and Put! nov, vbiie the price. is dowu. Orders ma>. b. left at F. J. Jones' hameau uhop, Dundas St., or, at Mr. Vanstono'is residence,, Kent Su. Sheds ut up-town G. T. R. station- W., E. Vanstons, Phone 1044 Whlthy.0O89t Issuer of Maiage Licens0s Corýner tirgstore. WhitbY. No Witnues required. lk mt anad i Im000ut BusCollected, Firet Loans Arranged, *Propertieu bought sud soId. For terme spply Head Office, Brook St. -Bell Phone 19. md. Phone 70.- sales Manage0rs, Wl. COURT, Plastoror 44 OSWOWumgtAs, OMTO Winl b. phesed t. give estima. kindsoetplaatenlLhlng, N a n ahi laid befone tme Co.uuvu, Ai lûtglMn. Foley presented a lot eto naines whIcb ineluded, ahi d'e residenta lu tovu voit of Palace Str'eet, ii<lpt ive. At the iâéetIng'on Mendayiglst an eppoing petituon et 160 namis wu. read. Aftenthe neadins et tie petition the Councli earrled a vote te lai'-the. rat- ter ovin, but Inter ou d'e parties te the petîtions ver. *huard, and thîs lu where tie exitemint areue. Un, Woloy >laid he vanted te have tii. matter settledeitiei feror againut. Tiere are fitteen children who ce frein pointu eq e4t Palace Strict, te attend d'e Sepanate Scheel, sud' a great zuanyfamiles who attend. d'e Rornau'Catho1ié ChllrcIt,. It là ,a peuét hardsbip ubat- they should- b.e ornpell-> id te vakio blocks, eut oet tii waY, viien sidevaîki are bilng 101lu 0m,'ob-I en potions,'et the to*u d'ai- weuld b uaed evetu' lipu. Mr. Thompuon appeahid te thé'Ceu- cil en d'e. strength etis petitien, sud tii tact thaýt a great injiistice would bo doue If ive natepayens vireferced te pay for 40 Der cent. bf'the cut et an entine block 'ot cernent valkr. Me further stated tuat havas surprised that çomieoftuhe eider members et tii -Council had endeavored te "-lobby"' and Swing ovin te thein sidi iitheyeu ng membens. Mlereupon Reeve Downey wus on bis teet, ebjectiug te, thise remanks. Hé d14 net thlùnithue Ceuneili sould b. caiiid upon te lîsten fe such Implica tiens asgibIs. Mn. Thompion eentiuued, iewever. %o-a h@ waa ..a* iictinoe Sa much KI. WELBANNS, V.qS.r;Tiernpse'stats- 1touiy hait a dezen pupils -gs #nauate etf OMiaio Vtel!lii'y icheol along, Palace Street. Hc b.- ,loge, Ofâce, TelnpiranIOO 0osJw& - ý Iiived the Couneil sbould seutle d'e matter to-nighi. *'Ou tint peint, ai lin1. AU cala prnpfly atieuded te. hast, hi -agried wiii Mn. Tiempuen.ý , phne 7 r ; Id. elepone0. Te Mayor and Mr. Dowew ieein Ploe1- 2 n.Tlein 0 avor et the propoual. - Mn. Baieman did hot wisi te block the plan, but ai the anme urne he FRED) W. IWBRlEN could net vote for it, us ebe believed it would lie su Injustice te tbc-ratepay- Caiijenter, Balider and Cotracter ens aleng tue block. "XItlu permiited çeneete .change Plans drawn and itirnates fumished. bis mind," said Mr. Laidlav, "and that Riopeire, Alteratieul aud Jobbiug. la vbat 1 bave done. Lust year 1 op- ONTAIIO osedthe layiug oe.t iis sidevalk, but tften viewlug the situation frein al 1i es, 1 have -corne te the coucluslil tiat a walk sheuld be laid en Palace sati.eet.- ,Zujmu4'n -Xanted A Mr. CoulIn vas very rnucb lufvo Mn. Moore tbought a valit should be laid either ou Palace or Mary atrecis, Houle aud about an acre 6f land wlth but he vu net sure whîcb weuld lie the besi. seme fruit trees prefernid. If you~ have Mn. Thempuen again ventuned tc , rpr«t upwrite make a tev suggestions, lu tbe course propufy 10 ofet vicb b. asked Mr. Foley If be vould agree te ace that the snow Io ueveled If the sidîvalit la put dovu, JOHN FIS ER & 60. At finît Mn. Fohey demurred, but Reeve Dewuîy ber. saw an oenîiug tc countrY Reai estate sud ari Brokers effeci a necoucllnatioil, and, alter muel dickerng, Mr. Folcy conseuted te hi Lumisden Building t respenaîile for the nemoval eft i 6 Adlaid-St.Eastoev, viiereupen Mn. Thompuon re 6 AdeaideSt. ut noved bis objections tote ealk. 