FOU if yrou -d6u' 'Phere was onei promýliRg lith scan dai that wejnt lby,yrighit away. Kitchener isn't' extravagantl' is i use of GovernlienV rony-is one of hus Soudan ý amp aigniiie offered te do for £b00000 what anotrner sol- diii' had estirnated would oa £, 500,000, and then lie t'iined baek a er.Aýl ... , 1. n iflm niai On.e 4)fthe mîmbet <s eoftise -Brit' goo. a"i u 'ie uuu"'y-wu îah abiet lu euvresicuno whe la net connting the cosl. Hi 'o stee buay to. fly-&peek coct-shels vriti a f riend utut long ago. Tise witi audit- marks. Hie3 suhordin 1 friend said tie Cabinet oiieuid take- Mes are h<>ld to buy cheamp *'rent a certain course (A action lu a mat- hya sai<iebttta er t-r tien on liii iooksr'ot .ypeim "I1 agree s'ith ye," aaid tii Cab- ares'nWi. nyprmui lint meunier. Sent Mani Baek te o nlk.- "Hui' dolii ohm miùbeî' cf A manufacturzer cfi haki ceda the Cabinet fiel -thie Wa r Office h o ask for la ceini- "Tiey agre vithi yen, toc," salase.l lm a rs see m ticCaint mmbr."AI ecepIKtcener's cifice.i. e remainedj Lordl Kitchener.'standing &tt hl door 'flhen," said tihier felles','"Any miltaty experience 1" .ask- 'wl.' don't yoit do i?1" . i iIhnr TheCaint n~ i-aed 911gs The manufaetuner'sald hi had_ "1 aasure ye," aaid hi, "that-'i bien an officei' lu lie- territorias, have very littie influence ,mihsud Ibis and tisaI. K:tcenr" - "Wîha' s yonn businessl r' a'iked That may semiile be au -exag- Kitchener. grrated stalemeut o! cendilions in 'The manuf4cturer said be. nu d - tic British Cabinet. But t ila au khaki.- ab'eltitelly iruthful oue. Kitchener "Have yeu nyvGcoverniment coin- - stise Cbn-t à h cei'tin lumit- tractai1" askid Kitehener. ations, i la lie HoB e LoÃ"rds The 1 m nu4uturir ss'ellèd aih lie Bouse cf Comi Ps, and modest pride. Rie said hi lied sîv- ye Roy al fatnily. Heisîs~ily lie iraicontýa-eîs .- good contracts.- Most po-verful uman lu Englaud ho' whiiciwouid keîp- ils nuls hbusy -day-no exception 'aiativir bei'ng fi puus ith le',ha do- noted te tiat attatemenh T Tiss l ped de-rn &gain overt'the 'figures hi the -explanation, ws'tîeeIHerêbert 'a tudyiug. Hi did not speak. Corey, au Aniericanecorrespondent. Hi s ekdistim Its Tie leaders cof every parly un door. i roffietlumbat theauc England recoguuzed that this s'wai' louait-he. manufschuter eut. Tial -tirîatcned the verýr hifeaf tise rai- sort elf ma&n*u more -Yluable'-aI pire. Biitannia is fightiug s'uihom ut o'hnl iefe herbaçis s;g t» 'k>1. !o'_T e d Kihene's estimate 'rien lis p, r-blta sthat iî ,<>uld 1rut niantheyid 1t1hye. ,Ve&rà . A n<mcet incident mar fo Egaeysd a> hl CI te,è seeme te sbowr that - b as n et s'a fe Enlsu. Ten .bY d4 lchaugéd id imd. A, msnulaelur- lis qusly enalblisudpesliviy u of certain goodas'was aaked if hi revolulicnary Iiing cf let-iug him oudnting-y ur-aheouI- Iaa-dle h. -put. D.wn -te Brase Taées, "Net -sitio-uI dourbiiug lie Caps- Kitcenoer ha. & distrîesing -rY, City of My plant, said hi.- "I can- e! gîttiug do'» t> br&tas sk nlunot sffondto do liaI unles I amiase- duing business. Thon. s&'a a Par- 'urîd of'at least tiree yeai's' busi- liainie'uary iuquiÃŽry lito certain - ailures ho lied sud clitis te no "Goahead sud -double," Sajd icruits-for while Parllanut la Kitchener. ý'You'l get lisp busi- ube<ient il is net muzzied. Tii. nias." tact s'as as'» ntibat requisitionu for. bqollte Attoîrat. necersary supplie.* 'rire Seunffled ipaîitryuaupebok througii hall a dozes haude belore*Hie quarreis slt .b esla-ck and lu.f- te eefWhed. 