Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 2

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the k«U pjmehut off ,by war cn4sCnDgtk.hould u>w giv astt.nf4cO. éIthtAe larges uiofit tAis fertiilizing nt w Jel ê-Iw ed to 90o to aate 4hroug a 4of care anid conservation of t-.annual c-rdtti no-Woodkshs ~RghQU1 ~OeIap prt of, Can- a4a ,tiie hief fueat il.eeons, but -more eepecially in winter,- je wood. In the eaîtérn pvovincc'a, hard*ocýk, &f -ohlefly itted. Jkesew ýOb~s,- Inéeàllvbee xdmplare riéh DOD'8 KIDXEY Plus O1UE JEAN BAPTISTE TÂPP. Quebes ai .Who Suftered -fro a Bobuât, ReaItby mans. L'An»e--Vell'eu , Gafpe - O,. happy to *è1± y<>Dou , X4ney P41&ls made uniewVeil." 80 euav< jean 6way. ', rsp iee& PCSblU1U it asdhes. taený'.vaTuabW l r=n '-'r li u"LDWUV12M geked vital ,powers, tin: biood, of wood ashes are S snaîlî-piopor- fl)odd's-XKid iey! P 4t' lmua4 u murpaired dcîetiin sand over-sem--ion of phc>sphorie acid- and about th' w hole world - to. kiow it. 'IXKe tive ne'yves -- a cOM"ndi tio hat fifty per cent. of carbo6neke o! lime. wants othem ilo -sufer as-le dîd baes the synteintaua easy preY te In t-be clearing o!. wood lits and ho know tecure. neuinonia, b-rnonhii' theumai Ii ntb urigc ers after ta-k- "For ma'my years I euffe.re.d from ervoua prostration and even con- ing out lie fuel s-ùpply, lrekdeydsae"M.T-p Sea~ *mapton. It-is a condition tihat lamoun-ts e! aebes are prod-uced. "It stadrtd f rom- . cod, arld gradru- -ls moot emplia~tically for a tonie ýThese, asa rule, are lef I wiere thme ally gre~w wors-e, My n-m h- ýr the Mlflod. Dr. Williamns' Pin- burning is done, a-ad' are canse- harai, dry feeling,my'p-itwa ýil1s are a tonîc especially adapted qitently wasted. fitf uI and. I perspired freedy wit.h the. o0 ieelt. iuis- n-ed as lhey punI-y W-ood asies se-ouM db-e ca-relfu-lb' sight-est exe-r-ti-on. I had. flashei of .nid enrici t-be blood. -Tbey tonulep stored in fire-proof receptacles if 1?tg-it befotre ry eyeà and I wais aI- lie nervea ad give vigor, strength possible; in a-ny event away Ironi waya tiredrand nervous. td heaifli to tie debilita-ted any danger of fr-e. and s'boild be "Fin-alIly Fheumetism wu- added ;yterniMrs. Howard D. Cbafe ,kepýt dry toa avoid l-eaching. ,- L thie b ny treébiles, wvhile allacks -o! rIdian, Islanid, NB., says: "ýFor spring tic-y ahould be apreaùpoa sciaia. abd neuralgia followed. The e-ierail wirîtcr- ici-,sutcessiýon I was the la-ad. Tiey are especîally valu- cLctor whp %L ttended me and the ttaektd by la grippe wliioi leftime aile as- a ertilizeu a-ad-to encourage medicine& 1 lnied, fai-led to ielp'me ,veak and bad-ly run daown. In eaclî flic growth of claver and lie be-lIer tllI I decided fo use Do-dd 's Kîdiney mse 1 iîse-d Dr. Willianîs,' Pitik Pis- g ras-ses.- Pilla. I -k t ouîr boxes in aU, a-ad xitih theie mua beneficial resullis. Wuood aslics, by iastening t-he. de- to-day I arna- robual manriin excel- [aî4 wialer w-bei-itlie trouible was y oai orga-ii malter in s'oils, i-en- le-nt helth.' ,gaâin prcx-alobl 1 toak tilt-cPref-der more i-ca-du-yaaiala-île thie nitro- AIU Mr. Tapp's troubles caine -aulion of lortifycuig nîy systein gen conhmined liereiri. In 'sandy f rom iceik kid-neys. Pla-'a w-iy ,vithl Dr. Vît] iams' Pink Pilla antI sail, wood - asiesi suppîy tlic plies- Dodd's Kidney Pilla cured Ilîci. -isc-aped -lte trouible, while înahiy cf p horie aý,id and 1aie in whichm tlies-e _ + ly aeigbbors- were down with it. In' iare deficiemît, wh1-ile. on elay SENSATIONS UNDEII FlUE. mscJenjoyed I-heli est of heva-ti ail laneua, the lime coniet et fie asies ýprl19 anad Ifu-l s-uro thus inadicîne to-nds ,ta -îe-nder a;a-ilable 'tic pot- No Two-aMeni Ieel Q iite the Sa-aie cIl[ q o-iylm ~lm ' ap--ach-cla lray rsn aabt- Sensations, Says a Doûtor. 