'Ph. clause providing otohe val TORONTO vus then lusented lu the committcé ne - pont, ,and Mn. Feley will enter mIet ai agreement with the tovun e the snov iievelling. Mattens vire ail satistac tenily settled, thenefere, ,venyene va satlsfied, anid the Mayor's "Al's Wel tt Ends Well,", closed the. discusf ton. joi. 88819 a sons tTbe Sireits Cemmitie brought i d'unr report, embedylus the recen: ______________________ mendation et tic layiug et several ott er sidcwalks. Au Important arnu ment te the report vas the final dîcli LIVÉiY, ALE NOton to iay a wali f rom the uortb en LIVÉY, BL£ AD of thetow-u Park clovu ote cGran MAIIINOSTALESunkl etation, The original Itni vas te iay thc valk rnerely the leugi oftute Park. BROOK ST.eWHUTrBY, Te tollovlug vaîke vene recel zuended: St. John Street, Centre te Kin *-AUl kinds of single and double uorth aide lu tic bhock pust Judge Ml riga fer bine. Bus te aHi the Iutynèe resîdeuce. - - tain sd aggage tranEf - Ou Athol Street, veut aide, frein 8 trais an b îfir. John te Trent, frein tha residemice -Hôrsies -bought sud .sold on Mn. A. Butler te uhat et G. M Goo coud mmision aen e god y on BWynstreet, east side, frein t soun drver, ad havy Grand Truuk Junction station up' team f ôr ms;laise obaled - eith astreet, nean d'e nesidene et hay and strav in any quantit>. Bai-ton,or deiverd.Ou Brick Strnet South, veut 5h - frein Trent to Phint street (Junetli Fer pies, etc., apply Bat - tation), and ou the. eut aide frein C tarie te St. John, pust the resîdeuce offce or phone 89, 14 or 74. C, M. Stevens- Ou Cheuinut street, nenul side, Pro te Centre. Stables and- Ofice: ou Mary Street, South aide, Pro te Byron. Iruçg Ut. iuntWêof cmentc amenvi e IL lo lwilbl> 4-ae lbelaidvmill total ovin *30,000 square The report efthle Bevir Comiti breushi eut suothir ,bonietfcent te.Several extensions wvire ni f mended,-ahi hc b e oe .pproi viii d'e exception et one This ad ROYAL 'THEATR~E, vnasa short ue te run fei du Street t te 'e oea the- t DMRECHAI Of ROORMIE propetis et A. T. Lsvler, Reas Dz INTIE GuNO! F I'0IMh, sd 1,B, Wîllls. These gentlemen vi Eah Pighiabi deirouas Cf-cennicting te a line id . r ir um or etruDnng eut on "1T .y Or- m"sBrpck streit, sd had offeréd te 1 Eeg jqight Ifnt lgtuulsjqipIIOfür td'enoture cou Cof the Ulne, It-u fonloveer, that a manliole vo UtUIù7 5gbt 1M Lte *IL. b. r wui e ice titi vu toýe b. IjDÇWURRIM li&n'. ,nected viii 'hte Dupda S treeit se ginein receMrmnded hat ey the ccii t tuas,8soU ýte uno control. 'lini coul vould , Severai iinbers, led by 1fMr., Meere,' obleeted tote d'hexpendîtunes -ou tii grouad, that other einilar applications veuld aloe have toe b. granted, on d'uhs priiedent Meurs. Dewney ,,Laidlav ad :_B&teiOi1thought the teya îhouhd stand d'he cost of d'us manholi. but Uic clause voS&doeMted on a vote, à nd vas dthera qe mutted -trom a eèrpent. TPue Whu 1tby band asked fer is usual, grant et $715, v.hlch vas appreved, on d'e undez-standiug that the Band Iwill giveO open aire. concerts On Saturdayý evenings during, the summer, v.eathir pîrmittIng. *John wlliams and ethers requested a moyen te serve- thein propeites. This would