Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Feb 1915, p. 6

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1>orm~nn ndy Tbns l hrolltIl Ils o! Dr. William3, ' Fk nk F11 Neuralgia a i ot a di3éaMe-it la On4y a symptoff, b4t 'a mÇist paal i ocne. Il la tthe iureU t $135 Ihat your blood ila weak, wafery e~nd impurep and t'Mat for tikrzt4-xn your nives are litorally etdrving. Bad b1-n<,d l3, tue o e cauâe <of the piercing pains cf n,nuralgia-gozdiriL-h bk,-d iï the only cuiire. In 1h¶i4s you hiave the reen why Dr., Williams' Pink Pillb eture.-neuraIg*a. , hy are the only uedicine tint contain ini the correct proportions t12 elemetits ne*dad to make rich, red blood. This rich ibLoo>d ie*chesi the root QI the, trouble, sootuietathe. jangled nerve'8, dlrives awa.y the nagging, stabbing M an aaôbraces Up your heaithli n otehêr ways .a weIIL Uere i-4 proof-Mr. (0 . Le", -Vatcheli, Ont., saq:-"Fo>T mirerai yeara I wan t ouled mrnbe"sr*i# IVZUî -, ralga iu-the bead ..&M het.The n~ . 1 oed a t tored te a q to f ie 66 teoubut ina disaeare Y can th cil1>r. witcnideine o il h" - c sufer from te -arc plains o! neuralgiand" r syp You Mcae roubge, thse pill;trug 1 ane rcie de. -ler onfilnce frommTe dDr. Williams' ils ao., Brockile, le ornt,. ai 'UAVY ÂRTILLERY. A llowitzer and' a Gua Are Very Much Different. Not every civilia~n oaa tell ouf- hand the differesoce between a gun and a howitzer.. ACCording t th Arriiy a'vl Navy Journal, the how- itzer, lin proportion W iLts weight, 1, sa. sheli very much heavier V hiýn that which a gin'throws, but gî'ýeS iLmuch legs mUzzle velocîty,- and. haî a corre*pondirigly shorter range. Take, fcrr example, a mod- errî gun taL weighs forty tons," gives a ntuzzle eelocity of three thou)iFand lee a second and bas a range of anZrthng up tWfifteen mles; a h<>wîlzer of the same cali- bre %vuuld weigh only 0.3'tons, and wo 1 d g ive a muzzle velocity of only l'Io') frtL a becond. The gun can be inotird 'nIy on!board ship or ii permianenit 1urtificatione, bitt the bhc'wiLzer <'an be takeiýnito the field. ItLvina a a pecia1l rasportiag wa- gon. f rom wioh it cari hareadily 6hi'ftic'd to iL-s flriag cairniage. The fori,-gli .3 h.,'witzer is capable of being fired up to sixty-flve degreeé -É -l, atcm, i a t iorty-thr'ee de,0 Sra of 01 l,900y&r.- itirk aSKLmut.'Thre ehel weilrs 760, p,, 1.atin4carries ai. a '-burter 114 rwmL!,d of hizh 1xloi -. t Îîa said th-at ,ite aheli contaiîns ne .h~ ,btt tht aesertion is open Te ineFIs ,%:rnmy. In the U-ritish Medicai Journal Siîr W 111lem C}1Ie r cal le atention te t heelhabit of human1ty of! shuddering Loughtik wihakng camuigns,, but tihe new knoiwledgô thnt forma iîts plan cd campaign anti ita Inctica is &o NUl -of progue Ifia even the vanquîihet "~THE DO(CTOR'êWIFE SWi*I Kims About Food. er L"i'nuru ý4aya; "lu the vra(..c ti i Étndam*èn . I ave FREN4CH WOMEX IJÀXVE AS War DBrings Ont Urnaeee Traits ini thc Wives .1 the The woméa of France. But .thcey are