ONTARIO Col UNTY-COUNC] PalmioliVe The per fec't' toilet soap-made "lrom Palm. and Olive oils. For déliéate, beauti- [ul complexions. - For every member of -the [amily; and" For every toilet use. Palmolive For Sale by__J; E. WILLI8__Oruggli Pirofeoîsionral Card &NOs EL FAREWELL# Ka.Ce Baristcr, County Crown Attorney an County Solicitoa&ý Offi south wing Court House, Whitbi Au.19, CHRISTIAN Barrister.* Soicitor, Notarw Public. Etc Office, Bro-ek St,, Opp Standard [3ui - Money ta Loan. 41 YOUNG SMITHo LL.B. lsguur of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Wihitby, or reidence. De A, Je SWANSON B3arrîster, Solicitor, Notary Public, £Cor, :eyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Office- No. z King St. E, Mackie Bloc R4esidenc-5-à Drow St. pjoç~fSc', p'33 4f0.1 corner dritore. Wbithi .q o wtt neUfm regulred. Tii Oiuator Canada lmprovomenl 1- Land 00., Llmttedl RosI gtato Deslera, Estatei Managt Ronte Colleted, Firât Loans Arrang( propertieoq bouglît and oId. Fo terne apply Ilead Office, BrookS Bell Phono 193., md. Phone' Mie@ i Manageroi, ROHAUMOM à RICHARDION, Whtby. 4Symiigton AY *, TORONTO WiIl be plesseil to give estimates on kinde off Plan te rLtîg,.La t hng, etc. ChargeiModerate. Write for Teri -FRED, Wu McBRUEN Ca!rpet.r, Builder andi Contract Plans dravu anti estimates furnislted iRepairs, Alterations sud Jobbing.. *ÇOOKLUM, - ONTAI Cowmttry Real Estâtes W. mseli suburban and cour homes, farms, and ail classes oouuntry properties. -If you hi propcrty W mli write JOHN FISHER & e Country Roni Ltate and Farm Broi Lunisden BWilding 6 Adelalde St. East TORONTO I Al kinda of mingle and doubl rip for hire. -Bils ta all trains and baggage transfei Rarmes bought and moiti t commission. Some gai od drivers aid beav teami for sali; aima baie hay and traw in an>' quanti( joie sn n LIVERSALEjMil BROOK ST., WuTBr office or ph Stable ione 89-, 14 or 7 ls aid Office: [The llrst meeting 01 the 'County WEDNESIIAY. The . Whi tbe l i!Ih ofthtéi Upper the conditionflo the coumbrlos and -Camugilfor thec !ear le a véiy Interý- The work off eletin; 0liairmnen o UlItS ib. .<71 atýa - 1 e?. naigtwoml.BlI etlng -one, alWay, 6ecauge 8at t b committoos ocoupied a good',dM1 0f< ui l e ls wer shown Wardela chasen for theourrgti k.. Wdnesday, the. lai o t mlt à a.~ ~p oted spectators, at the CouRt and Brjges 'c mnihtîte-louadit tt «Y tthhlf- iu bail. n ios .aitUEtioe .puast hathear o upti- 14ouse on Tueuday afflernooýn.- diffclt to decidoOlu# a h.il butt-héretrlg ots hage a t tatfarnrt TheCoaicl aa re ullt d M>r .eroëw asch rmnPremident, Mr. , I..BIo , echair land. in if are smre of the nmoot forcé, many. aew ,faoeSappeariag, but Flve ladies co!-thé. Wome's Int -was - laiton by- Pi*v. Jos. Pletchêr, -beautilu,1churcheB ever erecteti for the a majority'off thé twent>y-two were ture o! O)ntarlo County,wr peet who led s shot"&votal . e ervýice,. worshi,lpoff Gad. Fible^h>uee have men Who lhaitoccujçed places et the .ta oUalit the Interent ai thé e mbngal aesWbed by Re,. -A.P, Menzies. been erécted .at .various places Board lu previous. years. of the. Counclil à nd, tiirough-thesu ai The speaker, of the ovening was 'throughout the country,' .and -the Altier County C.lerk Farewell haidthie varduion mimîpaltîe, In relefRÃŽv. W.E. Hassard, who. gaveoie Bible is distibuted to aIl who willl read declarationm of office fromn the work for the poor belng carriicd onof thé ftnent, ad"eeo evér. beard také it. Clerk's of the. vatlous municipalities, lin Toronto. Mrs. Dunstan, of To- hèel oietoewt i okof h iacllsenot for thé ear the élection of Wardèn was procecd-i routo, Mis. Brown, of Whtbye . the Society. Mr. HBarad most was the best présne fo oea éd Wh.Col Frewll oo frm aMclelano- North Ontario, andInfitIniately acquatýbted. wi'th his euh- Yeats, and was as foqows t box carde bearlng thé names of the! others addressed the -Council. 