Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Feb 1915, p. 3

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2 at. 85 it lar -order plaeed by the. War vico QrgWo . 19Y ,direct, and clothing or4sredhytii top4,e,c.h Canadian Militia Deparmt et p. - aw~1 3roximating 95O,000. Th«eoMdeirse o eresd sud for klîaki goo4s'. alcue-to>t1#6..50,r xylema5 000 tqo u War ordera for luttd goVp u tk ç>fi4ec the valuùe o!., about aSir iloshv 4n.i.i 18 CONBJ~IINEB Thé U. S. Chaumber of Commnerce De.ilounes , the Bill as Un- Aierkean. A A deapatch f nom Washington iasys:. The annual convention'o! tie Ciwrnters of cierme of te United States everwheliningly op- posed President. ilson's Shîp lPun- chase Bill. 'ia vote La' reganded lîere as tie meut, impresslve vvi- 'deuce t-hat has yet appearçd -as te the attitud'e of itue busînem§e.nin cf tic country Veward tie proposed U<Jovcrlment-ewnersluip legisiatien. . 'he vote, came, on a repo>rt by a special commit téee co- tVie.pbuildsing csf the ,nmerehan+, marne. Thtinia- Virt yoftisaommittseî e heded by 1ti m HarisDouglas, reperted- tht"Gevernment operatien la un- Ainenican, is liiIltoly eSmore ex-. travagant and exhaustive thin. pi- vate contrel, sud wiil seriously Lu- "i4erfere with individual initiative as regarda the enterpnise ef cur citi- TiLs, cf course, aîneunted te a demuation oethVe, Preifidpnt's Tht enimittee, itgcîf pro- cI gt plan for Vie Jevelopment of s ' ~eUnittid States merchant marine. fevote ou adoptiug tic rep'!-t was 163 for-tu!d 90, against. Serlous Oporations About ta 'Reconmence A despAtoei from PetroQgra e4,yl5» A wrter in Vie Invalide Russe, a military 'organ publisher here, ne- marks'that l il 11wars, after a cer- tain tiue wliên the adveratanlea have speut thein mnaximu-m force, a perieod c 1.canillws,. %This pic- nomenen is 110w ,Seing nepeated ýin Vie.present war, when these sdver- isanies are about Vo recommence seri.ous eperatieus'. ,The witer gîves statisticusiowing that the. nuinber et trained sodiersLun France is 4,000,000; Lu Germany .4,500,000, in Austro.-Hungary 2,- ý2b0,000, and in Russas 6,2W,000 mnen. Tiie untrained mes arc in tie came onder: Il. France 10,000,000,. Gecr- >many 13,000,000, in Austro-Hungary 8,000,000, and in Rusai.ii 22,000,000. Olivenl the Iron eross For Sinkîng Steamers -'A despatci frein Amsterdam s.ays: Empenen William arrived at Wil- helinsiaven on Tliur&day. His Ma- jesty inspe.eted tie Gernian. sub marineU-21, going over the" vessel personally. Ht best.owed tic de- conation cf the. Iren Cross upon.tic * members 'cf.- tie subînanine's crew. u-21 is -undengoing repaira at Wii- ielinaliaven following her recent ex- ploits Lu tic Irish Ses. tçn .t25 jute put- eer i M tteirî Arreted Ai deatch frem Rotterdamsasys: FromInthe. froutie r tLa lierued 1that the ý Germans, in- order V o steçf tie, conýifluou& pasuage of yonug- -Bel- glana ever the Dutch f roWter te, tehe ti&aMyin-France, hUve bfeen fsca iigfor and a rresting tic fhers of absent youths. lu.n some casés t>iey were succels8ful in .getting Vhe 1 father ;'I but, ieaning wbat was 'proeeding, tic othera s lippcd aces the freutier. Iu many cases, pureIy eut of revenge for having mi4ed tie fathors. tic Gevmans promnptIy arrested Vie niothers, teIli- îng themi that tiey had Setter S.ing ple4ty, ofclothes ýwith theni, as they .were te Se sent-te thé prisoners' eampi in Genm-rany. 