Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 May 1915, p. 7

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-9g h ~ throd beYJ'urnaBlst Says Treneh Natila 1W fe&tÛrè -the. BidIe' fi1Oi os noprby raerTt ha.. returned toe avé:r. nenpaab '-; -,erIl ~~ ~ It Wus, l Alil~2 ikjütr-- alre _ýàpr.. Gluspeppe Bevd .ne, itajiffl a~~~ 9as o. t tie ie jou nais, %;ho receu>tIy RXit44'à a wistcoa ofstrpedblu,-'and trip tbrouigh Fràmcaé, 4sasdieec ged rI smucb white gnd much te'iei t o! ama ui4 P$11 blgk ae whîitç segaI"ila the rsmart- rsé h. Sa-p,'T,~n 8st blothes of the season. TUnex- tion," he gives the followif1gtèi POQted 'touches cf white appear -oUn onial Vo-tube noe$!5 dignity ' çith 1fl4of Jet lm iodiah coaturneï. A whieh the Fre.ne.h nation bears hO blu!e, e ezuit:-for ' nstanc, U'burden '(t ite, - .ar boW&i blt wftb cOlabrand cufs 01 6Frenve lias 'noV becoune weakeri- whkle and white spats. s 'deM, but rather etrenfgtibiied, i a 'I~TeWait has at le gae-ctan ese by the war. The fu1lY baok ta ta natural pos4tion, Frpanceo f tVo'-cay e'- anan ribh15it is not reatly redpcéd, oë0Mparabjy greaer rneaÉure -cf W , ntr:îy ~rounciedand- ' a ot trt.gih Ee. sud Solikarity, entiely te ld'iraiÉU Iý'qk tha th Fr oS 4Auguêt,194 The a tir&niru A"the tiler the France 'hau eutred- manny, ofitaeo'wn width he shrter Mie length" je o l],. ',Lt 'bas he-aled its eokiçwounrde, remain for theSsuananar !rocks. lt 'as fostered virtues wieh it "Eâoh day brings in a new fashion iacked fcrmnr'ly, and it ha. eliani- feature* and rings out 'an old," nated deep-rooted defects.' Baya a weil known fashion wrfter. "1V hlas be saMd that France ,waA The îîdainty apron" i8 n w re- dissunit,ýd, but it basa'fflin f... p orte-d t~bo 'le dernier cri in Paris. unity ;M.iat t was frivolous, yet lt usai lace and muslin nprons,'which ie now sericus, even au-aVre; that have nysterious pockets and wbhih it was nervoue, axctable'and bye- are held in place by rib'bons.tlrown tericai, but new lawar'te "mcr over hs sheulders aýd fastened at of calmness and sereniity; tshàt i the (,sIok. These del iccius -i ttlc vacilated contînu'al'ly b-etween' en- ite'ms cf i hfeminine toiltte-came thusia&rn and despon:.deuacy, but in- ii-to favor a short ime ago for stead it haa acquired unobakt- oharity fates and for bazaars given able resolutemessa adt ifrmnees of for he 'benait of war fund,4. A purpoe; that it wae vain-goric*us greatt drasemake-r saw <'ne of the-se and bosatfui, but it Èha. bC-me ap*ons, and seized lip6n the idea. humble and reticent; titat it was Sîe lias introducei. - t-, in somnewhat Ireêbellictis ag.ainst any'ý kinid of au- giorified form, on seve rai o! her Ithoritv. and yeVt it 'bas borne &ssi# t n0w sPring mo<ilt, for afternuon 1aacrifices aàd 'burdens witbout. a wear, and already the lace and murmur; finalily, that iV cou-Id,, ne- muli.,lt apruai ha. 'cauight on." ver devote itsesif witli oonstancy Vo tixatena o tha the aecomplisbment of any aim, TheY saY tnamo o he "t but just the same al l is energies infl teniai and lashionaibie Paris--110w aré being fired' by the indomi- ian <1rcs,'-na;ker s le .term-ined -to )table,, absolulte-, make >nll waistm fashionable agaii basa a writer in oie Plila- -îudFsiii ltory deîphian Telegraphi. The idea is whlicub i; impiantedin the very heart qui-te dreadful. 'We have. iîappiiy. or the French nation. beonle 8 u-Sed-'-to our 'natiiiral"ý "But -thae tranïformation whieh outiine that the bare idea of a -roakes thée .trongest impressien is tuweiVy inch waiut, with swe-iing that cof tube nerves of the French hips in attendance, is 'a nightmare, people. Realy, one mnuet adiire anmd yet-it is a distinct pqssiibiity, the 'serenity,, the couines., the caula If the majority 'o! women voted -in demeanor cf this nation. Four mil- laveur of the eplendid natural waist lion maxi have been sent far awa~y o! -the present momenlt, the rid-ieu- f rom tbeir hearthsto-nes. On. nil- lo-ts hour-glass caricature wou'îd lion cf tb- may hava perished. not mun a chanic rtet r and greater losses are st-hi o.