3etaid leureddito e' alkvery olen- ion Rémeipte11. $19 Councllors, aud as each naine was1 A députation réeprésotin.g the tertaIlglcué1bstl en olcina etn,11 92 read the gentleman- aunouzxced hie town of Oshawva, comnoed off Mayor lnterspeised wltb 'vérv amusing ex- (Žlleeted by choice foi thé Wardenship.-_Sinclair, Dr. Kaiser, aud Col. Grier- j ienou1OM tibait corne undér hie Mess A. Kean.. . 17.00 Onyîoninswî rpoei . ier i ad1t as h notice *durlag 10e len years off work Miss A.L. Taylor, OL.. 1. Duncan -M. Moréan, Reeve, off Ux-, uetln fthé proper amomut l h Itrse <téSoit.MisRJ Mthl .. 19 brigeTonshpai To A wî-lévedonOshwafo th. o&ty Preceding, bis lecture on .Japan snd Miss Fletcher...... ... ... ....... 27135 von, Remvéoff thé Village of 'can- rate. Lat year theo'rate wae firetSbélM.Hsrdodth d- isKmponé... . 07 1t tiingtou. Thé final voté stood, MOT- fred at about 0 per cent., but the loncé sèmethiag qf thé woîk in gén- Misses GoodfMlow& Ruitan 52.25 ga 8 isn9 i ognwabusiness assessmuent off thé towu was eral caried ci by, thé Saciety: A- E. R. Blow ..... ........... 1705 therefore, declaréd lectod. Thé vote added, and the rate- was then raiseti mong other ltsrutIng facte, hn said S aeasfalo .to- about 12 per cent. This, Oshawa that 8h. Saalotyb~ad placet in thé $166.42 wa s'oldscaims., wae unfair, and'thé t<'wn hands of einey-L anasllan soldier, Disbursenients. - For Morgan- ('onant, Dearborn, a o rvso.gcing "ta the fona- copy offthe Mlacellaneous expenees ;..... $ 4.,59 Gerow, Heavener, Htoover, -Jackson, Teewsapope o T5 word of God. H -oxhiblto ,a copy, Postage, stat1onerv, etc .. .. 105 - MKenzie, McNa.bb, Mowbray, Moi- îîveîy lime, as each one ci thé mem imilar te thoselzeig dlatrihtd aChqeta U.C. Bible Socety 180.0 nd FoWe,--*)one,lllanhad3.aernhadt alarge vrolume off "dope" reaty thé -soIdlers,, au wÃ"U au a great many Balancé ...i............ .78 md er ilan.-lanhar, Cmernta baud ouit ta thé Cauncil. Thei.dis-. aller kIndn off tnitien offthé Bible. Thé following officérs weré eleclt,, Dobson, Dowuéy, Fostér, Mason, cupsion rie ey itisdg Ti il alW. publisbes Bibles, for thé year 1915 - Rundie, T.A. Wilson, C.W. Wilson, 9. wdbmyla alie o-Tme M at 1ois'f toVx isIélRr GA cen :)Y M Mogn asectd ta tépointwdhmyla o agrcu tmnad,»u'itevT rsdn-Rv ..MLa char.byMeansse .A lo n and R.h qeu;ý Ihan would appéar on the. iotùs hooka otfthe-,8lble, segoiWt a ay Vice-Prsident- Thos. M1-ains and cr M rsud .Allsnganthé.one, no, ma$gpr "heopéor, nay affard thé résident minlstmr. R. Mwbry, nd fte takng he he taning ommttes fr 115anc. Fric.. range all the way fram Sec.-Treas.-Gr. M. Goodlellow. oath off office, ho thanked thé Cons- oThéet Standfingeso le(-pommittteeees. . forRe1915. k.cl o héhnr oe l.'I sare as folow D chncetn p. Tf e ron- u flyFpet' chmmer- . Rr. o, Re. M.TE.> ci ortheuln yéak e him. I 1 Finance and Asesmnt.