'The order, hew- ever b~ as now camé from 1 General' Bi sng that thia- trAsportation of wonen bas Vo bSa delayed. I Cruiser la Suffi A ýdîspatc) f rom BuenogAyreis says-:i The Buenos Ayres newspapers antouce tiat a Gernian auxiliary cruiser, formeriy of Vhe 'WVeriaïnn Lina,' was sunk on January 7 off the Patt4genian ceast Sy the British crulier Ausatralie.. Tiecrcew were take ite the Falkland Islands.- A$TURIAS REAVCIES PORT. CuPýaiî's Prom4pt Aetiou Averted ;Deotruction of Vessei. - A despatch f rom Southiampton sayal: The ýBritteh hospital ship As- turias, wMich nsarrowly escaped-Se- ing torpedoed by a Genman suS- marjne et Havre, arrived here Vils afteltneon. IV mad soe woupded sold' rnaaboard. -M bSers cf. tic crew aay tiat a cat.aétropie was prevented Sy, the prow'ptitude o'! tiecàcptain, wie, obaerving tie white track madle by the torpedo, alltered Vie course cf hua ývessel, Sninginég t sharply aroufid lu a haîf-circle. Tic pro- jectil~e passed' hanmleaaiy astern. The ýight was geod at tie time. 1 gTAlN'S RETAUIAT1ON.- May!Take More Stî'hsgett Nas,îreN 1Against GernsnUiTrade. A despatci f rom London says: Great Bitain has decided that if the i4merican steamer Wilhclmina, now ion her way with a cargo of foodstuiffs for Ger'ma.ny, iti intercept-, cd, bier cargo will Se submitted te a prîze court, so that t.he new situ- ation, an;s:xugt out c',f the action.of Ciermany iti .rdering tlat ail grain and flour shail .be -piared under con- trol' of the Government may Se reguF4~riiêd. -BlitEA 1) IfOTS N ITALY. Al Germans toe at 'Mar Bread. -dm 't inttoM*a* A despatci frein. Amsterdani may,%:, L'Irtclo Belge says Lt barna frein a good source tiat Genmany hisa',forbidden tie exportation of te- bacco. Tic HambSurg Fremdenblatt sasy agreements 'have Seen concluded Sy tic. varieus German Goverunments concerning, the iniroduction -of a standard w'ar bread for al Gen- many. Làooting the-Stor-es., A Iespatci froni Bassari, Italy, says: RIiots -grcwing eut of the agi- tation over the higi pnice o! breati are assunhing a graver ciaracter. Crowds on Wednesday went a-bout tht streeta sacking tie stores. Stnohg -reinforcements et troops have Seen called out te iiaintaLi entier.-1 îýSonlu nFrenclh Army, l Ki11ed A dempatch frem Geneva says:; ing al armed, lie applied for assis- Seven bons cf an elderiy blind tance Ito the bureau hiere for thc ex- Frencbman -nanied Chepard, cf the change cf information regarding village of'Chiauffouit, near the Swiss prisoners of war. One by one 'let- frontier, were called to thè colors ters freai the French headqiiartirs laéut August and marched away to arcived*in Geneva. The seven eoni; war.- Fer a long while the father had been kilieci, leaving fourteen liieard no'thing from thein. Becorn- childlIrn and four widowè. Gezlrmnis EnforcinAain Loyalty A deîpatch f rom Paris says: set are -by Ciermaan theila and liavy eowlaUslg are again reported' burned'te the grounid.