Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Feb 1915, p. 5

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aaarem os ta Cam <be d.usdfflas 4v.ctkop 1,s oe%ta YIot Bnshe, Iaad Mirn<rs, Salve Pots and dManiur. Fiee, 't à saving I. ymof . 1hkm godài il mt rb . -*8 enfto cmu«t goith s" dsty a" the ev var PlIanomai tSt HaU, Moud E. Ymsatoàè - on Kmnt At t gabve v be ma=I 1la iii. £.llece (a lwaw Nrb8. w* >wu ne weU --vorta SIUn mgD. Si- > THE TABERNACLE. Sugday, Febzisgy IMi. Tk u»ervim slft Ibe T*leamie Mdi W.etdby Rev. W.P.-BseB KER. o f car mmi aile oug me. --The oerlnfor ticî:c mfàuit ta &U5 v ponp S.. . ai A. B. Visses.,3 m kýcw A quiet but 'vurY Prety veidina vm U beur r', Lmd' ~'fvin sbtIU@iasuy iiornl*e"ý SoeËI- kroeu'à a bàIo. The eKs tÏmu r frlih*io - suy loy- 4ai tcikn.ticdi, 'e p tru and tie Ist njLS- Yen a uloe; eSrry PITXC OINGS. Thei. Casf-counele b.o remm teà%aV o embm; tréiwI4 oits prop riy- j.w~vsu opicmacitue fr or $0 tom 'lson of!-Ur. ad . -r&*ey,-or ~August 'Wuon Major ý4 S hsafpe. jewj« d Oticaa 1 li apUist Chureb, be1IÏ 'uet-b-Wbi$by. The. cerenony wlm.p tikrn..Gowans admits that h. hwAMno touad- WH!i!ST, - ONTARIO oodi othe 'etff' «p*qr4 Alo .d by lb.Rev. Fr Murtav.Thé, buele amiln for tihe statesnent -hé made. ç chqe o" $ _ rDI>dGSPaeWUbCDIfgyatrdI'a l luk17 James Le Bar, o! ,ýSutton-, bas I oioiralLonsertp bed -in -'Vieblue travelNg suit and -pitaîre bat 1been counnitted ta stand trial at, IT*bernacle en Siuidayq E-ebxacy 14. o! Pink with fur triminiags. Mis Wi the, bbchar"s fsteallng a This moey le, for thi e1g~.Rle Annie. Dwyer acted as bridesmald, robe Iromn a cuIter in the - Basco NN.C.T.LI - jwhile Mr. Lco Brockmsan, brother of. flouse sheds, Uxbridgu.' ______________ ___-thle bride, asisted the groom. Aterj The Uxbridge Times,,ays there ia ORILMA. ~CAPT. CAMERON APPOINTED lthe cerernony tie bridai party r poalyn ibaysu ed1gro ~ eue fLcl pAaMAJOR. .paired-tce4he, home ,o! the bride a in Onaio better patoiizéd bliaa W» be patet b lOpion ins1- Capt . Harry S. Cameran, of Bea-1 mother, where they parto0ok of a thmianaUxbridge. PTic library con- fflM au pav4at or av eryne veertoanow statIoned. at Osbawàk*pIndainty wedding breakfast, -alter fjg6,5voupssdIutya ___~~~~ charge, o! the company volunteerîng ý-Whi te hppy' cou~ple left on 'theteewre978olesae.o. ___ upprudate bbc fudvaeraicelta the 3r ý Contingent, .9.30 train 1for'Toronito ,sad otiier > 672 e wr à". Th maluacer a freer bad bas been eievated to -ie rank ý f 'Wetern points. The, bride and groom fiction.Thlbar was founded 5e déh. Ti. nanfaucr trelyCOfi-Senior'Major, aiid will be second ý n 'have :the sincere wishes o! thear y~sao -mé os the tact tliat there la ai--cman o!te3hBtaion o! aun'rOUIS friends for their future bap- y.r g w*ya a noser staff ot erni>loyemo afi~3< vre~ExeiJnr iea Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer, o! tee-a, ioliday, an ino more more Force. The ('ommanding Officer. of'-4 xbri1dge, celebrat-ed their silver-wed-» bud Moda mcnln alera St-the 37th Battalion, will be Col.F. QUALIFYIN{* AS OFFICERS. digoFeray12 usday nlgh'e, debauci, as formlerly. Bick, also o! the 34th ÉRegt.