Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 12

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f-p. Scott bas beguli opertionS On bis new dWeiling just west of bis own residenCe. . r. and iNrs. Martini and Mr. and Mrs. Vanstohié. and MIsS Matîn, Bea- grave; Mins Martin, To 'ronti>: and m rs. Hueson-, Oahawa, werei holiday Visiterâ with Mrs. Broad, Mru. Harrison, of Kinsale. la visiting ber sister, liTs. MeBniéi.. 1Miss Lllian Burdge,' of Oshawa, spent.t Ui week-end with Mr. Prank Hfarrison, I We bave héard many complaitits a- bout horses and cattie being allowed to rua on the street, destroyiflg la.wns atter maay hours of liard work had- beén put en thém. Cannot somethiag be donc to reniedy thus mattort Mr., N. W. Colwill returncd on Tues- day from Metreal, where he lias been with a car of cattie. Mr. Wm. liaynard was ln Toronto on Friday laut. Mr. Frank Scott bas been ývlutiilg with ietsparents heré. Mir. Will Edwards, of Toro~nto, was a holiday visitor- hère. The rémalis of thé late Eliza Gates, cf Toronto, were interred In the Pres- byterian Cemétery at Ashbul'l, on -Wednesday. Deceased was a relativeî cf Mn. Uiali Jones, of thul village. 5L a UV10IU' fimMi' M. lfanchestei, wIll spésis on blouséholfi decoration, AMl' ladies are Iaçitod te attend, and kindly brins theil' b9.ket. Mr. and lira. Henry- Maynard sud chuîdren motored trois Toronto ad spent- the w eekend wIth rel4tves. MisesTaYlor aajdMisa Grant, of Tor- onte', visitedl at Mr'. leeson's. Mr. and.Mis, NicholsOn, of Dunbar- ten, apeat Monday la the village. Mir. and lira.,Fred Morrisoi, suna1Mr. and lirs. Dave. Morrisoul, -of Toronto, visited la the villige over Mondar. 1EMr. N. W. Colwill would like thse Der-' son who took -the- bicycle, trom the front et his residencte te retuin same at once. sud ave further trouble. Mr. anid Mms Chas. Morriion, et To- ronte, spént thé holiday with Mr. and Mmn Reeson. Miss Helc5 }laycre. ft.etOshawa, spelit thé holiday with lier methér. hère. Mr.-and lira. O.,Sebert spent tise holiday ln Norwood. Miss Dorothy Vipond spent Uic holi- day with-frienids ln Toronte. Mr. Barl Lawreqie' eaet the 24th This Bank Offers farmers The Savinga Departmont tIs al à onmim duêe St7e mon@y. interoat at current ratla là Gsi ndepmcs 0(cim dolmd u Md a S WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager OSHAWA u A. H. BLACK. ir S1313-DS! Gardea Seeds in packages and bulk. New and goo.1 Flower Seeds for the loyers of the beautifut. Dutch -Sets, small and unifou-m. Seed Corn, of high germinating quality, and bearing governmerit test. Seed Potatoes, earlv and good yielders. W. B. PRINGLE & 00.s WHITBY ONTÀXRIfO For Cash sale 1 Light Wagon, platform spring, pole and trees, ca pacity 2200 ibs., fresh paînted, A bargain 1 Sewing Machine, good as new, *$30.00 $15.0 Buy your wire fence now, as wire will ad vance on July Jst. Another carload of Frost 1-igh grade wire Just atrived. Our New Perfection Coal 011 Stoves, wfth blue enamel top, arc a wonder. Everything in hardware and.iýap1ements. URA J»E MARDWARE, - - -BROOKLIN The Bloo& Pu. il iod «aUioei la a sud caturally o>zput d rouathse uystam Tieblccd caot bW pure @Weutsesisacti« a I.wek, whuaa the ýstamach dou isot-diges thse food proC q