wir viit here they oelebr itise son'& blnthday. A %mre waa upeot. r9tute mSetiag hold ai [le lot weok wau weq1- If wa reo3ved at- A good way to get -c ,buy th=m yommrell " C" 211.A.C Eli's 'big esrini sale whcb ha; beea gan on for th, paît two weeklrâasbeen Bo suoces luii,,lie liu declded to extend il» tiras for anoiber week. Reid hii advt. on tu page. ,1 The'rient PaVrioVie me&eting will bi h.I4 ln AubibunaFrebytelaD Chutcl on Mond.ay sventag, E ebruary litil st 8 0o'o1ock. Everybody welcome, ' isIda Be4'ay lhis purciased frort Mr. 'Urtah. Joues Vhs corner lot @bc r!ceztiiY 'sold i bia,' Mr. Jos..Horto>p Is makuag good "pew ' wth bis work as assesson. f~ ~ ~o "iaHl !Oshawa, ta rlsiting wtli MissJean Hayeraf t. IMrs. L.awrouce bas jusi rsiuraed 1 ro)a î_ýs1Wwtbihen cousin, Mn;. a fito, QfBo*mtnvIle. iMr. and Mra. Bent Wells, aad Mrs. Wesley Sieveanson, aspsai Sunday witV Krsi. A. E. MeBrIen. Mn. aud Mns..' Wiii Maynard vl'sited la Uxbnidge tis i wsek. Mna-. Phopenixi la visitlag. wiil lier Mtater, Mma. Broid. Mr. Gordon has been quie' suc- ceas!ul lu lia sale o! Aladdin lampe lnta iis vtciuiy. Mn. Thozupson, o! Moose Jaw, Sask:,blas eutvà sltiùg for sanie trne ai Mr. Norman Wliiies. Abanquet o! Vhs organlzed A. B. Classes wlll- be held at lekenag "on Tuesd ay. TI'hre will be'an* afier dInnen speech on Adùiit 'lass work by 11ev. H.W. Foiey. Mn. Nursey wilU zaet Vlile eople intercsted la Ltbrary work on Mon- day eveaing, February 16. A f ull ai- tendance, is requesbed. Mn. Skitcb,-who las beea ia town, for some days orgaaitlng the Royal Tenaplans o! Temiperance, preacled in tle Methodist Chuncli on Suaday Methodist ('lunch Suaday evening. Mr. David Burnis la becomig quitbe a popular ententainer. lus recita- tions at the evenlng progrmn durnag thc Scliool Art'r-,xibit wenc thon- oughly eajoyed by ail prescrit. Thie l3rooklia reaidents hope Vo bear 'mor.-e o! Mr. Burns ini Vhs near future. At a meeting o! tle Epwonib Lea- gue o! île Meuhodisi Clurdhl ait week a debater tank place "Resolved that tle Irunkand dosa more barm tlan the moderate drnker." 'Pile af- firmative s ide was upheld by Méers. K. Webber aad Eari Batty, île aep- aVive aide by Mn. G.L. Sornberger and Rer. H. W. Foley. Thle affirma- tAire won.,1 1 10W QDoWO-ba eB viiiuc, pouu voar. so long as il Records. They are thje lest record utnrecorda, and that in every ý rccordiag icf many cf the ýf 'm excluive. Moreorer, a frmulong as any other tank.. LII.itFOR SOc.- %JUrM 4forSodrs diS Act Like Babies. and 1 Wo re, aRose. 'y Your Eyes. The:.Ballroom (humororas story) .-the> Britisb Troops in France-Part r. The British.TroopsInluFrance-Part a. and 2424 jTangà ledTrane.. isc -'Tangled Tunes. ad Country, Want you-MIaggie Leyte. Theyî-LeateBehind-Maggie Leyte. Lawrence ONTARIO ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____liaI MYRTLE FOR- THIRTY DAYS :ONLYI I will give aI Discount of 20 per cent. Dry 0o0d& Bots andShOosN Boots are dû the advance. Now is your chançe to purchase at the old price, less 20%. We h.ve a welI assorted stock. Dontî miss this-opportun ity. Thos. W. -Brookes 'RTLE :A. A. ,-L H. JE'2ltý hë,woI'Wb Xiury, Jionetoeibas been laid UP ',Wân Dei>- It coni- for e. past tew daAl - We, hope for Y wisao oa1,n l*Qt<opa>hu an<«en- 'a speedy recovery. ég ravings lorned bY the Elgson, Art The ilant- dauigltsr of!t Roy and g%0 Pu.o., BeingiMaué. Tihe col- Mis. Lih paseed away on Stlnday. 