é be iaeeswben a radic.al change (j expected. And yet Franoe doas'n'oV, oujtI-ine -becomesg an accomplished r&aemn overshadowed by Wo)rry,1 or f 0 .. f ý,dejection. t romains tranquli . A mar go-n rcenly een-per-ichaps with an oecasional o-ut- A 5¶lfltalrt111 gonreginlyeen burst of joy, but juEt as often with- f ,-. ofa p iy qeoiginle. ]naaagout any 'visible sign ci e ein-g xucýh trck f icursu .tin.Heeaffccted by the e-vent& -of Vh- wur, v-u 'have .the new tight boduca at ibïe arr oread-pe. ieilbext.'Ade!3htfullitle"pes'around Itaiy the notion that France Salnt" corsage whih is laced dawn isa1 pe ii1k.agrv yr' -th frntsu wbch nuds hs-fi- witb a lot cf anourners in it, did ure, The material o! this corsagenotelhettd.Wud ha was~~~ d-Wiutaeas,ý and the full' Italy migbt exhibit-,as mueS charac- Wkirt. ,kich xhneasurd six yardsý ter and valor in 'bher heur i fteil - IrKin d the hem, -was in bine and aa i-s sister nation is doimgnoa<W!"1 W114M o? i5jJ1,U S, lisais tUi5n. I " bowti of bMack v'elvet ribbon catch- iug 1!17Vthe folas bers- andl hsre. Once'.n4re ià is possible for wo- men t' walk witb case an-d to it d&-.n iu a low, c1i.aiir gracefuîily. Once more it is po)ssiblc foir a wo- man instead uf ook-img -uerely "rt'at" Alrerady cur syesahave becume acust-umed t-i' he chacnge ce Lsstine; aiready there is sunîs- hing pitifai abotut thteuppearance cf i ;tfkirts wlich malie it ne- eea rv to take tirsy steps, like a mnali Japusmese -gis-i. Mas'y of the -'nw vrif-ce skirts are cist in circular forni-tba- is to sas', tluey are aide aV the hein an-d tigfit over'the hipa. Tht-seq skirts are hîsîrd witlî susne ssft mate riral ---'5ili as nuu's veiling L'sdfinisheal witlu a dcep taffeta floaswt'. acc-'sr<leoun pleateal su-rder,- .ieath the heinî. A skirt Au this or- der swu«'u to tc and fro in a delight- lii , manncr wben itus wearer walk. -41.Fil-Ili lliever in h lestimîy. A acgeant cuf a Scttisb regi-ient - 18i a firsu b9hiever in deatiny. No ansu-rit cf argument witb hig- more ckptical corasics can shake his - - belief lnIthé ulighte-st, bau invariably oTigthe ciutu'vés"iew witb ht-hae rallier ii-o'gieal .as.iertion that "éwlsesua una': iast day coues 4- 'The evcuing bafore he- bnath-l uit tMus, vhe-n preparing tVo - Vaàkre a itrollt be ira-snoticeal by a corprural, a pristenit opponeut o-f -tiie &dsiny tb-eîry, Vo quietfy slip a révulver irto bis peeket. "Hel- lo V' l-outec tube corpoala, uw%î saw' --a eciico f ridi-culing tai sergean.rt, "%vktare you taking the revolver fis'? It'01. nu' s-ave ye if your tuae ba-cure.e'"I'qkeu that," replical tlul.Hfseigeant atter a menîaint'-a hei- tcai&n. "buit, ye smea, I mit-bt fa' inu wi' a -Germnuw-boss ast day has cae' Bad Roads -- Tbe qusestioin is cftVsnakeal,i "Whliat' d ýgucual roais cost 1" If I lis <laetin were put iluan- othen Pnmr, viz., "What do baud roadg costi" Vhs ausirer wouldl bring huma Vo hs peosple ut Canada 'wbat they are payiug as a sacrifice to puer ranspoitatiun facilities - this, in addition Vo tise discom3ort anal dissatistaction - o! -baving Vo trave! over thean. Ona- of the chiai causes of youug People ieaviug the farm la ttsa la&i ot-good r<ads. Rougisa.nd muddy r04~48 reutord social ile, ,especially when, aesociateal sý-ih thsunupleas-' antness etf<iiving, i. Vhe f acîthat ---thes equipasenit becomes mudýibe- spattefrealanal requ~ires ontant 2 . wamling. T vi hs n uie