Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Twe figues t esa srborugh Rlled Wounded -.... ..2o0 19 îitbr e----2. 2 rtlpol------41 101 p8t flartlepool .. 41' 14 Toal 14 136 A rny officera wl-o examined,-the lrins cau.sed by thre boSrbardxnentý estîiate that the Germa-ns flred 200 esheils, chiéfly o! thre 9-indli andi12- rich, kind. Several 12-ipeli shelas u hieh had not expladed were fourd iat-r izutîze saft earth. TireHaritile- pouoia-were raked f ram, hree en-ý gies by thre ene-my. Lying off the peninstla, %whiht-e Germuara ap- pnoacbied fri-rn the southl, bath tewns were shlled> by the forward giin.s- as tire cruisers advamnced. Abrat af the p eninsula tire Ger- - itans potirec a- broadside ' ire over the entire letigth cf the sister own9. As the-le roi!era ma-de tieir-e-ceape J ta the anrt-l-cast tiîey poured a- ire frein tieir reat- gtunie'an the north s#idle (Athe pellin!slta. Ma-ny des- tityc tes wene visible beyond the Gerta-ns dti-ing the bomhaz-mentt. At frsvt-hose - ere beiieved ta lie- ion,)t-o the hostile Sqîîlrdroni, but c-oîeinpetc-rt t <beeveg ay tire Ger- moans fir-cd bath séawancl antd ta- ivard tîte f*bore,---ich b s-rns tb, in- -'ri'that the ~--aslsipped be- - Lv it-i tht' Etgl;inli flot)ill'i a sd tlie e--t ining tii:' lnav% fog tiat pie- v6ied ît t ri-r- t1 utnibard- -- The tho-gitas acqiîittt'd tlhem- selve-' aned:;itl-sud wrere not iii- ji-ir@d, bv the' Gî-nian--ire. Pei-S'îIS -wlto Witteýtcd the fighitiig between the tA-- i .an-dlthbe cî-iters fzay thte snke Sta--kid!'jnue of -the ecrista- _erîs- was ;iaJied a-ad tira-t nînny aluots lau-decl on asuother whie it - wa standing broadsid.e t-o the shore1 - batteries., Iawnu', - twbitby,- Wge Wider 0 fire of the Germpan shelis, Mr.. Tra~cy sid: 'ýThe %ihode coast was excited' býy a brillia-nt eky,siý', which shoae over-the moors for bial-f an hoU>'. Lt was an electrke lamp fzxed to a kite 9, nd' as it floated high 'W the, aiit ,rnarked V hs position'of, "-sa-w , cari rante dozleu whô sa-w it flaututing over aur headâ at 9.30 p.b,-, telléng thre Qerutan slips, exactly where we were. Ri twinlcled ini deflance o! aur. autfihari- tics." E he raid- ha's lad ans very impor- tant anid useful efect. flecruiting has beeri stimtalated as neyer before in the -war. The station ait Scctaad Yard was erowded a-il day with men to wha-m the news o!fthe ra-içi ad brouglit home eha-Lrply thre actual peril that -Engl-and la in arid the mnagnitude of the ak before lier. t ie Fafe t-oFsa-y t-ha-t thre bombard- ment of Hartlepool, Scarboraukh and Whit-by wili brine forward not less tlian '00,000 mer wlio ight have hung bacic in a feeling of faise security. An nid svoman was p ý*'-ing up ceal droppeci fi--m cars r-rt the' rail- cvay emnbankment, mlien sho vas Icilied by a s-bell. Aunid maaud bis tw-o daugliters were just starting breakfast in the kitebe-n w-hen a suil lbui-'t iniie-r-orn, kil!ling al t-hi' ai o. tïcuî. A yoîîug - woman %vent te bhec lotise ofilber aged ma-- ther, iiteiidiun te t4 ondiot ber toaa lilaee oni aaety . Euteî-ing the' pas- sâtgewa l situmnbled s aerons. ht-r nrotlrer's body. A Osut-h aci piercet! tire ioofanud kiiled ber. An eideniy- rmanî, who thouglît the gpin firng was t-bat <f Britiash sb-ips a-t pi-at-- tice, rtrt down uuconcernedly ta bre-akÃŽa,gt. A sheli- ca-rried away tire canner if his bouse, kiiling bis two littie graiidchiidreu. A de,-rpatcb fiom London sa-ya: A -11tU> AIIItili 1<'le 0oi'. short, fit-i-ce battit' wa-a fougbt in On bis -arrivai at Rame-. Prince thre iag.off tire Yorkshire ca-ast lie- von Buelow, ýt-ie forait-r Lîperial t-ween a- mosquito fît-et o! Brit-isbl German Ch-an"elor, a-nd now m -destroy-ers ani tht' powerfîîi sqrîad- bassadou ta ta-, was inforrned o! nron o! tht- German hiigli-fle-et, wbicir the bombardment of tht- Engi-ish fled fi-rm the.wrecked ciLles af IHar- coast by Germa-n ships, but sltowed LI-epo1, Sca-r$a-rouhg and Whitby. no0 surprise.