'e lection wasa' large o's, and contain- Il ,snyoSe 15 proud di lits clieclre>' "ed only thes but rep»Ãdw3bsogi o! the pinying,,l be eloul'g gay tour-loWn Smastorptecsso! Art of different cous- club a vlait. StrIes and peqodu. 1 1%w collections 1sLn Pxct ntraue bave been brought 'tcWotr whioli friends on Sunday. eno cosnpletolycover the hlstory o! A. M. Ells was in the ctty ~on Art of ail tiS 'aus»tMgi. Suoli a coi- Mondgiy.. iect4on bau neyer been sbowaIn la is The next Patrioti -c meeting wtll be place. I l latic le. regretted that heid in Ashburn Presbyterian 'Churcli moe4dne e hnia liyse onoday svening ' Februarýy l5th, both educative and Instructive. Thle. at 8 o'clock. Everybod4 welcome. dpapers, descripitreof tihe different -+ poriods, wsre excellt. A vote of KINSALE. thanka was given tb those who con- .M.R .Mwryl ai- & 9 rIbuted towarde Vthe prograni, amiMnRd.Mwra shîug a also o Mr. Johnt Gordon, wh î ct>'bee on Tuesday1e followed b$y an 1kixidly loaned lits Aiaddin lampa for oyster supper for his frienda itn the the ccason. vOiing. thO~~~~ fLtfiU ew from hare attended the Art Mise Annie, Bennetit, o! Kinsale, Show lield at Brooklin school. h as been vlsItizg with Mrs. Sings. r.EmsnoWtby spt Mrs. Johni Dryden, of Toronrtom, r', ! hUiyspa vistig t a~IeShde, 'a Uîe week-ead ai Mr. R. R. Mow- absence of. Mr. W.A. Dryden, who labry. In Albertaý on a business trip. Miss Bignali, o! Brougham, visit- Mr. and -Mrs. Ambrose Hleuson and ed1ler cousin, mise Carnie Lawrence. Mn.. Wun. Lane, of Oshawa, were Ini Owing to quarterIy meeting at lte' village last week attending- the GreMawood, we had no services boe funeral'o! Vhs laie Mrs. Woodward., ,on Sunday. A peciaà l meeting o! Vhs Wonen's Tv 'PleOpeeo!fVlis coimunity are [ntititute wtll be iéld. ta the Tom- I erYanaxiOus to bave Vthe <[e!unci jperalnce "H'c'a ý~ki~ n Te-choIr reaume their duties. -Their dayevsanoeFbruà *r ' 6; ~gitbapes hiay be realizecl JE theY can 115c1Â?sil >s, t e1ge r ndMs pears as leaders. p~esai ' - .' - . OW iag to - the deep *falf oi snow ~olii~ay ~ Jtras wer e unable t'~e hog isrativs 'Pr .onto. on Tucsday and Wednsday'last. wîti rlaive ii' . . Miss Gladys Mow%,bray andi Mn, Thelaiies~o~ ~i'hm~ Cl trliHoward Mmilkev tiendedail iya wsre tetaied ^aithe lborné' of! Ms . obai Vi hitb Mrs. Kirch'on Wednesday. A very mr. EC. L. Mak4'isiWndoa- plasaMnt b Kers w a sit g tending tle funeral of his brother-in- ries InieTrrto. ling w9th Iaw, Mr, Fred Jones. frieda I Tornto.The next Patriotic meeting wlll be Mn. Fred-Woodward, o! Toronto, heîd ini As'hburn P rcsbvterian ('hurch was in Brockân last week attending on Mondai' evening, Pehruarv l5th, the f uneral of!bis aunt, Mrs. -laines at 8 o'ciock. Eývery-boîl' el'oe Woodward. wlvm.I On Friday, Jnnuary 29th, thers (COLUMBUS. passdi away at lier resideace on the tl con., WlitVby 'p., Mrs. James Miss Winnie Moore î'isited friends Woodward, beloved wite of .James in Darington