lut wSkin hs 80 foerty te "jnds with which: to centiaue. tris Pation.Knowii ÃŽÃ MiBtion Qen the e 7fr otyy.8zoy'ork o! tire -Gond Samaritan,-thre and £anwS or »i 'Orlill Pacice :-"Rea tire Society will irold a teea ad musicale ad<otii~ffB YT lortlla acke :-Readthe acktin -the music hall troum3 te 6 P. mrn segularly,, ativertiseunents and afil, on -Frlday: (to;-morrow). Titis tee erery' wu* o! your lUe, il you wouiti' sirOuid. bu well patronizcd., Thre ceuse o bi heilthy, wealthy, and wise, and,'sirouid eppeai toevery Individual. If!i IiS Live t* a ripe old ae." others have forth ýte figiri lu . . * j~o u r lte re t à " w e s io u ld d o a l w e a' v e w ~ b u . 5 s h ca'n ta rclieve'tireir discoarforts on. Orilla was te iravccci.eebrated, nefthtie: âeld and ln: the trenlres. Hure Augusitirhe tercentcnary o~f thte d- ,4s e chance to show a, bit af loyelty.J while tire.'aas set auide for posa- vent çf the White Maninlte Onterio, iFew, If e ny, ln Whltby- have yet. bic depreciation la value o! Asseti's, Owiné?-o thre war tli9 ooebr he,~lvu- irlrmeais ,unti It iras $300,000, leaving à balanetoire cart- whlcir bas beca caled the Champlain meant 'sacrifice. Do net lorgett1h15 rletd forward 'of $284,000. Tire Re- Ceebration, iras been postponed. tee. lserve Fiind now stands at $7,000,000 and tire paid up capital is 86,00,000. * ~ 5.5Tire Bankik luPerticularly strong ln. Tire Oriflai- Packet advlseutire air- . goîd, dulvet, and ofirer quickly âaeu- olition o! the Judgment Summons as Sharéholderz o! tire Dominion Bank able assets. Tirese total over - $27,- a menseo! enforcing payment o! Di'- mu h ave been ltighly pleased wltir30,0,ôiituting more titan- 40. vision Court judgments. "Thre less- thre itatenrent o! the Bank's affaire'30,00 o! ieBnksttl ibl 1 ~~~~~~~pr cent. o h ak oa ibl éncd temptation to give credit wili as proscnted to tieurt tire annual 1ites ta tire public. An examination do more to aircuinvent tr ed ea etn aToronto lest Wedzesday. o ierpr hw ie ieehv - than tire judlgmeni summons heu evtr, For tire yeer euded 3lst December, beenslsight decreases in current louis. don."1914, tire Dominion Banik eerncd net an&~ in total deposits. Tire total as- * s s pofis- ! 82~M64, wich is but some sets now stand et 880,457,000, riai- Thre Colllrrgwood Idessenger .ex- 1 $Z5,000 itus thai during tire prevlous fing the Domfinion Buank ra te ai one presses a atrong crîticlunio! , tireyear. Altegétirer tire Bank lied 81,- o! tire largest or Our financial instU- youg moni who refuse ta enlist for 761,000 avalleble for distribution, tutians. service.- Outi of g0 aoked for fcom the adBie up o! balance brougiri farward .**. CoUhngwpod comipanlea o! tire 35th' hem~ previouý yeetr $647,000, net PZol- To thre person wiro will invent a RqoSiIti, eniy 9 cnlsted. éT its $ 925,000,1 and 'premlfum on newfosheingtr on f'irbows an. entire lack o! pat.rioim- tc 18O>. Dlîe -rqi. eldewalks--n' ma ..,i.i,,'u. es the part of the maor(ty of th e ts being1 at tiére rate of 12 per youtb cf Our. town, mnot o! whom cent. with a 'bonus o! 2, per cent. ab- -e to preferito walk the street .sai, sorbed $835,000, wbile Olilcers' Pen- SaY eannng notblng, in preference t0 sion Fund -à rÙà tire Canadian Patrio- gegvlng thelr country for a fair wage. tic F'wrd eacý 1 rece(ved $25,000, and ~~hrpatriotto' donations arnounted o to $3,500." Incidentally Ià May ber.