Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 9

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-14 does no apÏtNU eerJ ly kn own à thatteu, nGb,-> d f"An Aýt to uM"4 4ýInspec- tion. and .Sale Mq%" iM4d a bill -fiximg standard ss4htgfQr vege- Lables, which oap# îitp, fWre Pli Jannary Ist, 191. Thv,,a standard wei'g 'hts per buahe1 ae fopHuws: - Lh..ý Articliokes...........5 * Resu.s....1...............0 Beets ............ . ....0-5 Bine grass seedi ............ 14 Carrots .............. Castor beans........40 -Clover seeti............... 6, HeniP seed .............44 .al ...... ........ .... 3 Onions .................. 5 Parsuips...............5 Poltaes......... Timctthy. seet . ..........48. Turnips.................. 5 W htper bag are :- Lias. >ets,.................. 75 Carrota.s ................. 7 Opine................ 76 Pa.rsnips ..................65 ?otatoes................... g Turnips ................... 75 4 ibarrel of potatoes,- unless a barrel cd specified -size, -kinti or con- tea.t'y meïasure is speoially agreeti staptiard pountis f po"ttoes. iAny person selling, .uo offering for sale, b>' the bag an>' o! the vege- tables specified n.bove, in case sîîch bal does natotconta-n the number of stafndard -psunds mentioned, ', liaible to a penalty nul exceeding $26 for an fot exeeeding $50. lî~of n Spring Iîitere. Mortality hem rîîled high i the spring l1itters of pigs for years paRt. l'or many years il, seemeti to b e inereasirîgly ii.o. During t-lie pre- sent sp.i.on, however, the mortal- * t il'las been niuol lighter than a >'car ugo, and this apparently gen- crally throughout Ontario. Farmers are learning a more practical way o! caring for the brood sow. The use o! mord- pro- tein in t.heir fooona, the value of ventilation and dry quarters, o! VIVE LA FR4NCE. -A Marshal's Baton May Be Found ln the Knapuack of Jacques Goujon A good deuls heard of bravye deeds that -wln the Irôn Cross and the Vie- torlai' Cross' but the heroism that cails for an award of the Medalile Militaire -by the French Government seldom eeaebes-. us Au th&f despatojies. ',lf*rhs to ken .oe valor lu the higliest marIc -eft 4li1stinction a Frenchi soldier 41%n re-i celve. As" lu tii.- cae, Ã"thtliVictoria Cross, ùnly lntrepid soloismay aspire to the Medalîle Mlitaire. The wearer islu among, the braveit. of the bravé, aud lie Ulds hîmiel! ln a select corn- pany. He la honored with that gener- 'Ou.envy,,,ôaractertatioe uf thte rank aud file of the French army. One of! the, -,youngest soldiers upon whose bréet the decoratlien as'been pinned lu the great 'war'lu jacques Goujon. a boy' of 17. SJacquer- volunteered at the begin- niug-o! the vwar. He knew nothlng. o the school of the. soldier. Hewa simply the raw materlal of whiklf beroe are made, and ho soop proved himsel! one. The opportunity came when, wlth some o! his comrades, lie was orderedto locate machine guns of the enemy tJ1at hd beea výerY troublesome. The littie party dis- covered the hlding place o! the guns, but ouly after two Germen sentries were eshot down. Before the qulck- ilrers could be Adelg-4 ,tbePreclq woe attacked by a serrprce.~* 41, but Goujon were kille4, The Md dia appeared luto 'a , ~lwmad# b' sheil, and remalned, Mgr# for 3 hobeau o~ntil the coast. geomod4 to li cieAY, Eniérglug from, isligie, lu. the earth Jacques did net IMiMg41tely r0eturg, to his own lingg, h.t. 4#Uisto esx- soute the orders gîven hlm. Seing. an Inexperlenced soldier, Jacques spent no time lu speculating about the reason why thie machine Suas, o! whlch there ý,vere .:three, lad flot been removed b>' the Germans. Two of the. guns. lie at once destroyed. witii bombe, and lu the ver>' act the boy was takpn prisoner. But Private Goujon was flot doue yet. Wlth ready wit and -a pair of nimble legs Tie firs 't lIing