Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 3

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.-uch aipredicLioný. D Jordansays, ýhtthe "suffering M~illions.- will detnan'd pea-e.", Perhlims-But the C.-,pICa-'i ofthe mllionh te Suffer- will not necesrily b. ý exhausted ha-ve. siffere for ye'a-rs -witt de ma-nding- pea-e. Aga-in, a-s the war gcoes on tie MIn themselves ma-y-become more and more ýinfect- e<l withi ta violent- passions. - Alil we ca-n see to-day is thutthVe na timis continue. to a'rm; that one of the- greatest invoivod ha- not quite> finiphed prepa-rlng, for- its great effort 'by Iand;*t-ha-t none of t-be conibatants is, on theé,suIa-ce at iea-st, any-whero near exha-ustion, and Lia-t suggestions .)f peu-ce are fi.-riyý rejected in 'ail qularters. \Vej - ' sec',fjjtii'Iî,mwflre, that noue of Vhe ni14:lrisreinquished in 'a-ny mehsure te convictions with' which it cntered LiC, war. Ali of thein -l witii the 1xjsflble exception of Riuu ah-livcthat 1V ýis a case of eccu- qierilg ru--i ît- r psuli.,ti îng to * *conditi ns n-hich m,: i the cnd de- prive tbem of -their digiuity a-s great >-ws.Whicn Lie nar n-il1 end, inow- as at tie heginning, ifi pure gtreasn-owrik. Alil we ca-a-d.o-is te hope t1iat " this acourge dif wa-r mnl sdofl pass away." .r4)those of us who have been ia- tielha-bit o! texnpting the ýGoddess -vi Chance t-be fa-ct that the la-te Richard CanfielId, the New York gamibling-house keeper,ýý left over. $Il,OOO,OO1> a-ould gîve ýpause for - thoughbt Canitield mn a- gauxbiing paliwe. lt-s firnishings, iLs enter- tainnment o! " pa;tronu a" nere on the moat Javish icale. Its owner is cre- -d-,bly reperted tu have, losti-- huge su- aira -a playiag ot-bemmea's ga-mes for r n-eTey, Some estima-tee -o! theto ba'otses u-tuus inte Lie millions. lHe - lia-J fot beca "la ,bitsines's" for aev- e ral yearsa, eading a life of coatiy liire. Yet ho na-na-ged te 1bave cv-or a million cia-lia-s, eveui as Lie wr-eck la-f is fortune, a.ccttmuatecl alter dofraying "eveu-icad" charges n-hidi ntculd-rOck a-ny other ha-si- - -cs,. -~One Adffms, !xmthVe pennies' of' Lie poor gamibe! in -bis "poliey"y gauses, is re'puted toha-ve accumu-j la-Led over $5,000,000. Thc ga-mhag tables af Mente Qarl~o yiold, 1t-;s sa-id, over $4,000,000 a-nnally la- -net- profit-s. That's t-be "percent- a-go" against t-beplayer a-ad ha La-- ver of "Liýe boa-se." -, Wha-t ciane haa-tic ma-an-ho emptaflortune la- Vths-ma-na-r? Hon- is iL possible that a-ny ma-n e! average.- intelli- gea-ce ntli se taste bis Lime aad eulbta-aco loYt-t-b ting la- donc evory day, jby mon o! apparent la- tel!Igence 1i -GEURM1ÂN WOMEN SOLDIERS. Sevéa- Dities Sen la Rusaiù, Fightin g iii R>ks of Kaiser. The Londoa- Daily Cireaicle ýays: -l-"There appeau-s friime tVo Litae ,inte-Rusaian pýkpers a saLaVment tiat-omon volua-teers a-mefilgbtiag in the Germaa ranis, a-adan- Lihe Wa-rsa-w correspondent of tie lDyea-, e! Petrograd, liam actaalIy eca- tiese a-ma-zonaa-mca-g the wonoa-dod a-t preseat- behng tu-cated a-t-hLe -Oa-ya-zdcff houiptaili e a-aya Lieu-e were, éven womean -e n-u-oca-p- tùTed n-hile frgitiag la Germa-n ni- £orm->.- Tbey noeeplaceci Logether laia-.spécial - a-rd. ",Judglng by-th naturce!fVicir- wca-nds Viey have ta-ken part a-et oaly la rIflepractioe, ha-t alsuq in bayoa-e4-at-acks. One -of t-hem, who ha-cfa aembus wonoa-d, haa s iace dhed. They a-ie fia-e speciniens e! Teutonie n-omanhood, a-ad LieHa-sala-n hta-raes gnea-tly admire Licir finely develoeped'-muscles, n-hicb sceau Vo indica-te Via-t- Vey have beloageci for years toLe Gomaa-gymnatic -se- "Ia ca-ptivity t-bey beha-ve ntit-b tisa-mo ha-agît-y a-ad contempLa- --omis indiffereace n-ich cha-actemizea Lic Prua-sian office-ms. Onie e! the nursing sistema buought Vo hem a R-itashaunewnn-pa-pc-r, the Petrogr-ad Heu-aId, nthic i -Ia pria-ted in Germa-a .