TMe perfect toilet sop-M ade' [rôm PmadOUive oiks For deicate, 'beautË. uicomplexions., For every meber ofthe family; and For every tolet use. Palmol ive For -Saeby J. E. WLLIS ,Dru0j et Profèt oa ad Barrlster, C0unty Ctwn Attorey'and Offi South wing Court House, Whitby. A. F. CHRISTIAN 1earIiot.r. sldlitr, Notai* Publie. 1Etc. Oie, Brock St., -Opp. Standard Bank.- Money-to Loan. 6. YOUNG SMITH, LLB. esauerof MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Wliitby, orresidc-nc. De A je SWANSOM Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Corveyanccr, etc., etc. Oshawa, .Ontario 'No. .2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residcnce-j rew St. tes-Offil" 321;Y Residence. 326. Magirrialge Liuess Embuier of Marriage t!enucu corner dru.utore. Wblthv Hfo Wituessea requlred. - Tii Ojeate, asuada lmprnomoent £ Laid Co, Limited Reoal Utâte P)e*lera, 'Esta.tes Managed,c Rents Oollected, Firut Loans Arranged,( Propertiez, bought ansuaoid. t For torme apply lead, Office, Brook St. Bell Phone 193. 1 mId. Phone 70. l3ales Managers, mOCHAIOSON à RICHAROgON, Whltby. WMa COURT, Plastoror 44 simlegêon Mv., TORONTOt WiII b. pleïsed to gKive estimatem on alil kinds of Plagitering, Lathing, etc. d Obarges Moderato. Write fur Terme.t FRED W. IIBRIENI Carpeutor, Dilder and Contractor p Phas drawn and estîlmates furnishcd. b PgMersa Altorations- and Jobbing. -~UbO UN, - ONTARIO ProperhrWaaited Iti Ton or fifteen acres- wilth buildings and C4 somo beating fruit wanted, for cient d who can pay cash. Requires to, ho 94 aoir town wt"igh School or located g where train service w111 permit of reach- Pt iag Schock-convenlently. If you have n property to Sou, wxite PT JOHN PFISHER & eo. sii -Coiutry Rosi Estate sukd Farm Brokers a -trains and bagage transfer. Zes ougi an soe good "ai tomeis boughtanso -od on aon drivere and hcavy d a, tesme for sai;- aise baled'!l bay and utraw in 'any quantity I n@ For prices, etc., appiy aI ge@ oepkoue soi 14 or. 74. $tables and Mofie 81, IlepI M Ii, loti. oftose lntsneste-d -luthe" werk' th ranc emi ung proeet. Reparts wers presented frein t Secr+ary,' Miss E. Fistcrber, M Preb 1>,Vsnurse-;, and Mie 1. Cuc maltheireasurer. 'lhomo werc ai Opted suthusiantlvally. Au jiuterestlng feature o! titemes ixig ias Vhs faà t that twvo proend sut healtit oficers of Toronto weý prose t sud del'ivered addrosses. l)k Hasig, Medical Officer o! Heaiti and ')r. Minus, Medical- Inspedterc Scbcè,is for Teroite,, ',aocpted te à vftat on. e! Vhs Presient teo atýtW Dr. Minus, lI secondlng teadoj tion o! Vhe Secretary's report, g a most Sutereting'outiue of tbhr suIteo! o medical aud dental Inupe Weite nspection was 'flrst iu~Iut -th was fouaid thst 90'.99 por cent.o Vjt upils had defective Veetit. Theri tiré iotw' thiteon 'dcntistâ xpo froni 9 te 12 a.m. evory scitool 'da: sud lid b' býSWBodo! I ýduéa1in Sig utisVs ré emp1o«éd' 'snd),al by' t ijecty Vo'assiet ! Titâgve --their- Virus..- ---A-ýt proent:,--lt le founi titat from 0 te 70Q per cenj. ,o! the pupl4 le atteedance- requiro 'denta' treat1nent.