tugel iIé tic lad der se une eau quickl>' carry matert up tci put upon tie fine start-ed in the osilugles -ufthlic muet b>' apar-k<. A ladcker is ne2edt at thie countr>'j selhool-Ihouise, 100, for umarl> aIl I liresg-lu lies. bouses startinlutle1 roc£ or in.bbc allie, sud a la-dceri muit ho usedti tegeï lu-te lihe altîc mihmater. Itii l alao a good plan - l have a buoket of water rend>' fou-- tuse inthe-tIi.. là- !drrmiouse k-ciens tiero ehoult alwayis b., a buoket kepi full o! mater rend>' foi- use for puîLing-- t,-a 4a I-i-in-g fire. Iu win-tdi- sai la pgt intotii. mater luthie fine-, 1 u<4em setluaI it cannot fi-ceze. -ir 7i esuIing fruxu greaêeeor-faut - hoJing. ôoer- on tie slave shaulti not1uav4 w&tei- Ilrown on tise-n, as ,b gpriend, lie-bis-ze. Use asies, g7 e9 " , sait, or fleur te - 1 ý bsLth!ng lun-tihe bouse air été fu u±igoutafi-e le one mea tuln-km now' as thé aid ii.e, eiffliohqr. of Z them. ho&ue'ds-Sobutikets f uhil oit w&ter, oûd le tires imne, as higi as it>,'4s thiok. AMt h.e-te-p it'ba-s a pie<w ci b'ose a yard long. ..Prom on-e pf lie-m waer laiiu'own by «ie tha.t' ffl de r other 1199ouTirue Iieon Type. Thin hop 4re tlhé reports to hand fÉoM the' Ontarfo »ep&rriment of Ariô1I~re.'Thn 'ogsare, also heard of from our stoe&yards and at4ji.P-rhape-the iý ih-coMt of grain xiiy have had sosuething te do with if. But if ao, il would sreeni to, have 'heen a pour kind of economy.,,Hogs that are -well ted mature earlier, andi 14 isa& poor businesto, feed a6hog poori>" for five d-ays if you could geît the sanie resulte, 1by feeding hlm weiI, for one, day. Keepfng the Horsie Cleant- A bruebor spouge i net a g<qôd thing to use ar'ound the noue -of a -horse when olesning ,him.',T scratches and irritaI.., 'the tender gkin. Use a soft, dàonmp e% for the noue sud around'tii. eyeW. Ontly a soit Celoth, or t4; bare, hand shouId b. used ou' tho mars. Wipe ouI the dirt, 'and ru'b Vhe'r, and do not neglect to look for tijks andi xaggote. ï L When yo'u waeh a horse's legs, get ail the maap out of the hair'4tnd dry well, ,eespeciaI1y &round 'the feet . Soap.left there caus9esiîrrita- tion, and oIe ti'mes Émres., If the horse is a heayy dr.fter with long hair or "fealier" on the back of the icgs you can' dry il by rutb-bing inl.anuius coff hardwo-od s.wditst -tntil the sawdust is 80 dry it fals off. -This leavets the long hair oily and si1ky. In fine staibles they use bràgn for this pur- pose. Fruit Pro»pÀetri Gt-nerali1y Good. Apples and small fruits are gen- erally in fine condition. The com- ing season will witness the coming9 iutao bearing.of many n>woreh.ards, and the present prospects are for another big crop. SmnalI fruitsI' cte., are aleu reporteti to have Win- tered ini fine condition. lie made hie escape wnIle belug con- deicted to the rear. Later Jacques, Pulllng -the remalnlng qulck-flrer, sp- peared luths Fr-enchl camp. No de-' talle are gîven Ilu hë meagrc dîpatcl o! hoir lie boy achfeved 'ths coup. Probnbly darkueus favored lixu. We kuom ouil tat the Medaille Militaire wa>,.bestowed upon hlm, thlat lie mas he mas V 1 ted'lu corporal. 4a~le*3'thMt-epl marshai alun in" lie knapsack o! Jacquedlý' Goujon, althougli ince he mas hb>iuprêd. lnthe pveqducu -o« 1IJý c omrades a shell li blomu off one o! ltsarmme. Homever. itleis ni>' gn incident lu hlm career as a soldler-. liaI splendid veteman aeueraî Psu lias but one arm. _,OIOK WELL. AND SAVE. ootany cookix add lu ft.elîigh cost o! living by nul knowlng that lie may meals are cookcd mn>' add mucli ta their cost. Nesmiy -vcmy cook kuomu tliai mettts sihrink la coqling, but uiot aIl outhtem are airare that boilcc bec! or bmo lld steak hae mure ireiglil than a runet. An Investigation lias shown tint 151 per cent. o! the melght of the iment les lust when It Is !rled or teamcd: 1lu bolling, 