--ut hey iadignantly ejcted Vie of- -onra-ad said tiey did na-t bolieve anything wlit-ehappea-c-c in a -Rits- aian pa-per, even n-hen. pria Led in Germna-a They refused Vo -alk cf their homes aîd fam'ilies, bu-t, jiud-g- iag by tbeir demeaner, tbey a-oea-i Li h-elibng te Lieetipper or rppeu--iiid- - Appropria-te DIA-l. - "Doan'tho long ia getting liaici." "AIl rigît. ie-es some ahr -- e ake. - - Not Miulu RecuitFon ruîet "Yoa- c-n-oeveryt-iag t-o yc-r n-hf,"sd id Lie ses-eue maternaI me- "'Ma-ybe -I doe'ý replied Mm. Mcek- ton. /'Anyhow, a-ho ketg aretind r eglary evemy pa-y day and col- leeta." "Doet-ers do a-et bleed peoiple as theyased to." ."Humpi! Easy Vo -soc you i-avea'it been gettia-g a-ay Peter. One day Uncle Pclert ca-me- te ~e. us with î- big, ibulgy parcel uder- his armi, ll peintsand eorners.' And wvheu, * d aneÜd roind him asking what- itysasi, hejuît-'age a Iguessedý a worlt-'baskebfor îme: thrfetty a doll's- carria-e4an -baby 4sked if-it were a-kism, plum'pudding!" Iicky -sas the, ônly one who guessed 'a cae. " Riht!,, said Unele lo'bert.' ',And a-s you've guesýed,ý my boy, you shaILunpac. We.a-il stoodrouind and watc.hed as Dicky undid' the.,stri-ng, and Unecle Rlobert wouidn't let him eut a- singieknot. But a-t, kst ail -the per, wàs off, and .6uteca M2a.iost- 'béautiful cage-al gçeen and gbld and paie'blue glass. Andîinside,: fitting ja-untily on,-bis perch, vas the sweetest littie canary bird you ever sa-w Ris littie be-ad iwas cock- cd on onie side. and hie Iooked grave- Iy at us, as much a-s Vosay, "You hie X-opt nie ini the dark a long time.! 'Xo-w, Peter," said Unole, 'corne owt and be irîtrvdueed!"...lHe unfas- tened the littie <Jour oftb&he cage, and Peter flew out on his firtgei. 1, We hardly breathed fur ear we sbould îrighten him. "Now, baby),,'." said Unele, "corne and stroke, his head. " 1 Pii4by iput 'ler littie inger very carefully on Peter's littie 3yellow head, and hie sit quite still and gave seve-ra1 little tweets. Then Uncle gave his finger a jerk upwar-ds, and Peter flent off and perched on the curLain rod. !And when Uncle whistled the Jear lit-lie' bird came ba-ck at once. "Nov, Peter, home !" and LTnele whistlcd softly and rattled the door of the cage. - Peter hesit-atcd a moment. But when tTnele whistled a second ime lie darted straight mL-o lus cage, and we ela--pped our hands s«' ioùdly that Peter looked frighten-ed.' m6etie a lump of sugar," sa-id Uneie. 1 fetched liim a- piee, and putting iL- on the top of his head he gavé a gentle WaL. Peter 'wa-s having a' drink a-t the tim6ê, bu-t cirectly he I Ieard t ue whistle hie loaked upand rflew oup on Vo Uncle'e head. And. theu-e lie sa-t quite happily pecking awa-y a-t the sa-gar.1, When Uncle ha-d gone Peter was very sad for a day or two tintil hie got used to our voices. Then hie cheered , ùp and became quite friendly. And one morning, when we had turned Pussl 'ut of the reom a-nd ahult the window, we opened the dooi' of his cage, and Peter flew out on to my finger. ,Puas gave us a- lot of trouble. We couidn't get her te understand thfat she was Dot- te frighten Peter, ai- though n-e scoldcd lber severely3 each time wè fou-nd bier anywhere near thbe cage. One bo-rning I came down-stairs rather early, meaning te clean out Peters cage before breakfast. But in the deorway 1 stopped in frigbt, for the littie curta-in that we put over