14 las ot huikly hiiiy riti -- - - . Shent adenunltnaîors aI home and dehuiy or'tise cauae. Re lu net omnis- cdent. Hi g et reporta by telehpoui cf thei revelatiena. Biture tise dam-' oring on the. foor iad îudled Kitci- eue-r k6$ seuil atelegram 1te î vîry off icer in comnd. st a rean;uiting sýtation. acievenient in rasmng & uev army M h ome snd >in -feediug lie cld army in tii field le cf thei iigisest order in adnm -d. -Wisnoieh une-n issmineurrcd tise mnotbitter eNticism ia lu ils nmanagementl cf tii pnes. RHisuau abqplute suIe- crat. He has made a jokeeut cf ùiaI fneedon c! the ipre-us Cf mhleh Anglo-Saxobsa-bave boasted-s'itii thileexception. Kî.tchienir basu'l arid wiat edi" tors have- "id about him.. But they. mrust nol pnînt taooed gne-rn-Tic Englisi papena 1-especially tà e llarms'crtlbgronp lun Lon&n- ýhavi pttaced tic miitary ce-fluor. - hdp '1th gre-atbittene7s.- Netiing lias bhein aion the, Am-enican .11. 'o! hla! tie. idgi sud s'eigit o! vi n- - m ltaI a 'b.ling saidalmeul daiiy inl E«land. . Kitchener dien't cari-. . a s ebhivieus ho. public B8o Kier bas tilcd, the h ______________________ r ~MocMakcs M theeeit Crow Brnd'om Srup o Crown rand 'anedcthereuî favoite-a equahlf god for iilc forugwpuposes sn< Ei aumreai--Te.'qulety>. "I sWU oing tu el hto joui ýas ý.* akjam I' an." ehe mai. -"*Il. as bien propoeii 10 e that I.should'briug an- *ctIon. _!Qi iverce -agaixtmv busband." "For vhst reaon-eeWrthd?" ashid Lu' Povis cinietîx'. Enid sbook ber bead. '*N-u; I demirtit hlm; but It mubr <tit le caunot divorce me; and as hoa vanta le recdom thîy have corne 10 Me." "And are jeu going t ecousent?"-. "Oh, 'Fu. 1ould net retuse.", "M-y dear." sai Norab Povis. heaning urrard and opeakingeîarnestl1. "I don't îlnk jeu quite x.niéetani., Whatener Fou did vhen joui renatone is- one mat- er; nov you. are nul ajont. Teu havi lie child. I ýarnset amkiùg Yeu que' Leont. i dcn't. vaut jeu ho ttiellauj'nY ling other than >Yeu cain tîli-b0 u tilt me; Lut Mr commun @:e me to persuade 7uu te do.- uolhiug lu s hurry, nothini vîthout due 0cosierar Lion. and without ligal counail." "I hate tarir," Enîi-ssii spidul'; humaides. my mùini fa m«di up. Atter.ail. what la lbe differunce?, We are spart; divorced or married, ve mhenld aivaya0 -emuain apart It anime to e ii e MY Luty ho givc hlm Ibis complet. treidos." "Yen are oeyeungt What raY mW Iuty te jeu may .ossbly b. the.mineri eo other poozple lIrepeat vhat 7ou dii wibm jeu vire mîrety a vite le one mat- ter, but now-Yeu are s meother ets viii as v, ife. Yon hiave te. ±hinh of your cbiid, oftheb future o! the child. Euhd. nu diar, rota must net do anjthing vit-bout lthe. grayest conesideration. malle ne pi'omItfe. consen-t to ncl.hing vitheut advice for the moment." - 'I havi ali tady prornised. I bave sgried to everything,." MiePorta trernedu slent., sud ,theu eh&osaid- - "I arn ver>' morry. Wby isd e Z.pîak to me or. if jeu di n Te te pIlk te Mc-, vby nuthave ta it. ho Dr. 1l'nghue ci' te Colonel Davuey. What kini ot matn eau tis blpband et jour. bu -vho makes Ibis suggestion te o YiL?" "*Pleose," ssid -3nld-and thîre vire tears lu ber eyet3-"Pleaà - pleaëe iou't jet us epeax of hlm. Ne belougm ho -tJii pa. I dou't vaut hlm te help us. I outy vaut to do what lm bust for hlm. 1That le vhy I bIft hlm. go do you suppoe 1amn guing te shitrk ncv? He vanta9'hie conu plot. tmreedum. snd 1, Il see, .can give tbis te hlm. WeU-I mean te grin.. it. rime or f9otieb. I sm ducied on t."" She paumai aa moment, aud then mi -"Iu at-raja talle cari of nu>'boy."