Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1914, p. 8

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ir,' without bai; ii » aamore resilvti&a We hati gifts o W sets wfsilvi çr ecive t good chole. in handpaînted tea sets, cocoa ýsets, glass 'berry boa" à,d.ets, fancy bowis, carving sets, bread -Big, stock of tôys, picture booka., doils, games, rchild's sets of dishes, weIlfilled Christmas stockings F0OR M EN-e baca, iugovha- kei chiefg, sweaters,. underwear, shihts, n eck scarfs. etGROCERIES Fresh, clean, appetizing. Choi ce 4oc chocolates for 29c. iGjt.,our ballotsin now, see standinig in this paper. DO YOUR BUY[NG EARLY-SAVE MQNEY 1l W. M. leL4WRENÇE Brooklln, ÏERE. )ntarlo Dr.Carnce Starr, of T 'orcirto, ,1sited 1tifsJparents over Sunday. 1 Mr.;Stapben M.dISIid, Who wa» in;urd sme time,.,5&goby belng, tb1w0'Ua 8 abggi.uowly ro-, C(>V&eL g ,and lit i» at thç' home, of ber 'daiugbte,rt..steven8as., 1. CW tyour honmo-made dougbiiitat, miDpe pieut, candies and Ohelsmea' trom qMeprien & Wilson, Brocidin. Jast the> place to lbuy youzr Xmas, Thle new Standard Bank ProPertiY la to b. of a banduome . appearanc. The Bank ýdirectors evideujtly have faith in the tuturé of Broc>klln. And wh%- not ? Tt il one of the moat progressive villages 'in-the country. Brooklin la utili pusbing abead. New bouses are going up, and more are being taîked of. Mr. Wm.. Robiniôn has purcha0ed Mr. 0. 'Sebert's bouse In the north of' the village. Tt Io a oomfortable home, and bas a fine situation.. We welcome Mr.- and Mrs. Robinson to our comnuniy. Mr. Samuel Bond sold and deliver- -éd this week one of the finest ani- mals that ever was seen ln this dis- triot, it having, taken seven diplo- mas and seven first and otber prizes. Mr. Bond Is a first class judge. Some of our energetie men are ad- vocating a judgi lza igs Jere this wInter. AUl should take an interest in it. Thcrc should also be prizes for the best worked fnrxns In order ta- encourage a deeper attention to . -'q PREPARE XM AS- 11 /1/ I lT-UR E is wilbout a doubi one of Ibe mosi u seful tbsyou cou(d give as a Cbristnas re- membrance. Already nany bave picked I61their gliis bere. Wby noi youP We ~bave gifts for everyone, fronm the ioy set o-Fr baby to the easy cbair for grandfather. -Cor ne and Set~ Whêt We Have Aiyw&y! Perhaps there is somethhing in this Eist: Easy Chairs andý Rockers of ail kinds, 2.00 to Mahogany Parlor Tables, 3.50 10 -Mahogany and Oak Flower Pedestals, .ouches, ail kinds from $15.00 $10.00 75c tO $3-50, $6.0o up. 4.50 to $2o.oo T'cures, a number already framed, 75c each or 2 -foi $1.25 Hàl MIMirrors from 3.25 Up.ý Sewing Chairs and Tables, any pi ice. Small Rockers, High Chairs, Sleds and Toy Sets for baby Serving Trays for mother --and anything in larger furniture, Goods deliveredfree any day you wish. DeSNETY 0BROS. 0 Day sud Wighit Smerve ~k4b houpttablê .,[ came eout wlth over 150 bead of p.mI bred stock and bave been asulsting te distrubute tbeu." MM. Burns buarrived hrome, and thorougbly eujoyed tr ip. He hbms, danng tke- past few montha; cow.rod nearly $,O0O mfles. Mr, Burns Io greatiy taken up wlt tb t1 French people 'and finod them very' Idud and courtemu. Miss' Eltss bas beeni ,Sstnt f*medu la Plckerlg.' tèwo -yus ago té work witb tho- Doidge P.rro4UCO Co,, Toronth,, le now ongagod with michte & Co., of King St.', Toronto's bigb clanssgro- Position. iffarry's Broolclin friencls will bo pleased th loiow that ho i uuccoding no well ln tb. Queen City. Rev. E. W. Tink. officiatedl here lait Sabbath. Mr. Win. Richardson, of Dryden, brother of Mrs. Jos. Harbron, bas been hore vlsiting bis- sister. He ia 110W visiting_ riends ln Vii. Statez ,- but .will retUrn agal 1 i and spend some considerable time, uftl is isalter and oCher friends in and around Kinmae. Wm. 15 one of the Kinsale 'boys who have made good in the West. The aucliion sale of standing tim- ber belon.ging to Mrs. Mabel E. Rog ers-, took place last Tbursday, the lotb. Mr. Wm. Maw disposed of eveiy lot to the blghest bidder. The sale was very satisfactory to alll concerned. C. .J. Stevenson acted as bookkeeper. s Get your boine-made dougbxxuts,, mince pies, candi on and Chelsea huas from Mcl3rien & Wilson, Brookliin Just the place ta buy your Xmas cSofctionery. We regret ta hear that some of our young men acted in a tery u n- gentlemanly manner same Iew nighte aga afteir attending the Young Pee-. ple's meeting, seeking to accomnpany same, of the fair sex ta thair homes. Very strong lanquage wis indulgcd in -by ane or two