t UWiV, February Io. Eveyo lan ue speelieu -of Job, 1Watch Dogs'oftheb. 8a, Iln naughtsanadiCruisers, Sub O P25.OO lb.wold i roasers t U rdr greateat navy. Frauk -Yelgh's pie-t tare war talk, 150 vièWs lu tbe mu- »Jc bail, Whltby. _ 4.oo t'O $8000 T'hé aunual meeting o! the VIctor- Made to youç nieaimure in 7 dayo. tan ý Order of Nurses washienbed la't evgling la the ni~c- hall,. too 'late, Style, Fit anud Materialo bowemvcr,ý for a report to be -publisb-tirated ed lu 11215 Issue. Net week ai fullG~aated acobuut will appear. - 'ec '--+- , We rec Cloan or Dye your we bave purchased, at, a greatly garnients to, Iook like new-such reduced prlce* a quantIty. of "Made as Overceats, Suit., Gowns, Skirtu, ln Canada" granlteware, and w. are 1oftering Il at prices n"vs before Dresses, Waiste, Gloves and House- hoard of lu Whltby. See. wlUUow dis- hold Goôds. Speciai prises on piay. ,W.M. Pringle'. hardware, al rsbnand1 earndui SCENES A7 VALCARTIER AND February and Marcb, in order to SALISBURY' PLAINS. keep busy. Music Hall, Wedneeday, February 7th, Frauk Yelgh's Illustrateid war tialk, -depiottug mny phases of the great contest. 'An evet- that mm mu yull long ho remembed. ouai lRgirmio u 1P* tc reMrved seats 35c. *dUiunIIuV i uir n i R epai rinqclt g lllimo îeVN anas. or ~TAILOR th11e monthlY meeting of the war 3uh oaRe.o, htyOt J11le- Society wi<l b. held ou Tues- day, Febtruany 9, at 3.80 p.m. lu thé Ploatiig çCluslon tb the evoulng'u Llhrary Board -room. Ail lb. work- onicymeut. lr8are requesteil to finish, as soon m-» possible, wbatever articles they DIVISION COURT. bave on baud. The pror-cSdings lu the Division 0 '. Court on Tuesday -morig were' I POSITION WANTED. very brief, there being no'witnlesse 80 00mpauîon, or as housekeeper, by aud no cases argueil. Hia Houer ma»en lady. Boit ot reforsnoes. Ap- Judge MeIntyre mereiy gave decisions ply bex 405, Whîthy. Lu a couple otfcases that bad ben provlously heard. -The. êxeeutive of tbe -Wbtby War >lu InDowney- vsoRuttan, the acton Rellef Society wlll hold a Patriotic wias dismIssea without colts. W. repair anything bought in a Tlea and Musicale on Friday, Feb- A suit by an 1Itallan againut a jewelry store, but wo mako a specialty ruary 8th, lun1the towu bal f-rom 8 feilew-couutryman resultedin luJudg- ef vatchos. -bj o'clock. ,Ail ladies' à ud geulle- mient belnd rendered by detault js- me f tbe town aud viciulty are cor- gainst the defendant. IlE D0 ONLY 0000 WORK dial y iuvited to attend. Admission, 25C.... -Keep Wcdnesday, February 101, Repaire bit with us are dorme prompt- for -the concert lu aid et the Home Iy, and are kept at night Ini our vault, The Stone laquest bais béen ad- Gug.rd.. Heur 'Cee. Branton, boy thus nsurng te s Journed for êvo weeks%, makiug the* soprano. Ulus~~ iau egtosfety cf your proporty date February 16. This lu the third- whilo in our possession. postponement rince 1the lait slting. I TH!E TABERNACLE. Suuday, Pcb. 7.4 EARL IKITCHENER TO 1118 -QuarterlY meeting.wile be 104lu a se tTROOPS.. h Tabemnaie on.Saa ioig J ,e N ._' a s",t 'ýDo your duty bravely, fm GGà l)onot miss the Love Feuil sud Jeweler and Opticien and houer lie King."$ Musto Hall, Fellowgblp Meeturýg held lu the S.S. - ONARIOWednesday eveuiug, Februury. 