* The beneficial effects of botit medi. cdl a if denstal inspection have byen Most I rarked. Pupits who bave ine. stupc¶ or backward lu their. etudies, a! Ver hiaving beon treated forde!ec- Vive ivislon, becarns mucit uire alert and laoinest;udy. The I bad bey" oftbs oiVty nahoels, wfro ljad, giron great trouble, wber examiteëd *as fournI tio'have dofoe- tive' ision-seeing crooked,- as tbe Dr.,çglled it-had cal, t wo, tsowil ýteethi& hu is hosd, su ad--was aillioted. ulith adenoïde. Ho was, provided .with glas&es, which st.raightened bis vision ; hie teetit were put iu good- repatr-; Ifs nose and tiroat, wcre cleared eut,, snd thiis'bad boy bas been transforrned luto s riiderately good 1 oy.., .!1, The influence of teé ucitool'durue has had a 'wondsr!uily 'benteficial o!- !ect in te lncreased cleanlinces of ths ppils. The process. of educat4on goos. in l the whole nature of te chhId, Vths results making 'for £'lOauer and bâter citizeuship. SDr.ý bastings did noV mince words -iu 'Velllug oW hie work lu the lut-cresth o! betjtér sanitation and pre%,eutict of dlsêagê. lu !act some o! hie aiid.- tors tÈiought bis reuiarkU Ir'id banc in Voo nepuisire ' a form conditions wbich prevaiied. But perbaps Dr. Fiastiffigs hae found tlkat it is som<'- t'ilnes ,wise Vtoinflict pain ln onr tiîat à he-aling procoese nay be set in operaMon - Ther!s wa's realir nothing n'cw le the dootÉor's descripbion o! t-l ie ls of the puhii-, run, or the dSngers from Vhe expectoration o! tubercular patiients. 'Most, if net al], of titose prosent had heard titis o! ton beforc, but Vhs [way le which Dr. EHastings laid bars ths revolf>ing de- tails o! public infection made -peo- île' shudder as te>' lis-teued. Nover agalu will Mime of tose wito heard be able Vo toierate certain th-ings vhéich te>'have aliowed g'le spast. Ones etrikfng titing Dr. Hastings toid Vtie audience was tat eerey >- phoid patient was a carrier et dis- ais germs for. weoks or moutits ai- tr rscovery.* ani coks, have been not carrgers el lssase. T-hose whpo carry thes" ;ernis sud handie food convey these ;rre tie Vi food, and in titis wa>' seplo centract Vhs disease. Twenty Iv te' fifty per cent, o!f ieumouia mtlonts carry te pitemueniagem he ueeslity o! keeplug up tbà ne- isting power o! Vhs body' become ppareat whsn oe realizes that lis tg Wjue 'VPY sumIng ln contact wiVhit luaOUVl apprecaln and conymen- tiou o! Vhs public.. Seversl local gentlermn spoke dur- 9 te meetf'ug*aud Miss Homutit mg von soceptab>'. Te Secretary's report tcid of lte ranizatiexi e! 'Vhs brsneb, snd o! 0venous activîtîes engaged lni dur- V hs ,yemr. Se ,muccessful itas issu zwork cf te braxici, and so mucit prooiated -itaî issu ths service of e nurse, t te rancit -hopes Vo s lge o 5<egage a>second nurse Ming teemlug year, sud ho aà ls unlsttake 7107k ln' cortsctiou wfV e pubXlp scitools of tVhs owu. of the th*s, aisé 'nurgd for-'theCoUJeIUof Mr.l dcaX4 8menl uc .ettPoltanPôl1cy hoIiers e, bosideS ~ ~ "lf0»i 499 this the Welare WOM zrequdred In fSeiiaxate SchOOi B130 " " t he r. Dr- ail