20 per cent; lu bnking, 25 per cent; and lu oastlng 30 per cent. o!r tie melght Ioloste. W~ou yp roui, kr.r inke yo'a may, oanan t4#bed*resaitby lhsvJu the titense. heat combina-O mîll réee actIou on tle luot air, wklplu np proac- es tii. near0t Qseoagbfore a open Ore, mwxeh batinItue makerg of modep stoves aIN: for. i WUa-the-ment- han ke4i lIa. raI aoveu feus ftfeen min» allen-- fI#pt, fifleen minutes foi, ecdipound ofa! ment hIlle It us cookiug. If tle ment Is bolled, a longer li me Is necesi:ur>, andi pork requîmes ample lime. "Well, wm have exhausteti i-eus- on, logic, oinon sm-se, anti jusK- li-ce. Whait more eaun we dol' "[ ,guess ive il -siinply bave lu got--i 1law." tingris§her le more valuable in,.-ide t-he 'beuse n-h.eea .,,rea.m <'an be tiruown on lIre -in maIn> Places n-hich canneI be retcheci with -i blîekce ofmaicu'. Water ta-k.es mi)i-e fheat- nway fronu iiebuirxing mater-- ;ai than =yw>' ohcr fluiti c-or uti- sas-uce. Thiný.gs c4--ler tlun wit- usedti t put ouI a fure eltici'-suls er it b>' keeping' air ftu-unIrh i mdike a gas whici pushesh u am-ny. If -Vite blazi lin juint starting, pour water on Vihe mbiail1 t la burntig, nul ai -he blaze. One buc4çke. -l fmaer nill do mou-c g)oot if -hruwn un b>' thec hautiful or witlu a ibroum. than if tiasheti on ni once. Simail fires ms-y b. emole iwith a muibe-n blanket or bea-ten -ou-t miii' a met brooni. SaIt- or siilPitutr shot i ,umedti taputoui fires lu thbe etovepipe ai- cii-mn.>'. A gasu- lin. fire eau be put out b yemotier- lasg i- mmi w-et rags, modlen ClO&hS, sudt, aMsss, or fleur. Mt irater la useti pat t on iu large quanttities. -Do- yb' o tiicrow wtoi-où flamea wiiici eta-rit rom keresene 'cil, as- thil, tends%.t-o spread Ithe -blaze., &nother tue flaies yitl a carpel quhi or heavy clothing. Do An-tI 1 e&-re a don-r open n-hon 'ou rua e-ut t-e qlve an aIarmz Il tihe 'doorsansd indows a-mo oloesd when the ire ....Jm <it -Um ale uot wmule t jus- luPolieIng London WhIIe Bgiiular "Bobblee"t are'atthe fe"at. THOUGHTS- Dîtties ef Y )UCATION. s et Sehool Mr. H. P. Moe . p., editor anti -publisiier of tii. -Aoton Free Prees, gave aun titre', éiellenly conoeiveti anti practical in m'alter, before tii. Ontar~io Educational A&e- secia-tion in Toronto in April, 1814, on thei above subjeot that mas con- sidereti morbhy o! publication iu t-hé -annual report.* He raid liaI sohool truistee« should, hae' the. vision et a prolphelta ofore-oaIethe future eftVils growing Canada anti ta plan for the. Interestis o! lhe Canadianuhotu lo! to-day andtiom morr-ow, anti placeti upon school trustees the reasponsibilit>' for tihe succe sof lhe risisg generalion. Trustes are chargeti with the high' dut>' o! provitiing ehildren anti youth iwth con venient anti efficient mue-ns o! obtaining an adequate education, andt lai up ta a certain n-g. tubatIhcy embraSe lie oppor- tunities provideti. Fes4 persons, we fane>', have helti scicol truste-es respousubie fer 1he sucoes otthe. puxblic anti high ochools ta the degre-es tiiat Mr. Moorr, does. Indeeti, we doubt if main>'boards ot trustees consider thaItitey . have very muci te do w th th. educatien-al pregress anti genaral succesofuthheir sohoolà. Truiste-es have placec upon them h. claims, -largel>' the.reeponsibil- it>' et deternining lii. characer o! the. sohool andtihVe influence il shall eccrt upon the scholars, andti le oommuuity. The. objecet fthe pub- lic scheol is te improve the iiuîn.a race iph.ysicatl', to devedop itmon- 'ta-lly, ýandti leStrenglien it social>' p>'c moirelly., -»Hega1thfuI - eavîxpu- Meut i-s the touiatie-n f &iuca- tion, the course uf t suty the. super- ,structijrýe., Truste-es aire mely>'re-I spuuaiblc fer lhe founia-tion anti, lu- a taiF degre, for the 'super- strSucture. The>' ia>' select éligi- ble anti spacioe sites anti