incoonveniencçs, fariner.' anal Visir :y-4iaiies renu.in t home, oe r "j s in soat an -d, wheu VIse ýtOPPO tui iiases, Rl&iY of -lea-v tIse bau-n. Theré .is but kreMedy for this isolateal cadi- Ellrnfnuutioau of Breeding Plaesn l8 Urged. Elimination of breeding places, for Ries insteal o! ivaiting for tbem to givw large enouugh Vo be kilileal with twatters-, is urgeal. "T4, dirty, daugen-ons, dibea-se- apreading fiy alIready ha-s made is appear auce Lu small nunibens anal as hs W'arm weatber advauces ilil 'lue with us lu couinthes millions. T-he figat -of exterumination shouhl be etarteal noir. " Them-ost cffective way to figis-V tube dangerous bouse fiy la Vo des- truy Vise p1lace'. ibecuein iV breeda. Waen yen sirat the breeding place yssa a-rau iwatting flils by Vhe ubule- sal. ! ni-y a feir persouns i-n a neighborbod ar carele5us about tis importa.pV mater, the commun- ity stil i Ili be"peitered with flies. IV is a great dca] caisier Vo rm11ove the conditions tisat caisse «thbafies than iV la Vo ry Vo destroy tbhem wiffh swattars anal poison after V-ey are witbats." 1 liera la a fly-killing mixture wiclu lbrecommended: "T4) a plut o! niilIsa-nd iaten o! cqîua1 part-adal tavo-abie*,'poonlu-1s 'cf Sormaid-elyde. Place ixteb-ailow plates witb a square ofyreaal la the centre o! esacis plate.. "ne bread furuishes places for thse i<fies to alight, anal as-lt absorb ' àtuba mix- ture hs flics wll f'eed from tta more readilyV-an f romnthe e,40,f, «hs -Plates. It iLa agoual p>lan VO plape plates ctutaiuiug Vhs poison jusV outside tube kiteben &dor, where the fl!i s ualiy swanm Vo geV lun. The files seenu Vo ike it andl iV kilisVhem quickly.", Tihe Simpon Railway Tunnel i* about -twlva miles long. are Costly tion-ýby means ot ge-d oal ods, faruans anal their familles mustbe, placealin luch iritia thssocial ad- vantages o! the langer comnulna- ies. Just a-a soon as this condition la raea, siha drauut iof population fnum -the tarin mil dacrease. 1 "'Ot the econoanie loases due Vo- bcd rogas separating hs farpaer ufro>m his« masA-et, tisat 'fooesk ouftra," - portationis i.moStuMtt5Oant. A comnpaison cf VIse loal on.eho-re cais han! an good sud -bad roîs., respectieoy. how. - thét:"On a muddy ea-rih road, the ament l- naui ftm ounntàing te a maximuso 800 vouns; on a emocutia dry earî-- oad5 froun1,() o2,000 poundis on rgnoeve-1 ad , sae nlý graveil oal in goed condition auot ~ ~~d~on S m4~ed té 8,W'-ou4 s -,anal, a tri11 O con reîeroad, from ô,- davsnaI.n-g. ' ovemeng g - Vs tb, escpected much 4onger. bee n quit. a tbe pas f ew h< ave stiifen-~ E.-the firet of olpalitiéesaire' le beUe~r bar-, mue-tuhan waa r mcaths -agu. recently nade Fanuary sow u. w-hieuh Vhs y; and a eVill rii NOVebr , YJA ,AC',K, 4. Thsy- Volal Davia-This part cf veuse 4 is distinct from ths other part. Davial evideutly had beau makiug èsquiries as to wiat had become efthtie bodies ef Saul anal Jonathan. Tis e nnof Jebesf-giled-If Vhs men uf Gilead irare favoaaabîe Vo Davial, he iroulal have littld diffi- cuhty lu extending hi. kiuugdom nothirard. Thene iras rea-son, therefore, for bis kiudhy attitude toiuard them. 'Plis tact, isowever, is noV Vo be taken as ]esseein-g hi. rea --sensé cof gratitude for their bunial cf Saul anal Jonathan. 6. Loving kinduecsa anal truth, or miercy anal faithfulneas, 'are attri- but-es o! Goal wbich are traquenthy fo-una togethen, (see Exoal. 34. 6; Psa. 25. 10; 40. il; 57. 3; 86. 15). 7.. Be ye vaiant-That is, té holal Giieal againat the Philstines nutil Davial coulal aid tubean. 1110 .Anointed-lilng Over leraei (Verse-s h-5). T. liben came'-That is, a!t.r tube deatia cf Iasboshsth, ths sou of Sa-nI (ras 2 Sam. 4).- -MIl the Vaibes ut lsae1-The ra-r- ions, mens over Vhe age et Virenty. Ses Nuan. 1. 