us aw -1s Ai: owJ% WÈne$t, as a vwboîe, 'la 2perIaps Sgêut ever leued by the- Royal TRpS pg ppûEsi ýndat'h rsý tt re thls OF<~R. as' fti reausurlng te the pub- '6eTeIflptIRg Bribes That Haffve traly. Under the condtonslt Been Relusei. tebktéplay a AUVAAnnt Immenae )pUblic itrýtj' lwy ËeIèilg' the Dominion throughntra ia1w r ocedented situation. ar%>ueed when the naines of Brkiish Record of' Cash on Habd. offeis are ass6ciated, wlîtlh bribery. atti E ud4nreds of atueinptsarq! made te art of the general e ar- dftIOsnwlohldi rak 5 f parttcular Int.srest leis r-betz -' 'herontr;ndbfr at wliich shows the" cigh po- ý,M e i bnr;adbfr nd the l1iuld assets. AIt thse SeneIt Service 'waa brought te 'sue! lh fiscal year, the aniount orfine DO ae it is to-4-ay, attempta hand reached the newhigh Weý'e ptilb mor-e numnerous. ,$527,683ý866, which 10 equival _,While lie was governor of Gib*u1- uèlî an, ample -percentage as tar t1e late Sit- Henry Sniithcone of 1aaUý11tlei- to *the public.- day reScived a myserioue letter, ount corii»irea-swlth,$21,466,- elffErn îooi eur e year whli wa Oquvaletto là ht servioe" whiedi the ictiier did or an Increase of.over $6,000'. ildigie a~4o bud-t e ydesoribe. osets amerrit te1 $71,244,677,, rlen- o.okn notice of the 8 ecjuvalent to as much as co'iflmnuietion. But in e. few dýy of labilities to public.' The canie'.aniother leitr iner'easing the 1accounts lan this departmenit ofler te £2, 000, and covertly sug- notes of other banks, $2,525,- gesting t.frot the geverrier mi'ght ,qùeB on éther bariks, 8$5,752,- tut-h s blind eyre on-thie landing of ance due by banks a-nd' bank- - espoxidepts eshere th In. men and weapu>s behind tâe Lkck. 0 mno and' Npxt, anotable sheik, Wazir Ms.- sec4urites iot Ic~it Ail slled .and olYeiid La,- Ig à a#t-Vile, $1}. 5,5e8; 000, 1firiaily_ £5,000, for the fav*r l Muti# ecurities and îmeýioned. ,forqtg* atL.,, colonial -ublie sig abruptly fr-oeahies eat -the s, otbei' tii/.Canadian.,-r o rnor, a. bîg, poweri1fîîinan, mjjwg*lw4 o eber bonds, tée the edeik by the shoulders, eg ad toksflt eceeln f~~ted hlm round, ran hlm to the value,. $18Xti7741; ca-l bans do adsethmprwigon 8;c-land short a1 dsn~ii srwigd* ,4-w1jere than In Canada, 'a fliit -of eiteps. Berne years ago a Ca'ptain Grant ont qV Contraction ln Trade. n'a. despatelied on a di.-pIoma-tie lieifallng off in gèneral busi- isicôn to a littie state beyon~d the' ~s>couatry, the turrent logns. nortih-west froritier -of India. First urally Éhewn-a îlght centrac- ther~e n' attempt upen'his life,' te amôguntink te $94,595,972, bitI Grant managed t-o convey tthe ared wlih $86,989,390 *at the ide4a to the native t-nier,, who kne-w 1o previous year and ether 1 pans and'dlscounts eîsBewhere no ln.w exccpt fear, -that tiheren'as Çauada, $15002,488, as :co m- an çýxteÈsive British force in t-ho th $M551,594. background. Groiwth During Vear. Afterwa-rds he was visited by a îiider the~ unprecedented--con- dist.niiiuihed envoy cf the -ruler, »t.prevalled, the piogress of who effered the equivalenit of £5W0 L-Y lby -cbreased if -Gr ant n'uld settle theinatter in - à otsatisfa&tory. De- li&ha in accor-dant.e with the ruier's Jngitrest at.the end sh.Gra<hialy h fe n rttaflefi $31,224,1ÃŽ9, as y h fft n 1 wirth $36,276,871, atthe P end ct- erd to£I,500 in inoncy. the best ýre luis yçar, while- deposits h'1t-0M ii tle district, and five n'ives uterest rea-ched a néw high te be selected by the young officer I04,O~,sco<p~iéd ithhiniseîf. Grant did -not acept the r90.The',otal deposits aggre- eoffet-. à 6irfMý s agalinat $138,- Sit- Robert