b'v',tiese wenrerr! TUe solkM'ens in thre trenches, the cav a!nv udvuueing undcr thre flam.. mng1 fire.uf t.he enzmy,th tirenasho face certain '1dat-it b gain a coveted4 huhEk-ott' oakune have comir-, age and ddýLermiation,- wrtes & Pa.r1at cortfoponldent. Tire entire Freneh -nation lias'developeti rnew ai-à unsuspecleti traits, aadti. hé are patience, endurance an'd £toi- cdam. WVho; befon. this war,, would- have tbeuglit o! spplying anyof »e lires ilmrds te tire voatieMg carefre. French nation 1 And nor on~e wào is net lie, Who h» naot, be.sw iath tire s nce ti;. beginauig e'$ #,re wair, ean propenîy appoeciate' 4Munderst.&n4 thi. change. Iîaàpp1ýP te »at hfU t Mnd toe mtise U .t béhinrd eq i -1 4y.Thr i»nàsà .o«besêolthetra-ý of sprta i . *i » d h ow I1 veine back ugin nd aais -te u word spiritual, 'whiclr seema ,best te express the French tempenamenl. Il iras nothing ef tirereligieous in it, anti yet il posseses religions nicat divine quality-faitlr. Tlrey aJIl seent a litle luke mystics tb me, fro thtie aristoecratic, lender countesa, d4YwG on bier knees scrubbing a hospital corridor, to thie girl o! tire -streets who'h.as l1t, probably forever, her cares. lil!.o! arante astiwho tends the orpian'na o! Frenchr coldiens, for wirom eh. wers our in, heur out, wirile nie watches them aI play. Ev«àen tir 11eit iinettes-work- ing girls waho f<ormerly neyer had an idein 1»their siv ireades but tW rend thec seial in the rnornï*ng papen-are trai'ning tiemselves fortihe front. Tiey take lensons thmer eveningsaa wcck anti ail day Sunday.' Attire -Hospital Boucicault, -urtier the di- rection o! Professer Letulle, 1 saw tient .ngaged in netual hospital work, dresseti in their neat littie unifora, which they made thent- selves. IThey alarni - o be nurses with ne ethar object than te ielp their country in. iLs bour -o! neeti. Yen know already tire amazirg lisL -o! womer of noble -birth anti re- finement,' whe are doing tire most marnial tas at the. vanlous hospi- tais anti* refuges. They came offer- ing evcrything tirey Possesseti in the way o! morey anti clotahing, ant i it simply anti fra.nkly, "W. know no1tnhing. unforturately. W. have 1 neyer - been haught. W. carnet hope ho do anythirg responsible, .but w, uist oS taking our places by tire uid. of our more ejxerieneet Aid They* Neyer Complain. 1 aoômetimes go 'te sep a trierai wIo Illve in theR. ue Boisserade, anti' neyer Pforg'et te seto>p 'atthe.con- cierge'ri windlow, te ask if aie bas an- sooti newa f nom ber-'huibranti. Tals week 1 stoppeai as usual, anti ahMadvery quietly, "Yes, l'have Matie My sacrifte,- toc'. .i r mary o!1 us.>' Anti wien I awk- wardly nieti te saY smehmng con- .o"Ing. air aited, "A year"'ko1 aboultihave, wept oeasei.ssly, -but now1 wlïat is my grief amorg se many 7" Ime aàt thie desk. for soe nxutes whie, I wrete a' "pneum"'tîqu." Fi'nally asii ina low voice, U Nui AladNt Seen Soap or IVarm Wa.