entail théi laying et 700 teet on Cheà nstuut an sd ovin 800'feet nord' ou Centre street. lu viie ft Uicact thai the - cost vould, exceed. $1,000, the. Couneil did net teèl disposed te necom- meud tic layiug et sucb sewer 'at .pre- sent. A. R. Rowland and several ýothei' ratepayers requested a uidawalk ou Euclld stneet, frem Chesinut te MapIe. TPuis wu retferned te the Stricts Cern- Mayor Warren anneuuced that as tha Morne -Guard had dIsbauded, the et- lIceis desired, te return .tote iitev viwat vus lef t et the $800 grant made. Only $60 iiad, beeu expended. Mn. JA W. Jackson, '-Preuideutet the Whutby Tevn Basîbaîl League, on, be- half.i'ti tememberu ot thi eagiie, asked t'Ãiat tie* -Leuncil havi thé- Park put i1*-shape fer playing -bail, i nflud- ng the cuttiig e i.gras., rolIntuih greund, ftlilg*tiiî holis, -building a sceen, etc. 'PThe Town Pneperty Cer- inittenwas, lnstyiicted to st ln the Mrs. Jý 4d8 a fey Throughj the tmack. It la no secret that el are lu ,, and ILimust say I hImei t.a ical betterthan ln, Frenee. I * - - - . *comau usve urougut a M r nu i et thet rnt, lu te Queeu%5Uwn. Culen as aseuvenir, but, believe -mÃŽi, viien Iu a native WhItby boy, and in5 kiievu yoti are up Iu the trenches, 'Itisl net here by ueanly everyollf, Mis letter lu souvenirs you'are th Inking et.i meut iuterestlug, snd ln herewith quot- "SeVeral et rny cliurs were killed, ed, ahueit 'Infizhl, htlus dated -Apnî Ouie fillew I feeu pecially bad about, soth. a YeutI. awnle Shields. We used te ..I senlt yen card ou Fniday te let..werk toether ln the Dominion Baukr, yeu-knew I was sti'5.iWe siter the big and 1 wu at hishome fer dinuer the. battle. 'his lu the':rtopPOÉntiy JE night lie got his methîr's consent te baveê bad te write igu_.for a wiek. enlst., Shi vili fiel dreadtul about it. "dNo doubt you1eli i*VO iOflbY the Da- Will, the. aceuntaut frem d'e office, pers t wiiahs haprlened. It 'vas ter. lu misuing. 1 expect he la dead, tooe. ribe s' bv lot t . ianktul "We are about fivi miles trem the ton 1d'a m s1hOi'B te-dA?. We.utarted Une nov, but expeet te move back pos. a 'wiek ago last night. ond' nhýld .up> sibly te - (heri a word lu diîeted yetozrday mOl'lIf, golug thi'oigh eue by the ceuser, but It eau be made eut et Uic greatest. battles ofthde war. as "France)- fer a good reat, whicb &,Thi f inght wO lay lu, a dltch ou vo al ueed. t4e ýedge etfiii.' battlefteld, their (the. "I have seen, some great aeropîaue German) artillery tVkif te sheil us fights. It Io voudertul boy ours go up eut._ Wî lest ouly a' couple et mau. snd fight the Germaus. They brougbt Thie next MornInge friday, Apnil 2Snd, eue dowu yesterday meruiug. The lut exaetly eight rnenthBvslUce the time we day we were lu the trenehes oeewe arrivid at Valcal!tiei!, wv cressed a field over us about eighty teet high, and we about ivo or tiree hundred>yards un- aIl toek a pot at It, but et course ît in der heavy ili fine. 1 vasbit on the bard te bit anytbiug se umall. goîug sheuldil', butih Jiusttook tie akîn off, seventy miles au hour..f se 1 vug able te continue. Another "Last i nglt le the. firut ulgbt!s reut tellew drepped dead wivtb ll'art falîuire. wc have had fer a week witbeut being '-We stepped lutu-e. ftiut trench-for dluturbid. We are lu a field, as ail the thnee days. one light'it½'alued, malt- banne fer miles around the couutry are îng it. more uncomorfot9île thali the filled witb treepe. 1 am witlng ibis euemy's lire. 