'd~ta'i~tfè1y and >'ýthe] séd h3 ce %iowly' but sùrely, dig-. yeste r way te Miilhà usen and orations in ilseçe arethe, bornl ,rting:teAture, of the offi- mDî, rt., lthouýhi he Vy it4oa ber principel ,districWt asT. f rom aornS in iýne ve o*rt1 &mes vz~aeou to.t~esVie ~ D~)fantry e naiaf&i't4er -artilléy, Flaiiders the -,deadloek 'continues, 'hacl Ppunc- le - Fripo.,lo aanl 4erhav ben itte mr~Jia IThe éharge *~as met by, artillery and desultory artillery ecohages. I inhwtiy- fir , whieh t.he -G8Tm'nSý 1North-weet of Arrma. rt, Notre eeubelt Dame~ de Lorette, the Frenvh haveW thtXd maint4lifed tliexselvep ia-psto Around St. Mihi4el' the Frçncnh ' kilen fi-vin the Gçrmans. On the mnacle ýconi;ilierable progres in -the riglit of Janu ary Io the French tedivusus, b»neee of!tighteiiig. thel f;ifrme th pltea am-tunedde- loup designed to ut off the Gertnan-, f-nthe pit'rlta ndtund p<>ition oni!the Mtiseý. adv&neiflg The Cimen, offieiaî stateinent ad- 150 yards in he forest o! Apremont.; mit-, the bs of trenrhes whch had Twenty yaidh -,o! newly-oecupied been eaptured at Notre Dame de grounds wee l-Ot, howeve.r, north- 12nre'tt4- Tiîpday west of Pon b-a-Meusiion. Foirged Proclamationoss Belng Spreuid by tustrlpÃŽ#ms Allong Their - Troopa,. A despa tch fi-on Petrograd saYS: The enei-al staff co! ths commande r-ý in-ehle! lbis isued the following 4rdsuy,: "Our aciversariea have o! ]&te ie soAted to ail kinds o! proclamations o' te troa and appeals Vo tihe peoples of the. regions visited by te war, inviting hem to cease ,-aghtinS and maire peaos. "lIThe Austriane in this respect, excoseded the limite cd te utmoeV inFsolence and baaeneffl. Some Auu- triitsodiera,1 espdciably sslected for t.hnt w ork, ame cireurating a*,ng oui- troops.pi-oclaanationa, un ,wlhie- oui- enemies are imnpudenti eniough bu addiess you as 'thes noble1 .aqis o! holy Russta.' inivoking he r-erxecVsed name of the- Emperor,É alleging bis Migature. - t "Eey oya ubject knows that( every Russian, f rom tihe* coninan-C deLr-în-chief to Vhe private soldier,t is,obsdimnt onlW t.o te zeîed wilI -o,our hioItXy 'versted Emýeror,' sione basi the power 10 deel&re.' te' à M; war -Oi-eneniies, relyiag ne longer t~ he sremgVJ-oi tueurai-aisand on, oe~ nViebaVV1efie1dt have .oommýitted a vils oigery and aitin- 'famous crime. You must know, -brave soldiers, tat only - complçte 'demoralization aà nd fuît conaclous- ane!Vf he fa-ct that Vhey are incap- atble o! continuging a lol1 fighV couid incite oui- -enemiçaies Vo stoopi b e5ueh a dJepicable and extraà ordinary erime- 'I have ths unà hakabis belief Vlhat witih God's itelp oui- victorious ai'ay wil .,give, iunte coniing bat- 'tlee, he .proper repflebu oui-ur wçwthy a4veraires.. 'Consequently, evei-person cap- Vured with te-se ).roclamations un 'bas possession will -foi-hwth be 'brought before a-ý militai-y tribunal and ari-aigned as guibty o! a fel- ýoay."