- ter for rie >Wceks. A description o!' the &ôldier'sý monthly 1"officiai bath" laà sent fron lie front by a membèr e! a ..Lendon Scottish regiment: "'Yestendlaywe md 'anevel .elc exeinc"~ie 9 s. Ai Ilno5pe-o! esf ofLa IVsO ~ wIR evi but thie bdy-cm Di> j ow 1 d 1~ a eu! znba e Tbes are in , l r- Bacis BaCk at ONE NORE -LNDDCURE Que.. a& WlwSa fferedfor' ai Long Time-tram Klduey Disease' Allen*a Milîs, Partneuf Co., Que., March i-(Sp)ecia»)--Another splen- did cure. by Dodd's 'Xdney Pilla iâ thast o! Michael Gauthier, a 'well- kno'wn resident of tis place- XMn. Gauthier was for a long tite a su!- ferer with a pain in his hbead caused by kidney, disease, aid at length got &0 btati that, he hmd, to quit wdrk. Dqdd'a KldneyPilla cunedlm. -Uc is baok'at w*rk, stri6ng and hiearty, andi n.turally-he feel-a t. lewaints aUil wo r uffer frein kidney diaeaue to kÎýoW 1tthey van a ,cure iin For )dda Xin ' -P aset du cure thre pain. or ache thin is caus- png ýthe. zacet distres, they put tir. kidney ing04 work rerad - iy é . us pj-i have it with sîcý hayt. it healt.hy kidncys youmuthae Dodd'a Kidneiy Pilla maie healthy kidneys.- MVRIADS 0F RABB3ITS. Fermera ofNimitybelle, Australie, Find Source of WeaIth. The rabblt has ma.de great headway ln th. Australian distriet arotind Nim- itybielle. and tnapping iabeconre la profitable Industry, se sa Sydney news-' paper reports. 'On.e buyer alene, It seems,' sent away more than a ton ot skins each week ail through asat cea- son. IL iras been deélded te astart treezing works at.,tthe place--tiraI means carrying the surplus rabbit crop over In cold stonage. Thre ex-; portation ot rabbit alUns from Aust ra- lia now exceeda in value $3.Q000,000 an- nualiy, according te the- Sydney re- port. Now thus la astonising Information. Tire antipodes are te libe coagula.ed. For years wa have been heaning about their pest et rsbbits. Austrailans*have long vlewed wlth gloom tire everrun- rning et their continent. - It was sixty yeans, aga,1 or se, tirat an incautieus gentleman et New Soutir Wales obtaIneil fremn Europe, and turned loose In Lire eolony, tire. pairs of rabirits. As the. population aud wealth ef Australia increasail, tir, rab- bits incréascil, and *more tirascorne- spondingiy., Until rec.ntly IL bail beau a tremandous prablin iow te cireck tirei-to say nothing et exter- mination. Tirey dréve farmers trainý thear lards, snd have threatened sud' devastation as iras nôt been- known sne the succfstion of piaguesipara- lyzèd Egypt.- Traveilena rieot ten ralubit pr(YQr Xfesoeýî'.ae ,qn4aç*s tt et:ý the Australiean landecatre. zSonne yenrs ago an attemhpt was .madec*te spnread a parasItie epidemic among themn. But the pensive rabbit muiti- pfledfastpthan tiragerma. Tire Âistraiiars have found a way aI last. They have aolved tire exas- peratirg niddl'e by.'turniag tire rabbits te profit.- A demand for rabblt bas beau created ln tire world's marta, It appeans, ecpccially ton the aUins. What waa once s nuisance, and a.de. ettuet.lvc one, la tounil te be markret- -able. -fuel injr - olt 1ti ori M on eafibu: there -a*-h-àdin ventet d &, d e te b. s-ai#) dOdl> tire !e«.ulc t'ca1th ie 1vaten. 