brancheof the Viotyran OdrappeltiVieiit of Mrxlg. et h bringe niy visit * .p to a r4,md tdotalIoraM~iret i of one tnousand, lvc'iiunclred ana cv- Ho thn asked for nOýnatiOns for Filt'-ni'ýeof " we e hé 4 Ou f Chliar4ýan. There in- miedical, one typhoîd, twcntysurgi- were three, îmade ina Is ioder--w.J. HL Richardsona (oesob ei- ne cal, three chronlc,- one tubercular, i ccted- nebes) J .,the ne ande n.twcity-four maternity, twenty-s t m~A enmoîîo, otJ. >b and 1, faseand twenty-nine MtropOlitan î C. allo t waa, fd-'eith m. of 4pollcy holderi. T e frt Mg Rls as n tsd esuit.ld- re- 'i T feears cle wed that al cd la a. majorl'ty for hil IleU was d. trle tobea a hare &' the expen- hnecrc e the],aJ y l p.. os ! Uc wok, nd ic oilecidoas nom"»tor. MNr. RlcIiar_4scm thanked vo amo>untod, te $430.23. We wcre able the members'for the lonolr they had *e- Vo a5sst OlghteOieno-pigpatJ bc-- enta. s .yngp# y. " Somne of the cases wur ! e r-VI0RJN1RE AVS M'iosnature, and six nlghts were glv- . RAISES BIJNDS FOR THE of On to Vhoftehwhere 0net ables-te -- WCRK. re' be lett to the fairAly care. It- ls 1The Victoilii- Ã"rder- eî Nurse ket d wlth .dpep regret that we have -to re-th'tewb- nrs O ,, cord- the death of ton patientis ,dur- Uctw'ffîjd 4iuueeto id u*~~~~~~~iôf ýt m dnry$ti e; Iîe wiu il tfi~elnnig) it vas a great atis- i4sti~,s iil idl!ac*ion tilat l'at daye wetatIon,"' oici M-g 1J,aii, 40pr te passedin as great, coinfont as,"ceud ý " . I', i - 41 : ifÛrln Icâ, ai bo given thcm. CcN1niugpa "Duin te ysrth jLasittrary' when the cauvass bas ben gretyarte t e worlç wa made citizens wre askd to ~ zitee, ad hsSamrîanClu lassupport a projeet that had yet -to n kcpt my ýcupbaard weli illled ts etb hI sa zle comterts andisurgîcal applias oer wn scdV nil i o tnance -tho slck. Thon, too, homo conhlorts of an OrgaiUizatîen tiat libas substan-' ha eon tbegÃt1ul.y*1' tiatod, Its right.toexirstence, and, gladl reSied. mre ban that, that tould $1 _ýbe, gdispreeniimoed wlthin W ty.Teld "The. work o! the, supcrvlsed boitlf- es h Vcd rà Odr "- da-Y isconVlaually. spoeo !by pa-~ f~~' ro 'aê"m ýaolo.- te- mkeç and~ h~ nee * tiints as;_0oneof tii. boutholidays- noue The Order ila Vrai>' etabl$hl- luî their lirew., Manvare- lookiag f or- o i wdVououerdboets Cni hors;, adstuning, on tae owu. mirtti W!!notet disappel thetiiomnimerits,cals for theomoral support mot te ,l t h1 isa on t tTe C o fl-' e re>' public spiri'Ved citizen, aud petition le referred to audý ma ny et! on Monday for their flnanClal eidcrse- the smaîl citizens are honestlyty ment. lug~l forthypîz."Conditions prevailing st proses-t, Ing or t 6 p iee.1 1pe rbap , reudered Vh e w erk oe t Vh e * At the conclusion ofVthe meeting fle, a ittle more eiffinift titan lii thle oicors of tue oclbranch. the1wudh.v ontte~ u -ltl * '<*d meica mo, theviutlu spak ail tuieir work flot yot done7 thcy ers sud ihe lady -ushers cd Vhes vm-,have Vthe substantial sum -of $375. toc ing, were iuvlted bv te Presîdeuf>to add ta their banic aeount for use tuncheon ln the Maple Leaf Tea during 1915. Wheu te final roturus Room. are all made, this amount Will no The olicers were re-eletei for an- doubt bo7çonslderably larger. ôther year. . Tii to~t was dilided into ifiitees 1'resident--MNrs. .1. B. Lalaw.' did'tricts, 'two warkcre '-belng aosign- liice-Pres.