Hart, the fa-mous ad- ;;;era8ieo! approxýnmitelY nliintrator whenin China, one )Itllt -' e h remenubered, iobngw * 1hat durlng the year the niîn wkeefndareexn pal4 tho. deposit o! heAI-.eOfbarere *-nd ear-ts htfore4Ihis id G~reat Waterways Co,, dn'elaing with money, siik-s, vases, ýg t' 0$7,00,000, and sJIowing '5cda à ch-airs, and valuables te t-he the ordinary deposits durlng. tune of about £1,Ooo in Engilali r hwed- an Ancrease of noney. -AIl t-hi, fn-ety had been duinped down -with<:ut any preliini- eAn1oýunte Wrltten Off. nary! nettinbth rrso flt and loisaaccount Indicates a mand ai h byste d ers ofj-tl UP, te the- exceptional con-, nn d,~h atdcreitI ýh management ha-s deemied shor1ýcomang& in -thle of cm-ý ble te follow a vejY conserva- bezz4ed Custoe dues overlooked. 'y In Its valuation o! invest- ir Robet, more annused t-han an- nM thig. year ha-s ma-de a- gry, buandled thbe wheie lot back. eservatton' on titis acount of- Digererit treat-menrjt nas meted eut, however, by an A.B. in t-he .fits for the yea-r iûounted navy' nined Watltet- Bat-rat-t, wiho ,142, equlvalent te 16.30% ont made theaqanac fa-hrn up capital. As the balance i.g ad eaiainetrangeer! a eharni .a-nd toss a-t the, end of -the zit and genyiai et-nger ial cPy- year amounted-to $,1 1 iuth Ihyla ofdnilc.,1 amount a-va-able for dIstri: t-ht-en eut hints 11ht thte prpofts added, ameunt- v.ilich t-hoe traigihtforward mind of 2;Qc.l,2G2. 0f this amerrit t-he *aior Uil4ed to understand. iaccouiited fer .81,387,200; -FimlaUy, féeeling sure e! his mean, t-he wtt,, trAuferredato oficeii' tempter offered Barr»Ut a bribe of fund; $250,000, '%VI'tten off £500'for t-ie tihef t of a signai-code mi#es'. accouint; $60,000, m- bookiý te patriotile ,funids; $500,000, jw h lezktgase h for depreciation lanînn'est hntb leaoe rse -i Mhis left balance te ho carried sitliation, [hc set about -the ma-n and te profit sud Ibossacceunt at pgm#nielled, hlm unmercifu,11y. Bar- of"the yea-r, $614,062- t-att W-as "t-un in" for assaul1t, but ýatement o! Assets, and Lia- the o'harge was digmiesed, irnni3di- and'the Profit and Loossne- ately wlxen t-lie magi-stra.te bcard the *e'as followa stoety'. Whitt I1I<new. -I kniow. that- thie day will no ver o=ne'a.gain. Therefere I wilt malte it- t-lie leét- day iu whichIb Ibave ever lived, ý kue' ihat- ilappinese à a tb*ng n's-tjhiri, .axid if 's 'alwa-ys . a t-le n'orld "id very near te me. 1 k-nou I.,bave but- te se-ardbfor lt, aindI ' lat ea soon as I begin te liurit i ou-, I bave it., Also, I know t-ha-t as3 "nr as I geL -happinees andI le: gin t-« ive i awe.y Là cornes back deoubletI-aurd mo-te-te me. I-kno-w titi.. 1-1 krow t-bat- n'e s-klea et.'a1-u- lus, 'ant i tat- lt- Iceops t-be werld alive andtIr nacvin. I kn-cuw t-huat t-he people w-ho work,,n'if t love. in their liesteandI interueet tri their braine aie t-he reel doees andI benefa-ctorz cof m4nkiritI. -1 knen t-bat- I ca-n le a der smd- a- beunefctot-. I kuîow t-bat life iý exFact-ly ivhait I make it. I know that otiber pe and, et-bey force# oa n lXun& xn- lh!0 andI womrk eniy as I felIlow it-. I kun' tuatam y iîgf I iav yeuth; I -rinw, thmI i-am happy -l!I live hap- l'Jan~; know% that I arn worth wbile~ if I at-tempit antI acomplieli wortd:k-w1hie thingi. I kunw t-bt thle greatest thing I ca-n ever dc, le Myo d 'eyhst at eltlaies and un&er every circunet-ance .-Ootge Muat, then' Ada-me. Twý, desucons once disputig ao a Prepod neuw buryi' gr-ou4d, renîatked: "Il1 nover b buu'141inathat grtoiid as ln - - liv. .1 "1%iiut an cibtinat. m saltho 1 êe~tir.."liny lU. la - - - rreut coin.......,-$1,948 DOM. note-4 .............,82 H de * ý..........,0OC allier'Lanaka ........079 Due b>' other banke 3*: ,14'i8,8 Qovernnrat sot-ultes.. 