recently. Woodward. For some months Mrà g. Miss Mabel Downs and ias Gerty Woodward baad been ill withh lian Allin, of the Base lýineo, sPent a few fallure, and while ho'pes were lield day's with Alrs. Hlarold liaze. out for lier recoveny, o! late her con A ver)' exciting gaine o! hockey dItion lad been more crlicai, and was played ini the rink here Iast M1on- Its serlousness was reaqit,ýd. Ail thai day night between King Nt. ;Met.ho- could be donc was done, 'but Mîrs.i dist ('hurch, Oshawa, andt our invii- LWoodward paased away insieo cible septette, which resulted in a medical ,ekili. Mrs. Woodward'st. , ii al malden name was Jaae Arksey. She Neariy l'if ty o! our y'oung people waa born In Whitby Township fifty- went 'te Osliawa rink In two slelgh nins years ago and lived thene ail o! ioads and lad a very enloyable tkme her life. She leaves to mourn' er jrý loes lier lîuband and nine chitîdren,- MYRTLE.M four sons and 1 ive daughters- Wmn., It ltua proverbial saying ltat "Wc tc o! Oshawa ý Fred and Jlohn, larMiig never miss Vthe wat.er Ithe wellG In Wist Whtby ; Albert at home; I rus dry," but when the poor old 9. Mns. 'Pheodcors. Carey, Osliawa,,~ Mrs. jT.Il dos not run on schedule trne gr (Cliarles Pogson, -Whitty Tp.; Ales, i 'Mise- lit Inta he keenest sense o! t-< Clara and Rose ai home. Thc 'lu- the word. foÉ lierai waa hled on Monday aftern>on oî~ ~ frhir o! iast week, ils service being ooa- îst 10we cflosed frtIres days bol ducted by R'ler. H. W. Foley, Brook- ls ekotvung to inclement wea- i tito the. Union Cemetery. Dep-iler, and the Art Eoxliibdtion in D est> syrpathy le felt for Mr. Wood- roki.O ob colby or ward and famuly In the bas ofthîe Sprung wiii probably be welcomed c wi'fe and mother. -ibis year more than even beforp on Mr.', James Woodwýard and family accoui to! the great scarciti and wihto. tbank their many friends for exhorbitant prices t>! fodder. if the OGi the deep sympatliy'shown iliem in 5110w la any indication o! an abund- hel ihein receni sad beneavemeni. ant'yleld, farmers wil l e living on Re ea«y street sinon blie recent saow gai storm. Pcl Catarrh Cannot b. Cured Old Bruin dild not get a chance to 0on wlth LOCAL APPI.ICATIONS. un they caursot makea xtfonbswne' ur r resc ets .ai et othe diseuse. Cstarrh la a kà a th rmbioute' ua-M h'ood or conslitutional dixease, and lu ordeta to trs < on ihs second.ti cure lty yu-iuusttake internai reruedies Hall,&sw L atarrh cure in tairen internaliy. and acta dir. It la about ie sofne of the hock- Catarri Cutâe ts not a quack medicine. It was prescrlbed by one 01 thse bevt physiciens lu tisl country for yeai a snd s a regular prescription Itincornpooedofthebtst talics kuowu, coins. blned wlth the hest blood purifiera, acting dit. ectly on thse rucouabut laces Tse pelfeetcogm. binai fou of the ' wo ingredients ina w"at pro- duces siscis wonderf ai resuitu lu curiug t atarris. Sent 1 fqr testimoniale fi ee. -Y. J. CH EN RY a CO., ?top&.. Toledo, 0 1 AUDLEY. 