'Tie third unigbt, our huter witb miy back up agaînut a peut, section, wlth part et au nglloi regi- and, as you will nealize, Iu lu viny un- ment, oe tnad te another comtentable. trench. The'ii l enucih ad rnud and "On Suuday two cowa walked uthe ti ,aeP l i but with,,saule tule tram field ucarly te our trench betore they the rootfet a tarmiTrsbal!u and a lithl were uhot. XItseerned a siame te have straw, vi soon inade hi very -cemfent- sucb goed bief se near us wben vi abie. vire living on eanned bief. "1 'have seen teribli sightu, dead 111 ar ne, tiihe rse, fer ail my ex- andweunded, _but eue secsse au ay penlenci except a eut ou my baud î sot _ > . . h 1h .e am és o ir a rd- h i roinclue ven a banb ed - w i e tence." '-"r. Moore made a proposai that a newflag be purchased for thie Town Halwhich was unauimously adopted.CL RO C LL OR lE SUN D 1 WIT Y ýTeStreets Committee included a nIN GA LF IU d n E 9W IS its report. the- tollowing accounts:, John MacCarl ..........80-0o Jas. McLe....... 40 Stiirring Addresses at, Big Patriotic Metig Jos. Heard & Sonso875 C.h GM. Stevn.... < The expectatl eofei the meet san- et Hate," whichbasu now become the The Cuclajunda iugt guine weîe -more thà n realized on1 national anthem-et the German Em- Thursd0Y evenrned ltst duheâ. t i, iipire. This Io being carnied even Inte' _____________ alilwas cro*did.. te 11MW the speakers business checles, where German firme f V e at the public meetinS 11.14 under the have prluted on their stationery,i C.s. FarmWeiil InjUre& là auspices et the,, Speakers,' patriotie " Gott, Stratte England"'l(God Punish SLague. Altheugh a large proportioni ilngiuid) -I A 4PR oD)estIA# ot the'audience. aoposed of vo- Mr. Geggie proceeded te show o thon. w9 fi" ~o f 415 iwfy hate le being brou904ý1zt4o tho 0 whower b.a f bs e Col. & .Farewell, t e tean ithe.meeting w t t CoutyCrwuAterey, l ul ekyoung menonfe * , 0WiOhoiild stated >at the GermaJIs w r. psing' nursing Injuries which h. sustained have reop6udf earIltîîyte In vita- saw-backed bayonets. The young Maul on Saturay,.night lust. The Col. wýas, tIen te ttsmdte manlifeut a ha.d aise 'said that the Gernian bullets: returuing trom a tew hours' 15h lun laxutythat i.nt be se evident Iu were being tamperea with bY the Or waters fiorth et Whitby, and when the tutureha they been preseut te dindry German trooperls. iu order teý driviug along thc gravel road, iutet ear a tew tct about the war. malte them more tnighttiil messeugers north et Chas. Spencer's, hie saw -ap- ao Warren presided, and, pre- ot death. piroachIng what h. teok to be a bicycle, Myor the speakiug, called upeon Miss The lust and greatest atrocitY et with a lamp on the tront, He Ganocek, et Ontario Ladies' College, ail has becu the. use'oet gages, which, If drew off te the saide, but instead et who reudered a splendid patniotto thcy do net kili, will Injure for lite. beiug a peaceful bicycle, It was a solo, "Kig and Country;" AIl these things, said Mr. Geggie. are rampageousauooieta prah'L being used against our brave beys at ed, and ùlst th at ahppo,ýnoach., Rev. A- ...Geggle, pastor et :DuntL the front. ShalI we net, then, rally te crhdcnashed Into hi s buggy. viurayeia hrh oot, a man against this terrible, barbarous wrenching off. a front wheel, The Col, was the firat speaker. Mr. Geggie' -fe? was tbrowu vieleutly te Uhe ground, broad, Scotch accent iveà bs pech The speaker made a streug appeal te sustainiug bruises and cuts te his face, a peculiar attractiveness, and bis, ear- the yeung men to enlist for service.: an Injured inger and leg. The auto- nest zeal held the audience witb wrapt Il It requires ne .courage te stand on mobile. whicb coutained three men, attention. 