- Mia Perl4ast iu silencebooking at un- ahi lidiitachi a Yeung IuOW -tie* *ad bar olier 'rolan jeasnur letbe.' - -- -- "Ijuil nov." uhi ali.61 hee. "-br"h thse à ilinci. I sai.tbal I.vas sot Ceing te a@h euvquuetibu -;but I tadi bt 1 vaut te huer s feribluhige. Tou havi maie s confession lunjour hast speech: jeu sai jeu left hlm bicauue jeu vanted 10 do vhat vas liaI for bis. Did yeN lianejour huahani -vith'bis consent?". Euh di not -aner* aI OCeci. Busoi up ver>' otij and i vti eaiul haudi ah ladthe baby 'mu.tbe -white trIia. a luette vblcb 'stood 1oea e-hem bai. Rho paumai q, moment Juctmroshng th. bainR Otto gety* eud thon'wben ahe aav lta!t the 1011 vu waensoniaev. seecame bnch sud mat dors sgalms. "If jeu hsd ashed se that at the ver] begînnling," mhe sai. 'mith lips liat.quai'r md, "I shouhi have anaviriti 'Ne.' IshbWs hâve tld oti yu al I actai estil>eu.a 1mi ove i'uspousibilit7 sud.%bh51 mj »P& Cli ui vaut mi o ; *hutit 14 oili bs;vd bie 'aultahe, sud 1 iwhuer oui-4ist tbough 1 vipt. appsrenhli'vitbot Il bi sanction, I 1'0ok a grea - burin&al tronu hlm vilén h. rgsiaii I bai gene "Hor ie Iii tie nçrtidgi e»10 705?' 'aoketi Nons Perla -"Hansejoui bai n communication fron joui' bmbani li jeu loft hlm?"- "'No"'; Euh- pataud a nomeUit. sMd us ehei sali ter bariiy, "It 'ras not su cessarr for hm -te -write. ie actIoînsvw« mloquânt in6ugh." ,- WeÉ.e ýu unhppy tegether? -Dli bi treat jeu bail>'?"-- "*Ne-ne? Once vi ver-i où h&ppj--ot &0 wouierfuily: happy" but tise-vhe tibubte came, aud vi liai no mener, a] the bappluues veut."- ".What vta jour buabai edem;? Who vwaa hie vorh? Oh! ferglne ýme. dean. Mima Pouls emiqukuhi. asahielesa- Eu covir bur face vlth ber bauds. "If'II di, *el. came for jeu -goisucis I-I vosda broach tcilemalter; but iom"it ugMai tte heume thai yuu vili neDo ul? 4 reng te Yuie)f andijoui' boy, -but <bu ý, s aza hrincint vrosig, thelb.mas - »vulnarried. .Wîl jeu lit hlm. mie M for jon?" - SEni -startei to ber fiel; vith a paml ate0 gistuni ahbabushdth ta aref ber ejie. -),,Itell Yeu 1havepDrmmdsto'do w1 ho vante. I-I &M not geiig te break, U ,promnise; beide. I fel ai b. 4oe. I1'al MY fredà om This lite le lutoeirabl vaut te fuel «#bat 1 belons te mySeif, SE oenty te myself!"- 8hè chaffged lenton -ai aqhi slretahcd oI oit' br.bauds e-to X Poul. #'os mueà t sot b. hurt 'ru. «C mh* «Minoi. h nam.<bi le "W e;&iTM aseu-gosiM! lur*i ahfi, addo4,su one cidlMy tureo ber amerm geimts 'rý jour toib theug we baiton vue atal>ui vît tue ilîtié concert tour. ",ther!" he asWéred, a& ithen hi put. a quietion tOýene."Do yoz ie anytbing of. mise Sinclair?" ]fanon Laurieiq face bardened a litte. "No,-"ahe amevered- -1 thinil Euh i. ha.ved. very queerly. I gve- ber verk vben she didn'1 knew vbleh vay -ho turu. sud ashe left me without mmêingr good-bye or abovmng a-ny cousideration vbatever." MIg..Tenierten.prioked up 1bis eax. S. in-! Euhd! - Tlhe t-vo n aiguified e. good ual te The baritoni oee h@*1e --"Doe6n't hhguewanythingl" hi, asked, vith a nod in Mr. Hamnioid'a. direction. "I haven't ashid hlm." Raid Mise Laurle. -oro tell jeu the truth. I don't care very muth. I fiel ao hurt vitb Euhd. I tbink she ougbt te bave treated me a l1111e bit "Well. I thought it ras t.caee.?' ssii tb. baritoni. in the.- mre diacreet toue. "éAnyher. awfully gene on ber. vsaa't i?" ,,yes; wvolt. ee very pritt'. yOu huer."Ilad MieLaurie; (bei ahlé sdded. '11hL a lit-e touch of loyalt>'. "I have allten 'wondered if Enid dieapipearid in the'- va>' e.did do binante of blim. Ton sue. thi resU>' 'rassit 3MiiiSinelair. 'There ts a husband eeutewhei'e." Mr. Tenderten felt quite excitid. The name of Julian Bryant's 'rite be-i bien Sinclair. Enid MiclAr O cursle the girl whom they ver. deueing mas lire. Bryant, and no other. Il. tayed a little behind the, othersi and -rien tho>' -rre gene. bai At few minutesi chat vith Mie Lanrie. I-I have a sort of ldea," ho suid to, ber. "-that I-i can bu o! gris-t service to Mise.Sinclair." "Ion 1" Rai Maxorn Laurie. Whav do yeu hnov about ber?