-I'The frist three ni ghts -o! eaceh week GLEN -MA.JOR CITIZEN DEAD. Il. police court has 14111le to do, a re being- devoted aI the Armourte Mrs.Th.Wisnagd7yas, aowlluaaln ieImt ia le The "War Talk;" given by Mr. here to a course of lectures, deiver- dieg at the homne o! ber son-in-law,. en mane thevlgorlyenfed.a a drru nk-Frank Yeigh in the> music hall Ofl ed by Quartermaster-Sergt. B'lngbam, Mr. ' Ira Graham, of Uxbridge, o inarl in o tcset la aovarit, WudWednesdav eveaing last, uuider tie of the Royal Canadiaix Regim ent, -o fSaturday .night, February 13, 1915.ý b. lmbibed his lqur outslde o! Or- iusploes-o! tie A.Y.P.A. o! St. Toronto. Fourteen Witby *men are Dcceased lived here foraà short lime- Jon' Ba) hrcwa lrel aking tbe course, whIcb, when çoi-~ only during ber illness, being a resi- A Provincial1 detective rcnî attended -n ntnéY interestiug. pleted, will qualify them for filliug dent o!. Glen Major. Mrs. .Wilson was speutsevorl day la rillalooi Mr._ Yelg's abffty as. a lecturer ta Positions as officers in itube 341hRoi- a daughter o! tie late .John Collins, fer "blEitd pige," but found- noue. 1 >aaloe h otuenad i et h ore will be followed o! the ninth concession o! Pickering, Pubieacaimnt gaiet~ ~k ~ute equalleit his reputation. ';He by examinatione which must b e Passi- township. Alter ber marrieigé taMr. xiubifd a argeaumbe o! lCW5 >credin oder t giv ttheen Ieir.,Wilson, tluey lived at ýGlen Major, ilsio ka gratlyInoraseitshee " arnad navy, and on tie wbolc _qualifications. Tic classes, are being 'where be. was head saer ln thi; rmUit of the closedi bar beoane mai- gave ao oflie best entertatanels wclî attended, are fromn two ta :Major saw mills. IUer iusbandpee t ffl, a a vote fur thc repeal ofi oftibretfis Irea?. - trcndrs u icpe ordxe cae brb sm easu !ml Loca Option la orillia wouid be he ius«anicid bo 'mr .v.ruaebalgly ifeate.-TbcTissu. ,ad lectures. Ticls iecngt ! cigt ludren -surive-Mrs. Jas. ANTHR URRIEPÂTY o tcweek are speaf by the. Ia- lzard, o! Oshawa; Its. Ira Gra- q A epdemc o suprie prtes *ttructor in Oshawa, vhere a siilar ham and Mrs.. Nelson Graham, o! * ems tu be prevaleiut among, a cer- course lu being.