171h, room at 10 a.n. Regular service st WHITBYv NAROMr. Frank Yeigh's war talk. King 11l p.m., aI the close of whicb tb. --George to bis army :-'II have lm- Holy Sacrament ofthte Lord's Sup- wu .ce . ra -e pUcit confidence lu yeu. Duty is par Mill h. administered. Ail Chris.. you.r watchword. I kunow It will be liane are cordiully lnvited to remalu - uobly doue." 150 pîctures up-to-date 'and take the Sacrament witb us. Tii. regular meeting of 1h. W C.T, "IntersPersed with Patniotic Song."1 Evening service ut 7 o'clock. Pull u. will b. hled llite scliodirà ofJLoecal talent. This ethie liraI <op-.rally et S. S. and aduit classes at 8 1h. ethdia Chrch n WduedayporlunityWhitby people have bail of P.fl. thlernoto, Februry 18 atn.3e'-. seelng the war illustrateci lu picture Morning subject, Il Christlan Pen- cWk.A -ull ttedanè ofmemersaud *ordo. Conipnisjng a graphic fection." e)qk. fu! uttedane e mebes dllu - o Ih liani stugge. Eveglu.g subject, "ýHoyw Bort to ilb lioped. for Io èeet tbe ladies o! clinat4on o h Inc9ruge Oshawa, Union, w*ho have premîsed Cerne. G&neai admission î5c,; re- Su,." A vuh x. vfmf't.ygo. *jf I'ýd*+<- A - goo vd et 3e .4U pwoguuim 10beiug prepaneil, sunil n-j s-- =cr (i HIGH SOITOO'L DEBATE. frcshments.. wlll h. served. Proeeds Reerve Pebruary 19 ton conet That there 18 more oppontuuity will bo useil le belp In the "Trav- b. giveu by Dramulic Club ofet o r advancement in the region west Oie. Aid " work, and Surprise 'College Iu the Music Hall, Wbitby et Lake Supcnlbr. than there ls lu sp wrappers vil! be gratefullyri ne'iidenthie auspices ot Trafalgar Ontario, Quobec and the Maritime eclved. AdmIssion ton, cents. Ev- Daughters and Patniotie Club of lbe Provinces," was te couleun of *vybody, veîcome. J Colle98, lu aid of tb. pubriotic three High Scheel debaters on Fnl- Funl. The Dranialo Art Club of day uttennoon luit at tbe Lltenary the Cellege viii prescul "Crauford," Society prognani. Those wbo sup- a sketch of Englisb village life o a perted Ibis contention wero Ralph Loal1 u eè etry ugo. l'h. play is a comedy Mowbray, Janet Hislop and Douglas Inutbnee acts,, madie trom 1fts. G&... Bell. MYra >Crouk, Harvey Palmer, Z kell's fumous story. and Penn Hendenson disp.uted lte al- .....~.legaflea, sud angueti thatr Eastern FRANK YEIGH'S GREAT WAR Canada'preseuloil lh. greaten opper- Mua. John Staulick lu lmproving LECTURE. timîlles. The debate was spinlteil, duly lrom hien neceut epenatien. j Wednesday, Feb. 17, ut Wbibby, qnWd gave much amusement us veli as 9 the musiceal For King and - feoilfer tbought. The judges, Rev". lb. Adam' etlsMeil-e'Coutry a lr. ? e 4u Meuzies, MeLean and Mn. C.A. Goil- lueilduiug lb. meutbet- F'ebruary. and patnlotic pîctune war talký il« feNeOw, declded that lhe affirmative --#-- lustraleti witb 150 striklng stere- hac!tbe btter of the argument suad la.rge Jren pot wauted. 0. A. opticen Viewe. Canada to the trout wne supenion ln style. Biedtellew & Son. VI.ews of the greatest British Ar.ny, Precoding tbe debate, th. scoeol 1-viewe ot bbc greubest Britishb Tem ,paplrocer. Il theed te oMis Ws are offenlng speciai piuten sonnes ln the Britisbh ises sud JEur-"epePotr tpoe ob OlURItOeae. Su-Our wludow. Prin- ope. l'h. Empire's Response, A bigbly iuterestlng sud mlrlh-pnovok- 5W. hardware. -31j portrait galleny of war leaders. lU nlg b 112e students. 1 der 112e auspices at the A. Y. P. A. The dobate was followeil by à neul Tic War Relief Society 4are aulcîug -'et S. John's Churcit, Port Whltby.1 speech fnom eaeb oftheb Rev. Juilges. for old l Iluei sud colton tg be used ; Admission only 25c.m reserveil seuls tg makiug bandages. 