Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Feb 1915, p. 7

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te wi Irogi mliithe up oitlion ota -h ah.1,,a da,! Thle vey euggwestlon W" lîie e aPhYslc.al vain. ui T 1he Isewyers 'who wire gdi ng o i f9--k the malter up la the mel practlcai sort of iray. '»ble ise no 0îatlcn of sentilment. no -fear ofntsv ~*lOi ling,. Tu them il wasa s.vsry ogiuuarÉ case, and. wbon- once Bau. S 'Bran4 wg'0 oud would lie carried eut'as e.x.edftousay as. possible., Mouey c4ibuy xeerly overy- phing, and mQney -ould 4,yJ3ulian Bry-. Lut bJis freedonil Re ira. now begi'bning to. b. tortured wit-li lhe thonglil that iL - wLas oeli due te Lady bileii thaeeipxqild ta. i- feruioci etthé reni-position of affairi. Th more, lie eaw e!liher the more lier cliarmng riglthaf-oyà hcempa.îlun- oh, rchen ilr d and ceaortedhcl hm -the more di.honorabie It oeemed to hxm that th'A ioman ehould ifiat- kno whbat, mae passingr and jet ho cguldflot briug hlm- sel( te-speak to lier.- lie <Iended to lose lier. Sh. -st-od for so -much* u itsite euow, aud lie bad the very oc-uvincinlg feeling liant-lie meant mc mucli to lier. lie nover deceived himeel!. lie wati almolsure,' it Ellexi trooçer was flot li love witli hlmi, th ai somethb ng wa.u holding ber bazci. But lo-ie d know thznL eh. trusted hlm. that ae- turned te hlmn as te -oee who -wQuldnet, fai ber. aud t.hat certalnly conslitlited' the oniy real'happines that Jlane Bryant liad ln hie 11f. now! 1 l Hie mother had gene -$eok te Italy. 8h. bad wvorn lierself out tn abuse cflie. Ploe deliad'-ln irritlng franttc eîîcrs of! Te suac ad pleading te ber son; but Jui la ad been trmn. Re would bave no- tim; te do witl ieismother. Rad r-be been poor. struggling, uuhs.ppy, ho avenld nava teken a&l ler bua'deus tram ber but Moemaited for ultbiug sud lie ;c;Iaid. --net i orget thaî lu bies ixu r lr>h" tneed ' wlin ou lead asked for lOW s h. lied denied hlm i Re Bepolie fr£nkly and efaslly to Lady Eeaabout bis mother.. She war net uhiy i symvntby mlth hlm. On.eafterueon, au thsy caL together. lhe ventured te tell hlm tbikt ah@ thought huaI lie lid been a l1111e cruel. ' Yeu dou'L uuderstaud t" julian sald.ý "Ila my mother who mas cruel. Yion'$e only knewu me ofince 1 hate bad aJI this meney. If you lied kxiown me lu t.he ds.ys whlen 1 was maikin; the treets for nomne means cf earxlng dally bread, perhaps ycu would findi t lai your liert to for- give me whlat I bave don. my mother." "I miih I had h-nom you lu those dilyst" Lady Ellen said softîy. 'It is se niceste bu n*Ple 'te de Ibiage for any oe Je s; asd *Mbs.t an1do for yen? Yen bave .."Nul cvervthing," eaid Julia& Brysut, nelt every-,tnli-yet.1i The waman ehlvered a Il-tII axid dre'w, back IL ma' se eften that lie spolie 1k. t-hic. aud yet lie neyer actus.lly came tei the point. Why did hoe net Ppeaic pmore deftniWeyP ibe wnted him te epenisnoir,selfe antý ed t1ings te b. absolutely nettled. Sh. - mnted te put dreame sand fancles axid WIeti'ut thoushto ail behlnd ber and teo 4e. e neir future. She mas reaolved tint ehora oing te bc happy miti Juuiax. hrem wne s.o mucli in hlm that appealed te lier, the coutld lie cf sncb -lelp te hlm. lic waa ever.'wlghted nom'wlt-h hie xnoney. Re seed ams epeiat ouws- nd Lady EllenhbLd begiir to susSe ail sorte of lit-lie plana and achemies for the Itue.li mhlch tht. meney cf hie mas te play surli a big part. net frîvelaus schismes or feolinlu ambitIons, but big, Ohé wvaa grumlng a 11111, thin 'and bx. comilng nerveus. $he 414 net attenvt te dliisefroua berseU !