3; Exoal. 19.' 3-9; 24. 3; -Nun. 27. 8b-23; 2' Sa;». 5. 1; iChron. 29. '22,;'11 Kingtm 12. 20; 2Kingen 19; 21, 24:r'23,30; Judg. 20. 1., Ph..a paseages jÉew Vhe rights and la ufbonity of,,Vhe ' con- gregationof Isa." JosluaDDa- vidl anal &slcmûon W eprie$auuLed ta this eongeg@Uaion for aipprovai; Jéroboam; .Jôa, Ujeu" ïh sud e-_ hoahaz ire seassced by ie eege W. are Vhy bons. snd 4shýs leub-i Having é OOtmnO anoeatry (se4 Gen. 29. 14;IJadig. 9.' 2).' 2. Thsoui isddçdî out andbeonght- est i juasrel-A a aiwri leéur. ï[ hlsvaI aa oVheTsdvn "Three misons ins the oÏrer0- ohic6! th*ze dive~ 2 lSéu.- b S- Madt é1?usant iriti tisem- A mutual . agresunent, h. Vo riais aoo4w o tuhe haire nd tbey te shoýw a *llegiançe. The kingj's xights' iree cfted(1 Si.10. 20); laer thes.. were linited (j Kinge 12. ) "The Israsilte urenareby was no-t ana absolute and irresqponsible des- Thaay anoînteal, Davijd king-Â third tirsie. Germe Like Girls. ",Fath4ra 'anmd' mothiers, lucicy enedugh ta haves bcth -boys aitl' gi.rls, know ho-w cean Vhs girls keep themeelves, aund how Vhs boys5 dis- regard kâtrtu. Prom earliest ehilal- hecal Vhs ittle girl'. hande ccd face are w'aahed, sud she evades. drees stains, co-mbs her 'Saur,, anal tries -Vo hock nie-.1 But. every no>rmal -boy, up Vo the age of fourteen , rev- e.1. in, dirt, and hooke, forward Vo Vhs- Seturday night bath witbh vir-- Vuou"S.enternpt or drasl." But beys -do ne6t sufer infecticuadiseasas as mucia a 4rs. This was hrough't out i en investiàgation made 'ef 8,g0Ocçhiidýrenof alug pandl sexes. 11Týu1FSNASCOO ES N INTERNATIONAL LESSOX9 MAY 28. Lesson Vll- ,ý-David Ring Over lu- dah and Isnrel.' 2 Sam. 2. 1-7; fi,14.1 0. T.-Psa. 28. 7. I.- David Goeai Up to Hebroxi (Verse. 1-4). Verss 1. After týhis-Mfter the defeïat of Saul1 and Jonatha.n the7 *ay was eclear foi; David'a rise to the thruone., l quredof Jeho>vah-If he aWst tb. adIrng, it wculd be te Lord'. dcins. He would not take nattersinto hie cwn bands. BIGE inquiry wae made tbrough thes usual wa.y of Urim, and TIhummi (see 1 Ssa=. 10. 22; 23. 6). Ç,Iebron - A plac particlelrly, we4i ada.pted for a. tempora.ry capi- tal. It wuaeeay tb defend becsue familisr witb bhis fiurroundings, and he 'had ýmàny friande ther,(e1'. .Sain. '3O0.31).,, 'Inthe north, the Philietiie.and th4 adherents .o! Sau! di ided the pupremacÇY be-, tiveex t.hem. The iodern naneof, Hebron is El Khu-il, wihieh meA'ns "Tihe Friend," referring t Abri.- bain, "The ,frieind ofGod" P (2 Chron. 20. 7; Isa. 41. 8;, James. 2. 2. Hie two wives-See 1 Sam. M5 42, 43. 3. The citiea of Hebron-That la.,î the towns and villages- near He- brbn. 4. Theamno f Judah esme.-The meinhers cf hie own tribe. Sec 1, Samn. 30. 26 for evidence that Da.vid had been in veiji close friendly relaions with the eiders cf hie tribe. Auointed David-Da.vidh'bd been privately anointed- by Samuel (1 Sam. 16. 13). A publie oeremony, a6 in the case cf Saul (1 Sam.. 10. 1; Il. 14, 15), ýwas necessary. Il. Ris Loving Memioiy of Jona- than (Verses 4-7). mi loir te Preserve the Teeth1 lnI -i Borne recent diaoveries are ami- nou-nced by Vhe niedicai ptofeusien, whieh »are as'interesting as- they are astonlsbing,, concern.ing - he care -of Vhe tee-th in old age. Dr. W. 0. Rucker, assistnt surgeon-general cif Vhs Public HjaiVh- Serviein -the Uniteal Staeotands sponsor fer «a new anal saple remedy te cure boot teetih anal prevent Vhern'from fal!