-LHt-,s-aidth -at thia raci n g 1ta the coast in response t acheievement. ha-c been arraugt-d for tbet--wireiess appeaIs-tilat were fiulig priai- tairis dctîartue frai BerIin. out frain tireboibarded citiesa Va Ht- added: every Brnitish warship and depot, "Tts im ply t-be prelude ta the destroyers encauntered the Ger- whattht- eGermaniîfit-et is seaon ta ,na-n battie cruiser& bt-fore tir undertake?ý whieh -ma-v irstonish bbe nearness-wAaas reaiized. Jr thie mist wc rld.- tbat veilcd thi e sa, tire Ty'ne fiotiliu came inta eantact witlr the Ger- rita-ns, aud did tireir best ta deiay (HRJST3IAS FIRES. tire fligirt untis thre Briti gir battît- criserii and-dreadraughite could The Cenîiissigion of ('oîservatlon 18. -came up. They were not succesa!r'-l, sites a SpeeiaI Bulletini. frotm thte' eavy, long range g uns ofl In na-ny Ca--na-dia-n b-cmes every tire German cruisers-, but tbey trade year Obritwias festivities causo e- a plucky figirt . gretsana-d in numerous cases ioÉt3ao Tire liglat cruiser Paitrol and thre lite smong Virose taking part. -destroyer'-Dodn were among the [ Lliuminate<d effecitss uC-irritras- British i sipa wbhieh attacked the I t-t- decona-tons lu pnivacle h-ores Germa-r cruisera.. Bath wene st.ruck lare daniger-oua. -and -aherever either by t>Ioéllis. -Tht-y bat fi.ve me-n kiiit-tlj fine ori- hts are uzed too mnucir z-t- -and fif-Veen wounded. Tire two ves- tention ca-not be givc-n ta t-heu r sers mentioned could have oaly a- oi--.'T- hittste Si %mùal chance of dom-g a-ny serious itat-If sufficientiy in-flam-ma-ble, but daaeta tire Jarger,. Germa-r eiips wn-a tis isadded decora-iosmý engmagedof aicotWtun-ba-ttAug, iigrt,paper bW4-i, t is assumed hearet- iait -tire Bn- iand -aýther dungereus'iaterial, it M, tisir destroyers ma-de eucli fasý time on-Iy b3 the ext-rt-lee o! great ca-re i approachingîthre Yorkshiîre coa-3b bitat les ca-r be avoided. Wbere ;Rf-iter tire wirelessira'd hiven tire Christmes -rt-es are t-receted in ca-r- ýaIAr= o!ftire baibardnent of the pt-ted -oit-ms, siroet tin or zince three <ities tira-t the"'found tht-- hould be plecrd iudenr tht-t-rt-e, ta "eIves in tire paViro! tire- retreat o! catoi tire cai dle dnippings. It -tht Gçrmans.- shauid be on- p-rau-n's duty to wateir tire ca-ctles, tira-t instanta-c- Sank1 Threc Mor-hant Ships. ian ma-y be laken if -t-ren-e ta-kea Employi-nge. deferisive trick tht-y lire. tiffed*taramé purpcose or Novêmber In pubie ha-Ils. Succ1-y jeiroo!;s, 3, tire Germa-n cruisers dropped etc.,wirere nu ibens -of cbi'-crcn are mines in their 'wake au theY slipped assembi -i n sua.l pr-tcautions te ses in tie fog. -Tiree BtitiEir should ie Vaken, Vire extL;nguirbezh.rs mnercha-rt vesseis were. surk by a-nd paiis of wattr sho-îîid be in con- * thesle mines, -arid et.ltastît-a-ven mien a-amant pbam'e. Santa Clia-us cas- a-.-d probably more were kiiIt-d, turne. iould lie dippeLý»- eolu Tfire steamer -Eiterwa-ter, of! 743 1l-tiRý&f76te'i'oea f hospiate- a! -ta, &truck a ini!e Q I6i Ammonia toa a quart oi w-aten. If L1eaL~, ~n 1ethe bottom. cîothing catdhfes fine tlurow tht-pt-r- ~---"Twea of i btr cnt-w csca-ped, but s§on down, andi rollm ii ca-ipt-t, %t-eenwere lant. The Prince-s Olga, rug, blanket, ecyat or a-nything à- coster e! 438 tons, was bhewn up irad-, t-o rnotier tie fia-mes. Tire byemine off ýlIarltlepqaOL and, about ai.it' shocî!d be kcpt per!ectly clean -iailles from itfilt -caast. MemL4ers t aa-a-ad dange' !pns -o! tite -cre* 'o! ibis sunp, -re.prtt-J Ia bus.iness bouses tlet-nt-wi-niug- tira-t