the cage at night was lying on the iber, the, 410cr o! the cage n-as open, and Peter n-as nowhere to be a-en. I ran up-sta-irs a-nd fetched the others. and we ail began to searcli. We looked in every possible place, under the chairsa-and ta-bies, behind the pictures, even in the dras-ers and cupboa-rds inu case by a-ny chance Peter shoLlld have get shut inside. Suddenly Betty. whe had been out- of the room, ca-me running iD. "Puss did .iL!" she cried. "il a- few inches open a-t the boîtom. "I-t must- have ýbeen open al night!" -I cried. Puiss must have crept in from the -garden and climb- ed up Lie curtains tW thé cage, and wben she got, t-be door open Peter must have fici-wn' out. 1 suppose wben lie sa-w us this morning be thouglit it woul e salae to corne back. " That n-as alln-e ever kniew about Peter's adventure. But -we gave pua-s a tborougb]y good aclding. And n<w n-c arc aiw.ays very ca-re- fui Lu see the winduw is a-but hefore we go Lu bt-d. --Il-- An Ac-ident. Jiudgt'-You)i are charged ivith hyrcaking a chair ouver yuur wife's iead.-1 I>rsoicr I wa-an accident your lion or. 'Judgc - What! Ditln't you in- tend to hit her ? Prisoner-Yes, but I<iidn't in- tend t-o break't-be chair. Riomance of To-day.* Fortune Telier-Bentare of a dark mdn, n-bon you wilu soon meet. Hie wiUi be a vilain. Girl-lient perifectly delightful! lient soon will I meet him ? Fine leathers do net pay t-ho butcher. Twvo Britons WiÙo IMade: Terms- in the N4orth Sea. Our picture shows Commande-r Sheddion a-nd hise cihanic, wiie, whilst flying over Xerthern Beigiui dropped int~o the North Sea. When the Dutch steamer "Orn" ca-me to rescuè them they refused to le& the lYdýrop'aýne~ until tliey were promised that tbey would flot be- interned wfhen Ianded at Rpt-terdam. rj hydroplane has been interved, but the-two meni bave been permnit-ted to return, THE SDNDAY SCBOL ESSON INTIÉRNATIONAL -LEISSON. JANUARY 31. Lesson -V. The BlrLh cf Sa-unon. Jiulg. 13. 8-16; '24. 25. GoLden Text, Judg. 18. à. Verse S. Lot Lie ma-n of God whorn Lieu didst sene cerne a-gain unto us, aad Leaci as.-Manoahl particularly conceraed a-bouttie. visit which bie wife received frein tbe angel cof t-be Lord. li l a de- #ocut ma-n. Hie fait-h lastiu-red. Re ha-a a reai desire to lea-ma more ah-eut the wonderf a--It-ing t-ha-t 18ta ha-ppea4. Re dues.not dca-bt Lmat-a cild n-ill bh oremuntouia-ad his n-ife, who --îlta-ko a- prominent place litie, history cf -hliî people, and lie wa-nts to kncw, long hefore tie coming o! t-he chid* hon- ho je Lo e ho a-agît and what partlcularly ia to ho do-né that ho -mna-y preperly falfI tic functiens Vt- ta-me te ho bi*. This desire cf t-be futa-e fa-t-hem -4o bo Lhoroa-ghlyiunforxaed, se Lmat n-hon tIse t-lie a--rves hon-l be rea-dy.. smmedia-teîy p * -h'ogin tie training cf Lieehild, le a splendid instance of, the importance n-hiei t-be Jen-isi fa-t-ler piaced a-peuis- dut-y Vo hi-s cidren,-and aise shows the implicit fa-lt-h the ancient 'He- bren-s had la God, n-be is the ce-a- Ver cf a-Il huma-n life. 10. And Lie n-ora-n ma-dobaste a-ad ran -and teld ber busha-d.-Tbe n-ife cf Manea i 141noV desire te ho alouwenhLe angel spoke. She knen t-be conerof ! er husha-nd a-nd a-la-oth-eimportance cf Vie da-ly LiaV woca-d he laid upon heu-; heuice be n-anted Ma-noa-h te be puesont, so ViaV ho, tee, cou-idboa-r a-nd n-ca-d ho a-hie Vo lîelp ber in the da-ys o! préparation fer t-be ceming cf t-hoeciuld a-nd bis propor nurtume. 11. And ho sa-id a-aVe hlm, Art Lieu Lie ma-n Lia-t. apakest unte t-ho n-orna-n?