'ent the.trouible. -- dance. l'uta-cIias stcpplied to -hieThma bhsnoien-dr Tliesq Pilis aire sol'l hy tîli med-1 land Ilmiougli tie. mediuai- f 5- r Tem-nwu as o benuei c'ineé déa-ici- or iiiay he had by niai], a-<-es lins a dîstinct advanl.age oeor fi-e always desirea eagerly bo kn-,w ,11. 50u centsa,-a ix orsi boxes for the potasci ual-i rte from Ger-- what were Lie feelings of lie mari ~.>fi-rumnt Ve,1)r. WtiaîcMed- aavIn11maIi-t is in a- very- o-lu- wha lias been during Ibis ordeal. Il iciito Co.., T-n; Ot-feor-r, ardti r is aI once ta probatble that lie-dues not fre- availabile for planit fuodt. - qitertly fi.nd lie informa-lion given 'rie importance ---f woçod a-lies, a-s by veterans either satislying or en- n ntu- -s-i-si.-mmuu- ti i~ - um !uiA1býr ahoo, Vi 1 feitilizec'rcaiolightening. -- il A HV E N'na-s L enCmE (g11101. 1 t-uae, s:_ s lîardl'. te ovei--et-tc-t . It 15 <'a-m., erailn A umîiig îcîmîS'r11n1Icun-seque-ritly cf fi-st interest to lhe th îgrcul-nsaand ]u'aîber laleres-ts L Ailstîîmig it ib 1ofk.Canada- 10 coùnserve the aupply pç tir r e-'. lua-aitiec in Canada-I ievcr a-ad by wiat pruceas pro- w t-lia-t have nul taiable -a riv-cr or duced. ' -1î2 staallir ùarrean a rQuît shichi a lup- During thecte-nt wiaîcn large BI ply uf is-mia-y lie tti-ined for use itnde-rlakinga la lanad cie-aring a-adCC druriig iî l bc uilnuer fmoat-is.Theie -ight-of-wa-y clearing of nailwa earga 'tub whirbhi e ie ei-op ma-y lnes wiil be in proÉres-s fi-cm t-be.sti lu. -ec-treil is peoiuably'tlici-cason burning of the debis cf wbich harea c w.-i,;t' il is ual laken advit-age cf to amou-îts of asies will accumula-te. q it cçgrf ze r lane--p-oen.Saine steps -bould be take-ri Vo pro-q F'i7 eùor.a'ntic.al liai-s'zting ocpeta- vide liat tiese asies a-ne mot wash-d ît uci i- adisaile t-bat a nuiher- cd, -a-s, apa-rt fi-eouthe. difficulIy of t (qail li(erîi-- f -i commuaity cu- isecuriag pohl supplies, the mai-- Of-i-t, laring lie expense4 andl kel value of ases eat present. la fron f ia-ckiuîg the' la-b?.r propor-ioa-ly $8.00 to $12.000 parn ton, depend-ing F-hiti'c upuri quality,c Ai fai. - tooOhs <î-nec-csa-ry tl a-n r the lie-eSutppiy efficietly. A A MOTliER'S ANXIETY of mtecl scra-pen -te ne-ove thé -anctu- 14 ees'clrimmgi s-desira-bLe.,siffe styles Most muthtens ai-e anxious- u-en at of1 rond sera-pers ma-y bc us-ed, os- a tbein little unes are îeeîhin. tora 5-e'y gc-c'd lome-mde serapei- ma-y Ibis lime thme baby's stoma-cli geLs of be made ai weed a-ad fa-ced witi a disordered an.d tiare is a- grave s-tnip of steel. An ire plougi facili- danger o-I corivuisuions. This anxiefy Of 'tles tbe wîtrk of scc-atlas inte blocks cen be les- sentd, iowever, if the cc fýi- breakicig <tff. -ÂA lite, bar fon mether ket'ps a -uppiy o! Baby's t-i Wreaking oiff fie -blocks ca-n be Owa Ta-blets-l' lan-li bouse and gives 1o imade sinilar Wu a cnowba-t, with a a-n occa-sic])a- do-e to ier teetihing ce sh *arp IIa-de.f ram six -b ciýgil iinches baby. 'Pli Ta-blets are the veny t-, ,% :îe, An tee <;a-ma-Y be immplo- bebt meilicne la thie wor?.d dunmn-g w< 01,V i <1 iy ienoî.ving eune ha-adle of a fie teeth-ing lime.