# -The genei-al staff reports, on its part, tbat a-n Austrian Poldier, en- Viusted wit Vte distribution o! these proclamations, declared that the-abetitors cd this crime ai-e Cap- tain SÙiaVher, o! Vhs generl taff, sud Cavai-y Captait -Pollak. BAND FOR TIIE FROST. lmbers mil Serve, as,4Stretcher- - bearers ln W-ar Zone. A.,deapaticitfrein Mont-ealsanys': The 24th "Victoria- Rifles," of Montreal, is oi-gauizing a bi-sas baud Vo go with Vhe second côn tin- gent Vo Vte acuns o! war, and when at te fi-ont te aebers o!fte lia-ad are Vo serve as stretcher-bea r- -eris in-steaci o! ausicia-as. Ttc band itas beê'n authorizeti bvthti Mibitia Dspartment, at the expense of thef1 -egirneitt,. 'o! -whieh Lieut.-Co-1. Guna;its in eommýand. It is stafýd Via- t Vilswiiilibete fi-at- regfiment cio!Canadiaut sodiers te sail witit a full bandlboti lra-s'a ad bugle. Ti-ci- Gise. "Re iboast t tiat he came 1(d fine ed fakily." "'es; and how Vhey inuit ha, lau#bedwhen_ h. lefV 1" a% Free Lurých Coînters or l1he British. Unes A despaV ifrom London ' azys. At the sugg aion o! Priacesa Vic- toria, Vhs Y.M.C.A., which has been active ln various ways at te b attis fronta, is pi-eparirrg'to -exteiid ita work, and ia Vo eatiabIieh au- calbed "f rell hrlnch counters," mounted on wagons, that oaa be drewn fromý point Vo point. Steam- ing hot tsa, and coffee and rations o-f soup wiil be dealt out ý ;o sol- diers ti-amping te and from the trenchea. and epeolal efforts wil lis macle Vo fui-niaIt the soldiers who have been ýsligittly wounded, but etill are able to waik, and thus can geV to "te wagons. Favor PeohbitIon 0f Sale o01 Absinthe" A despatcb friom Paris says: The License CommiVtee of the Chamiberi o! Deputies has decided to su-liit a report favoring ths prohibition o!f V he sale of aýbsinthe. The Commerce Commission lo! Vhs Chlamber began t-n reeiii thenieation ofsre one Wednesda.y the ofsineiadustrof ru,,,ned, by 4he vwar, methods o!- ma~u!aetri~ptoducts formerly, su#elied ;by,,uiow hostile countrieos aad tiltsquestion of findling a foreiga marketi for the otutput, IN A DEPLORABLE STATE. Thousands -of Armeniana Perishine 9n' Caucasia. A de spatoit fi-cm Boston, says The conditipa o! 100,000 oArmnenials,' who have Jrigrated from Tui-kiah tsrritory Vo, RusiaTranseaucaslia, is- -deacribed as deplorable, la. a cablegrant fi-m Vhs Central Ceai- maittise for Armenia Relief at Tiflis, -eceeived on Wedaesday by Mu-arn Ssvasiy, Chaurmait o! Vha Armenian National Defence Committee. Thte message was autitorized by Catho- lies Souranian, Primate o!fte Ar- nienian Churcit, andi bore the signa- ture o! Bish Moai-op. 1VIt sud: "As a result o! Vhs war witih Tui-key, about 100,000 Aî-meniana have mi- grated Vo the Cati Caucasus Vo save themiselves. The situation is ex. remely deplomble. Many ai-e dy- ing of cold and hunger. In oider Vo save oui- people froni i-uin gi-eat assistance is necessai-y, In Vte narne 1o. these martyrs, we beg you Vo organize for collectons o! money. Addi-ess contributions Vo-Thourin-' off, Dîrector of Bank o! Commerce, Tiflis."' EIGHITY MORE N'URSES. Additional Dectome Aloo anîd Equip- ment Wiii Go 80oo1. A despateit fi-uniOtVaýwasays: Eiglihty add-itionai Canadia-a nurses for service with te ÇCedia-a ndb EnVit ituioopa will ea-ve Canada for England early next mentit. A requek I'frnte Wa-r Office for addiÉionivlnurses,bap i-bai order- lies,' etc;, tva-s ieceived by the Golv- eramnênit here ieoentiy, anad ar- rangements havselissaneai-y com- pleted for £eitding over te needecb hospiial ,eor-ps -reiforcements. There si11 aIse lie aà num ber o! dcc- tors, îaad equipient 'for-anotiter. fled 4i -t-, ,sent over in,,ativance 'o! the. AeOoDd Cadian expeditiot- a-i-y for3e, it accorda-te ,-wlihth ie request. o! l~Ofies. EXPECI 7GREAT EVE NTS SDON G e ieral"s Foch and Durbal Confident TIiey Can1 -Triumph Ov.