- 'The exute of- tire_ wtbwar marked tiret tire Bank lu peylng ,h ReifSociety are actueted by the' salaries of ail employem t en * mil atroti ai eypat heic Of ton miîlitary Éeryvice. To tire Reserve motives la ail tireir multitudinous aoc- Fuir<1 was ttensferred 8188,000), Bank tilllee. Thre Society needs money. PrSnises ,ceount absorbed 8100,000, 'i %q DE irtCçNADA MARM~LADI.-TIMI *It is the time' to do down th.e fruit while they are nice and fresh. We have nice large bitter oranges at a.rpecial price, 25c per doz. *NavýI oranges, good size 25c, 3oc, 40c and Soc doz. Lemons, extra nice, 30c doz. Be sure and use the best sugar, like we wiil seli ynu, to have the beït success, îCalifornia celery, large white bunches, îoc to i2ic -resh Lettuce on Frldey IDYSTERS T resh ones like we seli give"you that] nice 'sea v .flavor. Try them. They say they are the best yet. Want to makeyour hens lay? Use Overine', a sure egg get ter, large package, 25C, Jno. F3.WATERUHOUSE Prozkipt elivery. BTHE BANK 0F CANADA TORONTO WHITBY BR AN C H C L A. MeUllani Manager.' * Smmemi~At owaan6 vil kolln (C. Mclia, place on tiro walk, touch a butt'in aid ft i we do there est-tiret persan wlll niake iris fortune. Thre weathct propliets gay tu&t a ring arowid tiere ioon htokens a stern la tire neer future. On rues- day niglit o! lest week e very angry 'iookIng ring encircled tire plaidt, and thre Storun whnirtucame Ove *iayus latet lasted for tirree days and wee araad-filler and a train-stopper. C ounty COUncil Honors Cap-t. Cameron. (Continued froni page 1) lating ta agriculture, and tire course conducted et Uxbridge durlng tire paSt year, and ire outiined wirat ht was Proposed te do ln tire County o! Ontario during tire cqming year. Two metabers o! tire County Corun- cil were appointed members of tire ]Board o! Management o! tire .Hanse o! Refuge. A iry-law wes put tirrougir t areie moncy by temparary ioans rintil thre receipt o! taxes for 1915. jTht by-law ta appoint two Courity Auditors received its third reading and was passed. Tht second. report of the Commit- tee an Educatîon was read and ad- ope. Evenîng Session.. - Tire second report a! tile County Pronerty C'ommittee was prese.nted,i and, witir aînenlm.ents, was edoptcd. A irv-law to execute an agreement betwte tire County and thre *ll ren's Aid Society 'was introduced, put tirroughIr ls several rcadings and passed. Tht Comnittee on Agriculture te-' ported. - - SATURDAY. Tht Commite on Agriculture and Printing presenlet! their reports, ai- Ba committees.on Finance and Mil- enge and Per Djemi. Tire by- aw bt aise moiey by tenuporery loans was given its final reeding. Comamittees spent sanie tumepre- patig reports. Atternoon. Tht second report o! tire Roade aid Bridges Conittet was received and edoptet!. - A by-law bto aise money for tire purpose o! creetiag -a Patriatlc Fend was put tirrougir