-Manochiu &anted to ho sure Via-t iVn-as the. sa-me visiter. Ho n-anted t-e bave- Lie sa-me message direct f rom i as his wife ha-c re- eeaved it. - 12. Now lot tiy n-ords coeot pasa-: what s'ba-ll ho Vie ordering o! the chuld, a-ad ion-ahall n-e do autc hlm 1-Ma-ncaliinsisted t-ha- thVe n-icle stou-y sbea-i41 ho etold; t-he instru-ction aiea-Id a-gain ho givea with explicitnesB, -se t-Ia-t le, tee, woa-id knew w-ha-t lia-ô ca >e sa-id in t-ho firat instance to ha- n-ife. 13. And t-be angel o! Jehevai utaid unto Manoai,Of a-Il t-ha-t I said au- tc Vie n-orn-alet har ben-are.-Tbe forsmer message is bore assurned, a-ad Lie n-a-nlxg given Via-t ail tubaV the n-ora-n hadboea-rd la Vie fn-a-t in- stance sicea-iud Va-ko hec-c te ob- serve. 14. Sic ma-y net e-at cf a-ny tiing that cornetb cf the vine, neit-her lot lier drink wne or streng drink, nor caV a-ny unclean hing.-Tiese a-mo Lie catstanding tlings Via-t t-ho, an- ge-i.had commnui-ded a-nd n-li-ch hc a-gain ernpiasized particnuamiy. These.n-eu-e not- a-lof t-be things, hon-ever, wbich he hae! a-id te Lie wife. Ho addsa-again, thomrefore, - ail Lia-t I comma-adecl iem let hem oherye. Sa-msoan-a-s te ho a Nazirite, as Sa-ma-el la-tomrn-a-s (a-ce Sa-m. I. 11). Naziritismn-as the outeomeo f rmc-- ien a-gaina-t-t-be disa-atuous influence n-hid Ca.naanitish ieatieuia-rn ad exercia-cd against thbéHebren- lreli- gion. IL n-as parViculariy a- reaction a-gaina-V the w-ur-bip a-nd ca-atoms-cf Ca-na-a-n. (Sec Na-m. 6)._ In la-Ver a-ba-i hoprparce!. If tica- n-ut ma-ko roady a- harat- efferng, t-hou ma-st effer. iL untel Jehovah.-It would seem tba-t a cer- tain seal of a-uthority n-as Vo ho pla-eed au nthe n-ords n-hidi Vire stranger 'ad spoketa by t-be words wh'ch he non- pa-ke concernin-g the hurnt-offering;.wiich wn-ca-i di- ca-te Vo fanoali LihaV hohad been entertainng a hea-veniy visitor. We.read in verse 22 tht Ma-noah beca-je fe4,.riul n-len ho difcovered- tiat he, iad been in the presence o! the angel of t-hi Lord, a-nd i. said, n-uth great trepidation teis wife, "W. ,shalsureiy die hecausen-e have seen God." But Me intuition of his wifé led ber Vo show moere judgment, for Ébi. said, "If Jeho- va-h were pleased to kill us, lie n-c-id, not. haire received a- ha-mL offering anad a- meal offering a-tca-r ha-ad, neither would ho hjaveî show- ed us ail th«'e e binsà, a-or n-ca-d a-t tusge tîm have tioîd a-ach tigs a-s 24. And Lie.wenlan haro a son, a-nd caileîth-bis 'nmeà Samson.-The Hebren- of '*"SS4Wson" las gimohen, w1ii comes f rém thbe word "Site- mesh," a-nd iea-ns "Vie aun." This nlame.given te Samson n-ouid indica-tetubat hon-s o! a- sanny and hiappy dispos*tion. Ail Hebren- na-mes, as indicated in ýa former a-obme-ans "OuppIlanýter" ;Bênja- min meaas' "Vie son o! the riglit- band"; Je-rubbaail (Gideon), "Ba-al contenda-." Se. ,aie 1 Sa-m. 25. 25,e whero tie fool'iM usband of Ahi- ga-il la named .e4a -ewhichmeas 25. Mabhaaeh-dan. - Ma-ianeb imeans "4camp." Maianey - dan, therefoeo, mean t-be camp o! Dan. This camp n-a-s beVn-oen Zorai a-nd Esita-el. These' *Vwo places, Zorai anid Buibta-ol, n-ere t-no cf t-ho ton-ns o 1f Lbe tibd -of l)an, and t-bey n-ere fa-r f rom tie mca. KEEP 8MILING. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto. Ia living over iite'a best daya The day cornes- back a-gain Whon first n-e met, and Ia- my boa-rt You a-mile, as you dId thon. And stillI 5 amile a sn-eetem suflie, Beca-use you snilled, a-ad so Your aile la passed Le other hearts To *gIve Lbem brighter glon-. Keep smiling, for your happy smiles Ia other lîves shine on *To bring them In- their darkest boums The glory ef Hopo's da-wn. Ja-nuamy, 1915. WORK 0F RED CROSS. Cana-dia-ns Respondlng to Noe<ls cf the Soidiers anad their Fa-milles. For Lie pa-at menti t-be French, British, a-aid Servian soldiers, Vo sa-y nothing e! the remuant of the ga-lant Belgian a-ray, have boon fighting under t-be Mest appaliing conditions sa-cia-s have nover hefore been experienced in Vie n-a-s cf ha-tory. Fer da-ys a-nd niglits they1 bhave been compel]ed Vo romain ini tronches ha-If full of -wa-ter with Lie ninds oe, ina-von hna-ing continualiy upon thein. Yet Vhoy have net coin- pla-ined . Are t-bey donuearted 1 No! - Thêy are b 'a-ring ailtVils mis- eu-y and sa-fleing tiràk Lb, a-rns of Britain, France'and.,Beiia-m ma-y ho' cron-ned n-itl victory a-nd, that the homes of England and'Fraiuuce ma-y romain inviolate. Ifon- ca-nn-e show ca-m gratitude te Vbese brave mon ' If every man, n-orna-n a-ad child in Canadca n-eine Vo giveo ne-dollar Le t-ho Red Cross S>ciety over se-von iilio -i'dollars cea-id be spent in sa- ing bund-eda- o! livea a-nd - brin ' com!ort to millions of brave soldrs Liko ma-nyet-bers, n-e a-rn short ocfi money ha-t ne have &, boa-atfu- mnot-or car which we are sure cSn be ina-de moat a-sofa-. We wa-at te give iL for iospi.W wourk. We desirê t o4 presesnt te, the Red Crosrs Soc our Limea-sine ca-r.This is no boan, IL la a froc gift. We have sitarV of you inV-n-t a-y o! co'mfi for t-ho beys on Salisba-ry Plia. My n-ife a-ad tn-o other ladies h alrea-dy sent for distribution aI 300 body belta-, about 175 pairs mittens, besides ma-flers, hein oe. Tiey -,n-il- a-l howa ntedj many more." Sa-gb a spirit is wortby o! oua- ca-r le-ading citizena-. Tiere many n-be cannot give mot-or but a-Il ca-n give cf their substa for t-ho gre-atest cf al causes, causeo! buma-nity. t1 Suhacriptiens-and cosnf§-of kinds --i ho n,riy welcosned eekpeace and pur'sue it -I'Pe I but e Thereiis no cireu-mnstanmce "bi'the and e i5iu&to~iin~Eirop 'mr. a lng. Or thn -the'fact Vha.t the .hurelles aràe -CUsabk withoutexcét-in suporin~the rg war rom he aandp>mtof 'their r-liai zespe'~tye -ountie.~e4 'wi Thet ma-ny, institutions shouId' ring u suppot, or,&t- ea-st a.pdOIgize £or leiio1 war - ,undera-taidabIe, Thtisf it, it-th la oerfiigt-to~ti om that, tie9worid of learning should regard -a-r on occasion as. n'ces- @ary te -Lie maintenace ci! a native culture, anci t-bus .delfond.ci t ,a-à Fichte defen*-d Vie Germa-n up- rising agarnsb, Napoleon in 1813 and as Ea-eken' is supipomting t-be Ger- man invasion of Belgium anad, France to-day. Theme arc la-hortei wio pardon t-be colla-pseo crf uro- peun soiali-m on the re gund -Lia- the ca-Il te national-loyalt»y ',,. more m, imporative thau the'.zali t<> :terna- ave tienai comity. There are everftlose: rieý wio assert that war is nover wholiy, ibad, as Ruskin, wbo t-ellsius t-ha-t - nar is,4tie fostor mot-ber cf ai c and, .iety letters, a-nd Emerson, who deciares' eat a t-ha-t "n-ams, like firos a-nd pla-guesj À ebreak a-pmisrable routine, clear fotthe ground-of i-otten ra-esa-d dens, LuiS. ef distemper, and open a faim field have 'for non- mon." bout The Great Hoîufehoid of God. s -of a-ad are cam t-he f a-il With Lie Cha--ci,- ionove-r, - no one cf tiesie s'tandpoints 'ih admis- sibie. The 4ju-titbesis -ketween -ne- iigionand n-ar la abselâte. Nuc con- sideraiens ef seiu-inteciost,,wisdom, patrictism -or -evea artistie develcyp- ment a-d social clea-nsing ca-n heu-e aciieve reconciliatioa. lt-s quet la not Lie -premacy o! a-a-vciviliza- tion, or empire, or type of culture,i its~flaicecuFai]eii Sof -brothierhùcd and',all idèaiçOf love, in 4ta- bbsupheipua intocooàtiops to God for 8uueecss- in ie<radbusiness orf murder -by whoiesa-e-in a-Il the8e