6Syn*., ammea tire only Courtr-y In thre etinw lsnhk»twhio s.ubi are icuWtvate4 produôÉê about 501>,- 000 pountis o! tlrem a yean. ,. NativeW o!tire Andain aIlands show respe4t, orn tire meunery of de- ceaset relat .ely.1pmceseving -hireir teei anti w;*,nng tirent as. neck- laces. Toe maïke mua's coillrs wear long- an an inventer Iras -pateirteti one withý an extra '1>utté.nhe1e_ sot-hait i car ire 'fitti -te a- sirt wireut strain. A cemirinatiientruecanti jacriras been ratente t lemable ose mans ho lift a ireavy barnel anti suppo rt it virile its conïtents are being wfthr- Englacera la Thails-are tryingitire rovel expeninrent of catching tint count.ry'a eay rainfalI njr«r.ser- voire and using il tc produce elc- tric aPOWen. An cil spout cas re extentictito, any lengagiidz* in any i§h&pe tiesin- cd Ibry iastening a Pleèce o! vire Wo it anti.ceverig -thcwine vittr anral nubbentubiag. Aoordirg te an EatIndias scierlist, p1aàts feledpain rr4ren la- juret anti he Iras irvenheti a- ma- chils. wiici iýe clai~nsmensures their serve srocks anti reactior., .For restauranît use tire han 'been irycrnteti .5, sPqeon itir adetachable. bowl o! paperor fibre, Ètoi. thrlown away aft>er ude, tie hanidle being. fitteàt W Arotkar 'bi.l -.fRFrehtici is àa smcske ,coensumiing - -,bviee Ifor kîiâeneV, 1ranges s tgi ~ fei aicp? ir'eats ià ant miniu l i't h tire Coal ga;s ad 'ut. causes- tiem:te lWii!quickyà Cure AySour StOinach IRelreves FillInesi After Meals.. "Wires 1 was wenking arouni thre tarm lt inter, I had an. altaocirof lufimmaten,'iuntaesMnB. P. Daw- kins, et Pont R1qimpng. " vseak fer a long tinreiL but- weii enougir te' venr until spring.- But semethilngl weût-wrong 41'üsybôvel'forIh te use saîtspi0*rylc ai thretLime.3(y stonaëcir iept se>ur,asud-always afr. eating thcrewi,-pals sund una, su anl tiresymptonso!Iýnttina'làIdi-" gestion. NothiÈg irlped =me ustil- 1 riseil Dr.- Hantiten's Pilla. Instead o! hurns.Iulire er pllthre y. actiad veny mlldly, a s eemaèd'to eiatira- boeeli. -Idid not-requilre large:dos toet lresuits tvithi Dr. Hamllhes'sl Pilla, and feel .se giad- tint Iiavé tournd a ild-ycî certain renredy. _Te- day -1 am well i-1no pals, no sour stont- adi, s good akÎ6tEtc,-able te digest-i a.nytiing. Thi l ir,_& ole lot o! goed tor oeamedileie te do, sudlI cas say Dm.- Hamniltoe' is are tlir- esdPilUs, .and m'y etter,I tarn sure, proves IL. Refuse a suübstitule ton Dr. Hamil- tn4'à Pilla of"Mandrake sud Butter- rut, , sl in yle boes 2e. AU, deaera orThe Catarnliezene Ce., Kingston, Ont.; RAs ToO ~AY00 IKing GereO ramiesIy nCut' ii ë~O firsCiel. . - ne- w èàssrn i. u y*r D'Be ob er bos, rW on," sait Wiilie~a a re a 'tieate tre tps un e. ~lto tirougiedtre bt NldultI' eant t yu eyibte." 