- giv& -Tihlae 1", xbridge ; Jos., o! Toronto ; John,, f ï,.group a!f people in town. Là-nt wio are. talg the instruction ,are: iward aud Wni., o!fM7land, And Local week Mr, and Mn. Wm. Maw .were-f Liecartaat G.W.P. Every, F. H. Thos. Wilaôn, of Uxbrid e., Tic>fa- thi v amad on Mouday ovelog Welirley, Dr. A. Evans,.L.Tes neral baik place on Ttm, rO ay o! this ~ o!Ibiswce Mr.aid n. aU P'a- -MfrW.-R. file,-Staff- veclr to UxbTidge Cexnetv.-TImes: kebIweTelie nes ele~led. Tke SWrgt.- F. Blatcii; Sept..TÇrub as Court b. os came grup- desouuded onu 3btviLb 11s',.Cç>rlA-.M-- taimurCourti w F. ýd#roqqll W. îreigaRiSALE REGIS ibmCoi~ HuasaI 0 ooIok. werc sutpthW i M le »"rfuvs j~ . Gilespie, E;.8S. Baya, Cadb, G. Tuendaey, Mardi nd- cabo g Mneo, r. Plusk'ett eau- not at McGillivray. o! iousellold furnifure, tie properfy "Mi LOrd Binhop, o! Toronto, wili home* and lad 'tobe r alfl , for st -a o lr.DvdPGeg rol n. adWaÈm e b Apostolic Rite o! negibior's bouse. The crc'wd mad-i HAVE A CARNEGIE. PIANO. Sale if ome: oclock slla*p. Terme *mIrm.tio.a atAIl Saints' Cucmery wti a varicty o! gaine' and, Tirougi lie.efforts o!f 1wWcne' as.Wn-Mw8utiucr «s Welaeeday evueig, Marcb 1otb, fhm was atIt1.i hight al evening.- Institule o!* Pickering, fialb place ia1b8 .clock. Tic, usual, good Ibings tg cal woec aow enjo'y a Piano dona'ted by Mr. BIRTHS. g served befo're adjourament. Andrcw Carnegie, lie, multi-million- JEFFREY- On -T'hursday, Februar I ~ ~ ~ .-.... ~~~aire. This piano la liew property o!f 83,11,Kamo od ab WWtegularvemof te iy meetn O-lb 1- PARDON îS CHAMPION- thetWomen's Institule, and lu for Whitby, Ont., le Mr. and Mrs. Ar- dur! Nrse wl iei ~ , CHECKER PLAYER. unse in ltcetoewn hall aid -achool. liiur Jeflrey, a son. Public Lftérry on Monday e eron, Tic Whitby Gui Club held a oicck- -'4-GES ut"&lot, ai 3.30. er tournassenti Friday evcnn a st Rev. W. E. Hazzard wiîî give an..'MARAGS g lalit Gu Clu roma.'Tirs wre îli<~ ddrcss o Tcs'ry of RIC HARDSON-CRAWFORTH -At COMNO Ic prtcipnt, scio! wluon asItbbc Bible aid ils Translations," lan 'tic home of ber fater, Mr. Mark 1'. E. Lulce, OpI. D., 70 Yog ta expert cieker playr Te toi~ be Gallege Concert Hall on. Fniday Crawforlh, aI 4.30 p.m. on Wdni- Toeouto' ail optelan aI .0H im saumoa neresîing toie, evening o! Ibis weck." Those who day, February 24, by 11ev. M. E. and thebeard Mr. hazzardm aIelie affuai Sexemiti, Miss Bertha A. Craw- Aitil'a drug store an Tuesday, Marciai b.g0nswe - olycnt e tgo h il oit e ot oM.Abr . ihxsn' *Ïd. Do't miss seelag bim.w.-34. Mr. Ed. Pardon -won tic first prize 'ocî, i b BbeSceyafw oftl r1ler .Rcadsn -. bo o ciar rMn Alx.wi:e-weeks ago, wull desure bo hear hum liolb o! Whtby. N 0'BLLPOES a bo ofci a e , tic prx. ie-foragail. Ther. will' be a silver' calice- ROWEJ.L-BROWNLEE -. At lic1 Tic Bell T L phe(o a n stawlbwansecanpie, thueMsr. fSrm lion to'defray expenses. parsonage, Whitby, on *Wcdîesday, The el f legponc. sintl -soi sud W.A; Brougiuuoh lied flot POEES.February 241h, by Rev. M.E. Sex.. ,e . tG.oM.wig poe:lw rsdn WIfurd place. Tis ie .wu »nt play- .. 