thinigs 'are- n-a-r gid- religion exclusive c.l one- &no'Lhiem. Where there ia- -a-r:there ca-nbe no religion, a-nd wherà,;t-bere is t-rUe relUgion t-bore ca-n lie ne,ar. To de'nounce wa- Vo cilrse war- *makers3 to "aeek- pea-e and pursue it7- is ~a 4uty of 'the Churoh, which a-lIons, ci JNo Compronmise or Eva-sion. The story cf the la-st liours 'o! Pope ýPlus X., whosedeath.wan of-,themoiït, draina-ti î&dea- cf.týhe opening days ectthe FEuroean eata- cllysrný, gIves us a perfect Illiustra- tien of the pr-ünkciples. -homee la-id clown. , rîi' t -e th tle, Auetrian Aa1-ba-ýiadùr entered the. Papal ,hedebAmber atd,; a-nledc the blessing »cf tVi e4lyFat-ber u the arma fth uaverelgn Wh-oi nho aerved. Onc?e t-wice Vhrce e of- fored bis petition -wïLhout eceivif reply. At -laFt 1~Pope,, qpoke woyds wbicl ihaould bho- forêlvermemoraý,I>le ;in.the annais u t ihe race: - .Nu" le a-aid; "tell 'urE'perom 1 n-lJi net -blees bis a-ms. 1I uos rpa-ceI noV -rt " v Juhn- liaynes Hoîaws. - 1ou e oa-dctresed Vo thbe-ýCa-ad- f a-t -a-s cuit clowri 1 uue-]1a-f iL -oaid ian Red Cross Society, 77 Kin-g St., si h safi- ient. Smd the 41ieV- Ea-st, Torontuo, Canada. f-aaddcre-p a-il foed h at c-autlud NOTE:- Aiconaignmonts sea-ld gsin a thu e:~i ua be-ar t-he na-me and! addrea f -ho IV -resnitb une r-otuii'K î-l- sondera a-nd!a- uaL o! thne goodls. 4 on te angt4-er. 'îwrc: m -m t- FRENCH BAVED BRITISH. qloq qbq> bek.qe wf-cSed yoan stae*ý S-eets an or -t-rt-ny f n I- d They Were Stragglers Who Had ln.- Dropsy. îedmpedr -tie.O:t a-tnd dulged ln Ton, Much Wine. hemoün j-ie~çatbe lit, tiir.'4 ha One of the fon- nar sa-bJecta n-hich Du-opa-y is an accumulation cf n-a- Lhe mcmaing lare good, eiýPcCîally ha-s net beon oxaggçrated 1s the roaîîy tory, fiaid beneati t-be skia r o a ng uc. I bav-e ln- --u d t .s ama-zlng triendsbip n-hleb bas spruag co or more o! Lie ca-uiiesosf tic fruit cuire a ca-se of ehr,:înicioý s up betn-een tho soldions of the allied body* Like a-orneothor symptonis t4p whepnonthing èIa-e appea-red teO hizta tyou 2?consldertut t'*the'iL la ofteli'miitàkon r a- diliealse iÈ ha-voapermanent effrez. But, she cana-ct und*ersta-nd a-- word,-of -oeh itsel-!, a-ad n-o cnsLa-atly boa-r it sa-id groat tbing la tü-eitia--te e-b otber's ianguago, yoa- 4 might Imagine tia-ta-ore ne a as "died of dmopsyV." and oniy ca-t aha-t airecu-. a.tid ~a-ý that roal intimacy wero ne mou-o Lia-n But people du net die cf - a -ymP- todrink vlà!h the ;eL-APts- a du-ca-m. Sa-eh Iosnot the ca-se. Mr.m;. cii fth-ieas t an. M Atkina and M.* Pieu-Pieu ha-vo becomo o; hydec ielsa-et a . actalan -d 'reai frienda, andi te seoesaeo!tesmprn Andi- Lhorn atrolling along Ia- liberty heurs, ou-dom that ca-tses Vhe îb]oocl te 'lue- - a-mm lna aum a-ad talking vola-bly, fl a corne impuveu-ia-ed a-nd n-atory, a-ad liberal oda-cation lanLimepessibiiitiea a-t Lie sa-met-ime Leflion- thu-ougi Lie et ha-ma-n na-ta-me, n-ites. 0. M. Ha-offer. veina n-itb ia-crenaed preossutre, ca-n One Incident n-bleh the n-iter peu-- caa-a-ompsy, For that mcason iL r h on f ils senaiiy witnessod "semen-bere near is often associa-ted' witi seriCus Fs -Lle Éront." -as Lthe na-r coruespondents ferma of boa-rt cm kidney disea-se. F0at11 sa-y, anrd nhlcb spealým volumes fer the frieadA-bip -et the allied priva-te sol- Whcn tic iea-rt is diseasod iV cla- diers ma-st be pu-ofa-coc by 'tceaLato- Dot pîîmp tic blood Linca-gi t-hoe muent that morne 40 peu-, cea-t. efthLe veina, properly, the hlood lt-self 111gb ('ollars (Mrowunag F-uuu British tu-ceps a-t prosent a-t the front grents tj-in a-ad pour iii qaaiLy, a-ad Ve. may aibj-eume the