Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 4

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Doronnea uttr,'.Pr -Jobuabon, Medleliï Alert and James Mesua. .D;Howd and Dr, Waugh,g jam oeig te pal1 heu it là. Jno.e. HeWA t-EkiOUSE Phoneo1 e;,rompt Delivery. gayI* rwa 0" -WATrER AND LIGNI, COMMISSIONER Do itElecetrically. FOR A CHRISTMAS OR NBW;YEÂR'S- GIFT Why notSelec~t sDamtbing electrical, suoh as READING LAMP WASHIN<". MACHINE fSEWING MACHIs.'E MOTO RA" CURLING' MILK WARMER - HEATING PAD KITCHI COFFEE P&RCOLATOR1.,ý TEA & INO DISH HOT WATEP. HEATER IDISC ST&ÉV, ETC. SAMO A gift of titis kind viii bc a jcy fbroyer, and, ÏWiui of4ec!oins 11ke citarity, vil bleu hüm t!' ve as him that rticeivos. -GE.. P. aval TOASTER4 TONGS EN RANGE )VER 4 SAD IRON covc$ing a bat gives asse IIY, Supt. wh0-ever you ame troubled with niinor, aliments of the digestive .organs, that these niay soon. develop lnto more ariuum ickness Your future safeby, as well au your yresent confort niay depend on the qulciçu with which you seek a, correctve remedy. By, coimon onsent of the legion who have frled themn Belzsm's Pis arm the zuosi reiable of all family medi- ohnes. This ttandard famidly remedy tones the stomach, ti ,t uelugglsh lÏver,ý7Wgalatà"Inacdive bowels Imprvwd dlgeutloni oundr uleep, better Iooks, brlghtee spMrts and greater vItaIitiiýi'.çom after the lyt m basben clemad the Iod purified by i weu, sud. a t'Fb"-M Ibl>' il o~u Patrons I -V I Death of Mrs. A. Johnston. At noon on Tuesday, te 15th fuel. the died ait lte home et Dr. H A. Hershey, Owen Sound, Mra. Agnes Jeitatn, widovcf lte, laIe James .Johusteî, etf'Whlbyq Oubario. A native et Dairy, lu Ayrsblre, Scot- laid, Mrs. Jointua as bora lunbte ycar 1830.,Co.miig te Canada vt*hle quît. young, ber.vitele marrici -liIe vas, spent h ln lb.Bbvc aid six yearsamgo È st- nl bOwen Sound, vwhere site,,maie iter home vitit ber daugitter, Mrs. Hershey. Owlng te greal physical veakuesa, Mr,,#. Johnston vas able le be dut vony 11111e duriug ber lite hi Owen 8cund, and cenacquently formed but W M<mIted circie cf fricids. But btosej dwiodd lcow .ber mmv hli er oeeof imere. ,Serous 0Offen c e. IE To IP~ip NMENT 1 E AND TO lIE WHIPPE] ORt a- Ak preclamalien itas been lssued by Hia Exce1'içncy, te Gevernor Gener- ai et Canada, declarlng Sunday, Jai-I uary-Srd, 1915, a day of prayer forÀ peace. Tte proclamation le worded as folowao:: Wheeaa ou>' Empire itasbeen forc- ed totake up arma ln defence of .riglits and libeles ijustly attack- m cêd and tla fulfhl Pledges soleznnjy, givena- ,W.,therefore, bellevIng tlbe b fltbing titat ou>' people should b. on- abled te make a public and solermi avoval ef duty tb Almigitty, Q<>, 'M aid cf need of guidance tave tougit lit, by sud viti the. adice of ou>" Privy. Céqac1l et Canazo g a ppont mi wM do eely appoint SUNDAY; the THIRD day èe JANUARY maxi, t. .be throuhut omr Demin o f, Canida a day cf 'Humble. ,Prayer gsad Ttercesslon t Almigbty GFod on bu- bait of ,tii. cause undertaken by -ou> Emnpfre and Our' Allies and of t*tose vira- are otfering tbif>' l1suf1r lb, &nd for a upeedy and faiorable- pence that obal b. founded onundmersimmi- fig and not hat'red, te lte end- Uiat pwAe shall endure ; and W. do Wu vite a&l Our' lovlng aubjects through- out Canada to sttspart tti.sp-: pollnted day as a day cf NHumble Prayer and Intercession D&te at Goveriment House, Ot- tawa, December 15, 1M4. N!CHOLSON-ROBERTS. -On Wed- nusday, December 28, 1914, by Rev. Dr. Alites, Toronto, Eaoeie C. Nlchcom, of Det*oit, 9G of SEr. anid Mns. Robi. Nlciolau, of Wbby, tb MissPearl Roberts, of Toromb. MONUMENTS, ofali Deilgs and laterlal keptil Stoct The, rWanchai ecîdfloi fbsSv la good', and ville lie Couseil -a 1914. eommeeed thie Tor it i a defleit frein, île pr ' , sscrs, Il i eli -te YMW viba murplua- i a t hob saule lime ieq'led the lový'esitex, rabsfo tamy yusr.