-r Any G.rmaýn For-ce, Adespatch from Parls says: mined I o we», andi will neyer alan- L'Intransigeaa -t piVta eximats ' &itVhStak unles victoruus." renrinterview of Generat-Durbl i aequahly confi- aineveby a denc~uawvo!cct. -"W-hen I firet arriveci at te j"Lectures -Pour Tous" wîth Getor- post in te nortit I was foi-cd Vo -als Foch anà Duuibal. Tii. foi-ner, tawk te Gerntiaedaily wngV wlio commanda te rui ai-amy ite neoemsty o! making lin uthink itortiera Franée, sows tsgi-est- myWeak forceuti-ong. New t-a-V est -op)tîmmn. "T.hie situation ia reinforceents have aurived, I teL whotiy satisfnctory," ie sa-y.. "The do not beli'ae te buff a-bou4t 1helm Germans ca-n do zntiing againot ne. wondeu -f£'rtatlctne, I imnow 'My Istra-a, ui~at nd 1aud about Viat. Why, w. could break huyareheras.Gr-sseti s cm- tiei'rLUn& et any point aay minute huy aie bi-as.Groseti s cm-we wat Already Vhey are ryzag -mandip tVie Ypressaraiy, and Io ln- pesoO aegobiations th-ough'the ]Bel- vuldiéa.tiIe, ,6à holho exposea him- $a-nKIng low chulsie 1 oy are sbIf vecoluuy. Yo nMA-Y efpeot beston, 1 tILyOn, wheaever, vwh»r. great events smo'n. Wb afl d4ter- eyeo 'e tsalr" 78t 8V ~ou i'M4111- rEm 15pre ni2 6";qk t04'that thia 'ids ver~~~ bal<9 m, by -<thers., dmagodôaie rBduaa rmte ia ;1 t4e] .4 fo lie' orlr, a a Beas-rim. uébsi.OÉ250 to 02.70; ban-pckd,~275tq 82.84j 0PtsOgrie.te, . urb, n w cks carl 6Ot150 purbag. saiedI Mayad Straw. Dealers are paying, .ums.foilows for car lot deliveric, ontrzuek bée- Strww $7.» .o; on nc track here. 8 on cr lots 6n, neay-o.lIa y ai ' 17 to 8$0.60; NO.' 2 a $8550t 16. Qnd Nu. & at 813.50 Vo 814. Pro visions. Bacon-Long olesa', 13 1-2 to 14 14a per lb, in case lotff. Eans-Medîum. 16 lu 1j7e; do., hea.vy, 14 1-Z Lu 15c; rolle, 14 to 14 1-2c, breakfast 'bacon, 17 1-2 to 18c; backs, 20FtQ 21c'. bonelesa backsm 62k u .-, Lard-Mai-ket qaiet at Il 1-4 te Il 1-2 for tubs a.nd palj&. compound, tubs. 9 3.4 to Winnipeg Grain. ~iiiiii, Jan. 26-W 7-S',1 brd 01.8 75 No. i mber. 81.37 h-8:Ne. Norbrn 8.377. ai.j1% .3871,Ltnsee4 Toronto, -Jan. 26.-Pine feeders, 80 to 850 Me... bmaught 86.60 to $6.75; medmuüm, $5.75 to 86.50. and common. 84.75 to $5.75. Caives ,were eteady at unchanged Pneu. Laanb. broat 89».30..e hoice from $8.50 te ,89.38; medua welght from 88 tu 8$8,60; beiVy. 87.60 to $6, amid cule, $,50 Io 87.50. Rhesi- helM steadi- s-t $5 te 86 fer ligbi. s8wine $7.55. for lots off cars. li 4raIJa. 26.-Prime beeven, 7,1.4 ta734c ndium, 6-3-4 lu7c; commun. 4-1-2 6, l-&-. Calve2,,-5 te 58'1.2c'Sheep 6e. Lambe, 7 1-2 te Se. -Rfoge, 8 1-4 ta 8 1.2c. F1811 18 GOOD FOOD. Reconimeîîdeil by the Govern,ýîent as an Article of Diet. Otawa, Jan. 20.