and passed. Previaus to edjournment the pre- stutation wam made ta Ceptain Cateron. Tire Couneil will meet agaà l on tire frsi Tueeday Ila mac next. GLEANED FROM'-COMMITTEEY .REPORTS. A A ew flag lu ta ire perciresed for tire Court House. Higir Consteble Cebverley was gtanited* two - moitira' leave o! ab- sence, te Match 25tir. Tire Couaty will coniribute* $2,.500 te tire Townuhip a! Rama, t0 aid in re-buildlng tire Cerricli bridge avet tire Black River, but tire County as- sumes no liabiity te asuisi (n main- teining sait! bridge. Th Tie Cuniy offers to a peye-l!f tir 'coulo! rtpating aid malnaein- ing tire Pickering bridge on tire King- Iston Bad. The Finance Commutte. reportet! tiret tire> fouad tire 1914 esutusmeni an municlpalitles irregular, and te- conimended n menas ire deviset!- for reniedyiig same. 1 Pickerig Townsip irevng disput- Ob ed tire Couaty's,'daIm for $253.40 oni accouai a! tire «rceîwoad aid Lar- M kin bridges, tire Finance Committet jr ommended tiraitirhe sum o! 8120-75 baccepted in settiement, owlng te ennecessar>' dem>' on tire Grcenwood bridge. A grant o! $500 was <nde ne usuel ta tire WiithY Bourd o! Education for tire Agricrlturai Departnient. Tire Farmers' aid tire Women's In- stitutes o! Northt and Soutir Ontar- 10 were taci rguantaid 825. I h tilr third report -Finanqce Coin- Mite reported&ireving re-consîder- Pdth ie [natter o! tire 1914 Couit>' ai- sessment referred ta fa tireir second report, and reconrnend tirai tireniat- ter ire leftIun tire bande ai tire Fl- nance ('ommtte and Couity Salie- itor, witir powertotaengage ipeciel eansel ta ad"lsa, and wltir- power tnta're action.. If necessar>'. Pd to collett a halne of $226 due frnm itame Towship re Trenoutir Tomot.TelleHow He£mre.âHirnsel Iug for y..r s5 Dovuacoua.T Eoà m, Oct., ist. 1913. "For a long.time, 1 have thoughit of writing you regardig what I ter=n a mnt rernarkable'cure effeèted by your gemiy 1 Prut-a-tvea". 1 auffered fronu Rheurnatism, eepecially in mny hands. I have spent à lot of money without lany goodresults. I havetaken "Fruit- a-tiveia" for 18 montha now,,and amn pleased to tell you that 1 arn cued. Ail the enlargenient han not left niy bands and perhape never will, but the carenes is ail gone and I can do - any kindofwork. 1I7have gained 35 pounds la 18 mothc'l. - 3IL A. WAUGH Rheumatistu le nelongertbe dreaded disme.. tonce wan. Rheumatisr n i qo longer one of the "incurable dimeec'. d'lruit.-tves" hai proved ite nmrvwelleus powers over Rheu- matias, Sciatica, Lrb1-nfact, rè ach dioceae whila arise froua corne deratigeumt oftomac.h, bowe*a, kidumys oèr skui, 'fa-tYn"ivaV' Iomd(by alle BY-LAWS. Meus. T.J.. Widden and James Thompson 'were re-appointed Coirnty Auditors, and Meurs. A.M. Rouis and H. S. Carner&n were appointed mern- bers o! tue Board ot Crîrninal Audit. Mr. Jos. King wau appelnted a t=itee for Wbitby Il1gb Seolin lieu o! the late James RutIedge,; H. IS. Smith for the Oshawa, 11gb School ; Alez. Smith, for Uxbrldge; Dr. David Archer for Port Perry. _ Jas. MoK'enzie and Wm.- Foster were sPPofnted as a Board of Ma>4 agemnt of the House of Refuge for HOCKEY j Mndey evcnrng uew thre. hocke ba 0es' fouglit et Burna' Arena boare. 