provitie coxfortable, well-lighted, liber- ,9uZhly-ventilateti builtiings. Fresh air is lii. oheapesl thing on earbi. Badi air kcills 40 per cent. o! 1he race -anti cont-ributeis largel>' ta il-ln-mses of lie rest. They shoulti pu-ovitie trocs, fiowe-rs, gresy>'play- grountis andi pure mate-r. *Perhaps the. greatest anti moat responsîble task o! scihool boartis i>: selection andti reatmeul e! teachers. Teachers as a mile are cultured, Christian men anti wo- men, honorable lu their relation- Iichips with trust.ees, schools anti Parente, bià lieie are excgptions, and, tii,aelatte-m cause truatees i tî \vor ly.' NoI ig&*ny t-russe-es, pre64nua.blY, conoemu theiseives niîch %witli echuol room mark, but the oi> hou-Id s-tisf 'tieniselve. liaI SUZ heleinentetftrue education as sel frreiance, fe rtitutde, self-control, gnduiinS- amtd asar~c re b eing taiugit, anti that correct dis- cipline, i-smaintaineti andti lat the chidrcn arr being educateti accord- ing te curre-ct standards o! useful- nes&s-tlie handto te mrk, 1h.ebe-ad to plan andi contrive, and .lie heart te govemu ýanti control-so ttthfiehîigleýsItype ut mauhooti anti wuranhucti ia>' be deva lopeti. Trustees hîîdise Vhe Eti-uca- lion Departinent if- il fnils tb pres- cribt- anti arrange pmeperiy bai- anooti course% o! stuti>, andi unite ta d. îiý-nd such modifications anti rceidjutments -a& lie>' deexu neces- sary1 Surel>', as practi-cai me.n, !nc' W ,face wifith li bune£stifi- c'ultiet un-ct affairs et lite, truetees mny v'Jry propioi-ly sîiggeet anti dg- miari-i, if utc-ct be, that suîfficient aftieition ne given to the proper tudiîlliufg vtii he~t-e S 4-hoo o ard->. euFpe-cialiy et rural f sîîui-. î~c-duties te the coin-i ir-uiî.ity--in naking t1W s clîcol bouse 11 19 L A~ u uaý4e P friendships, of opinPÇ8I, antiof!in- telletual stimulus.,Ti*The ueiol re- guite were large. Orownups mar- rieti anti int Wmai lu help de- velop that country, or to t1i. oitieu andi towns, wbe're tubey> took fore- muaI tpositions. Itbey mlade their mark and fortunes be*ai4se of thle ag-round developmnt protineet througi tiie a3sociations, -debaties, lieetures anti ohor sotivitie. en- gaget iin ith olIreti sohouihouse. Are -tiere not goÃ"d resens for revertiug to Ibm-se olti-tixue exper- itiCeSm? We needti >preserve the original democraîjo social idemi andi ta provide attractively for the intereuta o! thos who bavew m any emnuon uee-ds anti "pirations. Shbulti not sehool trustees îake Vthe initiative -andi makie available a-gain the countîry sahool for oommuinuity neetis? Scool authOrities shoulti be th., active spirits in provitiing anti controling euoch use of the. sehool propertiee iu their charge. The increaeti use o! 1he achool, buildi ng for cornzunity interests is bh. recgnition o! a human neeti, andthe h.effort ta supply liai nee.d. Tiàus il wili b-o recognizeti that the. duties of school trusteee are mayanti varied, oit-lim:es vexa- tasandi exacting, but are withal important and-honorable, anti if well sud faithfully lulfilleti, Èean more th the cooxnunity than aluxost any other public office iu the gift o! the people of ýtii section, for the>' will alwayé support the efforts o! inspecter, teacher, anti parents ta idlvauce the iuterests and împrove ihe: conditions ot the schools. 'h will rea-dily be seen f rom these con- siderations tha;t jthe .ve -be e for mebool -trustee. SCORES 0F SPECIFIcs wHICII ARE NOT RECOGNIZED. iii Russia Miraeîîloms ('ures are ('rediteil te un Exclunive Iliet ,of Miik of Mares. If men continuue te suiffer f rom tic "il-le liaI fieshislu ir ta," it Ïu certmini>' fi-m nu liack ut i.cures," ecdiout -hici is guaran- teeti te remove on-e or othier of, lier, ienys London Anun-ers. For consumptien alune lier. are scorea et specifice net recognizeti b>' oui- Colle-g.etfPhyeiWan. 