-FisIt for prison- e r, ponsioners and public servants is Vite slogan'- w-hich is beiug sounci- eci by Vte Naval Service Depa-t- ment. .fThe de-partaient is maki-ng a strenuotis effort, in titis turne o!fiigh mcat pi-icea te inculoate a VaSte for Vte piscine foodi ancb hks docided io direct its fi-ist energies un the du-e- Viona o!fVtepubliceservice -itself. Fish is therefore being iecommend- ed as an article o! ,diet foi- civil ser- vanits andb in publie institutions, Pucit as prisons, etc. Thc Otheu- Side. 1'Isn't il a shame Vte way they work Vte help in titis store 7 Fifteen boums a day andth ie wages almoat notiting !" "Why du vOu trade here 7" -phit hey selI thingas io mucit cheaper."y [Ube touÃ"we !hilé the-Ibn tihe bomba.4 W-iaiioi vet 1pools wnd oUisr poeptu :, tZ . est- ercop§t of Enland by( r.nn ,T'he-laerman ôemelal version o! thlt airship r'aid un the ' Engliah sait "Our airshipe, in i ordsr t>o attac thxe fortified.t4wn of Great Yar-' mouth, were obliged to' fly -O-ve; other towns, fonwhioh, 1V la stated, Vhey wers firsd et. Thea. ,,attaeks ws-re a.nswered by Vths' Vurowing o! bombe. "England, bas no right Vo be iný-. jdignant, as lier fly'ngmehineg snd; fishipà ia b9adday gîV ha:veaftak-' ed opèn towýns,' sue asi'FrÃŽibùig,' XDar-es-Sjalam and4 Swako ui 1(4"Mrcraft &- e nowlé ccIg bob legitimnats wýverpzfio n thecarrying their operations are, cozidîùéted, in accp:r4lnce with the'rubes* o! inter- natio>nal l Law. I'i4bas ben ' dune by oui- dg*gib'les. ' '-German na- tion,7 foi-cd by Eagland b fight ifor its. exiateniee, %canaot b. coôm- pelle d to !orsgo 'te employnent o! and wilI notýdo it, Trelyiag uipon her goob FighV." IV 'à Éotable thalt tii.German s tatemient ignores thet tact fhat -the airsbipa bombai-rded Yerincùth -be-' fore; and nVkV1 fyn vrany of the aLter towns. ! Ccmcernxg the- bombardment o! Freiburg the cou.ý tezti no!fbihe alhMesliais 'snthat, [Vhs bomnbs -wsrs -tlhrowa 'st mlitai-y position«; aùch as'an auiation han-, gai' and a 'riroad station. Prussia Prep4,riyg to Garper Qrçaà t Flarvest Tite Amsterdam itTelegi-aaf pub-ý lishes ,a-' degpatoit roS - Bei-li.n sî.y- ig 'tihe Pusa Gvr-et-la .ordere&da-lf adlninistiatora ef for- esta, Vo Vur-i over.fi-e o! costi, al sucit lands under -their juriadiction that are suitaible- for tbe gmowiag o! ci-ops. Thte - Goveainent .of Vhs Grand Duchy i !Wirnar bas'taken simfilar 'action. Among Vhs regula- tiona eonceraiag this- ranafer is the stipulation -titat the fisat ci-up froin thsse-a-Édas.lfust ie bai-veât. ed-tis'*year. Oermans -Impose Tax O n -Belgian Refugees A despatoIt froin,-London sys: Brussels despatcheslby way o Arn- -sterdain say that iême of Vhe Bel- gian municipalities' have proposed to irupose a special Vax on well-o- do Bebgiani wito refuse bu retura bu their country. The Gei-man au- tha 'rities, tinking favorahly o!fte idea, -propose Vo mike Vhs tax ef- fective for ah cio! Belgita.'- A fugi- Vive whofaà iis Vo retur tVo Beigium by Mai-ch 18V will lie obliged Vo psy a ten-!old persunai Vax. The pour are exempt. Tite revenues wiil lie divided equally ibetween tho Ger- nana and V hs Belgian municipali- Vies. 1rhousand Newspapers Closed ini Oermany A despatci f rom Bei-lin says tha-t Dr. Dietz, direetÃ"r of Woiff'1s Agency. te Guima-n Officia Bu-1 ieau, btas stated titat a.