>.* The débentures c01(the bowu aae mlliig veIl, aSd the. tewnla paylmg no: nme for money lW ieuebtimeto finail stress due to biavar, hiai toirmely, ile nearly al lte .ibfS and tovua et Canada are. paying trom ene-itajlf t oeeand a haif per cent. more than they pald a year I belleve ln te future cf Wbibby, and have 'aeeepted nomiation again wiit bte toe that if eleobed- I ea assist lnhcarrving t cemupletuien bthe projecba whlcit have been sbarted tbis year, and Ifle decide te favor 1 me wiit your iot sd luflueuce, vill M.- deavor te doe vitl1Icen for ,the lài- tereuet ofte Town of WhIluby durs fig 1915. Wtsilng yeu aI!' a, hafiy mcd prOs- petofflNov Year. Yeurs truly, JOHN B. LATDLA'W. HOCKEY Tite ifiral game lu Inlermediats gros'p 1 was played on. Monday nlgiti at Peterboro, viten ýBowmaiLvtil' vent dcvi te defeat bele t hehome teain by a sccore of 1l". Titis indi- cates taItich teaim are more even- IV maltcd tahastu sen. 'Tite score by perfoda vas 4-2, "-5and Plon laise visited Belleville lte same nîgitl, aud teck toee a7-51 vlctory. WHITBY 5-OSHAWA 2. Tih. most pheasiîg klnd of a ro- ceptien vas given to the Oshawa In- termediale hockey team oir Tuesday eveuing aI Buns' Arcua, viten the anient rivais cf te 3eunby lowa came ove>' for lte first hockey gamn of bic scason fiWhilby, and, mol- dentlly, lte liret clther team b.d played Ibis vlnler. Thte local leam started lu at oce te score, and ver. neyer aI aîy stage efthlie gaine fi trouble. Thie sce'.vus1-1 te>' a short lime, bl te lead vas qulckly gaincd by te itomesters, and vas mtiutaiîed ea»-' The personeR of te fm vuslift- î> le citanged froni hut aàeu. George >Brovnin ugoal, wuste surprise sud >deligitof te evenuîg. H. stopped >many dtfficult aitots, and proived hlm,. self a capable geal-keeper. Evidely te leam bta lest noling by te deparlure of Jubb for Teronto. MoInlyre and Smith vere ounlte >detence as of cld, aid vere ln great shape. WVatseu, Lavery aid te Blanchard Bres. were on- the forvard flue, aid bbc vay tey pAayed vas delightful (te lte Wtltby supporters). 'Arthtur BlIuclhard dlsplayedhiis old- ltime wlz zardry wlbh the. stick, and vas al ove>' the ice. Tite otite>'for-. wards, bec, vere fast and bard chcking, witi thle resuit taIs a good ionS waa pilci up. The Wtltby hockey fana are iii- mcngely plcased vitthe bcsbovhug cf lte beani aid vîit bicrest Iof te game. -W- it a 11111e mocre practioe lte boys vill b. tard to boat. Tity, scem te be i bette>' shape titan s.t lte opening et lust seaaoe and wIll' give a splendid account -eft Iemrsel- ves. A 11111e more practi ce lu comn- 'binatlon playlug ia needéd, but evesi as Itlel some good voirk vas siiovu. Art. Blancitard and Mclubyre vorlc- cd a prebty, play fer a score lnlte tlqt" OR ff.ember le, Wm. Stote, fa be of te.young, ma vitwuwsaermalle mordered on December' 11, vas a>'- reste4 h his home To>' bongý>dm and -auilg membi 'bs a Iy' OftýTuesday Maluins- te ameà fOre ed eun 'ao d sericua chage. Ti WiOrnation read-'fltàthe diI o Devember 15, vithIttnt bryb t enable hlm tb commnin i n Endt#tbt cffene Si. & empi liochdoke>joueC LIll1iuStone, auc I ndlCtlble -o ece so atbenipedbeing o lict a84tus bodfly'harm on thie nid Lilla Stone, conbra'y tb bite 2'8th Sel tioM .of tbeCriminal 'Code." 1ý .The offender against titis sbat4ite 'in hable te 111e imprisonment anel to b. whipped. The prisoner pleaded that lie had ne Iknow1edge of hî)ving conmtitedý te offenic. Mini LilUin Stone, .daug!bter coflte sSGU8Od, vas te ecly wlbnuOex- amined. Siete ld of the ocfluymsa-t eeutobte s ..an, dbowy ber ÇsItb.l e>',h b.grabbed- ber by lthe ~ .t ale that he bsd bhreaitoeed 