85c. - OR THE BELGIANS. 0 0Ou bebulf of lie County ef Ou- lin. Jou. Hourd 1h limplng arounil Mrs. R. W. Allen, treusurer ot the treOi il'Asca!oIvi hhese days, th2e resuit et a vcry bad Wur Reliet Society, bias necelveil a kJ* fnom a youmg colt. cheque of $81 frnin the lrabernacieF 0S. S. for the JiBelgian RelIet Funil, *M m ~ tiwadjourned sale ot land fon belug 1t2e net proceets ofthIeir xmas Obiee was heid lunlb.e,9ourt Heuse 1 concert. ou1 "nlay lait. Mme 1. Walker, e! Brooklil, begus tier duties on îSunday, Pcb. 71h, us organfisbt fAl Saints' -Chuncit. Mr. Frank Untierwood's uew bouse1 lu, the nonlb enil of t2e bown lu nean- tng cempîlion, andl when flnîshedil vJIIi h an up-le-date residence. A goil chance le stock up lie kftheu with granitewuro. Se. PIngl' hardware store vindow. On Thursday, nlght, of last week, a 8echeetihockey teamu nom -Pickerng played a ganie vlth a echool team #Oro. The score was 4-0 ln fuver Co! ýWimtby. At a Mmtdng of' 12e Young Pea- Ple's CGuill of 112e Prembyterti Civcb on, Monday- evenlug,11ev. A. P. Me'izie gave a talk on Ger- Muf. Stephen Coffoysoil hby iny vb bs b~n u Buffale for lhe Ps-l-ftmmenyears, h sretunnedti t terni anti hue epenedý - up a plumbing t sd steumflltting businessllb.the ld iglamdard 'Rank quartimns.. Se il advertl<emeart elseviere. LECTURES IN AGRICULTURE. The toilovlug mou villelectur, te lb. Claslu Agriculture autheb.Ag- nicultural, roonis, WWhb, neit week, Pebruary 81b, Dr. J. Spencer wlli spcaki on, Herses sud Îcrue Judging. Ou Foi. 10 sud 111h, Mn. H. Sir. ett, B.S.A., frem Brighton, will give - I nstruction ou Sced Seleelien and Seeti Judglug. l'h... men are spe- cialists. Lectures commence ut 9 a.m. Visitons are voicomoil at any lime. If interesteil, arrange te heur these mou. Daughters of Rebecca Concert ou - Fbruauy 10, lu aid of Wbitby Home Guard. Sos wludov bis. TABERNACLE 88.SLEIGHRIDE lu spite of tlb. te mpestuous coudi- llbn of tbe elemonîs, th2e annual slelghrlde lth12e Mtbodlst Sundny Séioei-was lielti on Monday eveng, sud a most enjoyable lime vas spent. SIX loada, 'pueked fuWl.t tth11e chltnch, andl a number of! peop 'le vers fonceil b romain behinil because o! tiack of- accommodiation. l'h, ioy!îd youngsters veie baken tb Oshawa,- and th2e returu trip vas concludedi a' boût ne o'Iclock. A tea vas - - tbou' servei lnluthe scbool-roon5 maklng a FOR THE MORNINO NUAL. This colilveatheâr try our speciai lino of ponlc saus- agos, perfectly sasoned sud sbsolubely pure. They ruake the mouth vaben te see And suiell theni eook- iug ln the pgn. 15o lb. FISH Fillote of Haddie. Steaks of Halibut. Fresh Ocean Herrng. BrosPECor BroomePinfoalmo Suorpink Samien- Tour -business friend, WM. ýMEEKER 100 forC5 [P hono 94s WHITiIV If - Con e m or of C om rntb Tii. V.O.N. cavaus of_ the1<, takes place-on Jonday nert. LISTEN Who? Famona CaaadIaJui- ..leuCo. WhS ? To-mrow nlh - (P'lday, at :-sP.nM. Plaoeit Met&odl*tTabegaule.