0DS F CRANFORD." - mith, Miss Ida M. Brownlee, of Ulr. M. T ren dfAtho Stresiets. cd fbuii edcdc1nSa - Financulal report o! the play, Audley, ta Mrý I{arry E. Rowell, cerno Tret'an Athl SteeU. day evenlng o! Ibis week. Mesa. '-'Cranford,"1 presmuted by tic Dra- -o! Pickering. Mr Aîu Lneba eu P Iac# anueSr.,. and Ge.- .R<>bb ImatÎc Art Club o! lie College in COFFEY-BRiOCKMAN- 'IOshawÏ, Mr.-ite ulead er fi. ciair Isaac irumuens u. Mr tctun-Februgry 19, 1915 - on Mcnday, Februnry 15,* by. Rev. Autlnew's Churci, and lira. Obonement rc!rehmcus -were ms*rve#l, and Totalrexeis----137.158- mFn ofuOa, is ora Jbn %as ccepted the. position of argan- Jan exceed-iagly enjoyabie evenag oa l xp -tre .F.r ani, o Oba, b Mr. Joh lai, Mn. Robin Nicholson îîvîng spent. Wbitby cai boanalof a m- -Francis ý....... ..$..9 O ,MCDOa h.Intby ber o! ciassy plavers, 'and 1ti us >I aac.....$361 OWLLMCOAH , o èmderud hie, resignation. lb. wped tiît in future more 'atten- i, proceeds ta Patriotic Fund.. 31.85I routa, on Wednèsday, Feiruary S. CAD F HAIK. tion vîli b. given f0 fils popular "i PnOce-SÇ4la Trafalgar JDaug u. 191.5, byBey'. J., W. Magwood, AI- CARDOF TAýWS, ad stentff te" Fiud . .... ... ....... 4 'an R. CoIwilI, soin o!fIiIr. anditlrs. Ur. ait Mrs. W. R. Bradley wish 'âMoti iC-F.OBTN T .Cîil. ityl u.. t uhak hen frimi 0" aendor -Sw at sA Il Salis, Church Iat-- aW r" k Tesrn r!la Dauggilr. -maina Macdoîagh, daugirter of u.I the seoolu, for flo'wera, tetterS 0!the pleaSure o! a- visit from R. W. ,.,,,aùd liMra. James llrndita4hb 571 eympttrymd indnm inther ý"s" ASS!8T IN PAT"T7'rc- NlqrtfoleAvé., Turontdi *Muttr atkmteOl l ~MtF. .. cualal~-WORK. - CAMERO;è-,PER*RY-At lhé - reclory, rotary d1 tie Missloaary, Society - the Churcli o! Ejgland InlaCanada.1 T inY aOntario are respooiÏng 'Wtt ,o Stra, eray-20, * TRANSPER OF 'PROPEITy'. At aebidre's. mlucar-y service te a cmli leup matain awclap- by fthe recowi -fiev. R.W. -Allen, tr . Jo hn PseMla n psl ea id fore beld Ianlte eb olroom infte a ter-t Ilau wlt4i tcCanaduan ro ffl , orne l al- t !a"PCa e M . Pbip lic prty ce iuc uoelir ir lla. aêm thuu~~g e bY.M.CA [hnMr AU.ng. cnIim9ia . 1" lma MW *! et onll inys Withl ber Asiý imOmime oi.Obanle H :arle*, laie or et c wflys.,a, Utic oualy ïfcw XeCdWUo4 18 Toroito Stbe»% Te- tmh iêl et mi, onr-?before ec 8l tSIe-id umuiMd addresso - a1.1 Werptoso! iltaubims, aid-th l ROe oabrVfeb ecuitie, IR auy, d y*i. AdfotAàkè ,11c6 li ai aflèr YO0UR TIlT Oeeth icdia a".v, if ne asurosse. imlsa*lis n'av S"4jpa eaaiI -Sonnd i6"àimesaihe I~~Paen aetoated Iàd peWfeuy diom~d~te&h 10.bu Mashua8 1for 3fo ow!nld m ein. .z: **RR SUAB * EU wIntIun - 'WRITBY, -. IMM KETT E BRGAIN FOR .80' DAYB. - .1 Weébave just prlueeudaha ber- ga Uoaly No . 