1% hr was bctween Pick-ering and Ifunbait4n, tire former winiiiig by 4U in a 'gaod gaine. Next came thér Week-Fnders aid tire Bîackfeet, twa teanis recruited [rom lPort Whitby. This game pro- vided a good deai o! amusement and exciteanent, inasmuch as many ent- tircly new tricks in hockey wcre dis-, played for tire firut time in Whitby. i Notable amoRgth lese was thre sim- pie mautner In which thre Blackfoei were able ta break tire sticks o! their oppaneats without ta do so intentionafly. For tire Week-Enders, McDonaît! was tie star. Thorîdyke wa.s diseblcd, and thre teari was, tireore weakentd ta a certain ex- ltent. For tire, Blackfeet, Watson,1 SnAth and Correil were rnost promr, mnent. Tire game wai exceedingly i close. Tire Week-Enders belied thirir namne, becaue thcy made"a particu-: iatiy strong end totahe centest, the final score -belng 4-. EnCIr and every man wtinto tire gaine witir adetermfnetion te do or die, and mosi a!filium did. i. jA naw tenture, introdiaced for tire fIrst im hreiere, was tirtat etrer team fount! Il necessary to play de- fence men. Wiiibetire mon were, in ame, an tire defence, titey'> piayed weli up w(tiî tie forwards, tire resuit being %bt ia good deai o! hard! work wes donc, as tweivol, men were ai- weys on top -o! tire Puck. Tis made- tire play very comtentreted, but ai- lowed of! mucir Individuel rusiring. Tire teans :1 Biackfeet-Goai, Jackson; de!ence, V. Smithr and R. Correli; centre, Soutirwell ; rover, W. Watsona- wings, S. Watson, Wm. Sinitir. Week-Endr.-Goal, McLeod; de- fonce, Moote and Tirorndyke ; centre, Wiiis ; rover, McDonaid ; wings, llariock and Piadar. Referee-Gea. Rice. Tire.thirt!and final gae.wau aise a tie, beiwee tire Baraca Ciaus and tire Sundey Scirool of tire Bptiui Cirra. Tirese two teami played a 1-1 tic a week ega, and werc ai- temptlng t , decîde tirestries onIfMon- day. Tire Iwo te ms are as evoul>' matchet! ns oie coul itwsir, naduer scering during tire gaine, eltirougb lirere were many close shots an euth- Pt - goal. Tireert.icuiar feeture of tis gaine was tirat eacir team md 'fout rayera on tire farwnrd uine, tire 'wing men being dlspensed witir, aid the defence ected ai euxilleries wiren- tvru a tuait was needet!. Joirastan, for tire Barecamade man>' rushes, but ire uuaeiy airai wide. Bradley', o! tire sanietem, wes tire original axe mai. Ht savet! a go-al by. cirap- Plag Les Cormnack'» feet, lest when ,tire latter -wes about ta score.. Brad!- ley' bore his terni in tire penalty box witir mucir fortitude. Thre Sunday Scirool beys lied a greet .deal o! com- bnation work up tiroir sîteves, aid occaslo'neliy mnanged te, pull off Somethîng tiraI startiedth ie audience. Thre lfneup Baracas- Goal, Bryak; defeace, Walkur aid lewis 1;rayera, John- sten, McCulieugir, Harold Lick, and Bradley. Sunda>' Scirool -Goal, WIllrnsos; defence, Roy LIlrk aid Gaodfellow; tavers,' Les Cormack, A. Cotmack, Baker, Ruttan. 