0 Mmes. N. J. Cliapman necelved Ford on 'Monday thai lisr simien, Mm& R. Logan, o! 0Oit Ctty, Penn., lad dled ths day lofons. Mns. Logan wa.s vis. iting at lier sonasla tButtler wlisule was selzsd witli au attack o! diph-, therla. Althougli aIe reoovrd ront, iV, Vhs a! ter-eflecis on the lisarttax- ed lier powers o! recovry. Dsceaeed was Vhe youngeui daugilten o! ihs laie Wm. Hall, o! Oshiawa. Her"'luas- band sand iwo sons sttrv'lve. She was a woman of pleaslag diqpositIon, aad was farorably kaiown by maay bere. ASEHBURN. In~ Of ne rv. We Offer, the FollO'wlng Extras:s A Limiîted Quantity of Pavies No .I Pure Lard iln 2 b pails, very special ai l4M4'c a lb, A Number of Roomn Lois of Wall Paper, ai - Haif Price A Quantity of Tapioca, best quality, - - 7c per-lb. Canned Goodg, your choice'Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, 3 for 25c 9 I3oy's Suite, sizes from 26 to ,33, at, - -' - Haif Price 5 Men's Sîîitq, sizes 34, 37o 39, 40, ,O.ur choice - -$0 4 Men's Overcoats, sizes 37, 38, 40, regular $,io and $r2, for 8.00 6Boy's Oovercoats, at ju t - - Half Regular Prf-cq 5Girl's Coats, io and 12 years, - - - $2.25 7 Men's Coat Sweaters,- regular $3.25, going ai - 2.25 25 Pair Ladies' Shoes, regular $i.4o, - - - 90C 25 Paie~ Men's Socks, reguiar 20C., 2 for 25C 5oo Yards of îo and 12c Shaker, ail ai go-- R . -A' 4 Dozen Cbild's Vests, ail sizes, special Short Ends .We are oç eryu, - of Ginghams, Prints, Blankets,1 Flannel Shirts, Underwear, Wool Biankets, Boots, etc, ai seIliing at prices that wili seil themselves. Taking Stock -,N'ext,' ýMonth and .as possÉible-in doing so. want, as littie work' Att NEXT.WEEK Ind- Phone 16 Bell ýPhone 10-2 A. ModeBLLJ(OTT BROOÇLIN- P. -S.-100 Yards Pink 13c Shaker at - - 1 l1Oc per yd. An East Whltby farmer is atari _____________________________ rig a bus lins between Raglan and wwVW [anchesier, and la provlng hlrrusllf Dbe a substantial opposgition Vo the *-TR. P r sF rS l Are you seni'ing Canada in this F r s F r S l reat Europenn War ? If noti lelp_______ omake ibose who are facing Vilhe eé more comfortable, and gpet le- Upwà rds of fOrty fartas froni 25 acres up, and ai froni fnd the k'itting needles. Socks are $35 an acre, guaranteed to show satisfaciory resnits froni ling constantly called for, and Mrs. invssamatloctdiiWib n ikrn orsi icksoa has a aew supply o! yamn, riýnetet-lctdi h yadPceigTwsis blde shc ui11 gladly forward any- Every conceivable requiremnt or soil, buildings, orcliard e wisbesi to work "for this wvoniby Iand culer impirovemerits can lectact in bthe varied list cflered. Mrs. D.G. Ross, who attendcd the ýrganIzsd Blube ('mass Conrtion Ild ol Triaut1 street and Walmsr- oad Churches, Toronto, last week,' ave probably one o! île fineat mc- nrts that bas ever been given 'bers, nSunday. Althougl not a typisi, ýrs. Ross seenied to lave every iought tînt was given dunung tbe wo days' sessions, and ta Vo le ve oiivîluulaLu we're cîîalleng-ing soie U1baplinsonbeitr-itn foreign team. Bbni and Frank are o! ,i taken ln thc work, and thje clfent îleopiiontîat 'on\l'rrvla hsto impant tlesc enoblng Ideas Vo Most suitablc for' a fiendly gaîm iltoseulho woe not pririleged tb at- but Oliver prefers WlitVbv. tend. Our Home (luard lias.not hua or- Miss Lemon, o! Oshawa, speni ganlzed as yet, but the boys arc gsi- Suaday ai Mn. F.L. VasiNet's. tlag splendid muscular training pusbh- M4ss Wfison