Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 3

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ý_7 'Iyi3is the one, »Mmer "ld -Witt a lace and a We are and crmt frienle, Neu and I, althouch I see Pare coIre g od quanbiÃŽy' Éývi tnd ours Zr ilittile -of lier. - alle in iaway* promw in 'a 1sking'-iiii the so for re- to -on aown -here and atuy a ittue -Wibh:a ùlixtuxeoi augar, r i 11rhile; blàt $ho JOV« towns, and I'M;afmJd quantify eh-ouk to the the «mn trY - would, bore. He «Cend- and. grMnd 41monds or, around we' ut fîviedozei Hom«,ý office ed thla > wlth hie noit-words, '*Ifôt--tb&t nurts. ý Plou he worst e ry iit ýr_ on-&& v, Itle 'Wat _oýschSI. Ap. Nell in ever fflily boïed. That Je one of e buir #ill do eo, her ohar:mnt,ý she, éan , ajwlWg fini tun. and ýb&ke üntil jÙ$t'don propriste for shine wherever Il -o Now retaining their shap rito Mere men. W=tn jujekyl', :Mît Éni - - 'Itub -the bu#g us ()If or the Young bréath the 6&ed-.-"Tre la nex a mftý4 gé of one whiteof egg for Folka. abotild 14ke botter than --i» live in of, the Noui no*e/ 91, eVei-y fouT apeles, place a M10111ild il you* îiâýýe any, pla« as-thiel How quiet.it Io RoW f&r, amd Ilustratet Folder sent on request. W'iâway qVýry%â Ip of eu God for Poar bloi "IVé'sý dittlà 'in uié winter, aiid stigwr ýôvor. Rêturn oyel, -and et, > mon. Canada > 50 to $M.S. Avold Substitut«. Colonel Ikaimev;, as,.,to'4 tenderý 'ne 6ploti àïk folli In Attractive Xniaà Gift Boffl# bot,; Endd âuly À&Uoh« bik , irAd 0 or' es ùf ber falot lane. thetôpjüi4ý«ýiin 1 *kh calor.. in-, t-w Qhf 1 ehouldot mind that. Ini Umd to and is "ýM ée land one our out From the Best Stores Eve dxudw-intrr, ryWherp wiîther, I, bélieve,',' This or -not throw- t o rnay feel 1ýeor e0le ed In a Il Mille the win. , meinber the et -il? need not àprvé, cream with it. ai B. Wat«" CoýnnM"e lAmited, r than the régime tl ney alaid, the ite cou-ni etitute.-Ifor spino Àdrian Daqlt each -Wh ewinir la the, mont beautilaqý-part ci thé tw'o, tab amuliiWd raugar, 70ar do teïlâtifui dowg here, *hen au IL rëvi6lving egg- fée.to'f ýeshëý i Lee e fiüitt'rfto atbý,bWtiùlng to tptut Beat whtté r out L' their and taW 1 beetér;,add augar, 4blç0ýpéonat wrSg side whel 4&urbo'aTe filektiýg about in-the oreharde. You lu to know ail a"'Int, t&M."i he ad. time, b«tingý'ege -twa'lülnu When-d1,opfflý ry ino- ght y0u aXe in the opengt4:qw tes b or fwe4n and af te r -jâe laat stigar ils i n. -kled -with a litti ils iii lit» rinivemd- but *he said nothinsý,, This long beating nukelé niëringue not stick to ýhe 1 and they walked ;fi - _'firzn. Wý,hen baking the quite e, k cs -_ Ný _n y rouirh the gardien in ttudeT aùd, "ly., r4fl cy c sJIence. Mrs Ietthemo»l -before-pqtti 9 creain. sâd Oreehaîm vut out her hand and aPPIeG . Il - spon (.l s f drew Entid down -on the--»at -beejde :ber.