Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 8

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vtsIUag Jù. Broad, who bua beeû cou te is bed for aome desu, bd a from 118 ason, Dr. Broad . - XNaéey. Governmst Iwq*oW1 i bL5 . ww8a$O V ~uy &Î SU.Sf11 icaosn t on ut down by $17 an- J~ 71.8amLkad 10 amii1Fa Ipa ecs eted frooe ihome ad otsapi #wil le d1isomtfor seourlug be#« cCmoveui1gm W!"eI .IbeWbold î d-l4a 900 the, Ottawa Horse Hyde'.sby $100,nc4fêi2 , 1~en d r~tu keepng umtbiogresdiv ter wa caron lt. lo ýh e 1W'(- mw -ListofOt ti . c a l e a b i W o . . ~ z n ~ d ~ 1 u a d fi o b W Y I T o o lo t i w e .w l u rvIo. b a s t i k ptz" . T h e, ap p ea s f t ii. C a i d ia n p a OcIg - M a ry s 1 1 8 5A . 4 .I l' nlè y - whoe bs rie alrale UO~ mpr by lic.rorssv Wmkàr. M.-c mHOM VfitdM. Prvsba tkn »to RUlway, f« exemptj eeail Train of2I~ ae iem~I. .iyopSdy Wh O >wrig erbyad.h WonbîeLif*rBoar~d, ¶jheî rank Diclonoîon' Suàday.> idmseli a wlfe.- Con&taMations. lgraated, as fo!Iows; Water tank i,- Nor* .ji.~r1igîgrol we .6p.. i r w o k er ' rin g n t e r b , ,a where Ig î *î l r . . Sr , r b a c l e Rb ag- A o ho e y * tblg g a.rn 01Q 500, signal bo ue $.500 , D undas S t. J u iaction 6 4 . . a v !e 9 w e d 6 0 r bob hies labo th4edoflnce, - Ilgeadl an last weok on accouii ti.n.hckywapayti h.aeabeofig 3,0.TIs r iltdhde l1OA .51,i. mro78prnIooia1.0ar.wl hi. bau hcky 88Pt'Ol I'te ra'aek that h e s éi *udit, ftg bh ed ilat a goodly num ber nes of lM r. Scurrah, lu t Saturday night, w li0 e 80-h. , th e tt e t x m t r m B fIng bO i.1 8 . . c n i a s £ f b e n. H v î c fig frorn tlhe e5«o of theold., ci eme put an .Friday eein. The skating on MJoLae.aH'beige '"called," tidtargUi. ý-Ptn., Ltkoe7.4eangÎgs A~ at~ xhLit ilib. ive fa~ IR«., T.I. i W,Moore, D.D.0 ci To- efljOed the"se al 'monliht algi.ts Q pu t fOV Our t 118k itaIfoueid IThe Taomto-E auiern Ry. Company 7.44pM.,arvn i ay .5 r rilgRnrw8 scoçl romton, i i be ev enln the ru hln'ik -splendid addresi' on The Myrthe MethodsiLadies' Aid tfry were Up agains I fi forty Iiloewise appealed on an assessment 64w'l bv S.May ian o 82Ievn achol oo on te eénngsof, te amWanCitisenship fn the Melba- are holding an oyster supper on Peb- ay."From lb ring Oftlhe bell tla>ait$80ê on their signal bouse, which lTr'anNo. Sad and Srd of February, under th disi Churcli on Konday evening, Oé -ruay 9th. Full particulars lati. the lust Minute everything wai a 'was, of course, properly exempt., T 7.30a.rUnndo745amLo-m wl10 predriwî auspics of te We t es e ub, ur wha.wn.,, adrilOurnbosKladg M.on of Bestoa. These paintings are COP- social- work fin Canada, sueh asnrnany i League wfll meet tbf. week on Pri-outolaseed the. visitors fn Combina- aiso protestedl the valuation placed Renningion8.6an, mbo .1an Fraysadlavn i es of the. mâsterpleces of tbe world. , 'nvr~ee lbfoo e .