115s,'"8 "Municipa-l sec., etc.....-2,JS5,062 - l4 Ioans ln Canada .... !8,5714,058 Call loans out Canda 1,.0,080,847 ,jL tqçtd aEss-oe.$71244678 ur. bans lu Canada ...84,e85,973 ir. boans eut Canada.,- 15,002,488 vet-due debîs,......... 568,198 - "s $171,401,337 Roai estate... ........600oOC. -BauiIçpromIsmes........581,180 Other a-secte........... .1,541,536 olt.............. ,0525 pn eosits. 1212 Du. bther batiks ..256 701 I-II Payablie.....744,889 Total' pub. na-b..... 14319272, To t-heosharohoder:- ;:14-p captal$ 11,560,000 - rv .... caita ..,.0,6é,0 Prev. balanUce .66..,..,,.- 614,062 Diva., lac. anad Pay .-<. p, 7 19 - Proflt aind, Lfa Aooount. g&kncO of Proflt--.. los Accolt.29e~ £4 woiindt. Thb( .ofre-. à d rilaivey ' Iwi 's W ave been £mted nh,.>"-thlod,ç~pp _511 the tre~atit ci hé voluýded are net wti the 4laft, fçy, years, @;n4 ihey,';reîeà nt.the gatè4ad- V5a~ÇeI»~opçttie.n ~l~' sur- gery .i' oLýv iccr4è reveaa1d te,.princiÉ!les ~fandi e Eves.-So êheort.a tinme age .sdur- 1 ang the prn- l~vrit, wai cuziomnary teo w i4Wd ing SI d - fhfslq~pa In bhe French And Oriin ýrzsto-day do xno'hing 'of £e kici, -"wites Dr.' the United, Stes puebUc-hétoth er- vice, ,in-the Youth'e Ooemmaion. They do nôt *ash * aîde'at ail. Insteh.d, t.he nilitary dioctor -pictks ILp a, wad o.f sterilized, absorbent Cotton -ith: his foresw, dipe it into a &ttle that-cootains a niizu . re of -iodine anid lenzine, and, gently dabs'it over the- lacerated part. Probing is avoided. rodine is now reoognized as the best. germi killer in exiÃŽtance. Benzine is a fit-st rate cleaxler; as it evaporates it taices t!he grease off the skiu. To fi.nish the cleaning anid 1e-ve -the wound in a gern free êonîition,.'ready for the appliéation of the sterilizedi dreas- ina, the surgeon uses a mixture of one-third iodine ýand two-thirds al- Hospital (;anFMejw, In the Vresent congkit 'nbt1sng 's 'iezrd ëf 1"hospital gangrene." Hs.ppi1y. this worst horror of war has nx>w 'been done aw&y wit.h. A few years age hospital gangrene w1Ls a myatery ; flo one, hnew whenace it ca me or h4>w if n'as cern- muniea.ted. Te-day we know that the nalady is atùlbutable to a spe- cific germ, and thà t in former times when ignorance re.garding it pre- v4.iIed, if was.spread chiefly 'by the doctors and nurses in the ilitary hospitals, as they wenit from pa- tient 4o patient dressing the w-ounds n'ith 'bare, germ-carrying ha¶xds. Everythingpoibe is doue rwith instruments. If the wound is à . eut, forceps with serrated edges for grasping is employed, after the wound has been cleaned, to draw the lips together. Then the lips' are sewn together with a needie that has rbeen sterrlized in boiling water.- Suppose that the leg- bone has been broken by a fragrimeffl of a sheli. Xhen suc.h a tding happen- ed in the Spanish war, the Eurge-on, alter carefu]ly shaving the leg, washed it %vith soap and n'ater. Now the miîitary surgeon merely- disinifects the wound with an iodine mixture in the manner ailready de- Ecribed. He renioves aiy frag- ments of lbone or* foreiga. nistter, sets the- leg, in order that <he brok- en parts ma-y unite, appli* a ster- ilized dressing and leaves the rest Lx> nature. The operation is much > quicicer and the resuits incospa.r- ably quicker. The military surgeon to-day is ex- tremely relluctant teo mputate. The surgeon does not amputa-te un- iesS lie is absolutely conipelled to do se, and èven then lie eut. off