'Llt te, 'be ir o ar b- thanf. &£rirase 'a han.unii unt pin. Wil'rlie hodk t"id Atiic 1 iant.ag Nexra h . ormed iris thinga. "Uei$ole'sgot a g iddaý pairk o!fcça. Ichird'tuabocks' -in 'bis dcsk." e Âa. Young Vn WinkIe vaittetinemv- ously in tire 4awirg-roeni'!er Julia, te appear. h ailies' siting 1-bere twiddti ng is tumbe Ion hall an mour. Fi ially &aalep vas carti in lire hall, anti ire rose tle is' led expectantly. .But 1h va-s..ot Julia. 1ht waa ir niaiti. "Marie,"' saiti tire impatient-young -man, "what keepsyour nmielmesse long?7 -fish4-r makirg up iran d w hren fihe twill îseeme .4r no.t'7"e"o, ir, ,ars-wened th maiti, wiIh, -a vise. c'mir'k.- "'iL isnr'.t ir'- mid sire's ntaking up.y'Y Oor à ppie n fkt àSer. a, eln test ]>by Putnam's Lx- QMI'C traiôr lu.24 gwa a " iug =Ma r îàeU mnkathý-' f fflf'vr gooci ut once. ûàI às2f5c. bottle cf " -Pu;tnam'e to.da.y Abilodest Rer.. CùunI K&a.olyi, on ,retîurnÎrg te hii 'caâtlc mi ngnamy, met, acÇer- d i n W t i e o s i s o i e Z e i t u ýn g , o e n -o! 'bhis ç>ld servantsvire hrad jusl becs 1seià bacir woundedL frein tii 4"My good, man, I Irearý you fougit iYaliàiitly at tire frtrnt,"-a .tire èount. <I irou ilire-Wgive you -s oete re*&Mnd.nïWh. b"ilI ,be' ald i-4 Ti ndsrv'at repie: "Weil, i f yU' ist'upon il, -air; jusi give.mp eougli rorfes _te eacl i ront c eàr- tn tet hien." "Tiat s'eeýns t lna'very s l, re-warti,'? replith ie count, ami- irgact the Oldrequteat. swered ti srvant. nodeStly. As thre ont vas about W cent- ply *ith tire tra-n erequesî, b. ne- tlcti-îhl treservant- hadonlüyor ear, asti en. rked upo-h.tirhé ct ",Yes, air, I1 lefI irt ther car on -tire btt ~field aI Sha.batz! ,au- Swered he nioesman.,, Fmeuclinra -"You are funry peo- ple1'-yu E~csr You taire stmong _.hnky~y u -put watem r i ' let maire ý:t veuk; you put sugar la IL teO imake itV Weet-;, ou put laer nin il, -;t mke it ecur-; then you, r;y 'h~r~s e ro,'and' drlnk, t your-7: self.',- - Eiverybo4y favorite- FA Hf. W. DiWs; SThéeý Il keepa sotard.1 for buma Absolut.Î 1880 The'a( pimeula. t une ila i. N.OTRJNG CYEQU&AL 9ABir'SO WN TMiL.ETS Mnm.AIt-YBýutcharti, Cens, Ont., wnibcs :-"My ,_daqMtibr bas'useti Baby'a Ovu Tabletè.for l'en bo;by ant ithinks tih'e. i.nothing te equnl tient or Iiltnes. Ail,.motlrena ,wlo have used fie Tablets-,'say "lhe M irmnthin TieybreakUpcits,- rëjU&té 't o cSFa ati aeià &u'd k6ep th ire 1111. ees healtiy anti- lap.They are iolti by metilcine front Tie Dr. Williamts' Medicine ete peoplë talk, a6 iueuci liey neyer rememnber arything they say. JutNow éJ'sLooking for Tips. Epir-WiaVis Mose dola' la- de City 1 fler-'He is n b anir tinecton. "'WhàaI's irisdutiesi' (He-.st&nls la de,-door -an' telîs people 'whcre tc go." LOW FÀIRES TO THE CHICACO" ViChtoagu A *.North W eatern Ry. Fouir splendid daily tralins tfram the XNow1 Pameenger Terninaï. -Chiésago ,te ali Frarcieco. Loo - Anteles Ërd SarI Diego. Chio we c andl direct routes. Double traek. Âutomnai electiec safety signais ail tire, way.' Let us plan yçoti an d funnish bld- erens md full particularis. IL H. Bennett Gen Agi 46 Yenge