* lir. Tindertun srniled a non.commithli IIrepeat." hoi ad. "Ithat I can bhofe great service to ber. Csu you -liot sue knov vhsre she te isyjue?" j"No, I cau-t " sais i 1kmLanrie: "55s j 'Oui bea me 1say. 1I-have -badl no ne-su Of bier for aAleuX tîme; shi îornplw iij4f appeared; omethxues ehe iidteES.>' shé ve'0 obîi t a ed: came trois ï ee la a t uent te teJi1 nI. Iveuldnet h ey<I! t now 1e tracs D qut Julienu lyu e i. and 'rhen ie- ia',.feud er-e. hi fltterei bimÃeilf 1hé huer a littIe bit about vounes. aud tblat bo woutd le te o anile bei' e t&at thecoeuld lie usetR43as agooti veapon againèt lb. man ho halai!1 Ho huer etO more than %ouie- reon Who 'Woùldifor -a 111e conslderatiou track 'eut thi e'MVO' a.pat« oe*aujeine h. vlibui -Ie f ollovi A fer dia henci b. pi'imulsid hisumil »r M-marginlai. vhleever ube caluti ber. self, and h. registemed a masouol-e eul- Umeethe -friendebigi of 1>emond His' mord os 1he It Opportiuihi. - - Eu braed-ber4elf up ta go about hei' j dally lite as culmy as poSible; liWie.e7L r, later ahe bai riconered from thbat natural a outhuwi.iD Ieîf. thi tooh berself shrjl I l&tash. teolilue hersei t 11t 1it 'rasMore bilan mere wpvneus; il 'w«mcostemPtible « 0 ber 'te biak hber beart -for à , ans b< »*demintely sÉd opeulyy'as le"Aug be r ieliu thît le bai ne pruci is bis .ife rOb 1ile,94 ber buabaud't lsvyeý're efol. *in wgdîy, aud agreeti vith ihbean t.b e.-muet b-lmpreeentod almo b>' acunle- gai a4iîber; as»hile matteu'meeumi te 'hm 1W à be5iq m,. reoinsi -t»e aproach Col "- nu svey: -se ehe eut hlm dem a lit, Slie nete b>' baud aeking h1m if ils cotaIt riiommeni ber te a good Éiris et soleIl leorm. As <hi bai 10h Mît& Perlak. aile vsw meetîà wIng vilià i.ooi iiai of indiguaht ru ,len lbllSaenouthe part cf Unt. HRagbes Ber Ho o. modem>' frimais bud got lb Lide». t ml tivas'benu, ney bail>' treal e d. bhfîh*Dotnet heo»Me ameunt of lse ~Iasi Misu poiv' Sbe li met rmiise hal astiadu ne ou very delicate gsound i4batmile ilad bess»cb a Mamlm h fthend kduhe-suzd ber buieani bai bSaee 'rouis .'t -fülly geai <bat nibi tecnrb bher, fiel go luge ai elen - to imuci hieh rue aluiom toi sidiening for ber to huiai 1119 -jwM Ù tue o sfalrs.. Se it vae tha. hen Ju llint bai inetruotet'ieiùsu40 ar <bal 9 'large suis of mouey venu dbe mettled 10 n- on ber. - lbot à b,»~bslutely,-refuuii te s( Mbe baimeret>' tei -Dr. »n Mr' st NoLes <bat -ohéi vas u.boul te* aine 'W Wf aetioof 4< ivorce sainst hbS' ilud it up te nev eh. bai isanagmt0d tumeP -Ibm Ji husbsn£'m faà re a secret: but iasile il ad t erte.tlw7 ahi a iebnbe b .'îeva b ite eMamas -wJ'noai mflg ansd It n'rar:ou <bs;ver>' phLt eof, (bîtam ibm nMr&. HRas 'vOl BiT' - Y C- =-44 7-7- beabe otii.8ai tol de ta a%!4ui"o*' t x-t helir sauce in.- may have congrugated ilu hie ii. Gea' bTte>' hîng ii an eus.eed platebus . - -- bye. for luis>'."adilut nie dolau >yting t ofI i hp !a oi late or un e dore ~<~weat'ing your rubbeiý ca oi>ou.ostjePromise me (t"Mw va- sudEud 'blpeÉi beeri. "Tsawarmed cu ite .ales slothé e'lwith vsline. Leti andEnd hipeed'4o. - Yu. lu tte rjebaroup plat eswiithe remain a few daY8 befre wvo preiiii" (o b coitiuii) WtTUenough; if hot 4-a jÈ - tiiem. -,____ o i r a iue c sd t n Creain cheeeand butter wo TUE CITY 0F Yp E8. then wipè d drv before --putting the anetersd seaooned withs Ras uffeed ~eatl Fno Famnebutter' ixi-tO -il.'Chop thi. butter and'c-ayelln, m.eadlc éfirat and deu kuead -eu wrkt ng* for a.'sandwich. Ba Plafre-geatsud W: ar.ra m -ih a kuife r ' lm.