- on - inemingue, - &ne let moved by am never, ioý y> alle villen Ir " am y in a @Meb"o-cy. _p Wk Y." &ha oald; I jid Iner1191 'IL'ilý. havon, stronfldeolrIè-tu take,ýmre lot yon pàaoe or il bicýMe tough nder-tÀhespot., Mloo Laurde toile me tha ou have to go Or. A Strange Stipülatioti Freneh. àýp e again >výith tepU 'elé Tartà.ýLine litti to London on 31ondsy. I wfleh Instesd you à -, ýVie crust, r If you wish to wouild Chang YOUT DI-Uaà and etay with, 'pafty pains WiM îhh un- ning %,littli-e-errm > ram t around the be, sùre , fiat the '*Ivhsh 1 could," oald Endd; "but, 1 . am 1,nto a ' Uý .6f very sweet -s'trictily fresil,, ar I il Il(, of -bo aorry it fen't ILS CHAPTER XL.-«',urjtjliued). Laurie lookeil at hez eharply and gh, made , pomf ble." týlt- - 1 frowned* determined effart to drive strain-ed apple sauce ýbe«,t the yolk in measuring t ou are a naughtv child!- Fhe saîd. off the shadovm; a4t&ouWh the knew th -of ' combimin tilem. 'l %,ao j net P il brL-ttkf'aèt a little ccxidly. a'n egg, a pinch Ciýniiainùn and .)aring- yow thir, *aaonlya-l)aming êpell of pedce Iaat 8ho TbeY ivalkc-d on in oi!en-ce for a momênt nd tàblespoon of.,cleaned curr. 9 tf'Zle- Misis Laurei, ls more cbed-orit. pleasure. abc told hersell that éhe would on' ants. Insects Will r ieï'dc>iiiý7 afi 1 told lier. Wlat ' ii; thAt, or Iiiva.- Mm. GFreeh-amlh.a-d taken Coffonci take full advantaire or fil. N Dccj," --g qqil, Arney ii4 muoh Dr-ney'eýarm and wag Mo Ing t"t "bc Fill patty panswith this and bake, whieh are duste. ,Colonel Dan v Idowly bad spoken to Manon Laurie4),wher beart tou d to nie. Ife la alwayo - bringlTIg doiyn tho pitih; the t«O Lxjr]Ê branched off wm a -little oalgiepl ýfor &lie was ourle, tihat u.rvtîl crast is. dIone. Wfien cold put pIom;deýred alum nio Il sk aeiNýffl the field. and -were riow some dis- làMihing, %Vliy qidn't yon a him t".Le :11W.2y the ciller girl would work in. with lier, a mIeringue,ý Ltn top as dire,,ýted for three parits of ail to to I)re.ikfa-st?«' - Loolr Id " ""I non 'and truly ohé dId notwant to give youlig fý ývotËidti't' itaM Ilam=,of . t1lý apples. 1. Ilaramond aàiyreal cause for un-ha-ppine. make the right f '11c, et,ýufdit't.. said Enid. -11è t-e>ýlzý il au-deleilly. -I darcigay yfiu'il think me qn "He hao known me ils, l'o impertilieni, cat; but the filet le that 1 uch a littie while*' Holland %pple Riiý§ks.-Buy round If eggs have b( V.V b m tuait," ao added, himimelf," Illinélrd -It ellec, W -the trulli about you. 1 4rhe muned, se la-ter on illie 8Lro1-lýd toa£.ted rullmàs, scak in cream, and th 'lit) ke incst of plie wdrk ithrough tille, orclitarâs with Mre. Gre.&h e vf'ssel fr-oln'i ilf re. ceil 4Rald; *'but I don't pîty hini. menti that 1 wLw that you are breakinir -He cant Pooibly çare abolit me. 1 top. place it in cold for -1 a ý le that inak" him volitentr'dI" yceur bei-rt about someane or i.zomet-hing, - ho Ji§ very Young *a' tal, them pie h-üt apple élauce (in wa Il oilly ti, falicy, nd o Ouit; t1w lit Io' son hils fai=. 