'the sidewalk now, an&- watch the boys,, stopped, but net -one of the Men effer- He introdiiced bise subject by sayiug' march off te tlght the battles ef the ed to go te assiat the vlctim et that the present peried lo one et re- Empire. But the day will corne, their carelesoness until he had gather- constr.uctionf. Old standards are bie- \vheu the boys will return, anid then it, ed bimacît Up after being dragged a. Ing swept ýaside, uew eues are takiugiiil require a great deal et courage te cross the road by lis herse, he having their place, anthe ic"eld order chang~- stand on the sidewalk, wbeu -you might held ou te the lines, aud had called te eth " lu many ways, Arislug eut à aebe acig-oewt hm the men for belp eut et the muss., Even this lie placed severai tacts betore the hav e o s eu mch n hmewaiben then they did little for hlm and laid the audience, first et whicb was that Bri- tay oue e Bta s lieedwatngl blame for the accident upen Col. Fare- tain Io net responsibie for, being lu the. Geggîc's closing message. well, claimiug that hie was on tbe war. The Empire was drawn lu, by Mr. Hoskin, at tWo~ point, rcndered wrong aide ef the read. Thbey afflrm- Uic violation et the neutrality et Bel- a fiue bais solo. "'Thê Soldier.'" ced that both their lamps were burnlng, guw hBianhd wr oI r ..Dalsý .. fTrn ahUic Iontvetston oe wtas a- serve and maintaili. The chiet tact, te, tollowed Mr. Geggie, taking up the the omet o diputeonl on wa a.then, Io that Great Byltaili eitered the thread aleug a different patb. He light. war because shie teit it right and lier teld et the motive lu the formation et 0 The auto sean pulled eut, leavIng duty te defend the littie kingdem ef the Speakers' Patrietie League, hCol. Farewell te shift for bimselt. He Beîgiuin agaillat oppression. Mr. Geg- the chiet reasons being that it was ,made lis way te Mr. Spencer's, wbere gie paid a great trIbute ta David teit tbat Canadians bad net respeiided ehe secured a buggy and dr-ove home. Lloyd-George. whem he called an lu numbers as large as should have It was net tilI Sunday morning that apostie et peace. Vhen Lloyd-George becu. IU was pointcd eut that 75 per k lie received mnedical attention for bis declared that Brîtain muet enter the cent. et the men et the CanadiaflCen- Injuries, which, thougli net serieus, war, tlien it niight be taken as certain tîngents were natives of the mother- h' ave proved painft, and have confined that she could net keep eut et the land. The only Intereuce te be' drawn wthe Col. te biselied. -war and maintain ber honor and re- was that Canadians have net yet awalc- c- The accident zight easily have had putation. cned te the real Importance et the more serious ceusequences, and bis Another eutstandIng feature et the great struggle and. the 'Place tbey many trieuds Whe have called tesece war le that Britain hai become thue should takeInluIt. hlm have cengratulated the Col. on. centre et offence fer the Germans, and Mr. Davidien made au carnest ap- bis escape.. the rock et defence for the Alles. peal te the -womeunent fer moe.werk In Pt0Atu At soetelengthliehoPicturedthie l ic eUlne'et scwing or knitting, buti S t.A rthn r Kean, et the 35tb Bat- grewth ef the feeling ef hatred among for more sacrifice, lu seudiug thefr h-tloToronto, visited ut bis home the