tireyl7aw a Gern s phaYing a-nd gas -igting foi- special dis- ruines ritar tht- point whetrethe~ plays shùutid be careficly3 inspectet!. Pnrin'cees Olga- was lest. Do rat use paper or mualin. shzmd.2>- The- third- steamer was tire Vaar,- close ta, the lampa, a-s they ma-jy take -en, Atr'-lrbrough-t'ta Grimsby lireA-It6he he*t. Smonç <irin fiur su-vivors f rom tis vesselThet- -itonity tihould 'be given i-he, rç- Va-irr srurk nir ir tre To' i sponzibility o! seejn&-»tia,-t tht- fine Sç $a, on' WedneEda3y ruigît arid 13 per- haîard, is nôt excemive,, a-d tira-t usonsperi . Th- suvia-as we e vry precauti-on is takeni to pro- fount!dtnîgu aan'ptred'baat. tect hf e &ad propepty. Insu-rancg TIei cert#Àn btia-t tht- Germea may replace r-p-p-tb'n .d6ttted tht- st-a witih mines compel- ir.surance cari repia-ce,îoss a! liie. led tire Acimirslty ta issue- a warn-___ ing to ship* n N-avaigators andi FR NHWAe. <ÇO$T. betw'en F-IàmioaigIliHead- andti 1 ,louths' EtIin4oFigures, et Newcarstl, 1, enda-fflretiby mintes. - $ W~' In bondon a-d in - al EnglAç1,ý rag a-ag*ainst tii.Gerrnan-s is te- Aidespatch frai Paris 8a-ys: Th- ps)red by 'kief for tIcelielpiess wo, c-ast aftie. war ta France for tht- mradciId-resWho were &truuck firet six muntirsin 1915 is cffiealh out of 14*. ,:sudgaib1i anti cruciiy. figured .et 5,929,442,865 francs ($1, - -- A ma- c M41le vitima a-b Ha-Rr- 385,888,573) or about $aý,ç03oo ', t1epopu 'ere' wernrandi chuldiren. mon4xhly. This tatal i,3 in addition Fitea cho1 boy,,s ere killed by a tg. thé,' usuel expendtvras. a!,thi. siaieehlIonly are lad- in thre armyfbtiti $ud, 1à.,O, group escapitfg, Ten persons ioet ailowed ta f-amili's o! soldk tir Ir ivea wleir a building in whicl- $4,000,000 ta peraona, eut cf eta-- 1~hy hiti.~tr ~ coIl»sç4,&k plo y3'elt, $10,200,0 ')toire aerx thir ht-of1 ells. Seven oa! tanlance o!fprsosi djien rmfer ~j~I~d ~4iocl ere -volnri- - Wuifbyte <e-na a a n id firsJio itchener's newarmy. to varions ather items directly due wi rnmiteç, o! te rechParlimn etm t e I fqg nét o"nsider4Àbe budget, wlhidh ivraAein$ !oréea. !h' Ger- s4gfegetefor th4 firet six montIs - -; o'b& the, raneo*ü .ne e -In 1915 atatai o!f,2,6~47fa and this fa-ct is j*.70ô,052,881). Tie i j1i .o4*, U y nytir.se -0Q0d00 4no1iy for neit year à tioa romf abouit thé Ï. g ocf xeirtures for1 hmimof:o!defea-athfyrurac avl i.pe rWO?~ tbuilding». s-a-lt yîae. 'q -Fo aeNew York Sun. PRICFS 6f FARM PROB'Jg13 Bread3tUfla. TIoronto, Dc 2 -ioi-.Mîith ai-agt Patento quo-tc-d at.$6.60, in lu-rt- ba-gt; m- end p-ttrîitA $6.10; 't;iig bakie-ç4,$.91 Ontaii l stiat -flou-. 90 perenprt. pal.et, quttîd a; $4.65 -10 .$4.70, ia.biard, IVitrat --Manitoha No. 1 Ntt-î.new, quoted -at $1.25 1-2; No. 2 at $1,22 1-2; On- tai-la whcat.No. 2;. quottî< t et$1.10 ta $1.12. -a-t oat«hdc t-ointtc ,Oat,,--Ontai-, iuotc-d at 49 to 50c. out- sidiý. and e- 52 to-.53e on tra-k, Toronto. Wetern tPanada, XNo. 2, cîuoted a-t 58 1-2,, and No 3 at 5-- Bariey-Maîkot hî dtuiel. wiî th alting grauciî,at 64 bo 63c, utýbide. Bye-The mai-ket ije triaet 81.03 ta *1.05. aute4de. 0 Peas-Offe rings ism-al. -with No, 2 qilot-. e-c at $1.60 ho $1.70, outside. Cc-rn-NG& 3 nujw Americaîî quoted at 73 1-2e. alil rail. Toi-ontho freight. Buokwbeat-No. 2 quoted a-c 75 to 78c. autolde. Bran and âhou-îs-Bean is quotec a-t $25 a ton. and :iotn4 at $27 ta 828.- R.ailed oata-(3Car lots, per ia-g of 90 lbo,.. $3 ta 83.15. -- Country Produue. iButteir--C'hoice dairy. 22 to 23c-; Inferior, 20 6o île; ci-eaini-y pint,. 29 6-a 30k do,. oolidf, 27 1-2 10 9e. Farmers 'espa-ra-tur, 26 ta 27é. Egge-New-.id-h.selerte. dozen. 35 to 3k - oirage. 28 to 30c. lb. -for atralned. No. I honeyemb, 82.75 p e -a-ktl dlIcou a-c d,1 t 13e c; Ne $ae;N. 2. 