> The Ger-- 'ôà the hoightes ofl Eartman;ýWei- manis aro said te have prohhlbited i-erkopf sud Molkeuraiu, inlitheY'çs- the people in the ' distriot under ges. Thoe.bha beeé einài"tadu their coutrof from goiug out.id, trench i gbting wit>h spasu Iand ba their ïto Wna aeb* gre~4 a, near Altkirch. pa~d wiie fenopl, es b 'A 1ârjo f &rmhoù« . oaled. the builei~on i. Ilgs haae Largbh>IwMioh w.. coui a éort cdie- be ne ouI.d e 'Qary wluto tê,io. f.omthe Swlma rontier, wsthe .9 01numrussi. Kobay-12 ice13o1 ;rrrlb' estra$esd-; J EUh1G- &< , wlà - 9to . at e00,stO5ý Q 'P.Itry-Cickeng> dressed.13 te 16c; Puundat~ze~M. 10 sto:et9rg . U.&. lait Ch0 71t. 1#Oýor ~, lâ9& andit t-, taezek* are dry roul;d I et $85; pruoe suddanany JaadtXbk;*d,"ý2.0CtoI'. as~ inkin4ells. rpt*tpo-r-Ontamo, hI e10a e prs O~ f ipe o <OIlo ta.,Na At qi ~~4~i are Erunmwtel car 'lots, 60 to -erMbaff. -afid te hing out -tir"ahin' o tO ear the cattlew aslîlg fot -~~ Bao-Lnpr l ore cordwood la being shipped In case loti. ~ams;ý,Med1în, ýXôAoA 7c; Out of, the, buih -in'*Mnitob - Vin do., beavy, 141 to 10c;,rolle. 14 te 111c fi ay itr breakfast aon, 17 elac; beksi, 20 0 ticbenje à ib ultoI2s:..- There la said to> b 'more demand = rit t n n lnet , pure, tub, fr1am11n u aattea nm te. Ifejc ,,patte. than there ha. been for-years. colonization officiels prediet that ~ al* EayBM 118W. AhIberta. la.d ill si for big pricea Deal rý are payings follows for car inside, of -the next 12 Piot ot el eréo:ontrack ber.- leSlreawe'98ato $8,*50 a ton; Pin car loti ,To< date £armnera iAhe vicinity et on track bre.Modn. anhgcnrbue liay-No. 1 new ha>'. $17.50 te $8,5; ,Ma. hy cnrie. No. 2 at $15.00 te $16, and No. 3 at 770 sacks ci floùr te , Be]gianreif $12.50 te -2.5H eg. choiera has broken eut on the farm ol W.. Moston, of Fairlight, Winnipeg, F'eb. P.-Caseh-,-Wheat- Man., Saverai farine are qua.raa- No. 1 Northerni. 85;No. 2 Northern, tined.- 81-492. Na. 1-Northern. $1.451. 11ax- , At Portage la Prairie, Man., sixtyj NO. 1 N.W.O.. *.6 No. 2 c'W., $1.59.1 N"O vats or barley quoted. ladies have agreed Vo nieet regular-i [y to make clothing fer the Queen Nontrsal Markets. Mary Needlework gîîild. Montreal. Pcb. O.-corn-American' The Knight Suar Co., which has No. 2 Yellow, 86 te 87e. -Oats-Canadta;n9 Western, No. 2. 73e». do.. No. a, 7ic; ex. been operating in, lRaymond, AI- tra No. 1 feed, Tice: No. 2 local white, bei-ta, will moveï:Ls plant to Lay-, 64c. Ne. 3 local white, Oic; No. ý4,local 9 white. 62c, Banc>'. Manitoba feed.-S85c. ton,ý Utah, unilej!Ss t lu purchased by Buck*best Nu. a 87lc. rFlour-Mfant- Alb rta parties. toba Sjprlne wea atents, flnses, 1. seconds, , ' sreng -baker j $7. 40 = e.ta ameee. ep egd ~~ to.breed 'herses, asr1it is estimated coIdoat-Bblo.. $7.25; de., ba s,, go th at 'hose.L.wUb4g fr0 lb., 83.50. Bran $36. 'Shrts 82f,' Stdi. yasatrtewri vr dltngs, $31. Meuillie. $34 to $37. HayeArstertf a-i vr Ne. 2. per ton. car lots, $8 5',te 819'. A Winnipeg, the C.P.R. ni aI- Cheese-Finest westerns, 161 te 17c. ing improvements te itsterminais tinent eanterns. 