1 am go ida'd 1't OPOM'4 te MO,'YOII wan't Ocme0lO'tO have been t(hrovnto o, we Chihl and se'rve. of the change frc wu are iroint tdicire thie afternoon," Enid dtake vou in hand and make , Lhings jr ther ratber clQsely, if I.disappear lia"Il scon forget ali Old Country. Apple softens tille eggs, ertiniwht fcT;Fou. You don't kilow me very about Ila-nilmo'rd; hdmvever, did not seoin -1i11, you do knw me, 1 thJnIÏ, 0 a,-, miany potat-oes a8 apples in l One of the te itillarle, tibiàîý is.atiefactièn. He grumbied ^01 ri ji Io bc sure that I'd do nly very M. Orfabam lnoJbted on Colonel Daw. twic Lv a little In rïwt, a il g Od joiniaw thern for dinner that eveilin meats weil, mhe o a nelaim cooker. When done =e.ýh beolure ho had made berit 1to lied p you. lyeuld 'Litd -yo o l aerarixt.,menfoi for hie aunt'e gurete. 40 eak out?" o agreed willingly# beeauae àlanon Lait. with a table.-p'r'on of butter tù, e4wh frying, is, in turr an. wit ,P,,rý o and Znid Imd both p lut "0 crie tfflk yery much notice ablitu - - wore romtped, to aIr. f -teuri, in Enidle eyen, team l".64 hud temper; lit fact. bore itrt.lùo very t.linýt, rolled.down lier eth rý.nlreaome'muafc after dinuer. pin4 ci lhe =sh. Season wM saIC ly. 'Ste.ýtlcs in pi liçntioly plare. with, itg village Interests "l'm -ny-fully gratefal to yoru," she said; sr up to the and pepperamd motind in centre of juicess'bêtter aný di) top wbere Deoniond Hammond waa wait. velarefui Intnin"bere, lie was verY e' 1 a pl&tter. Brýown two spoo and if 1 could tell you my trouble, b * nu wit-h ýthe car, anot'her motor appelar nts ofýed',ift1lrnedùfte leilis Important than Il(,- wati when lielv(' DIII w - am g « aloi( onthe road, and. to Colone-j Damneya eur. Lho VIlith the rneomberj of the concert Party. Youto doýsonietihing for me, ail the intime " vrim,. drow ut) alio at biq zi!te 1 miilcfd bacon in a spider and when Te reMove in "You erLC -Mm. arc>@ha-m confWed ro, *,lie eaid. She pa, a, inomentt, flen, ý9 "Soin(,Onu to visit yoù, . enad »Mm. Ore. cr ulsed isp draîn off must of the Lat and wet a sponge Enid. whlen. tjbt%,v went Juto the garden af- olle (inlekly bruelled the teaté; away from @bain. -our bicon over piotatoes. Sýrveý shoyn or aminoi týr breakfaist toiretéer. "the boy has been ber eYt,«, elle eaid, "Don't Vu-t wrong ideai; Il p pect rio one," ho arffwered; but an a with smaffl friend sausages. stains irigoré ils.1y fvoift from the ver.y brginnîng,ý 1tly mis-tor into 'Nfr. Ilam-mýond'o3 niind.*' le,,. car and 1 ai, sif-m figure got out of tibe rist lier fIrst threc ohildreri, sr De6monfl blanon La-lirie laughed a little sharply. ftood 1.while chatting %vitë Kr i etcar %va,, e r "DIS sý V b.. - Hammond, Bird !Nclits.-Ingredie-titýs (four , ý1 lit 1l1l that lit loft ta ber. Naturally '11y dear II she ýsaId. ho etailled. "It'tq Nell - lie naid. sup. d "I've put no idowi 1 helpin.Grs,).- One clip lof milk one other ac, theýrefore, nothing if, toc good for him:ý into bis fieitd. %VhY it wafsn»t a week a." pollie she muot bc I)u't-ting 'uP isoniewherc nk ne and if hê liad not reIaýbJy an clip of sifted ffo' ' onel Tio tak-e prope al Lre, extroincly 1 tiha;t I told h!m cili:to plainly I didn't rotind bore for the week-end. Ow. Mim egg, onc Ur, ho mrouLd have become. d.