1mr- der ber and iter @ister, M&B. i raît. Tl.ie tneas usM te dtd not thinit her ft-ber as reepoç sblo for vitatite liad dons. Tie pri Soie>' 'as reknauded for turtAier itesrhIg. Local Improvements. Take netie thal 1. The Council of te Cerpcoralon of lte Town of Whiby"lntends bto coustruot ae a local improveumt private drair cornnetýcblubetween te sewersanad lte street lunes on su',h ctreelas ai atura ibmes àn te Council may direct, and intends te apeclly msocs te coat uponbteé laid abutbing directly on te work. 2. Tite eabimaled cst cf t.e vork per limitai toc4 la $0.85. Tite pecil assessment la te b. pai lu 10ma- nual instalmente. - A petiblon against 1he vork, vill net avail ,to prevent lb. construe- lieu. Tic tollovlug atc the streuls uo viiiew ers bave becu laid : Euclld Street Cietsnul Stres King Street Waluut Strest Kent Stree.t John Stret Centre Street Mary Stree.t Byron Street Elm Street Brcck Stret, Dundas StrfeS Grecue Stieet, Dunlop Streoet Perry Street Colbonne Street Asit Street Gilbert Street Peel Street St. Jelm StresS Hickiory Street Trent Street Pie Street Pittl Street Dufferin Streul Keil Streel Front Street. Dated December 18, 1914. JOSEPH WHITTE, -50. . Townu Cark. Executot's Notice To Cred- !tors. la fie t. fte' Ptie>'Pery ae te Towa *Lfy, lunte Coun- ty of Onitarlfo, lbo>'.', déoeaaed. -Notice la iterby given pursuant te, Section 56, Chapter 121, P. O, 191 i*,tat alil 'pffrseu aving caims agaibte estate o etlite~d Peter Porry, who dled at te aId Town of Witby on tite 251h day of No- vember, 1914, are requtred to eNlv.> or seid by pest, prepaid, b Albert W. Jackson, Whtby,>Ontarfe, te ex- ecuter et bie said estate, on or be- fore te iSti day of January, 1915, thifr naines and aidreoses, and a full descrption et biteir dlaims, ai"d tbea ! f yen vaul s Swan SafetY thit abebucarneS lun the pocket &my *ay, thon the Swan i. the oie yen vaut. $8.00 UP 70 YONGE STREET. Corner King St., Toronto. Wintsr Session opens January 4th in ail depart- monts of the CENTRAL BUSINESS CL. LéMp0US, Yonige snd Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Out catalogue explains our superiority in Equipment, Staff eto dR-ite ouae Mnvteodaandwre forite.f int red invt tho ind of sh or tic it ing thse esofa. Add wressw. N. nW aPesteldea. drnW.M INSU RANCE L.. W. DULLY, fl. OIJWflLAIW. tpresidenT£ oronto.' I WINTIR-TERI OPENS-IANUARY ;*4. STRIEFOR AÀSETER POSTON. 'rlin Thies gboei stands heat Md shouldeu; aboya th., ordlnny basieeollege a" wh.n TRaORoVGnD5S Ol7 TRAIN'ING Io eonsidsredï riMs amoag Lb.' bose a this coatisent Ootvougeaud. We . L BiletS, DOUEu mAAlL Tas iYA' CHR15TMA5 AND N EW YJPAR FARES SINGLE PARE flid fer reture matif Jeu,. ,.mgi Above redueed lares-apply between &Il stations tu Canada, eset of Port Arthur sud to Detroit and Port HAuron, Mich. Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y., Ticket@ n0W On sale at 0. L. .ticket tcs 3. IR$uevbnso, Agent, phone U0, Wbitby Soranton Ceai Chostnut sud Stowve per ton $7.76 Egg per ton Po&eal eair 'ton 7.80 6.50 At Harbor Ceai shteds 50 cents1 .per ton less. Ceai". The naine guarantees the hignetquaîxîy. Es R. BLOW, Whhby Bei! Tel. 9. Home Tei. . imprognabie Strength, MàIMUM Benefits incomparable Dividende, Minimum-Nmet Cool. Pv rates sud fulil inforrmation apply te P. J. DUPF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN, apecial ieP. Queen & Victoria Sjte., Myrtl. TootMr Thè M tual in Surance Ca. Tho Muual L f- Nw York THREADOOLD BROSO Ap ly D u,4a and R epa nu., Appl Du4m -estor?.O4. box 40 DENTAL W. APANS, Dm96% 1, oms, u SIrcet, lwdee Ne. 4,tbe Terrie OuiavaLIeMul AulMUrO. su. emsorto L. 'F.l>'b..k.