165c. Butter -Choicest creamery, 30 te 30he. seconds, 28& te and the Royal Alexandra Hotel 29ie. - Eggs-Fresh, 41 te 42e; neleéted. which -will cost a milllion and a hall. 34c: No. 1 stock. 30c. No. 2 stock 26c. I Potatoea. per bug, car lots, 52bc.' When projected improvements te IWinnipeg schoola are completed, Untbd States Markets. they willtotal, between buildings. to $1Ar3; No. 2 Northern. $1.46 te At West K'idoriân, Man,, bur-~ $1,506; :Mar, 8l.p0 bld. Corn, o.3 cI- lr bük nt h;4f f A.W 'îow. 72 re 72ac. 0Os-Ne. I wffite, 5 g5r2 mIeitotê.vueo 'v te 56c. Fleur and bran unchanged,.Cull inson while thetarnily were at Duluth. lCeb. D.-Wheat-Nô, 1 hard. church, and ranacked the whole $1.52à tu 41.53. Ne. 1 Northern, $1.516 te $1.62; Ma.y, $1,52, Llntjeed cash, place. $1 . sgite $1.90à; Ma>' 85. - 'At Russell, Man., the C.N.R. has aiv . stokMrkts purchased a large tract ef ]and and wli niake that town the firat divi- Toronte, Feb, O.-Goed butchers'sl frein $7 te $7.4a. whfle mediums sol ato0nal point west of Winni'peg on up te $6.76, wlth conimnn between $6 its short line to, Edmnonton. and 16.25, Medium grade ilkera aeld round $65. The best Iambe seld fer ' $8. 50. Slieep were steady. Calves sold Truc JIergiiium. frein 84.50 te $6, and eholce frein $10 te 1*11. Hogs. led and watered, $8. Ho had been eouriting the girl for Montreal. Feb. 9.-Prime beevea on iae th7àed nSn te Se; medium, 6 te 74c; commen, 4S tealogtne. hfprdonS - Sic; cowa, $40 te 880 each; cal' ta, 5 te day nigit, alter ciui'clh.- They were Sie. sh,,ep, 42 te 6ic; Iambs, 7à te Se; *sitting very quietly 6n the sofa, and hogs,$le. OP-aie 1locked with in'effàbie 'tendernesâ italian Peasants into iLs nolyle blue eyea. "Tomq," she mursnured, "1didn't you tel Going to Germdny me, once you wouid Se willing te do any aet of heroism,.l'or, my aake 1"' -A deapatch frein Vence., It.aly, "Yes, iMUry, and'I'wouId giadly re- saya: Many Italian peasantse both iterate that stateflient now," lie mnen and women, are going to Gar- replied. "No Rolau cf old, hcvw- many to engage in fanm and factory ever br'ave, W"a ever fired with ai work, in responae to effers of un- Ioitier a.mbition, a braver resolu- uisuially high wages, For the Bien tion than L" , "Well, Tom, I want 61/. marks ($1.62) s day is, promised, you to do. something rea.l heroic for and for tihe vomen three marka (75 nme.?' "Speak, danliing, wh&4 is t'?" cents). Italian ne.'wspapers are- "Ask me to 'be your 'wife. We've warning the peasanta againstat been fodling long eneugh." cepting thie employment, in vîew of the uncertainty in regard te Itaiy's foreign poiicy, but appar- 1,279 Gterman Juriste Kilicd in IVar. ently inany unempÉloyed pensons are A despatIch f rom Berne aaye: willing to assume the rLsk involveci. Aè'cerding te officiai statemontà - _+ given eut in Berlin 1,279 Gemmian Lonsdale 'sSentence Commîited to 26 Yearsi Adespatcdi f nom Berlin saysPlît (lGerman Supreme Miiitary Court lias commuted te iînprisonment for 20 years tic death sentence impeseti -on William Lon£dale, a British sel- dier, for an attack on a Genman non-commissioned office r at tie mîilitary prison at Docbenitz. juniatshave been kllod in tlic pre- sent war. Thia total La matie up ef six professons, 275 judges. 