îag When clot-hes have be-come 'iwhisk. >-Va.niila flavoring, a atea- eud'ihtbachngl Much despci'ate-fightiflg has jone spoonful for -this aznout st, wa the- open air sud 1SUWIline Ilnt. on round the -Be-gias iylo prs opuiar, but sonietimes one-thil'd, eeli gen because il- is the only to*nuof i-m on c' oangetc ohe ans s pe1 sp 5e hat ar e t portance that the German s have net addéd. ,M-old ilito a mundor ay v aongudistace -'iid be À taken f rom thé. soldiers KigAI- shape you cheese. TuMay then I Usm'n nlacsdnih bert- and theïr allies. h t- a- s prinkie soie-nntimeg cveiitf you the pape r - wrappi ng. peared 8<> often î ien é.eî1výfrom. thc choose,- as many like thua favoiing Airys ecul- ouf'the scullopsa battie fleld of Flanders týiat some- ini a- puddn ac.St~~~~oo nbedr itr aa thing about il viii ble read '-rithi iýharden. - ' 1- Teede1ure rhaet1b terest. -- anlequin .Bard. Sauee.-Divid.e a dbtoneatrt irt Aithough the. old' buildi-ngscf liard whi.te sauce intq thnee' parts. ing.-- -- Ypres, iueiuding the Caihdral cf *Leave one-third -white, work ehoco- edpaibt.n le St.* Martin, the fanions qhcth Uli,- late or cocos mb -anotiier tird e.nd .ben'spoiled' iu the IaîdV c aud numemous old 1ieuses4 survived jelly ui* tc thé rest. Sift ýcocos bi'etIroYSted .by- giving theni a b the ravagestf tue until 1h. Gir- fore 'soriing A in' and vork in clieo n inrîbigî.t ian sheila began te kný>ok 111cm te enouigh to get a goodtshade. For '& il - - pueces- in October, tihe to3wn itseîhi cup cf. -bard sauce -four-tuiblespe.oil- Discolored copper articits bas ýsuffered more Vian inost tel -fuis ivould net- 4 tee muci. Co-r- lldtt oklk e.R gian to-rus lu tie past. I thi thir- ranI. jelly înay be utsed--te miake the nii~nedippedinat.R teenth century Ypres was perhaps rcd or'pink part of the Sauce,.aud -a clear, htyt- water and nu i- lb lie mneat opulent te-ru iu the 'hole fine deaný grap .e jelly1 gives a fine. or -Cloth: coutry, and its inhabitnts nun- rà spberry clci', tioiîgi À grape ., s ae- oe ads brd200,000.-Bu fai ne, the jeliy cf an inférici' quality would-atihith uramrte;t plaueandthe hand of invaders give a- laveuder siade. ýPut the.tttU tender,- bt- not 1 )rtoke i pague, cnoand r ýs mc hp 'ii sa delicicus e-rved W111, cusiaîd sud conolaPt paye3 e-mu hee Colora tegether inay hp edorhe.-- bavoc with il that-after-tie perse- 'yen choose, a nsound or-assquare or E4 vlëhn eby,.cîju cutien by.the Duke of Alvà a net more som ethiug, more f ancy 'but se liaI-,W uý .a c iS than five. ètio pul se efIcdi erving wdilhave sme.tfes i otîewiseo good, luit wvitpcx) iu il, and acres of grouni haid celer..Oui of'hIe1 asiet 81ayat hescalopa ons it, eue an been covered with bouses gel hils is <o mallethe ,plain brick te c.lita ptdn n corne a'idme ike a b rick tof ici -Cr amn osef rl vr them Aith excellent e -ff ee Ypres, viaicia the. inhabitauts pro- colora. - -sp-utsstogouin onever-y neamly "eîTer, '11hk o -Whf>n bard tii ai u xoe e thée--accent ow the- Shah- sýl1le e,ý- gSte ii clrdilhcCa 1 sy Whl idmy'et thé aiâfrle *-itlý v -er really recoveted Iâthen tiiruel- .:> 't 'ùtit:ou a. cake te neý;semble thie eaiua-j nesunsi -leofAaudltuou hmalny'cf iciug s'hich is. char*£terissie of theWtmatû. juice, - expose ùte - its fermer inhbitants à Jeýr;à rd'fe-ris cake. The. inside cf ýthée trieaan n inles-mi Sturned, -the, population -day iafnol ckeMay hi aimoat any pa ucakegdry, a-rushen toe sdn s. i More tà an i ,00. Te-. 4, H&lpreferned, butthe cheolatiior cor___ k which fille abouit -al! o! one 's id coea îcing must. be put on ho me-em-- -- .teGrand. 