TheStandard Bank Periodicals, NewmpcsPxSLsN Cfrculars, P' =at _ « - Stationer>. K A*lIytb vmig tb umml report 01 lb. Rank c a CasAvini bo sFbie -in Our roiumi; Sad L $peafflrg t i e.caIl at+ Thobau t ioe ahauSi e pami k c 1i aiým PaeimeatMr. W. ~C lb,,qsmu. e*ta a& lu ot*0 tRýwlIoi nÈibitw a gp.wtlm 1apea I?"egg li dcrnu.e vas$tOWL,4SS, mmkt afor lth e >7ars a tbl u iz«» 9j». 1? pitlere s $0 M ma. x ow claptw -or lt per PSAmWno e trlo ii , $T» Bwto tii. r ai a i m ou teit iet 18,441.l ili td-pi~ts p m fetimus QU&K@u17 iIvidétdâ e t i aeo!f13% P« &anuM.....UO4 bulsi W Offic.rg' Pension Fn..........îA. Resi Wervs Fiani «Mtru eI................ lWW. terred t. ]R. rs Funi frmpr.sn4wm ou * w»oas..... ort, arled iUS @> tas $TWWma-u.x tii-Pk temarabbe bcrbu fçawIdlatoah e.uso« et lb. big tmna l wIe.ticm .1wWWitl Bam" 1repidMi bytW' Oh eotlpb.Ivi b. tm d awd BMbas usdoue 10*Mm irnlmtak- tue or veefl tag Cam ofthe IsgtiaebSinffsmo Pffien f thecounty -. .5 ân et proilta for iIae,,d ,48S>4 ' " $yroI" U fr aa&t th,ê e o aule la - Cuiroýnt colin bel. Uila....... .....U,1 bUSU iTtio, Bank.. 48,5 "I~.s b~_ '- idomn ounotes ::S1Musg la-t a b bouiig Iserse 3,n--.66Ch7i .*aoter Bank».. Rviend 4 -are.!an à d C~%s ue e lianka sutpali .... ...."......... ù53 -}ld ln Canada . DivIieni No.. payable J3ià ces due by Banksaà . lot Febriaary. 1915 16,518 RSI 1ing Correspondenta Dalatices due ta other *lsowhere . than ln Cau- Baka ln Canada .........387.081a admt......... Dalaitaes due to Banku an.!Ioioo isi.Poica Banklug Correspontients. GoverppsentSecuritiem not lIn theTUnited Ktngdom exceedlng xmarket value. and! forelgn countnies ... 413140 79 CanadIen Munficipal Securi- Acceptances uner Ietter. tisi ?d British. foreigia. of credit............. e3066and - flonlal public se- Capital pal.! up.......3,00.»00O curîties other than Cana- ]Reoerve Fuasti. .... .... 4,000,00 00 d1er................ Balance of Profit anti bos R"way and other ýbonds. AucouaI carrled forward. 58&140 63- debentures. and stockseflot -exceeIlng market value. Call andl Short (not ex- - ceeding 30 days>. Loans ln Canada, on bonds. de- , bntueaand stocks .. - tlier Current Loans and ilicounts lu Canada (lest rebate of Intereat). * - LabiIties of customers under bottera of- Credt as per contra...... -. . Real Estate 'otiser than Bank, Fremîios... ....... Overdut debta, estîmated lama- provîdeti for -..... - - Bank Premises, ai not more, han * ost. lem. amôona written off .. - Depomit vwiti tise Minîster - for, tie purposes of thse CIrculation Puai .... Otiser Asmta-not. -incluei la the.foregoing . ... $43,55~949 S W. T. OOWA34. Prmslieal. ARII3ITWS D'OinT '50 6m13,25 6659,U1184 000,538 P. caOLFIpLnD. alfofc nd our of the,-auitnatIoii braheo were checked mrà d veritied by au du$afrthe a. anad tournd to10 1W i'erd with le books of lth.e ak. AU InforwatlOI nq zlu~98 a1e1&.been glVen to me, and a&U 4raw*..UoaSof ticmie l"Ic