240 law- yens, 334 assessors anti 424 barris- "DInai, did you wash tie fiai Se- fore you'Saktedit 7" 'l'aw, ma'am; what's de use o-b washin' er fiai what's liveti ailis 11 fe in de walte r " Thb$y-Jive occupi.rd',.foryjilea'e(b Esat Pruau * t ntrysd have çonquered the. regionnerti of.theý '--'Slrnulaueouýol - the u.iu.. 'vn 6'Vwar.d WesV'.'P , , bÀ*s 'gained mnomentum,, with thé cîpture 'of Skhémpe, a^ tewn near the border, sund sbout ý2 miles' south-east 'of Thorn. ,The Russian lino runs from 'tii. nerth isnk of tieViiýstulati6 the miles, of Vihe Wèst Prussian fré ntier. The main figiting'iiso n-tii.fronit cf LpnO' and- Biezua, abd VIie Officia.l resistance' in Vils region La rapidly weak£ening. tZeppelln Victims Cos $5,oo PerIHead A despatch freni Paris esyj: Ex- perts in aeronauties-here inaist that Vie Zeppelins have been a bad iu- vestanient for Gerxnany. The, Zeppe- lin war 'fleet coat 832,000,000 VO build, and se far tiey have only killed about 60 persens in Vie coun- tri es' of Germsny's enomnies, a rate of about' 8500,000 per heàd. A Ihugenet- biplan. capable of vo- makining lu iàte airfor teîn heurg andi carfying aton of exploives; beaides Our passenýge;rs, îsebing us',ed by tWe Gernians. The engin Ikde-velop» Ï25 horsepewer. Tic n ew fIýing nia- chine has aiready attempted sev- cral raids. Ainother Boeri Rebel Clves Up the Flght A despatch from PretorLa saya: TUi rebel ]eadez Bezuidenhout and tie so-cailed "Prophet" Vankens- burg have surrendered te the Bri- tisi forces with Lieut-Col. Kemip. The commando whicî gave up its arma aise included 48 oelUcers Ïsud 500 burgiiers. The rebels capitu- lated at Upington. Vankensburg's influence i. credited- witi beiig largely respensible for the 'eb1 lion. The announcemnent states that additienalsurrenüders ai-ex- pected and that tieut.-'Ool, 8. 'G. Maritz and hi, men probablywili give themielves 'Up beforo ticeud of tie week. Shoot Ail FrenclI,;- - rder to Brigade A despatch frein London esys,: The Times-lublislies extracbi fromn the diar.y of a Germuan seldier, Rein- hard ]3ren.neissem, cf tic 4th coin- pany ef the ilUti Regiment, which descnibes his experiences, firetlu tie neigiborhood cf Muelliausen and afterwards Ln Fla-nders. One passage, wiich Tic Times repre- duces in tie German fac siale, reads: "Ther. ai-se came, a brigade order that ail French, wheÏher wounded or net, Who 1.11 into our liands,, should Se muet. No prison- ers were te bo taken." Trawler «Nits Mine, G0ýDown WIth Crew A des*atch, f rom Grims'by, Eng- land, s sLTiieBritish t.rawler Howard struck a mine in the North Sea, it was announced on Wednes- day, and ia believed te have gene deown with lier crew. Twenty-seven sailing shipsansd twenty-six steam- ers 'have been lest since January 1; TUE (JÂNADA,- BRL'rAl"S NEWEST DRIEAD NOUCIIT. Blgger aud Faster than Gevmany'A Latcst. The-. huge battlesip Canad& has just been pda<qo luosuniiesi'on sud atiýdt o the. ret fleet., Si. waýs in prcs fcnsrcina lswick for thie ]4~n, Goverument wh.e'n wan Svelte out, snd was taken Qvor by Br3taiu. - we. o have b lIed theAimirante Latorm, sa, sister ship, thq Aleurante oCShrsue,'wiU meon .b. comunisipu cd. e la are, 625 Lent, long, witb a beaqpu of, 93 lest, and tonsgqoi,ïp,0D0. Tii.engiues h ave au àd aedhrs~e r f39;,0Q0and ave calouuWulst. e a k a Th coiplmet wll . 