Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 1

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*"SWEEPDINQ" TUE' EA 18 -A PEILOUS TASE. Uunred-~o ~IeBlost Whcn tise w4 55ll' ~ Vu aaSe -TbX Huills Strike Mines Sought isoaMmay a.ppear nt eny age, bu 1# sO common -between the ag is WIth Trawls. iff sansd !ourtee.n ' yest.rs. It ~ cszse b y thin blod. whlch f ail&À;& Maaned by Great, Britain's decp- cary "suicit noi"< .r %met-6oth Le &f1shermen, luudreds ô! tiny ves- nerveB, and the child becomes re#- 1U$:%are pairoliing England's eoast leas 'and twitching o! tue musclés lrom Harwiclu - te the ,pcntland and ierking of.tb lië mbe ar~d 'ri rth. F rom 'boats 1in which oaly body folbow. Iu severe cases a few wecks ago they were cât-hiig tiei. child iâ unable to 'hold herring sud trawl fiali they are now ain g 'or feed itsîf. St.. fishin-g for mena-ces to navigation itus-d e a cured b3- building ip and maintaining a daily "eLweep" the sblôbd,ý Tiié mot.i succSoesaf 1s for mines. Day and night the drift- treýatmeIt is to rcmovr, tisv Child ess' patrol and the mine-swecpilig troin aIl mental exciteenrt, Z flotilla are engaged' in a work -Fehool work snd give.Dr. Williams' 'which, if it is less glorious, is not P-ink Puis. Thèse Pilla 'reufew the quite an unimportant part *o! thc biood-dau-Pppîy, strengthen the work -o! Eu4gland's uavy. nerves, an4& restore the child t<> What a perilous taak the mine erfect health. ilere is jr-o!4 (,wep"i i eidncd ythel their power tu cure.. Mrs. Geo. . n -wer pfisis eien-c av MacDonald, Harrington, N.. $ numerk ! disasters whichthaet sisya: "My son -was sti-acked by St. ove raen mo brf -o the flistéeet. Vitus dance; at the outset, bis. Thse i a teawrizs trteeud- muscles.would twitch iand bis step trouastaeimaroelemsénhatevry uls weak and jerky. We cablicd in tr ftepoelrmysn l a doetorwiTo treated hum, but n<t to the bhottoin. For mine "sweep- withstanding h. continued to grow ung" the vessels work lu pairs, worac and at 1a-at grew so bad that sieaming abreast o! caci other, and ie' co Id not hold a cup. in' lus dragging between thein a heavy band, while his hcud constauily ehain that sweepa as a trawl net twitched, and -is speech - became along or jusi abov- e.cbottom o! rather indistinct. At this juncture the ses. -When a mine is fouled it 1 saw in a paper the cure o! a boy ecuber explodea -or is dragged to f rom similar trouble through the tic surface and put out of action. use ýO!lDr. Williams' Pink Pis, We The danger is in the vessels strik- at once, sent for a aupply, and in a ing with their hulîs the mines tint1 lew wecks -fer he began their use they are seeking to discover with there. was consideraible,m mprove- their trawia. ment, sud ih was net -.g after Ehs hb lfo're J-e wae completc'ly t'iea-red of!-Hostile Shipe. ~wh lin lie cuea nd has neyer had a syuiP- -'ýThrough tic ronds o! -tic North soi tom o! the troublIý since. I amn cou- Sea a continuai procession o! mer- 1 viuce-d tira-i tîsere is no Medicinechn ipngbrgn splé I -ike,,Dr. William-s' Pink Pille -for ochallnt sppi, arin s prts W'Pl *th iecurç of St. Vitus dance.' ! aIl indaito tic vriou sndpos MI -If vtideàler doea not kecp Dr. psiu if eu arity s tco- do Williamhs' Pin-k Pilla you caun get parative safety. Asfa stcd thein by mail at 50 cents a box or Nrti 'Sea ie concerncd, ibis on11Y te six boxes for 82.50 by writiug tic mines, compsrativeiy speakiug, ca - - r. Williamns' Mediciue Co., Éiat coustitute s danger to thIo, Brocku'ille, Ont. coastwise and oversea traffic, for bc flue ceas-are wel eiearcd -o! hostile til ehips. t BLIARS F RSERCà Many o! tic drifters engaged in - BIVADS U RSEACW patral 'work have been fitted'with w' !Sr Bonald Rose Ue Been igueb wireless, so that they qjuickly geVti