1'hue, lu $witzerland, Vie paitiqnt muot est five or six pouptis et grapea dm11>'; in France, sq#4ls an<i i-aw ment are mai-eauted ta m.&ke a- sount mn-n ut hlm; inGrmrîap>', salleti beirin'g-rocs a-W saiti lu n-os-k uers; asi &» tusa, >r aculous cure-e are crediteci ta an exclusive duel of Vie fcrmeutet milk of mares. Gr.ipesr. Mutton. Fi-cm Amerlca we learu cof a ne- 1>' discovereti cure "lhe results ut wiich wmlllsta-rîle tie ioriti -tii. injection, b>' means etf a hypedernule neetile, ut nilmogen gas into the. pleural cavit>'; nhici is scarcel> ais attractive as the dtail>' censumplion et five or six poundu of grapes pres- cribet inluSsitzmmanti; mhile 'lu Englant - it is elaimedtialît inhn- dreds ut consumnptives have be-ei restai-eclta h..fiti by a tilit froast beef anti muttaon, -as muici o! ma as tâe patient can 'swalow-il'béee in uecgee an ihthick, andi mut- tan lu huge siabe." If yuu are burdeneti mli "tuc,t t4>e solid flesh, a score o-f iufa.ll- ble meîiotis et tiiuipaling ilt -are i t'our disposai, freina dm11>' menti contain-g suchl items as toast satura-ted with-butter; bec-t- mari-cm soup, anti fat ment mmoi-. er-id ulihequall>' fnl sauce, te the ',Salisbury Systex," uîich pres- C-ri-bts n dm11>'due-t-ar>'et tii-e pountisoet-steak, oeepouinticf cd, antiýî si puts cf bol inter. If insomnia b. 1h. ban. o! vour i[ÃŽfe, do mot despair. Dr. Pandini, o! Turin, on ninke You sieop as seund>'.anti dr.amlesslY as a baby by lie simple expedimnt of.mkn you "imita-te tPoti.diuigâ, ut a lime-clms-n I e eîVsýtn Wa chair," at t t-smue imulaI- lu4ïe i 2ý--Viý&!M a slepr êp ferfnutes o!f hese exercisus andi Ydare mappe4 in tie arma 'of soi Stennous- Remedies. 'Iu Nom York iun4rods of -iomon -bave been ouretio!fa& vu.ri.*y 1o! a4W monts, fricm'anaeui*a t-o ýneur»4- ~e~> 17- op*ane an bour -ts.ily ingog up ai down in a lift; juit b huntir-e.of othlere have founti worat -oe-W lu tube beatid .i- Wh« t&ppÇ&Lo tihe toreli. thse noand-. yoe EIz a rubber hammewr. Even a.ente fçreg o! insauity have yielded to the ma- gie o! goa'. l>'m.pîiiinjeet {sp- derical-ly ib uS anti auM four times a day; ani-, it is saiti, the moet obsilinate caeeof ha-y-fev-er lu net preof akgainst a sounti sud re- Peated boxing of téhe patiect's mara&. If you suifer f romin hqeumatism you .. , ,, so they say, finti monder- fui ýeff M & 'li aplentiful doue cf be.e-stings, which area- ver>' tavor- itIe remey in Malta. O! curative baths, t*in2Mmudti ta -brin,., the. "name lus 14éicm" ; but net eue of thern, il ijs'ý41imed, worlcs aucii wouders as thé.-ýIetric ligult bath. The. patient recliries-on a oouch, placed inside a mirror-e lined cabînet illumineti by sixIy- two powerful inca.ntesoenl ig untier whose raye i e most obtilii att. o! bacteria cannol long survive te do nuischi.f ., A wel11-known profemsr declares tiaI there are few diseas.es wrhic-h cannot b. curec or ejlisviateti by the muzic et aun organ judicially sp- plieti. "Thre pereon tbaking tue treatnent," h. maym, "lis-extendeti at fuil leugth on a oct .supported b>' wooden rod, anti p-aeti between ti ogn pipes; antielections are pl1aye tlusuit thi.eue taking 1h. irgatment." The. cure is effecteti- bY -te vibration eoftthe col untier the* influence ot the organ pipes. Try Srniling. For nervous tilseaseps ant melan- cholia, one well-kuown tioctor pi-es- crues litte smie cure. "Smnile, keep .pn smiiu-g, 'don't stop umil-ý ing,,'is dlrctiommu. -r;"e-pie * ooerum-r.