hebave coins :unid.r Mrnotice bave, tu Mr, oeiaoU. be..a wlthe bpowers 4f 1the lEik. et tUao?6, Grdon 4êb1hrworth, *oronto CWa & The ff0iowtn w«e eected Dr tsPrt b* .On g tysr: i. W. P- Cova, MUr. Welngton FSlCIE, .C, 11 . Alin, i. P. W. Oowen, Ur.i. RLantglok r. T. IL mc)ilflaW Mrb. ]P. Scheeid, MUr. T. IL Wood. mr. W. P. Cowaa was r-elotai ad Mi. Welngton MT»IssIs, KO. THRE. STARDA» A Stat m ud J4e 0 Affairafou lt JaRoo" 81 U^BuJTm viedudPrfits- Nou maCao.au6 - D4olt -- DusteB"6s , s.oooooo.oo 4A53,140k3 Z697,203.00 36.136,428.72 770.161.34- 2~36~66 .~2~35I RKSOURC Gsr.fmdor omc M - Fqu46 - - Pm" mm soi tsLoa 1.97Z62M2 2530&66 0022031 cei --- Auutber big atep was- takuu on Tie Resrve.14* lajenov *,000*- TUrslday Iaut tovards a sta.rt Q 000, or equel te 133 per ç4u.-1 of t Tà Çt-ash3aHdr-ada capital, vici iA $3,0001000. Raiîwny to-Bstem Hy«ý~oCRn-ia Oui o!.the: profits the abareboidets MMÉson ferwaried ti te ftc y mlî [have- receiveti. divideniz at the rate.,1 rnisent tý>r approval the _brý ýo!13 Per cent., amoD=infg te $80- aws andi contracte o! elev mun mi-I fitO.48, -andi thse bani buas contrib- cpiismtise r dial zone -which utet $1.000 to ii Poi'uFuid, have votet ins- avÃoq >fthé establsi- ez25,00 written oft Bank prema"ses, ment of radiai service. $100,000 set- apart for depreciation. , The contracte were trous Scanbor<o. in the nmarket value o! Britîshl)Dom,. Township, Markfiam Township andi i in, Provincial- anti- Municipa se- Village, Pickering 'Towrnship, Sitouff- curtist10,00 tdt oti e ville, Port Perry, Reach Townsbîp serve' Fund trom profite, and,.139,- itb ' Town anti Towffliip, ý- Ul- 760 tidei tothe ame untifro bridge andi Wh4tchurch Township. li-, prenhium anti new stock. bridge Trownship is te -vote again on I$5.3,140.63, the. balance o! Profit ,tise seheme. and Loss Accountbas been carrieti 1 The contractsarae baseti upon -the- forwvarti to the next year. Contri-'originai untierstanding. thse failhire o! butions bave also, been matie o! $25,-'lNews'arket and 1,kbrsdge. Township 000() te the C anl Patniotic Fuid, Ùo.on nhvin made no difference $2,50 to, the- Redi C-oss Fn i n t he iiestimates of thse Commissious $1,5où tolfrh- Beigian Relief Funti. euglacer. The oniy- eficf to! the -vote was thé droppiusg fom thse plans -of vv ~the .Newmarket anti perhaps 1ithe:- lJi- HOCKEYbridge end tie iUne. As the, sys- temn nov stands 'twiIll comprise-.S4 WHITB 10,AURi - LE 8, miles 'of trace. WHIBY 0, URALEE 8, Two inatters. o! importance bave The. Aura Lee Club -o! Toronto yet to be deait 4.itb, before a start playeti at Buras' Arena on Satffrday cau be matie cmthe lune. The " n- eveiing fast,- and met witi n 10-" trance te Toronto -must be agreet defeat. The team. Os coxaposed. i o! upon, andi Sir Atian>. Beck is arrang- boys Whso are playing. juntor hockey ing tuis Point irCity Hall ;ômfc- i vii city. teams% andti tey > wme p- is. Tic ent.rancie to Torounto viii posti1u_ mixeti teansftom. Wbitby, be taies. up tn the consitieratiosi of tvo mediat anti Ove' .juniors .tie goiseral transportation, question parti lting. 