ifin toucl with the authorities when nr Disappoksted. mine layera or other hostile vessels t< Lecburing at Chsriug Cross Ros- are si.hted. Tic coast h ivddu SirRoal Rsa dscveerinto districts, and Lowestoft, th plt5lNortlu 6hieîdi, Foikeetane, - sud es <>f th i fe history of malaria para- otluer-suci fsiug ports have lie- is sites'ha mosquitoe, spoke Of-Iha came hcadquarters for the mine 81 -disappeintinent at the, slow pro- destroyers. ht gres oftic light againet Hlra._ýuadreds,"o!faélier fishermen, ai *"Whea,,I haàd completed ywk members oh1-the Royal Naval Re- 0O dreuie tiatserve, have- been mobilized and are - zu Iba fodly îow in barracks - waitizng to lic S a few years wou6ld scthlmi drafted into veesels - as' ticy are a romute pranciplmet .u-! malaria oommissioued in the stokehoid or st r mîhlue pricip ta toae anie ntlie deck. Net aIl o! tic fsier- ti is topica; liai those beaiful, mca have been âble to find placeN - n 6.,-àn thse eau inlutle v8rious-branches of sea-ser , s icoeawould -lie aaost rid at once vice. Thousundso! them are eut-:t] f a ,Jurge that lias blighted theré !wrlmn icftok say -f rom tme immemorial. 'in tlis I tîing -but îbright for very many. iiuha been duep in ed ruci - "Inotiier years at th 'is time," 'il a. en 'dnc a cerain Toileri o! the Deep, tic magazine / places, sl anmIiGst 'fetlud Royal National Mission ta Italy, Neet Af ri.),,,audpart's'o!f in-ep 'a ~shermen, eays, '¶hec .da andi theicM t traita, sud, in great berring hairveat of!ftue east0 so ý14.ther but muci mnore- uthe' cast -sheud lie-in full swing. To- eni hae ben ouehsd-w~re-day -tic quay 15laiâÏÏkýwith vessels, ~mid fiiýi*r eý'ta our opportun- bt-tir 'e ÃŽ)gn o! life on if- é-andaur diies. -It Is nôt, the board ; also ts, W_ iiebcas tMsIAýf.e1ince that w"e do not fullyofte arit cnicoer id -re segifis that she giV04, to , Ssar isdt us N QI ,o!the îherc willsiSea are fiostic o -fuiVfuiilon vrei. thoe ý "f tem. su d because their ivork at -tlis atcla ae bu eýhv ses wouîld be a menace 10 tluem- kc -;t lis parbicular cae; but we nin hveselves sud cause serlous hamperng mmlieen htcubegiuingre, id-ta thé rapid movements o! uis Ma-i I m' bliee tat ur hi-drei wlljesty-'s al-ipa tint come sud go con- rý s4itic profit. But it i5 ever thua iuîy --with science. Her laves are like iuly laborers condemned ho drive tua- Trawlers Captured. nestirougi mouataînsa-workiig' "At tic oùtbreak o! the war btle perbape for yeare, un darkuess, sud North Ses was cleared for a hume o! opprerard by tic immense îpissi - ail fashing veseels, and many o! us -udes o! nature above thein; buttikitw ldhvben ciha - ~ aiways*e aouragcd ly tic hope that -bbcproiit ouhabeen nusinsiad et ay mmen thc ma emrgelonger fian it was. Tiere eau lie into Flic sunlight and upon the ne doubt ethat aumbers o! fisbing - viion ! snew orld" - vess have been captured sud turned into miue-laying vessels, T whliîcotwardl.y to ail appearace. STICK TO IT - hey are 1Euglish îtrswlcrs engagcd lu their îîcnar.y r-utine o! fishing- Uttu Tes or L'olTee 1111ts You Biard. ManY (-f the fîshing ports have re- lu la ,about assweli ta advise pea- ceived blows througi tic non- ple te stick ta tesa-and coffec until return o! a large part of their fiai7 if they ge lbit -Iard'cnougli so thinlsg fleets. The vessels bave simu V ~ t-bey wil11 neyer. forgel their eicperi- ply disappe-ared. Wiether th-liY- p ' ence. have been stink or captssred no one A wonýsun writcs, and ber letter eau suy. Boston, Grimsby, and Hull -la condensed to give tic facto a ae Ipr ,iuaî hays -if shrt sace: !rer's througîs vessels striking "Iwas a eoffec slave, sud sbuck mines. Tbirty vesseis were report- t'co it like a toper to bis 'clps,' not- cd destroyed froin Grimsby - ad Swthlanding 1 frcquently hmd s eu o oso.l iccsso ý ý-ére attacks o! sick headacie; tien tnfo otn nte-csso uru "e,- -s".,- -..