9 Nickel '-Plateit Copper TembetUlc, usuaily oiti aI $1.38 eac, aid oSfer th=unfor a8 days ah $1 eaci. Pr$ngle's hardwae,' Mrn. Wlfred Cooper, fonmerly of 'Wbtby, aid more receit1y o! O*- av&, wrlf cm the Gazette aid Cbrai- S.). trom uskutrd Camp, Salisbury PWan. Hoe taa memier o!thic let (raadian Overmm Contingent, aid ait4aUr cf vrf'Wng vas urpeted tu lecive abo#t1Y for F'rance, 'deetlm,- «Ou> ahiov," he pst t. CRANGE OF DRILL .NIfIUT. O)wtcg 'b uWrab4é Oc msièM Itkbm iin igilt OttcPltS" 'bc c l 'M t O edrill atis, rmlyM 19y noeug W evitsvotsd W o «. ,Tbuneiy. ARnuéMS are ê0US f4o t= uoi reur.. ORANGES Largo 20ë -doen' Large Bright Lemons for,ý 2Oc dosnn Large Navel Ora -nge& for 40e dozea-n Large Bright (kape Fruit - -_4 1oe-SS Try our vondonful 40c -Tom Nift Mhx.d Te& 25e lb. -Fll»Wdgbi. au Sie lu,.o WUU SSae euoavorng tb suppy lie mmsspiritual "wante j-la tbc W.C.-Ti. ,Deperîmeal O! Mii- itap aid the, Y.M.C.A., anti maay a Omuumiim motýhqr, wif. or sister.vilii bel hippler lu fie abSce of sohn, huchend or brother, fon tii défeuice of hoe and- Empire because-o!flte helptulChristian influene tuns omt 4-aiout them.- Whtby y's, in respoading *1o tue mWst 1r iclp, gavP--a paIrlotié ina on Franes Willard Day, -Wcuediy, Febkowlr lu7ti. nIe Methodist par- 1FIruarTheli, aid tli.ii aiiWa$ v,î.ers is latisanpunlgEg I -aid, Franc, Ifiglure, -Sei, Rus- Isia anit Jîpam. Tic W.1*ýS. Cadets, <wth arma) werpa gùud o! hounr. Sovef liltle girls -ta fcobtsue brumeb ttMp ftroua 1th. laid hey i-uwi>- -gn. aid Mrs. Jas. R ," màva, tl -Mft.,Edgat- fBi, of W-ns. it.g ormerly of Osbawg. BL-nOshawa IHospital., oni Sït urday,, Fetrmy 20, 1915, - -Sua Bail, -neliet ô! lie late Richard Bail, o! MyrIle Stationil, lu ber S7hycar.. BORWMÂN.-.- AI St. Catalme, oný ïud, February 21, e1915, Charles ..Borrowman, l in s S8tIm year. KING-AI bisreeldence, 80 Howlaid Avenue, Torouibon01londay, Feb- rumry 22i115, 'ChaIls King, agei 4114t. m . umsia ure -Wbfchtbiy shU 1ie ave bad ]ao- lice,ai i e eutorS siall ict b. Malle -for -fte ,asse.-n-a»Y 1part fiereof so d= Zibid -ta any Person of Whou e lai-e ley 1shah not lrave laid- notice aI tie lime cof dietrillu- 'lion. JOHN W.* MeCULLOUGHI 15 Toronto St., Toronto.' Solicitor for! lhe Exeuixrs. Daled at Toronto fuis 24ti day Of February, 19 5. 37 RESIDENCE FOR SALE Vith .5j acres, land Stuated un. ti! Town of Witby, withmn walking* dis- tance of schools,1postofficé,l churches and railWuay stations. Frame house, 8*roc,'ms, cernent f -undation, stable and out- buildinigs, ane acre of'land and. any partOf 4,9 acres adjoining cani be had at a reasonable, figure.. ..Large fro t lawn, a number o! shimde t ces, apple, pear, plum and cher trees,; alto a quantiî'y of Small fruit. Attractive location,* $25oo.00. Possession andt terpus cm- be arrange4- 309 TempleBuý'ling,. 