Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 5

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fil ffidal . at st it buD-Othe wo andanft!ty pro b 1 h ajune a sl il e h Uercot8 ýta rkor cais ofIeod ayvthe rt, tig fcb o ue!red an lu eroba Fo te2ohtote oh fJur Tho aloutéd ~ IU b h~- Divison Court.l on band te, hoar one o! the best, colçn- beitonfrth tui cur H~ie FidyJ~ $ 15s00 to $25.01100... oerte glven. ber. for some, Utme aMUof cay 2,a 2 -80. BAPTIST VHIURCH. - JO begli wftb, 4ýe youIg,,iMn nere C arnfl f aa Mrs J.StnlIkwbotmerwutSuaday, Jazzary 81. al iplendid *vocaliet, ànd Uio(lar Mrs. J.u' Services as um ui.erwete tbey renderedwere of thbe D ln a CflTÃŽTMRTA 88 oatri er bone on E~u.Ise te , uaday Schbol and Bible Clamjes lhlgbWst dass. In plantation melo>dies ~ enea lil mprovlng nlcoly. li le a.m. they were partlcularly laigth R ec o r c s Dr:. Warren and jEvans pérformed *400 > *.00entucky-..k 'B a "b eg larý Pi c S .5 m a k e a n ~ c i i . M d t . y ou r $e a 8 r 0 01 3 7 d y p . B V 1 fg s r i c , 1 1 o ' e I o e k . g uS t l -_ _ _ _ Re 0.. h 1OEatioMnG. StyleU'iVary-d eutina . t lm étoWddn Fas"-dUi ctd e e eoio fuil ofi;y pleasum. WLbot-oeletmà gl. astr vlc7onduck boiliUr-Thélr iu ta. "il ro batore . aboutr myour e ny7 d sai_60111M-AI- IlmadukseeWsty 'uana, eFrM lader yeyotBI wo ono GtiWhorselswbr, n rd sFtine, 7 c iebro!teqartettedltha ful ofplesur. CMIN, tyl, ei adruteray 2ndCma Spectaclesg Pe tandud oye- colganetenus toh o g Laat tpr.e, 70 YenStre.,lok'lkeew he patr i onct libe gurhiven solda,« "Id r. W telleladlW IT Y TA < Luept D~ 0 oge S. Guaranteed. viceS. '4Jeus, Savlout, Pilot M,," .were vn fsd' -u t W. na abi toiot an ube ou-e, ?sOecatSie Gw' krtI b l&u1cHal rÃ"llo na.oplbd ina.Th tol sulteWaboutty,ûGloveeand .H.Houl-e A Frld nviion oebrry 12 A g oo - o ver, ealetoadd bt teI re Bl hn 7 lnadu trlWiyTe dressesho 66am wlll be r en e eorgrarseveral tmsols ahza - IdpnetP atomîzrs nd SoetanclngsoehdGoa Seilpic nl'lg:Vcslsie aE.d- F1, dolngbisshrofthsoequrtee dulaga Clhesat ron t piI e srak t. J ld IWlib; sru etl M. Rba h nd r. ea llso! he nlae a rt-______le______ Rev.R.W.and n. Alenen~ ebrnry ad Mrchin oder o OL.Calsave ,Fbmru raia M. Pa rswrenu bter asocatlvtedR AE.8rA BeM.y5 J Ch uarteechoir hot Al aite .' titedt"tleaMasl ieDruessesdene itt isrel 1ftIpe- wogry ea seibrbe andon SptH2 Ot.5,No. ,1 iatlz ne d futkesyige e p buey. ogrm IcWt bein atS ... d mi he Pol-ptlram enloos e qaetoanDvio urClnWlty2.l tane hechi o AlSant'bep uy tte Y.L.B..o a Ma hôurb. thenauin.eHowahs ea l te Imer- èo 1îînadvi led pl ~8 96 Chrhon Friday evenlng, Jan. 15. BItetOUGEAfX Gd hué.soains eweeslytemotènlil MADE UN CAN APA mnie~, etc., and& a«Yorenjoyable eHutc25m.ared eerd wtomoeFR AL.OJUYSSetM8rN. urne muauurn V. O. N. solos, and Mr. 1Moeocontrlbuted Tue oon-adFr ail Th*MUflIIifLhe htb WrThe trot annual meeting o!f *0 nsIelou iu.casshp.W .Lk £8 OTPRY. Roe! Society will bold à Patnîotlc AeORWty branch.Victorlan Order o The Strollers, iberefore, proved te Sm. ~Cek otPryJ Tea and Musicale on Fnlday, Feb .1 urse, '7,,bJulld1%9te Seiet. ...... ~ nuary 5tb, in the towa hall trom 8 1 Doop South loyal Imotel# Whltby, ont. mua, onîl e ed k1 Mlebe vrsdoe-and eatienter- te S O'lock. I? lades andalI onWednesay evonlng Febru- tImmenselypsud~e d iencteispwor nue AM hiD.