- ing ýont. -Tho 'drug that deus the busminess coôn&titutes the active principle -cf ipecac, andal is know'n as "emntin. " For1 cen-tu-ri1es the lavorite reancdy of Ch.eiprScry at Vhat interesting parical of cuir youth, -tlhe growing of testS, ipeese now cornes to cuir aid a -wiepm son-tot'h s eniet cf 111e. We edte think thât thelosa cf tee«h latc inii fe wes Vhs inevitwbhe butooop,, anal symp'tom cof advanc- ing age,,-ana be-nce, unavoidable. . For' se-nue Lfime, beirever, we thouS-bV w. knew that it was really due Vo a specifie bacteriuln, produe- mng a disorder ws calied Rugg's Diseaée, or Pyorrhoea., But recent science denies th"u,anal Vhs imn- portant diecoveruy bas been miade Chat Riggs' Disea.e i. caulseal by auuoeba-a macrcsco-pic animai or- ganisun-anal the abominable para- site bas been abschutely identifeal. This being acertained, the next step was Vo findaa serunx' or poison that would end Mr. Amoab-a'us earthly existence. ' Va are all familiar with th~e tact that quinine ia a poison deadly -to the animal parasite that causes. Malaria. In a similar manner investigation bas devehopeal Che fact that the ipe- cac dmug kilis thae germs of Rigg's iiiseasa or Pyorbhhoea. This dueaded complialt, througb aIH history baks been a curie Vo Vhe race, depriving une pe-rssn out cf every tlhrec, cf most. if mot of -&]J, their eetih in haer ife. W. know thia by axarnination of the. mum- mies of ancient E-gypt,, for they al show uninistakcabla signa cf its- ravages, but this la ciurabJe tundar the tueatient o-f Vhs aboya iscov- ery, in evary Ïnstaîce, sud with absointe certainty. It only takes a smna.i quantity of '-,eintin," lu- jected lu thbe blocal, Vu giaus the de- sired relief. Doseso! the suf (which la harmdess Vo heaýlth), are repeateal until thbe trouble entirely disappears. When we conide r t-le dangers that a-re sure te fol'low ipon the lrss cf tube teethý-Vhe imapairment of thbe digestive power.s threugh imuproper- ly miasticatiealfood, .to say nothing of thbe discomfort and disfgurement their 1lous occasions, wc miay judge tube importance o! this new triumph of science. People who have le-st Vh-la- teeth are noV apt Vo proclaim'it on the bousetops, anal bence many wear fais. unrua unsufipeeteal. The faet that over 20,,000,0felas oteeth, made of a fine quality of porcelain, are requireal annxaill-y Vo refurnieh >ihe more or ess vacant montbsof Americans, demfonstrate VS. terri- ble ravages cof Pyrrohea. Whiie the cause of this disease'ie the micro-8co-pie aneoeba, LV lîas been ascertaineal that the- final e!- fects are" canseal by baterial germe whic{h come latter, andl st up tho-se suppuratave - prbSccsse whicub resuit eventucily in loosening Vths eetib. - CHAS. M. BICE. Denver, April 14, '15. "O0ne of my daughteaM bastonsi- litis,'l exeluieal Mr. -Gro-wies, "anal thbe cutbr bas eopiaInued lier mjaaaTius s&Qv&MOain-piceeci uaa. alan mýiusueipai bonds w1khin th=e Pe{is. Vhi.Vthi. ra'eon 10Vo uppo-s chae; ,Uisadvaaog trend Wjl cag;rather Vhs omnsipoinut Vo a nrter >reove-ry in, pracês of ties4e îecuirituies which.,ve been considcerably dareur in Vhs 'pa.sit TU#*i zieejwn eloue would inuchicepre- sent -pvK-iasing cf muniipal bonid., lieause the. prie. i. very reatonabise jist ruow, haad the iarisat is favuor- ing higher price. wituh the!r conea- quent speculative profits withcut coprrsp-ondang zpeculative rise, as these. ssurities are practically et their id- now -anal wiil noVlikely -go a.ny 1ower. À Good. Selling Market. AparV 'froun the fact-'tuhat muni- cipal bonds are cheap end, offer 110w tW Live "Hear and your sou] shail live." The firsb answer Vo our question,' Iff<w Vo liveî is te live cheerful]y-. This worl i "a hinig of beauty," and, Vjheefore, as Kea.ts -reminde us, "a joy forever." Ti huann exJîstmen is filied with-.iDyrâ'ds QI happy. experienees, . cas-open Vo us threughý t.he ' ~ trancing siuan privilege of w'hichi the tube lTlght weil be envions». Shut a dnm in the vilest slum of a great City and he cayï aVili Jook upc»a thç quiet stars, behoki the glorY