- G. D hne u ueae abyaPP lthr r J.lRrRr .E twnynn eassneareprerent- Cmat e. )hwChauma - o! thé aie cent :edition, 'ho Is giveli a Sexemith, Rev; A.P. Mênzies, W. .' ativé off thé Township of Uxbidge Me'a .A.Wlon aB, ovr ibléefree o! cbarge, fontte aacUng. Gxrenwood, J.H. Nicholson, W. Mr. bias occupled tho Warden'n chair. McK e Thé in work le supported'entirely 'b! Prizngle, Tas. White, C. F. MeGilli-, 11ev. R. W. AIlleu, off Ail Saints î sd B ge.Go Gilvolugitaiy contaibtiWoii8, and lest vTav, udçre Meintyre, .T.E, Fare- Whitby.. conducà ted dèvotional e t Esq., Paît Perry, Chairnian; Meus. Y3"C5T Mêi .8000.000 écopls 0< 'the'%well, G1. W. Drvden. T.G. Wlîtfeld, cires, bel oie the com.mencemenét o! Fleavener, McNabbi Mowbiay, Bible wpre _dfÃefrbuted by lta ropre- Dr. Adams,;.f.W. Batip.mon, C .. 'A.* business. 1Blanchard. . 0< l f be . &,etety. spread à a l <oodfollow, -1-. D. lHawden. Wm. Mir. conant,'1 seconded by Mr. ymucation.-E. 13'.,*Roover, 'Esq., oOér the warld. s'c»ft was namod to take tbe place 1leavener, nomullated a canimilte t Atha, Chaurma; Messie. il connStbi n wlthhlie wjk lunont W. A. T11oILAv. who lins movedto strike thé standing conitt'éés for onîiFoster, Wiîî. Yà ipmn aà d i Sberla, Mi. Jlassard Ux-brldge, Rrd F.H. Annfs.:. ta tMce* thé yeaî i1915,'ias follows :- Messrs. vut rpryPe .Rw,îhwdlneuves't lutaetePaeo h neJq iér" MeNabh, ilooveé$ T. A. Wilson, %ileI anyPoét-rd T ae hvt ali 'eah lutaetépaeofteh4~,a.Rl'te FîlnchrdMohîa, Dlioix Mc Tsq., Whîtby, Chaurmai ; Mesfs. . ____________ rkKeuzié I.de sdténoeadDownoy, Dobuon, .Jgcm«,- D.aiotP ý-, TS_ conder.lFriiuland-the uta RundieEsq., WH TI Y DITlV FP Mi. Cateron ~' MiSunderland,' Cauma; Munis. Vos- <VLL. Blanbai, popos, acne te8r, 'Stone, C.W. Wilson, MoKenzié.- tiiose nanle :-M4essrs. Mowbray, MQ- Legtslation and Men«Iriais.- Wnx. WMitby Presby-tery met at Whitby then be vacant under thé modratot' Keftzie, T. A. Wilson, McNabb,, Dob- lakoEqSnoî hua - a.ry 201, nrewî pee ,'hp off i oen so.Mao, #,ow, aid 111e mover Messn. Cerow, Dearboru, Blani-' Meusi. McKeen, Caméron, Haig, Thé congrégat ion of dCoumbud and andI seconder. ad RowC. West, Lowry, Yule, Drunun, .Man- Bîooklin have increaséd their past- 4v _ Thé amnnimfnt was défféted, and Agîlculture.-Geo. Will, Esqý, Boa- ston,?Molellan, Currlé and Menzies, oî'e salsry ane lîundîed dollars. Thé themoionca~'ld.verton, 1Oharman ; Meus. Mowbray, ministeis, sud Mers. Grey ,Sharppo Pebye~ sent a congratula-tory t .Judge Mitvre, aud ex-Warden MDobSo n d Pet bb, 510<10 . Wl-McMurtry, MeLaughlin, KithScoitt, message ta the cougiegâlun. Donald A,- Br wn were présent, anti Minarsq udFerladuC. . W. Wi: Fraser, Heron sud Forgie, eldoin. Dr. J1. G. Shearer vielled Piesby- ware Invlted ýta a spat beside lte sq;Sudrln0.Cauat Mi. Haig was elecléd -Moderatar tory as représenlalive off thé Board çe.Wardén. EnchI spoke rilly. Messrs. Masan, Rundle, HeavmtO, for lieeénsung year. Joff Soc4lal Service and Evangel'lsm. 1. 401 .%Aiemn May, off Toronto, wflo EXPE*NDITT{F-'S FOR YlEAR 1914 A remit sent dlowu from thé Ae, Ré gave a the bouts' atidrees, monti rérpre5entéti Beaverton, on the, Cotin- From thé Audltorg' reports print-ed sembly asked thé jutigment offthec lllumlnating, andi effective. A good 1tv lvcouicil In 1893, was présent. 'ndt for tbé use of ratepayers the follow- l'résbytery on thé proposed decica s-maltirrwréetoeroi n 70., lsjo madie a short snéech. Ing figurés are obtained as tt, Couty é d représentation lu thé Général As- év'enlnir meetinz tobe héelti thesramé Thie Wardi.n lett the chair for ln et"pen<iitures under the' varicius se-nbly. itlsl at présent one in s-ix nigit lu St. Andrew's church. thé .