as littie as fie can'. If a man's hand is crushed and even the littie fin- ger cari be saved, iL is wei worth saving, inasmuc11 as it can lhold something. The soldier'a lkg may be frightfuliy injured, yet the aur- Rasther titan do sox fe -hoWi.llave ià alà ne for a while to tako cate of lt-self, afte- applyirig, uf course, thbe uecessa-y treatment -with anti- septc le easing andI suitable dres- ing. Ris etbj.ect is to giive nature a chaýnce t-O ucconiplieli aIl tha-t site ca-h do. Wbenl amputation'-lias te bo jperformed. t-le patient's chance o! recovet-y -under modern condi- t-ions, witli t-le belp ofi the scen- tifie -mtot-ids o! treatme-nt new un- dereJ.ood, is certaun>'moet than trwice as geod a. it usedtü te . The nuniber of mon n'ounded *u t-ho batt-les on lt e pt-osent n'at- l eri-oxmetîs, -bu'-'t-b&eqercentage o! deatl is I ,/t-e be rffmatkaby enah. Tl4i O! course, is Iargely on'ing lu lKie nymproved metheds cd sut-gucai treittment antIaise&oteltlie faet t-bat modemriileé bullets inflict much sma-Iler and <-boa-uer weuid t-la-n the bullete e!fermer.days. The buillot in mise to-day, aitheuga oui>' thre-e-teritls o! an inch, ha- great penett-atirig puwer. IL louves t-ho muzzIe of t-ho rifle ab a speed a! neariy hl-f, a mile a second, an.tI easiry passes -tiirougl lthe tjhi,-Içst parto-f a man. It <lacs very little teating, antI -ma-kos a nouud wîuth -c-a-n edges, whieh is muoh les like- ly t-o cat-and boltI germe. L2 t-hae onît cit a va-s t a-m o f !siu&fins for the wo-und- ed îs Pra-i-enteclby thse ueofo an- aesthètics, esp-ciaiiy whexe.epera-' likedy tJýt th~e rencfi antId em-, Mnansinaeir field à eue i,~t :ais are -nÀ hg,5s#lion *rnpùt-tioftý have to b. madé, sucli apeolal s.pain' d4ea4oae*o.m novocaino andI 6ôopo- Inine, rwhicli ate injo-ced inte t-lié & anL Tiey have the adt- e - fimt they'do -net leavo -a. IpleSa for many houri a.fter etatlon.;, They ae izd _,,ywrouighiZ à ù-B - ýb - ue tae 4iseased Und fomman heur 01 rth. .es, ivli save .- --a ~qiatilv rIet yo'u t-ne in. Mffenl ../es during the presentwr. - dera"gd VïI~hr , s'h einatin agaieet ~hoi4nv11f. At ~Und .4en 1 toldtméin. odiere - =opis u-oh,;.but even better as COÃÛbn'Ot! -*teùsselvs they fbeoeate a r e e n ti e f h i m a i a y s h e r e q u ir e -".th e ;"H a- m il. y e s o a fl e d a Y -, p1evnie,0ftssaly r-s' tcn's PilÃUs ch- a-4 ýtea the, sat I glitdly aý it d-e glory, - ~ ky~ ?g o é pt-att-waer. b eili rýng ,A d é-of -the troublé - - - Undci hai:gave you cl pt-aise. dri~hg -atr.~h~ari~ ~o dc- To ýglveêvlta-itypd power-to't- ho tOre il1 ciee ta £hat. At -le same kidneys, to Iend aid ta the bIa-dder- and ln evèrty way 1 tried t e zove -time it is c!4W1> .us tha-Jt4ihuzymen - Ity-er, 'to fre> the bîood o!f olsoans, -Min hboit te , you vas true, on 'the maîi h-ilnt e x o >t-pebuas Dhr er med ue' c-Und en-ly eiaimed - ùein lhonesti- - casieis from drinkiug n'eter ;i.'her- csaula--. a-milton's Pilg;.-For - a-l wozùn-I *"glriis herri, .DASN, int- t tO evtrhsY happfn to ftid itl;, hiénSoo te ellkni.'s rrglarlis hsrvxrt Aitdo,-f. . .e - - .ale 'o >In great deed. atv d.Toronte. - - 4he~vaieif~vOei~tlo~Beca-uee o! theirinIlld, s)othtlg a-n ocudfo a ete end-t TF T0l,WANT TO EUY 03 BLLà -", todle4 d iniia-g fiwe$téet i iemi e effeet, Dr. IImiZÃ"'satîsare lInelky, or lanad or gea, .1. Ptait, Stock, Graini or. Daihy a satf sif acw r y preëî~tive â'ieol- msale, a-dad re -recernrnended for girls r>aa Kaiser yi4h.-m U=>~br 'i4, 11. .peoit DBra-as.tôn. ei'ý90 Col' et-a, althougli whein a an .i <fmd woen o! ail ages. 25 cen~ts per- De-ýLerd of &hoim~.w ~ ~ ~ *ft~- tht ieM hshi,~firy to.t~,boxa-t ail dealers, Refuse a-'w eub-. 