----J -f-.,. v - h qouy iwo vessels werc tic crewa al a. hadacuhe, -ndsi Iis was wei-l enougi until -tic coffee effeet worc off. (Thie effecLa on thle fsysteni o! boa ansi caf- fecé drnking are very simibar, bo- -eause, t-boy aci cou-tain lie drug, "Finail>' altacks of, nieumatieni began la appean, sud ultinuateiy tic whole narvouâsstem began te -break down sud I was fast becoin- -ing a wreck. j Alter a lime I waa induce4 tb <qui - éoffie --nU I talc. up Pos§tuu. j--pIif'>.<i4a1 ~yeur ago. Tic mc- j ~, ~<,i1mTben itet salie! actory. ~ ~.s~s~he rluuatism le ge>ne cutire- î,serves 'tpracticilly well aud wi 3i ý digeâtLlols -*aInoSt perfect, 'f lv. any mare ick, beasi- a nd aun gaiuiiig eteadiby la and stmêngt." aOU1 8 iven by Caradian Posrtum ,Ib ¾Windsr, Ont. Rend "Tii. '~ ua i-bill,"n kgs. if copes lu- lwo forms : - - ai' Fostunt - mueitlic wel- 1V<, aud 25c padrages. %'-uLunr-ueS asoluble pw- -\A (deS Lýh e& "Isov5qik îa il fra erVcit, conbýî,-r ansi , itb JiFresii u rn a deH iciaus guumann~.ansi 50c m~d the Auraia5. i RIS r s Usnitis à- khads je "We had a sad tine a few weeks ago," one fiuiherxnan',s wife wrote f rcm North Shieldît, "wheén two of our mine-sweepiflg tî~awlers were blown up almost simnultan'teously by mines; a morning of anxious sus- pense, when it was impossible to get corréet information, then a hur- ried messa&ge f rom the eBoard of Trade and'the sad tagk of going to tlhe waiting wvives, one after an- other, with the news that their bus- bandaà were among the missing, then hastening over to the SëÙth Shields infirmary to see the wound- ed. Other sad scenes have taker place on our quay with the landing o! survivors of other mine disas- ters. One day the sûrvivors of au Iceland trawler with four missing and later that same morning four survivors f roui a D1anish steamer, eight lost." The- mine-sweepers will continue their work &Il through the wintez or until the close of the war. MonE than 2W0 vessels afe carrying on thE work in the- North Sea, cach witt a crew o! ten men. u -- - - 4 The one thing that doesn't seer to lie afected by the law of gravi tation.is the high cost o! living. MinaVds LifliMOnt cures DphthIrIa h n !IBE'LEsS *R!OSPROVE' TREIR, LQXALTY. Thc ýGhoorIi l Asever-BeatIT Bundle or Nerves and Eager '~ahbth iegmnt -l 8 ±Y ', lW- ther and inother, butin this matter my honor is conoerned, and if I do not get thie leave aak I- will de- sert; the pit will fi.nd nue there," said the E as Indidn soldier, p0int-> ing into the distance whei6 -his of- ficer expreszed unwilliflgfess to grant the desired furlougli. The- trooper was a Pathan whose service record was a splendidone, and at last'the leave he-c raved was re- luctaiitiy allowed himi. The officer had consented rathcr t-han force the Indian into insubor- dination. True to his promises, the soldier returned -t the post on the vcry hour. Then it was that his commnande.r questioned him about the reason for the lcave which had been as7ked for well nigli with a threat.- The reply was: "Well, Sahib, 'the matter was thus: My brother was'killed by one o! ànother celan, and o 1n- me .,, as his nearest o! kmn, the feud developed. Had I failed in- my duty shaille [woùld have 'been on- Wei lut by the pileasure 'o! Allah'-that is mot so. Ouir'enemy'sa village àdW mouiIie one o! itsbest and bravest." hc' constitule a very considerabC lemeit 'o! Eaglancls native treoop kIndia, aîtluough'tic geacrai-pu- châs heard lesa o! îlscrn tisu of me of tic oticrs. Once iaterested in hics sdier ,rk under British leadership tic Paltu-à is inbenseîy loyal, a fighting an tiat can -le counted upon tô obatile witl all bis stren-gth sud ohe st drop -o! bis