ý GOO-d? Pros~ u d pu4pift »Y - Puice? Adult4250., clilîdres Ael Maraeo aded "Waltei Roitud ý pPêtedlu loverai Toron- to dail>'paPers on Tuesday, refer- ring te a Whltby- couple. T'h. parties cncemed wsh tb bave Iis Cntra- dicted, as thon. lu absolutely -ne *ruth lu th. report, which wus ln- Offtei by somq unlincwn porion. ne,. Victoriau Order of Nurses quarterly meetlnç W&os heed on mon- day eveslg. on MO.Da, FebiuurF - ~ln.. Toron- to, thore paa s way mel en, i l- faut daughtçx04 21udMs.O W.Mraik pgan M, as à zfer- merly Miss Geofegtý 4414e4t, Whltby. Intomeà t wuna'made' hreonWednes- FORSAE. Ff eln -X oR SA aLE. le John Pee, Whlby. -FOR SALE. Wappîy 1,0 Is. ApplIr.M. Godfrey, op-, Petite Town station.1 01 ioiijug cou fi Cc Jan. 4, 1916.,. -, -- OSHAWA-Min LE. MaaIlom.11 Wbllby, Clerk-Jam. 8r Pb. 8, ma. 8, Apr. t.EMy 5, Juà ae2,'Jà fy7, Sept..2, Ct. 50Î Nov. 8, . SJ . 5, 1918. 2., DROUGHÂjjr-4. GleeSoCWek, Glemwo-Ja.7 il, mat. 4, ýby e, July 8, Sept. 8, NOV ov.4,Jm. 1, 0. PORT RERRY-J; W. hunau Clark, Port Perry-Jau. 12, Mi.a, M~ay 7, July go sept. e, Nv. 14 > Ja..7, 1910.. 4. 'UXBRIDGE-R.. J. Moore, Clark, Uzbrldge-Jeu. 16, ma. 12, May 11, July là , sept. 7, Nov. 20, J.a. 14, lois. . CANNINGTON-TIIn .- Tester Clark, Cannlglon-Jan. là , Mur. 11, Msfy 12, July 14, sa". i N«v. 8. BEAVERTON- Chai. 'A. Patr- Nisr. 10, May 18, JUly 15, sept..el, OSo- . la,Ja1, B 1916o.-J u V. UPTERGROVE-Da.l.l Leonard, Clar, Atberly-Jim. 18, Max. 17, Miay 14,i July 18, Sept. 10, Nov. il, Jm1 11, 116. r Datd at Wblby, Nov. 28, 1914. (By Order) J. E. FAREWELL, 1 Clerk et lb. Peso.. TH:E,,DOMINION .BANK Procedng 0 of THE FORTY-FOURTH, ANNUAL GENERAL !"TIG 0F THE SHAREHOLDERS TIfM FonTy-rn<,î T!T ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 01P TITE, SHAISElHOLDERS 0F THE DOMINON BANK waa hoid ut te Banking House oeth11e Institution, Toronto,. on Wedneshay 27th .anuary, 1915. Amnong -those prement were notieed C. W. Smith, William Davies. A. R. MacDonald (Epsom), Sir Ed- mund n. Osier, A. W. Austin, Robert Ross, (Lindsay), El. H. Osier (Cobourg, C. A. Bogert, A. Pepier, C. H. Edwards, H. R. Piaytner, Ailan MePherson <Ln.gford Mille, -E. A. Begg. A. E. Gibson, W. R. Brock. W. D. Matthews, C. C. Van Norman, H. R. Van Norman, Wal- ter J. Barr. R. J. Christie, James Carruthers, Hon. Thos. Crawford, Richard Brown. Charles Walker, 1H. W. Hutchinsôn, E. W. Hamberr_ J. G. Ramnsey, Alan R. Ramsey. Cawthra Mulock, -C. E. Lee, D'Arey Martin, K.C., Chare B. Powell. L H. Baldwin, Edward Galley, James E. Bailli., John F. Kavanagh, Andrew Semple, James Mathews, Wil- liam MeLeish, J. C. Eaton, William S. Kermnan, Peter Macdonald, N. Hoekin, Frank H. Macdonald. Rev. T. W. Paterson, J. E. Finkie, H. B. Hodgins, Harry L.- Stark, Albert Nordhelmer. J. K. Niveri, William Ros, W. J. Fleury, A. C. Pauli, Capt. Dudley F. Jessepp,- W, C. Han- vey, Graham Campbell, Edward Burns, William Muiock, Ir., W. L. Matthews, Hon. J. J. Foy, M.C., M.L.A., George N. Reynolds, F. C. Taylor (Lindsay), H. T. Eager, F'rank Arnoldi, X-C.. Hon. Duncan J. Mclntyre, Alex. C. Morris, F. L. Patton, F. S. Wilson (PIcton), H. Creve, A. Monro Crier. XC., P. B. Dingie, Thomas Long, Edwin Roach, Dr- Charles O'Reilly, F. L. Fowke (Oshawa), Aemiiius Baid- wIn, Dr. R. M. Bateman, V. H., E. Hutcheson, James Scott, F. J. Harris (Hamilton), J. B. Bell. R. S. McLaughlin (Oshawa), A. E. Fernie, W. Gibson Casuels, Joseph Walmâley, M. S., Bogert (Mont- roui), Stephen Noxon, D. Hendenson. XLC.. Leighton McCarthy, 'XC.. G. H. ?duntz, George McDonaid, John M. Baldwin, Thoma Arm- strong, M.D., A. J. Harrlngton, L. A. Hamilton, A. H. Campbell, H. S. Osier. K.C., J. Hurry Paterson, E. C. Burton (Port Perry). J. Gordon Jones, H. Gordà n MacKenzie, W. Wallace Jones, F. C. Suider, W. Ceeil Les, N. W. Toveil, H. B. Smailpieee, IN. F. Dividson, M-C., John