ê-1 think Me liad It 9rhimt of a. ýýhance, ail the Sinclair, you wiLl iseo the original or the roitnded teaspeon of baking pow- ela à tih e ni in wE teutable by t1iiii tinte; but bis henet o Ir, 1 elame, Enid,- elle -,<Id(ýd the next Moment, photcrirrapli you admired f4o much.- t-hv rlwbt place, and in a litt!e while 1 1 -1 t.hink you ouglit to p-,,Iù@e 1)(.*fore 3-0111 Lady Ellen came towa.rils t'hem swiftly. der, a pinch of FaIt, li)ur smali ap- a 9mail qualntity b(Ilievo he will get tired of waridorinx ri 1 sand -him riL",ht ouit, of yeur life. I utied Sbe was ail in white, and hor piqualito, been d4ssolved. týhe" art4ilstio, groovos. whore really he lias 1 to think him DO',:Ilillu but a conceited face o,ýv.tthf-d about with the ooft foldts or ples, F1,11gar and sea,;.oning as n-eo- ,ts rio proper place, and wili eettillé dowit to l iloe; but ii-(Yw Vve chatiged m opinion. Ife a inotor-výL,'I. ý cd. 18vle-ct -appleq -with white, trIn- t4hem s-4t; and i y 1 looked deliciouely pretty and the ivark which lie reD,11-y ought, to lie clo. 1 rrally 4Li a deccnt tx)Y, and, thf>re Je rio! very yoinig. der flesh &o as to cook rea&y. careful not to wý, nir In bis fr,.t.he-r'f4 office. 1 nitiot colift,*E; dc 1 am very -fond of Deomotidý 1 don't love virith ut il. lit, il, Il --adl over cari in "IltreI am," abc ca3lfd out. III taid you Pare, c4-)re and roll in suglar, then i acid, or itwill FI lendit Seo half cnouwh of him.- 'and l'ni v<,u. Nrýw 1-ve zaid it,- ýl ii 1 ehc>uld týake yon by surprime." Thon toffie a I)iitt,-rcd pudding diFfi, and 1 T4-.) slice, the b defantly, lauelled. "Adrian, you-re a -fraud. i've set Et id would have prciferred m rather Klad, bccauLwe I've a feeling thut been pj(!turint: you !n oolitude with only then fill ý,a,-h cavity with :sugar and w4ys place. it rm folotiel Dawn(w, in wiliom tillehari been a il, if; m-,.v to let. you k.,iow Just haw! èoNri and plitrs and duelis, and here il-r-ade h once attraýt,,ted; but silie f4aw tlitýt It waA a t-Ille ýjai:d re -itig teaIptirtjt%4 you 1 a da,-ý.h of or a little giat;è,ri at ' fempt to cut l'et' hocteees to -Ltbl+' 111P)ut i lI',tli#J taisl and the outrer girl, yourmoif wijth beauty.- lettf to lzi% and surrounding Sýft sait, flour and bak- When %,pli liav,- 1 Diwmond Ilimmend, and eo »ha I ý:.t brr rziitideffly, queh t3ucii it! She "lioti-k bande witli the thret oLh,%r Mt B patie'itl-y. li* t an ilie day pa.ý.iîe,1, and %vhýtc.' 1 ing I>oWIi-(,i, tiogç,thei-. then beat eggs of -,Iip the 1 - o'Zr-Jifi-1 J-jk ori lier face ihat il, W0111en alld Enlil fP.t QtLite dazzloci by '6ba wisq lý)il,ý)wti viry muIlAi. into the rie Bra 1 i;o- j gave lier a ls;tfiep' of rcgrcq. the fié;xlnatfng vitality of tihit; youtig! well. nIdd ti-) milk and beat intA) ffilir and etit, then) fre. (.,et.v. f)f týllio§ man. Liiere êtolf- intd)j -I euy. Ftbiil." t!he euid. Standing iitill i erfature. The iibf.)toîrrat)li had dia.rmed 'tý) make a Iîmýuoth paste. Pour this iiii; ils cIýuse t-u it, 'nce tI- Enfdéi heurt a littile feeling of régret and g4u.