-'Ilbey reguliate p( Cruc~-ttca.A numben of pikeli te bawêIs, sseeîen lie Latornaci, 9 paies, ie tLing, a-ad a chi-, witi prumote icai1t-iful leep anad ma-ke b, ypain ot ici- long3 aîta-r-ed, Ie-l-ing painle£,s. Tiey a-ne soil by hg 4 c1rtijîie th i i oula requii-ei. A medirine de-aers-on by-mia-il at 25 w 1 iatforîni, n end -iof whici ma-y be cents a- box froinTic Dr. Willinýms' a lei dutoii into tic wt-er, a-ad ti Mi-dicine Ce., Brockviilie, Ont. cîer ca raisedi level- uit-hli te t flî,i th le !eigli, pprmit-c lthe tisie AIiIE)ALE THE BEST DOG. 4'f :1 I-îren raki-ngtleie he ouI cf--a I'- :';i.t-asilading on lh.? cleigi. Foir Military Purpo<se the Airedale 1li- ice iil: lie packed a--nui--Biats Ail Others. e( 1>- wîj pfibliî;l 01-iece Ibitc';>a 2a "i The fineal militaiy dog is VieAire- e i;îkc-) 'îI1-iv2 îfl:itiiultlia-l-ae, iii t-le opinion cf Malt-r E. H. iti;- wrflu-- -ai0--tiiti ti< ta-ea'u liclardsun, a breeder of wa-r dogs, eeii Ep f i-Z '1 i-s eqiuired lamw-be w-as in charge of u- pa.ck <>1i -1ý be- 1M itt-i- n !t'flî;n Ille cime ilaodbaunds uithitic BeIgian jarmry a bf)i-e, itlihaav Fbn pileti îîsfitst tîntil 11ey were lesit in thec1disi-ster ri ia--ig ioa-4& 'f 0i1- gi-umutîtfi, P-ncI at Motas.a «- tiii ti i iýa alaV.er _icf t 1w- He Fcays lic Air-edalte ca-n stand i2 I iCItl 4) -. 'fui, rnies-a-citiuany Im-tis ccccînd toicne ilat] IIwîi l 'Vow-l ns -mi'- 1pro- faiîl-fuuînees anti intelligence,I-a-s w itii I-A - ý:oe-untbe p-ue pw ofr>ahearing ain scrtrc-a -aim i " ý-msa-? t1w îiimsiml.ti mg nit-kauit,- acule, -aIci Z-s lte rigit s îîu"ii.Sufleul ;ilIi-s %wa-ytOie ic-nr uizc, Nwhthi:r ilsed on senti-y duty. s: -l:îep tluIc sti l tri-rimit-. Fcnuîttiuig, stu ic-ing fi-;r I-he wourided or t'a--ca n4sscrigerc-r o min'- carrier.V '»u "t ~-~(\*'He ca-i hia-r c yaid-- fartmer ETl ib Tu--Le iml".atltan a- mainaZ krit flîm IlPh -tz 11 Tl by 0-.i m11 asMj) - Ii"hidlsn "A ma-ta ameîl illiiYOts.pend-c un wh't ie ecals, ie a d-nig cari Arci;~ ~î'ii '5 ii;; i iti a f mid te<!limte differerce bel.'.cen Engi', uiccia c t . a :mitttt at -nF rench an--JGermantz even wh.--i8 b' s -' e:îciiug lier 'rssard ia t-lic sa-me kiad of .'.~~~ Uif~<t îil -v-Z An officer sirote Lu tie majuar ini - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d 1)o'tint' -i'- -ee buy ,regard la ( ne of i;---g f' il, - -k ;i II<k.iec iveiy, " Donis a-s llowa- lw-aay yards by1 lii; c- -i' rumu-ifor using a- bursling âmidi. He tva-cnul uiit, -'~ ~ ~ w Vite-'mi-c ;'cn ict (ra-pe- î,nhy ocarc-. lHc declHard to fa-ce1 N u'- f- tm.,,.î.uîîgerc an-e ti'- 'mîsic nnymurc, unf llr a I'e-~ mi iuîir-i --îi'cctic-c in- lot a of -xi'mwhen hc wc;nt. la-nk ;W41,am i<it i ausc-i Truc abstin ni<it duty, uatnrbig iandsi-m svb.'n utli"* ' uliînv. nîîltld <ave irmg 4n tb-- trnc-e's hI-e line-at- beec gieof-ail e tha!le mfot r s'n datry, - 9'âVg-Lvea package u iaeNl i--ifuit-Cer iv a-s-aise Mf sight te a neiglluii-whi't<-3- , Iclu! iandi .n-h laI '. u>cnmest Ili- -was a WdziZc'h-itîtleiet! mii i-f<-nî li iu.The lite. t, t te thle - O'ra--Nisls md -i-a-tii giecxily a-nd G FADANV BEST IN LON(18 WAIt. thie himther ci-ntintied iý<- iîn wr-ik, anad il sas cit~ long b)efure a- ,(uîlitt llî-veauilsîss 'hiikis Teonms trc'y ucîn-ctfii li--ngi ninilistoi (MiiBenta-llivs i iii 'îîe. - it>--tf in i-lie eltis fitce anad hîucy. The Landea l)ailv- Cii-oncle Tic rlescits were temaikaile, ou-nprasn rîc-îî('utRve- f*or Gr-pe-uts. înd1 seGrp - y, i w-icî be sa-vs - Nids, evcîy day aad keep )slrang and anWvc- now-ine a-s citany hun ar, but %vel a-nd lhave tii-eetf dic fine--.t. aotiat wecnla-st onga long wut lcclthibict boys you -ca-n find ina ls htw a-ls ntaln a da-y's wme-i-i" - icter than cur en em ies-pulitica-l- Mariy-mutiher5 iastc-adof destrer- Iv. inilitaily a-ad ecoacmicahly. Wq iag fie chiid-nen'a stm'ohcs w'it? kiiosi-hlo lnger the 'a-n la-ais, go caady a-nd cake give thceoungt-î-s îich. bs-te -srWif I be oui- w<ym-d a haadflîo f Gra-e-Nuts wbea îiey standiag. le medical correspondent of tie ondon Times, toenjaoy ma-ny op- ortunities of talking wl-lb saldiers -ho have been ,%vounded in action. Uhave visited -Belgiari, Frenchaad, Rrtsh.hospitaIs a-I va-nous peri- ds, a-ad a-s a medical1 man bave meen -afforded spe-ciai a-cilities for ýudy. T-be-se oppor'tunilies bave onvince-d me thal ne twu inen leel uilte tic -sa-me sensations wif-t un- ler fi-e for the firati ime, and a-lau Lia-t a ma-n is capaible of emperien- ing quite differeal emotions a-t dif- ci-cal pe-rioda of lie saine-day, ýhough hie circumslanees bave not -ha-nged.