-.Mrs. .1. B. Mitchell. cd to cach divilsfion. At 9.30 in tho Terearc-Miss E. Com.mack. moning Vhs caurassers. met at Vhs T rea ure - M is 1 . C o r m ck . M a p le L ea f T ea R ecru , recelv ed fin V...ACKNaIVLEDGEITENT. strttetions 'and coilector's beolS, aud prooeeded totheir work. ()wing Vo Socle error, certain sub- In ths atternoon, rotuirns werc scriptioîîs that werc made last ycar made to the Treasurer, Miss I. Cor-t to the support o! the V O.N. were mack,, at the Tea Rooru, and later on1 oymittecl (rom the list pubissWed in all the ladies were éntertainod at9 the annual report o! the brancit. The tea. Mr. Mal'tland W. MartIn, pro-t omitl)ed names, and amounts are,~ prietor -of Uic Tea Roni, coutibut- b follows cd tihe use of hie premisoes for thet Mrs. Fallon. ... ... ... .. 50 day, ralued -at $10, a@ hté sharo lui M~rs. Dudley _.... ......50 assisting the wcrk of the Order. Mrs, Laidlaw....... ......... 1 50 Printed reports o! ;the ysar's oper- Mrs. G. A. Rosse ..... oo aeionr, were -distrtbutod -te ail whod Mr. Fletcher . ..... ......... 2 oo wished copies, whi'le tite canvagos Mrs. W. Campbelli.............. 50 was hcieg ruade, thug giving every- e Mrs. Arthjur Rlichardson .. 50 n'a frank and coniplete staterusut Miss McKay ............. ....1 00 o! what hff. been accomplished. Miss L. Dryden .....1.... 50 The Victorian Order wish Vto thank Mrs. W. R-ood _.. ............ 50o ilt"» who asaisRted Vhem by thc'lrj Mrs. McLamout .. ....... ... 0 contributions ont Monday. - 1 Miss Arnold ...... .... ...... 50 inv nerson wishing to make doua- Miss Woodhouse.,.. .. .. 50 tions for the work o! tl'e order mav Miss Harper........ .... ... 50 ltave the saine at the Standard Bank P R. Hlenstock i ...OO0 or with Mis1. C'ormack. Mrs. Waugh ..... ... ....... 5 50 Mrs. .1. E_.ilis ......... 100 cTe n Mrs. F1rench ...... ......... oo0 j Patîiotis Mr. B. Sn>fith ............ ...i1 0 J. E. WiIlim........ ......i 110Muicl Mns. Farlington _..50 Miss E. Rodd .......... k... 50 Toe enablo te continuamtcs of the T In Vhs priuted lolit the naine o! work of mavklng confortesud.- sup- Mrs. David McLaren Ottawa, s'hould jplies for Vhe soldions uow- at Vhe av'e aPPeared as a Ilifle mbor along front, Vhe ladies e!- tito Whltby War 1 with that o!flits. -Jos leRer Itlief Socioty il a. tessd mui-.-1 PATRI-OTISM ANO PRODUCTION AGRICEJLTIiRAu mME~D~M~E Under the Dominion Department of Agriculture in ce. operation with the Ontarjio Department of Agriculture wili be held in the MUJSIC HALL, WHITBV - ON- Wednesday, February 24th 8"The Dufy ani Opportun4 yof_ The Ganadian Fariner." S., TODD, OBERT (a) In Relation1 to FARM CR0 PS. Superintendent of Farms, Provincial Secretary's Dept, Parlia ment Buildings. (b) 'In -Re lation to LIVE STOCK. MILLE1¶ý Stouffvjlle, prou-huent farmer and stock breeder. 