(Iil(Iilly, , 4en't IfflAi like, vhaî. Surely: lier, huit the original svais far more de.' owil even of unelloinves. NVithout being lit th(, i it-ieili*t cýll4-jýl a drpýidfuI th'nz, Io it, thAt 1,ýirhtfal. least dé,,zrtýf, vain. site could not noiv dý 1- Dzkliti)rld 1 ia-inimoTlil ellould bc in love %vitli I've come te taka you brieli witjà -me over the appleq and balke in a mod- guitse froin liermif the faut that thé %vtq L erately lic-1; Ioven lintil apples are mot'e thal yoti?" ohe turninir toi Colonel DawnL.y',ý omi 1 a paeoing attrac. V a r à 1 c teridrl. and batt-er done. Serve hot kilt il liani 'fi nie," eald ]-'ýiiid me in a t-ý,Yir)i wil tir(,- b 1merhyo. yoii merc wzy 1 eatr't explain. IL, lt;'itlat lif.r. lie, kilow flivy boilKlit, old Loid tion for yeung Ilzimmond, and tille autre B(-tiiiibrough't; 1 ()r C(jld wit,11 ireall, or a til!,iii lem4m. of t3iiit wao--Vainýful arid.difi* lit i,!c(I and 1 krinviv- lioiv lit-, has, 13114"Il Il place wlicti lie- died. and Grac-4- Nielmerby Wounder] ýý.old gi-ed htýart, làal--t;hat tll;&4 thirig doIc.4 told aie 1 luit I was liol to, ü4 trie: ýack ivit.h. cust a rd. Il f;truck hoz-,,-too, thrti Marion Lattrin Ilurt ffl Ncrîý' Fou will undeiisuand, out you.- Highlmid reg Ilnc il, little mîEriffleýotieily watt; éticouraging %latioti dear. ývliy- .%,;IiY I inuist Icave uhe '*Somy.*' soid Daýxii.Iy; -but you axe juet Lentoil Vilsfi Ligredients: -1cilt in aot1ý)n n4i ilio Young man, riI)t §4o much for a poil , 1 1 o 1.1 r.- a !ate. 1 ani vromi.ýed for dillll,,r One clip of waféîý Il-Se-hoif clip of tic reuK)n now, for in any crise the tour to dop,, - at il wais coming, t4) an end, but bc sitgar, juire of h-alf a, lem,(jn, one e* Catièle 9;ýh(! 1 Mii,, Lauriv, alirl liow -plie spoke. gentjy» 1 A 'look of reai dýêt:ipPoint-merit flamlied vincrd them that «Jie watî doini; Enid a I*You'vé.- Ie-ý me ,ee that.money le§ 1 iiitl) Lady faee. a1though site tablesploonfid -of corristarch, yolk Very Kooil turn. yýý1 Y t-o Yoll- Oh! of eolimp -we shali be laiighiId. Iof one egg re is a seri( 'Ille 1,roepret rojieed by thit; new turn Disý,olve cornstarch - î,ý In lier lire ptit a thrili of fea-r iriito tille iible ýto inuliagt, W>Inmrw WL!ýbout YÃ"11, ill. "Wnr"r and %%,otNýrr,- ýic- 6ald. 'Il ehall have been in tire lieart, of Juliail Bryant'o wife. ais -.,;lie made taiougý,h it ivou'd bc diffieult; but I acil tivver boIý ' ovoi in vou and your farmyard with a little of the wat-er. Boil fin- 1<)ng vigils and "0' 'l'iiiiking i-o mii(4b n1mut mye-,I,ýf.- i ligainl', gai-, loin-on and water in double lier r)latim for týe future. It wcill lie ..W(ý earr't talh thjtî out cow - j;nid gia;(l : bail react-il lhg, toi) hy thié; tinie, boile-r, stir in ÃŽhe cornstarch, and 1 ed fighting 4--)fton' ea-ýy enotilîrll perbapq *o diupc*e of De,3- liurr,.