'Place, lu a&bout 46feet .4 ~> ABashful t'ierk. lii~> blî the - ark cf a tree, adol 1loug;, sudi'mitii eaaly b. under- butter iciug cas be se aiplti. Api'tty y-oung vounan st stoo liI teavailo ~ladin utBut s tube and point u noet needid.m amuietrti- -h ticfanen o!th ua~nd' -ae iiJe rs tic peint of -tii apeon, Sho mpo - ehe- -people at -tihe ër- md'ieck aimoat raher. tievy ith thé îcîng ratier s'hîre a nus' cierk uaâ asi like pygMlae'iÃŽ he- builain '04fth u-e , lu huesac s ~the- iciug Mfuse,- aud in ber sw 1eeItst Cloth Hfall bçgas lu tiil year '1200-, you iive moethed on., asked: utâïbbc hall wssnet eomp'leted U ntil Fsw&ip.~lilasnevy '"Have von -'Kissed 'mue il aboutla iundrd eMslre, 'eue o3s etvr:Chpvr ieoe 'becamne. tlai èntnu o!fa-vaut -t-radeteue etoe: hp ey ie u Mclii-turn hal en' ei? stemidec i.Ia pound oi ecoked halibut, five drops h lr und bl cnenol.'ntu# hés cmMe of. o!othe uic, w eas'efils couud, lcioked aI ber aud a] refoury lt w destructionis'as chue lion-juice, lhaîf'-teaspeonful o!6 Ps-od @ sefe s t etu tii w" ciëJ prika, - baf-teaspeenful of -sat; add d"It xiu6t have bien lie vm liriz ~ntanedsemeremnkale csnçeigiith cup, cf tiick cria-m w'mch. lea otier couniter: I 'ne only t -ei - i~ujet tnw fouhas been beaten until stiff Sudttic bitea s'ek.'1 >liééciaorô o ",,e h whsn I'ites cf Ive eggn breaten saiff; Cook -- - ARs -Aithough Ypres centaine a large-lu buttered timbale molds n Hs sRbrt ge.Iing -)n I nubercf nterstig od icses ilfirn ; chilI ou ice, nemevelfrein panai., ligel'" asked tlie inister, vl t; is net an place forI artiate, for -arneO slddsgaus 1hhing enteu'tained aI - ee Most of theéb .uses re srMeundcli ayonnaise dnessinig;eCut up fine- .i8p'lndidly,-«' aid lie -pro: bugly moeers -ix âne cancf sinp ad u Vah-her, 'rho tien vent on to ý>te']1 piantiof , 1 1.i . *T ~,aroundthe base. -Nos' is ,makiug snsvni'sscal:hht P pautboritile ccwid0 glne euh- ~<nnng pel l'aySiholîSric ,succetees, snd the use olve u sd Inie, & it Siseister said il 'rai a fane tWung sides <> il s'nrs wvolupu l mci heaithier than vinegar sud eo coll,-i rec.'ît vn-n ïdcvii their, cld, ieuses l-n*'Ot.- J8>e<5 'mebat henng lu '1 ns ce ..t ti.sarnuJaes' et lime lie owuers cëf, *'ode'nhous Swetîn -Cks Peae listener, s"id: Papa, w'at-C ri wre p.rohibitedfro r epaling s'White cake.batte-r as foilowva: To ts'o Brown mian-nbv 'eohhegeb rl" hem, snd'thé - r'çler ~arstmlii in clips cf*-granulated -suga cem Oih, tiat," said papa, %] a. force'- kyears ag. s a.mâter with half acup- cf butter d oibeen ]lookî)ng ovin but SonS t' ! aci -lrge nunniier cýft houses dpof milk and- thre6 teaspooufitîs 'r.sfu'etslt e_ý ~~~~~~~ofbaking pôw .Adaslso4, s.- ai -Ype bin thfli «ee ce ui c at d ml s' er«bndi o w&ed; bu*, i fâ faâtuad last cf ille'b é ites e tise 1ni&nieiwi od'ém, S ey .havi- ail. o! lwc eggr beaten stiff. To -laJ! o! a; perished exci< mptoe : - -tus ,mixture add a haîf -teasbpoonful n i..teéarqt part o!. -the nine- of vani1lla sud. le hheothîr half, add at téei-tii éeltury Ypre Was strongly a' a unt ta k91onifii cff choSla~tée itifid'! but lW,186 iiny c opo<denor cocos.& pr acdbal ý_aii:i'id &,,Mmsiee shet, tinee:quaers <>1 an inch 0* omM athua un,1 Pt, muqulne ni, eud <vbay *ha In ise enemy or maie tr'ouble ath ome. Hi would sot- lt lai *tory of tise Sinkfiîg o!'te Aùmdaious -b. bld. Re hea sot lut tie En&liuis publie kixuutisSu 7apaa>intcrvened**aI Onre*lBu4lin's requesl, or <bat C hina -i" pr-tested againat îIsn vio- lation c en neut-mality bybeth Magllu snd japsuese treops. A long liai ot like scItions by the ceu- ser migh<btehécited. 'Ut i iportaul te gel at Kiteheuer's 'iiewpint.* HIe 'mli not'pftflit the, puliie- tion o! apaytiiai s'ici Ibe, as &sol- diie rthinks- may aid t t.e diff iculty cf his tamk. Re is liie sole judge. Wicri à dcubt ariaes, he -ruilesa againaltishe nes-fa!uias--LiId lete- 'èm rave, But thIsy Can uay maything tlaey lia Luk.