-iat the iras cou. viuced thsot di. ira' qitçe sre l-ha.t a. lu- tezïdetto aiS lier-te o ~j hlm; but *bat ah# ddinot undeostanîd ras why ho dever 414 do tha.. 8h. lauglied s. 11111e hurrisdiy. s.nd sld. "Peo:laps Il anthinking of thingu freim 70 1 r matbher's point of riew. 1 often lm- atýis how I ahonld hava fait If I h"d he4 a .un. I believe I Ïbould b. s. borlibly jetons iotheri"' S "'Tlere le nio e>mparinen betmeen such a naxure as yc 'ir'i an d me mother'. ne- - tut " Jullan anowered., T, ycbàagd the convernation sbruptil, nulbs lold lier abeut Ketelis jiparture tba'day befere, sud 0f thesuce s nthu- slasm, and oft lie iondertul fortune-tbst lis really belleved was lxi store fer- thléi lintuble been Inventer. LcBy ilén "Romiovey h abave bee îfer y»u te buaye doue soauelhlng for li o ry goed te nie once," said B4o ahut hie eyesg and hiesmmery watt- edhtmn bacli to the celd, darli moralng heurs lu tb. gazage, te thbe roujli merk. and illhKetclis sturdiýfrlendslip. Tiiele ia e 111e panse, and ai t ûat àin the deor upened and Colonel Dam. tih a l1111e catch lu ber vulce, nimoat like a cry, Lady Elen got %P. "Adrinu Wil, you strangerl Where bave yen been Berb ne ue ld me tbat yen -hait gene -o'te b lveria.' "I pald a fly-ng visit te Nice," Colonel Dawney raid as lic sheeli bande mlth ber. and tien nodded pleasantiy te Bryanit, "Yul knc'W my aiter Miliyla there. and she liaislhetbeen mel lately, se I rau ove! te se huw ehoiras. ' Lady Ellen'a bauds mere tremblîng a litai., and there iras' a nervous, excited tbrllulxi ber volce. "Please ring the bell. Mr. Bryant," eh. aatd. " We'Jl have some frecl tes., and poneys wc had btter haveseme 'liglit." As oee el used to hie surrendînge. iýu; snid "Yos," and thon prepared ti> taise hie lenvé. 1*1111 come 'wîtliyou," sal& Dawuey- Be jual pauood te imprece upesn Lady -Ellen the lIme. andi tell lier tliat lie -euld ho waitiug for ber at the otrance of the Ritz, and îhcon-îliey ment down lie claire, anud loftI Ileb-ouec t-cgcfher, lie and Jalian. oTher walked soane 11tic 'dIstance lu si- ece andi thon ns Julian mas about teo maSo eoine cas-ual rernarli, Colonel Dam' ney ettid t> hîfniraller a'brptly- "I monder. Me. nBryant, If yen moulsi .Ëivo eAlve minutes"- quiet chat." '0f coure.." s4aiu Jullan, thaugli hie bei-rt hoyau to eaest a lit îemvously. "1 14ha,, -h0 delîghted. Will yen cerne te rny 1oe amI n nt luin=y bouse for Ilie no- ".That 'wil1 do very iveli," eaid D)awney. sud tthey 'wal-ked enu i,*iskly. Whoeu they more lu Julial',s itting-roodY Adian Dawue-y put down hie bat ansi stick and unloosene<i ie hiig ceat. "I hlinca own't tbink -ie Intrualve, 3fn. Bryant," bie aii; -but I have te ut a. ve.-Oy pertinent quc6tion te you. Fer sene littl ime nast the Duches,3 cf Wilt. sbire,.sum. ëe11, and others conîieced 'ith Lady Ellon barre.been ratier pei'plexed où do?." sa4i Lady Mien, a cnd id ..ndinir face te -face wltb the syL le bd we ths by-oue fter sa - eyle f ai'm1 The surprise'wa« Ld be almost an ho - . thirty-t' b nid dre:r Sk vieibli. 8h., first ' yé ïsidLdEle. Sbr rate, W air- "ub hl> 'led - Mir ir1 replýin luColonel Dàwrilsg ure é, i. ,> - -1e. Sm" , nter 'wltlion. of Ilia Irlende Metldotl r, ew or wliy the hlardiy W". irscno O- fthe matu.J fcars lavlclied on ber." i - raut,lookjsî t tc cîber mnafer a m 'im" 1' eaan sat-; '- gît. Lad - nI t Y enruest deafre 'te 1eLd mAien tltsedre.",' -Bave yeu seelien te ber?" ne shook -blis ead. "Why nol. '1fr. Bryanl?" Jtîa cgt hie breatia tory quickly and tien aaId- "Thon. are rese s why I heaita.le." -Ilf yeur mind le net sure." Dwmney said steruly, "-thon yen ausain'ot cive <lie worid* tic,. reasox Io e uppose ot erwle. Yn must net sufer Lady mieénsnaie te bu 'wlilpered ebout.'You muat ntspe.ler te gessip sand comment; ilu short, lin.Bry- ant, if yen de net luleni hoeaS Lady El- ion te lie your mîfe, tien Troumust Seeqp awny frornlier altogether.' "I de intexid te euh- Lady'Ellen a te s my ite," Julian Bryansu mered nom, vcry qietu -1"If 1 bave net doue se lie- fore. i is ecane, as ,I -sald, juil now I bave leuitnted-ibuî I have 4eeu irrongi 1,i I mii pot te lier to-morroir." I think I eau' gué«a irat Seransmon w iii bel" sai 4flaxi Damney; and lie oitretcbod ont bla'hand, -smilllgagein; "'and I hope yen 'mli bot-i le vcryr happy. I think-ycn are juil hie typ'en axi te suli.ber., I lioje yen millnet ,-bar any vebylard feeling fer me because, I bave spien te yeunose penly.I "T1îhat ronid b. timposlei,"a sàId Bry, antà eàud h. -gxpiuped Ococel amney's b aamoat patenstely. 