(,xily. for rit that Lnoiierit thoy y,,eýe and IýIrr4. Grvsh-.ý,:n was wettinz into the iiiofid liantimond, but boiv coui(J elle pro. halied froni bohind by %Ir. 11-t-millorid; car, Kilt- loc)ktýd froin Lady Ellen to Daly. )Ik, Wlien they re(iiiii tect hert4elf lit the futiliroP The lire mlie 1 - bat vu muwt arrang - , ing ber Mev. boil tintil it thicke;n,.,, Beat y(' IL W)Meth ore beat into sauce and eûok olie min- the trench thev had oliot4(?n, the only ]lie, ý,f1v eotild chorwe we go iýwav from th:eî vioit Colmiel Dawney 1.4 coming to dine iv,ýto one w4hil-ill wotild a!wost liievita-I)IY ute. weight. of the sf)a brint-.' her inte) intimale contact with t-he the ýlioada(,ihe? lei IL any bL-tte.r?" witli uà." 6he said. '*but-----" tion of,ýmen. -in, cagerly, as lie juin- 011! 1 n'in flot goinir to break my on. il)pl(- 'Fliiiiiiiiery. - IngrMients: rance. In rushiný, Siaisig aloite after lutioli in th-e cd theni. the man t4aid quickly. Two cups of strained apple sauce charge t lie kilt _.v j MiFe at atu afraid IL imn',t very _Il l' mui4ý4-. You know, and t-liv" tjl reým alloittoil to lier, elle folt d. IL tempt'ati, haine ip; a irrea. on." whiteb; of thrve rggy, a few grat a-ainst the soldie at once -tIhat Mrâ. Ortt,,hýt-ii lia'd Laurie -ant;jwezcNd nromptly; ,bLi:t ir J,, id takey; a deoided liking to ber. doleo nothing but Juet rçcitýs 'To bc continueil.) The Rec- In a <iaair nin ings uf niitme-1. currant jelly as- th-af, tire fret tor. too, treated, lier ati thougli &lie werc a that dear old garden whicli I ëee in tho 1 - --1. --Yontig girl. 'l'hetýholiirht tjhat Abe waia ob. diéu -o. I du of si.\. tri( , rcfsay elie'11 bc a,11 right by ne-eded. Have the sauce thick and stïl-e.çi hhind and lirfNd to ilfilv, ber inarriago, to hide lier dillner time-" Il sweet-ened. Whip whit-cs rtiff, painftjl( Mr. Ilammond wagî full of concern ive ) ,ý ri.) the ring, to ilteent. in truth -;hat slbe Ife flenfleck.-Ils there any dif- then 4jat inix, the applels, adding the kile-wi.9 that iviii not, reaLly wiae rebolting to E'nid! fettching al-1 kinà&3 of remedio4, Whén êiIie îihut ber éyes ft Reeme and he waa etill dix,-urýî4:ttg the týubJtxt feri!ti(-e, Theodorc, do vou know, the nutmeg if liked. Pile înto pré-it mark ab4)ti t the- ki drea-m to fecil thaît üvon for a fow Il y nd Mrs. Grct&ham t4ho wa.,i admitted a6 an honored fi, "' joined 'them. between a fort and a-fortr@ýs!s? ty sherbet giwsses or saucers an1àý fi'r'p' of the_ enemi, Io eot in "A lýeadaehe." eild Coloneil Diwncýy. Mr. Heiipeck-l should imagine a place a &>t -of jelly on top of caell. gn-rb of the old C illits de)ightfun mimple honte. look iglanrine ilt Enid'e white faee, and M. alit-ait -mais like Iookinçr along a bard, stantlly ûompr - fortress, mv love. would be harder Serve wId mith tihin cream. go out of fashion bleak. etony road. oheiidiii4z that silo was real. 1 to ýhfrsolf. hétweon ly eufferIng. -I tbirtIL 1 can cure Ji, Miffl t-o silerlee. lier terth, 'Il -thJnkI àball have to W, out 1 Sinclair.» l'm no end of ýa gord doctor Witter Glass iiiid Itt: Use. of Englandl It wi.11 lie very, very'hard. yeu, know; had to lie -%,lien I woo olit ro, "Tell me," sa 1 inonfthls at a -time in wild vartei Icif thý bitt ont me) hard ne living on liere aeg Father-What' Yoit want t4) Mhe chem-ical n&rne for water *4halilhave to live.