- For example, freinthe stalc-ment f -a ina-n wlîo experieaced shell fine r- i- re 9r-e mn Lîs ui -n une neighborioed o! Ar-ras, 1 gatiered, ha-t bis firsalfeeling liad been ona f gî-eat iriterea a-nil curiosity. A 'Black Maria-" fell momne litndreds f yards a-way andrid ent up a great olumn o! amoke, andl a-thle-sa-me ime rshrapneli was bursting a-t ne lng distance. But suddenly tienc ra-me home toeun imte realizaction bat the-se shelîs were intended te aork havoc, anid iat, in fa-ch, lie position occupied wa-s full of dan- ger. "Then I -1elt cxaotly as a-ny- body wouîd f-lth'. moment aller ce d iscovered ltat be wa-s in afiel di a-n angny -bull. Everv instinct of mind anrd body prcmpted fligit." A second nma-n tld nie that, froni tie moment he ca-me uader fine--in atrench-h. exberienccd tiie muaI lvely terrai-. "But Vie feeling pass- il awav after a wiile, lea-ving me -a-lier liîed a-ad ealy a little anx- eus." A tbird de-cla-red tint lie ia-d 'been au nerveus -belore going ita action -ia-t tie ereat put lie anticipa-tions of it tu'same. He îa-d -egarded bimal as a iead man, and woke up. under fi-e, lu tic real- zation liaI bis chla--ces o-f -coming ihrough safely wecie very gooci. Tie ac-hievenie-at of "second <roui- age" us, tif coursec, a weIl-recognized stage in te ccasoning pracec aif s-ar. I he-ard a ittle story tram thie lips of a 13i-ixh ioff icen whiclm cee ms t, me ta iîîtmstra-e the geuteîi 4)fi ut ver-i conciusiveîy- md lime chu-y 1' %Vrtlit telling fur its swii sake. At a ceritain perni -I f tic present war scme rie-w tru<î-ps w-eie sent ta hldt a parliuîlar h-cadi. Tlmr-v uflered " ueally terrible bambari-nn ît, wtir shells a-ad slra-paei a-ad a-t la-:ct acb-outa bundred ofI liracvaciiatc-d the poisitioni aad lrctired. Ptese't- 1l*v tlîey met a ei .wIoto tpped thei n-d iaqumired w-bn-t lbail uap- pefied. On being iafoî-a-ed tic affit-er 1,aoked grave a-ad tld -hie mea that bo would bc very sertl ha-vs t" use a-av ceercive inea-sîres with mea whom-he kaew te tic brave fei- lows. He spîtke to thein for a short lime a-nd steadic-d hem. Mien be pointed cuIt iat the wav -cf dti la backw-ai-d towa-rds tufe poîsition they bad lefýt. -'Il1 walk bac-k a- part of lime way witlu y'ci." He did so- Tic mcn reCu~rn-ed lu Ibeir posta-nil (.ave a gofod accourut of theinselves. in lie words cof my informa-at they ",were a-il rigit aller fiat." 'utn.ail-i over tihé mv'rlé, antd thý 1-*,te il. D.. BIa.clemore-;aahro "Lqrna. Docione, îî h icbc "'Sport ii the Czlcma -an4* Cauc".- us,"i tie oi4jy y ivarg piture ô! life ini thoo,er--ms.ntkc tande. lUs "Big Gaine," -'-i -two vtlumeai, in Vbe Bad.- niihto-Libra-y, aisofotafl-onC Of file rjpal.£nen's -lascs. Ais a ýporîsmàmS r Clive -ha-s donc more Vhin anyolie el-se te. iiiLke British cumîa-nw eabig- gaine para-dise, a-nid hie has been very active in pub-lic affaira in tie coast Province. For exampie, lie waa appeinted in 1896 t4 enforce tie Healti Att jn theci-ening districts of Britielh Columbia, a-ad succeeded conspîcuouely in Ibis arduous uridertakîig Sir Cive IPhillips-Wecoley railks higi among Cana-dia-n authors. He Sir Clive Phiilips-Wooley. has written a gréàk deal of stir.ring phot.riotic poetry, and hie ballad of England's sc4% 1Pciwer, "The Ses Queen,"- is often referred to aiw, a fine expression in verse~ of Imperia!