spent tle week.end 14 14 ji '4 4 J, E. WINN, Bell phone 109. Residence, Du WHITBY1 P. O. Box 394 indas St. East. BRAITfFORD GMGOL1NEENGINES, i£iU Hftvy EnIoi. ' Jwlth Raglan frIenda. lDIMN U EhL __ EASYf TO OPERATE EVER FARN ER -NEEDS ONIE GRAINGON DERS suitable foi- any si-ze engine. Se w o-Lo WeIWlrsinls 7W 0,caetesalwskn h pipenbak WIRE FENCE9. We have purchased a car load, and will heads facWa blenmlshes due to Indigestion or b el iprcs ht ol ners yu nema At times, ail woanen need help to rid the BINDER TWINE. We would: be pleased to show you system of polsQns, and the safest surot mont samples of twine, made in Canâda. convenlent and mnt Oconomical help they find In m m. . . .- ThPle Homte Guard o! Asliburn and vlclulty lield a rifle match Saturday jatteruoon,, seermal good marýsmesu I ialcizg partint the contesi. Capiain IAlex. Wilson displayed great sili, and Captais Rilaseil Richiardson got Ia lew points iu lie tura. Thle boys Ichosea wsre Capi. Russell Richard- json, Sinc. 1lýcDonald, Will Rouiley, iA. M. Ellia, Harold Walker, Gordon F isher, Herb. Costiello, John Leask, Claytou Steplien. 'Ple opposlng 1aide was Capiain Saady Wilson, Efi. 1Shirk, Frnk Robiason, D. Panroti, 1Clarence Holman, Roy Leachl, Han- ivey Comipton, George Forcst, Frank 1Fialsen, Hcrby Ashton. -,Wlauers of 1tIhe matcil wers Capi. Ricilardson- 1and 1*ts men. At sevea o'clock a- 1choies oysisr supper was ssrved ai ils Wilson Houas. 1ev. Mn. John- SIon, guesi o! honor, gare an inter- estiag addrese, f ollowiag Vhs sump- tuous repasi, atter wiicl aIl joiued ln, singing 1'<Gad Sare ths King." Misa C. ,Jdliason was Vile guest of Mrs. Lou Ricirardson asmt week. Mn. John Ansom visitted Mr. -and Mma. Robi. Heron on Monday. jA- Red Cross aieeiing'was held at Mrs. Balfour's on Moaday aftcracon. el 1The per fect soap-made Palm and Ol4ý For delicateiI luiomp1ex' For. every n otheic[ami] For everyto ýPa1mo, For Sale by ' J. F.IIL 1ProfessiouaJ Nok. E. FAREWU Barnister, tCounty Crow -County Soli< Offi soutil wîg Court A. :-,CHRti Office, Brock St., OPP Money to G. YOUNG SNU -Issu ei'o MARRIAGE L Court Hous, W iti DO. Au J. 5w > BârîstCe solicitor, Cor., ;Cyacer, Osha wa, - Office-No. z ing St. Resdence-5 z -phone's-Offtce, 321; tico wituengegrequired, *Land Go., je4 Est'ate Dear,. Ienta collecte&, Fins lroplertiesix botgl Iofr teriit jpIîsllent] ll Plhone 193i. $lnMan~ W.CO.URTI '44 SymmlgnOlA ',Yli be pfemtso u - kind,. orf>lJAçtehtnlý FRED W.I Plias drawn and catil RaiAI terations Ten or fifteen .-acres' sone bealing fruit- wlio can pay- cash. near tewn with High where train srvice5 A iag echool çonv5ie - propefty te SeiI, wnit Cuatry- Real jstate Lumroden *~ 6 Aeaid TORC TORONTO BROOKXLIN. Clothes You'i Be Pfroud IýnexpensLve'd'g~~ marks te wear or as a wel-ýdressed m'an, That's the Hobberlln klnd. Cut ln the ýsmart single- breasied styles after the pa gllsh oe American 'odels. Fabrics- and tail- orlng posilively guaranteed. JUST COME IN 'WHEN PASSNG THISSTORB AND HAVE A LOOK Or moi ul.>A-l-Z 11 ÇI gency The House ofI bberlln, LimIted. 'STYLE& JUSIT TUHANO M. LAW RENOE 1H, - -ONTARIO New obraryRecords Il.. -' à % m m - ONTARIO .0 v lot 1 = lei heý dsý 1 1 Ã