7.80 P.n.-In addition to the above speakers- j'O )H-N FARRELL, Forest~ who bas toured the- - hIes, and éthers will addresà the meeting. Dr. Warren, Mayor, wil preside. GO» SA7ý-zTinE KiNG British t' t cil J There are nu rnerous people who have geedu te soul that de net know where Or how te gel int 10 teuch with Vhe purchasers. On the other hanùd there ara numereus of the buyers who desire to purcham. geode but de net know where te Iccate the people who have goodri teo eli';-Our~ contention is 'that by opening this exebange w. will be able te bring the parties in question teg ether, and business will there. by b., transacted. W. 71er. fertunate st the outset by tbe fact that we secured Wm. Maw, Esq'q the well knowu Whitby.Auctieneer, te set as managfr of Ibis department. W. desire te make Ibis a great succesm, sud w. knew that w. eau assist you iu the sale o! your geede, sand in the msttei of buying' seed, caISIe or anytbing cIme yen may have'to purchase. Oniy a emaîl cemmisson -will be chsrged for' Ibis work. - v aileIoiiwiig coluflmmla s71w081 -ShOluol Managemntn-Paton (chair- se -in), ' KAng, Powell,, Scott, eedM- -School Propenty>'- BaOset> (dis-Ir- t man>)ý Là wler, James, Fraser, HoTu- d-Ilyr e i, .' .tie -The -Agnicultural, Advlsory Cr- Im uiiVVos was added Vo, b>' ttee em-' b= ber t J. E. Farewell, meinVyro, -Riehardiou, Geod!ellew, Jame. -' memier - o-! -V ǤJ1%P hi u&a y.fh iv,- u ae . I-V s IThe meting thon adjourne' - 4slin l VheTown liait ou Fnida>' a!- Vernoon Ist. Materiai, wiVh whlcit J o, zalas tho soidiero' requishis A woenty. xieoded, "sud Vhs purpose- fThe popew-ho.gv hii-e--RoylýUre tesa:w m tVo raIes fuadî er purp op e iv he r- en*oy l ur i l g these m at o ntgs . T heb w eem ti -.ut y S p c f c a ~ ' u W $ E G ~ W O art <man diii- ot, prove --vory pati6tie,. ý lM N W ,L i - h.elornents at4Vhmpted, te'ýprsVsi Seiflg '-g ,,txfn -mfflieV tbe<atteudapos. ',Duingo-aRyas u'le a--ancy ries.ly4, la Z ,part o!f te -a tenno n r rais-v' o a P z p e A C E . h ir h r s a a honvil>',- but -de4spito Vhls h ita'dSp It ýwiliIVMAKE vcîur hens,lay' alsoý t e c r e nt v à a s u u c it o ! a u e m .- The Vownepesople attended. lu goodi>' nuzubers, sud the ladies were ables'Roa ÙÉl Oü e s eic o add a co uo table sm nt o telrR o l P u ie P lt y S e l c - treser>. IPut up lu25c and 50c packagyes. ,Thte Muuie'liail wau very- tastâdully docorated wltih. flaga sud'mai! tai-! aiad large tins at, $ i.~ les.- wore pliced bers sud thora about .5 te iber, at wbicit ene was 'sUile Vo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pa.rtakoet "fa- daixit>" tes, wffl1e on- joying thé inuiiica! prognaru that Was provded. The waters were. dissed-:- as - nursoe'sy d,,Vhs sutire -stinospitere savoreo f patr1oVlsm. Tite musical'L. M L E and literary troat was of teý sA.T LWE Vhs town could provide. MssEva Bell, Miss Edith Hannes arnd Miss VVHIT Br, NTY. Keachi coutributed. vocal solos, an- Mns. R. W. Allen s mandolie solo Phones; BeillNe. 