- istie sentiment. bbis three no%,- els, "Snap," "OlôT'd, Gold ini Cari- boo," and "The Remittance Mar," he h&is given üûv excellent. pictures of the making of tihe far Canadi4in West. He ha-- been a very strong advocate of Canadian -support for the Bribisl navy, and bis addresje-s on "The Cana.cia'i Naval Questicn" were published in l6ook iorm in 1911 at bis own expense! His arguments wc-re tiu-mmed jip -as follows in one of îthese addrei&es: "The suprsen- aey of the seas is vital to Britain;I the eontinued existence of Britain is vital to ber da-ught-er nations; therefore Britain 's suprcînacy at oea is vital to C&nada." Sir Clive P1hillipa-Wooley liac aliy heen veryactive in the affa-,rc f th,ý Canadian Navy Leagites. He was recently appointed by the I)omini4n Government a censor and special G overniment ofiBorr on t-he >acific coast. Ii>, s4) w as nava1c<na n Pr of the Hocana, oyie 4)f the Pritisli cruisers t4orp.-,! >rd in thie North S.-a last Septeinîber by a Gerrrn.a'i sub- marine. -__ Deati Nal fii INewPIV iwiX Lady Was Restoreil to Her Anxious FmiIy V/hon Hopa Had Gone. St. Jolin, NiB., Dec. 15--At on@ lime ic w-as fea-red filia-i Mr-s. .1. Grant, of 13 White SI., '.ouid sucetnbto 1thle deufly ravages c-f advanced lidtcy troubîle. "My flraI aitaekus of ha-ci- a-cime a-ad kidaey tronule begati i ttnra a-go. For six years tha-t di-ui gnawing pain ha-a been prescrit. Whem I ex- cited mysemf f hwn. tei-ibiv- in'.-t- lied. If 1 caught cold the pain w'aa un- endura-bis. 1 used mont. everytling, but aotii!ag gave <ha-t certain gi-a-cifuît rellia that came Irorn Dr. Huîiitoa's Pilla- Sf Ma-adi-aie a-ad Iiuternuit. Ia- stca-dof beirig how-cd down with pain, to-day I a-m stroag, nnajoy smuiadid appetite, sîcep soundly. Lost proper- tes have been tastilild b xomcy hlood -checis a-ne iosy with color, a-ad 1 liaah lImat day' tlIat I1Imiard cf sc grand a- medîcine aus Dr. Hamilton't Every woman should use thesp pilis neguiarly beca-use good hea-iblitmys antI i's good, vîgorour, health tha- comes toalaitw-ho use Dr. iia-inilton's - c lotillkeindBf rui t,îlil î.--s. y Hc w-as a goud fit-tle bey a-ad very tiîoughltfui. It was dîîning a îîîîg ___________________________s-pell -f dry -weather, a-ad ie lîa-d - heard of lie great sicar-il-y of va-- ter tiroîugieut tiie country. Hie came te bis ioliier, a-titislpet ius ni I and imb býers. "Ma-ma," be sait, "is àit hue Ihat. in -actie places lie littie boys and girls bave ncyt ecîoigli sater lu' drink?7" 'Tha-t la wialtheticpapers 'a-y,.% mv dcar." "Ma-ma," lie pi-csenttlvsait, I I'd like le give sormethiig foi- S ~tlose na-ci- ule havq aad girls." 'Yes, dear. - Whra-î wouîîd yur <lu "Mamma," hie sa-id in an carnes-t 'vas-a. "as long a-s thc- t-ci-is 50 vert' , vcry scarce, 1îliak Ioglit lu give up hein' wasied! El). . ISUE 5,15. Minai-d'etlinimnent Cures ColdS, Eta. bein TVa <-i-w i V n k î.t TOUR OWN DRUGGIST IVILL TrLL VC!.- T'-y N Muiné- ye lRenedy fur Red, Wei.Wîil.ry Eyes anîd iirîamlial<d Eyclidu; No timarting '- juit £yeC (onfoi i. rite for Botiz; of tlir- Eye v a :n t rd 4,1) bc. wak. -c4.1at , î:n-n bltta-rd'etLiimient Co.,Liti Si-. I1 -tas- uwd s-oui,'il -AllOS liNi- 11ENT for tre pait 25 s-ra- areai wli'i i lias-e osc-uiiu.iiiy c-ced aOi-;- -iu-- : caun toaiels- -i-vt'hat i1liav-e ret,.r usi-d a eiiail toy.î.ire li ruhhe-uli-îtwýiii i ilii'im;uamai d r. hale- ir tecuitly t 's-1 i -- eil.fil 'tb cuîre- r-id na lut' b .ad41i- i ,1<5 lu ts alan tilue litua-str br.:ase,- , e ii, tc. -Yourt; cruiy. J. Gl. LLa-LIE. D-a riouth 1 Il[r Rival. -D 1)a ou think anlv of ne C' mur mîîred the bride. "Teil. ine that ouU thirîk anly of me." *It's thii way," explained 'cia g- 'n gently. 'Now and thn 1 have tu think of the furnac?