'Tie Ice vax -very sot, lin Toronto>. The. ehbtr maSter yet te 'wii4PreeTeti ant play by either be settieti is tint ô a Fetieral -sub-, sdeuttic boys voiketi art, s aldy. '1'le stma' o? *thé ctobMn ther udicates. ,Tiche cota al ' eDgw*ýrn wh ~tic cou-, bas-a vi'of cevef boU, but 'racts -v*tei¶Ùpon e basedtitek wrre unabin te get nway, jr for gra4tied the of a -asotan- 1tà ourh on papes' tiey would se.n to tial Flederala -- N10 oûl have a >gooti maxgèn n j auwaIS ta8i t w .be fos'tIconug. Whni- came te real play, how«ev,, bas been r.oeved, but tic coinm1s- thse Wliitby boys were rigit on -lte*[io andtihie muniffipalities are,- ot spot. woryu & grgeatly ab out thse Ukeli- BELLEVILLE, GIRLS 4, WHITBYhot filengeusdEx GIRLS 1.j On. Wetinesday RasItithe Whitby DEATH- CALLS (JO. BOIIROWMAN Ladies'1 hockey tenus visiteti1 Bele IC. o.- B romn for 48- years -'tUe, viser. they playeti . t"fant connecteti vith ,iliolargeet usern- ladies tenus oet tat place. Tise«ganse tile estîabiilunentf, î St. Cathuxne [vas tise Orst-o! home anti himehnewn.aMcLaren& tCo., tiiet on games for tii. chagnpionship o! Eas-j Sundiay lat, -agedi 68 y-eare. Ë cmn Ontario. Thec litby tcan vas been a direct«or o!tie coenpany, mer -,aeedb i asne !oeof Iirng five years ago. He vas bos'n i their regular members, anti con-, tn Ayrsbire, Scotiauti, going te St. sequently they - ere unable -to dis-.' Catharines trous Whitby at tic age play the tas-t hockey tisat carr4eti o! fourteen years. 'He was Sessional th=u through* last -wî-nter withouà t a Clerh-,o! Knox Cburch,, a prominent deleat. Manon andi liserai, a veterain of 189.0 Tereturn ganme van caileti. -franoeofteir é i S.Ct. Tedyevening o! tis aweek, but and netse m fiurd. He m "$ t. oane thse very milti veatier necessitateti a 1ssTr, 'Mine florrowxnan, o! Wbi»aYi 1postponement. The Whitby girlesre v ile, four -sons andti hree. daugli- Iexpecting to. tiefeat. tic Bellevitilier1c, William anti Charles, o! St. Boauties- on home tue, Inasmnuehas a ,Caharneîs, Robert. o! Ingersoil, «tronger Une-up viii hé presenteti. jHowardi, of Minneapolis, .Mrs. A.O. Parker, o! Toroiito, Mrs. ('yrl Horr- How Proposed War mylco!Nw Yr, aiinaui aS hbome. Ms'. Boltowmas aving _; WiJI Affect Medicines. lived hlere in hies ye.uger tinys, va in Whltby. One -ofis Frot Motrel Purmoeuica ,y,~ isterse d d esp last aiumn, Mr. uni (February. Nunibor)., Borrowman belhsg RNre at tint lAime. - To Vry1iIJl0'IA 11*515 I1 INCANES3 TRAIN -SERVICE tint~~~ ~~~ ta1 lce' Grei i ANADIÀN PAOIFIC RAILWÂY Wholesale DrMg - Assocà ation o! cansa- 4.