Germans againat England, wbich leved eues te figlit the tee, with the p-heelat uatrday. bas manitcsted Itself Iu the ",Hymu truc spirit et Engliihwomen. He pic-1 W tured- seme et the atrocities perpetrat- id ed by the Germans, te, show that the id ema nemy must ho conquel'ed as 800ni as Dn possible. Scenes sucli as lie pictured, ho said, eouid flot be tolerated by any DIIU UI ~ II ~good wemau, but Shi sbould seud lber l eu es gladly te stamp eut ber- s c- The nation le learuiug the glery et S service lu a way that bas neyver been ~t. knowu betere, said Mr. Davidsofl. Ser- st. vice, service, service, ls the uppermeast eofR i ~1 théugbt lu the mmd, duning, these 4l- p F I~ duys. Fellewsbip, tee, bblecti taugbt b. by thie war, and, the nation tu- 111<8 24,finitely nicher spinltuallY atter the lto onda , -M y 24 1 9 -t5great struggle bus been broughit te a C. suecesottll conclusion. 10,The speaker ld empheis Ou the de, N - iluancial side of the question. We [on flf~ Dffuu u hudail give, 11e sald, until we teed JO N VIPOR 'S URK, V K IN through thîs war 1im nery = aer- - isM~~~aly becausie o t ,Eeyinnsol - be poorer atter the lîar' h ever because ch cf his giviug té help'the Empire. Mr. Prora Davidien splke pliinly and directiz. BigofflPl r.~4LIIurgiug a a 1ampaign, lu the tevu for to Bl Th o gsawa of Sots adFotalTournamonte*. ogo n i oped tbat Th ok a OY SouswiliI"attend 100 strong onCol. J. E. I'arewell, lu meviilg a *Vote cf thankg te the speakers, gave a ve S e rie ésehéein tisissue,. very interestilufacceunt et bis visit te Se rieL<it lewee hsthe.Heuse et Cenmeo l, luEngland at Oye - ~~the, time that the fmn sipC WIIIBY apîr" vas presented .befori Parlla'- CITiZ BNS' NU IN ATTENDANCE ment. .o-4e. uw-wNu~-~- Liquid V'eneer, aeg. :~: fer z8e Liquld Veneerp, reg. soc foi 35C w & R. Butter Coler,nîg.25e, 19C W & R Butter Colorreg. xi gci12e Pink Puis, reg. Soc, fer 35C Dodd's Kiduey Pilla, reg. Sec, 35c Carîerls Pilla, reg. 25C fon 20C Eclectrie Oul, reg. 25C fer 200 Emulsion Ced Liver 041, reg. $z fon 65c Emnulsion Ced Livîr 011, reg. 50e, 35C Herb Cure, regular2ie fer qc FJ~@, u-~Us I ~WI~D Ozone, regular $î ton 7O~ Can. O. Wax, fer iaundry, regular 15C fer ià c Puni Pewden Berax, reg, 15C9. zoo Hain Brushis, reg. 25c for 2ce Main Brushis, reg. Sî.oo for 75Ç Atomizers,. 75c. $1,oe, $1.25 Hot Watîn Bottles, extra $1.50. Feuntain Syingeb, Gandin-Sueds, Sc aud mec Flower Seedu, .5e sud-rec Razors, 1.25, 1.5Soi $1.75 Water Glass-the only rèliable Egg Preservative- Wtregular i5Ctie-nloric, 3 fo - r 25, n rvidayan Saturday, May 14th and i 5th. Our Druge and Medicines are the Finest Quality., J. E. WILLIS 010001ST and OPTICIANI Beddg Plants' We have in stock ail kinds of F~we ad v etabIe Plants Tooeatoes, C&bbage, Etc. ÂNYTHING YOU WANT, WE HAVE OR CAN GET. Jno. E. WATERIO US5E WHIITBY ' - T he Gran ge, Fa rm *Whltby, Ontario FOR SALE ýNOW-2,000 plants, comiprising Tematees (abbage, Celery, Peppers, and Egg Plants. LATER-Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, etc. - WHOLESALE AI Ail or4ére promptly atteuded to. YOur ND RETAIL. Telephone 127. Breà kt&st There is'nothing more tasty for your Breakfast than Ham and Egg We have extra choice, Mild Cured Hams, any size, and cnt any way you want themn. Also a fulli une of Breakfast and Back Bacon t-lshe' Famous Rose Birand., WHIýTBYr ONT* phnes.- Bell, No., 47;1Independent, No. 47 ARCHIVES O0F0O TORONT.C ýL . . 'l Prompt Delive.ry, Pho'ne 11 -,MEDICAL- RALL9 Prock ST09 - WHITOV