î hour t-o enaihlý thé anéclal tenrfili"t ' hcadings the- proposai is to make it on nt'luatdieste, bt illuçtrate'd with jb to strikie thé s-tandinm comiltéés- q 1y f r thé larzt--t item of expénti- eight. The Pîésb}-Very iapoe anve ?~~OTES. lteic oines under thé héadiug off offtéugcodcae.of-- shlsan ionsto $251952-25. Reports froîn te congregations of ul(L~rLIa4c Thé openingi session off the C(ouRtiY Next In amaunt comés tht' adminis- work for mssions were enoouraging.~i55S5 ai tCunil o uda tron wStration of JtmticPteeîniut The congregation off Oshawa bas thée- notable insereral ways. iirst ofbelng SI n,364,93. Tht' txpensei, off the distinction off helug able ta, report a WHITBY BAPTIST CI-URCH. r ,MR. ail, t wa a mattér o! génerai coa- 1flousé off Refuge amounté'd t $9.- contribution larger titan te amount A eypasnsoilhu ws giatulation tlbat Col. Farewell, who 645.86 ; ronds and bridKés. $9,371.- allo:cated- under thé Budget Plan. Aveypsansoalhr wa for eo many yéars as cierk has taken 72 -, salaries, $6,9902 r, Municipal' Aý conmittee off Asséînbly bias been spént preceding théesuinual meeting o poionielit: a Part lu thé '.piocééd- Goverunient. $2240.10: adverti-ing. working for somée years an a révision off the Whitby Baptist Churcli iugs off Council, aller n rather se- iprintiug and prortace. $1,387.76. The off our Book off Praire, andi hareJ& es'oFrs da éenidnd et, whnoth tor voreielîluérs, wae quite himelif again, aboyé are thé most imncrtant items sueti a copy off tht' proposéd revs- membr' ahid su ato f and appeared -la éuejoy liis dutiés off expéndiluré. thuugzh theré are nu- ion. Tlhils copy was placed lutin nproorerved ly olth e é r ereio even more thýan éver. Another inter- mérous other smnallei nn,%s. hautin off a commnit-tee 'loi examina. iaomalaretently cupleed. the éstlng thing was thé appearamicé o et -tion aud suggestdons. Atiditional.wameatlge s atten odau er when lb. ROneofhg ebrCp.HS Cm .NIaisaper n mn h ietransaction off business. eoithé Reevé off Béaverton, ln ull Oné-day campaigu off Wiitby for new hymne are Teunvsou's- "Cçross- reglmentals,,lhé havîng corne orer supiigmmbrsi éstwr ng tI,é Bai," snd KiplAug'r "lLest Reporte off the various arganiza', 'tmOshawa, viere b.la it nactivea pth crIg mon ofifeethé w fr Wé Frget." Somé ocd thé aId famil- tions off thé churcli showed thal thée * duty in tialniing 'thér- mémbere off thé 1915-16, wilI be held on Mouday, iai h: .mns tlîat have been reinovedthe arhastorbéof théemn urccesAefulIn third contingent nov being asseémb- Pbur tTiié dock will bé la- are mirseti. té isoy fthchrl.Alael it r>' led there. -ctdlaprnlet place, aud ré- .A favorable report was recéived off amocunt was conlrihuled la mie*moi of ~ ~ Morgan, offepoIle afprogrsa wiiehnmiko M. -Irui'ewo £ t --aA. udtian ever héfore. 'The me byhpt * I fg Toiips, and thé lovetl' val- ley in vilci iposet thé oounly lown St Ad P bli IIl héannual business meeting off t y 1ithat bat ils equal only lu lhe vtéw P rT A ltU IE A IdAndroe Church vas heid on Mon-. rom Sterling Caille la Seotiant. IbU 1E UU ILY PIA6 day evoing. Thé manageln report ourlouly -eno.ugh, vici Jho bâtatftaca saMMelva i- lé slauwn Ibis remarkably beautitl i~[ah.um 2Sentet lu prinlt brut by thé Troan- ho prospett Rev. Dr. R.F. McT<,Wensday, aFe.rary 3 > trer, W. M. Fringlé. - Thé treasurir vieeiiuding