Firstbrook, J. J. Cookt, John J. Dixon, R. M. Gray, W. H. Knewlton, H. S. Harwood, F. D. Brown, Thos. H. Wood, A. R. Bos- weil, Md., Samuel Jeffrey (Port Ferry), William Croeker, E. C. Jones, F. H. Goocb. J. O. Buehanan, Jno. Léeekie, W. C. Crowther, Sir Menry M. Peliatt, C.V.0., W%. H. Edwards. It was movedi, by Mr. W. R. Brook, soconded by Mr. A. W. Austin, that Sir Edmund B. Osier, M.P., do taice the, chair, and thut Mr. C. A. Bogert do &ct as Secretary. Messre. A. R. Bosweli, XC., and W. Gibson Ceisola were ap- pointed serutineers. 09 The Secretary read the Report of the Directons te lte Shareboid- ors and submitted te Annuel Statement cf the. affaire cf the Banik, which ia as foliows: TO T19E SHAREHOLIDERS. T'h. Direetors beg te proeet the, foilowing Mtatemnent cf the re- suit of the business of lb. Bank for th2e year ended Mot December, zmiane OrYrOrt a IuuBAmcunt, s18tDeember, 191à ..$ 447,688.82 Net profils fertse yea.r ufler deducting ail charges and making full Provision for bad sud doubtful debts ... 025,364.94 Premum receved on new Capital Stock................ 8855.20_ Makitir a total of .............................. à .11#1,708.44 Which has been dfisposed of as follews: Dividende (quarterly) ut Twelve per cn.... $.715,244.67 Bonus, Twe per cent....................... 119,992.00 Total distribution te Sharebolders cf Fourteen per cent. for the yea..835,23.67 Contribution te Officers' Pension Fund .2...2000.00 Contribution te Canadian Patriotie Fund .... 25,000.00 Contribution te Canadisu Redl Cross Society.. 2,500.00 Contribution te 13elgian Relief Pund ..........1,00.00 Transferreet te Reserve FPuned--Premium on New stock ............ ............... 188,655.20 $1.077.891 .8W WrItten off Bank Premises .............. .$100,000.00 Reserve for possible depreciation ln value of Assefs................. .............. . 0000.00 - s 400,000.00 'Balaincp cf Profit ând Loos carnied forwurd........... $ 284,816.59 RESERVE FUND. Balance ut credIt of account, 3lst December, 1913 ....$11344.80 Transferred froni Profit and Losa AccountI..............8,655.20 $7000,000. 00 E. B. OBLER, Prosident. C. -A. BOGERT, General Manager. In the last Annuai Report youn Direetors made neference te the -general financial and commercial dépression thon existing, witich con- dition was mtteh Intensified ttreugi lte outitreak oef te van lu -Europe lu Jui lest, necessitaling thte exorcise of unusuai cane In ad- ministraling lhe affairs of ltse Bank. Il has been our endeavor te fuiiy provide- for the requirements of deserving borrowers, particu - larly thtse ongaged lu produeing sud marketing te foodetuffs of lte counlny, aItie sume lime maintaining strong cash reserves and liquidity of assets. Titis poiicy ha been salfufactoni.ly carrieci out. Tihe earnings vers somowbal smaller tn lu 1913, but lustifieci te deelaruf ion o!flte usuai dividende and bonus afler ample provision had been made for ail accounts of a doubîful -ciaractoer sud for possi- ble depreciation lunlte value of assels. The Direelors feel ltaI you wiii approve of certain unusual dis- bursements ltaI voue made fronilte profite of lte yean, nameîy, con- tributions te the Canadian Patriofic Fund, the Canadian Red Cros Society, andlte Belgian Relief F'und, ropontedlu 'détailunte Sate- ment. Il yull b. observedtuf t.eIssue cf-nov Capital Stock of tlite Sh cf February, 1918, ia nov fully paid up, te Capital Account standing on IlsI Decemben, 1914, et $6,000,000, sud fte Réserv. Funci at $7.000,000. A notable éent llnte hislory of the. Bank ban tà ken place sincèe teShareholders lust met, In lte ompilion oethtie new iHead Office Building, wvIici vas eccupled inNovember luit The-reaulta ebtain-_ ed may be cnsidored iigily salisfactory. 