-, cy dIe a r." LOW FARES TO THE CHICACO EXPOSITIONS Via ehicaso & Norh western Ry. Ynur splendid daily tra.insjf rom the Noy: Paserîgcer Termiînal, ChIcago te San Fratîcisco. Lie Angolffl and San Diego. Choice of ecenic and direct routes Doube track. Automatic llcclric safety sîgnja.. ail thlî- wa). Lot us plan yeur trip and ftirnieh foldi ors and full particulare. B. I. Bent4o, Gen. Agt.. 46 Yonge St, 'loronto, Ont. p~i-1K-vpI>npu -C- :r :?r - -tien t Cures C-n-r-et ;. CoN . j Cr- ' "n 4 i f L psu i - i 4-r i ltatv'f-up .-fi.'1 r, .-n-n - - !ý, ciljiu. lioi rld --y r. u t nc----r- - - - rt ~-.- - iin~én-ai.Sliouldir uten- ---- --: f OF ýc-1-'n vus AÏ) l'a5~ooei an ,ii-ate it- -ot---B ami Det. W.- i,:;41Oft§ea i ti aius ..i n,( t; i~. .mn~-. O- -~ - t. miii adnaZî i ' -- - A ii.Ài a ouitable name fiur 't. "a la OsSOO IN CASlX~mmE f- or rthe lie' na-mu'. !lie eieoic ' ' c- î !or ihe n-îc ' ' - ' ii - - - - -i i -'ut ' i - iii - t-houlid tis-i 'u o - tI ut s- li% m-- ' -m 'ro- -uîî ioz m'r 2 e it dm - 1 -i iez va i o- t ctit Slip). - u P)î- lri-iuiiuL- îtuu .li -- I Ocote. i t - - e t -c;'rv 1 bi t-ci rr. t -t ' e S<iîp to ente: trite- to-das- Y-Uc wîl.ili - Itgclhtdui î<mUà ~itrrua-ie. ud lia-ie a-hnelt ti-î- iç o" lu hZ'- tii, pri- -Y-ý' S-EWART, PE:RlFUPiWRS 382 Bi-3tR -ST., fiON-V-FEAL . <i -- the 11,ie uyTiotlm develioped'muscles, wl mndicate that. they hz for years to G3eTman c-etie s. "In captivîty -they thie'sgrne haugh ty an oua indifference which the I'russian officers.- nucrsing sîsters brougi tîcssiiLn newispape-r, t] 1-eraid, which is p;,Irint. but tlé iey uîtgninIyr,, fer ann said tlip-tedid tu.tmgwl-idi appeai -ia pîaper . at-ou -bei C et-mati. They. reuse- - heit- lîome- uMd fmi- N ut 31ï.1 ta h Ilofo t Oi I evused o --u Bee lîwea cia eert &otirs .bills: lately; ARCHIVE~S OF ONTARIÙ TORONTO -t -Si -il -- E il a t a s - s r -m v c v I e -s e il f S i -i 1- s minti,'btoe I ZWO aUOrO0 OUTuAI. Muz4iu, near OOAeown, a -andthoat, - <4tot ewiIn em thorou b4y ~th riUne-0-406f will b" 1t Nerviline wIll ave 'you from lylîng'aprsto"othee ihe t.ep be-ê uod û lug, ehoking and d iB0tI5DO2t*flkk aqaot vah ý he ltfroat. of e*bIot'l s Nervllne will1Tbreak up tbat Aull wether. At aAlitte,,dieance ficuk neura1loehèadache-Wl i ll tlie.cold the mupil4'& secongd'f bosîd often and chlW 4t71 ts i ver 7làWfome' -ôumdar Pei r Of clof---i Bsave youirôm.,Perbws -a sertous 111 ten seen near-Croise EM, i.,n Ecg- - - - - land r can ~ "iinn T a-%A rUstobeak fàw1- Lijeln ,ý metjf s, L c~~.tq4uùr, a re t oa r 5t;heý 1 Il w - vý 1i. nothtnf,1so.8beedy*ând efchea e-wiuid., kÜýnonceVh'c--v1d"l viline. ,ré,Forfoty years1ult hai been the b4164n g;, the1 bar appaars à; mile or- mont largely usèd tamily: e medy ln two o ubeewrd. the Dominion. Time lias' proyed its'At,-Oail'ao, on the coast iofPeru, merit, so eau you by ,keeDing handy on sailor9 oft.en en-ounter &olseL the shelf - th large - .5c.. fainlly aize ing fog u- depc, ts a brew >limy~ bottle; sma 'Il. trial uize 26c., sold by coinOn- w'hite -paint' and zmétal, bc any dealer anywhere, ndhsne s-ymlete tes. -----'I.Another- renierlable tog ocm tthe Barning the Beard. Peruvian coaët ue known »e the garula. It occu-rsi-n a rogiS nwber To-day is'the day of the ean- rain is unknown, evnd supplie. sueffi-e- abaven m-an, anmd the 'barbera flour- tient noisture to- support vegeta-D ish accordingly. To-rnorrow side-- tiony. RPd fog-r frequently omur off wbiskers -an4 beards rnay'again be the ncrth-we-st coaFtr of Africa, 'be- ,- the rage, for the -fashion of the twe-en the Caba-ries and the Cape 1 face has affected men of aI-i ages. Vende Islands,. They are somettinjea am Ancient Babylonians d-isplayed s-o dense as te inale n'avi',ation diffi- te their superiority by refusing to cuit. The