1 Be walked-wihbis oce ut nIe île ball, and they parted mi h Ob f Iing et mu-tuai liblag; bZut aoler dianDawney had rene, a auddon chIImn1edJulilans licart. Se lad 9plodged <blunsoif te k,-sand ye le kuew tnatif -ho dlda a ho muet te11 aIl. and that meuld m» Lady Elien ireuld neyer cousent tO b.a lumile. (IEAPTERIZII. Lady Eliexi tbcaougrhiy enjicys,! the dli. uer. 8h, foait love mI ira.X resharn, anid @e. i-ed Uren. iaosd t but she iras uoý t alL ftavoraIbiy .lsnrr tby lireas* mon'ea oâ,,'bo came <ofel hlàe mother-'aud cent. atO "'Wiat a cnniy Yeung man t" àsati te Adrlan Damuey. as h )u te haSe lien boe..? ,Wauae idaor d14 le inee te be disacre.abi' 1b, Yu Adrîce FI' yn ;"Well. I ratier thixiS yen ae rîglit, Neil. I reaiiy donltlnom tory mic a-u onuHammon4; but 1 litre o me acrosa lu neon twice iately, and n )w fat yen mention Il, 1 remembea' -th&t blis.I. may»_aoabeien rallier rude li-ie maxi- I don't supe lie ceunis for vary muci," nald Lay Biien ceeunily, "but lie isi'î taI al md leeSlnc, anîd bie malien adores@hlm, dopon't cie? But tint la exiiy natural." Ail lbe 'aY berne, mlifeli as net tory fan, Lady Eilanencaticd a*ay s appiiy 0s pamailo, and cie eniced Colonel Da*-' ney te coque Ilu jui for a moment. -1"I have bcd sncb a Ievely lIme," Re said. "01. I de mwih. Adranu, yeou'd aiS me eut very oflen." 'insncb a duli, atupld old fnump, Dewney answered, "nul a bit et good, for ail the 'gay, ligbt-hearted thixiga you loveèt" Ohée nu iirred hlm very, tory qnlily. I liSe mauy, mauy tllngo s et frit. olity. Somaetmes, Adian, i don'c -holeve you undtx'stand mie on iteinbv Rie looked - at ber,,tu l.,Le'j tor-y, tory ipretty tc-lfghtî. iith a afluli on bier oleelis sud a irederfullIeu lu ne eyes r sud br s01=boY mûVlusgg asos- fnlly aut the In &, lu a of d1 plioneus acSstt6 'asmofaainatlug. "Rmdld 'yo:uilS Julia&n*Bryant?" cohé akdhlm atan. Y "Véry. tory much," bli e red~a,e ler at oce. "Né ta a grent frieud of mine," Ellen Oroopen sai, mi a ourlons soie ta blen i'oIce,aud tht. cther mmci sncawersd ber- "Yes, I nom, aud I1. Va"1ou are lucky te have snob a «oi friend.' "Shbah 1 se. you agalu- oSee?" Lady Et. leu, asked, as lie tretc euuttbishandInl toéyvry sconu, and if anytlilug bil happonls te yen Soli, yon'lii rte and 1011 me, mo'î Yen éRemetuber.. yeux lappi- nées t. cometblng tery dear -le me," "MY liappîneest" Lad y Ellen said te ber. solf as ah. slebd aioe. "0h, Adiani ae covered ber tac.mihber lande sund, glîtins doun, Me creu unrestraliediy. There mas- no one te mark lier grief, thie nualde lied gene tealied. 8h. mas quite nIone-, sud ils nit 't seemed teblber sé sureiy tinat Il iras a wrasted glft te lavish lo-te ou Adninu Dawuey aud tint lb. fluger etfatMe polnted nbsoiuteiy te a future mti Jnllaxi Bryant. Nemi Peut. ias eltting *unl In luier cosr l1111e aiLing'room late neat day, mien a sliarp Sxiock nI -the dden areuaed bier, sud sho gave n 11111e exclamation et pleacurene aslie sair tin;t Lady Eiion Creopen come lu. "MY dean," @aie said, 'l iras Juil tiluk- lng about yen, mondemîns mien mc mono gelue te naoot." Lady Elien put on n plaintive expres- sion. "*Yeunenver de corne and sec me," se enid. "I lielieve vouu ofrgot ail about me.", "Rlii1Y chili," said tbe other mwoman. ">Ta-ko off your furs and i at domu. Wlat n--mntciéd atterneen i Pauay comm g ai i tii. may,' Neil, ln u scb dncadful wmeolr.', "Well, I iraxt ta cee yen, dean, -ý'erY maih." Lady Ellen eaid ns ah. drew cff lier cent nand fuand ear dem i a cosy chair; "sud thon I wae ou yu "I tuin k 1 coulaI non amay -for a - uple of sinytq" saisi Mies Pouls; "sud I shouid love te. Il