~ day evenfng, January -29, ln Ash- tlcn' and goa! hoohlng, and If It on tsroad.bed through the tonamartlng1grolJnto iTodys hrdsa Theabet in bringlng these bore in o reotnîfAl proeSt was that mare ..burn Presbyterian Church ai oighIt hadin'i been for Our- Invincible- de-,east to west. The first ilguews8.30 a.m. Lav nesî Jnha dyi the genl s i ef or tof e10 c hol, for whi o f o! rook li citiz es could fot bave o'clock. ' A good pr agra n i l w!!! uh f e s e t c one , te ce t i d iu l $1700, but tli e did not satIsfy th . 0 a neri e I g r oi No t r i 8 l v n a o i lb onat e.cr tc.w!! e bso ard, it. - giron. Everybody wruhset. ec. ir soe oudcorporation, and ta give it sone-9.00 a.rn.rndalarvgHaIl <oradmsson.A lctre il hogir, Sday thore- wae a- rotmd I lkely have boon different. It u as 50 thing btbtink about the Co'urt of< Train No.68wl lae~ en eaah' orening, and'muet c will le hb.>died priment ai the Methodist State ai Ohlt io Tlao fast at hueés tiret reter.. Tom China, jRevîsion ran, tbe figure. p ta $4,500.20pr. nodl rwî eooae al paîroti conertuÛday -Schaol. ýThis is theresi Em n ty. the r~Braln ~d' 11 b This, of cours, wau the subjeat ofLaeintaafaly pariccnetwil! be giver, at*ndance it a regular session for p----er ofhenerut o.Ce e i&aCo.e on wreoadoo jetcasngbc 11further pratesi, and Hie Honor fi tbOas m ic Hall, Brooblinl, Ot ons.eyeara.- Mr. Wallace Webber,Vle Lsine-a ln the Cityv afToledo, Cauuty and hiate puck. He rnanaged ta, catch Wiîbur reduced lireamount ta $183.' Tir Friday ero.dîg, Fobruarir 12. A good youihful auperintendent, la bringing oNÏCH'UNDRED DoLLARS for theumand a ew- limes, but thoraghl h. might ralqs and «swretgfnîyfle h wlli h11 b ro red by tue foi- 111e scîioîout t thîe iroit- rank. eof1ateuaiem. e, take a chili If sent toi the box, se kit soa iîi a euo a$90 . 1isE eh Rr .W *k ABDa Hall$ C 'tarrh Cure. FRANK 1. C&E; 60,whEYa rdôdo$90 lotflg:-Vdcal solos, swarae E. Bello- .uWc dîum h rnoff with a warniug. lNe caugbt y.luneil M.Rbl j E. , . i, pre A .BofSrn tod fi lire and s- eioe, hla M Y R TLE - hib r i s r m n a ,M r. efod oueCh rn S n a ov nieaw r , tbiq 6th day a Dece mb ,AD . 6. quite a few o! the boys on i3oth sdes ~ S a r o i i n S p. a , %;cbol Rin read p=fe --tuthe yi- (en#GtAY um:c. n a lt. Sar oiinSp.o *n;radhuoos rainaWàef, ieCvènîev ginda sermon. Shouid 'OA. W. BLIC trON, t plitboards with their op-,Mt es n tr nitr 0-L-0».,asals mrosdrmen e et, . lld H'lataTh Cure fitaken Intenaisly.and e"ta-panents boude, ani kepi the lime- iia, wrab h an hesitr V#1511, "Not a Mln lathe Hotus," we. ý It t " a semog.ihou f ine «f1>onathe booand mucauasurfieo e ~ keeper front gelting lonesorne. The wio have mnado choiera belle. Tire ïlW ere ln t ne7sttem. Baud for teoUtmonlal4 ireesupply rmade bas been -greabiy appt.- by ie Y.L.B.C. of- AImais Chureh. lt eleHl i i.W aeF.J. CENY & Co., Taledo. o. lInuips were:tcaodTowrkonbyth ai-I I r , Concertite bogin at 8 o'cbock. Adis- Wsbber are taking the six weekes short laWe a T ll orcnstipation. Soiiaa,Coal, H. Ames ; defence, 'ters, wirose'conrbined ages make 246 M $o25.course fa. agricultuùre in.