1 PETERBO'RO 7, PICTON 3. ln group 1, lntetmediete O.H.A -, a ,nna mui wos n vailablea lte gme of gotingt w pressbut. - ite , On Mo-Y eveang -an Unpieasan$ tie a f olu, n , Pctnthe hoewlnd- sprang up, and by ten a'ciack it lte awonsup la Itenire home. id, a cumbied 'Wjtira e luof sîo* anite wn P»bero, P0ltn e ri rosuidta nrke'a blzjd'Ail nlght tire aid i Prboo, icio wee bat-'v'nd îoared, and by morning thie en by 6-2.Aocording to titis dop estornikn hduccce apin tire tems -are very 1eveirly 'ttiibe, ronds ad sicdeelkn wir Vitir perieps a sigiri 'edventag e for g? t rire n id w l s w t Peterboro. iarrleru o!, bard pâcked snow. Not - ~content wf irt tis, ire kept'Up iris work -al dà y, -wlth but slight Inter- PATRIOT-IC FULND. mission, and succeeded lIn demoralz- A petriotie concert-will lie given ne.ah eiclr n-rirodir la thre Masonlc 'Hall, Brooklil, on 0~'r Irldey, evening, February 12. A godldTh 7.18 e.m. train from Lindsay prograt wil ire rendered 'by theire j i not afl!ve unil - 'ine o'clock, titis lowIng :-Vocal solos,' Miss B. Bell, after tire ronad' irac been kept open, Wiriby; nstrmenti, M p~iby snowplows. Tire7.35-,e.m. train Nicholson-, readingo, Miss Wakefield- Iron tire cast on tirenmailUte G. 0.1-C., also a humorous drame, en- T.R.. arrive.d at Whitby -I-fonction Vtltd, 'tNat e ManIin tire flouse," offiy a few minutes late, but airer by tire Y.L.,B.C. o! Almonds Churcir trains freim that direction were all Conertta egi a 8 ri.Ad' .delayed. Tht carly 'train fromr To- Clan ce. éi t8 im di ronto, du0 at tire .Junctidn at 8.20 Rion 5cc.did not arrive uril noon, as it 'was heid in Torontto t0 wait for trains APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT from tire west tirai were ail late. ;'Consequtntiy townspeopie did 'ý not Notice -la hereby siven tiret an eP- recelve thir usuai morning mail un- pilcetion will ire maede by tire Toron- tii after dinner. Thre niternoon train te and 'York Radliai Railway Coin- 'from tire city was about an bout pany ta tire Legisiaive Aseembly--o! late. tire ProvInce of Ontarioaet 15 t ext Tire train fron Manilla .Junctlon, session for an--Act, .whîch, .lu sciedule te blave bree t (a) pcrmittbig thre Company telJay 8.30, did not atternpt to depari out, cmostuct, complete, equip, untîl neerly nooni. Wiren it did malte meatala and operete double tracki uù.pon Yonge Street, Intire Ciy o! a stert, the Ubne was ft-nid te, be Tairante froin tire compagiy's 90ut ocked and naoireaelwey could be er terinus to tire northIrlimite cof miade. Communications wih lewis tire said! clty, subjeet te suel agree- SZI4 villages narti, sucir as Brooklil, nient with thre City ef Tarante as Myrtît, Port Perry, vas, tirerefore, tire Ontario Railway and Municipal a1bmbutely eut off except iry wire. Board may apprevu.- Portunetely tire storm did litile (b) To extend tire tîme for thre con- damfage ta thre telephone lUnes. utruction of. extenileas iii branches Tht C.P.R. suffered simier 'delays, of tire sald! railwav. elihongir snow plows were kept busy AYLESWORTH, WRIGHT, M658 clearing tire llne;- & THOMPSON, , Solicitors for Ap- - Detez oot ii.iidye MAY GET A GOVERNMENT JOB. -Jaauaryr, 1915. -33. 'The Governmenhi printing depat- Train Time i ahi. IG.T. R. WHITBY JUNCTION. eolng West ... *.52a.m.1 Golng Eagt.... .20at ...7-40 P.rnM .. .. 