- tbouoa-nd Garan newspapersi, o! wiiel126 were politicai , have been oliged Vo cease pubiicatioaî owing lu the war, O",ew iiluutrated bookletde ucribedý aulthe "vaseià é" ptcpa. rtilon4, A otcad bringo st 'AVOIIYSUB&VtTUTE$. is; onýfVc=f bofIginal Wad- re ering t9 name;ý,CHESE- BROUGH MANUFACTUR- IN G CO., Consobidated." For sale -at ail Chemùistsand Generai Store.. CHlEstaR,Ã"UCH MPG CO. .Nm CHIAMO AVE., MONTRELAL Count WJttc,4 Worklng For Peace Sentiment A des'patoh f rom Paris says: The Petrograd correspondento! the Temps reportsý thet Conunt Wittie is wor>ing energeticabli favor of pence .and 'bas,:unclertaken a pi-opa- ganda in Russian drawing-rorn The çorrespopdent . ays that ai Vhough tbeilBerlin, presa s emaking inuch o! Witte'« re-entry on.,the "o litical sta.ge the fetrogradpapers, express ne fear.1, on that -sïSre- Count Witte's German. pro4~ivities, they say. are we1b,,known-, and hie desire to see-the war corne te an 1early end is eonfined *to,,a'narrow cii-oie o! his ,ersenal f rienda. Thé Short Days. VOI SAfter a Few Minute s of, Shelling Not'aOra Wa ef t"li Fre lheu. paulin thaé ~verd Vil.t~*eema- jexprefs bÉs triiiphabijcr G chis'WI',one' o5 f te qFaiamns,beforèi the ' littie -' group'sanoe iotdwnbiquê¶y -the Oerinan,-;eyesé Just. ahé had cbone, scores od ~sawliq~an4aa~doed tlts oamP..Jtimew betore eheering 'rodsl1p. For ttwênty ;.ixinuféà theéflç ia- 1 eci the-1op. He fiMi i>bôppe ths ,hines, payec, h lde-a à ,-"~ in the 1 ab at, two thoueand m'êtres, fer mut Ti. crrané ýard 'the! abovelthe rain cloucis, Hiseobserver fueand SoUP aIL b 'a ehiden had workedthesquick-firer b red in the bIchod.Té esa é iat. ýThe, Oennan' petirol tank, I bark4ng o! It I.mitirîîiLeu ses beem pnnctured, ,had ecaughit -ire and ex- fajnter and feinteruntilal i4poe.-qtrer!anhulte ailI,, . Afte; seèveral mn1c a-the.othe~r Fa rmasi returned, half à mncredown in spirais. Itlênt' n boIes ý'ewineg.ThAI ~eirbreaki ghes AndrdJitesha4,escaped nerýthwards. r g' The teehei w4s Vrying Vo expiu Vo lier cia-sthe ,effeots -of he"atnsd eold . Ste, told' ber liftls charges ta au i-on bridge wuid èx#par~ severai incitps l o êtea coriaialike amount tn oold 'weatier. Slie 9en âasked a flttie girl li-- othe latane o!tl~ exanson aud Oonitraciion -cauaed r by' heat and cold." Thé childi hesitated for a itinute or so, and* then rçplied : !'In-hot wveather te days are ln;in oolà weather the' ai- mucit ahorter." 1101V ne lot Im lisay, pop, may I have anotiter cake V' ."Yeii; Bobby, if o, tl yo-ur in6ther."- (Atn itierval o! mastication.) "4Pýp, may have anotiter' piýee "Then l'Il tell maman," Worse and Worse. "Whattou eamVh shall I c with aIl*this monêy I've iitherited fioua My aunt?" 'Inveet it." "Invest it?' But then there'l le eVili mors o! iti" IV Puzzied Hua. SiasIheai- youi- son îefV that emal town'anci went to Vte city Vo have a lai-gem fidd -for hie éfforès. H.iraa-Yes; and tia.t's -wIt gete§ me. When Hank çwas honte, a two-acre patcl was too big a field for hia. - A perplexed Hebrew, who tac macde a gai-ment foi- a vouth, a-ad found huisel! ua-bIs Vo dispose ocd Vhe surplus fulîness whicit appeared ruhen tryiuig iii on te young candi- date, deciareci voolfei-o*usly :1 "Dot cOat'ýis -go66t! t ish no fau 1t of!'dé cet De poy us too sin !" rui ai e!Vietiiae ott e Germa-n aval Raid oR Engla-nd. sSces at HamLlepool aitthVe fterais -Of, thé Victimu o! ths German