blood ia the ause ci his adoption. Indeed lie aves tic intoxication o! a-ife, sud la i a foc to be reckoued with un- il ëibier dead or piyeicaliy unable o>deal a bIww. Somehow in -tories o! India, thue riter ci! fiction'likes ta brijng in5 se ipictuieacjte Sikh, sud for - tit ,eison many praple have -been led otic conclusion thàithti Indian iative army is composcd mostly ol his race. That la not - rcaily the se, but it is a fact tiati il "a fihtisrgman of.provd t1ii1itýr, und upon more tisa n e baftlefield ie liaswona« cuaàWn'an' suehow 11 razfgd-a'ùtu éssnesa ia tic face )f dàeàperate iodds. : Before Brillihanaexahioll tht 3ikif beldasud u-led the' Puhja.l and'béing bora soldiers thley pre eanted a very difficult probleni 't thein alien masters until théir ad iiratiou 'was won liy-tic battlil éuper.iaity e! thc British, and>thez luey, wétc readyto at ticir bo wibli their quondai focs. - if Ghoorisas Sociable, Whilc tic sikhs and bic Dogra aud tic Patsans give a etrikingl, oruamcntal character to the Indiaý army, Tommy Atisins willteil yP lihat his preference is for tic litti Qhoorkas, liose grim, but humez ous soldiers o! lie Cnowu who iav wou msny laurelianlutiir uativ land il -iclasi eigity-odd yeari Somehow the amibe comes miore ni turally ta tic Gioorka bianIl- fnown, but don't mistake bis che fulucsi*or a sign o! subservieuc or laek o! courage. Tic- Qluoorl is one nervous, ever neady buad o! ag-gressivences It wouîd i bard te iliagine more figibing spi il to-tic -ounce tiai lias been crew4 cd m ticth muscular bodies o! the boru warriors. Tiey are a Ïturdy lot, bardeni by bull climbiug lu tie land of tic burti, Nepaul, tic mountain kmn -dom restiug outhe soutberu alo] o! tic Himaîsysa at tie norîli-ca corner o! India. Ticy are fortu atcly not iampered -by caste pi judices and wiii ait clown iu car wit wite troopsand cnt sud drii with« theni witiout ceremnoüy. There was tic lime wlueu t Gboorkas were Great Britain's Fi lieaI atid nost troublesonW foc.. buudred 3-cars ugo lie Englisihh -tic Gioorkas war on their ban< andi for two 3-cars the military 2 thorities hmd s trou-blesome pi blein ho deni witb. Tic confi grew out o! encroacinients ou B li ternit-ory by tiese aggress hilîmen - Like Close Figliting. 1 f he ti acsny stages o! tic wan Gioorkas not ouîy hcld tic EngI ;troops in check but defeabed thi -decisively upon a aumber o! De isiens.- Following anc - 'o! th ,fi-ghta, severai o! thGic iokas w rdcned intetic Britisli camp wl -out gunsansd asked to have tii )wounds dressed, ssying liaIt t -tÉouglit tie Englsi doctora we fbéa-ble ho make thein quickly fit - tic next fight. I he A ad A', au- ict ri t- the lem ieie 7an- Leir bey for fren mer- w.st iiI i dsal4$ts.8iuC.b.en, -pw WHhi4WJIjIk!II Italais Paper Pays Tisent Great e li ti en n cfI~ ~ l e b l b i w f - Trha~~: - IsÇù f~'~ lo~so!-green- n atice etit eotd Iti il-en ,wîth their --wü1n,,'b i d0aedlittkurifl'MBR NVU AK R1ei Ã"> f"b.isrnw r.l-e NO MORE *TIF'FNÇSB, 'PIN OR k.e1i n, brSgor Disgo Ap TjJ Te ntv <drrmks a u- 80 RLMB gltora- cf thaepar.Ti ub titncf hidci "-ahsan e x-'-,pe~ rtn, oephusbun ta l fairlycats uMtre ain. sd size:theo1ean1zesheo Brti1ers pc ccýofi4'f bboio.n but tse mos carea ge- givés quick relýiie tolthee obig. e 8 sumeuffao ouIno t-,e xd-mrl an im o te , a tW lotgerane fig4tcomes a o'uly da .n t Ue ski dia. ke-t 'im oit-s #l-whieh h-rd so ef!o m makdid i ng faorte tier os &wean, tand coe fghtlepnjetra igf ore, an-yas. M in ghntlfr oae sd'vc6r.Tier- -an Vhe ece. ,-- - 1w e otteamnl a oo to tr ý ge- Apulse o! eçf "yro m p' a- and, IOP Pfif (Tr! u e con4lioi i fudNevie wb pnd i.iatoiudenplei and u)[U flOithféiLI It-pain.n. tswa ao~ ~n si e th Pe ean,b of r tee r g, wthatfl bro f-n uttem s or'g,-gvsul relef t' had ivliUPho