b eleth tepped .Peeol*, Sho. R. N. Bassett IWhltby, Ontario, W. C. T. u. TherewilI b. a sale on the lawn of the DeDartment of Agriculture on Fr1- day atternoon, May 28th, at s380 o'- elock. Watch thus space next week for particulars. -0- "COLD FEET."1 Clooing the. bars altoj;etiier during the war would flot only be more - n, barmony witii4eebulk 0f public senti- ment, but, 1t; would put soldiers as- welI ", ciilianson-the same footing. The proposed:. legisiation -wifll ot carry .Xnuch weigiit with, the temperance po. pie .and it,certaily, wW i,'ot improve tliP temper 0<f tbe ë odiers.. Nor wl thé propose&' commiieon -wonk .won- deri as compared with the- iéseît sys- tem simply bocause no one wili be a>- pointe&d wio lanet 4n sympathy with the. license systemý. The present Governent: ha. many good measures to lte credit, and ,ha. don. much to develop the resources of the. province, but it appears to b. deveioping a very bad case of 'cold feet" so far as ad- vanced temperance legisiation ls con- cerned. -Burica FaIla Arroiw., irLOCAL HPPýENINGS Get the. One Minute Washer; it enakes wash day easy.' Geo. M. Rtc.. Monle Regal and Derby boots and aboes ln the latest styles. P..i' Shoe * Mr. W. A.- Brougliton on Saturday recet*ed a teiegram from bis son, B. -4-. Broughton, who la wtth No. 4 'Uni. » Vrsity Base Hospital, -to thei. otte tiiat the. boys had -embanked anC» Ipected to -saili te same day, W.P. Dimney thus week' sold -Mec>ie buggies to Jos. Carlton, of Greenwood, and J.. E. DisneyS of Brooklin,, and a B3rant buggy lto Morley Moore, Whitby. -o0 *Short ends of Scotch linoleums, ln -, 2, 3, and 4 yards widc, lengtiis 1 to %ý yards. May sale price, 39c. pcr ( ;square yard, at W. G. Wles The resute of the final examina- thons of the Ontario C oliege of Phar- inacy wereannounced on Saturday of l at week, amongst the names 0f thie zuccessful candidates bcing that of I j. Gimblett, of Whitby. "*Jef " ls now a full-ficdged, quaiified chemiat_ and druggist. - * Our new stock qf iawn mowers and gardon tools just bere. We, would ibe pleaaed- to have you hook tiiem over. <Ieo, M. Rtc.. A LETTER -PROM DR. EVANS. Dr. Warren lait'week rcccived a let- ter from Dr. Austin Evans, who leit Whitby on May Stii, to Join the. Armny Medical Corps. The letter was dated May' llth, and was written on board the troopshilp "Cameronian'" just~e -fore the ship was about to sai. AIl the. latent styles and' colors ln lflOl'a soit bats, regular value $2,50 to M3 May sale prie, $1.99, at W. G . Thé nèmbers o!ft*e -Ontario Horti- culturel Association are te make a 'visit to Rochester, the' eower city of New York state, on Mayr 22, 23 and 24, md are lopkting. forwerd te seeing Bihiland Park, on. of the. mont beau- GROCER! VALUES Dutch Sett Oniorus, *5c.a quart. Granulated Suffat, 14 Ibos. for $I.OO. One Broom, I 9c. Your Businesp Friend, Ue, MÈIKER'- CHURcH PARADE. T'he Sonsot' England Beneit Se- élèeywillI attend serviee et A1l saints' Church on Bunday aiternoon next. The. imembern are requestei te meet'et thé. lodgé room et 2.30 e'clock. Service willcommence at tiiree oelock. The. WhItby Btend wil Iead tii, parade. TPh. minua meeting of the. Womon's Insttute will b. beld in the Agrieul- turai roome, on Frida7' atternSon, Mar 2lst, at 1 o'eloek. The -election of of&i cers eûtl take placs. It ta r.pested tiiet aU ýthei-members, be presot. ira.