lié summer echol a!8 p.m. repaitérecelpts foi 1h. ycar a - orn aI the Ontario Ladies' College, lie moutllntolu$2,280.74. Fur carry- ' d teigîted epectatar bat, 'vithlont I MU L , YMIT1Vfg an fts vorklhe Sunday Soboal od adegetin mte ie ame éampax- MU IC HA Lalsét fod$115.58. Thé recolpts of th vy io. udge Molityre was, equtily -Msisfary Assofoinamoufftte >' d fl-is W us réferes ta thé $593.84, ant off the Wonn sMWU imyjuportance off thé lîflueicé for gond Dr@. Hastlngs, M. O. H., Toronto, and s'loaaiy Society $280.01. $848.44 vas w> ieltétilnlu lieèveial éommilléé5raifret by lhe LtVeoÃ'AId,,Solelyp by théeireelitat4vé5 sent roui ité Dr@ Mlnn@, Medical nspector, Toronto, an& $60,10 by thé Younig Peuple': aI difféenét munic4palites t'Othé Coal- Guald. 'The Jgfl55 Rai bati y. ki cil. and other Prominent Speakers -wi1i address the meeting. epta off $87.8s, X ln lie splendid P Ex-Alderman May, e iToronto, u U8342wa isdroat formery a membéi off lhe Ontario PC LMU I PR VD nuefoalp> Ouuty Cciuaé«q froin a northern Tp.,SEC L JIC ROVDDbraipros. mtée Inttrestlug références lu lthe pesnel ô! formet counnis, end vwS- eeting begins promptya 'lc.Al ebr re TTS tered 1abrv .r epa Pl to be present, as the business reports for the year are to be WILLIAMS-Tu Whlby, on Moiday, ltkbeZ suxd ard ,of es vehp w 'ib - read. Jauuary 19, 1915, tla Mi. and Mis. 4-s" cedt -le 'proseuql Ooull. Vivian W111lam% - a son. 1~.~~ lots. Farmi, COL!LECTIONS!9 Rents and accounts of ail kinds will be collected for a moderate fee.> Estates carefully managed and condui .to yield a reasonablP là ai o poftoi icted so he oWnei as :m. AUùüTirNG j Patent" to ujndertake ýthe arîciiing c'f accounis of towns,,townships, 'ouinty',arid privatefirms. i 4 4 -4 -4 ASSESSMENT ANO VALIJATINÇ assessing and ,valuatiiwe fur municipalit-ies and pf t-be- propet ties of privatèeis ana persong. For ternis appiy Hea 'Office, Brock. St, Whitby. W. De DVKE89 General Mana ,Sales Managers, igerm Ricbîdso & Rcbadsoo- Bell tloas t193 lamd, Phone 70 PEL' SI1E TORE The firîest Unie of Boots-and She i h.market. ýWe have the Jatest in ladies' and mse'légos Chiidren's School Boots aiways on hand.- See- out Men'i and..Boys' Fitie Boots. Men's Working Boots out specia ty A ful stock of Rubbers and Ovetshoes always on hand. No trouble tco show goods.1 JOH-N PEEL, - - IITBY Wise uys, The people who give their hens Royal Purpie Pouktry, Spec ific are the WISE GUYS who are selling New Laid Eggs, at fancy, prices. Royal Purpi ýe MAKES their liens Iay.. It wiil MAKE your hens iay, also. Royal ]Purpie Poultry Speclflc Put uip in 25C and .50C packages and large tins :at $1.50. Au Tu LAW LER WHITBY,' ONT. Phones; Bell, No. 47; lndependent, No. 47 LOWERPRICES!e Bcdl a staple food produot in this éountry, bas materlally reeded In pies Me keep a good supply of the cboicest young-stock.- Pork aima is much, lower,ý andi nov that colti veather will soon be bore thuro vill bo a large consumption of this popular foodi Potatoos constituto a largo share of table supplies, andti tey are selllmng ïbout fifty per cent. lover than last year. Sugar also bas shovn, weakness'ta the extent of 30e perhDTd~Nme eepers may be cncouraged andi are Invitod to supply thofr swods tram W.13, Pringlo & Co's store. Tbcy have- chalco novw Raisins, extra value in Carrants, andi TnF that Isducs repeat orders. W., B.,PRINGLE&00 - WHIT13Y CNTI4RIO - u@ ua a5f. éir INkiTADRÉ% F3. p PHONE 151 - 1 1 '