ing "Fe lï irjiFrnh'hoetqic S Ae.FR AE - Al s',pIc rùbbnd, Joilqurntualieis .]:Nervi-s thi ad teone ubyd ne sfid mrvdsedl.Ias n ile 'ibea y aegdtfe'1.. WD,4i5YCion ie SKILi IVTII AYONT A- Fe-ozoe atmealime in-oder h seves y seep'ë g-te Kaiaerskgng.favorite. -, trem- at o niept tijoinsY s l nn r -in dae r and f4ctoles uM«, ~ W -DwOl rmpo.o 0 C (Sigued) C. PÂRKdSiclose rihtg o! th ets. - ~ « eîon-8L TaOt. Âlwaya Ras BeeImpardantoPrt Prince Mybrt. ' fcu r ite ocue yrltn 0f te Biti8 ~edics - r a ac e o pain ult usl- t ÃŽ4on71 i'oe rgiet -~~tCLùdO8 oints thaàl. t h rv ip e ontcre. utd oiff ,à he r ctu iradesliscm ACE TJOI ,LMS T. It's wonderioul1fo nrumbad scia-ho-sipee t1' a<»ck.-i' ý1 Ins ruc io , f rs g. -,di tes ,bi nu ho te tre.tm ui. £0~ t o"- 4 r Fo 'qàttesë ev- il-kr£l CÃ"r Sale To her redt.-i ma le dde lage famiysie o ti e tàoe. s il English e roisi n z uned tup un that ~ ~ ~ ~ n thyfcith ut ihrn t i s iz2c.Rue a suatiy itu ti icdnt"-,>ASgw Agi- E g q, ,Nfinoty 01b0aé Street rÈil f ITIrean Bacl ne u Ar C-bu taeroniy "N e ie." if oseve y wei-kýh aïel e tc rr ag fco3fral Tommy hdiFrencmy lli . camee-- al Nioa Scqlja CaEd.se of- Wbeeb-Po MÃŽT TU 8BUY OR BELuLetA fix eboEDbs the Germaancdotesa S B T I SLDER.t1ingILIr etc.. aI n &,oDacition-r break and fiee, says aentwruter.inaTii. Iin*ter oAil oein Shaftiufonone inchto- thre90C Despite '0.hP grea drincreaseheboritiih jaiss asMeedImortnt PoturncAl bet F trais HieW b relat n .enor pusinyslIAreS 1L Toronto Not an achtyorucheslbetheimusalesluches ti of th Britsh, oldie'o orjoine tha NervlineHalifaure " t on da Out-a,' Messaë rge nt H twelve luches. WiIl adI ,ntir'me range sud deadIinicsa o! gune an rifles,the bayonet l still the. final factor ia deciding a big battie. Btritishu army autliorities have al- ways recoguized tii-t, and instru-- tion -ia how to uet! bayonet bas always been an important patt o! the training of Englielu soldiers. Sc important ia bayonet fighting regsrded, la fset, that British sol- diers are tauglut t practicaily mndi- vidually inste'ad of!innuwberls, as in other parte of their triaining. Each bayonet instructor, in tact, only trains four pupils at a time, ào that he eau elearly tee and point out -the weakuess o! each. man. When thc "Tommy", beins to learu the various parries againit en imaginary fe., dummy rfles withl ordinary bayonets are uùed ; . when hel "taises on" hi. ïMinstrûco -a 'rlug bnýcnet is fiïed té6 hie i'fiê; -These bayonete have broàadbûtýWn-'é ontie -cnd cf them, and'fe6i1 t, once wben tbcy lit. The instiîuétôîr, i a fidcf h îë ' p ti 'il a re , o !f o a é ; W I iproteètéd with maeki., paddèd'j"c-e seta and gioves ýa case of accidents. Fighisa PafidefiJacket.- - Tommy'as" firet foe is a, paddeid -jacket -Wuft on -a wall, and« the6 mvémenVf learncd froem it is officia- - ly -1 m.own as thle "Engaàge" or "d'i guàýîd."' 'ThIb pôsitkuh i' e n _wbithe soldier ieady for aku, Seimergency, tathiflg it or prry, t tu p f oirwlrd' or bacis. B Y- i4 tÃ"61 lie in, taugit alweys to keep'hiabay- onet directed a Aeceto i d With tAia st eihstructioâ "Tomý ks my" l salaIeataught enother abio- ýY luteiy vital peint lun bayonet figtr ,n ing: That le, thàt lis-wihle iafèty lu depends on kèel*gg-hie -oppoaeùt le outside bA bayonet point, for 0134e - the eucmy gete "inside" the bayo- -e net thse sedier is more or lesse heip. s Iii bayonet figbting, in fact, tih' a- whoîe o! the rifle i. kept i font é e bbc body, and thse soldier nèvei r- aws hie rifle back before makini y a thrust. ta These points are emphasized ii le thse training, thé rifle being "thtawi thc feet not being moved f rom tii d- engage pos;tion. i Tii. ne*t step is trainin-g ta avoi- e or parry thie "throw peint," a1 id called. It is uually ûuade à4é -jr man's che