6'53 p 11 Sunday trains leav" for Toronto 4.52 srm. and 7.40 p.m. Wrom Tor- onto-tala stop ai Whltby JuRction ut 8.15 sud 0.55 a ud ,.8@ p.m. UP-TOWN STATION l Golng North ... 8 mm.Golnu South ... 7,186. -.4:3,5 P:.n* 1.15 P. C. P. R. Golng We*-6 1an. Coing tEant-1op an 440 P10. I1244 a-lâ. STAGES. Uèavee Whltby for ~Oshrawa at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.. W. Martin, Pro- prietor. Leaves for Brougiam at 10 a.m., Mr. IPdwà rds, proprietor. MAIL ?Or Wet- 6.30oa.rn. 12-30P.0- 6.30 P9.1. 8.30 P. POr lfmst--6.309a.. 8.or.m s CLOSE For Port whuuhy- 6.30 . In Far Onhawa--3o p.M For 'î--o.n i ÉM -P 1 F 1- ImProved Service TORONTO-MONTREAL OTTAWA Vi ' "Lake On torio Shrore Lins" Fait time to WbiLby, O.bawa, Bow- manville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belle- ville, Trenton,' etc. Particulars Ironi C.P.S. Ageats, or write M. G. M urphy, District Pasouger Agent, Corner King and Yong. Si@., Toronto. FI. Re BLOW, Agent, Whitby ONE IClIOL THAT1MERITS the confidence o! the public becanse of ita Higb Grade work is the Toronto, Ont. f W. train Young men and women to ho. com .kilful ud expert utenotraphere, typisto, book keepers, commercial teacl. ors lerk mhin, o gemraloffice assistants l'e frtu tosixmnl,.and abiot i-hem tb ge position.. Open aul year. Enter aow. CJatalogue frac. Cor. Ye aai W. J. ellioti, Charles SR. Principal F E.LUKEO PICIAN DRUG STORE W)-i]TBY TUESDAY, FEB. 2 70 YONGE STREET. -Corner King St., Toronto. ROYAL THEATRE ENuRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME Each Night NOW Running 46NTLYN' Evory Second Monday. Saturday qighî, îoc to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager Ment at.T'oonto, lu likely toudt go a re-organization, owing to the lîl-healtir of the prescrit Governint Printer, Mr. L.K. Cameron. A des-1 Patch from Toronto, dated last Sut- urday, enys It ls also Probable. that Mr. W.JT. Watson, ex-Magistrate o! Oshawa, 'anrd manager of the Oshr- awa VindIcator, who han been doine speclal work,, will enter thre Govern- ment Library branch of the Depait- ment. WHITBY DMARKETS Wieat, ll .. . ........ 1.45 to 1.50j Wheat, goose............ 1.40 ta 1.40 Barley _...... ........0.115 te 0.'75 il Boie.. ......... .... ...-..8.00 te 8.00 Rye ....................1.00t100O Peau........ ...... ....... 10 ta 1.10 Buckwireai...... ...... 0.75 ta 0.80 Oats ...... ..... ...... .60 ta 0.65 Red Clover '. ......... .. 9.'00 ta 9.50 FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, pet cwt ....... .3.75 ta 4.00, Chapped [ced, cwt ..... 2.00 ta 2.00t Corameal ...............2.00 ta 2.50 Bran, per ton ... ...-28-00 ta 28.00 Shorts, pet ton ...30.00 ta 30.00 MEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE Bec!, cwt., drcssedl...12.25 to 18.00 Cattie, lîve welght ... 6.50 ta 7.50 Lamba, each .........6. .00 ta 8.00 Hogu dresed ,......1.50 te 12.00 Hogs, select............. 8.26 to 8.50 CbIckens, per lb .... ... 0.14 te 0.18 Ducks. per lb........ . 0.18 to 0.20 Geese, dressed, per lb. ... 