82.5. dock. -deead. l. 1t la14c; ie-wt. 101-tO 11e; geser 12 ta 13c; turkeye, dreaaed. 26 ta 2ce. Cheee-2ew large. 16 6-o 16 14c; twins. -16 1-2c. Bean-PrIme. bu-thei, 82.60 ha 82.70; hand-piplked, 4Z.75 10 $1.85. Potatos-0îîtai-ioo 65 ta 70e pe-rha-g. out of store. 55c ln car lotos New Brune- whckss. car lots., 60 ta 65e par bag. . Sa-lad Nay a-nd Straw. De-aersj arc pa-yinq as follriws for car bot debiverbics on traok here:- i4a-is-lequoted a-t $7.50 to 88 a ton, 'n car lots, on track bei-e.- - ay-No. 1 new ha-y ta quoted at..816.50 -o $17 on track bei-e; Nu. 2 a-t $15 ta $15650, a-id No. 3 ah $13 to 813.50. 1 ~ Provisions.1 $1,14 3-4; No. 3 Nacthten, 81.10 1-4; No. 4. $1.06 1-2. No. 5. $1.01 7-4 ; No. 6, 9î 3-4r:fe; -<. 92 1-le. Oate-No. 2 (%., 5U,; No. 3 c~* 49c.; extra No. 1 lemt, '41- B;ii-ly-No 3, 61 1-2d»; Ni.> 4. 57 12:rc-jcý-tc-iA 4- fr- 55c-. 1-lay -No. 1 NAV.C., $1.31 1-2; Ni). - Montreal -Maets. Mofntceai ,D-c. "2 -Cin te- aîNo. 2 ycilaw. 73 t4) 74C. QOci.(atolai -t- I en. No. 2, 60 b'( 60 1-2e;: No. 3, 58 1-2 t ci 59c extra No. 1 fered 59 1-U.-; N>. 2 b-ai white, 54(.-: No. '3 locat wlîle ,5c; No" 4 16e-il i white, 52c. Bibey.%Jian. boni. 68 to 70-; nataiing, 76 Io 7ar-. Flotte. Man Spring Whoat patc-nt% bb-clr6s. *6.70; co't~. $6.20.- .Qtrong 1%îee 6; Wiintee patena,~ ch<iic-e.)S6: >.;trri gh t ro liîm, $5.50' teo$5.60:. ebi-aig'hî i-allOi-, haeq, - 2.65 h-n $2.75. ll- c-ale. barrelo,-. $40 10 $6.50; baga. 90 1h«.. $3 -4o *3.10 Bran. $25. Shortn. $27. d dbbngle, $30. Moi-lie, $32 to *36.Ha-y. No. 2 per ion car lotéi. $19 to $20. Glieeefln- est estert. 15 3-4 to 15 7-8c:; finet crist. eril. 15 1-2 Vo 15 5-Oc. Butter,. ohoicet coeautcry. 27 Io 271-2e; serdi.26 10 26 l-&<-. Egge, frit-h. 48 Vo 50e, 6elcctetl, 32e; No, 1 1stodi. 28 te 2k'; No. 2 î6-o<-]c.Z5 to 26-c, Potatocti, pee at.<cai- lote, 60ù. United States Markets, ,Minpîeapi-. Dec. 22.-Wheat-No 1 buard, 1.20; Na,.1 « -rhern, $1.16 1-4 -10 $1.19; No. I2 Nether,. A1.12 3-4 to $1.17; Decotuber. 81.14 1-2. Coca -No. 3 vellow, - 59 l-2 0te 0.Oate-No. 3 wlîiie. 45 34t 61-4c. Fioui- and b-hi-ciiufcbange-d. Duluth, Der-. 22.-ýWiiîeit-No. I bard. i$1.19 1-4; Noý 1 Nortdii,$ 1.1S 14, No. 2 INenttucrn, $1.15 1-2; Declember. *1.18 1-Z. Ltnseed. oiesed, cash. 81.57 to $1.57 1-2; De- c-suber. $1.58 1-2. Li" Stooti Markets. Toeo -< 0 - moet rise f-coiuî-aad &it 'r -toek, 'and the- pricerecloeeinn dsse-- «fadlcalea that- sellers are cea-dy -ta -alete uer ind4ine. T0he bulk et Site esuners *old at $3.70 ta, 84.15, whi.-l Mijt of <lite -uttea-. fl>oulu - 84.25 ta 84.50. Late.-3Joilt-Jannuary uirices advanced lintil 89.10 was reached foi- ehoice ibut<hers'. and -fle agrume etrengb.h les predteted loir. the eanung -!norîtiu. Siiop and lan-ibe were about istearudy 3aw»s go- Itg at ueeent deetîne4q. COsvea ,were un-' cha,ged "od 5elinq fr= gU Io'516-o8.0. l1ýï s $990 .O.. ountr .p)olnts.at 87.25 i-eS and 'wterd. nS .t-7.50 off cam-. Montreal," Dec. 22-trrine beevila. 1ta 7 1-2e. a few Chrttntas ca4lVe about 8c; -nedbrrn. 5 ta 7c; capunuon, 4 te -., (owe $40 te 880 esahb; sponilee. $30 Vo grM sa-h (alven. 4 1-2 te 8 1-het iueep, 4 1-2 'to 5 1-2ic; iamba, 7 1-2 6c; -ilag, 7M-to oc. Bacon-Long clIear. 13 1-2 to 14.1-4 per ib.. in cade lot@. HcLM#î-Mediî-m. 17 to 17 1-20. do., heavy. 15 1-2 ta 16 1.2c-. roils, 14 to, 14 1.2c; braakfaet bacon. 17 1-Z to 18c~; Or a BIoomlng 'One. backe. 21 to 22c, bonede... barbe, 24c. Lard--Market duU a- t iIl 14c, for 'snt tati Engiish friend of tierCes. and Ut Il 1-2 to Il 3-4e for tu-b3 iad vailis. Conpoun-d. 9 1-4 to 9 1-2c.rs a bit eutE.Poken? He cer- -- tainlv catis a Epad2 a spade." Winn~ipeg Craln. 'eYou're wrong Ãœhere, rjid cha-p Winnipeg,. Dec. Z.