- and tihee Proptetaxy. Trade Anse- Effective Monda>', March last,12W5 "!t-ion: o!.Canada. Thm s o eigsaciv oda -Mrd a w«e boti h.lti for thée pmWoae of traftS Nos 7 -mI22 osthée Ebra conidulus510 Wt 'erproiontiSudtivision, -<iii I-rua .as - isix Md1 w» lsvery seitous>' 8110m b& i r ins ntentiof- >ttaighi pase - ~Who laya daims Si. aiose>' ad -doms ¶5- quit. gladi>', "id castSa oumd te cfie a 1210 cfl Tle ne-ver ,.ays,'"Stop I-S: I cannot l'u getig mrepapers ti"a nov Buat nlways ,ayt, "Send i- ure. pie -ail likie 15- in tact, vo al think I elhp ani an'eedi." - HOnw elcome bis cheque vies 15 How il m ssou.puise-tlsrdb; hoy itm ksOUT heart tierce. We ouîvntdlly .tank hin-:wcinwarti- r ly.bless himn- -- - Tiiheadvsubscriber .wbo payaslu - . -7Tii.Libera -Novs- VICTOR1 - BE. TO YOU. "MTe local branci o! 'the.-W. -C. T. IU. has .beemS suplieti with copies of ;a nov patriatiç Song wi th, the' above titie. These c ,12 are bcing Salta jTodys for 2-5c. ~ ach, 80 pjr, cent. o!* tise proceeis-t>'go lia-tise,:-vork of SUPPoÃUnsg n reproeetat'ive aitueth front., Thse vords -o! the song, folw, low fBritansia, -Qa,itafî Whoue sons 'ane heroe al loti speeti Yourr migity v4uadrons- E'.r RÃ"redoa's banner fl. Your dugtes air tise trumPelý (lientBritain te ise47 ace, Togeticr! 1 rikagair Mohrou Bear on -,è IESUIU MDOaIAWL The great Rled- Whte.-anti Blue,.ý Andi viet'ry ie yu, Yes,>:Vicktr' y. be to you.. Bear oun, ht noblbannr, The great #W~e, White and. Blue. The ashes of! your !athes' Shail.tiyantÃs desecrts? Let Waterlmouihnda., Tinît daring tryant's frate. The Spirit o! your latiers, Sp'iugs froni eaçh rednmng cioti, Britannia aiulher daughters, For Liberty Il For Goti1: TI v.Freedom, Truth andi Juritie lu every lauti abeuni,, Traint Tirme Tb WHITBY JUNCTION. cfflng we«t.. 45a..GorngRM .... S.rnoaip SuntY lay tr'lna bavefor TorouS. 4*. a.m. mat7.44 p.m. Pfrom Toc- -osto--rins stop. aS WMtby Junctio et -8.15 and-0.55,a.m., sud 9.80 p... UP-TOWN - STAI ON' oingNorti...S3ô I. ~Going Souti ... 718a.n ..pi. .io -iat Oa., U I elrory P-. Q. Box 176. ELîimates Giv I -i P -.,R. BradburyTUS 1AINTER and DECORATOR Ma«ry Street, WHITBY 70 YON ART1H'-UýR - LYN DE - TENORTHIRIV -TEACHE RI-0F SINGING. MemÙber of The %Ieuà elâsobn'i'hoir, of Toronto. anad Aolian Male quýlt.kTnroütt. Direct.r of Knxandl AS] Ssiuts' clatirs WutVnaingtom ps a Soloist and LeaderotSt. Andrew'u Choir,%% hittby. p0c Voice trialis free happointinssi. cr terms -. ~à Rare Oppoi'tuit WH1ITBY MARÀRKETS - Wiea, fat - . ~Ladies & o i Wleat, 4 ....oo4 t 15 Barley. *.2 .....0.75 S. 0.706 H7aving purclaà ~Ofl............ 3.00 to 8.00 Bubbors, 1I vili lRys ...... ..1...... .... 1.0050o1.00 they la8t . foI14âu feu.......... ..........1.10 bo 1.10 .j...0.15 to 0.80 Ldl'Robbrs, ... *... . ....... 0.00 to 0.0ls'Ruu', lIed ~ ~ ~ ak Vieve .aI.Oto.Nj Bras, pS ton ..... . 0 8,00 auMaf shorts, .40rkton. .80.00508.00jiuieiiS NEA-T, POULTRY- A» PROD)UCE B3e., ewvi. dusd.....2.5 01.0CONI Cattie, .Ilve elit-...8.50 te 7.50- Lams. aci ...... 