naval- raid on tha-ttoisa. Such acenes liould stenltJ»heheaso!fBi-itoansd unite evei-y mnit hsemp i-. Vo fight until te Germa-n oppootunity b mepeat suait acta la 1 reduoed tVo Impotence. Oui- pictu re uowa the l.fueraà . of Ma-rgaet OrswAgn a à ïiuug ths bouse. wltre, ihe' was uthieWey killed, A despatch froi Ledon'- says: erable foi-ce in Freiinghien'wih the The Dafly Ohronicle'. coruespoi-- objeel of! maling:an'assault'ujPÃ"f dent in northern' France telegi-aphs ,Vhse iiih'rnhe.'i.'rt "In he ast eek-corderýW"officers ast once comniunicated *ith "laVIe lutwee on~16, 1e te;batteries èà t-Armentierés, 'whioh suoce asbe scciredbyrop a moment laVer were engaged li de- flodgûp eeatud i-iIryau -oieing Fi-elingitien ad Owiag çesae i' té nighorhodo! ill. ceath and confusion amon-gi theGeWr- The British hv ntw~~ e~asman trpii-a h eta'aty ie- tion à ! F'reéinghiea, n t-tse.F.ranico- "'The Bi-itish ttireeelda perfect-raim Belgia» fr,ontisi-, thi-ce à nÃd 'a iaiti helia upon Vhs. German Vienches mies 'ýf rom:Àmetae-e.and te enemy's firet lUns was rapid- "The Britghhà ii'et.up"an obser- !y evacuabted.; la a few moment'& ation petabout thi-es-quarters c o!nt-e. Gsi-mnu solder remaiiled ia a mile toii'elghéiw1nVhé Frelia-giien, and thet littie. town Gs-n tarteýd 4Vo Maa" ouSn ici -coild uno longer bce aid Vo erisk" rIurnnînîiî ~ èr, sud was aeiten"ed o 'Dorçhest- DG~ I IltUtIIiIe r Pemitentia'ry for five yas At 8V, Join-,# 1#d., aalorSr, - fu*ed Vo slip with a man who, said fats, 0F ý NEWS FR0,1 rTIî g he svaê'a Norwegian.. hMe sa.iIors H~RTIlE !oVICES -clai med he was a GerWmit. The 'authoritiez Vook hum ino -custody -tiltl e cou-Id give an accouut of hnn-- - Jatereof, From Places Ca-ot ony ~. a w Lappegi by. -Vai-es et ' Lb. famùilies w-hich have eachgiveýn tIti-s - Aiaîte.boys ote.hsservice o! thé Empire. Nearby 300 peuple ai-e now being thre ons _ready forthelront, axd, assisted by thée-St. John N.B., pa.t-ri- Osoô. Ryder,_<f 9t. Stýepheni, a luke otic fîrnd. ' nïuiibsi-. Aniother wing us Vo lie aclded' Vu' thI. C. R.-jeneial office -building at Iaà U J-phn, NBduùriag 1914, titrle were-771 deathsË, oipae;id -WVitl in la1u13 The- 132nd anniversary o! St. Pau1'g. Sunday - chool was. i-ccently celebrateci etHalifax, lN..> On- Jan. 6Vie colWaau 0inteitas, at St. - Job-'e,'NfII., t bhe .hplce h-ad Vo be ielieveci eer- h"'--; Ernest low, o! Somerside-, P.E.I. wasVthrowt fmrm aseliigitanc1 badY hurt whiie'retuuining f i-c bs ife' ' fuite-mal' Wiliem A. Hawkes, -o! Curi-yvilleý-. -N.B., ivas badly injurod-'thi-otîi ie--, ing struck 'on te. bead and- ablout1- dem by a £alling tree. - ,1 A licenÉed publican-at St. oita's, Nffd., wrasfined -810 and'costs for givijng liquor- Vo mat on ci-edit, te cëame 'beiag against-Vt-e-Jaw. Thbe' Governimet steamer Aber- deen -ba Iboat saashed by beavyý seas while VryingVo land supplies at Digby ligithouee. *1Sotte supplies, were boit. Rev. J. Spencer, rectum- o!f- St. George's, St. George, N.B., ha-s'a brother in Vte Bi-itisit army, a- sou at- Salisbiury Plains, andc ivBe nephe'ws also un activç service. - As Vte e-suit o!fVte tranding- of- Vie nriitiei steamier Navai-ro, - a court o! enquiry', itting st Ya-r- .metit, N.S. suapended te-etii- caVes of te captain, fi-at andcic- oad -office-r.;- Newfurdland sud Vhe Canadian Maritime Provinces find titeir ,dry .fah Viade gruw7ing rapidly es a me- suit et! Por$tugala >1oithuIÃiqte dis- orimtana-têlW 4utiea fi ayvop.