-Wbilby H. S.,E. Mîîne and N.Reyniods entrerane u fc tril FOliU I l f i!O Rer. T.A. Moôro, Sec. a of emi& Where a ydre . uta-RALN;wig E ibr eilwnEVc Ig'akonatl u aa iigv » -- sce, Social snd Mral Rotorm for gremsive younglàarmers RGA.wig .WMrsÎ1 etwng .Vc . t arr whsa taouthan u thre Methrodit Cburch k' Canada, 100- lMr. andi lis. A. C. Elliabi were Miss Pikey vifsited ai lir. Darti Coiurnbus-Goal, H. RobertsdMs. do- ige lo- o takt tured fa -tbe Matbcdist Church On hiwafie« risîtors ta Toronto , hi Thompsoù's last weok. fonce, A. Cooke and F. RichardqOn, Young ladies wira bave aesisbod l l mak- eenng ing nurses' cornions, not oniy ~f ' Mond.y erenIiig. - week. f lilas MB E>mme Hodgson'snmy, Centre,' W., iRutJrland ; rover, ' tacek obv e tToMpeuSO fiO ~ e e t -Tlh. quarbette wfII sing at Si. Thre coîoeri givon by tire Columrbus1 frfends are gladttasec lber back item Becket right wing, J. Brown; leit brtae t bre whohv earkTe Seig , thugpulef b al etw e lb1hoPItal again. 41wing, E. Spragg btasotehmeIles.Swn Younageaples, t allfat wai- liraWlker, of BrooklIn, gare Tre Columbus lino-up 1for te bb-wlil continue on Wednesday after- ~ar was gret semewitha fit a- veY It8retingpapr on"Powrs f aw math ws :-oalH. ames nOK) o!eacaweh k an conriauion ea. ahoMe arusic," and "Tihe Mic eof thre War- defence, H. Cook and W. Surtherland; o l le rcto o adg E. C Coboure, ur P-ta-date ring.. Nations," -ocn Friday evening Centre, E. Spragg; rover, L. Cook- and linI wlIl ho gladly received, Work painter, lea, gtting lobs of. work. H.e le ifbs.sn iea-rih-wnR ecff uwn~ for thre Red Cross supply needs wil!! Dr does t rigt.' lst, lter hIch lle sng te an-right win, R. atecontinue wig, J.contiueut tireut th inter 282 Miss E. Alguire is risiting wlth thema aiflthealles. Brown. nre'cïfrshv enfrad » lit. ~sud Mrs. Selonr. A numî,er of thre Younrg people spent On accouaI a! the stormy nirgirt aed s cmfwee hv lek.rad Rer J 0.Boi, nc ormr estra voiy pleasant *vening et lit. litotewae anly a sa-l burnout bdt bf o ot r nte daîe Nwi orca - wa viitr t Bookfitis wek.hrislopher I-odgsox's. on Tuesday Ileer "Thre Minster'. Bride," gîven 10pr aE a h l rcIs 0 eh lit Jon Vipnd f~Imsrnlagtleut. ln Btooklin Masonic Haql las Fri- esniMnin utated on bcongral- alit. -Wet, nt. Asbburn, addreseed day nigint.1e at . S en i r ci a re p isM rd i. S c rr nd -M . ln. e ra M isA.e is n'D r. and M rs. W . A da rs l ave ln a 15 P U l Look for A. C. Elliait's bille an- on 1the slck Liut, Mr. Howard Jamres bail tio mie- few dyfo oubirnGeongia. bis ig. sale nuinber ôiber. aitenîsed fortune ta rua a fork în hie foot. Miss Rirode Douglas, of Ripley,' ______ te nxiweek. wbh cor carnival et Columbus lest week. Tire cernivel at thre rink here lasI nt ire we-nit ieDr n" tuercotPulriSr Ai Raglan, oa januarhnrwtPurySo edy lai, 1915, 1Fzjday nlrght vs a doclidtisuccese sJiss R itchell Sortonro, nd hthe, aI -Llndsay, Mnf.