mould lie very deliglilful te bo witli Yen andI thio duil, Urey, foggy meather doc. cet ou çuec metes." "Woii. , o-ar 11e Iofull et lutereste," Lady Ellen mont on. "Yen neyer have a moment te siI douxi and thinli about yeurecif. Il ln se duli tblking about oees self. I'm geS te death of etm." *'The buet thing yen eau de is te rn arway. saisi MiesPoule. "Ail thiecdi- mobu cili dtua-ui4ea'r. Yen muet b. ont lu the air ail tic lime, neyer mind lb. rain om tliae minci, lcovor blienisIt ," Lady Elien lauglies a litho it more liko lier nujsi ceery self. ",Wchl, I ouglit te lie prtîr hardv. The dulSe usesi te keep me out for heurs aI a lime when 1%'aa u lu nScotlansi. I used te tell hlm tbi-t I ehould look liSe n weatb.r-betaiu ailor, but <bat dîdul tae mucleh.et"< Tiere wats a knoe-k althldor at lus moment and the mai1-eerv-an t came ini miti a me-isage. "If yen Plcatse. mi"e, eau ye oesibly 'ToU bave met?" said lias Powla. "Colonel Da'wuey mec speakint te men a*bout Yenu n se VerIcln[ aoI .a= vygedese. -yeaan n S-w h.asvery, very pale;, and ecliooked chaage, ulill-yeuxig Lad ecli eypl y bat cbane&ld1 - Bilen Crooper'e wmarm hearî moeut te bar. She lhad sncb a dellonte. nervous lok To b.c cutinned.) TUE SIHOT IN TUE NIGIT. Exeltiug Adienture With a Run- away Conviet.- .In France, a criminal who la elos.4ed as incorrigible in sent cithen te the Islands of,.Safety, off the Guiana coast,-u-ne ef which is Devil'-. Islaud, where Capttin Dreyfus lnnguised,-or to St. Lau- rent or St. Jean, a littie bighsr up the river Maroni. The life ef the prisoens, -whe are made Vo work in the mines and jungles, andi who are il-treated by the. officers in charge, in eaid te b. se terrible as Vo drive them lu de-speration te atteznpt te escape. But, thanks tote care- lesanescf the. nuthonities, escape is net very difficuit. The fugitives, menon!f the'worst type, rendered reckiess by circumst&nces, are a constant menace te travelers in thnt country. An advonture that illus- trates that danger in deacribed by J. G. Jaobson in Vhe Wide Werld Magazine. In the middle etftth. night I waa awakened by a shot, and heard the singing of a bulliet npleasautly close te iny car. In a. second I was eut eft my hammock. -Piot was climbing te the tep af the bÉut,'pi-ay- ing aleud c-Il theo time. Luoking Vo- ward tb. hanumock I baci been sleeping in, I sair a bullet hole ou cadi side od the uetting. The per- son wbo had shot at me had cvi- deutly aimed at the spot where he thonght my bead would be, aud mci missed me bv a vony imail margin. I uoticed týuat my pistole, which T bnci carelessiy lft lying ou a boqx, bnci vanîshed. I was-convinced that somoone bcd aneakeci up, taken the pistole; ccpd fired st me with yow wévapens. I reasofied- that' the- mohlci-be murdeu'er iroulci returu té shoot the boy, and iïnW-it wâa bekt te geV eut of the light cf Vhs Ian- tbru, se I hid behinci a tres close tô the -camp. FieL was stili up lu a troc , praying ac-tVhs tep cf his- voico. I tek! hlm Vo koép quiet and net stir. I was not nistakon lunsny calcul&- Ltions. After waitijng paticntly for wiat seemedheurs, I hec-rd a faint so undias of scer ne e lowly suc-k- ing bis way through the bush. Io a fom moment-s I coulci see 4. hliman- beiug creepiug ou baudisaudi test lun my diiection with my pistol uin bis baud. I waited ufitil he mas close Lo me. andi thon jumpec f rom ho- hinci the tree, andi, mitb my gun 1ev- eled at his henci, called te hlm te hoid up his hands. Seidoin have I seen a maxinmore f riglitoei. Be cireppeci bbe pistel -auJ feli over on - bis back; then strnighiteued up, throwing kies- banda at me and beggiug pardon in French. I toid hlm lu tc sanie Ian- guage te come forward, aud noticedc that ho iras a ruuaway convict, a meau-ieokiug, bIack-bearded Arab.i I made hlm march te the camp lu front oft me, aud cailoci te FieL Vo1 came dewn aud ie bis hauds bo- bind isbaok. Piet-desceuded