0.15 te O 18 Turkeys, dressed, per lb. 0.20 te 0.25 Butter, per lb. -Ã:. ... 0.28 to 0.30 Eggs new, pet doz.... 032 to 0.35 Lard, per lb............. 0.18 ta 0.20 Potatces, per beg .. .0.75 to 0.90 Apples, per barrel ....1.50 tae-3.00 Onions, per bag ......... 1.00 ta 1.25 Hey, per ton ........ .14.00 ta 15.00 HIDES. Wool, uowashed .........14 te 0.17 Cal!, skias, per lb ....0.15 ta 0.10 Lamb s ki»,, ch,..... 0.70 te 0.75 RHides, per ewt. 15.....A.00 to 18.00 Sbeepsklns ..............0.75 te 1.15 Deacous .........~ 0.25 ta 0.70 Horse Ries . .... ...... .50 ta 8.OSr Taliow, rend., pur lb.... 0.00 ta 0.00 Ailike clover, pur huo. 8.00 te 1.00 [De E181IleIfsHs8uîaftCI 8o. saved its policy irolders $uoa,ooo in ifs first ten yeers of business by selling tireriwitirout-profite palicies, ant! irving aIl premiums paid direct to head office witiraut commissions. Proniieme col- iected were $389,ooo, instead of $489,. ooa. Fourteen etirer Canadien coin.- panies received $18,499,695 in their first ten years mainly for with.prafits policies, ant! pait! in profits ta poiicy iraiders $9u,55o. Tireir-combinet! ac- cumuiated surplus. ave- sirareiroldérs' contributions was $79,7o7 et tire end of tireir firet feu years. Wirich looks best ta you ? Tire Equity Life is tire total ebstain- ers Company'.-If interestet! write fer furtirer parficulars. The. otan who studies bis own 1InterensawiIl patronise The Etquity 1.1!- Asurance Company, when lie wants Life Ieuurance. L. W. DUJDLEY, H.SuTMP.RLAND, Met Presideet à GeerI anager Double Track Ail The. Way Toronto-Chicago - Toronto-MomtveI Unezoelicd Train Service- Milgbest Claus cf IEquipm.nt Wlnter Tours:-to Calitornia FLORIDA AMP SUNNI SOUTII Fait Traîns-Cholce of Routes Low Pere qow la effect For fu particulars consuit G. T. R. Ticket Agents. or write 'C. E. Horning, Dist Paso. Agent, Toronto, I. fflvheuaon, Afent. pbQne sa, Whitby Having purchased 2500 paire of Rubbere, 1 wiII selI them while !bey Iast at following prieu: Ladies'- Rukbes, reg. 65a te.809O 2h, Oent< Iubbers, Reg. 8Ils te 1.25,Uh before they area&l g«@e, ABOVE ARE THE BEST Q5DALITY. CONTRAOTOffl J. IWWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder and Coniractor. Plans drawn and esîinages furntihe4. Repairs, Alterations and-jobbing. 'Agent for aranItfopd Roofinq Box 467 WIIITeY Phono 149 -JOHN Te HORNSBV= BU ILDSU and COKTEASTOI Plans Made and Estimates Given. Ail Kinds of Brickand Concunte Work. Repaira to Chimney Stacks and Boilers a speciaty. Whltby, (Box 91) Ontarlo Bell» Phone 138- C. FOLLEST 1OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER 0ýÂN F ALýL DESCRIPTION PJ S F-URXiýISHED. Residence, Thonihin, Corners Phone 4, Oshawa&. THREADGOLD meos. CARPEiITEIS maiSUISe Alterations andiRepafin. MUiT CLAMS WORK OVARANTEED; DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentalt, OSe., Dundai Street, Residence No. 4, the Tertace Byron St., Whitby. FMoI@ No. 128. -JAS. B3ISHOP Oshawa, Licensed- Auctonee.Su cessor to L. Fairbanks. For -t«r and dates apply to self or G. Robi, W M. UAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND) VALUATUR., Ail kinde of sales pro'mpt3y attm. cd