r.5for 35c eg504 35C 1ac'i*I, rage ý2C for 20c, eIc4 Oreg. a5ci ,dor,à Oç ý'mi1s1on4ic od Liveri, 11,~ flcrb Cuft 'teular.2c .fMri5c cati. 0.'Tô~fo Puire' Ëowder Bor,, Ii'O Hair Brutbeireg 25,cc fÃ" -ý2C -HaWE ruses, xeg- ;Sr.oo0 -jrr flAtomizera, ,75C, $i.Oý$ 1 49t Wat er Bottl.es,,extra -$,1.50 Foantain Syringe., Flower Stedo, 5c -snd ac S9ataurday, IWay 89.on.ly 2,packages for5e. aýn4 dikninèsar-é' the. Fin-eat .Quality. -:D. avns......... .150 uty çounif A. H. Allibi...... ...... 150.A wi.tedezeti Mr. W:'Waliker, of tue fSrzn ofA. G. SiWrtitygrant than W. a4L. cmiso'..$3.3 bal enthusi tobl u h aiding &Br.à wa rsent, and,- ' u~1thie qtsx.cuo uti.ont. " lgt< eae> 17 um of the Public Library on ~ed thai hies im wai uld t'u ris ttt wig oth cn Town FHa-l........5.66 eventng the formatian of a.p étition a oliver- u~~telve ýfo e ;4h roei jupIls went else- ee a... 1.0 lau a opetedand plans ao e -r imidals, the,-wiig team ta g .'ro-ppôrt *the grant. C. A. Goodfeliow & Son . 10.00 lined for thc carrytng an af the sport' make: the hoIté. - He exhited a e liente men.- M. Coihrntroduced a motion cen- durlng the summer. IE oi hte-.'c ,wihl be~ hçdalomnte upan sur.n tcon tractorfor the way he .The necessary motion that a tol e y. tfitee ches hih lTha Sthe%ý ear umanr n as doing the fillng on the lateral beague be. organize was Iiitrodùced, fliýI4 uefr nteudr 4TO i wui,'tWeîrr -been pro- 'sewers. The motion waB, however, by Messrs. AI. Butler and 'P. MIntyre; tnigia h pudn alb k senteà d' ani 1fixented t&e.. not deait with, by reason of a motion and was unanlmously carrIed. adopted4\tor use by the league. upon ËýIving th p ibemta adjourn tili Tuiesday evening being The election- ef officers resultéfi' as The plioposl tion was gladly accept- of Hiliý\Sc ent. -'The carrIed.flow:---' ed, as It was teit that this would en- Hon. President-Mayor, Warren. hance the Interest, and make compe. Hon.--Vice-Pres-Ped ÈtèhEsq. tition keener. caepuleopnontrugot Presîdnt- 4 a ,Eq The league will finance itseif. Each = caunry s tathepresingneea a Vitd- T . Lawe?4lQ team -Milll be charged an entry tee et L iII8 The S ; tPti~ coent publicoptnionrehrighaut tofh e cýr ;i Goolieiiow. $5, ite deveted ta thepurchase of Lu ~ie - the Empire for men and moneyi and,. Manaji £-Butler, J. S. Litie, F. baehsa a eec i te stirnui&te ail the variaus activities îcîntyre, F, Mmthtson provided - by the ilowd to These officers, witii the managers, players themselves. ~ In anneeian ith te fomatio UOWwarking ta this end, and teaug-wl opiete xctv omt In cnnetio wih te frmaionment~ the variaus Patriotic Funds ti. îcomprise temxultrulesofert- The tawn council will be asked ta ANto a Nyà â branch et the Speakers'- without' however, estabilshing > ry igootheaes - help by putting the Park in shape. STABLES Pa~~*o~l, undertaken rece tly,ý new fîrd. Tihe eampaign wil.,b taËdcddtoo t esf -Clagewl WHUBY puros an oganzaianetth~U~andi relief situations dictate, it béing t ocoe yter ai wili probably Include twelve gaines understoed tliat* whenever the reeruit- blist of ail those who We1?eflîr dr io ôr *feur teanis, tirat le, a double screti. gue or tie benefit' et those who do i4ng ef-men for overseas service or the sire ta play. A list was starte-u the ulo. Tue contests wiU be held in the geand double --n~-led nirtnitru. Tr asn tfnofrrle ups p meeting, all tiose present signing,and evenings, prebabiy two a weelc. ~1 e ltas apt te ',knock" simply be- pear's 1f be-lagging ln any particuar untili Tuesday, May 11, these lista will Tire inaugural meeting promises well Bus~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~es tealfh eiel geate h eltcs itrict tioseealled in tire Spakl- hoe open. Names rnay h i ot any for tire League, and thre citizens are ~a"rnfr euTsHE N liE un ni r"arotcLau ha eaa of the managers76 -tit-re-secretary. askod ta support it, bath morally and -hn esleo weir mden able e oatdreos meetings for the pur- At the conclusion of a weel< the by tiroir attendance aitirhe games. eh ad panse ,-afsrosing tire people - eft'auci managers will meet and thre teans Thre tennis will be announeti next Somo. good ma - ndian Patri- dsrcs nifreurgandquttwill be selected.