'or M RS. ja. Mcj{LLANP, Witby. Your Local Ppe Vakiable and - vrraY Mears o Publi tity. The Advertj Cokimr 6bg are read by prsoi, eêcl, w tek. Do 100 mer acres i 1t!ea £85 a, -~ - Whvi OM Micianeous Avrs WAMM). TC OENT. About Wenali srWib and Oniava by !et Apnil. Agly, b Gazette offis. -»R-B SALE...; o. ne Mch eew, due Mardi151h. Snap fai ionce.-!o0115,azg-- *Foin SALEÈ. rikbuilding ber. Apply R. G.: sIOn ERoad,wct !rame. huihkig, 24 Iumber srd tii- 'Carruters, King- 34,. FOR SA-LE. One cutling box.,' ne-qW;-1-,Cbatbitni incubaton; i crosS-cul!Saw,. nearly e.wý; Mhe lot fer..$14. A snap. A McCausland, Dûffenin SIseet,'aPrt Whilby. -8 Imprognablia Strngth, Maximum MimýimnuNkt Ctut. For a al md flti ifond'44Iou A5pI7 1 V.»J. DUFF, 'M.A . EÈ.tONOV'AN. lpib.tal Bop. Q'o hol i. Tho Metual tifs 'anowi0M 3, Apt.7,1Y5 t Ail indaet Cai . BROUGHAM-M. -Gi.i ëZeepi pça coal 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Nov. 3. PORT PERRY-J. '1% Pea GCoaýl, per ton 6.0 Clerk, Pont Perry-Jau. May 7, July 9, 'Sept. At Harbor Goal uheda 50-centS'J-ai. 7, 1918. per tonc. "SORB-IANTON 14. UXBRIDGE-R. J. M Theaim guraneesthe Uxbridg-Jaa. 16, Me Coal".11, July 13, Sept. 7, Nq higiuest qualiiiy - 14, 1910. 5..CANNINGTON-Thos. Clerk, - Cannlagba-.Jaz E. R.eILow, WJ iD 11 M ay 12, July 14, S Bell Tel. 9. Homie Tel. -14. Jn. 3 C191. s . BEAVERTON-Ca son, Cleni, Beaventi ROYAL TH-EA RE1 10, May 13, July1 ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME 7.- UPERGROVE-Dai ClrAtherly-Jmný 1Each Nighte MayM1, July 6, Sept. ýNow Riunning "h(ATHIfLVN" Jan. 11, 1916. Evýary Second ùMonday. Dated at Whltby,' Nov 21 a-u4yniglut, i o aail. ( By Ondec Saturda3.' E. PAR BAIN PERN, Managerlr 6 1' A - - - - - NIJOSO MME BRi MONUMI Of o il Dê3Iàib suad Vitoria 1h vii, psy yen te vorka ad laup»ci for Doni'l i.misîi by al ici emàploy them.- Cn a" aMd do illow lie msin10per cent., -w certalny site. by purcia A Cail seicl Offce and Wc OppMsie Standard Bm! COUNTY OF ONT.J 1.WHITB3Y-Muu. E. L.I ('letr.Whithv-Ja.. . lh Iumlngand Steai Having openecià lrt8lagPlni,ig en, SIarn prpre e adi i kiradeof wôrkç, lar 15 years clty dobbIng~ DUOCi ST.NOTN - -Old standudacug Butter -W1rappl MUJST New BE PRINTE[ Since the, Iaw lwent into Qperation requhiing buttîer,*'wrap 1pe.çrs 'shahl be priâted, wée ha many, orderso-wit great satisfaction to4 co eustomhers. . - WC use only the highest grade-paýrch,;nen4 procure a spé~cial înk, so thaý,-thewapr fect in eve-ry respect. Ordersfiled Cnptly. DOW myuuerwt

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