0.0010100 J f() Hoi rsst.. .... ..500o12.00 98g9.sceS............ 8.25 t 8.50 -Carpentes'-,, Cbckopeu lb......8te ô-20O-Plans drawu Docks.. p«.l .... ......0O.1k 5e0.0.0 Repairs, Ait Gesse, dmnasti1 peu Ilb. 0.15 to 0 18 Agent for 1 Turkeys, ZdrUm, -per lb. 0.1050 0.51 Box 467 M Butter, per b. ...0.80 ta 0).85 Eggs nov e r des. 40.82 la 0.85 J H ' Lard, per' lb.l......... 0.18 to 0.20 JONL Potatoes, per bag; ..-.;...0.75 50 0.90 Plas Mad Apples, 2per. bairei I......1.50t 000,PasMd Oulons, or ba ..... 1...e .5Ail Kinds of BB Ray', Pei.ten....14.00 to -îs.oo gepairs to Chi, Wool,. nowliuhëâ- ..... . 0.17 Cmiisn, per lb..15 sto 0.1 Lamb ;à ;ins wab 1... ..0 to0.75 Ides, per, cvi. .....18.00 te 13.00 Sheepà i ..... ......0.551.18 Deacouý . .-.. ... . .. 0.25 te 0.70 Horie Hidet ..5.50 te 8.00 Tallow, rend., ptlb...-..0.00 te tOI0 Alsike cbover, îpotr bui;. 8.00 te 1.00 11 f1 liilg lii'88u80161s0h. 0F (CIq!ADA saved its poficytbolders $soo,ooo in ils first ten years bf .business by -selli ng them without-puifits policies, and having ail premiumn pa- direct ti bead office without *cmmissins. Premiums col.. Iectcd wer.e$3bAo, iiitcad cf $48.-] Whltby, <1 Bell CONTRACTI PLANS *0F - FUIR Residence,- Phone -AIterationýI Appi>' Dundas St.M Telepboii DEiý i8 the edown thse fruit- while they are aye nie large bitteaj. oranges at do;. - ýe Slicer for cuttin g OrangeS. N" Ã"l ranges, good suze,25é,3oc, <.u nd Soc -doe. Lemons, extra nice, 3oc doz. - Be sure and use tise best sugar, ike' we will sel to have tise best succesa. California celery, largo whife buaches, ceto,,*ic. -u'esh Lettuce on Frldey ikligisW liasboomoalis.! at iyll take -place tais wook. A recmider- aiÃŽDesbaW been asheti o!ftii.Ouvera- ment aid a tiouttion wUI -rroeoest tà e views ofthtie tade itereuW eti a un sarI>' tite. Thie objectons. o! thse sew ulsasmr o! taxation au voiced inlutise useet- luge vils unanlusit>'are neyerail a mlmber. Tise tax prooset, il >Wei sboivnï, amo0sild 10toro U 5Pes' cent. tô 40 ps coSon liceiml tmatie seing prices. lu tai beiug liuoW eontsepzic ctsaio at iO- ta.11 te ~public reprmmtedsion 4bat babet calkulation trom 10 S. 20 lw cent. No otiser bushun or idual. vas taxe t tan>'m" esuent, - aud msuy ilTiportantS HM voud actul& Ip. face ruin if thse rnasm was per-j sww i b thse Govumueet. --.05,, Orton il.- ~ - -- Ser12.05 p.m., - rvs Era12.45 Wh NO. 722 viii Ièv ~a 8.15 p -in U. Suidi Peigna 8.55, Spi. 4.05, BMuwod PO. 4.30, -Orlon 4.M5, H bug 5.5,M r5.50 ariving Ca ~ a 01anti- 072 sow-- ur=uang betvou For Wems- -30 Laisdon su-d Windsor, tiaily exmPçt Z SSdtay, v*il b. dlpçontinueti bepflis8-300 OImtim. -FOr XasI-630l Fputti'&pazUciulamt rainCnaii 8.0p Pacuife IC rceS Agents, -or vmite 1M. G. Maspiy;-DisSrieS pasmongs' Aget, TORONTO TEM RANCE CON- CLOSE ~ The mrsCol 8-.For Poft Wiiitby- furthcr I 6.30 P.M The l IjFor10ihawa-m.j3op.m when bc l-~ - L-, -W.-Dl m, For oiti. -.30 .4 Lite iu the total abstai.- If interesteti unie (fr f4 lFI£ [CNAIA ý- mmd-ý r-k8 retlur "Ri vinl a.!