<>f yl6ur in-outis tuinmd up., If Vils simple lmeitme-nl is per&ist- ed in da4y," ire says, "Vieh effect on tie patienib'e nerves anti spirite îsla 1111 ghou'rt lmarveieus." Eu-en tics.e -osuffer the.tor- tures ut love-sickness mu>' hope for a restomaljon te enuit>'; for lt eau be cureti, 11km nyuvtherdiserder, b>' medical tî'ealment. the remue- dieu for tis tilstre-ssing malati> are: sepamalion *-t rom lie object ut the lover' s devetion, change ofe occupa- tion, taules te restoe.t-ie nerveuis eytem, ahd-eolti douches! INFERIOR LIGIITNING. RODS. Prof. W. H. Day, B.A., professer o! physics. lu Ontario Agriculturai College, Guelph, n-rites tb n-arn the fanmera e! Ontario againat lu- terior ligltuing rode. Oue et tie saie cerapanies tint buinceth ie tai-mers mit-i iron-centreti rods iaci ~ i* epred iteito e b.smling Vie s&Wrû4c again bils yen-r. Wratch ou& fo r l*wm. '4'%wrp i .ne difficu-tinlupoiting tbe» rio. The oulsitie coveriug la &- tiiq #ý*ee.- t o pper- Insîde o! tbe coppar la a strip of galvaînizeti j? i p' >'5one-41f in -ohimde anti Imo galvaniveti steel or iron wires about Ne. io. Tiec cuper eicath le tmîsteti aroundth le st-rip andi miros, giviug the. iod a corrugal-et appenmance . Tii. steel or iron milI rust ouf ln froxu five te ten yearm. For photagraph cf wmat bappeneti ho a roti ot Ibis kinti in le-s Vian eigit yen-rusm-e Figure 34, Bulletin 220, wici mia>' b-ohad lb>' mrlting tii. Departme-uloft Agriculture, Toronto. An Illinois firm la circularizing the tu-nde anti othe-rsa avucnhiug lii. "Mail" ligitniug mati syshexu. Tic>' deeare liai Imisteti cables are poeitively da.ngerous, oiming lie>' act like - 'dioke-coils," thiaI tuabes qnly shoulti le useti, tint in- oulators musI b. useti, et-c. Fer coucentratetiessence ut errer Viese, circulars surpass a.nytb-iu g mIse I have seen. Bemare o! t-be minuith -ieelu-on- centreti rtianti tiie man mho-iainis tiaI Itieti dcablos are tiange-rouu.f This Departi,nt n-ill b. -g-lad t e m nitormedi regarding lie ,-epei-aticns ut e-ie-r. Russia is in thé leati in t-be hue o! belle, moine of ici- xnanuitacitiie1 being ti. muet fainaus lu tii. irild. It is snid tint lu Moscow alune, be- fore Ibm hegreat fi-e,, lirweii-C nu ten-er than 1,06 large belîs. QO"ne çalmlie hGIa-t, minci mas cat lu thei- ,iteenhcealtur>'anti br*lc- ea b>' f ,1n iouiu uport anti i-ecaSt lu 1654, 'w54 oclarge tba4 1' Ùrei-ttwenty-uour men to' in -it. tVa weit -ias'estinnatdeti a The Giant1-IrIa uspentie-d <rçm au immense beam aI 1k. foeo- fa -teire JU. ,194106 antiia- seonud lime broken t-ciiîigim-nUts,' wb4h were . uset i wth additiOdal1 ma4Mer1w in -1132 in eadtiuug- 1h Kilnig'o e-fB.L*o a1so aprodudtî <ii Msîoliw . 11yaIîu 91 1metJ put thing f the'Kaiser tas P ola-ut, tJere iu a texrjýc rush, andt more pýeope are injnred thanù f! it aw.re a boirib. When abomub f&U Tii. booi<b i. ab1a* - thint- -whï-h, looke - Hke 'a wc>bi*i's -pudding tied in a haudkerhief. The rag in- Wlhiei -i a luthbd isa pe bked o n toap aud roup unrn§tb.Whê» it touchés crack with sympathetic emotion; anti when 14 t, sa -roof àt makes and pamphle 'e.USUail>'the>' b.- have fairly, droP _tii bowb first, andi wheu 1he>' have ulain smre Pl9oies explain, viq;'1h. pay*jýhlt, .»vW n.icell>the survivors '*oùid live ig save4 w iwi tyr4nny. Aa, airman at Lowitsich firat droppeti a painphléý anti then a ibounb. Wheu the LaYwitochians vere reading the peaphlet, sholwing hciw nice - h would be to live under German rule, hies, hiss, tlirough thé air came the. bomib. It 1.11 into a Whell hale aýnti only kicked up dirt. Field Marshal Hindenwhurg bias eight airsh.ips and hundreds 'o! aeroplanes for reeonoitering andi bomb andi .pamphlet-throwing. Grand -Duke Niices'*is-at leaet as regards aeroplanes-no worm. oeived. Kussia la&s a raM numb6t of civilian aiximen, andlthei.prepa*- ing of the., for reoounoitring goes on with. great speed. Before :being«slloM d tbrecon- ,no>ikr,.the epemy airanenar qilnt tO lu' ovee euasian fortretsei, over Rusuièn fWting arimiea suad over tracts o! country where large b~odies, of IBipian troops are on t1he all.They are'requireti to pre- sent report.s as toc> le-number, po- sitions and movements of thte