St.. Tomanto. Ont. Tçacirr-'-Jane, cèan iyOU teII me îwÉL su*ocaticti Edtwamd VI. 7" Jase -"Mar'." Teaachenr---"Now, Lucy, ORSALE Neèw Whe 8ckaX 42 Complet. opcratiag. condition, flywireel, frare, -bell, cylindens sud ail parla. -Cas be shovu running ah present ,tinte. -WIliI seil at tees than-hali -ceet- price.. SFRANKi WILSON £SONS 73ý Adelaide St -WetToronto BRUCE'S SEEDS lu SP.ECIAL. COLLECTIONS (Pudcerepaid) Bnuce'a Cllectin Floral Gemi, ý escla 6 varieties, Fine Annualaeah e . - u cu 'ài Sc 1 tr, ipk pleto.6 'It Is 4cctcý tandi pleàiMl~ ir Pal1 e (4,qessent&Ilinu 4od Ion tue atick> anti <an b. £dapîed te a&H ae.being sottgüId'bti - * I or çraif)r btia4p qor e .*4, whenI ùdflc.eý-ncy of ' tgh raideramStra Ueo imnpc&ssble. For fever patiemnts or thoe., on liquiid i nti Grape- Nuts anti albumen watoer vem-y D<aurishing endi refre*hing,ý "'hmrecipe l'a.my own idea mn îsraie a&a !oll"wg. - Saka tea- awo<ituL o!0ape4Ntiun- a ~glaas et wab.n for asniroun, &train and serve with thre beatien virile efai&. egg 4,irti a spocaful e! fruit jus. tê W Savouring. Tisl affonde & great tisai oe, nouriiimeM tthat aveu the w4airset toia cvan , aaw&ite tltee wcwda; "10Y bretlaar"&.14ý "U il our son, umadamre,'-'I1asir- cd ber, 'wvie iai lies filet?" : "'Tes. I would't-tell hie moIrer if ire vre a aoclier,-te0. TiaI iigil 'diaSeù'agse- hidi. 'But «irus one is't strong instire lungsanad lis been 'refo>rme.>' An th.y bave snch gentle 'icarli,- these'Fresclivcenn. A Freseirma sait tel me tire etier day htirItire mes werer't muchi b.hber. Pàtlets Are Saved By' a Delleate. - Operatier. A Russan sur"on nm ed Zeld;. 1er reporte 31 patieaufa vireoever-ý et frein ."1> vunde o e! ilhetrt la tbe ioqhenspiat OlrucOw. FPrompt Ilis anndeicorted'tè a-'largepuiid-, iogwheefailileshati beede an-t rangedti fr tic. puspofe. .la tire firat room ve vene numnbereè aoff-Ct qasotmmnr16 lat second, rooUt we mptiei. our ppck- e t anti a kraie -nboots, bon- -Iïets,, puttema, anti'spomas. lu aý *iemr 'nai we trew tire re4 of our gkltreé ieaÀIrenp, and, theii naa4e pa donble-quick tote . irvers.: Thee wen.etwo mn em h s' ir-er, 4»dt ve yée.allovecl heuMinutes under tireirot vater, 'J"ira geîner- omis îuppiy -o! Iau;dry sonp. "At tire endi e! aur to inutes,- w. hurried- on to a. drying-rocm, vimere escmmngel a hmmtowel as ")ik and rougi as a ýcarpet, Tiieu Wb. rusired off ho a dresslng;romn, w*iere an attendant gv say t"gngwe *wa dl in- vay o hrad-nme'w udernwear, dbune, md- scekavir s hook i oit.Maid were aur olw h.a yliid bLees IlAfter v. IrauI-so4 ira Our bon- mati Pro- wwbsgrLte 'u vtaan a ~7U~ffcrusblug str4du eof 40,000 ponsth de ti. quare Iru verto.mnu*$ Limum e cu arme l as. per arn num, etts edction - l save tire K 's pivate pumse 62 Threccokisng aI, tir. palace iw nov o! t -e1anstc4nC~ Mo ofntié la.. àt 1r be uni m ar perfdmi& < iecflckeutly lii on* o! ~ ~ 'ô tthesaaRoy-o~ TMire ve >gedaily ot !treRy al dmner pier.te r ajvuest'- matd at p ienuise !jer- 5458 xcîndig