-hg Nor- Iway. » - -AffI -d UsaT£een a 19A-of St. John, N.B, ws sptecedtoe sB<iye' -Home to;r for -yeat,ý. -Re eeoa.ped, burgiaiisd à , "t.denhe ilo:ýn5liV-11 Prince of Waietà - oes iiepgiito ii Alsace A despaVei f romn Belf-ort, France, says, The Prince ut! Wsles, travel--, lin# iMcOgnito, *has just made.a4 ti- Vo4hVe front in ujpper-,AIsa-e, des- Pute. te sturin ,wilchl les been rag ing. eli e te u mlita-y wi*sltp N, Helort. - The Prinée, ed a -jmtt -favrable' *Impression amongVte, pbopulaiion,, wiowerees- pe4isoll,4ipreVsed, beca-use. he ta-n, sist ed .upuaValin a-amal ooznon bitlhird foorof a botel t âtead-of tbhe grand suite which 'was eserveci BOOTS 0F IJEAVIER MARE. Purchasing Sîîb-Comimitteè te Buy -150*000 Pirs nt, About $4. Adespatqhi !roa Ottawa raya: Theè sub-côiÉmitiee-ýof Vhi'Cabinet whiithhas iad under con sideration, Vtite question o! the- pureitase o! ary foi-ceaLh is decided 'Vo 1eV or- durs for a atipply- o! 150,000 pani-ao, o! a new stajdard pa-ttet. Tite> coat wililia alidut 84 per-pair, -or 35 cents 'ighier biaz was païd fer- Vhse fi-st - i uppiy. Thé rusw boots will lie o! a decidedly heavisi- and ,more su-btantial type titan t. fi-att lot, whieli were netV suited Vo wiater 4umpaigning cSnditions. sud con- stant ex<posure Vo wet snd muid. Teorders 'will bu di-sViibutied a-mong a itunber -o! Canadian -Iris aV Vhs' etahd-ard price fixed byte, A wise -plyician sometimes fiat- bers a matnli, telbIin-g hlm ie has brain fa-g. iN8TAff¶J ~l~1Yf i'AARUOE NoFa*-lureCureinEveryCa Sezone; It does the i-est safely and Treated by Catarrhozone "For three years I was seriously ,bothered by a bronchiaI cough. -At Catari-hozune can't fail to cure Brun. niglit 1 would awaken with a dry I- chutis; It's su healing, sloothing' and ritable feeling ln my throat. I couldn't balsamic that overy trace uf the dis- cuugh up auythIng, but iTery soon ease files before It. When you Inhale coughed my th-roat Into quite an In- the pure piney vapur of Catari-hozone, flamed condition, Once 1 got Catari-. yuu send heaiing medication to the hozone ,Inhaler I was ail rigut. 1 tooli spots that are diseased and sure. It to bed, and If an attack awakened Isn't it rational to apply medicine me a few minutes use cf the Inhaler where the dîsease exists? Certainlyl. gave me relief. Catarrhoz'one liai and that's why Catarrhoïone ius s cured me and I sti-uigly -urge every- succesful; lt gues where thé trouble one with a weak tltruat to use t regu- really lu, gets 'where a spray uf oint- iarly. ment cau't penetrate. For the relief (Sbgned) J'_ B. BEÂMER, and cumplete cure ut bronchîtis,, Readinig, asthma, catarrh, tbruat trouble, ý'e Catarrhozone will ot disappoint guarantee Catari-hozone ln *eyety you. Get the cumplete 81.00 outfit; case. You. don't taie, medicine +- you Ws à guaranteed snisze-, 500; trial do'ttaredxbwy rps-ust breathêr or dpl size' 25c. at dealers the baisamiC e eocts of 'Catarrhe- ieverywhere. J - ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI TnRONTrO 9 li