- G. A. RoisPresîdent; -Miss F. Bateman, Seeretaiy. ! BAPTIST CHURÇH' Sunday, May' 0" The pester will occupy -the- plpit at both' services. 4tbbth services 1r. W CORuttan, tenor ,slott f Chleurs' Prubyter- ian Church, Toronto,-will sing, In the evenlng h. will render "Ring David's Lament." FOR SAL E BTENDER. A 2OOé4re fam, T'h. estate of Jas. A. Delong, -sltueted one mile west of Brooklin, Ont, station. Good brick houso; lArbe bank baen*;#excellent 'wat er; so' ay ioam; terme easy. -Ten- ders for 20e~ acres or for eecii 100, se- paratol>' wll b. r.eulved Up te June lit. ýHilesi or.any.tende- not-usees- sarly. ,accpted. For initier parttcu- lar4, eapply. tue cora Delong 'or F. MBob- Séec wndow dIspley mce's. colored cambriceshir'ts', -rgular, vaYlue 75e., te $1;P Ma>.ditle price, 3l't.GWat ers.* WHITBY GIRL GRADtrATES AS NURSE. Of the forty-folir -nurses whio will gaute from the Johns Hopkins Hoa- pitaP1ýraIning Sehool for Nurses, Bal- timore, Md., on Ma>' 27, several are Canadien girls. On. o! the nwnber ls Miss Olive Thompeon, daughter of Me.,1 and Mrs. Robt. Thompson, o! Whitby.1 Johns Hopkins Hospftal ls one o! tiie moit femous Institutions o! its kind lu the. world, and Miss Thompson la to be congratuleted uapon complting a course whieh will eminentl>' quelif>' 1 her for her ciosen work. ' il Large stock 0f oil stoves luit arriv- ed. Prices É~ght. Pm.ingl'i -hardware. 0o-I Sergt., Blatcii, wiio has been a guard at-the.4Anmourles here for several m maonth,'hbas èen eccptefi for overseesP ,service, an* ects to b. cailed upon tarlo Ladies' College extends l invitation to is frieude to attend tt the May Day exercises ou Monday, cc Ma>' 24th, froni 10.30 a.m. to 11.30. R Prof. Johuston, o! Victoria University,.C, wlll deliver a lecture on "The Ideai t Womeu," after whiei,the cioosing andW crownlug of the Ma>' Queen will take a, place, to be followed b>' the.Me>' Pole ti dance and otiier exercises. CARD 0F THANKS. M 1r. John Cooper wtiihes te tiiauk bis o many frlends ln t2wn and country, for E kind sympatiy Êhd iielp during hisi long Ilinees., Mfr. F. E. Harrison has iiad a Bell 'phone Installed lnuhis resîdeuce ona Byron street. The number'lis.217. a -- Tapestry, plusb, union and aIl wool rugi et rcduced prices et W. G. Walt, ers'. 0- I cen suppl>' door and wiudow frames on eiort notice; aIso doons and gasii. Get ni>'prices on your require. mente. J. Rowell James. THE TÂBERNACLE, Sunda>', Ma>' 21, Mornlng service il1 o'clock. Subject -"The Triumph o! tiie Bible. Aathem-"OWorship tue Lord."- Atbem-"'Pralse Hie Holy Name."1 Evening service. 7 o'clock. Subjet- "Stops Into Pull Salvation."1 Soio-"-PConsder and Heer Me," b>'i Miens Mabel Sharp, -of tue o. L. C. -S. S. end A. B. classes et 2.30 p.m. Come and worship. Scotch lInoleums ln regulai' bath- oom patterns, blue, gréen and white block patterns. 2 yds. w1de oui>' et 50c. per squame yd., et W. G. Walters'. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CRURCEf. Fastor:, Rev. 'A. P. Menzies, M. A., B. D. The pastor w'ip preh -et both ser- vices. Il a.m. subject-"-ýBlddhng good-bye to God." Anthen- "Jesus Pull o! Love Di- vine." Solo-B>' Mr. Rowe. 7 p. ni. subject--"Has -the Wer ]Dis- proved .God aud Christimnit>'?"