st,, sudle pisr ricd->ftm tih n engage" position by moving thi g- rifle te thc riglut or leit,,Vbus pilai pe ing the attacker's bayonet away t tit oee ide or the. otluer. W ben th in- thrust is made Ia.w, however, -thi -c- rifle la turned down, the bayonE np being slightly iuubcdded ia th nk ground. Treneh Wotk. Tiatlte mca have many acbvan- to Many Peple. lu part, -. tages in war tine over tihr bigger Ni, 0RlaSONciB E brothers la an argu mient advausce4ý, Halifa, N.S., Dec. 15-W he n ter- - OFI'R-,. REP -USED., ia he British Medical Journal, vicwed ah her home at 194 Âryle St., After cxpressing thle view that Mrs Haverstock wuss quite wllUag ho S. Frank Whlson & Sous. 30,000 have beca lest te tie army ila taik of hot peculaly unfortunahe <cas. I73 4llîe tetWa, <~uo tic Jast fcw weeks owing ho t-be "I was alwsys 'blue' sud dcpressed.I preset -heigt standard, tic jour- feIt weak, lagud sd uherly unfit esaays:- l for auy wonk. My stomach wassa vor o! short infaatry. Short mcnhat Idid est disagi'eed. 1 auffcred -OF INVENTiONS8 u audlyfrod s neus ndbrk eadn occpy les room iu traLnsport. They achetî a drizzaincss sd icraltod- PûEN PiGElO.4&DAVfS fiad caver uioTe e-ssily ad effer a Upon my dnuggiet's recommeudation p - te1 « laerSt.. imonrn amaller mark te tieï bu-Ilebsand ud emd Dr. Hamilton's Pilla. sbrapacl. Tlwy are better elelter- "I febI better ah once.- Evcry day 1. ed lun Ircaches sud requine ho dig Improved. in six weesi s w B LRS treaches lesa deep te protect tiem- womaa,' cured ompichcby at dife for Ieifnt cnt physiciasehad failed t h e.-ge.d-b - elvi es . urg':t 1ohe, t ofor thiu reason tUabat trogly isY\oTNS AN:D ,MIg " ":tke ea ia er lotie l suffsincra with shomach o Igsi ST4O0Kslni then adb leatie O boot. thiem. îv tauîc houa D. i Tie army llaketcovers ticmmore, pille"E0'TROT amply, amdtheyned' lest f04 m. Hailton'a Pille- streng£D5i11 the htpbulfd5 t &uI, t hi-tamcaente Meefp up stomach, Improve dgcstoui____________________ thei- body huctadmlsta hi en thuenerves and reshare dblttd marcing~'nrgy y tem t bealth. By clcaneing- ý te i te'arrives for bambardiug th "Ttoe*'who- stand the rigoýr» et odo ~l.sadfgiiuiîe,1 o-rse uamigteGras cleimtsaenet mslWtyo, big biaùgIathUe system-to a- igh -poinit otessgâdigteGra c d 'Fle saire k. - ie ci- avilgor, theyeffectuaUly eUsSe uway fentier, ilb*wIlIc e eGermans,,as Meli'-an-d'he a-ilr, ikëlh G od w ris deprâasian sud dIeease. wcLl as ohher nations Who will1 be swept trec 0on tiec «st, 11153' fo young or old, for mnu, for surnedh-tn.Tcfidat1 short mn. Wrmth sud eus cou- womeu, for chuîdrea. Al dealers esi lry o!tise- British armyt lakea cn ditiona o!Il!.ratier tend tthd-DrHs ins Pilla, of Maudrake sud tice wlole, -la the moat pewerful:1- velpmnt of tabl me-a. Buthernut. Lihe warld, and il wii be fouud tiaL * "Tic caviry aud artillerymen re- - our elege weaponIs wiIll fuily main- qi'to e ebi , and powcrful, butas HUGE GERMAN G UNS. tain -oui' daim, wo premhnence iu te those Who ifu-rrew'in tise trench-- tuis parbiculr. ficbd e! human n- e,, h w can lt W.attr vwhet her 'FheY B îîb A tl e Superiot t e c deavor. . sî, are 4 feet 9 or b,:fee$_6-1_wi a~rŽile Grmai if in I he e h d a e )t 312 ly VI b ir rd be m, ei IE pp rf m in as pe m pi te tc te t, .1 By fanthi. most effective fonni Of atack haitof tic "low point," I as il is calîed. To deliver ti-is at- tack the soldier sirops down ouhies left -baud, or on lus Icft ku-se, ansi 1 delivers tice'hlunow point" lu an îipwnrd direction. This sttsek la parriesi in tic saure way as tic "bisrow Point."t In addit.ion ta iu'arniug tic above ways o! attsick ansi defence, thie soi- dier isaàaso taugit lie "béat," tint is lesany, tic wayof kaocking dowu an enemy's guard, by giviugý hie1 riflea samart liii witi bis own wea-4 pou. 1 1 lh"Yrequines cousicLma-bîe practice, iot<'e'er, leo train recnulits te usé lic baâ!onet uickl ', nsiquicknesil iauugb- ar sm.