olor is owing to dus-t c wear beards; the Assyrians lot that the trade wind brings frein the= theirs run wild. The, Je-wiah law Sâàha.ra des-,ert. fonbade i-bs children to eut their - Certain valleys in the Alps are of- Q beards. oThe Tartars, a tbe-ardless t-ein -isited by a very wa.rm and dry rac, wgedwarwih Prsins e-wind known aas the febn. The ef-- racs ewaer w-rewth Persartbe-feets of thia wînd s0gre particularly- cause the ltr hrue fadoripatet.rilcing in winterr- The, snow- melba withd there ahirsut e ador n t . and evaporates a'sif by xagic; w, Bears wre ashonabe aongtheWoowork becomies as dry as tin- ft M1 Greek<s until their great general, der; and great pilecautiicns are ne- TI Alexaflder the Great, ordered the cesaarv te prevevt the occurrence= Maced-onia-ns to, ahave, lest their of the dieastrous fires known as beards sb-ould forin an -assailable "-b-ie"that if ten destroxv 6 weapon for their enemiefi. With lie whole towncs a-nd jvilages. No cook-( a-dvent of William lIhe Conqueror, ing is-permitted while the fof-m is beardg disa-ppea-red from England, blo-wing, and not even -a pipe or -as and tbe mode did not returri until cigarette may - bc Ii-hl-ed. Ma-ny- the 4hirteenth century, a.nd was pec)ng suffer with discontinued at the ltestoralion, mwbeneýver ibis wind prevails3. The The ye-ar 1851, however, saw an- chinoak of the Westfa s inilar in other revival, and lhe faet that King character -and orig-in to the fohn. el George alwavs adopled the style Over the waters of the Fa&Y of %j lias done much to, bring -the brd Chaleur, i-n Canada, a inysterioîs w int.o favir.- phenoînnon kn<iwm -a-s the "fire i Tt la a rougiy hemispherical mas,,s il The Mysterious Thyroid. ed luminosit.y. with its flat seide l,- fil t-be waler; but. soieti,.'noa it riscs i-n t' The tbyroîd gland. whicb is sitti-' ten-der -roving et 'umnns. that resein-Sim ated about the lcwer parft of the hie the flaming rigging -oi a *hip. throat, is stili -a medical mystery. It is stPPosc-d Vo fd)relelI a s-forai. Practically nothing la kniown as ta No s-atisfaetory explanation o&f ibis ils uses, and very little aibout the ýhcnonianoi bas ever been gîven. 7 causes of disease in it. Goitre is a "Andes Iightning" îi, the nainme non-malignanpt enlargementor i given tu a very striking lurninous lhvroini gland. The .-Weljing may be disciarge of eleclricity seen over no more than a mere lhiickenfing, or the crest -of- the Andes, un Chile, ra il May grow into a mags weighing -a reiw-hîere ordinary thiander- several pounda. It is omimon in s ornia are ai-mcs-t urnown. The- m<untainous districts land where mounlain-s appear t a-ct as gigan- - there is magnesian limestonein the lic ligtning rode. bc-tweetn wbihio poil and drlnkiag -water. Operatioîî and the clouds sil-ent dioch1arires may fbe necesamy, but goitre will tauke Place on a vas-t scale. A ron-. usually yield to Ireatinent. and is titiut glow is seen about. the aumn- rarely fatal. Maslignant disease (A mitc, with eoccasona-Ioutbursts huke thethyrod ga' ndisoftn ssoia- Cie, beainscf a great seareligit. y ed th tby- r g a nd ors al en asocat- Th s d . !ys ave been een by ed xtiovestrîn r sdde sbck.vess-e ttrce iu-ndred nilies rfront a Here operation is genera-lly neces- the ooast. . 1 sarv. and is a verv seriolusmattr Amnong the snow-celad Alps a turf- fb indeed. In some mylstericus way' re- eus and beautiful phe-.nnme non is? nuovaI of lie tiyroid gland affect% sometimes -c'b*er-ved a-t tbe close ofi tbe mental pcîwer-s. and lie unfor- lie day. The ras" illumination lunale person who bas bis thyroid the moinla-in summits jmacces away, remtoved i-s in great danger (ÀIols- fi-cm below upward. as t-be au-nf ing bis witc. more parlicularly bis sinks e he'-w-the oppouitte hDrizDn.t[ memry.aaid for a feu- minute-,lt-e p-aka, w-tb their rocks a-nd a-w.havea Lo-vd's bay Alliance A~c-tY i2 Rn77,(f -ho ' via Pv ai, ligl t mp ir witih tî po Very btîay -wihbthegood work,lit nu!a rii -,-i id this mny la.4 for as more t-fficieit tba-n the old relixble Put- mîîtcli a, viti t- r stînw.t'Ph-la 1 na-umsi Corn Extricb'-r, -wh4ali .