- F1erte. -ad data apply $0 "More % Robi, Whihby. LICENÈO.0 AUGTIONBER ANDkVÀLUATOR. XII kinde -ofsades pfempty sIhba ed to. Arrangements; fora"ias b. maie at the Gneiso Ms- Terme reazonaUs., WIIITDY, ONT. iames, & ,Walker« Punip lanufacturers Shop Duan s tueett.Wibitby.i Tbre doors lvest ci Whtlby m"" W e are prepared 10 insiali y or O? pu io e slsteal ttend t Agents for the Ontario wW i li,a gazoline engines. U Phones-Bell 50, lu& à&- -WINT-ER TOURS. TO> TBF LAND Of> THE CANADIAMP" FAST TIlLE BETWEEN MONTJIEAL-TORONTO- 'DETROUT-CHIMAO Partieulars Item Caaadba 'Pasi Ticket Agents, or write Corner King and IraqueBgs i" IR. BLOW, Agentb.Whitby Make a Christmas present- of a year's 'subseription to this paper to that 'absent friend.- ENQI NESý Titis i. thé soason te make mse cf an engluie a few houri .veoy day. Bef ore purchasing core ne lasd inspeet- out Ides) Brandford pFej~1Q grin Orindoris, Water Bowis, Steel Sav Frramos, Pumpel ýTanks,. etc.- - Standard Cream Separators Let us d, machine, wvii is te interch Rnul uit th Fire, Life, Live Stock,. Plate Glass, noieleu 1#a1t Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canadian,. English nd Amerîcan companies. JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont. -Phone 1 29- ROYAL THEATRE- Open cvery evening, Wodnesday, 8poolal Fiatura Nlghts Wýe have installed a new Simplex machine, which Io absolutely flickerles and easy on the eyes. Saturday night, îoc te al, BAIN PERRIN, Manager INIC.HOLSON & SELDONI [JNDERTAKBRS as WHITBY A POSITION FOR FÂLL AND WIN TER. We have a ,onndý business proposition jfor a rellable energetlc, sleuiran- for this districtto soUl fruit treeormal risflowering shrubs,-etc. Pay weekly, outfit=eeciu1ve terrtory. OVEMR 000 AORES of fruit aud ornamentai stock uniier cuitivation. We oi through our salesunen direct to the cou. sunier sud guatant. deliverycai fresb, highgrade p.s.-1Basdso eCatalogue on roquent sithe, t. appliiest or thoe owtshing x ursery stock. iemenstrate te you- thé new featuros found' in titis th place it in a cimes by ibseif. Au impoprtant feature- hangeable Bo>vI, viicit permit. bthe use-cf anmy capacity c one size Frame and Gearing. It in easy to Inrn, la irequires oiling oîiy once or Ivwice'during a year- The 1900 Gravity Washler ruakes wash ,ing easy. Ib is bthe climax of efflc, ieîcy, has- detachable tub, and wninger etaùd attached on bbc main frame. Titis wcuid make a ChristmaI5 present w.hich lue persen could..,lte jaThe- Tweed Sanitary. Closet isacenvonience witicit cmi hoinatalled in s"y dwehliîg without waterwerks or pl')umbinýg cf any kind. It connects te stove pipe or eitimuoy. Other seasoîmble goode include FPut and fur Lincd Comts, Robes, Harnses, Biaikets, Mitts and- G loves, Truxîks, Suit Cases, Club ]Bags, Graýpho. phonos, Stoves -ad Ranges. -WB DO HÂRNESS REPAMK1N. NEW HÂRNESS AND PARTS IAND-MÂDE. W.- F..-DISNEY Bell suid !ndependent phones in stouri. Indep'endont. phone in, residencs. - ie t '1.t.- witli del fecti abus came 'atrai then way. lieve lirigbh ing take pitlel Ad Re <m mSh le lJ *ovkaan St.knr f is 1 uI»t kW taep tt bars ane ciy -900dg Dec good till ~other adv- The ver being u -madc app] tie-sysev ail draina lhad l -. mcessage 44bo I -J It vol pay yon to «al at ou workesandinsupect for yoursel. D«at be mlsfed by agmet. We do Rot employ tlim. Conuequenlly vm cam amido allow the agents cou. mision, lé p.>' oel., vilciyoli vii ceertauly asve by pureiasig (rom us, A Cail -Sollelfed.. Ofic FE. LUKEO 'N NEW "VE PSPEROUS, kAR ANDAR PARE à MD ONSI-IHIRD = ICI aise Dee.'s 111md'311,11914, mU4 J" 11, svala for retara matUIJas.4- sIebéq~mmw ~d.~.hcsi b moe ~-l'le w A. le-la, M, RANgerH CHAFI 4 - Sf v 4' 'f - GASOLINE RernMber lu ý&, A,,& Àh ,and Works lrd Bank, Whuhby. BFROTiNqG 0 PTIOIAN SWAN FOURTAIN ?ENS m - 1 - A ïa

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