àch-lue, A square f raine o! w6eCda iëut Io feel higi i.as ruuuvng down à ia ter a wirc ou whici irte thlreaded a number e! balla o!hbickly woven elna*. A meolaauical - device ne-' Icaseahbese strn.w balle lWi suce- sian' f ro m i té tp o! thé wi'tc, sud ai thcy paes lic remrit asdtab' cadli due witi a quick movement;, witbdrawing the bayenet iis lime ta taibishe oeefolioewiag closc-ble- hinsi. The asivantage oi tue machine le tisaI il net-Wny cacies le-soldier quick and-,socurate liayouet worlk. but it developa tise *wrist muii - neccssamy ta witfsdraw lie bayonet -af-Wr il has campletesi its dcadîy work. Thé sailor had been showing the Slady visitor over the ship. In thank- ing hýim4she saidi "I see that by the ruIes, o! your ship tips are forbid- den."e "Lord bless yer 'eart, ma'am," replied Jack, 'so were thse apples in the Garden of Eden." if 'i- 12)-'15;" Liniment Curés Carget ln Cowi. ih- to hé he let le 1 1 Brit detructi*îh whic'h are being ezu ' WSI<.""Wswatemae-" Writlng a Letter. ployedby thse Germian armies. Tor- "Ris moaey Éae out.;" "What re ru doig, de rib be talcs have been toid o! tiche~ --~'-- idynatar' eoudong dar7"elovenansd seveuteeu-inch Krupp tir«iuâued fycildi4ý. ,sked the littie gil's mother as oie wepns; but il may b. said, wih- BeIyeai- ifiamed by , o'ý susced te ioolk at sorte very atrange eut depreciating Vie powera o! tise-é\ d~ureto Son, Dutand wici 4ý' nanke týe chlid was nîàkiflg ou a enemy, tint tiese atonies arc. cou- E yes diklyjMsrtt--d hece ofpaper. "I m wrhtiug a let- siderably exaggerated. Tic cria- 1 'Sust V e Nomfit. Afl' er taLibie Sm~bs,"wae ic 'a- teace o! tics. weapoae bhas beny1r,-Oïruggist's5c#.JO c.MnS y, wer. "But, my dean," - iaughed knowa ho miii-tury expet -since tcSslviTue- .ForD..kffheEyeFfSOask he motier, "you do't know how dyt. rto!henppadonlugisON1U 7OIyC5.hI ,o wmlle." "Oh, that docs't mat- thc testiag-rauge e! ils creabors, -1i cmr, motier. Lillie doesu't know saya, a writer ha Chambers' Jour- lacie of Refuige. Liow ta rad." rial. - A fnieud o4. Vie witcr, wbo bas "Her husblinsl a brute." if * " ~been reeponsible fer many wespouis, :'Wh-t 'it did.he -do." A -DIVORCE (IRANTI3D and wio r-aw these gu-us ndertest. "You$, bluw sp eratiius shs Attcr nsny years ofa.iPUsnuliuering upon tic Krupp ranges, maintins la. Wel îInseaare ttro oua ieau divored -from ccamsb>'- ap- that neither o! tiese terrible iow- a pateý ati s iuad duning a quar- >1715<e pt- '-i Cori Ertrato. -which lîzera bas yet been tîsesi, but tat t ic ic riesi wreth stoosi iot1lj 24boums -oliout pain. Iefrua ticheu su ad a haîf centimeter- s quare lu front o!- a mirror" aubsttut. [becauce *Putiiam'@" Ila the four andi a quarter inch-howitzers, i rmai47 (bat je café sud painise, 25c. pe-r wl-Lb which tic Gcîuuanarm>' la weli btietall denIers. _ +ljl t a_______ equippcd, have licea nigtabien for For..Exainple.thehlf.- Tic 'fermetùr wëe-e eplycd For Exmple.agint thc Liege, Naur. sud An-b- "l1t's aurprisiiig how unpractical werp fortification-s witi deadly of- [nrsLnmn oIaiel saine very- lcarnd mca are. " "Ycs, fech: No occasion b-s yet arisera for Gentliner,,--Theodore' Do aa «t-s-n there'a Professor Liug'wist, for ex- tic use o! tic langer w-eapons, aI- tomser of ulmnwa onemletelv Y-oured r-) am lie. espent over bai! bis lit e tiotigitic elieven-in-ci gun was be- bt4hmmt;tnudio ie tou 5 o 1ar -' u;-g in aquiring fluency lu ine or eu- ing dragged southward, and wws tO MENT,. - sud îse be be use si f r bic reduction fthe for-- T ie above fa c cans l, verified hy writ- diferet lti-uaesandtlin le ng 4o isins. tbthe PriiPr'cet or any- different