1000mo Thy wilcary --ton 14-inlugpu5 G ix..iloh - ail uh.l hou., u h rtciedokl ie uhathk ,I~hou veesla ire larger andi ftor Vnth e aetGr rsdogtwlseryu qulypowrful guna. - à fuW*dés -f~'gyPt A. Mepatch f romn -Londçonu oye t baek, *ThIýYTrk& M-aledefiieat~k'~ ean* ,tkeSuez, Canal, but.aftàer 'h Erp -Aýéni ÈfiMt-héy wereç r 0en 0ffwit h e.fr w4Wý h*"avy ee. Af r frities. attept made to wouedë4I bridge the Canal near* Tousaoum, 1TliÉ attî they returned te the *attaclc with a' the -turki a4, force estimated at 12,000 strong and miet wità -6, six batteri6, of artillery'anùd eisay-. "the otlïër ed te get serossa the wwterway on;ýI c4sualtiea: iu rafts,- The Britioh force, ho>w&.veri:prisn -ers, nui wva- waiting andthe invadèrs wereý hundred. THE USIQUITOLJS FLN'. Single FIy 'May, Harbor .Six Milion- SINK Seven dîfferent varieties otf iles- are feund lu our bouses' 98 Per cent. etfI whilcl are repnesented by the commos -, housefiyPFiles lay thoîr eggs only lnu I < n fermentlng or decaylng substances-~ omn eve, r otable l a nre*ef Ifectone 0àP bey ptbefeeelu macnre.fIfeineO unleas perlodically dialufected, The number of 'bacterla,'upon aý 1A Iespa single fly have been proved 6tô range G~a ail the' W.ay froin 56b0te 6,60,09 0.Th average for .414 fIles whlch *ere - lowing Co amlnod at the, agrîcultunai 'experi- ' The l ment station -at Storra, Co-nu., was Il/, tain' andi million bactenla spiece. This repre' whele En sauts about the number of bacterla ecI a war that enter- the human systeni when 1.8, 1915; someone awailows a glass o!, lcjuld siip fourn 'Into which some fli as .fallen, te be--destroyed renioved by s slovenly walter withe'utt. thc liquld belug thrown away. tevnt - rewan Germîait Airniais Found lni Thanîcu. Ad'espatclî froni Londonsanys:- Fisiermen have founti in tic Thamea cstuary the. Sody of a Ger- inan aviator, witi a shrapnel Suhlet in tie lunga. lt is supposed ,tiat. lie drnopped f rom an -aenop]ane wiici was driven off by British gilu- fine on Cinistmas Day. AnolcI lady wâa ompël1edtV -carry, 'an eai, i s,4~ -~ w'hçever aihe' went. Upeon, a smal ehurchinu &tlandtuontt 1 agZ siewas wÀàëd -erS'ànëiipf. liuly' S y tie, sexton until '0'h reached hon se4ý. Tien, asif -,h co'uld stand, Vie suspicion ne longer, he went over te ber, sund; shakujs a waruLng finger emphatfoatlly,. hý "Madatne--one toot and ,you're oct. A igit-fisted 4ld man, Sbeing mon-1 tally il, calîct o hLm hie~thnrece st fniends, wio wene an Eniglishman, 'an tnialîman aud a Scot ciman. He neminded tieni tiat tiey caci owed 'him 8500 and expreîsed the dying. wisi tiat beforefho was buricd tiey wouki d'teciflgc their bligation Sy depositing Vhe nîoney they c-ied Se-, aide hLm in his cqffin, They &Il agi-ced, and when their f riend diè -d Vie Englishiman solemiy placeti. $.00 Ln'agctid in is late fniend's co!