to. Arrangements, for sales cm be-miade et the Gazette Office. Terms reesonable, Bell and Independent pboeec WhiITY, ONT. James &Walker P'umnp anulacturors SIuop Dundats Str'eet,' Wbitb7. Three domsres od f Whlby lous. W. are prepared tg inégaîl wod or Iton purmp a on short notiee, a1@aattend tba Nq tinde o! repairing. Agents fOr the Ontauio wînd wdnfl ie gazoline engines. Phones--Bell 50, lad. 26. INICHOLSON & SELOONj. Pbeuc jo WHITBV MONUMENTS 0f ali Deagni amd laterlal Kopt Ià Stot 1$ wol paw YeOD oealuai ws wor-ks ~and lspect for yours.lf. Don't be rmlsied by agents. Wè.do miot cmploy tbcm. Coamcquetly VO ca and do aliow -ltheagent e . M mission, 10 per cent., wbicb, you viii certaLiy ave by piurcbaalng Iromw.M A Cailà oilited. -0150. and Worku Opposfite Standard BauZ VhIby. Benoit, Incomparable Oliduds, Minimum Net Cost For rata. and fulni nformation apply t. P. J. DUFF, MR. A. FI. DONOVAN, apeela Rap. Q à e kVictorl&obo., Myrtle.TouaS, i.. The M utua Lie of. lhUO o Scranton.eai3' AUl kinde of Coal ýeieept peacm Pei Goal, per ton At Harbor Ceai sheds 50 -ente per toi les. "SORÂNTOKi Coal". The name guaran" he b iîighest quidity., E. R. BLOW, 9h Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel14 4 '1 Grafo.r and re( MADE UNC Wat Repai W. rePair dnythingi ýewClry store, but we malo ef watcires. WE DO ONLY 00011 Repaira le! t witir us are< Iy, and are kept at: night thus insuring the sfety of! wlrîle îný aur p ossession. Jeweler and Opti WC. T Tire regular, meeting ni' U. will- be beld in tire scfn -hec Methodist- Church on afternoon, Fehruary 18ý, af edock. A full attendaru'e o, is hoptd for to. meect tire Oshawa -Union, who havp le viSit lus at this meeting. prograxa is beidîg prepared, tresirments -will be -served. will ie used-to help in t .lleW~Aid " work, and 18s9i1 Wrnppers wiii'.b-ir gr« ,ev .nAmssion ten cci *vybody, welcome. lIbs. Johný Stnnlick is aOsuy tfram her- recent -ape *)eseddurlnig-tle'xnt af uge. Iron pot wanted. *sedfeoo &Son. "ré aré offetng specla *ntwr.Ses aur Win~ S'siardware. 'The Wax Relie!jSOcietyý.. * - foi old finen and cotton'iÃ4 -tu. aà kng bandage s.- - - li . Jeard lu limpi: tua dayB,_ tirerestait ot-, 110k item ae youn'g colt. 7" -ad;ourned 'sale of- %iuwas held Intire Ca on Ftlday lasf. 1 1 ia . Walker, o! Broo>ki ter -duties oit Sunday, Feir or ganist o!, A Il-Saints' C'h Mr-li. Frank 'Underwood's ln tire nortir ed o! tire t-o' fig cempletion, ant'i 'la wlll ire an tiprt--date: residi A good * chance ta stoci' irftelen. with granitew. Pinge%' hardware store- «v On Thîîrsday. n1ght, o!fJL a wseiool hockzey team ,fron- -zplayet! a gane w4th a. schi lhere Tire scýore was 4f Wbitbye- At ameeting of tircYi Ptecs Guîld of!-tihe Pr - - urcr on-Monday v ec, 'A. P. Me'iziesgave-a ta:, Xu. Stepiren CafTe', aLt c bà y, 'wira has been Ip bluffr pat fiftPen years, bras ýret toWn and bas openeri una and -eteamndittlng bulsine-ss j Standard iBankr tlartprs sdi'ertiseinent elsewirere. ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO OYSTERS CYSTERS Phono 11l- Khoug.oild expenses» and -kt âtblp £mdisue&S m advnses I aese h.baanem 1 ' à x