- Anthem-"-OWhen AIl Thy Merdies, O MY>'Lord." Solo--"Abide Wtth Me," b>' Miss M. R680. Sunda>' Scbool et 9.45. -- New stock o! Penmanls bose and un- derwear et W. G. W'alters'. -- WHITBY BOY'S SUCCESS. ou Saturda>' evenhng Iast, ln For- esters -H1all, Toronto, >1Mr. Arthur Blght held a song recital, iu whcb four o! bis pupils rendered e song cycle, "The Dais>' Chain." The tenor parts wcre taken b>' Mr. W. C. Ruttan, e Whttby boy, who ha. mae a uame for bumsel! ln musical circles lu To route. Mr. Bligiit selected the. beel talent among bis pupils, thua indicat- -lng tiat Mr. Ruttan bas won a repu. tationas a tenor. He- le now tènor sololet lu the. choir o! Cialmers Pres- byteian Churcii, Toronto, one o! theî larye oIt>' churches. R. will .b. ieard in the Beptiat .Ciiurcii here on MOU- day evenhng nextt, Ma>' 24tu, et tie Pageantý to be rendered'b>' the Mission Baud. 1fMr. Ruttan whll also sing ai the service ln the Baptlst Chureii on Bunda>' ovfeniig. , on' i Krnown th#e world over ai i"fiebea . P I RyalBaking Powder contons no0 aluni It is made- fromn pure mrain 0f1rtr which is -d&dved from grapes. Hence, it Lassure wholesome, and ap.petizing food, free from ail adulteratg that niay go with wouldý-be substtutes., BAELINE MWEST. Mm' Lloyd Greeuaway, of Toronto, 1#Ismoing witb '1r. JOs. Yourezx; Mr. Wm, Kemp has pumchased ,a Ford automobile. Master Clarence Reynolds left for Toronto -lest week te attend- achool. .Meusrs. I. Pethick and Jas. Hem- mond have returned from Port. Hope te work on hospitai. cottages.Mr». Pothlck and Jack -wlll arrive, about Junelst for 'the' summer. Mr. O0. MeCrohan will return son te Port Wultby te,.ccupy his house. 1fr.,George ftor>' leaves this week to reside In Toronto. Mr. Mark Cawforth, inteudi build- Iug e silo thiti eason. Grain ls growling spleudidi.'. The country ls looking fine, witii prospects o! good crops. Ail the latest styles ln sereen doors and wiudow screens et Geo. M. Rhces. Everyting lu hardware. -- *Mrs. E. E. Starr was the speaker et the Woihen's Fatrlotlc Association In Po~rt, Perry lait *wél.The. collectibn, Was a.generous one, and a cheque for $50 was, forwarded to the Canadien Red 'Cross Soclel>', Toronto, and willi b. usc-d te purchaWsêrespiratorls. Mrs. Starr-vlsi.ed Osiiaa Lus week lnthetit Interest of -theNW., C IrU., an.1 ad- dmas-aed-a meetfing i îtn a 1rîiptit Cburch, afterwards vlsltlng the Amni- ourles. The supply o! soldiers' -coni- forts furntshed b>' the womeu workerq of this count>' durlng the. pait six montiis ha. been greatl>' apprechated. Tii. transfer o! the regiment from Osiiawa.to Niagara tuis week wll give furtiieropportunlty for soldiers' com - forts, as enlistment has commenced for additioual corps. Every customer la a pertuer et the cash sioe store, wbere the>' get pald a divtdend o! 10 ver cent. on evemy dol. ler lnvested. M. W. Colline' cash eliqe store,, -AN ERROR 0F SIX YEARS. Lest week ln aunouuclng the retire- ment *o! Rev. Dr. J. J. Haro, as prin- cipal e! tlie O. L. C.,. the. statezuent *as made that ,Dr. Rare iad océupled'tue osition ever sînce the foundîng-o!the college, a perlod o! tuirty-five yefrs. bhis Was à 1vlng eredît, for six y'ees les tiien la due te Dm. Here, as he ha. becu Principal for !orty-one years. At th. tume o! bis appointment be wame- commended for the. position b>' the. Rev. Dr. Nelles, tien iead o! CobourgI College, wiichbha. since become Vie. oria University, lu Toronto. Dr. Nelles was Principal o! that Institution for almost as long a terni as Dr. Hae's tenu.re o! office Ut the Whltby College.1 -o Dr. B.