-Caob:-Wheat-No. 1 he in-variably Ca-ils it a 'ide.' NOVEMBIBR 1RADE INCREÀSB Shows ai l ncrease-of Abaut Fifteen Million Dc>lars Over Nov2-rnber, 1913 A deafý-h fi-rn Ottaw.ya: An i cntela nthet-ttal trede ai Car- ad-a- for the moath aven tire cornes- ponding pericd o! la-st year is indi- cated in tire trade statement for November. The tataIti-ade wa-s $126,455c,299, an ent-a-se aifa-bout fi!teen nillians over November, 1913. Exehiiive ai tht-intport af coin anti buiiiort.whicir ia-s iargeiy increeseti. bath total Pxportsana-d importa îuirowed a decu-tasae, thia be- ing chi-fiy <dite toa a lling off in i-be expant of agnicultural pi-oducta. Tota-i importa for Navember. in- cluding coin anti buliion, were $79,-1 88Ã",917 a-a campa-ced witb $52,016, 560 i-r 1913, anti the- total for tht- ciglit mari-ha ending..Sove-mber was $447,911,144 0.5 compared with $446,- 169,481 in 1913- Irranots o! coin anrd builion in Naa-mbC- ert- *e 48,328,- 727 asa oompared witb lki,&14,404 in 'November, -1h913, Exports ta Navember, 1914, we-re $74.40-4.299 as crimpai-et wibh $107,- 964,484. Exporta ai manufactures have inocre-a.sed, a hea-ltiy aigi. a-nd were $6,376,500 for tht- month coi- paréd withi $4,841,M2 in 1913. Ex- ports o! animaIsard thirer praducçe were $8,470,602 coippareti witb $!,- 795,511. Exporte ai agnicuitirnai pradîtets, hawever, drappeti from $33,417,055 in November, 1912, ta $18,846,286 tis year. Bri~shTroops_.-Landng -at, havre A despa4ch f rum Havre, France, to- tlree yearu, and barrsgcks arc è say&': Thoutsanda <cf Britih troops ing ihuiit. Exteosivelsupply depots are arriving hsre daiiy on trans- have been eatabuiehedhere. ports, gnd are be.ing.mroved to the __ riorth as rapidiv as possible. Thé Britinl are nielcing the port of A crots-charnel tra-port wouid Havre their main b;ase of supblies, carry.iat !ewer tharn 1,000 men, &) On.-the average, 15 Britiali -trans-. that if thre arrivais have oontinued prts arrive here daily from South-, at th-ç sajue rate eince 'tihe -abo>ve- ampton. Large camps have been! despateli waa written, at leàst ile, leased.,on the heigbts along the'-000 men muot have beenjan'ded in Seine for periods varyirg f rani two 1 France in the lasitetn days, Wru*ided -RIturn .tol tIi iigL A deapatch from Paris Baye: No cent.ý wereýefatl- in. hospitait, and fewer thaný 54. per, centi of the ]% jer cé& had.,been discliargèd, F-rench: woUpdedi returped -to tii, frqnýte'&ri.iThree and-a ball fi~i~jin befre Doetibe~.1-,a-e- peicert ,of!îr tihe-woundedd -died. corda? interotngi u ue-These 4tksgksdenonst>rte the re- 31 2ï.te surg a - rtment o! maokab6,;id"me madein augry. th inistry of ar -0! the" re- and show a lowe« percentagai ot mave>. 4 prcent4.- ha-d hbean domtWï f»mi-wounds -than -ia, a given convalescent leave, 17 per preceding war. anrounte ta b vèr$87-16eDl The <a soceurred oa!'1Mr. For4sEkie;fo- Miny yé3ri up- elintend-?ntao-Greenock oice. revenue col-leeteda-t ]u-a4ee total- -led ~ às against$2o3f i LoC-hwinn-och Feboo1l Board, are ta inrake provision for the fer dýciiig - af Ichitren shoPuid'di8tressa ari$a ithis iwinter. Captam Murrav, who.it-as î,killed in the- recent fghting in Fran*ce, %vas for some tfine sergeant instructor* at Meirose. Orderii hzve -been reeived-by sov- eral of -the Langholin woollgn mil for over 30,030 yard-s douable width khaki olatih. Lt was stated at a meeting of Paisley -Pirlxoaol Board that there are 15,792 chidrefl on the reils ,ofteý vani-ous echoola; New Bongate IMills and Laidlaw Brothers, .ledbuýgh, are engaged executing large orders for khaki for the -War Office, Among the victims ii the di2stex- to, the Australian submanine A E 1 was Pettyv Officer Bîibkert Smaii, a native of Gala«shiela. Dr1. larry Ranken, -wlo was a captain in tire Rioyal Arnmy Me-cbtai Ct- rls, and we&i:-kn4<wj n nIrvîne,_ ha,.