- J.7u te6ocok i aisadgentW -______________ary 3, ai 8 o'olem Dr. N 4no lm g merplasdwl theirngwok neunrdcesomrwlh4UbdgJ..1, mon of the town and vcinlty are c!r- an - sd Dr. Mins, Médical Héaltb O enfA-niaste yoag rne Witht stcam mlen.11 Sp.7,N inviteFto attend. Adniluilon Ropairing neatly done wblle youfMcer and Inspector, of Toronto, wil,.verlooked the National Anhoma Gv u!priuasaldba re.tîi 25dla.lwait. Lowest 'prices. M W. Colline' b. prssait,-and will delîvor s.ddress- the conclusion ot! theo-pogra, i Address Frnr a*Cboll A1IGO-I<S 0rdbostr.e.Teewl eseamuiadwblcb,, however, ibey -wsbed an officeningou-Jau stpthat cough belore Ih ge o lmI u nteresig moelag in promlsed. 'rueoy m adlade thèe tuet. I-1,My1, uy1,S achronîc stage. W111' lWhite Plue ie iae! ofthe. I-use o!f Ref- EverYbOdy wblcomae. The omisionî 19, due la 18,* 1918. ad Tar wlll cure coughs, olda, - ugo appreciated greaily the troatgiv- 6...-_... act thai la tut. country te the soutb I;nsG EVROhhs e-bociiec .E ils rg nthem on Wednesday, Jantuary 13, W. J. Luke & Son on Wedne0day the practîce ot singin.g iheir nabil UUUI UMII Eycs Rrgh t ltIa otic il<sngbytue feIu r om Amords.. -ain imloaded ibeïrr>Orsi shipinent of Ford anibem Ionet very largely observed. j0 evnç aid Mn. addition to the appetszing edibles cars of their contrant for 25 cars for ccseînosAver.11.Nv 1,Jn 2 98 iMrnd r.F'rank Allaway, Port providedý a -most, enjoyable program the season of 1915. ielaéu ders j9k Ousjti Whitby, suffered the lons o! theïr tu- was renderod. Oh-rHUE-+LT-O AE HTY-isE .Mcoel,70T~~.al T ua'esaO u pia e tant son, Gordon Thomaii, on Wed- Oh*fo Paliaina Pacifie lInernatton- 1. kWhitb-a.7 e.2 u.Ma 4 uy16 et patinîf emakeoeo-igbt. nesday- lait. The *tunerai was held- Daughtera o! Rebecca Concert on, ai E£poslimon.Specal cheap-1'àl We do Our Optical work wul.I. :on l"nday, te St. -John's (Bay) Febnuaty 10, ln aid of Whiby Home S'ion ticket@ te British, Columbia, In tbe village o! Brookla, lately 2, April6Ma'4,Jne1Jly6, ,19. 'Wi £ppreciate the sollfiden buryllg ground,, the -service beig Guard. Sem vlndow bills. Calitorala, Oregon and Washlngion. Ioccupied by tbe laie Mrs. Pereman. sept. 1, c.4 o.1 e.2 4f iWlbNv 8 pu$in Iiiu when YO oul usl conducted by 11ev. G.A. MoLean.' Good going treni Marceh lifo Nov.I Good location. Apply te Mr. Thos. Jan1. 4, 11.