Of the mounting sun anAd feel the cool breath of morning. Rob him of every comfort that money can pro- vide amid he can sVili knew the ccstasy -of love, guide the inncqcence of dhildhood .nd wa.lk the ways of worship and me<.Itatksn. It is this irred-ucible minimum of happines Whioh justified, and etilli ii8tifies, the philosophy -cf Epficurus, who bad4e xnepi enjoy the t.hings of life as they passed by and forget the prc>b- lems -of the wfience an3d where. Life is "fiul -f rewards- and plea- sures," isaiU Stevenson, "se that te eee the day break or the aucun rise or te meet a friènd** * fius a man wi'tli surprising' joy. We rnust firurt of aIl, therefore, live gladly. But this is cnly *the beginning ci ou-r lemon, for "a mian i. flot to expect happiness,". as Stevenson says again, "only profit by*it when it shail arise-." The world- is -beautiful, but now and again it is stiocked with eartih- quakes, blaisted with hurrica-neg and swept with ficoods. Life 'ia god, but its ooceaFÀonal agonies of pain, dieappoin'tment, lovs, deith, are terrible. Ail of which xueans that we Mutst hive noV only gladly but ;bra%,fijy. "Profit by lhappines when it sha.li arise"! we mtuset. But if happin-esa faï1le to arti.ge or i swallowed up in pa-ig4 cf,.miscry we mnust profit aiiby tîa.t 'wlhich îs denied usq or is lecst. Wc nmuuet have. the iron cf* stoicisni in our blood. No terrer must be able 'ko daunt us, no-dârknes blind us, ne blow break nu. We muet know, are thig whic'h show- what mn are." We must und4erstand,ý with Marcus Aurelins, that "extcrènail things touoh, poVt là.e ou-" We muet proolaim wit-h He.nley :- "It matters noV -hcw sttaîitbe gate, Iiro* ehargedwith ipunia'xmeai±eo,, the* acrcl; 1 MaM flhe mnaster ci nxuy-fate, I arn the captainof my eul."1 Nor l is tM the end. For-oheerf uu5Vi g are noesui5 fo the truwtoe, tiiere wI aluwaya be, a staay, stable narketfor UVhs et grade bonds eof hlà clam. - Secuulty ha Worth While. The s.ound eecurity ofthti. uni. cipal bond makes a sVrong -app"a Voq eve'ry caneful, iunaestor. No mat- ter what conditions. Pre-vcl, Vhs buyaer of a, municipal, bond is rea- en'abiy éeurtak thaib 'le wi-i ,geV basc,'bis 'principal uet ths appointéd time;- and thhat 'hi. interest a will b. regu-lar, too. Th-is will- appas,! ta many peopile at Vhs preeent Vime,7 when certap 'bran-ches of trade have ,noV 'beau quit. s80 gcod as usual,'anid the- secuiritieî issued :ags.inst s.ueh cnterpriaes.--4in aonie cases at leaot-a--e .noV sowell se- cu'rcd-' 'due Vo diepreciatiesi of plant and. property andl other, unavo&l- able causes.- No Time Lihe thhs Present. Taken aill round, municipalea &-ra an excellent buy just now. The yiekI ie large, and thse presuent .priea, cheaýp, th-ough tlhey- are st'sadiiy going up. Thuere i. -the bb.t>f1curity beband such bon de; and - thèee s a good miarket, quits aparV from the densands of -the.oral- nary iinvsstin-g pubilic. In good- tim'es or bcd tianes the municipal is - a taeeinvestuuent, and et the pre, sent time a particàlarly attractive buy. -because o! lt. itharae-fol,1d ad-r vantages o! pricé, maarket and se- curity cf principal and interebt. anal coutrage are single virtues, andl we Ive noV ion désert islande lilts Robin£cn ('rusoe, but in thé crowd- ed ways cf men. Net a monwieut are ws clone by ourselves; alwayçs, everyw-here, are we caught up with cuir feliows lu - thea tangild- Fkein cf- social uieia6tionships. -Our happluesg-heiongs te others,,,.ths sorrows cf other mien intrude upon our own., Wherefou-e eis t nèt enongh Vo ba happy and, brave our- gelves, W. ýhave a zryPons.ibiiVy -whiclh -reaèhes. hseyond crrelvýes Vo the -lves of thoew-ho--is wituh us- anal about us. W. amust give 'tlaem- joytiit, ter hernay