- An incident of liai ?opuiarily, 'm ie heBriltâh kilted, 'egimente enjoy inluFrance 15 quote in la sImter reoesve-.inuKinkcaldy', Bcotlard, Lnfom P.aris. contaiuiaax the- foc- inr-n. om- fer aia.>'- nÀotrikuMusa u6 ad e > lem quit.lisp py about 'bahy.bcu,, Mary lookuîftm -à le tAonhig -s Di.Hlml e-tmgs me omre pupile. a"i il go on vorhlng us wviii-mI1have doue <bee as .t fer dam..1 mial b. able tO gine a recital su thi émser.. I huer s ma vhe v*îll hieut>' 10e lai to.brsu nme for- rari. . n vsslt ei te do it a 11111e vhfle ago. andi then I bai <e refuse.' 1 She vas tathing unevouiy. and vIlli au agitation vhich »le tried bard te con- tmcl, aui Mies Pore tcoh the hint sud eassito spisk ofthIe muure serionsmat- tir. "Wei1 ion't voi'htee bard.*" aIe sali. ."Eememubnm. -Yom ie. a lisltabit cf as invali. linsj yopinion"; sud tIbm ibe took Effii hrarum ;w-kâo»d eei er' "-ocodI.uight, des>' chiix'*als salit- "ast MC B y lthe -ay L gani -joamemange te- Colesl h>vuç Ioul>'.l*,0 je «ýdis spa»Oisted <bat yen W'ro' 111<1 Issu>' haler ou." Euiiejn-e vta siA gese, eh. e elinla lbchi aIrsd lit "Oh! Jih iîuan'» AhieaMid te ber' gea eueRilou.t jes Mr. Teudetm biati fl tleSt 014 f hie emn.ef01t?¶ki2 s ot Juihsa rjasi'. Re bai aecepted.Julian'-e siy, but h e-outernpuua vva I *ick beh baeu treste& thle hsurledna that lbis ethii Iue iii facef,- !ne lib ~e liad riallisetbà t.sItbé ia msh le lvai 'wmoprsli. ticsbbj deudte libar. ,Tbe WAQrleigt »-ni dirad it berathetie in,& ae B - t -er lim1e criture zeas tehou thiag lu life rleb rusly vas 1er'nery ovn- ColonekDavnel asuivred ber' Hiv à uisicornfort îoE5 MBeto vér. mle nyqulti. ie", f1l im lie ]no",t ordmazw,- cctaiTenuOa sud hi -insu < eb1er fer turulue 1.-ils. *ut. 1aa.tnnslj h ugittI as , of- Plëydelb teber as a a t-til -ras mumpi'ved id 'rInob. av ber da-baek ,a!- VSualà frigilènid t 1the mudflian. L- t~ho.soV' ati'Euh. ~I, 'iat s e I sR*i for mali te go te MZ Iyet oM4onel' -Haui'heht 5 uajenl f 11 ' ta= , vro e l. d o va < hib e m e 0f au â u &d-bni ho talkeà about #uer tein tt me b"5i topusa a bin:Wno- sant di1aners or moeSel81 ber. la lime Tinse .1 - I l~ablpô6Ofi, q- ia--smaiý ~ ..~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ h 1> ulyeh i ayersinuto -EMai eakeem byn I ii bslap d cutlter'. F!~s aaarnlsnitv -te 'what, - van eaed -in liè.xe-ui c 3>10595. -In Holy n- Numbirs, lot ciapter,,s'e fin4-- 4"And.lise Lord sike uùnt Moèsin the ildrnesof Binai ..2ake yî- ilise suis.f i econ>gregation"oe! lthi chîidrèn o!lisraei wi'mUth<e, number o!tfie-ir naâme-4 every Maike f rôïnihs'mty Yeams1 old andi up- s anl <bat-are aiý tego forth ~to.wa 'ram slIsmal." - rrà uii;euhb. rgyni -B*bbiag 1h la. sj.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~r u~h li .z iiW!- ial~courthi~p Euh gave o itiï î <i'- Iah. ,, ihailobaig mj-TU PhBrulte-YVwhen i- amlu]a& a d1'. I on ~bliiul dazel -ý ' talk ilt it-u t a,1ot iâ sStoclk. anlur ubet. 'd>' Wise Fathè'r-Reluibem,,ny sou, "a mu le"itter h tidi m .a>. s y hi ~ wlici' 'ê-ti ue.una. -yen Cannet buy'wihk moue'.ý m 705 knor - ris onhiiicated Son--Yen, I know-, xqmodbut t'l__.stores do'n'+-t t~~hem- i and sudbotbeart iseut- - "t 0<y. tur To rmi- tou. 115Tm -A pape>'mi r i ihiaa au?" Oiseau Fals, B.C.- 1 * 5.à AfISnh. f0-ne t the. cakes with thn wh -e rcwtmgdlatneter; Pullq aud decorate the top witii dairitilI w nh s I eut pieeesi of cadied 'cheries and iyles l tire or in -part * - No reasOuabl useful Uluâts. rf- i -Rice vit h grated cheese over it S.FANK WILSI mikss.change- as. a ýluncheon diah. - 78 a.18w.St. W Turenineissad to.'rstore the togt, wýhite4ess of the ivory handiesT -of cutlery. IWANTED- mNEW ID K.un50<?UDare onilftIY vltig -fer new 5aventiolm 1 -Oi giinie Jilpatssted sa" .old by mm 4»i efaailo or g3smpleW S.t d L i -Lo t y U r lim a inm ei' om sP u SUiJiUnJW(U 8 uh.osa"Mmdeveioy5 aeilonp - rak CIOW0ip 7oUto YZ l ire su had <Patent SPS-HR' 5 Pl three Nil bd ýON 4 .1119 ugusd~Iahofr colts, lurooti marure lt prneet teaeavi muy- .