witb- a breaci grin ou bis face, sud wiVh4 much bragglug made the captive 'E' - The Children. Be loting te yeur cluildi-en. Bec-r wiih Via-ar tailinga. They cenue by thein riatuirally euougb. Thc par- enta are but tee utten roflecétec inl bhec ehidrefi. They nesemble eael otbcr morc-liy, as wcii c-e plyalcc-lly. Tbhe loto me oxpecbt rioin thons, fi-et show thain hem t654 ltcm. Noter correct thenu when yen are in auger. Punish tihem onfly to correct the-r; never W't vent your al cilce or spite. Lot tbem come Vo yen vtrit their confidence aud mith Vhe hurden oet their serre-ms. Dou'b fre-eze their mai-m youug hearts ly indittereuce otei iol-pes. Draw tbem te yen in tue bond of love, auJ le-t your beant hept aigainstthVe.lra asi ie-y corne te yen wita thelu- eares or confessions. Let SIca-a-a gein luthe- bi'igbt sunshine e-t your love, âmd île-y will flooci yes' path with the sunlight ef their affection&. R1e-B-r4gade-he go>, and for t.he [ýthi s"tyce, c-t - cny I re ,ooms than ilp niore,. wag tre-f and .s , moe*yf- texýr .-.U. b.,, amIl ~ r ,lai n=. -A'UUln Istaff Coflege naturally Led to & steft, 'appointflbU. _JiréM of- aâI: he. be-!- came tafl çaptjn ,t &N ; haci uxers -and-ltrJA...~a th eWarOffice.,,ad itwatl>exitat ho mnaàchi e e heSouth Afri- cau War brcoke, euti, and he was practically responsible for tihe..des-, pateliand retuirn pi f abount hàuM -a million 'man,, and itihe écUraey and celerity of'tihýii deÉpatch and ret-ùrýn drew forth paeans of admiration f rom the whole'*world. Wheth eh 8ï to be 'con 1gratxilà,ted on he.ving been spciai-ly noted for praise by the German" Enripéroris doubtful; but, at a.ny rate,, that pinch-beck Napoléon eharacterized tiie ar- rangements for tihe transport of fthe troops as the fineat feature of the whole eaiupaagn.s Belped Out Kitchener. When K. of K. wentto Inclia it is apient ihustery torelate th%Ît ho initiît&i inahy draitic dçhanesin theIýdi&n army. preda.til4; the. services of la lelh*gii er, i sent for GeMir&I ,Cowa.ns. Muâch, la cr'&nd M d eaiscid the two of them pile on the shoýulderu of groarxing reg iientati offiers, but the resuit justifledi the groans ex- traeted, lor thére was gree4 in- proVnient in e%.eiency ge neralày, Thèn Cowvans con andec I he Presi- dency brigade iat Calcutta, and. kept watohful eyeis on Thibet'and the North-;East -frontiert. The n he retu rned iliome te look after the much-abused Territorial -forces, ef which ha became director-general4, now.ho is quatwrmstart-general c the. -Bitish forcea. H. e rved under' Îwomenwhý!nvér -forgive a tault or lacnes--Ktchneraud Freuch -and bas founcifo',vor lu Vhs sigbt et hotb; He is bail!-nd veny gooeci leekini, mhici led te bis being se- leebeci te leaci ths royal poeso c-b Vhs ine ut thé Coi-uron . Ho la tory fond et animale. Lt 18 ucid that bie omed i&i job with bbc Tcnritocsicuiste -this likiug for stuc-ugo beasta. 'Wlue bis suitahil- uty was being discussed I ioic-elted that a cistinguiahed officer nemark- cd, "Ye, Ja-ek Coman le juettVhs main;-,hé cou-id ta-eh a jacicasa cc-rd- b ricks, aud if I. cc-n'f mc-ke the Toi- niera mag thleir tale ne eue cc-n." Deiighttul Companlon. As c- compaulio ii-a cbscluîciy deiighttul; he eau Valk exceedingly mail, and, a rai-ci- gft &tilt, iie us a splendid listener. Fui-Vhe-r, lieiba Lb. knnck et mc-king those mitb hlm Vi-,enudou-sIy pleaseci mitii thein- selves. Rie is a gi-cct club muan, aud boena emany. IV meulci be as- toil'ng ifl e lad not a lot et frieud, but c-btthe sec-me turne ib is aàbouishing mise-b c-lob b. hes. Ainongsti thýe most valueci ho ca-n neeken, the Duke et Couxiauglit. Owlfg Votictheexcitiug imes lu w-hieh me c-i- living, paybhapâ,, peo- pie bave tergotteu how mondertuily flnitisb tropa moere se-ut te France. Romw even though i ving lu thbe hec-i-V et Lon" ',ftrom miaose "g it rail- may stations tt cýf thousauda etf soldion"s mea Jspatchei, net a siud, gle seul