of these yourig imen, J whose naines wc could give, bût will not do se. We hope they will 2iat be so unwisc to indtilge ini such un-_ <esirable conduct again. If they wiii not take a kindly waraing their names' wili be mnade ,Vpublîc. Do not be ungentleînlanlY, hoys. - ,Parkins' Bras. af±ended Mr. Gea. Lees auction- sale aïd eoch purchasî- a good borse at reasonable prices. E. ui'W - . - .wdan bas bad the buse carp, Seo,'etinipletinoe some work on blWfiew bouse. Next sea- son ha, will brick veueer it, and coin- plete one of the niost 1 up-tQs-dat.e bouses in aur midst. Mr. James Salton had the mistor- tirne to f ail down- ceilar and nearly disable bimsel!., 'Itut is again recov-' ering. Teddy BentleY lias completed bis season'5à contract with C. (). Law- tSn, and la now enjoying a -well- enrned rest. Rodd and Mowbray have reruoved the hbouse tram the oId Pilkey farm purcbased at, the sale a few weeks ago. Tt wilI. iuruisiî niatCrial for me- pairing purpoSes.' Rev. E. W. Tik bas latelY organ- lzed a Ladies' Aid in connection with our éhurch- C JThe owner o! the aid Hyfield prop- Prty spent Saturday with Mr. Sul- livan on the t arm. MARE THIS A by giving your family .or fnriends a Columnbia 'Grafonola anda.set of oluimbli' Double. Cone in asci eof.us 'show you 'Our-spec4al -Christma. outis ~ il~Chiîa Neyer- buy a talking machine un- -4.. Wr bs tope control lbaves, ét1h.rwlse yr g ýI1be disappointeti (cC@umi uk bI.lsce-- A t S 'tb B r ti s , F é o t b a s s ol dl y m iai à ieà t h e u p re m a o y o f th e i -Pstint sppy Oa sual idî:ur oirstornary high-quality fresh oo _Ovor the Worid lu grac.e the, Obrisîmat table. Don't heoiasto tshop earlv this3 the usual autumu 8sbipments did&iot arrive, Lot un sugges a few of the. leaders'; VALENCIA RAISINS and FIGS-,-Thie MINCE MEAT-Tastily Sp1 eûtering of TurkeY mb tb te' war ha"i - l,thémo.tanitary way by are srranged shipmeuîs, but., we. seeured t he thing fer the Christmas p supplies prior tohosatilitief there, Theraisinèip EELSLemon, Citron and- arefin an..juicy, per lb. lGe, 3 for 25c; '"iough 10o stand your closentJ 8..dd-4 'Ilaisîns, 2 lb.for. _25c, Seedless W!lki'aut themrn y our chi Raisins, 2 lb... for -25à. 'u Fg.aua .'7l urge you>1V lesus exco0edingly choie lot, per lb. 7o and 100. la bon a~psile. ? per CURRANTS FROM GREECE-Geecýe is the source atheb.world' auPP and although obi'pments were .hbeld up for a tlme, ours have, arrived as before. Finest quality, per lb. lo, 3 for 25c. ALMONDS, W AL NUTS and',fILBEBTU -For the Christmas bàking every hoU'iewite waz àý6sonnd, frosh nuts.,'$tale nuis,ýare dear'at anyj1 rioe,ý but j16 cona depend &oue.n the qiiality of our goods, CHINA-We bave on. of lb. besî assor*&ients of China we ever had on our shelvos. We feel sure we have uomething to -suit every want, at al pri ces; FOR THECHRISTMAS TRER, whioh sý) diligltsthe yoyngsters, we have many suggès tions ta affer. '-There lu fresh candy of variaufi kindi, chocolates in the, daintibit of box..l at ail prices, boys, etc. COAT SWEATERS, FANCY HANDKERCHIEI'S and GUEST TÃ"WELS Corne i and se. bbthe autiful line of Coat SWe, aters, aIl colors and prican,; Fsfloy Hsndksrohiefs and Ouest Towelings. We feel suea we can please you. -THE EARLIER YOU.COME THE BETTER THE SERVICE J3~4 'W lit' j Il l i(j i11,i' l , 111,1 A. C. ELLIO TT OOXKLIN, - XAR Bell Phione i o r2. Ind. Phoîîe 16. m kilo Means H1ardTimes- O"do our best to rendev ail the assistance we can we- are dtermined 'to keep pric.es- down, îo the iwetotc1. l3elow we quô'te. a few of our speeà'a offerin gs. Ail 1 our, goods are marked in accordance. - Al Soaps, - - Puritan Soap, Corn Flakes, Raisins, new, - Currants, new, G urrants, blue Gem, Essences, - 'Peels, - -I ,Aylrner Peas Corn and Tomatoes, Salmon, Star Brand, Horse Shoe Salmon, 6 bars for 25e 10 bars for 25e 3 for 25c, 3. fer 25e 3 for 25c 21 for 2,5è 3 for -24i: per lb. 1,54 3 for-2-5c 2for'25c p er tiq,22ré A lew Soecials îaÀ Dry Goodi ICurtain Scrim, regular 40c. yard for. Curtain Scrim, regular 30c yard for Heavy Shaker, Re'gular i5c yard for I -Black Drill, regular 25c yard for Shaker Biankets, regular $i 8_%-for - Dress Goods, Tartan, regular 25d yard for- Towelings, regular i 2C yard for- Our Xmas Goods have n .early ail arrivèd., No trouble to show 'goods. 12d - - - 22e Give us a cail. 'e -- '~.~4'* "4 A- ADrWIV~Q n~ f~kITADUIN N. -'4. 'j St :1!i~ 111 hIJU Imm 4" 5; p -j I o Bell Mud lad., Wmebla 1mw ù ià wu' p- -«qqmllý 1 - limilliiiiiiý iWTfl

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