- Arthrur Coa 0weld f annali Thomas,wfdaw O!' tue lise 'la evety wey. Prime wlnners wee: isRdat-iTaa ,wa1b A Broolinwu wared wsecllO Thomaes Epsîn, aged 81 yearsansd 2 Bout dreseed, lady, HzHa able week. Blrookl,wi1as wardesed spoad maths, pesed awey. Deeesed ird beet dressed gentleman, F. Wilcax'. j rn. .1. T. Horoywsi l ftetIirds. H.esmouraid 18 riblions speir most oi ber Ile lu Roacir. until son ; best dressefi girl, mi)* Spragg ; M a iketrIR L ---O T '012bn hwad~et~rt-lait sprlng, -whea h moved wibbherbest dreseoy, Roy Murison ;bs n nMna tedn the funorali tMlng la daihon, and. Çonery- Ia- nfily ta Raglan. Tho'gibln f dresseti bobo, Harold 1-Iays , beet ber auni, Mrs. N. Diagmen. fhn nA ausas ogitlcit"sbiwanunaeid- sd lwJhnPreu -fu-tMn. and Mrrt. Chas. Smith, Who tion, 1 ete wih blndnss or nuber reseilclon, ohn ortous- fst-have boom vfsibing fa bown, returned tMn. Fred MaBnien lbas buîît a 1vryo years, sire bore be lot wfth ests"tfing couple, Pearl Ward and ta tiroir home .îa Sc'erloro tbis week. ____ - -. ____________ fne esidence en tire land e1rety itn risifan fontitude, nover camplafn- r'W. Suitierlend , beet skating couple, the MJonid j Il a g fag. -Sie contnactod pneumonie from !azel Hobire and S. Nîchofle; blhall tiro eial. 0i dd ak wiich sire nover fuIy recôv&M ed.sr mile race. A. Caok. .Judges Dyne, Vaiuable Information for the Lest -Prida7 evening Mr. William basves- ta moura tire loue of a moer o lrdaom and Chinn aied ard work Smnithr addreeed tieYugMn-soworihy of their love and euteer, decldlng on tire ivinnens, -as al] th Travelling Public. ILL Club on "Pr he ong V are- fout sons, -Johrn, Alox. sud Chres, classes wete Weil contested. and~1* Smt a eni u.ai bome, and George f n.tire North- Imm i.-~- -PceTrain Service t li lforalMn. g nti ie, adhotuapnb-ewet, ànd two daugirtens', Miss Jen- THE BET PAID. tween Toronto, MOntreeî, andi______ -.e Pou d J letic 1efe tlong limenand l eptin- nie ethamean rs d ire . enr Fel- People muet bel or it would not bc tenAion i s called la excellent upndiffotfrmfrm 5acd f B e r o u 1 ~ y w a rnn t4 terori . l a a efter of de ea sd. C n w l a hockey m atch, and as m n.>y is ni service r m , 'forontO to M on- ' 3 n a r , . s U , a I r M s r's t spee ireni ch n. rm s«sca ce, no one wants t e t e -,tie i r - eal andi O ttaw a via Canadien Pa- oruurranîeed 1al.1t3th ho keyW resulTainso.fra1 ton,-Hall, .ohnstonanaud otirna avngTorontor vetetloadl Wib edPceinTwnr1 ASHI3RN. atch bebween Oshrawa and Wiitby Uin ttona1.0pr.dil, Eery cne~rlJ ujienn fsu uligace a npn sl. r s , a d T re member s c t ir Clu-b deprvetté Os bawa ni ak on P niday n git, c ried elect uic lighted se epe s co in.- a nnd t henpu eurt e e m ti ievre iIolr auair Of refiuement about mucir credit fart tie mannen la whicit League wil meet tris week on pà r Harry Tirorpsoa, of Wlu>ilby, and Partinont observation ca r.