47;Id ýpet.e 7 Prom Oxtaito Ladies' Colloge cam o.4 Misses Ganock sd- SitapO, panýl soles; MIsses Grant sud Paweet4, - readingisuad Misses Reedy- and -Tuttie, - iocal solos. WIVh- sueit s pregrare aud a tea e! Vhs qualit>' that wais seved, te ladies have ev- 'L. or>' reonn o feel proud o! titeir ef- LWR PI l fort ini boitai! o! Vhssoldiens. O Wý P11 ANOTHER GENEROUS GIFT. ' _ ____ Mn. James Campbell sud !amily, Of Beec!, a stapie foed product in this counitry, bas materlally rLddii Cubhlage, -bave forwardod Vo lins. W. keop a good supply of th itcstyouag stock. - - .Jos. King, Treasureï o!fte Wan R.. pork also la menh jlower, and 10w that ccrd-weater wifi soon "h.mero thi lie! F end, another draft for $150, i ult .a l r e c n u ~ t e ttts p~ ua o d the tird sent wititin a tew menths it,, ag onupino hi plrfo- ,making titeir total' con tibution té, Potatees constituto a large sbire e! table supplies, and they, are mofl tho Wh'itby Fend amount te $500. about fift>' par cent. Icwor titan last year. The War Relie! Society' feel deep>' Sugar-aIse has sbown woaknoss te the oxtont cf 30C Per bundréd., i'tum gratefl o ite Cagnpbeli .fam l>' for- keepesmay b . oncouragedaqd are. iuvitod te suppi> thior ieen ro1W tibeir assistance, as it would 'havey es rm W Wen airost mpossible o carry « Pringle & Coli store. tem work liad noVt tii timel>' bon-p . Tiey' ave chece new Raisins, extra value lnI ur came te hand. indues rea t e rsn Cur.ts'd Tas t AfuIll stock'of JOHN ýPEEL> Specîmenq of .John !3u11's watoli- doge of tle Boa, dreadiiaughts and cruisers, submarines, torpedo beats, etc, etc. Feb. l7th, Music Hall. Las wu -Bu- PRINGLE & '00. GREATER CANADA- IMPROVY-EMENT AND IlLAND Cou, LIMITEI AIJtHORIZED CAPITAL $250,000000 REBSIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER WILLIAM DOUGLAS DYKES - - L. M. E. HARVEY O n TEE CthZeNS rWetes ed ntBYdstit a ena :XNliv BIlA» OFFICE WHITBY, ON;TABTO, CANADA EXCHANGE DEPARIMENT- wnere>y uyers Bnci' self- ers of farin seeds, produce, cattie, herses, hogs, etc., etc., could b. brought -tegether, sud business ransacted. Thtis n.ed bas beenm discussei. scofres aud scores of Limes in our hearing, and as a remilt,a ew days agi we dacidel te open sueh a department ini ceuictien witi cur prement business@. -This' lpsrtment bas now bean in eperation sýpcè Thursday, the 4th day cf the promeut'month, Sud Vhs lisî Igoode breught id for sale, Logether with euquiries from people desiring te prirchase goods, has beex US T EliyYEX HAG Please addrems ail cemmunicatiens te The Greaî4r Canada Imprevemen t anct Land Co., Limited, 'Exehange Dept."1 Whitby. V~tuyyuo THE GREÂÀTER CÂNÂDA IMPRtOVEMENTAND LAND CO.e -LIMITEDý - EXOHANOR DEPT. Byý William >Iaw, Manager By Wm. D. Dykeu, Becreta:y, HAVE YOU ANYTHINO VOIJ DESIRE TO SELL P. Brng in a sample. ef your goode sud give uiqbtzo-r pri e. DO YvOtIJ VUH TO BIJY ANYTHIN~G SP Ceme in sud ses us ab Vhs offie snd w. will show you samples. If net ceuveni>eul Vo c-il peron- use the phone. Our numbers, are Bell 193; Ind.-70, but in any case t _ r. ___ '- -y- ~ ~ - ______ -' hù , 1 »---- --eumb uzuqgz». l'ally, v ir ue ire