-B. Beaton, dentist, begs to announce tiit eti ha. secured offices over the drug store o! Mm. J. E. Willis, Brock Street, Whitby, and will open for prectice about June lot. -47. WAR SERMON AT ALL SAINTS'. -Prom the Isrealltisii King, Hezakiai, and is experience with the. Assyrien embessadors, tic Rev. R. W. Allen clrew au aplt Illustration lu treating of the. Lusitania tragedy and otiier me- cent Germen etrocities luis sermon on Sunda>' evening. Tic Initial slng- Ing o! Shelley'. "Tii. King o! Liove," witii solo parts taken b>' Mr. and Mrs. Atkiuson and Miss Edltii Barues, was the choir's special contribution to the service. LADIES' RIFLE CLUB. Miss M. V. Powell ha. organized a Ladies' Rifle Club, witi Witby'e Mas- ter o! Musketry, Prof. Bell, as Instruc- tion master. Prof. Bell's kindly Inter. est secured the ueccssary ammunitlon through the courtes>' o! Major Bamkem. Tii. number o! members la limited, and a waittng list shows thuteet that the. ladies -are takîng lu thus preparng for home guard ser- vice. The boit score et the practice this week was made b>' Miss McCrlm- mou. - - MAID WANTED. For general housework. One accus- tomed te light cooking. Appi>' to Mrs. E. E. Wallace, Gien Diu Parm, WbIt- by, Ont. FOR RENT. Seven rooni brick cottage witi ample garden and fruit, ceutraîl>' located, for Immediate possession. Appi>' P. How- ard Aunes. Mjsceilaneus Adverts. ROOM WANTED. Purnisiied rooni for light bouge- keepjng. A 4ply box 10, Gazette. HOUE F4.SALE. New freine bouse, 6 roomo, three. pluce bath, fume..e, electrie ligit. Ap- pI>' J. U. JAMES. -tf. H1OUSEM TO RENT. Brick cottage, Byroii St;, near Lib. rery,.]possession June igt. Apple~ at Gazette office. -46 WANTED. Firot-clas lth. bands, steady wonk, good wages. Apply Canadien General Electric Co., Limilted, Pcterboro, Ont. --46. POSITION WANTED. young w omeul desires position ai iiouselceeper. Thorougiily competont. Apply for furtiier Information et G&- zette office. * FOR SALE. Â imedlum.Slzed sate, lu lirst-clns conditlon. Ver>' reasonable price. Ap- pi>' et Gazette Office. TIMBERS FOR SALE. 15 to 20 fect lonfg, 8 x 10, 10 x 12. Ap- ply et M. W. Colline, sho. store. WHITBY- TOWNSHIP COURT 0F REVIsION, 1915. Notice le bereby given that the firet sittinge of tiie Court o! Revision o! Witby Townsip, to heer and deter. mine appeals agalngt the. Asseasmont Roîl o! satd Township for the year 1915, will b. ield'on Monday, June 7th, 1915, ln the'Council room, Brook- lin, et fine o'clock a.m. Ail persona hevhng business et said Court willl govern themeelves accord- Büly . HOL LIDAY, Clérk,., Whitby Township. Brooklu, Ma>' 11, 1915. IVOTERS' LIST COURT. Notice 1leiiereby:-gIven thet e court will b. held pursuent to the Ontario' Votera 'Lst A HbisE ReOrT th Judgo 0f t Mi *CuL of the Coûà - t>'o! OniariO, ae-t teCouncîl Chamber, Tone!uitby,'bathe. third day o! June, 1915, et 10 iYlock 1n tii. fore. noon,- to hear and determîne coni- plaints o! errors and omissions lu tiie Voters' List of the. Municipalît>' of thc Town o! Whitby, for 1915. Dated *2th Ma>', 1915. JOSEPH WRITIE, Town -Clerk, New miich, cow,' Jersey, for sale. Âp. plY at Gazette office. FOR SALE. Firit-clais gasoline boat for sale. Ap., ply R. Goldring, Port Whitby. -47. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Summer cottage at Heydenshore Park, furnisiied and ready for occupa- tion. Apply to A. W. Richiardson, box 604, Whitby, or Mr&. Gold, 50 Ver- mont Ave., Toronto, PIANO TUNING ifeil Y.hloWles who has beencon ing to Whitby and vicinity for the paît cigbt years, will continue periodically aIl season. Orders left at Allin'ti drug store will receive prompt attention. SEM- READI TAILORING (P SUITS MIADE m TO - MEA8VRE * We are now showing e speciel lino of suitings et $15.00, made to your order in any seck suit style you prefer. No extra charge for D. B. aack coat, etc. The Pemi-Ready Teiloring Co. * are able to make (et their shops in Montreel) 1000 suite every week, without overtime, so we are able to ebsolutely guarentee your suit to arrive in 7 deys. Semi-Ready, clothes are sold iu over 600 cities aud towns, from Halifax to Vancouver. We sel aud guarate. the com- plote lime in Whitby. Money beck if no~t setisfied CLEANINO. OYEINO, PRESSING AND REPAIRINO AT CLOSE PRISES. MAUJRICE. MURPHY i dooir south Hotel Royal, PATROTISM is sQmething more. than. a waving of flags, it is a loyal sup-. port to home industry. So Buy Shoes Made Un Can- adas Ail the ncwest desgns ini footwear, the Invictus shoes, Glassic shoes, Empress shoes and Bell shoes give ail the most ex- acting can require,.in style, comfort, wear and economy. SI>ELIAL-Dr. Reed's cushion soles, the original cushion slfomeanwomen Ail to be had at low bargain prime. -WHUTBY, ONT. Repalplng Neatly Done ýat BaPgain, PIces. Tbe Red Sboe -Store Nié W. -COLLINS ____________________________________________________________________________"v AI Sorts of- WHIE L -DOrug.andý Stationory Store WRMITBYp Bell Phone. 37- 'ludependent Phone 37 -v ~'-v Wwww w.'v.' -. v v"w'vw-vvvv~ PRINGCLE'8 HARDWAREI .Savlngs for Flday and Saturday__ PRUNINO -SiIEARS Exastl>' like eut. Good quellty steel blades. R<eg, 40ofor 30c. v-~v Soi'ew Wronohos 6 ln. reg. 35e for 20o 8 in. reg. 40e for Soc 10Oin. reg. 50o for 40e -42 in, reg. 60c. for 50c OALVANIZED WATERING SANS Al sizes. Ranging f rom 40 te 75e each. Hall Hammors SoIid east'steel Nail Hazmers. SoId reg. et 50e eacb, for Friday and Satur. day s;eliin,(,40ceoch.. LAWN MGWERS Woodyatt machines are unsurpasscd' by any lawn zuower scoId to day for q:îalityand cdean cutt.ing. 14 ln. blade, loi ln. wheel $5.25 16 li. blae, 1L 1 ln. wbsei 5.50 la lu. blade, loi lu. wbeel 5.75 ( GIlass Tank Spi'ays for sprayiug plants C I~ shrubs, amali trous aloo for cattlê ila iy time. Reg 85e for 65c. Tin tank I sprayer, reguilar SUc for, 0c. .w W.eW.PRING LE, Hardware, Whltby ATL THE New -Mo.nswoar .Store. Special Display Niw Holiday Neckwsar and Af biefic- Underwsar Coiminafions Ha'rry Thomp son Brock St., .5outhq -Wliltbyt Ont.ýý ARCHIVES 0F Hot Watèr Heating, JI et -Air Heating, Plumbing, Roofing, Eavetrougbing, Stov"esand, Furnaces î3epWtred, General -Repair Work, Estimates-Given. Dundas St. Whltbyq Ont. I 9ý %-WV