'H. W. DAWSON, osiborne st., mronIot. rai ifui an t-in veet-tbes uet' titute for Dr.,Ha-niton's PAIS1.o! Man -_______________ - îi à d & qëablsms!Idrake. ad Butternut. -- 80 vat I say, demo ot .i,- iSEINOS Meavoua.T7unphu9 wihieh u e W -Dat ve shouk tll > rudd, NE uoj UP.ETC.. 6le ealIed ea 4efoer, orie Of' iâe - GERMAN PRAIeS O JS . n obuei elpt .d m-~~Wrth. -great-destr6yrsoLaries infor - - - - ---- b oe Uçirti poa lte.ùtWB rt dyei. s preà d, -snas recenIItiy British Are the!ùhs adBaet To meet'deWrbititer onde. O~ Leiè,CIIgo~Mt dievered,Ibty the -body Ibuse. Foe They Hie Met. - yeu, dear ,Gott vill diaune dé - Evfdence, o! the reaton fGrm- 'l o ig a-skra-gain, MAC uIfO y r ou- THE BtEST ME DICIE > - fleers a-nd soîdiers igghtinig a-t - the Und ýyou a.nd,-I -wiU 'bardnérs lie FORLItLE NESfrot agalnt the tendency to belittle Fo r ee oAe n! - Eflgirie, ha-fting, bcltisig, pulieyý, thce Itt n te a lit u l-Bof te ln, on G o tetc. - oin large f ctor>- fr sale. B n-b 's ~ n a-b ets are -t- e be t ouB el ier '- ott o n e rnin , s l- B u t lste , t , à i ua t b e m iigty \Vh ee lo elren g i ue, 18 ly 42. co m p let@'. _ à m saete diers. spoah la terme o! hlgh appt-e- quick - wheyndrr efyhelbe- 1Medicine fer litie one. They are cînîlon o! t-he miîîtat-3' o e sjand tot- héli to me-onsediugs,- ewa-i in good condition. guaranteed- by . eleîyqaîie rtoî-epneî,O es a!t vso attndi Býafing lt-oeaeue inch Vo tht-t-e IystlÉ] qultè o hl op be O le1 a ostpafc inches, pulioys- thÃŽrty ies ta fa-il t t- absohzà tely ýafc land nover and among several hundred n'eunded And only iblay defend. lt nlcbltu i nhst ealt u-te constipation, colic, eeld7s Wit-h nhom the correspondent of the S ou nd wnv er Igf tneîeices. -- eltiI1Ex incentreuV an imple feveîîs by reguiating th-ÀsAsà ciated Prese ha-s talked Innlirevie- Toniake dt Alliesrunllu prt-.or, and boels. 'Conoerning, Itest-ohospitala the at fertuiglit, ne omk eAle'u i at them lirs. S. Sha-rnen, Ut-t-ct>, N. oee nas found whe refused te -credit Urd put nme s4tfe jute -ni>-in blace-1 RAO IU Swriteis: "I -la-vo used Baby'e the enemy ln general - Itussian, De m:-d-lc o(f de Sun. FR I E " Own Tablets for mny twe e it-e-n'French a-nd Beigianland EnglisIi with -ICIU andthilkebeyar jstwbra-ve 'DIt-ynd mlltarei4lal. eIf v.--iido) dis, l'Il dr'ýmy bat-t: B. Frank Wilson & Sons ands -tik-tya-ed I o lusnohbct.-lit d Itntin r rwui etu, l'Il tel] de vorld d&tfact 73 Acelaide Street West, Torojate. euesnee. In'eld et-liewitoutthe Britishi being generaily reckon But if-ye -nt e ik _______________ thq"The Tabiots are "od by as the tughtst epponeuts on the n'est yu dn1mue1t _________________ rnedbeine & or by mail at 25 front. ILisnleu hstile âct. ce-ts a box from The Dr. Williams' The Clcrmans had a high opinion Den var at once I viii deelare, --B+n atr-Vtr Meodicine Ç'o., Btc-cville, Ont.. _-Jo!t-ho ieghtlng qualitieo ef t-ho French Und in mein auget- rise 1t* is una:.u'b.tzd1y t-rue that, uin-- - 4 ~sôliet' ýbefoâre' thiîwa-r bega-n 'The Und send -mein Zopp'liu shipa te dot- certain cn4îttc1s, if 10, '~1- fighti ng -w liich "occu t-ed' on the m a-tch n a g e t - e - a a d p i b ~ : 1 1Marne. and Paris, tended te lessen n;dp, cr Holtesi lTkd Io Dropped Frein their respect for toughness o!f Prencti . vsufao:., but t-his ,m.inly t-c 111gbl' oint Into'a*Water Tank. o-- irbt1b utt' ethi; Din ltîiatum non', dear Gott, wkth onu, clte-r ao ¶t,. have cha-uged that a-gain, a-nd soi- lIt von if Many moýre, vorable light. In the ci The manufacture of