- world. Iprw.,tribe half air botir*tf -rest ah, "what's th Filai pritctl(-allý decided ýhat 1 for you.. . W11.1 you come with me" marry my Iliatightcr ? why, sir, VOLI friitil i'q g4wiiiim qýilimtp ar Y", Craw ng aj(jà t .0pened,-, gre, rately for a befori7e- e mistake was é red EightY Cre killed and M wvGuïî42- Ing, ed, Tjhere-is a-t lone case on fe- :cord éf a IL-ader -P'Urposely firiùg upon his own trooiis. -This'ý%-as N man Pasha, the i]-eatebiý generAl. e- whom Turkey lae prbduced forfaý ne, century. In the Ritszo-Tiirl-.isli War cf'1871, Osma ' n intren-flied bimself in the V11- ýen Juge f Pievna and- held it for "Y Cn M(Mth-5, figb , q Fcverul batties, and being beaten An the cý11d1 ÉDI, by Fleer starv'tion, ýmýj_ 'In the seccnd battie uf ly, Tiurks began. 1) a Pirifý1[,,i ng down h,11 lip"m the ,er Hi in, paved tri a, he raHway t1,ainý, The %vrre Tn4c(ý )]U ous j'ind fouglit welC Theý Tm-kýý iy, 'a" gait to give wav At m - ordered bis art, ng own trclopi. and îhr latt'er. ýr- - , a 1: mt ing that Viry wýj.u14-1ý ed retiring,,"iiýdei, thp,4ý,)w-1 ýz, than by, advo.yic:r.ýj wý4ým, ib- v his and w-ori a *vcat vict(3ry. rp lir K EROSENE l.l*,Lýrht . i s b e s t fo r la, young- eyes and old eyeg-afike The :71 lamp give-s you. kerosené ligffit atits F_ "best a . steaUy, generous gloW that xeaches -every, eor- ,:ner of the xoom The RA YO dcý--a- smoke or smell. It is ý:made ôf solid -brass, 7 nickel-plate 1 - t Is easy to.light, easylo clean, easy to rewiý1z. At dealers èvervwhtz-rp- wOuld lie 'Ouch a MallY - good Vhi . Dg .. f Or - Yeu W. 0 !11 on-g regt th-ý,e." Witlli the fainteet of tqmileo3, Enid Obeycil Enlil Iý0 21thim nervoudy. a"ýe ae hLm. Ile stood foramoment looking down 1 a= awfully îorry," she eaid. "1- ani on lie. with soniething Ilke a frown con- aîraid I shaoll not be a-ble to go te our tractinix -him brrwe. Re woo drawn ito he7 motiher. 1 have a-treat dezl of buï;ýneff-4 tffiat will keM me in town, and tàien," she "Tli-19 io rio niere ordi fi-ary headacée,- bc ehawKed ber ébouliders, II think it ie c-aid to hîtroelf. Re wan aiIeutitomm to TeYY probable 4-hat, I ehall !have to-go to rea4t fi(i-%%. and lie make qulek Judirmente Cariada In tâhe early autumn." ard bc told hiýrrýsele now t1bat what had said young 11am-1nond. Ile beè-n surjn,'ýê;p on h.1s part tbat morninu looked very mucli upset, for a, momerut; waim undc.