- tram To- n t them thai marks the wear- il ls candueti. - day eening, Januany 29, la Asir- Mn. Glenn A. Henry set tire exemple'rento ta Montreal, anrd Toronto ta er as a wefl-dresaed mai. Tire village O!f lnooklin sufferedl a hurm Preniryterlan Circir et eight a! tire moaeyless bet and agreedtiret Ottawa., Thie train run-a vie Lake s ~ ; ~ Tlaat's the Hobberlln klud. Verf' greai lace ibis - week la the'Wicock. A gond prognain wmlib ho ie qoser would whieel thre airer Onterio shore line, due Moatreal- ai t3 ' NF,- ~lI B Cut ln the smart sugli- deatti ai Mn.. ý(Dr.) Sbarn, miro ias given. Everybody welceme. enound a block ina ewireelbarrow. 85 aJ.eiy IeOiaasEeo breasted 'styles after the heM areiltdento! tbf. place for ea*%IrM. Hanny Tirampeon belt, and an erxiving la Ottawa 7.25 a-.-diy elpoo19 .O o 9 Eggllsh or American grsât maly ypans. lira. Star bd P.ICKERTNG. Satnnday morning et 10 o'clock caîl-j Smokirv- eapem.ieti alil.g miodela. Fabricsandid ail. beeni 141 for soin. time, and ber deati On -saturday lest tire deatir 00- ed for Mn. Henry ad lna ewheel-bat< or observat4on nom a1 the -Buffet IeiecDna t eî orlug poeitivelY guaranteed. we5 not wrepeoi.d. Thre end came curned ai Elize Wanrcn, relcî aifVthe row decorated with, fiegs 100k tire Library Observation ('anrpartmenî t o~ ~ A&A~A peaccfullIY on "Mondsy. Mrs. Starr laie Nelson. Dfigman. Mn,. Dinginan %innor ârouud tôwn.-Ouhawa Vin- Car 'Patento la o rtreel, and an -________________________________ -ea i.er 741h yeat. Sire *as bail beeir 111 iofor noe tie, lut only dicator. rangements have been made whereby 1--------- IUST COME INw nWHN grestîîy la ed S 1y a&H who kuew ber far a week or go prorf oua ta o- ~ - porters on Ibis car wilI press ciolliea nt a fIne type ai Chistian iroman. ber deetir waesirbcansfdeted ta o bcretvr eaoal PASSING THIS STORE sr a:rebnatieBÀiil ane.5.ie rngrcre-ALE'ITEII ROM THE SUNKEN fArNice Lino of Cottors and 8Ieie -AND HAVE A LOOK (21urh here for&a greel maay yeans. fui ironan, and wwll lbgc-il EMPRESS 0F IRELAND. Bigtels ihtbe rr He uad aafm survive, rnlssed ly ber frfendx. Tire limerai Mmi. F. O. R. Azdrçtoa. of tis Toronta for Moatreelad Ottawa, itTRG T RC S S 1 UTf $20 to $44 . riz :-Dr. C. L. Sterr, Mn:s7S. E. took place an lioaday eltennoon. t.own, recetly recelvédea letton frona giro tire travelling public tire op- - (&Gg*, Dr. Frank Stent, ail o! To.A-.-. ._. - -'-4.--. b ero, Mns..Jas. Braora, af La- partunlty oai epending the cfnffalm W. oweD.Crow.ll; gettra11 semenî rall foi Ottawa, levlng Toronto 10.50 p.m., tOeOq enrRgu ron«, A. H--*',; r.t.eTaiow e 1"..ll, uuie.tain carryLAJg @staardhiethylat wfng, Powers;1. wlag, 'Holley. Rd_-J.R. philp badpr tte iriiis le ttoiedeasd cmai or"aesaurrS, a! Oshaw'a, bat ig bialrs praperty on Btock aineot, noir mont car due Ottawa 7.2-5 ai At Iast you can buy a genume Columbia Grafonola eras ftatiapint le avndar thlee- - _____ m.,maf,. Cenesitem