roci-y knem irbather any et our nogimonîs lailcctuaily gone te, bbc front. There mas ne b-oiutiuig anud cieering as re-ginfixit afttr regu- nia tdeairteci ilently l inehédead et nigbbauJ lb came as c- surprise te us to linrn ,tînt seeretiy anud wiVlout appeneubly oven -the Ger- rn'u' knemiedge, 120,00 tuioopa, comploe.ilu v'ery Jetail'aas te guns, aam-nuien, homaes, commissariat, and ti'ansporb, lad been la-nded un France. To accomurli such a thîsug la te -do even more Vlan min n b attue. Liî'c For Soînchiiug. De geeci, auJ lente bebind yen a monument et vinlue blal bbe aloi-m of bina- eaunover Jestroy. Write yeur uc-mo iu kinduess, love, aud mercy on tic hearts of thousanda you come int contact witb year ait- ter yenr. Good Jeeis mili ahine a-s Vhe stars et hec-yen. ,mark rlett pasi 'rt hIil itou. y hyie effi, ed the Grnian"e I app5l.ie"for -ai>jý Fiaal there,' ubi te have esp-' nerye until >i- teà nresls Stauup. The fatal ýEiglisii stamp on rny ý'ýdi pa prt- pnov*0dmy undoiag htre, for- thie ff Çcial,- on soei ù'Oil, yat oesuspected biat I mas-c-n g- lisisy auJ I was immediately c-r- rostéci. Tii.- 'ff ieerlucha-geo es 'y --case mas a ' doget -à4 man. Hé tàlci ti.sentiY-y mhenarce neofta he masà teo*ot me 'ou Vhs es-s»ta- Lcmpt I ni""'t sçp, u tl mue c- thVles,rnte ime Liat,,i weuld héë e4à. f tic4 té iuuu ýway-7rate supei-fiuous'dc- te tu urmoci man l i bcçepny of ':&aoîdieér mii a, oaed--lesu- fxei & cnet aS; ryne >i"ha'-&seo;ldiro' lsade. I mas kept iaiting fi r ur-heurs, anci -tiien tooci wa.isup-lied temy guard' sud. myesolf. 'luInthq s.fteruoon ýI iras ment'before the i .MliayGeveruor, and iras ksjtmc-îting au heug. I wae then told 'lshoulci be-.exauin- cd ln Vie mo'rning, c-sd, my .guard mas changei. 11;e -wa'y I,*wsu b- sequently de i mîtb as br'utal m. as treated s a aViiefoenaminuder- ci-r. I mas put lu a cell, aud- my meals mere senveci me by cniminaîs. Fed on Dry Bread. 1 was ted ou dry bread oùlyi anià allowéd thé small,-penfe'-d f hàlt au iOù- for exorcise dafiI#ý, -n lurh 'day 1I4'gol - My t _ -di'nner froin outsido', for çvhiéh you May be sure I lad te psy. AIl my meoy mas afterward& baken fi-onu me. The etone oeil lu mwhicii I mas pIc-ced was warmed but net enough, auJ 1 iras miserabiy celci. I mas ailomoci a fcm bocks te recd, but my chiot occupation mas mondering mint woulci heoome ocf me' Tbey manteci me te tôke &~ bath snlen I 'mas firet put ixite prison, but Vhe mater mas se filbiy that I shuddered at tbc prospect cf bating in ilb sud refus- cd. Durng -aIl this, tins my 'firm, Mesort. K.lu&Brotiiers, oet London Ësud Àenoterdanx, mci becn.ueuiug ,every.euudoaèor tbu effect,-my -releaso, j,4nd ýé*eu tually, tii.Dubch, Minister st :The' Hagu. '-hinise-if beîephoucd. dired t te,Miiaiy C4ôveruon-t Antmerp -domanding uuy freedom, aud Irwas permitted, Vo go. A mouNTA.&iN ,,EIPEDITION5' An Umpleasut Dalbant In $Sas- - katckewan. The sides etftth. mountain mere nagged'sud rocky, irrites Mn; Wasii- buru, aud every few mininutes - me mouid -trip ove-r boulders, cubting oun baude audJ baukipg ou-shins; but no crusadai-, bant - ou the cap- ture et Jerusaei, m-as aven se keen ou tbc job » ooui- mouutac-l iber. By ansd by me got up tc, about Von Vliousc-ud teet-.jIsugge*ted that me eeuld se. thbe view from Vis point as meIl as frein tiietop, but c-t this I get a look frei eu-r leader that nec-ny freze my blooc in my veina. Wbat liacitgene be-fore mas naerely child's play tVo mbat iras te corne. Long fungers et hec anci som reacb- ing Jemu fi-on the sumimit, bcd Vo be crossec cgc-lu aud again. Eveny time me crosseci one ef these the expert meulci exolain te us that a singlé tai.se inove moulci precipitate us toc- suciden'deatb, mhWeiulooed parfectly feaibîs te nue. Atte, me geL ever some Jaugerous ledéèt auJ un te firmer foôotinig, mitb oui- hair sbandinge-n end,-I speak panticulp.nly ott nay en,-tiiomoun- bain eliiubeir mouid