-urr-g<curtjis c"lr -l~ meoloral-;an of tilue aind iart.3 in one day. Fifty »is- y-rts a'e .\ns" c 1*i- t tb ensp <if thc e, -i-nf 0;oveti 'the mûirt of Puttîa-m*6. L< 1o of to î'-p.1w 'a-nv-atî-i-- bther. 254-. -ntail &-ai(rýs. Xi'ý < lU- .. '.o ytl --r-,.- Plosl flavoeed an& ý- perfectly cookeü, tuake deliltous sandwiches. FARMS FOR SALE. W. W. DAWfON, Ninety Coiborne $ires,- -PYUWÂNT TO eUY OR BELL à * riStock_ Grain or Ds.iry- ParoI. ri.H aiwon. BroMnpton, or 90 Col- 4. W. DAWSON,. Coiborne St., Toronto. 3 EGISTERED SHORTHORN AND M~ Holstein Calvea T. J. Morrison. Duirham. FETtALE HIELP WANTED. AÏ , PED--LADI&43 TO DO PL.A1IN ANi) JLght sewing at homo, whoie &r uare t Lm; goo pay; 'work i3ent any dà<.- ance, chargoespaid. 8end at'atap for lir: icu-la.re. NAMIONÂLMNFcU{ '0., -Montreal. NURSERY STOCK. 1TRAWBEILBIES, RAePUItItIEWS. ?- 7J ATOE8. (Catalogue free. àMcC.onnie'i kSon, Port BurweU, Ont. MALE HELP WANTEIJ. 5- EÂRN BARBER TRA>E -. ALWAY3 §- ue e.nipoyment ae gi'cd wugco; fow feeko required Io complete cu~write tr full parbiullai a.nd 4oÀtaiogue today. goler Baxsber Collag-e, 219 Quecn Eaei. MISCIELLAMEOIJS, 1 NE.TUMORS. LUMP- iTU InteD$rni ansd *ztemua. ui.mrtd --z1 ont vua br-otL bhrne trea.tment, W'. ne beforeî woO lute- »r-Beilmau..,. Co.. Lfut.. Calltntwbod, On' Nac.înery for sL. En'gmne. shafting. be-lt4ng, puIieyý tc. fromn large fat'ory fo- gal Vheelock engine. 18 by 42 cmjdetý with cylinder fraixe. fiy whee', hpar Igli, etc., ail iid good e<',nd1tý,n bhafting f rom oný incli t4:, thr-ý- meches. puileys thirty incht--ý 'o fty inches, be]ting- six îîche St:4' ýwelVe inChes Wilil ileîîtie or ,npart. 0F FER REFU'SE> FB Adelaide' Street West. Tir'.zî'. Mr. Dooley-Give me a . nr ioa(p, please. Shépkecqpýr-11j .-î want it scented' or unsoe-nted SU )ooley-Aw, niver moii-d. 0i' jus-t take it with me. MInardsa Liniment Cures D:,.; -Mrs.--Toplat-Bridget. i yougetthat dreadful eve. H Me 'brother pave it t,.ý î wit-h an eye like that DZ-rH bu ba.nd. For severeWUr' cuts, skin dsa- ,eczema and,!il troubles-for t C-, /~' LifoYe to-P")int toi any hkai dhe "sïuffering demand peace.'! Perli cntpacîÉ,y of the mnilli4o -I'Illnut neeisarilyb b.ya îiem'hsw -have sf-red for yea manding pc'ae. Ag war g t o he mil1i'ô e-d with its violent pa. *Ail we Cali cee to-d natunmc -eýnIl mue tu ai <)f the great.êst involI quitr finiyc4wd prepa greatL effort bS< land;- -the ci tnsis, on i.16st, anywhere near and- that suggestions- on.has r1nu n enrter'à JLie t. - wit hep) A>o-be exe pr-ive thin-r cf.their di vw-ra.XVn the w g'ic-stwc>rk. Ail wê c-a thla: this scoýurZe c T4,, those ncif ui who tho chabit 9f te&pti1 S f (chanc-e thîe fuct t iardCanfitid,'th though-. Cianfild ra -d-L'bJY reýpo-yrted t-o 1ha * sums in playin-g oth e f1,cr muTley. S-ê me est' l 11_Ï uriinto 'the -had ncte-- in 'bus eral vears., lea<ih-ng Ieitcure. Yet lie mai 4)iveri a- ilion dalla -wrec-k (Àfhic furtum aiter de-lira.x-Zlg "ove w-lich 4juld w.recek One Adam, tro la-ted over $5,000,000. * tables .ni -M3onte Carl said. over $4,OOW.000 net -,proifits. Thàt's,1 a-ge'y against the play vôr of 'the hojîrýe." hasthie man.-w-ho,îelmi this malîner? lIow is that Iany, man of . avE gzence will s<o waste! hi suwb.5tànce I Yet ihe every day. by - nen -Figliirîg i nk 1

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