'Allovancoe bas been made for lte fiatural growhof te Bank's business; and eveny facility hei been pu.ovided for lb. oonvonience ef ils cUstomeus; furthontnoue, L juPrsc~ription- reso every way. W. keep--thebest an&Î Drugs aud liheir- cornbinatit preparatiori that yen wish t( soribes we will get iii for 701 clelayed. Don't hesitatie t le e WMitf Plumblng ,a Having opened a firs t-elasi 101d78 1yeaims eltyrexperle'nco lob blng a spoclakty Steve Coffey SROCK ST. NORTH@ . OId Staudard Dak ialI. ON'TARIO Independent Phont 37 ýbling and siteamfittini A town liatIolelargoeuougb sud ,- Mu. Antboy aud,î purelmas good enough for a. man toe aru bis ceutly, troen JohL Kemp of!me 1 lIvbinu, 4 good euough for hlm b LUne, a :flve-roonme rougbeantb buy lu. Il »,hedoes net tblnk qop, both sud lait week bail il Moved tg he sud tie 1awn wouid 12e botter off cf hiel ots ne=n lb., R.C. Ch I ils tout vwers pitcheil somewiere - Mn. B ande! inteuidi ýte have tles .1... horoughly overbauled and tiéi bd re cousiderable revenue wiii b. dertved from the spuco routed ýbY 04 varieus tenants of the- building. IDuring thie year Branches were opened at IFort FPrances; G-mOt. sud In Toronto ut Yonge and Hayden streeta, and ut tbe corier of MeCaul and St. Patrick'streets. The foliowing Western Branches were closed, as the buaines neoured and tbe prospects did net Justify their -fürther maintenan*ce: Hlanley, Sanke.; Ciaresholm, Alta.;, Granville Street Brancb, Vancon- vMer; South. Hi111 Branch,. Moose Jaw; 'HilhhursV Brancb, Calgary: Riverside U'ranch, Calgary; Fernwood Branch, Victoria.> In accordance with Section- Bê cf the.-Banl Aet,ý and -foilowing their apointment tt the lat- Annai lGenerai Meeting, a.complet. audit et the afairs of tie-~Batik was' mace by your Auditors, Messrs. G. T. Ciarleson and R. J. *Dlworth, vwose certificats isa attached te tthe Statement now submitted. ;n addItIon the usuali nopçeîions cf ail the Branches of the flank bave been made during the- tweive months under review, and the Head Office Cash, InvestmentB, and Balance .9heet of the, 3lst De- cember were verified by a commItte.etfyeur Directors.. EB.OSLER, Prenident. Toronto, 27th January, 1915. It was movcd by Sir Edmnun< B. Osier, M.P., seconded liy' Mr. W. D. Matthcws,,and RESOLVED. That the Report be, adopted. T'he retIring Auditors, MNessrs. Geoffrey T. Ciarleson and Robert J; Dilworîih, were reappoi,:tecl Auditors for the eurrent year. The thanks of the Sharehoilers -were ten dered'te> the Presýideit-' Vice-Presîclent and Direetors for their services duning the year, and to the Generai Manager and the other Officers of the Banke for-the- efficient performance of their respective duties. - The folIiýwfng gentlemen were duiy elected DIrectors fer the en- oulng year . Messrs A. W. Austin,> We R. Broc'k, James Carrutheus, R. J. Christie, J. C. Baton, J. J. FPoy. K.C.,ML.., W. D. Mattheis, A:. M. Nanton, E. W. Hamber, il. W. Hutchinson, and-Sir Edmnutd B. Osier, M.P. At a eubsequent meeting cf the Directors, Sir Edmund B. Osier. M.P., was eieeted President, and Mr. W. ID. Matthewe. Vice-Presidijt for lite ensuing term. L GVENERfAIL STrATPEMENT " - 31 December,:.1914.