni Wbs y, -z - Cmvii ý 1- -% -ý- .--ma OMM 1 à, m 1 1 1 ýb:).Z5

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