-bl'en kiilled ut îthe front. - Owing t4-.)bthe ar t1herei, ,ý;1 *k' iliu-od of ail Llie ei-'t; rii-gGig tovar icill -,11ho seek ni-elev - tiî1 iti ir!;g returcd uncoppijsed. A fi litmes.-, tlie gift of a Ici- iocw o thie Z,oýlogical Scètliasl l-ee- a-dded to the colletion in the Ziof-i-ogie-al Pnrk - Mu rray-fi id - News lins 1b-en receir-ed iGr-een- ock 4)f the deatb i -neoftpoa ,M'm. Clement.. a reïervist ini the B3lack Wa-tolh. ilkrd lat the fr-ont. A mell-kn-oWïi figure in shipping circies bas passed away in t-li per- ýon of Captain Wm. Eiotthe CommoGdore Co)mmander ofth ClIan Line. La-narlk Towîi Count-il jr ma-king an effort to .-preserve David'Living- stan-.'s -buîtbpla-ce. Next ta Bur-ns' cottage ià is hlid in the greatest es- teern. Seven post offiée officia-la on the express mai-I train froni Perth ta Inverness lad an aiarming experi- ence tliroughi the postali van taking fire recently. ."The medic-al officer cf heailh, , gw~has ~ reerxted tira-tthere aee fci tyaspita1s aýd und-n sanùitary supervision Ai ho m e O,.O cases of infectious disease. John Wilson, -ared 50, _ and bis wife, Catherine, aged 47, were btiîrned ta dea-th by a fire that brok? out in their bouise a-t 23 Balgray- bank aotreet, Springburn, Giasgow. Mr. Andrew Storrie, aged ai, a dyo,-house worker o! Ha-wick, waa f ally burned when tle iquid dye which he waa watohing in an Essex dyeing mac-hine -boiled over on him. BIRITISH WOMEN ENIROLLING. îvlitI Be Traiîed for Signa-llng anrd Despateh i Bing. A de-spatif- a Lot Inýc-n ays: A meeting weaht-Id an Weda-etaya-t tire Ma-nsionRHoun-se in aid aoftie nîoveînent for tire iorîoation o-f a wcrma-n'a vohunteer rese~-ve-,,tire cîl- ject o-f wbicîh, a-ccarding ta t-h- Lord Ma-yor, wba preêided, la "t-o provide a traineti -ad highiy efficient body o! wome-n wirast se-na-ees cari le offered ta te Sta.tt- if reqtir-et. Sut-I woritn, e-aid thre Lord Mayor; couid' be traint-tifon signa-ling, dé- ~patcIr ridiag, teicgrapbiag, motai- Jng and ca-rp cooking, a-ad Vlus couhd replace mer iro ni-igut be mare uE-elta-liy enipt-oyet on tire lin- a-g' lace. Tht- Riglit Hon. Hen-ry Cira-plia, M.P., explai-ued i-ha-t tire corps wa& initeuoded ta b. empfloyeti in tht- tvent of a--invasion of thili country "by hordes o! Germa-nlia- b-riens." It wa-s not propo2edti t a-li wôrien for aggreaaîan, ire edd- cl, huit "to aim tibici for tht-ir own ti-efe-uce in tire hase extrertty us a-ery diiffereftt ande-n'ireiy -justifiaible."1 Foir cmaýnines a! tube wom-sn'a vol- unteer rt-serve have àlréa-dy -be-en fornîid wif-h, Vesco un-t-cas estie- i-a-gira-s calant-I. Allied Ar'iotors Reeplng the Ger- 11tî%us BuY. A deapatelfrtomncesa, Switzer- lard, saya-. Frencho asxd- Englhia airial excursions ýare aimait o! dl.ily- occurre.nce across -Aaait e-aden and>, Wuerttemburg, threob- jecb o!'ithe aviators bein; ciiefiy the, de-otruction af their.recad 1ires ai stations- i-n o-rd-tr to prevent troupe f rom reachi-rg. the- Almoa.LeLorraihë f ron-tier. - On Tueis-day twosa-la-tois; repo-rte-d ta lie, Englialla-en, fIewý aver Zerzliurg; on Lake C3onstancel, a-rd cauused a- parie ait Friedrich-' sha-fan, tire headquuartar e! tire Zeepein lialloon works. Lt wMs more a! a reconnaissance tirer;ny- tuing cise. No bon*s wcre- drep- peti. A Germa-n mpott says -tiret twe Frenchr avia-tors, who hia& thr<iwn' bombs on Frieburg- for-a thmrd tiii, end aiea an Neu-Brie- euh,, eausing muchi darne-g, were brongirt d.own- rear Columar laet Bu-rda-y. Batir mer were kilied an-d tireir machines snhed. A third aviater escaped. jail Courtewy. -Warder-Your wife - i her.e a-nd wa-nte tospeaîk ta you. Pnisoner-,Obi, tel her I've.gone out. 1 wit] gar -the theý Poîî-Cy in 1,7 lagrum1M> I ol U itmuctîion' of -beplesand Il eso ý civilians i-n'an effcirt fo crée tcé«0 eàfo reig Ai-terrcr. 