- week. aud hesvvy ô tie -ulate t hwas respanse, by premeting thre e0 nîa aise aJ~q fout ha t -penses ,iu bath re- tion et local. coimrittees te carry tis _________________________________ alob spectà were very uneven, dran e-wark te a piactical conclusion. The second case was oee-in which m4l QJ1ey~ ire ieDmne rvu epn In l reply tote lue forspeakers, DIVISION Ctl ýq VfteDoifnhvn epn-Jas. Heard & Sans claimet frein W. B. r . - ,~ I'Lr.af and athprs netat aI lor sin oe ftyqaiidpesn aea- Two es whiibhave.. been stand- Pringie remuneratian fer , supplying- mua adequate aySiilariy ýe ready expresmedtfietrir wiiiingness te Ing fer a.1in:tinêWiere cieared*off tire aud: stering 1060 blockrs of iee. Mr.- et. tpyat' Ipouse. matie ,o appeals for 5!dr -lin thls iapacity. dacket- an uesdaY inornin9 at Divis- PPringle cîaîmed that tire Ice was net 89 *0'~~> fuada,i Wich were iecessitafý,f"by nci men as Sir Wm. Mulock are ion Court. Tire first, Heart vs. Blow, praperly packed, witir sawdust, as al e' deinui ereatei by thre wrtr, were amnag i speakers. hmd been >partly deait wlth lu pro- cousequence.et which saine ef it ureit. J I -~ cae. enuterest lu It wiil irus ho .seen traitirhe Speak- viaus courts. Tire aim of Jas. Heard ed.' Ho counterclainied fer a smajl mu Ofie- . . ~~ nt littie ar neud aît al ers' Patriati Leangue le wortby oethtie & Sou agalnst E. R. B31W fer $53-96 amount, aud disputed iei obligation te ,n m eroelïi belIeve th iaitirhese ireartiest support of eveY true, Cana - rteamiug was aliewed. On Tues-pyfrtr c a&.'b: Zetrý, ir have dian. and tire citizens of 'Whiiysiro nl day inorning Mr. Blow's counterclaiin ]ie Houegr Judge MeGllivray gave eany ef theretore lont Iit their encouragement addjdmn o h litfs n l he~ ~ d wntpuei so nt oce- atiassistance by enroîîîug as mem- a oe0cat 2 7sadt uimn o iepanifat i mmtïond i nees adhim, leaving tire balance, $80,29 coin lwedMr erin ie issmail ceuntor- fitui t.,ù*patrietisi,or blbr.Ing ote ir f tjeu Heard &Sons. daim tti r râoi uoer tire Il-,lutienmi ,to beho taîe inl ___ tire of aý*ercisUou et tire aetual' cor ', i elPn erer iformiilbn' could O~ 1A4'~,~~eetir oie ltiergi: irlWind Clearing in B .troom fi Nl~I~i, wgjt.. ie result, 19 dbe gneral ln- ç~iIa~ah r ÇitIbuiouine 1c O!t, uo nI h 'o a r 4i Wtire osre- Closet Comn-binations. for .rëo -of, dff- -i 4 E hav ju- tpurchase 2coStco bationB from -themantifacturers at'a,--m -,abr i%âde sihave25usloset comX Méwti6llwnu§oofe tim tleatlaofA 1raw 1UIDIUI w. Y W5Ur, one t-Vis elots. YOU Contemplate installlng'a bathroom:or -not at ýthe present- time! it will p4 .,YOP tpurchase one of these and hold it uý,ntil yen do. . We have tuese tanks lntheds1n follows 9 Whiie Enam.I1.d'S ur aI l n Whit.e uaïmje. vo-d iks-- rs , -Solid Oakc Tagiç, - à t4.96 < q, ALL NI4$ S~JTORE' Glant Beet,à Ifangel, 25cý Large PIneapples, 20C eaich. Extra Nice Tomatoos, 15C lbo Fresh Lettucep,dallyo Jmo. E~. WATERIIOUSE WHI TBY Phone 11? Your Sîsdf ast Thee is nothingmr tastyfror Brafast 4~ w hae xthoiMji1d .Cured Hamns, any sizei and'ýcut asiyway-You want them. fAIo.afui ne of Btakas ad : lack Bacon, .the: -L Ia(U III- .i ýde of sing r hirre. 1 îijd' bagg driversi for S'ai~ phIos Do y=u know you cn take, as much CIP ff 100 suczeproperly drained au y On can ô f200 suýeà not dridned, and suve haithéb. abor? wMbag-511070«0r ldIIgIar ta o k r.ta drotgbt and tureum tbe quamtitr and mpraveathequastyaf rui r0».t Wb *bave-ns @end olm toda f reef et , ayu dmboolkt.t on tb 9 .ubJect I aUe ucb saa-ntgt in yanr tank aeronmt for very oe@ th*too.toe o.m tb. Govennent lads yumon>" for'the Iif tur Domninion Sewer Plto Cmit0 ~tI~ 'i 4 -- 1 Promýt Dellivery, "Fi