( sny dmüis1t,4Turf g o ir hour, or sma SPOHN SEDICAL C404 Cemail IMP CuIrBB MXZIIL-<4 .ontiiiaid). or aUr ellier of Lay-t3&' siar 8h. vas .lttins au&aloir eha& 'by t(b Tu ;partlat hw5r '61jjbj5ï9 2»e vitb ber baby un br san. viles No' <ba "Ywsu Omi vas o s rab hi>»t£a b rs oie hm ab ..oh. b b ouy 705 Sà bems Itlà 115'r ud W'pla«li bes labis artus* âd fully cold e ut to-uight.; &aà & 3.11 vrltegfer ai ho s b. bai TuI's7Di'at te thet il le ver>' cou »tuthl. eao.". 1 hanA!1 £nid «reeted her 'rîti- la ii. lM'ai i ia bit bu eln ..Kov go"d 0, Feutahone! Do fortin or JuUmas- v O& sel ,Di,*-diBpm.cou- mue ilIdeut gel up. Baby bhm act mir ei>.uedgi cam l* CO* ratiler îtiffcrt. H. vou Do~ t * c vli ie urllt f 4«9ra' t0-alt. m0 I have ilà dte oistSda" vbeiiibta hi lm îm11e; su vey b 1 Ikngwv b~I Nevas9s0i-mt 10 inur me-sgi "Wbat a darlineg li la.'eau i« ia. 'ev <er. A UMledbIt ae lirt. udet 44. Iu a *vishper. b" w« suye~ d -iooklugvout'ma" e Riad Iblé hgo &"Wb» - îbut et tli 1111,tiny-face huf bi"énj a nov u ashséteg syre. o w goft ebari. "Extd, 1 ënvy yo ;l la 19 C5-BbiiiC bg htmmel; bidib rab uetbiugIhaevawi&i m o 7 cg bekg uitaadmirer 0f l"mueS 145 nascb eS a antd* 0rie. B er (bw tat lah. ws ug ggl 1<> b. a C5lt fex 0 hy vt yu" aimaa'mid.but (t M adO.nO lfIec- *,l aultoffi tesha»wîth eau Tho vire ous e ortIo o<batr kýueob Euh. vith a good attepa& 1 £hei«,..aeghlia on-anCYt79s 8h. coverid ber -baby orsi' vit>' Mmhe yun. "nuofrtia lMârku aigtiy. « jece Reifly Hi ulaamesingt tb. mort "lSh e7. sa esror i'st -fm5O houait voullipa i=ste oui' y" sli Ànatei. nt i y A.Mr. DekoS ifammeni va "lie; .bât uet if y vast lme: bsidiiel oicaistp., vos': go." Aller--disait Mis. Laurie sat erna IA44.,wft _ = '4 timai & e" is uU. ~mu *'i.mY WiIIEl"is apuro wAiIeocorn Syrnf1 ,lot so pronownced îiijfavor as *Cr=*n Brand. Yà m may,4roer IM 8%su~ y1%i eng005K-luNa. 8.U1ANS 85 LU. TIno The. baaatT1C.La lmostms MuuIcgmavofhSimsdrkai'dobaor"sd READ T> FOR Ile P§IIIUKD WAR EWAtC miS m WN WAx. 1a Absolutely ohilIvieus te Publie -opinion'sud Very m"s à elly. -If" 1 kaiewh" al ssite lnitsul. as hU sal i pNg Iei lto ]de mdud. Idm1 hi ho it bai oe aboiu.,but b.a.sekt Nde it b. tioem 7me oi ~v.o au- brshm Su0J t i i itinlmeirgW *hm%.8,50 "Et . Mmlyhura hu.70 awoeraDceB ber. titemme te..Ta je Uw mlty. mi tiu#.& 705 UO. -pyVhme:.70R 1tom leuZrsiv at your own i"hua -il.o. a o- o bu 1 sqmld 11k. 1 teim>ott t i s eu &m. îtly@i v3Ml «&w Bui'a<mu isui vi"grip W> y. mietih"le v as offort sbý qoe 0 De~u4 aaioad "-l hiuki tb*:>boet bthî viii bu fer me tom. u.Haà »i. ehe eau. --M 1 o0<esa-to 7q'oi thihérai bèresus a Ilet t b. teut humred- MIn i-~~vsar*%"ê-ida4 i ffl .ut hlm 10 ohuggid hie slioudeti-lID> 11111e h iyu vll be a fi. oman.- sud i70u @ugbt te a ee ned someone te- tahe'cari A ~tt1 î7 bek itm Eidq Uu.Theu ahi n ad;N' i wiikeIf-f meu [uasny real differeuce. bffapse .'ii la-iebe-inu my biartw'bat ho rs The covr'euddbe anxgpdy ilç! kinku ito &at ~viii lm like a niew hape. A Âgood meats"d is Bread- and butter, Ami-excellent dessert i bamuas put through a I-and aliced orange a-pu ~Hints for f.Ihc. Iomj Tesci eelis GR-C0IClTS PLANLT *TA, b<AQIC BAKINO- POW CONTAlils NO ALUA PbiATE c01FALUUINA on s8000&AL suLpmIAr. Trlt PuBLIC 8IlêU.D MISLD UTTHEst TtemmINIAI AMEt C . CILLETT COMPANY II WINIlpitO. TORONTrO. @%T'. lit -Ruy ýwh&t supplies you- need &nd FUI ETEM 19fiPaRATImud me t'he bîll, was the purffle i pg-J =1 rom