iii. Kmig ana dQiaee'n enâ Inssirês o!tir. Ryal fanrily- wrotis.ne the Royal",tab.leai Tie. vee Ielve assistant- maIe ëOOc&s ait te paliSbe!one tue v:. O!tire. se;ven enlist6d-,but th. M ' 06 s afl~stil lifr langer Vian It vas guin iiMali who objctet Î40 tim - e . ir, as he vaP SUre ElsUl .e mWiOSOes.i. stock eiI>. lÀtti. Jolisny, on lbelrK auiretiby bisidrc4 îcaherif Ire lipaw 'viral w vas meaint by "aipar, . epled çeme home late.' - Jet t' wa~'my o~ W- "Y sir, 1. %doS'.w.athe- ferýveib nt wr N~OW -tell ý us wby." BeÇie, sn4idthe yoàth, "w*ars miaie history anPIhate h55(>iy", J Kanmville. June 27.Il Mi àn n iiaý=t,Ç o.. Lm>ed Gee1w~r.~i&aftdrde me Igreat pleamiure. sudI mp«bà40 7m0toYu to hkw tha jejr big 36bottia of your Uni. <ter 'umsdMfteul 'tli. 1 -s. aile. to te- $tore bim qa4 'normai condition _W~n G&e ez& flé8mag ha bedreêted by tii. .me et, eu iimet. Ia&m. Iftq, 3E»-jb184 lut oookI liati was seul4 r. lad4 m.' a goïle Krs. Wye-TIDid you 41x di arge, Mit. Exe-&ê; 1I'wlsla avoid1 a. scena. Whag I did 'was te flatter hor ao abcIu4& hercoeoklng. tirat aie thou-gbt énIe w" underpsaid .aad $500 FORI I 'lii. lth ÀQ6aada, a" Pauoi » Dot Doun". waut Rive. garon.weAys enumin m the 1-tIrnXe rei- 'Iot them se reliamie.,-for they bave A »ew cecrking utenil ia c 1>beUne, 'NothimadeUPO tu-gay IsasgKd &_ aisegirtý effctvear-. r 0 a useti on -top e! a steve will serve a- for SCtaht a s2ervlhm:e - 1 'WInIeicial desiga &' r cci! ijie- ar teancr'Jieestat-, mrdon-a"et trt y 'r g'-tairen d i)wh;Pd 'ctulon, seld Auastr> ' - tfl inla th .esme CM Nerviijue" wic hytasoton tite moire erb-ias -becs cur1n Selalla, -Lumbago'f-nte -d-wih hyc- aet It France drere hbilbeu invelit- Rhiueut ýatim nd la censidered.te 1*1'0! ae nwi- 'e aikt cd a -Iourless -re.ad 'mt.aing 1 f'itLuî an c4ua-l lu relieving paru or!esnl Nncesbl oto Cime t nanforns 41e sviole, sIr « zyirr.~ NerviIiue', Ordirary tritvpscoeuld ]naxdly carry. wiea't mb ti ough. 'Cmdrt b. tmade chrongar or better,- eut mici <jpesatiors-ii tire '-reacir Cýeen- iOrtar uxei'iti vl wnles Jamesi E. 'Eiwardn.' "lIte way eus, -now-blî)ckMta, , ni-wp exnie ishes hasbeen fouikt valuableilCT caiaienesupyaùonir'ae. in Jaon fo wo'r- ,~ UJXScle. F yeam I 1suffered- tigit- - t in uhnioreng--iýtis js1Ly.Iul d my tàmach ith à -Bii'hasTy aers. cd ïin 'ses výi~erî 'dcdngI 1rubbed. lungslou4sQtTy ,I Operteti iy two imen, a macaine d lùnlîiets-no>ne e-srmg nlrrty alig &an indus- inven±M dby a Chicaige hotel stew- 'cuai. -Onelgoed rutbtin4-,,wfth er - try,. *as fmi et tartati n Liveipoeml adnri e" iiairantidry more tiranl iilm téi'Ile Iipt o ubigand in October,anibr.dsnt î8,00d~han-au hur. 'Jy vs 1îne.9y. father cured branches of t1bis work. have 'now rh a rit5e! iniansijë alm &Ü4 bffeia:stabVdhed.,TIhewonaea'awa,. Mexicored rvronl bureau, hich . waa original- Iu àl y foundèti- by >r ebn l o untc t's ien ui"'.a> p eno mivilj. sdW reim tr<, X ti a4 ré. Reîb rt

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