'flih-eBrtisih s inti a.Wc-e go-ne eut a! - rs' our. way to rave the enemy's lives- are fnm Wea ic4a er,,pz ,We regarded tir;e eneînysa-a- civi- 1aeo e-iea' ehp' l-i7ed foe. -Now all this is likely to<, side 51ri, utti-séust rc ble changed. 'No.quarter'oeeems ,tainlarses -, Itow -cnd't Ge' be theoniy pbissible rËply ta - the>get- out Fo easily î Lt is not a- pure iava-gery o!- Gerrnan action tien whiâ hulud ire -insi&te4 The horrore oaimn-val war wili lbin« If the enelmy got aut sa easilî cz'-eased, -buLt t-hedu-ration of opera- - dq'eturn imipossible, hî-gli tions will perbaps be shortened ac- tegy rna-y be -perceived in the cordingly. cunistaricea- s.!ftireir -easy exit. AUSI1RIAN DEFE-AT COMIPLE. Positions'Feîî On - fter Anotiler Uritil TliWy Fled~--- From 'Servia iâi Prec;ipitate Disc rder î A defspateh f i-mnra-is- aya ,Tele- tîariand on v îeh unas gnaj>bing f rcin Nish, lbhe corrcspen- tîîanVtnrs,liîg-ters.jfaind ctler çrait dent of the 'Havas Agety 3Y waited _ta ferr-y thre troops tol.he 'Fiîill details of the f ltii eîe eî-ossing iutn egre-ateet hrt' aiund B3elt-ade. -have net yet becu tieSetvia.nli i-oke the la-st re-ris- î-eceivedl, but cniôtigb is krîowu te) tanýce. The î .\urian Sltrnsn, w-bii-h show)%-tAîat tiiie ai- the Austni-amIo nýçre icit te. pr-te'tthbe retre-at were suffered a defe-at of a fatal nature. thî-ov n 1irlia jw.ild -clds-order anc ab»ant-- Alter rievçral -ciys of t-ubb id-ncdlthoavy gutrs, rifles andc otiier filbt-iiig the Atistriai truops oc-trt eqoiipaient, tbirowin-g ornie-ft in- pied a lune oi p s-in -ieee io.le)rue fri-ar the nuot-thPae-t ai Obreuov-atz, "Servia.ýatilerS-, whic-h wes ra- as fair as Koviona, te- the seutb-east pidly broirghi up to pçr-itiong-.ca-m- ai Avala' (nine miles fronti Bel- m nanning bath rivers, shbt!led »-nd girade). The- latter positioýn wa% destrom-ed ýs&er*, bridges. The ca-rried by t-be Serbs after seyerai ÀAust rian -lasses dûîrng thre Ite bayone-t c-barges. Other -positions daya were enormous, arid tVbse .6!- feul -ône aiter another, until thé the Servis-ns were assras h Austnians -were compieteiy beaten Servians captureld about, 10.000,pri-. ou thei-a-at fhis tathe northofiaisoners, fwoM 7wr ofcr, 20 Avala. Tbey. were beaiter isla on cannon, ineluding eight maorta.ra, 20, the le t -fiank by Servian,- tolumna-ma-ehifie guns, 229 -anmunitio-n ,w-- de bouching fi-rn Obrenovidtz.- The gons, 20 field kîtchenia, nurneroas A us.trians retreaited preeipitateiy horses, a-nd a -gre.ât quantity o! fs&Up-- towards the Danube a-d Save, -over pliies. Ma-ny An-stria-ns were drown- whi-ch bridges, lied previousiy bt-en -ed." GR. "%lien I go fo r ny"coüntry V A BRAVE GUENCI She entered. the rnotor w:ith thiou- sanda of francs in lier charge, reach- Stirring Ineident Of the Etriy ed -Verdun .aaely, -de1ivérea the Mo- Stages Of thle Wiir. ney and securities,_-an;d rcie Ihe itee t ory of a you-ng reeeipt4.The miiitary ýauthoxÀiku, girlis devotion ta ýit has corne >rç~inr - 4e -ceasn ~g~ %s froni the elat of Fraxnce. Berthe urged hcer n.ot to retui-n. The Ger-. Levy,, aged twerý.ty-twoô, 18 an16-n- maris we:eeee re ; 'noFrencih piyein, the "otoffiee ~ pr~ wud ,ruts aps Frencýh!town of Briey, whi£lOi is ruitu- their Enes unmofrrteèd, anrd the- ated just aver the border front Ger- PýOstMl"ter"-muet reconcile h'im :seM mari orraie. Bret,6 do double. work. Ilie peopieof Bielike 1fhose of. B4itt the youII* girl shoolc her other French town's, were ging li-ad. ù aiong placidiy in là .eir usuai s'way all " l e edI3<my.se rvimqe, Jîiy. and if Machnioieie le UY n-o- 