sihot, describ-ý diors' letters reflect increa-sed t-espect1 Minue immd is ietllrd up te It-an n'asi whi-ch at.,ound i- ond'l' ti cd fry Mr. O. C. Horn, in Forest for them. The t-ceont fighting of 1tho De w-hjlt- v-orkl off de floor. coaots, a un>iob i a ~le aud Streamu, requit-es a higli tower, remua-Lt of the i3eI.,iauatrmn u lan- Becam~ 'î va hrd- deteed, niore eîp - a a pe-forated pan, a tank o! wat-er:idors aise lias grently raised the (lot. j you vafsromtii>piiUardnaf-,r,;, - and "tempet-ed" leud. man ostimatioi of the Belgian soldier, ,vewf I hý iu' ~ m ' ' t i . i n a e y r o t p i g o l ~ n w o , l u t h e g e n e r a l a r m y o p i n i o n , h a d i A n V x t r a c h a n c e u s g f e ;- - a z i s n t iii 1i t t < f - itot greati>' dIstInguislîed hiniseîf ait ,'lîl t v n<-ceor oe> I > motdfciv - h.p-ri 'lle id for ailipntto iho cas 1jt-fl e.o lîege, Namnur and Antworp, and 11et-hm;îu c effin. and t-l ie otce-2s-p etr-arw f r- .t' 'nîoiedfoîn ut gouls ut.asIintervenlug field engagements. propeller rev-lving ;n I- th-e raindrops éd weisb-nt-ley faijl- As te the rtsi, fiteld post letters; - --Van De Tý--d in(naiaC, hehghspjd f î_ , ' fromt-h ebod-s O rinaily n'ed~ ~oninu to ien- ot 1-o satonelî M-,az.1' t-bte miws c g-ogjaE - t not- realize that raindrops are littict1 roni a- (erinan expert as ta thoir n- - - But, ira the cpi-ii-ýn of a , ;ý2i : spheres, but under 1-lie propet-r,1 bu9t flghtlug qualities. Ont, of te lt ' j tlmý<'ULTicléin DailyTeorhmPj ilitions itîh eyfreez>ý, and we -lis-ve -lat<fst of tlîclotters, piîd le1-hoNOnOI à HuII r1It 'ifclte uh st---m'- h-silatcnes, whij, tus-y be es-lIed sah-ct- oon iaet.contain tîhe foilow- -r- oîin-I eoe0-n î-i'> made i e O . Igs ii passage: i a-adfiibt -wil] ene e 10<10 cai:& In lho, nakiiig-o-f shot, pitre 1-end;-'epea oeapa 0hv DANGEROUS PLEIURISY ALWAVS hon- far t-hoer;a-e i1evea lamt-Idan ix. it l- vrr,îg motions about the tlglitiugl-!ler a pl e t tand-o ismr;xe a,îcl -oftin, qu al i i es of tHie oneeny. Tlie EngIlîsît EGINS THIS WAY. a pro)t-ectio.n ag-ainst subma:ýl-Iîcs per thtt ailly f tn, are te t'uglie.,:t and bravc-st foe wel- andI t-lin pured info a. ptrforated !have ta ineot. Every Individual uis:.' ! SPeedicat Cure la Nerviline. Mna'sLnmtCue iheI. pan orýioso_. The poifo)rationrs s s-y lkeeps on shocothrg; cooli>' se long aà - -Oucli. that stab-l 1ike pain lu the sidae iadsLnietcrs occordiug to the saze o!f-It- tu bec li~ e i not takon prisoîîer, and these lis like a hot kutte blade linte t-i bel madIe. ýtra4nei voet-rne shoot well. Wtiei Protiably gaI over-ltrated-coo led -'Catles aY I gron' mlore-bLeatu- A t-et-per is mixed nith thbe lead ! wp -terni a position, tIhe French wîll too fâst--uow' there Is congestion, tiful -eveîy tume hb! s-esni"- I in rdrinikteglblsfrtn-un n-ten n-e close lu with '>-ir shouts tlghtuess, emîcît orc-ness you cau't that's the case you ought to make wh-e t- l ead lob f ules f ltad1 of 'hurrah,' but 1-be Engflish stick draw a long brearli. hi alm au twcc a tIax' cret word minc ld, tv f-aIf in-leair~tenacieunuly ta tht-ir entreccmeiii a:1-e Thîis is the beg1nning ot Pleutri.y. rîv 1-be ad,"Pbour1sy' te ,fart- 100serions 1-o nettct of lit-île bars, instead io! retirAuIt. Danz'-r's Arneezeitung, tbe leaming - a single instant. QW DUGITWLTLL1 Iu order t-bat fthcglobules mnay militar>' pubilicationi of Austnia, Il-lys 'Q!nek~3 eit -cf wlicouic t-ou a-i-yMR I)N yUîeIyîermL,L,,Wt. lia-vo p11eu-ty'mf tinte ta frn-. t ae'nbigh tribut- lu lime Serviait, Telglan t.