troupe, the proportion of ea.oh. arm anti otuher noteworthy thinge,l SuiO as IlIeS trenuhes andi i.partly concealeti - gun po.ition-a.' The. reports are ouanpared'with thie facts knÃ"wn ta -he staff. Later, the' alrmau r9tudent. i. given bombi' anti is allowedti l drap them on the. enemy'e fortifications. T-him is t.o steel- bis nervee. Only when h. lu thoroughly corApetenî if hi allowed te report -on the dispositions o! the.' enemy. Two inonths. of daily exerci-ses are needeti before a skilled fiyer can Reoonuoitre With Aurety. off. H. liaslie Tii. tie. lshorteneti b>' givinf 13-Pauseager Bipianes prelimiuary training miii th6 mnmW of Cikorsky, anti pamphlets b>' the 'bird's-eye, flying gain.," lu-veulecl millions, whici arc muostl>' dropped b-v an office r o! engineers. A man- on Glicans an ill-miatethealbouIt20 teet square ile atrel-ee ona Gcas, sant illumin rIe outhe flu-or ut a simd with&a s*pe- ffidarm ause Rssga aise hasiontre-ciali>' coumîructi roui!. Tii.map pitiâe airm 11k. -S ret bonKof sho-ws the natural concluions and'. n .ikobeÏg fortress, anti miti a bul- il b>' mov teet o! i my orptO I'in ileg boue 1lew 80 miles inloug movie lesof tii. ativance baek; ,alsc au officer wmie Spetiln lts s3on h da tramn tie Russian centre ab Kolo or retreat 61 intanir>', onvaîr>' and' to ýrakfut-o-Odr, earBerinartuller>'. Batiee are fougit. Tiei. lu ranktut-n-Oier nar erhnrates ef move.ments, o! lie tumxny> sud~~~~~~~~ reytc 'uytata i am troc pu are in pro portion be hesize wam'on lie roati east. Wii-h aide -A the map. fims tai-lieut nu une mnws. A ca~p- In the ceiling uubave is a emal tured*'Gerimau asmets îliaI h. ment frox Tii~' mlenmk, sd ner- oving mndowlet,- through wmuab 1>' tic 'wiole " Wayyiback, andti lai he peers thie air reconnaissance stu- coveed'-ith.ýi escnt 1200dentl. Tic eyelei aliome the utu- covee. - îio iset120dent ta me only su muci ef lb. miles.- reconoîl-mnp as represents tic area- ut le Gliaèmefor !~panetimatre of war visible tu an airma.n. ring grin- les a~d~s. The e-Ti yelet f urtier uoves across îhf ma-ns veil aIl their ffiovements b>' ceiîing ai ithe relative mate of nîn- bur-niug-Èstraw. This s',ncteup n 'tien ,etfaenaeroplane. Looking mmoke tireugi -which -no, eye tirogth yl hesun ec pietes , hën4thre soTin hair- miniature exaetly wrhat he woii.... mmýùoke 'Veil lissfor di.ys. scTrhe wi Iair-vngaco manif . wult sc antiig ms~plane. H. compiles a liepori o.! ihe cross ith.e moke veil sud 1 .dom srntho -iwdmn'trauat on to tic arînie.behini. '-h ë ù-l a-theirthmoemenîs, ati nmytr lue m- Russian airman crossed lie Ger- hi oeetadltrhcm main sinoke veil ai Slup .zy,. on thé pare,-h mt tx utmtial fronier helouti hmumt n be- kepi records cf tihe uotual move- t er off. Running cmi tanti mest, GadDîcNcoa'u'pai werm transverse sîxuoke ucreenh. K- Sometiines lie Ger-mans veil in, service works wcll. This lunspite &muke whele ronds. Tic Ruiesians oq the faot tint- niari>' o! RuFssia'i bave tropble lunllncling oui w1w.aurne 'n anti iecluaniés wien war. lier lroups are mnoving along ..ie broke ouit were U.-ermlins and rond or whther the Gemmans are Fre nchinénu, who renieîow îlone bluffing with tic pretense tint the wrthout. Th css ofîe flicrs is emaîl. troopu are moving. Gerunan alu-nen have met stra.nge Flyers anti spie.s report -liait ie tien-t-th whcn fliying over thbe Ru-s- German ammoplatue -par-ks are situ- sian arm>. During -the figit- ut Lip- ateti ai Thorn, ai Vreschen, on th. ne, -11 North Poland, in _Niivemher, Posn rati an atCzestoluooa Germaîx airman who was cagtinig îuse od n Russian .ochwobuinls on an adu-anéing ltuian inRsinPolanti, w-hic-i is non- bactulien ifou - ulli his cargoo urrouindetib>' a chai. ot ne-w forts. bomibas headlurng. le blew go iief At Thorn, imuid. lie fortreses, is ais machine andi about a dozeîî patcohof land ti -lo mile-s square, en- -îsiîs u-is tirel ' covercu uxuithairshipe tanud aci-ofla-ne hsiei. Ail bAve be-sui builli ince tie oeuh-ca-k ut mar- Cloue b>' lu an wéa'ri)pli-at's bar- acks.