noV disfor - iack of suetenancf. , W. muet save, -Là.pem sorrcw thât their courage TAY ;not bc struaineal-anal broken., rT -ur epieureanisnanal esteicisýni. we muet adalOh'ristia.nity. Whiclh ms-gais that we muet isse net on-hy cheerfuily ai)d bravehy but servicie, abiy. Mo -serve lsthé cro-wning ruile of -1fe. It is itseelf- the secret o! ihappineýà, tube source o-f cour- age, the_ way Vo Goal. MIe who serves eaveus: - savea otheri; andl therewith - -saves. uies-If 1- "laiea.t findestia bis -ife," sal dJeans, '"shalh l'ose it, but he thaib -loseth, bis.fife for nmy seke'shah! find 'iV.'- Here, then,, -t'he answerVo ounr qiesti... WemusC be ýfret chas- fui, thien curagecus, tue-n service- able. 'Hear anal your sciai- sheti five. 1' -1 11ev. John Hay-nes Holmas. Rîules for te Baby. Keep -the Ïbaby's bib dryil! yon have Vo> make- sixty changes an-, hour. Giva hlm net a serap e! fmea)t beTure-his -third-blrthday. ,Bave huim fromn the kisses' cf friands.- Keep Vhes an eut o!fSis face -In bis carniage.- Keep bis head aboya ,t 'h e clotlies lun the cradla, thaL ha May not breMshe hi-s oswn breabh :over again. Lay him down to, sleap- on bis aide, and freqnenstly change from n ee id-e Vo the othar'.Tri hlm, Vo keep bis mouth closeal by gently ,pushing IV sihut uwila ha la sleeping:4 Tisa air is fihîga with gecrms, dut-st ial di-rt---sem-nrta_ ta ara xnoV gooal ufr-huma. ing». Naver bandage 'l-to lhfy -e!gpeciaJlyy - lu tha anorning-afttr-his battis ýan4_dbefore -bhis aunmai. Con-. aider how yen- would feel if, aufter 'being tisandagedas a. ti'ghtly as yon oulal al support iVb, ycu irre then.tesàt ahh"r..y breakfast. Dotitor-o'"Yen bave nervoes > peia,emis.a& Brairu bcad.Ris wan eausd4 -by -wo>rcyng over hia -bUtCher'su -bl].s.. -1dlreeialhim -t» Sane:*'Yee, . anal no-w he'e eutt-ad, -na l'..goV it. I'M bis ofrà at it oorn usrdia o! sgot!ety, ibms by Luxan lisw, fri truet *or mans1,s ius1>l bigla cudeýavor; tuee1 oie kuuoýwis l Ao mugi ed 11:4 Îimfetuosity 'b havse cdonuiûre lii Rbe had deait witi laid 'sais-for- the futii repeiesi annoyuasce 'wouud. have p.revýelute whiçla ensuf4l, Whe, belon botter Or wuzoei cas, tell. for thse bel thuat h'dpç,ensti- un,, sMood by tise outwais ansdcrunuaes i'laaawb:eh rinj luccu" sfil whiclijh c and ini thes dty4'i dith us if fatel had «Pare lier the living ton.aur. tise yàea-c tng, :iii they do thse s aemiutgly theefioul, if ussly uuhe lied tee biaie been 's differoi and forgivene8s. 'fi wemàponuu of power 0o fellow- mess and w« are the e bict saktqual seidom ugeci -is thse minulof teaxperame *Dontthîi reni se t-bey sotepied 'oui andtha, oappeal to 't ou,., to wbich mxýi pure emtotionut mats --by lier phenomena re*ponding ito.thei etreaie ted intoxie the rerfuma of guil a- new pasaion in li of rebellion, -of ba vulsion-ut feeling, the memories 'ne e, Re hiad tiacuglit t tIn ber whib h aid -the 'woret In laîm. umore saeily success o6thpr inethodo,. Bu "If aIl- yos want( mind me of wbat I conatantly. -to fori as3 -well go batik t. Slie 'spoke darir Imngiie bonor uftht dare te epea2k tu therefore to-niglat, Wlilha suswonld em obs coulà dare tW vective. ot exprea -' sie oosaglt to-nigi frou thie eniclainfi ae-tA. buat f roms h feltter of far-away Mu to form a link ber, a ecret-luni -Tèhe rem aK-rk irit ated 'Itu la bardby aýtniaise "Well. -wlat baSin h renatly none, oeelni-luhi and attogetber-eligible 1 Olayconri- to-night as y. A specifflo o!powenbewd eeemncd to cr5.»' ever lie outwardty, n arm bax aise *nasmakinig a brilli keepîn; witla ber 'puit esen lier -wealth, for 'eh gond suasm eettbe-d upon tiser- 0f tlie' tnward h&s -even Ilae remorse, .wlaid f'isnoeprtion wftla i-la the deepeat feeling oe ened. -the -turning of 1 ta ecret matroinbud~ willaost thae oelusicnti in some measure throng tuiges, lue fratud, if hbs cuntessien; tise bos -o! lad eauy careat 'for;--l t lon. tulerated because tise sanuction of thse Vida - - this ma waonm ishie 1k love- tise bitternece t3o âourinug of ber direposil end-uaië of lier felew1 the bea«vy bffrden 'nin,- oarobesssiet" of girlaoud icot knjw. And haistiue told inx -taauntedlertaîîd sud b, waecfethtise emade for serens waterti, aand tuat oweetIicEi etofaaiden i l suitWd ber, tisait sibe 1 lenged fats, and tint i gret -waw te) plaýy tiseù Yee, -he -us. iglt. Qg nnaanned. tban wiai- Yet. nedr -fiancs. avery distret*sing lani dent. ln wmcli you'-pli mess -somld have regre; tiu t'u tutd me you MOe. puCIO~e'lim'w esquiekly asasua.ýibIe -WJIEN MOTIEIR WAS A Bufi A ipietu.re., quaint and faded; wiVhin. an album old'; A eweeub portraited- etcry-, rouïanteily,,tld. My teye. geow dui-'tis mobhe-r-her mIotihue wa8 abride, Rer faceë- with jcy islo*ing; lier look dothl rapture' show; %e hair 1' in ouol,-they wsure, iV Vhst wU? ,IcDg, 0sg-aýo. HR ïgqWaý etwlxte) '60 simple, with blosfc>me on.thie $ide. I- eiS4h, said kitS the pàcture o f 7mothe,, 4 a 'bride. hwissa ,the vis. . 0 wd *àl - quainb; o-f s.aint. TORONTO bave ne neoesa.ry r>èlation.. W l noV Vhsealiret'boys,-ee nVbtde han. 'IV i. .g t e w i ther Peq- pie'-. bodies that shonid b. dre4ud- sd.. The girl& encounter infection morsé tisan the boys becanse they are more sociable, meet otuher ehil- dren. more, anal associate wiCh them more intimateiy than boys do.- SoeaNew Faes. I Essén wben thairea anal cookeal f nozen becta-have been founl Vo ouVtain a poison deadly tc liva stock. More than '24,000,000,000 Vous o! coal remains to bs t.akeu £rOM thbe §Pelds in Wales, according Vo geo- A neir knife lmventeal for Vhs use of .alectricians ise qaipped aith a' gang. indie-ator that measua'l V8hs sire cf wi-ré. Twenty-fuve Voetjhirty-five yunnds o-f ocot for evs-ry inubabitaut iu Loni- don tala daming tuba course o! a year, aoceording Vo careful est,- asates. British Hondurag s D noi ucom- -munication with -Vh srat o! ths w.onld. A wirelcss station ilias been éctabli-shed at Re'lire Want a caf. candiestiek i Drive 'a smali ucil into Vhe botto-m of a candi. Vto malte it ficat aiprigiat, timen place iV li a tVumbleuf o! water. The - -highsV tewuipraire aeven kuewin làa huian ba= g ias ne- coralsa in the case o! etn itahlian receutly. A victimnoet luug diseas1e, 'hctenpeu'ature iras 138. The copper maulnes o!.)fCyprais, in ai-ient time anuong thbe ichest an Vhs irorlal, may te reopeneal. Châititrs' PatroiMtul. When Napeleon was threaVening Great Britain 'Tibsoas Chaiîmners (whIse ias. then parigh inilister o! Kiianany) joineda, corps form-ea Vo prevent hs Fiotscubf nom andig at BtS. Andreire. SHe helal two offices in . the corps-thoee- ot Licutentaut anal Chaphaif. Andl froa his paspit lhe deýliveÇreaiwar serinons. more impas- sieneal than many tbat are îisard Vo day. -May that day," b.enusald, insu4 Bonaparte asende tube Throne o-f Bni-iinb. the lest cf any existence; niay I be Vhs first Vo as- oSua- thescsaffolal- hea erects Vo ex- tin'guisb hs-hewortb anal, spirit cf the .cenmtry;- may nay blood ngre 'wituh thbe bioal etpatnicts; and al ia1 dueSt at VhsfSocf that altar pn whhueh Britisih Independenci. t -Vo be tise victim." 1,ý.Builýdings in Japanare veTY 1 liht Li sVtrueVS .u se pn is mnorie ebjecV tô hk 0h aai -VisseseoUUtrY. 's - Beln. 854Vis dleso-f tb si rsetary "of aàe,-fo& the 1 nies1 Snued tVo b. caurniduo-uV by Vihe S 5 .ýIe- , iw* i. ti;e j ai of the, 1 , d4 I t huasbeeni knowne- il 14I Veea, to pxêéao t.hroughi fc4ipu dmtins and Oak Èslao Voetdeptbcuf taimehuçeo. MI w

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