-ir<--oî rbtn itfNrviio T ai "ly sad rinula. icéà éy ertlds;t<e nvnt - 1catI muust fa-H a long distiarce, arda -tnd Itussintroups. The Serviane tnusty old iiimit ne1-vc-r wiII1-ix youu u s cmEjeComfoi. rite fon troi tioc so t--ýnes're --buiit' lî. Tîtu ---re aic ttae in eiiato -lunuotirn--will take away the con- used te bet-madei as-higli as t-wo hun- madae1-bat the>' are without food and getion- ike you woll mat as lt did dre fc- a~l s-n or, bt î'd-animuîition. (redit les given the Bel- -Nin. Surnom-ISt.Jehtiîs, of» Stanitord, Bore peojbe are- wilii-mg to 1r1.-c de oer oîdr1 ci-et- eue hmntn-gans for standing nwitl tiglaîîd and wî- ae---"unrurinslug ta catch a alinee)t a-ny -cld lhà , -er iit dretIove ondefiu - Francoe ' hen the>' m u t have reaized 'tr in13 t wcoxnî ch -t a- Tho pandfl-'ý ta lo 'ih î~1ha-t their on cause wns It-redeent-1 heated. I pmut up the train wndow Minard's Liniment Cnsrza oistcmor. mTen eatI ponInj to:t-h-e top abI>' bel." Tbe pt-os lescritized fat- and rode 1-bat wy n a u tdem te gel Mülen eadispoued s t t-e opIts attaeks on lte Rtîeslaîs, Sayiug cooîod off. lu au bout- ni>'sIde nas -se otha t-ower, andth-le globules, <4 tlhey at-e brave and capable. fi fpi u i'bolighr 0 Ar TIriE:bman, h-rn-lar-od leatI f-a-Il 4hr(Ugh flime perforations - mucli 1-bat I îbought I had pueumonia. n'ho had a st-t-me c-4fin madeIn rr. int-btanks eofn'ater aI- -the bot-tom of II always carry Norvitine luani>' grtp ,hlm-,ell, exclammcd: -"Fait', thia/v the twý'- 0ilia to Ile vd at deâtintatloiî I rutibed my side od.I th -wr, rIle watet'r l tem, W&înt i Iere od re, an' a c.7qneo-Jiffin viii -andI ali éptevenmts t-hem front fl-at-- "Are you a native of I-his place?"' thot-ougbiy 1t-cee tumes. The warm la-st a ms-n a lifetm-me."- ttniug x-it, as t-hcy n'u-Id if t-Iey asked a traveller in Alabania e-f a-mbeadIiieî'gtrl!.N v[- feUou ~a oli fot-.resideul. . 1n Icons1eimensavedmine tram a Sot-- Frejo t e Wal-eth-le slbo't go te "Am I n-bat?" -nas the puitziled uns lîness. . l te«aýmdr;ers. Afterdrving t-hoper-lt-cpi>'. Auy sot-t o!fn aIod eau 1e quickly fo ecot e sepated froni tue kr- " I savâne %s'aitanalive lierte 7" titolen up n'itb Ni*etviline n'hlclîIs a perfect by mn,. e '; stals n Wmle1hiannactotilihe ita ians'l fer rilduetu inflammantion, for 4-5yl Sa-rage, igjinSze Ils it net t pcpi,le t-iut-ne tilt have- na-ver vont-ured far frt-uni <ur home w-a-y untIer-estjjl-,a-I0t-bte intel- ligenlcesUd bt-aiea-pcit-y tuf hose great tribes cf ea8's n'lio a re limi a- naine te is. A uÂinict, 1cmtli iîg roently ti London, Sîto,1ed 1ut Im wa-,- o-a npart-y c--jtco-l-- jout--neyed t-o Torres straîit-' tidin catring eutlrvesttg-at:0ýn.s j; :- er-etI t-h-at t-be h-t-a-l neasut-eiîmtrt, oi' ct-a-nia-Icapacity, o-ff tlie --ti-i-S -a jut- about- t-be *uSa-m, >t-t-bat o! t;h2- Uni'em'it-y lndergrad-~unte. In t-hte i nte-iut- cf Bot-uneo tleienli- t-mst-> unear.lcct.hrd a %vap -tribe whio live in lieuses a liunclred y.ards !,ong, raisetI on twenty-feet Pte, 'it'h eba-nbe-rs fer e-a-c'b faiy-,ard a long icarriduot- for t-lie COunia]lif'e e! t-lis j-int tenant-s. The netun' o. tilese 'letter dwelluings lindisputab>' s9how# -bit hoe-nasives b-a-vo a.keer &sèn a ftîhe hygieënif, antI t-hait- cia! uinimeicue exhilbitsthle t-rue epirlit. di brttllieod--. M a r rqoku qc'anerb t-o -hear PZa t-i a- young 1 n'as»!Iookiug fer a Seat. "Is il a seat yen W,&ùt, missu asiced t-ho. - It-ish t uS,1er. a "Ye seat-, ples,." "Thda-d.;, mia"aaid Pat, "I ýhould hogla t-e. give yenu a amt,, intthe empty ct-fisare a-Il fUII<" Minard'à LinimentCures carMin h Cotes1 %vent Lu F2"Idool for the first tire "IIow do .. or ec', Etheli-ar-kd h*er rnotih-r. W1 niarrmma, 1I <2nt think thqstac: kuiows very rnoch.' Wh 'At. ini dear ' ' 'Nlv hylîe-L(-e j3a k hIg cjuerlions ail the tn2 -" Minard's Liniment Curas Co!ds, Et*. Teachcr -A tra:n iraves no travellin,.