'airs,"ehe said., "Hé 15 eounting-on ticed the news cf the murderçl the ~rtra-lnt'n s o- 'Aistrian grand duke ami tihè &- cerne me." cia-ration of wa-r on Seýrvi& ya u - She-had pot proèee-ed -manyk- tria on the posters ci the news niet*re,' before ihe real44zed -the, au- strà it probably impressed her- thorities had been fiiht. No motor no more tiha-n it imnpre-ssed many a couid liss undhaiienged. Sine ehe young girl in Amnericea. it was aiilv '"itutoe it, tfhep, inany cae, $ho w-h-emn the German 1troops poureci aligilhted, &nd, abandoning, her èa-r, forth f ran Metz that Briey a.woke tôk -to a -ne-ar-by- woo'd. Here she ta its canger. 3rd la-y ;oneaied' ail day, and, under On August,3d the news came caver of night, eet out on -fôot.' that German ti-oops. varching on Man'lging ta evacle t-he Germari pa- [rom Metz, had be-en seen in the tLi'<,he reached i lier Coffice et neighbox-hood. The pcqtmntas-ter o-f Briîey, and gavé ta lier chief the re- Briey lieoreeived iis ins3trucLions ceipts for thé inoiey. and 8,ecurities At the first a-ppro.ad.h of the eriemy de3pOsited in. r-afet,atb Verdun. Sha he wa-s tcaFend by moto-r ta the toýw~ n went qelyback to tihe wvrk of1 Verdun. a -miit.ary p'ast, a-Il the i tfhe office for w-hii .he lied ca-sh in the Briey poit office. Lt was knowi i-herseilf ta be rieeded. a taïk that required, courage, hon- / esty -and réliabil-ity, aq well as ready A ola soit wmna- Monsieur the post-master sent for noupced a -whi-te elepixant" par.ty. Berthe Lev.y, to!d ier what mias re- EverY gue-st was to bring sorne- quired of h-er, and a-sked if ahe thin-g thàt shre von-id nbÃŽ find an&DY woitld go. use for And yet too good tothrow "Certai-n, ,monsieur,"* was her away., Theparty, would avie be nr.swer; end when he asked bier if*'.,a great suceess 'bu.t. for -the u4looc-r Rhe were a-fral, ah-e Iaoked a-t hum, ed for devekipment which iroke ît bra-vely. up. Elèven Pf the mineteen WOM"~ "iAf raid, monf)ieur," êhe, asked, 'brouglit their îhuâbands. .Suzt!rainty ot Turlkey Over the ýCountry k er. A des&paibelifran London sa.ys: faidld li -encefbfth consetitute a Bri- Thre Officia Press Bureau isisued tl5h protectorate. The suzerainty of the follo-wo*ng stie ný0neb Turkey over Egypt is thiza termi- nates sand -i-ajey Gavern- ing ýthe-making of Egyp3t a Britisht mt will I adptali meaures neces- protectoraàte: Iary -for 1edeoco!Eya-d< "Hi Brtanie a~Ç'jy princi the protection d!its- inuiaitants and pal Sevre.tary >of -Sta-te for Foreigw' interestes. -The Kinig has&lise- leas- ,&ffai*ras gives notice that- in, view o! ,ed'te- &Ppr'ove the -appo6iritnent'of a setatof war arieingau-t o! the sec- Lieut;, Col. Sir Arthur Henry Mae- tk-onof I'urkey, .Egypt 'is placed %tn- [MahO on ta be his Miajdty's HRig der the proteetian -of bia Majesty, 1.Commissianer -for Egypti. Enomos amag n "I Aral Raide A ticspautch f rom Paris êays: "De- a-pi-be German de-nia-la it às now cea rly establiish'ed -that the-cent a-eroplane-rzaida frai Belfort were r rouctve o! rt-a-Ire It.Si ombls werc thirown on!Friebbrj Ba-den, on Decembar 4--Iniode te :misead'.the . antielid' o*eflotilla, .t èrgetj 6r cf Husoars, made .~d détour ovin tire~44î ~ ocmingbock. on Froiburg 'watllout baing mole Où Deceber 9 tre- flo i,-flyin r a single file abta e f oi,0 eet, amidst a f uiiouip sîçýripo! sheija fa-ami the- Germain gn-fs, thre igir teen bombe, o! w-hich fou- Q> ca-us-d enormaous dama-g. e lead#p.g at-roilane wao ptrilck by a alueli ýsplinter-in-the let Pl n , a-rd îévè.rü lï lièt' ÉZed te ga-olire.- re~vir, brékîngsemaof, thre. the etabuity e! tirh e ,-Tii. bombardaient, neturned ti.c Bl-toit witbout fustibir joolent."i -~i. LZ -- k. 1

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