<> rr 2 cotisuit ý * Thet many !nlends of Miss J. F. Stb. Good te retira vithin'i brue Pereman, Columbus, or Thos. Coak- OSHAW-laE . lneI ý .FR regaru te your oyes. W.H.S. LtraySociety willl hold i'atterson, who lo 111 lna aToroaomni ba.Ferrates, routés ad I votBrQooklilàî, Oui.-f. Wbuiby,CerJa.8Fb.,M.Cîk o wu will hot and do net sîightlativ a, debate on Fnîday afiernoon ai 3 HeaPîtal, ll ert elarafjtj_____________ I _________________ ~UO W~giv teourpatonsthee ock. Subjoci, "Rcsolved tihat her condition <s net ai al hopelul. cae egvoOrptostethere lu more opportunfity for ad- Anxlous inquiries are being rar e- àbO$t! Our knowledge and our skl; vancement ln the reglon west o! Lake dally, but se far the reports mave 41à dpena 11p0n it we use the very Superior than there fa lni Ontario, net been vnry encouraghng. m ~v. intOrai.If wat yîr y.îQuebec and the Maritime Provinces" bo#mtra.I o atyu ysJudges, Revis. Moen4es, McLean and KeepWeedaFhayltiSf * * right, soins te the nigutu place. Sez1mith. Evoryoue welcome. -j oniedncertdaid o! ar 1the oeM *II __ U ___ <..". - wu --. -- er- Geo. Branion. boy---1 1 Mr4. Arthur Holliday vas the soprano. * mhi hosteau o! a niscellaneeous shower, R N.B s e tgiven n Frlday evening lasi, in bOiU- WHITBY HORTICUILTUnAL SQ-* - O WI H E Jel.r ^ad Opticia rlage takes place ti week. There Ameige h htyHriu-_______ ASAN WIEITBY, - ONTrARIO many useful gif ta werc rcceived. Af- rctural Soeywhomhs dlx, ong-- nualro a, on0 Fnid sa, t ar- _________ S spent, refreshinenta were served. The y2,a 751.. sap ear ________ f V .T. U. evening was ihoroughly enýjcyed by range options for 1915. A full at- -- - -al presnait.tendance o ebr requesteti. Any PIMLIC HOUSES WITHOUT IN-!Sa or '" leave their naines wlth Mr. Rbbb, or TOXICANTS.! and recipes te Willfs' Medical Hall, ofie Geo.Robb,. Se.-Treas. %91I Kdtchono's siater, Mrs. Parý for careful aind acourate preparation. I - AT W . oW -olos"Ia view of the cvii ýo J.E. WiIliI, druggist and Optician. ihauling ice tram Wbftby harbor te daId g, te wb.lch attention bas ai- 1"" Oshawa. 'l'h ice ai the harbon 1e resdy been dravu, migut I - auggest 1i-Mr. S.M. Newton, a former edi- now about elghieen inches thick, and te the0 Goyerament, in vic o , os-terof o this paer was re-éected by each load taken away es composed etfi0O U R (G 1R I A T I S uile legilain, ihàt lnstead of dis- accia.paton, as Mayor -o! Prince Ru- 'about twcniy-flve blocks. The teama coraging men anid women fr-arn s- port for 1915. This la the first timne make at least three trips a day, seo ttug publlie uses, these b. made' thai auch has taken place ln thai that frein thlrty te !orty loade a day E more pttractive and club-like than City, and Mr, Newton naturally ro- are being taken te tlhe -neighboring- hitbento ln other ways tlxan encour- oelved many congratulations, Fixa town. The water-ai Oshawa barber 13AN*WMLO agtIng tîhe dilnking O! spirit~s P, týa many Whltby friends vil! be glad to la net pure enough te alîdu the' ice MN pievide for iale se.up, coffee, cakes ct.ter tai Oshawa bas caiiod on Whlt- ad oth lght and harmics ne- by tor its ice suppiy.S fr"m.NO, SIRI1 0-ê. dEfforts-have been made- by Lady No, ii's net. phlanthropiec; Iis a BRICK HOUSE TO LET. J'eliCe, Lady French, and othens te business deal, wih. ihe blgt end on. 7 roai, ail coavonlencos. Apply te C oleg, i .