icj-gh. biiued are total a-haa-a-rs. I bappea-oc te ho seme cf tic wa-teu-y sermm sca-dOs collam in our m-id and pr,,ttstrhtmat n-alklng a-cross tic market place cf the o ug h al ftei ailr ewj littlo townn itb a staff ofilcer of the -uc-b i als ftec-piame enl ocomf,Yrta-bte a-i-n---t BriLti. Just lacmn-o a-y n-oue, 1 sa-.ve-sseIs. When dropsy is the mc-alt but grada-aly -- L Wv-iuit pose, a couple cf ba-ndred Fu-ench pri- e! Buigit s dîsea-se iLta-s because tie the fashîc or CC , t't' tiOitZ vatos. As we ca-me a-p te them they kiclneya- are ne longer a-hie toeox- 'lt-s insia-Lene ne,1r' out o -j::- fell a-na-y heuoru-eas lna-a ma-aser alto- tract n-ater a-nd pela-oacas maLtera sue a-ea- t-be mar'-îniu'e-i gethor Incomrnuehcensile, baclig Le- from Lie biood. Du-opa-yVia-t ar-ises it, on èi id.a-ii u' cîpa n-a-rd the -eau-est uvali, keeping their f-om boa-rt trouble ila n-eoa-t nihtit'l iecee-i-,r 1 à'jvEtvilii faces ain-ays to-a-rda- us, a-ad sa-iating a-ad after exertion ; exa-ctly t-ho con- ou-st t-be Ion- <ol au 6v FeYrilar' centlnua-iiy wlthila aauprsiag enîthta-si- - ryi reo h ros aue aho sr.) q-7z4tý 'l a-sm. 1 asked the coloneoln-batttc sa-p- b I tuars a-tu le hdcis mortîe aho a 't v poeoci t meant. Hofe- replieci, with b inytoblnh-hi ore pena V-sbiuped n-edgý Th tilti-h raised eyobu-on-, Lia-t iL 'a-s altogeÎher marked a-f toi- rstiag. -a-ad themefore- !a-t it exa-eLts a c'C.0'î *r ýf î Ia-compreeilstble. j -n ue auo-nia-g. Tien iL ils be-st 'ha-k a-ad R-ides of 1ftIi C- ru- Thu-ce mina-Les later, lxaviuîg left tise cccii in tic loose tissu-es ua-dem Lie fore, tie nev umîlo c"r colonel a-t the door of!fils ioadnart-j I dacvoociLi ky t te ys Ieyes, nhich uften are like great whbite saatit i lia-t<not n - - t eu-s, I icvrdtekyo h y-1ba-gs o! -aatom la- ticmorning a-nd eau-a- la-pc-ptila-î-. f--m E:,tan i i-- tory. Tirce Buitisih stragglers, hn-berinsi liad lest thelu- battaliotus an-dwerelook-I appeau-normal la theaonng epon-. a-g for -tbem had wa-ndemed Into thej Somet.imes- tic patient- suifera- The hId-gît eh--ker i s 1 l i' t ki ton.They liaclcoecfa-r, a-dclon te,. f rOm'bOthu heart. a-n k-lyevtr uble'. demand. 1-L ;çia- n î--e f-h-î: n'a-y thepeasanmry, n-lie y titi ute jlia- nicb case bis condition i,, vemy Lia-a the loûble *--- .qnqg -,:ir positivoly a-dore "les Angliites," ia-d gi-e, aîd the-du-opa-y ma-y hecome picce, or tic smah a, a w1- tht I a-c Thfelu- Fu- tencon-ads, rcogîîizing exce-.ssi %e. Ma-ny peu-a-na nho a-tf- a-rd ta-ls i-a-e c-l-,kei-s -î--- 'u-- Ti Fenc cdon, adeocitcogtiu- g -ter front gerierai n-ea-kne-ss but have lv extra Itigli b ' tt' g-j ar-t:4 preteet ticin freina-ny poss-ible pua-aln aci ca--si-c-eha.httii ot Le c.riiing u t--tii-., 1,îu meta h ad fteBu-tish offi- n lg selu-ard mgit, utfasteaing la- frunt aý_;-!i: ha -- i cous-n-bace Lie manuoeuvrlîg luithec Liat yrnptom dia-appea-a-a-s tede- ri-ao ua fLuluý,t of al"' mnarket-place. - j ilt.v' passes an-a-y. Stîchi cases Tlhe pains wicb those Prcnci sol- 181101141ho tu-cated n-itl tua-ina - aadFor i t. C olit(Iu. dieu-s teck .subseqa-cntly le masure the rosi anid pieîîiy ZJ- fregh air. mafely o lielu- eharuges n-as a Iotaon Wlten tie dropsy'is a- symptorn of liet a-a î-- oui ,a~-it jIla ha-manity. Atter long consulta-tien orga-nic di,4ordeu- iL is tic disasae barîger luon on ît i)Oai-ufw-- ticy decîdoi tha-t Lie villa-goe.chauch Liat mit receive treatment. At the w4lud a-nid ina a-stt-ns i' î î s a-as the hoat place cf sa-actauy, a-d a-caame t;me ma-ch eaa- ho done te a-île- ina-de n-it a-, iie nuier k -r acco-digly lîo le then Leu-,to-via-te te dtopsicai condition, Tua-t