--ibt-edly the truth, and tliat tbi, tht'n li.je face rit UV, **Bv Jovel What a delJca-te youiiir creature was fbàrh-ting eotue ol)l,-ndid Idea. I've al,%Yipyti iytantad tic go mon4al trouble whJoh tbreatened toi over- her. V§k To 1-he.g Ehid could eny notéinc but mho lieGi-osv (lu,%vn the blinds very qujetlY felt -%vrete,,ihed. Tjie tliffieu!,tiffl welle fret- arya %vent Iiut inte -the garden toi join the titur a ]Ltt-le bjirger. ribe -hegan tri *imh otherti, tiliat lier visit lo the Reotwry could come -Miicci - Wiiaair will be better when sbe to an end ýýCt on-ce. v ý,, Z 1 Cc,!ontnl Daivney wtaf; etandIng ait the '« UP.- lie eaid. Dctanond liammond was not In a 900(l i top of a large- fleld whIch et-etched in temper. He coiifided to-M:ee Laurje that -frorrt of tà low-roo4éd, ýAd-famhjoncd < no end of a Mood, chap of honqp- wheri, lie lived. couree, but jui8t a little bit too niasterful. -You find betiter tiake Qe car routid *,want;ti te rule everybody ae -lie r.ulcid thexe, Haýin=ond.- lie said. Indicating a tthe rtatives," lie eaid; but Manon Laurie rond rto- )tibe rîgbt a qJýttile higlier up. '. Id find no fault wlth--their host. -YOU11 JOIt y0ur grpringlO tc Pl 1 Yeu atitemptto c«Me dowm " waly. tbink ho la just avlon-did," Ghe said. Sbe did not Intend te -have any Intimate oonvereation wité for ÃŽhe oonvinced thst the an would CRAPTER Zil. want te discues Enkr aj ýnx0 thîn 1 Re smiled an ýe\«bc* bande wuh j1je and now -that tée *Jlence had beea broken nueqtào, azd ÃŽhe apâlogizeil for tbe rough- Ibètween tihem, and'Enid :had lot ber 8ee inein 01 the T*th. that this 'younir mm"fa Intentions, instead "Il you-had Riven me a li-t-tletime, mrs. her, cmeant or sirnifrine happine« to Grmhamo" he eaid, 'II mirbrt have gxn this T-te the cevem, Nanon Lzurie felt thzt rolled out a bit; but 7on muet just take b e osition wias one which required the, Mle Rëlýl aMý" treatest Pcm*We tact. l3o ébe joined 001- it aftet bore?" «&Id Maiton Lau. cneq Damner and lfra., Gresham, and thèy rie, tJipDins ber band throUb Enid'6 airm all, chatted on ireneral subJeots till tea and dýritwint ber on toi thi irouth wîw brousht out te t1hem, Our du 9 fe h = wl th ne ameh air Colonel Dawney went himseli adi pou ý o. tàen we, etaxitle the na- Enid. He tound lier, not aêleep, wa e ut !Ik. 'UV dur wbndë#ul tins on Monday, -ing about the »=, lookins at, the vari- P pue interutint thines bis -had brgwht bit ber baek with him. ýlýp# thon plueked. UV er "e. ý 1 felt '@o 'Suth' botter, tljot up," ehe nad NéWti From the Fli ont., knov, N&nm deur, - 1 a= ý a-fraàd eakt ý "Whet wondertua a 0t w"« 1 1 The Kaiser and the Crown Prince learn thiat war je not what it was or acked up to be.-" (toi go on with you when. thîniF I 4&ag have te iret you to «4ve me y the proeorivt4on." rSto Star Weekly. ALL DRUCCISTO. and, 1";d" U.S.A. dated- Suffar - h e Aefi nery in- hen- you buy Granulated'-Sùàar. se original _packa'-ges you [ré of getting.the genuine , CW 7 - ok, Canad-a s -filnest pure, and dea.n as whe.n the -Refinery. woith ý wl e- Ã" mis en rWnâJ f, ackaos. 1 1 - MIÊED# MOWTMAL ý-s

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