&d f te Ptr'Ei DIviàion Court wyul be held Oft the Coîlege viii 'presentI "Cranford,"l This cold weather try our IT e e P i e r e s T a h l s l fI'Usday nezi, Pcbruary 2nd, ai le a sketch of Englisu village li-f.efia ____________________________________________ a-1. lu ths Cpurt House. century ago. The play Is a comedy special line of pork sais- Ia ibm.. aota, madle freux Mrs. Gai- ages, perfectly seasoned A- gooti chance, to stock up the kelils tamoits sîory. and aslueypure. Te kiiehea. vitut graniteware. See 0' make the moutut water te ews osl h s lte rvo st Pihgle'. - hardware store. w'lndow.-31 Mns. J.H-. Penny had a letton frei e o mi he ok -4- br so, Cuien, nitie la ondon forthese drasic TI1 <y -P 1l.A1 ' A 'large nimber, frein Wlitby are la which lie iold of a veny pleasant i ing, ithe pan. 15c, lb. frtee date price reductions. ÂThe rebuha ue ~ :iiîîe icauo Inatatendance to-day ( Tlxusday> ai visiit he ixad had at the home o! Sirr'fon ~ o ~ u tho' Suaday Seheol Assolaion Con- Haman Greenwood; He aIse visited C- flfithes arefilSm 18-0 o $35-00P.f Figur ~ o ventô*i, beld ab Columbus. Glasgo 'w, Edixiburgix, and Iinkcudy. Filletts of Haddie. 1 Cula expecis to sean bo sent te POSITION WANTEID. the south -o! France wlth the Cana- Steaks of Halibut. C re«nsoe an e w Il show v@u te a o s u d etsd aus on'panien, or as-housekeeper, by dîna contingent for furthen niitary Fresîx Ocean Herring. Mo é i tr n ew maldea lady. Boit o! reterenee. Ap- training Itetore being sent to the pi>' bex 405, WhMty. 1ighting zone. SPECIALS S llat o audàgJ n 30 layone havtng old lîneix or coticin- A "R1obbie Burnsa nnîvergary Broome for 19e r wit please lave <t ai thbe homes ef meeting wîlI be held in tue t.Hgu- Good Pink Salmon 10e Vis. Dr. Evans. or Mns. Jas. - King, hand Club Rooma on'Fx<day-cvenlng. te bo used Ian making bandýges. not, 29th lint. Ail Scotchuxen are Surprise Soap, 6 for 25e - 4-- eordialIy inviied te attend. A good, Molumün>' ionda viii uts please! te prograin of Scotch' sonza and recita- baka lemeaanlaieCut peetl ence e en rnsr.isa that Col. .7. E. F1arewellIl1 Motns la beinc îrctiared, and exich one - Your business friend, -clue, fte anfll et often days. te mcii. or -slng anc nr mnre -'rqs Rpa, tera~fromin elm<'ffnns nflf tisvq' nnp-ms. w a M R E Stlshrdae-8 the North," ai 8 p.rn. îharp. Poe ~ WIB ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO accept )re D«s. 6, Jan. 4, X. S C. ouler, a, Se, .7, mai - fr 4j« a t> - ~4> 7 Il n 4' 'I t 4-

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