asîguagestificationu-o! Paris, Fortuun-iteiy, osf ags5oe weut ansi marriesi a wife uho neyerhoer.ict-nprprvdlA OEi5rhî. gives hi s chance ho get a word la- difficult, sud bhe guns becarn-e St. LLdore5 Que., 1LIa MSJi98, i edgcways." sbranded in tic couury aîong tic hiver Aisne. IF09-11IA'îiON FOR INVENfOlIS, Wbcn thîe Gernuans rtets ________________ - - hhe~~~y rehiresi untitIe'rcueits - MesJ-rs. Pigeon Pigeon &- Davis, liues whee tiue:, 1ud ben -plaei Vrsei acios ii- -l u patent solicitors, M urarprwi)slenlciina nheu il Wa-s that for thie wcek curling De- rccognizcd tiaI a German ne- tIhe feIîow wlio lias heen irrdansi ceulier thi, 1914, 146 (,ssradiiiutrest was inevihableý. Tiese featheres i nay feci stuck' up a4ut patente wc-rc issuek, 91 o!f wbiel arc bhc "Jack Johnsons." as the>'ifi werc grantesi ta Axacicans, are facetois-î3- dülulesiby he *d'LnmtCue iane 27 te Canadians, 17 to rsdnsa -ilislir.T~h-ev3ysiege--- Foreign Countnies aud 1l Vo resi- gun o! autels a calibr'e isi too expen- dents o! Great Bribain aud Colo- sive an eqiipment ,tu be usesi cx- Silas RBoli. nes. * -ccpt in extremie cases . Tre forty-, Mre. Ernberg--H{aa (lara rtaju- O! thc Canadiaus, 90were resi- two centimeberi owitzers, wiîicli tic cd ber own individuabity siuce lier dents e! Onariîo, '? o! British Çol- sanie in~frmiant aIre saw under trial marniage te Hery1 umbiâ, 6d'e! Quebéc, 3 of M-las, uathle îeeîingý ranges, buse s life'o! Mru. Watkins--Oi, yes, - hudeesi 1 o! Alberta, ansi 1 fie Sakahie- ouly about tbirty rounds. Tic' shelb niHnr';ba wan.weigha nearly a ton, whilur lie flring1. -- o!ftà round represen-be; an expendi- "Many agôd cain," uys Peter, l're o!- twe;lvc undredipounds.. Tic "beads te1 a lirss watch." weigbt o! the weapon prelusi-s ilsif - movemnent i crdinary- systerus of Minardsa Liniment Curas Colds, file. lauiage, anà it eau be ineved only ever a, raiviway.if l" Head of lie Famiîy--If siobody> Thc sic-Il, wicn firesi aI a verti- wsntg lAds pudding,ý l'Il just finish cal angle of sixly-five degrees, bas a itof.t's a pity' to waste il. range o! betwcc-n cigit- andi ten 1Guet--My mother îssed ta ssy miles, atains an altitude o! about tire wasauwt wased'wire folîkitrce miles, sd travelo at a paed .keep piga. o! onuc tiuand feet per secod Io not thé ônly source -if ____________upon leaviug tIse unuzzle. I-t-s fligit of severe wounds and -Rç.gurt Y may be followed witi c-asa even by Injuries. Uowever et dispmoe -anàsnaéuçpc thc nakesi cye, whiîe wiLt-iglaesi cau9ed, wounds,'it8, .lt fè 1 cà -thUnesetc tic action o! tunning lurtle, wbici _,-burns, eczemaq piles, wast&faitter fronfthei food wiich coeurs wben tlbc missile bas reahesi ekin diease& and eu' collecte lierç- le 'gaI rid of! at leat lhe -igiee-i pouintu- t s tra~Jectory 1 ton r0m s qik Osmsa da ,it decays sud poisons tie is plair-I-y visible. Expert ai-tiller- I iy clre by ZamQut à 'sl bcr, asubiiues d- isba wîoare f ully c-og-nizant o! tIse 1 gestion aud icis headacies. Salto. Kuptedinsneouin Ou te aessu>erl purgatives Krp teislugu vutoI Irritate tic delîcate 1 irof the evince sliglit regard, for lb-ta wea- -, - boweis.. Dr. ,Morse'* ud a-Root -pieu, sud empbaîicllY ehate tiat Filis-entie>' egetabbo--regulatO '-its bark ila worse thonits bite." thse bowct-ls epocctiv4ly witiaut weak- Thse !orty-two centimetre weapon malgsikelngor~rpig.Use la cIaimed a-s thirMueemwondew o!f Abr. Nor*"Càee, - ticartilIemv world, bush,as a muat- Imîdio ft@o ~ fer o!fat the Briihbf0Nle'iii 5 ludi1m 0otPile asp.,weruliy eqippd;iand -w InChes puile tilirry inene3 tu g - six n> fifiy Iches, rëltln>- - ý, -ý i rËe s ta twelve incheB' Will sell 6nýtirO Or --- é16- unihoinu- Halifax Benda Out a Message of HelIpl 1 The Rest Attaek.

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