-4 -LIABILITIEB .- eala r e o -P r fis_ . . . ý. . . . . .£$ 6 0 0 0 0 ê ~aacc r' Pofis crned forward . Dividend No. 129, payable 2nd January, 1915 Total Liabîjîties te lhee Shareholdets. - 1,55034 Notes In Circulation .....S.... 4,141,040. 00 Balance due to Dominion Govcrnnfient . ,52619 DePOSIts met bearing interest.s 8,5q7,Soa.9 Deposits boaning Interest, ln- lerest accrued to date... 91,62s 57,766,996.75 Balances due te ether Banka lu Canada... 314,220.67 Balances due te Banka andl Banking Cornes- pondents ln lhe United i Xngdom and foreigu ontis............... Z8.2. Bis Payable .......6...:. 00" Acceptances unde.LeftterB oi Creelt....... 465,673.80 LIabililies net inciucled ln the feregoing.. 831,576.86 Total Liabiliti-es to the Public...6820.1î .'uuu uuu0 .119,996.00 Gold sud Silver Coin ....... Dominion Government-ýqof,.......... Notes o! cther Banks.................... ChoQues on othen iBanks ............ Balances due by Bankes and iianking'Correl- Dominion a nd Provincial Government Se- cunities, not exceedlng market value.... Canadian Municipal Secunlties, andi Britisit Foreign, and Colonial Public Sccurtes cther titan Canadian,- not excecdiug market value ..................... Rallvuy sud- otiter Bonds, Debentures, and Stocks, nef exceeding miarket value. Cali sud Short (net exceeding tbirty duys> Loans ln Canada on Bondi, Dobontures, --là emewner Z m n iLCanada........2,640.00 <)her Curront Loani andi Discounts In Can- ada Coes e reate cf Inîcrest> ..........6772 Other Current Loans and: DIscounte olse- where than In Canada (less rebate et :n- terest)................ .... ... 12281 Liabililies of Customners unden 4ter o Credil, as per contra ...... .............465,673.80 'Real «Estate oher than Bank Premises 20,343.23 Ovorduo Debts <estlrnated Ions provided fr>114,606.10 l3ank Promises, aI net more titan coul, les amounts written off .........-..5,051,778.6 Depesit wit lihe MInister of Finance fer li Purposes e!flte Circulation Fund....263,900.00 1.604,941.79 1,937,110.23. 409287.29 554.088.82 4,836.937.10 E. B. OSLEIL,. President. C. A. BOGERT, Gencrai-Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS. We have comPared fie above. Balance Siteef vith lte béoks ami accounts t tie Chiot Office f Tie Dominion Bank, sd wit te cer- tifled relurus reeivod frein ils Branches, and afler h thngfe ci-4, and vonifying te secunittis t tbe Chief Office and to ! teprlncip. I1 Branches on December 31, 1914, vo cerlify tat, lu our Opinion, inich Balance Shoot, exhibits a truc and correct view efthe ate -eo-1lit.- Bank's affairs, aocorýdjng t16tUta begt et our Information, the eoritina- fionms given te us andi as showu by lte books cf lte Bank. lu addition te t e.xaminallenu xnentioned tie cash and securities 'he ChIef Office and two of lite principal Branches were eeked :,nei venJIficc by us duning te ycar and found te b. li accord twith books o!fteBanke. .Ai linformation and expianations requireci have been giron tg,' and ail transactions et the Banke vhich have cerne'under oun ei <- have, In Our Opinion, been withinlte powerscf fte p4nk. G. T. ýCLARKSON -R. J. DILWORTH of Clauleson, Gordon &Dhlwortla. C.A. Toronto, Jsuary ISt, 1915.. - '- LT 'h - - -- -t- - r -~ .of q LJolumibia GrýafQnol as, and records MADE IN CANADA Watc h ON i ý, 1 1 1 ý .1