- fin. Tic- Iri.shman laid $500 lu notes. iSeside the gold, and thc Scetehman tiren took tic 81,000 anti left in its place a checque for 8, 500. zone are qiience el o)rdered,,I on Jan.. antis of-ne waYaS e .a focr e ne a' Anueunces R eeklisa l r 'assenger andt Freigit Trahe. ýatch frein Berlin says'- Tht Adminalty issued the foL- omznunication; waiiters arcund Great Bri- dIneland, including the. rgish, Channel, are declar- Szone, fnom and aiter Feb. .,E'very'- cucmy meriffhant id in Vtis iar zone w;11 Se d, even- if LV La iniposEibîsJl dangers wriih reaten the. clerpasges neutral ships, in Vie war in-danger, as in ceusee- Vite Inisuse o! neutral-flaýga': by Vie Bnitisli Govrnr-uent 31, and in, vie'w ofhba iaval warfane, iV ca,ùnt, * âvoided that atte~kgsm- IIIU.Ift iv, sius e"ndang&er s'.utrL - itct ceast ta ,e way," Batt~ ýw, Russia, i wio have àe front te -t Goge, foutrtb degroe, awarded Vo on.'. n" bée05 TPhe. Veachen isti wonked tlÎ&t monning explaining 'Vie njustdces donc Sby Ne'o, anti believed he ia.d macle-an impression on tic beys. Tien ho asked questione: N'w boys, wiat do yoù Viin'k of Nei-o 1 'Do you think i. was a go&l man 'No oe-e answcred., Then Vie te aci- on singledoeut a -boy. "Ohàncy, what de you thinkl Do yen thinik ,ie waastralgitl" "WelI," ne- tunned Vie (boyr atter a, long weiit, "'he neyeor doue, nuthin' Vo me," Wi1 Be NO Block'ade of Germian Ports A despatèh f rom London sa.Y8 that such a step La flot ontemplat- Although the Morning Post and ed, and annoutnces lthàt its pohicy is other London daily newapape'rs re- the saniet"o-daï in the -pu.t., peatediy have urged a blookadc of I is &ded th4't the British C4ov- emmuent ha.s no thý6ught of antégo- German ports, thuis cîttting off nialnuta onril h~ foedstuffs, the -Britiush Foreign êhipping would lbe stopped by the Office repeatedly ha.s m.ade'it clear clowing ef the Batltic Sea. CURBE YOUBSE[F! OBEAIHE 1A~BOlNE Gives Instant Relief S, Clears with côlds, sore hotm bronclial,, Outý Nose, Throat and ail home byl nheling.lCatarhozofle." Breating OgansIn using Catarniiozone Yeu do!%'t Breahin Orane take inediolue Into the. atomech-YOýu _____ ust breathe a-bealingt pineyvapor dl r- In this flolie olimate, repeated colde ect te thelungs anti air passagel3. very easlly drift Into Catarrh. Thie pureot baisais and tihe great0S t The 'natumal'tendency of Caturrli la te antieeptUe are thus'oent. to eve Pot- extend. through -,the system lu overy whee catarrhal trouble e.ito, gemi~ direction., are Iklled, foui secretions 52'G det'OY« Exposure to cold or dampness-inten.*ed usture la giieu a cliioe endt cure silles the~ trouble and nasal'catarnh le com squokly. li,ýe rcuit., coing and tbronst troubles cs't at Ujnesas a complete cure le effeoted, if tbi. pur. bsuli vpO of Qiternii. ip flammnatlon ipaaes rapldly toe the ezooe la betan-dleZfS u throat, bronchiai tubes and' then to oouglilug cm" S t OflCè, boceCaSO 1 the lungo. tatiexi la emnoed. Tou oault inake new lunga-hence Uoe QatmbOOD«t9 Pimymt-UOO Conuuutlon Je, praotlcaily lucurable. It to cure yen, wIiitiu'ta, iW.'pi Itç f1nl and alwaya fatàl stage. cau, COMpletO eutfit 11.00,O. S e Ocatarh suffexra,. meaning tlio» gise 50e., at al 6eaie.,

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