tit dcwru lu grec-t gice andi expiaiu Vo ns'hem c-ny nio- meut me mîght ha caried off -with au avaibuchie, sud back up lae state- ment by a- dozens anecdoes c-bout sucidon Jeathe lin aimilar places. Finali me a d.ine te c-n.abrup auJ off -b. etc-ited. Alter tweuty minutes oft- 1Wdli-iug. &bout, lue cc-me bar-k anJ saici le couId s- not ke il- alerte, so e e u-ied c-nd stc-rted foi' camp, Wh"cis e receec ct ten thact Syoun, lan por-k one au4 'one-third poundécf teuden ; the -nýeÈt an " eu ct, teu-n pouh:d à- ànd fàâ,tw-O Pl poundé; put it -tiirou'ygh1"é sc-g'age -t grinder tmice, perla!pekthre'ë\tlinhësý, until et the desi-recifi. s; Usei for' each pound etf: meit-,,,>no - Vs--t ýponful- cf. pemdered,ï'd& eaf -, sange, oue te-aspeenful . of. %&lt Jqnet ' one-third oet 9 nUtmog; n uVmek nmayl be cm-tted if prerterred. A-qui r of sausz - nu-uy bha macle cbat ,,timu, auJ preseî'ved fer. regular- use if ôe bas a& cold atoreroom. Lt liehuid, be, pIc-ced lu jars aud covered'a-au incth thiek twith imlted lard, hc iii , reee prsrv V. -f Vasmar Cakesq.-Thiese, littie bites ère. omme&l hce-eckes,. servcd lhotil and catan,, mith s±raincd -, honey, briôwu sugs.r,: or melasses. -Buti -the, I bhoa lias notiaing,,,te ýdo m'i'hthebem;o a batter -kmlà iicen and uJ eeld wabe*r, - sec-aune-Jon-ly miti agit - The> batte-r,*m'ütubbe- eo thin thaL it ~ liteaic- p pours from a Vablaspeon, n- oue -ot.whini lep t c-ta time on a bot i--giicldle for the cake , Tii., t u-ual gridre olds three or four î cakes, auJ as soon, as these coojila tbey, are- bhinly'contas.! ithbùbtter- c-nd se-i-ted on liot plates&. - The. tu-'t gar, -bouey onrinolasses ie put on the a a&l -ocicibits of cheese, aud lecy ana-dry grAte, thei nmd Sgia-c-d cheese lu a glass jar fer -varions cooked disiies of les auJ M'acaroni. , Syen bavc useciacil the barn Il eut nicely'frein Vhs houe, ai- chipping the re-maning ýr fnrizzled'biam, boll tic boue bbc-gi>. - e. i e s n great- eaviugoth x of equipp'ng as kit'cbsu, il lues tiê,outlay te b. ai; smali îble. -Butit rshoiuld be hoei coeate kind. ' 1 - £a SuaS kace I',on laidl-e'aa ýrasss llîîî ap pay- - Tiere.in -P &aby ,,more cxLrc-v*- sunce lu the averg#elrbme-,-in the, ca- of wafiteJ ighli4%àthanciy otiier mue itV - --Oje4 - rsdeyo- >lerercem'ýnert'tiu"u-û out'th.'îigbti et lun use. '- Wben euttii curec i -s thai' ro do not wish, to use up at once> uey ccn- be kapbt reihan d aeet, a-r,ù long ine hy- enading treui'- i-rd çver thçe uewly ,cul surface. %Imcya begin, eu-ttig at Veeniof - liebani, bcviug a saw ionViuth oue, id there will ha neomaste what- ever- Lieinéïl rtuaflng-rut two-oune* Çew fa~e hii laab of buttez in a.saucepan arid wVhen shrwxnk before it, la made iuto ga~-, meltmed *irinsowly onÎe table- 'ijsW as ri spoôfulof "cWrmedonetab e à tert-irely b., iio>4 opocùÙful of cormanl. Whenthbe- 1 in bot wâter. ,as warm as thÏe land canth n-"Plic acitp. should bti rub- g-rediente foi-m a'thier Paste, ad bed inihlt-er In tue w'ater. oar else quickly one pdnt of milk and stir the flauilci may become biard. U-ée until the mixture ha& boiled and two a f aes Then riuaie in a thickened. Removo'trom the stove Ithird in which oQnly a littie i.oap and acld three rounding tabledpoon- haw, been d.iss-olvei, a8%o a liîte lu- fule of sugar, the grated rind cf oee <ige- blute. Wriuig uand hake the large lemon and one tablespoonful flan nei wel..a nd wbile it la dryiig, of vanilla. Foid ini the ycdics of two rFhake, stretch and turn ii sevtýral e5gs which have bec,,-beaten pre- t;mea. viougly and -one tablespoonfuL ofi___ finely chopped- càndied le-mou pee]. Add oe pinoli of sait te the whites, Tu FQ UIi-F EN'_s VOICE. of theý egge and whisk to a sti.ff froth. 