ion tliu-etior ou it-tr u;n- etured large tu-usses eofatran-,a-a-cilefte ',ItWhclte t: r.i h ihc-m toe leep off their "fa-tigue," as; parL, of îhè hbody n-hich conta-ina tbeh bi -utbti -,u >a - ca-e ofthLIe Frenchmen put IL. Two of exceoiacf fia-id slioiild ho kept cie- coillam o! tbe l>ocetc- f- fu 'd -~u the ca-Ipuits pu-oved pcrfectly a-mca-a-bic va-edi: ifzýit la- the abdomen, Lie pa jlia-t. It la F,1wue i li î-t r:eI afn or e uoiel, suep.sohterdacltient slitu-romain lyia-g don. jOne o!f iesp hi-uugeufor tin-se Wsi-r ofnor n-ca ueite l, sle e ic ild r hen the kidneysar au-iatfa-tlt Lucre sj a- .Tîtere lu a o-- n Lite ut-i ' lulmacît atuandoaed, Lia-n lho a-uroFaru0e crtain duga that ca-n be-ta-k- ipart- of Vie hlt-aget- iii th" -zal r' 1 an-iftly -te hia foot, loft tthe churci, a-de.raýay idrteadvieoftitzi. wnuered aga-in thruagi Lie market-enan-y udeth advecfie .m. place, hinting.hy aigus te the passera- physi'iau-Ticy n-ili increase tlue hy that ho n-as stîli athist. a-ction o! Lie kidacys a-ad-roda-ce - 1&:du ui HiswmaLclitul Fren-ch protoctors rose t-be I#Io<îd pre.- i.-7e. Wben Lhe a-e- Tic hcaded utets îhliî~au-::tarc Le the occasion,- led hilm a-gain te Lime cumula-tien tof fia,.-ia excessive a-ad t-ho yard aref-a uak~t. iC - sa-actaauy, a-ad ega- put hlm te bed. doca- a-t yield t-o treatment. a-nd maut a-u ikes Invi nat - Tn-o minutes la-tom hon-as eut a-gala, es-pecialîs-wien IL la lan the a-hdusis su-mochia-g dcEil: i. -u u'ecommenclig is tour t-fein market- -mon, it ca-a -horelieved hy *"ta-p- iii t-lic c'm1îiatti-îi v ha cf nîuîa place. i do a-ct chia-k 1a-m exagg-a-- la-g If I sa-yLia-t thiru performance -a-a îing,' a proce4s tLita-t cari e rera-at- lice auod-uvsnd hu-tida- ulth thiin gene thu-ougi n t imes, nici a-nva-ry- ec a-a ofLen a-s te physician tbitnkd a-rd 11iîny tiet.h --ncif tlu 1 sta, in la-g patience on lte;par-t eofte V"eiich.i- Ln-Io-oatiConupan lit - J la-<, are- uarkomi -off iii dia:giîuual men, hefore tise Infmntryman-erraaL hune- n-îth n-bite cia-beada--. aix n-as a-t la-st pomnitted Le go Le uleep. Indigestion. u otiers bave littie-heRud Ilô1tA'e o.!0 Ps-en tien ga-ardian a-agels la mccln ile ajýrae1yplû( hu-ecehes ta-lted outa-ide anoLier qînar- MumnY-/Plmp1e are mar-tyrs o la-cdil- Pi'î -dsle î'unuî-y-lu tom cf an heur tp ma-ko sa-meLia-t lie gestion a-daid ts ttEmucant ailmenta -- w-ic intei' 1vails. shea-ld a-et change uts mia-cl - -ihout takiag a-uîy thousightcf n-ha-t -- - Ticen-iter cea-di-astance a bandu-ed lie-s a-t the noal mueoto! Lie matter, Re Ul'îbL mSîil-if. cases nltiin luis ow'n peu-a-caa-Ilcuew- Tiey ea-t a-ad intomc ùfe Iedge n-hou-o hlie nstincts et our cern- 1a-t the donnk t-oc -muciY ofLon - mon hlimaal.ty have tria-mpied over a ten-nong imes, a-ad tien con- "hivaciont - -tI ou eli ud 'a Liemcd boaaliLy et n-an, tu-cm an ge- plain, -ou- cfiscdose tliem-selves nltb -s-r -t iie gt-eVIbuP'ii Lu h tuai set-Le a-t fistîca-ifs het-eo a aBa- nedicine simpiy beca-use iV oured sot ncve~eur-." vgranan oe f hý WestL Sarmeys lus some one else. ]fVie sa-me indivicl "Quito t-be cea-t-rau-y.atm-a-agem. v~nia-a-a-ad çun et LInTh aa- nW-be enna-tuatlot ha-s t-u Lie spa-ce between the tranches, with ual ccasunied Liehame-at a-mca-at cl uhpJlooiittbid-ni hoti au-mies as euthusiastie spoctatera-, bocifor a font days, anclthat- ci t-oche ow do yospMi-t tloIt" Le. a cameet cf m Iwa-a told by- an pazinest deh ho Uwlidor sy *erema-ke Viateut ?"l' a er-n -boti sheamifcD tisei îvadwaull ftad heir indigestion'va-nI-shn-oILcusVotann" ARCHIVES 0F ONTARNO I mole!" ri 1

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