- th:rtv ýni-lie> a.1 hor. I is followed thir tv n.itlati, i.yï .I tra!:) travel :iýg Msixty .1 hour.; At wha. r-i: wi-.vtP.1 second t.ra:n lrun i'ito the'îr~ o -At th,3 hi;'d ej A l> 1-2 a., car. L ISSUE 1.-'i5. "Ila\. li'aw,"gunawi,,pd -one, " bct the ltl a:ldid, .91l the TAKE NOTICE M>c -i 'i -ate srgitctrtinmon'- -il,- no t lne--i a--e l tiîCS. i-ui v. kiionou î1 - tt-.ur. I -u-rn noc>. tt-y v, : t lb- tt-r~î t-'JNAti;;iNIiuEN-i thoî ilI lnLAI -tM £NTCO., L'TD. neiwl.y-married ouiple% a.noiig t anci-ent Teeatozis %'as dnniga wine made f rom iioùcy during h>: firast thairtyv lay.s ft<rm.irriage. The up)p, of the word "'mKrxn" iwiti .,used e4rnply to de4g-nte the pcxi<KI of 'tirne, one monsth. thait the u.te cf' t.he wine~ continurd. In no iother reeece vas 't. e cn esppwee.d t'O have eignéà tcance in taheuuitter, AI:;- th'ough the, custocf ,'king tdîsS*3 purticuiaq kinxd of wine was long- 890 aba«idouéed,, the wo2d bhoner-. nioon ffami. urvived i , dlee sensié. If 6ils G à phe L u perlod 4e .ri~,~sg* ishirt, gpnerally devoto o triLp &W&.y f mm1 ni&m COLD CREAM uscd rgulnr!ywîi1 icmove blem'iehs, à at-id make sW ein &W h,âlcear,, -nd sounid. contains , fo animalJ or veg- 'etable fats,. h is -stcrlizcd i n thremakingand-dei4CaiY -perfumed. - A fuît size jar ofVà i1c Cold Ct-carn wiII bte sent te yemî direct ont receipt of the price-1I5c. --, Dru1g and departrment: trîcs "Vaslin" heaaicus Write for froC, iilusicd s,. ln"bà t leiOiugig d iiabou m . d7Ws UPli' Il !i n u lr ' i i il ite iltercet t-' e Natterai t ug - cat 'ibeai dea d - t ot - a s cv Acc-otding te tt- arA fo-1ti rt-e at-e b I. r Majze-General 1 C i- 4 i-C " n t y ) w n o - - th -li I D ra g o on s, 1 - - m 2ssae frin t-he Irquirie lun Dsbilà off cts'o! tire N'r c leatier, -om-ing to:e mande for d ety rade, lias: beauvery Alott-et-froint-he leBray Ut-haun CX>u ne Vo t-ho dist-rets -> <,wng to the wr.1 l4e gone.into at ont Mr. t-.H. -Alamxso b>'tînt-y -Dow.n, bas bythe ot-ovnr, peoýpe - as-.t-le manager c no--à fter an expiîo Dr. Mulcahy, J.1 Southt Leitr'nn, mw-s bie carat KiltyharIei - ng 'n the 1j avan a à il and. n'a--,s soss that le <lied sliirtli [t la rfa-tec ltat . -bce.staff of lime Bs-r voluinteering rac lie alwetI av e cei'e lis-If jiaý.u-e -- 'file rccrùiiîimgtiitt land are d-iigup tappimug i-e rescouire tilîirie-emore efft t-ons itisanticipated , .nunbér o!fnru w l bie fon erviýe. - - - a n-d îiai sin g ), i4 1h o hr o f Keumare. a nt Il -of~i a fam iv. n'lich li -.idistinguislied poszitieU S-- for cent-ut-es. -- George Roty, an ali - -Ca;.stlew<,ood Park, Ra> ined lu t-beBot-t-n $5or two mnthti i fr failing teotutn a - 'us e! ive miles f te nor-h jrmsui 4 Ceuncil gu5 ow de public liglitin shal otI at 9 o'c ec,-aî pany -las Ibeen a- At a meeting of tl lt-ici C<,mmitteet-b4 suggeste4.ea meai ployment i-ho widÃŽen anree e.mbîqhcmeunt -Puf t-Iiesheme. Value of a-FI YThte.- heat-eating -were no. mat-oit for Romane; t-h.goaet Cai-suo v-e-osue t- ,Peýrsaus,, wile the on-itali-s na-vý et-y antd enduri ev-en, iis ruile , for -t-elBt-itiel yettet- soldions th cii antI Insli ni mreatn'as a lu tI if, in t-boit-(d r.ail, whâatt-er t - Fa-y, a flasýh -& 'icularly mtîc -a c te r . - - ýe u afy SBuff et-o dep-?i rou a LII~I " Ir lu mle pi' $1,88611 pald profit !Ytoue Stotal Lin, wl Ideip-ds buwedt ts. 'T Sendo 'lie et; lies,:4 lut, -tirE JUI iiiv