- A Russian ai-e-py droppeti a bonub ioa -big Thorn eheti, n-hid> n-as suppouedti tecontai. au nirship. H. guIgautely hume. nwesia meau an ava n~m over German>' u in taeh.e auexplit I-i. moral effeotci e!aviation, Tic moral effectisl produxceti on her arwn pensant isoldiers. fier resierv- lis anti - opoIcemni>'." meu have 'NeyerSesb crpans siome have neyer heard of them;,1 anti most o! thoue mmc have heard a![ hein regard tem au newmepaper inventions. A Russian aeropiane1. sent uup luntidvanc fcf an attukingf force nerves tlie soldicrs as n-ouîld- a sign f rom heaieu. Grand Duike, Nicholas' men have captureti efoe&sald German aiU- men. Vol#itesrLieutnant ]lu- lers. n-ho 15 no>ron lien-a>' l,, Viatka, le cue. Eulers le a gradil- aIe o!, Cologne Commercial SchAo. He wus stationeti uit-i hie, Taube at L>'ck, lu East Pruissia. Hie ficir Over lie 1Itussia'n tortresa o! Goniontis, teil into lie enasies oetheiiBobu- anti n-sacaplureti. He -escapet inl a ptolen Ruasman uniforcu. Noli- ing -mas heard o! hlm until the f gihti¶g areund, Lotiz ai Vihe end ut Novenber. Tlîeiehe f4rw rigbl over thc Grand Duke's an>' aund mvais sho.i cown aI Lipkuom-, nenr Warsam. In order ta Avoid Being Coîîrtl-lartialil for luis fligit he gave the name of Von Jessel. At Prague he xacug- nizet i hlmomu Taubie, amoplane, wioh, repaireti anti wltiout lie bis-ch mron cross wiehm;gnallpQe- ms-n ma.chiues, mas in use hy Rus- , "ns. He ghowed bis'feelings se markmdiy,.-.tbal- -supspiçiou. m ere aro-useti, sad-he Waï itienIified a. t4lsd. captive ditGouiiq"d.-Eular's wuspsias pardonediýn -vie'wof hi.ý Aei-oplaniisîs wliogt gfl- al- mi ia> raiuing prove ta Ïb. of!11 t-. mse in watr. -Il is te» times mas- ioi- t ela-rn te fi> t-han 14à olaeia-rn, M ry ou air reconffsaeoe n fôera uaed te - reSunais- 4 ~ v Tiere havm beeru #ee exceLting fiu bel-n-en aemopIincs, but 1111li ai-m hs come ad! hc-. 'As a raie.-tihe nifter a-mu4 sirongea. 4proplane mo-un, gacty#. tii.weak' cman ud tr9ýp4a -bü»>b, wbulob scîdoî hitf. Rin a'-s vistor, Grigoriet!, 4aw over a4 Germi,%# ai-min wic n-ne travelling aI bn- elevbtioti anti- tiroppeti a -bomfb. Thei. I>omb - i tic grouinti aicati c-.!lie -(Jeu-in-n anti eiýpeIoed. The' Rush out tins struck oee ung cf thé Gerwnia maru- chine, tuiruc tl around - un -it axie- anti sent Il spinning lu eauth. Fieldi Martuhal Hindenburg Intely trieti bis taicuis - conrec-atiicu of 1firc" f rui saeropian-es. Gratnd 1}uke Nicluolas' reu.rguard -diring tic i-cren&t- fr-cm hotiz * dug .iL5ýeI1 ie ircuches on ît-lic Miaza. Allei an artilier>' bombardmnut faileti, lie Gerniaus sent 30 aerupiane9 V. boumboarci thc trentoheis ar 1he sainsE lime. Twe hundreti - omîbs n-c-s thron. Oui>' a dozen Rtusians -n-eu-e killeti. Pl'oes n-ho have aru-iveti tram Ger- imn>' report tint lte eneiny i-; ci- ganiziug a vast ou--ps o! airine'n -bonub-tironers. mhU illo.bn-îlixuri ,Warsai i il àconie- t-o a 3ii-ge. Tii. ilimi o lucreate pnicandti b pro - d'1uce congeFition andi cofnfuBion luf Ifie movcmnents o!f t:opsanti storest along lie congeqtedi ronds. Tua le.i a favcî'itegame. 'Tue alu-nian '_flies lu lie -liead ùf an ar-tiller>' or slii>- pi>' train and caste" a cnuple ')f -bnbs, wichdetny gus or r ai,-3 andi -blocl lie moa.. A IIsh Story. Auld Jock Foissyti,- wfhsn ie Pertibuhire, n-se bd sbout-a mou- 'Dresing iSuge fl i>')aooket Vs fishi udAf*« a terrible net eau. ly thedsd s mebse. 1"Wdsa wq~4 inihI lt ," aed 4t ouit. i wer ill keep mtinuc -ni jî~at9JS~fOP 9 ARCHIVES 0F ONTJ ýouglic yui- 2 or ur er Fire Fighting I the Home e-n - gumue have o 1-1

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