Smfir'sOnoFlouy Hrse owo, norlynow completely enclôsed, equipped 'with"a lid and ail the details MYwmwihdsgue onexosrouta at 10 p.m., and tire standard' neyer uente tbluhk drat iiney ne.d anr occagionel cleansnin slaeperseavIng, Toronto Union Of the modern diuc Grafonola, for$45,00. bingsas rlau iu& t negse of camplel Station ai 11.40 p.m. dafly, sOýat ~ AfwR-bitGsluoEgns This new G afonola IlJewel "has the, real Co umbia - WOelasi ad& udiuuaveas ad illau.sm auuse Ottie pseners ney lithe tinesn tb ir becames sluggib, san ale matter accumulatea hfc ioie u itasetana rcswrhwie tone-the tone ~hat has made Columbia famous-fulinhc atr aroîeos'liotsiaac.mi.b~ u enc«Mettan' ah zachl li resonant 'and natural. It carnies the r eal voice of the singer, mhe Canadl-an Limlted No. 20 via the real tone of the orchestra. Lake Onario Shtore Lino route ealves Tarotoaiely 9 a.m., for Montres!,) Other models, ranging I riefrm$2.50 ..nd uwrd connecion ai SmlbsFalls for Ot- prie ro $up ar s em dyfaChamberlan'» SioiachandLiveTblet, wbtcb ta~wa, stoppng a Imlpotatu plaes,p j) 5 r i v e liert béathyactvity reovofermntaioncarryfag Observation PetIot Car, U mu theetomraîtch and boer ndavethentlo -Difufg Car, and first anti second-claum eslesystein. Surýe,. agie sud reliable. -Take one at coaches. N~ s~AV~ un-gi and yau feol brigirt and aunny fa the mrnaing. Gel Parlîculers fnom any Canadi an «Ps- WHITBYI R e K a L aCw ren, ce Chmberluin's todey--druggisto 2rc., arlby mail fram ciS Ticket Agent; *or write M. -G.Bl i neodetprnsi t SRCCKLIN ONTARI0 Chmab«AelMaidci» Company. Toronto 5 Murphy, District Passengen Ageni,r.O T R 'ONTdApndIO-phnTorrorntdo.. le, Col- id Tweed. on, 74 '85 p.mn., 2,30 P. kiy, m- Iaesday's Reafrew d Satur- except 'e rd d,' ~aL [0 Palmo lie petfec PndO0 For delicate, fui comple For ,every For every to ( Palmo for sale by J. E. WI Profession ~JNO. EL FARiEw Bariser,* Counry C ri County Solrçý 0111 south wng Court ýA. E. CHRIS Office, Broibki St., Opp. %Ioney ta Li 6. YOUJNG SN181 MARRIAGE LI, Court-House, Wk itby~ Barriste , Solicina r , Cor., eyrncer, - - Oushawa,aAu-a-" Vffitce- No. 2 King St. - Resideace.-5 a k Plrnes-.O0ffice, - 2 ; Rî Marriage iâ lasuer of ilarriage r. eoner drii Ncritesseb 'equired - - * Te -opoarCanadafI Land Co., Liii Real listate Deaera, EAt4 Rente Oollecteil, Firgt 1L( For terni a t)lIy lI.-:ui (Jf1 Bell Phue îu93.- Wl, OURT, PI- 44 Sy99iugian Ave., TO kinda s l>.of i~z i Charges Mouiirr; t. W % 'FRED WM, Mc[ Carpeator, Builder, andi Plans drawn, and estimates Repaira, Alteretions andj NIoney-W~ W. waat a bAàn ai tw< tr, huadred, flrs ma auniy airimpraved. ari il kiads -of single an riga for hire; Bus L~ traiîaad baggage Nortes bouglit an noud drivers and tera sf-or sah),; ais hay enid sîra inan>' i defivered. For pries, -etc., î offiee on phono 39,1. Stables and Off RiOS t. log 1111 ARCHIVES, 0F ONTARIO TORONTO

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