'When the pudding is,,eoki Teaclier Gave Bis Frank oj>ilito, -adthe whiteisd-the eggs and the aon ts MQu'ality. jUie of -tbe . lmon. Cover witui thik puapt, rw ua idu n her yoiî, ueen Elizabeth c! oven and sEerve* witih cream, omn. pu nc in-,t Scoch uli-Taca ~-jbrekfat-trai2ning of lher voice, and, encour-", ~ li bttri es ed by, flatterers, came to be1J fuis cf 1îý %w-utërl'ea herself to be a sin ge ro epoful cf baiçing powder. Mi ,.t t nti these with sufficient water-to fo! yhàv ler vient à, deùgh, oroll qut~, grea. thé insdý eahe, os _ ofa large oeke t, i an iÉe iy dréÏsed cxim ivith ýtAe paste, reserving.a.pee t h' lb. of eur, li. eugtir, 2 lbe. I r)gA)na itoned risns .ane.iüraurgY . raiiii, 2Ibm curans,4 1opinion o n t qu&ahtý Ilb. candied orange peel, 3ý ea- and ber futurfe prospect,-- spoonful blaelk -per, one- tea- ed lier voice, wîth' great -car spoonful -carbonate,,cf,-soda, !/ lb- with flie simple sce.s he almnds, blichned &ed chopped, M aerg, and lastîy with an:op ra oz. eaeh- of ginger and cinnainon, aria, one teaspooiful cjeam of tartar and Wlîen the trial, wasa overi the pýro- a sinall breakfaqtôàpf4l-'of milk, 'or, fesser said, 4'l cannot saya~ lt you enough to harely moisten ail. Mix sbveî woncierf-ulvoice. You su thoroughly and Put in tihe pase-! fairiy lwell, ai-d with nota littie lined tin and co ver with paste.' feelink, .m!rnght uneertake tri train Prkclcal overwlîth a férk, bru si ylou to sîng in operetta; but ta ovaer with egg, -and bake about / spçak quite frankly, you haven't hours. the looks for it." Up -te this ime the teaciier hadà Useful IIiiitf. ret known fluet the rank of the as- To help out a meatiess meal use piraut* wuae y higlier drail thatof. cream soupa or diphes whieh inclucle scotes, of other young ladies, equa,-iy cheese, ben or egga. ,ambitious, who const, tly came to Rag ruge made of cotton waeh1 him.- But hi,% surpru-e was g reat well, ara inexpeusive and- are ofteni when the lad& hanàd d îlu the Visit- just the thiug for the kitchen. ing carcl of the quecu,. aud hbcu;î The bone. sheuld bae left; in a that he lied befere lm ilne les. roaat; it will help to keep the juice peronge than royalty itseif. j in aud wil1 add flavor and vweet- qtee utlînnked -hm hrartilyIf ueBL rajk way ini which -iehe bnJ If thealumin4rnn cooking utensiis bler musical abilit' , ad wen$t, turn black, try boiling tomnato par- ivith bier ambition iu that Aàr M- inga in them and they will-brighteii. , decidedly iminisbhed. 'n . Lt is best not te serve the anmej disb twice a week unless it bie a vegeta-bie, aseverycue likes variety. Wbeunumakcig pastry u se the roi]W ing -pin weUI. Mec-sure ail ingre- ~I dienta aceurately; neyer gutece at IW qîtautities. On.esecret of a warrn liouse lu hnving ail the living room windows faciug the-souitlh and flie uorth win- Im dows double sashed.- Wbeu bakiug' fi!,h place ou the top r i I~ cf it Som - thin iluces of sait perk. This baste% the fiith aud makes the _ Contenfi of Large flavor better. Wilen uailing <Lvii a carpe-t xfter Factory the floor bas been scrubbed be sure Sats n 0treIce that the flour is quite dry, or the dia,»utsPiý elsys twse nye nails wiil rugt and injure the car- f iftnchei; Bsiting four to pet. twoivs lunches. Will seii en.- Aium la very useful in the home- tire or In part. andi Vhera i6 rothing better for No reasoeabie offer mending broken disbes or e' lanup- refused whnit la blooe in the e ocket th an FRANK WILSON è 6N$ alum melted aud used wirile hot.AeadSt syTono lo makedueabby o 1 eIok neî 8AoaioB.Wst oot give it n thin cetyofvarniali, le-t ut dry, then giva ut a second coat OHFOR D 5Eni siipn, évr Sure çue n aitve 'evniv o mr ho e $at any mgo are Juf=oted xpMasd.- Liquld. iv en ou the germa ftrein ibe bJ-OumesDU la ~1Dm d ee and Choiera in peOulty1 iag-i lil,.ato& lk ed ~r~ue La Gt e am aa Qj Jea fine kldncyr 0 romedy.ou (bs out. 11 Mîou4=lt wh 11grt t fer von. s anid Curïa." DISTRIt1!1 C0 spoHNirx DIIAL CO., Ohemdatos a Be.otwolôIglïte, --t -~' '-y- ÀARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO

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