whes thebowelisdôanot move Istralsthekilsja are- Pm bioci là th o out of yuact isamlUisud mouwy of e mailvu, bowla, hiduss sd sis. 6]rult-atres", by thissr wcuderfu action ou ail tisoiorges, be"otise wislesyteu a c as asNature hW "liui.a-ivs»toues up, luélgo. rates, arugthenu purifm.escRsansd g'iveospure, rida, pléii blool t in . trutis, thse streans of Hite. '*Pruita-tlelsolU by ail dealr atoc. a box, 6 WrO.5o tral du 2se. or sent pootpsld on reeeipt of ps'lceo Wruit-.4s imitul, Otawa. -RAGLAN., The evangcîîstic. service9 held hère Suttday were weli attcaded. 1 1 s. Jas. Barker. ta 'under th ec~ t@'s care wli typýhei feyer. ~We trust that she will,5001 be restoed te health and atrength. MEr. John Rose pa.id a fiyïin.g Visit te oui' village lu bis acw, car _one day last weék. Mr. tad Mr$. N. Hughlton and"son, Lloyd, visited with Mr. and lirs. John Brout. Miss leda Dring -spent the holiday at: home. ,Mn. G. Hodgsen, Miss p.. Brent ;and Mis Maria, McLarenl vieited at their respecétive homes. Wm. Thompe l prting a fine rubber-tired buggy.i o1 A very ýquiet weddinig teois Place ln Oshawa on SatnrdaY last. when Mr. Clarence- Hodgsos and Mise MaY Thoeson 'loth ef Raglanl, were unItel la thé liy bonds oet manmony. -BASE LINE WEST. Mn. Milton 'Stony, 9f Toronto, ipent, Victoria Day yilu hiie Parents., Thé rural mati boxes have arrived. land no doubt.tise Mail route will be laný opération seon.-1 Numerous fllsermen vlited ,the marais and lake Menday, but the Bah- . -SeMe parties broke into thé boit isouse on Monday. sud helped isem-' selves' te hunting outflts. Tise geveamenit Intend using ernent1 pesta for théir néw féaces around thé farm, Mr. Joé Sotthwéll lu buIlding a new cement house la the south ward.' Mr. Gea. Gott was la thé battRe a, Langemarck, and writes that Ernestil Ansél wasaiaso théVe. -Ansél was uup-! with bis ousin, Loyd Rîce cf Bow.posed t have bee4lkle aato manvîll ouinélod. C -Of BO -dtiiing thé figlit. Hé was wéll knewn ia. Waddell, Of Ottawa, la viSitiag  number from 1 ere attended thc bey mothér, Mra. Crammoad. Brookla lPair on Moaday, and report )irs. Roberts, 0f, Toronto, visited'at a véry successfuî eihibitioa. tisé home of B. P. LCampbell over tise hbliday.____ Rev. H. W. Foley spent, several days at Bobenygéon this week. Mrs. W. .M. Lawrence lias Jnst ré-FR C L S covéréd trom a two wééka' Ilînesa. DONT HIDE THEM WITH A VEIL; lira. Bingliam, of Mllbrook, was la REMOVE THEM WITH THE town this wcek attéadlng thé funeral OTHINE PRESCRIPTION. o! lier fathen, Mr. Gco. MeBien. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robson, of Ham- This prescription for thé romoval *of ilten, wére la thé village over the bol- frécklés was written by a promînént iday. physician, and la usually se successful Miss Conrad, of! Myrtlé, vlsited with in rémovlng trekles sud giving a1 lins. Walker on Fniday lut. clear. beautiful complexion, that it ls Misses Vera Vipond and Isabel sold by drugglsts undér guarantee te Walker, of Oshawa Hospital, visited réfuad thé money If It fails. Brookla on lionday. ý* Don't bide your freekles undér a lins. Nesbitt and tamily, ot Toronte, veil; get an ounce of othine and re- visited Mir. and lirs. F. Caras, over mové tliem. Even thé firsttew 'ap- thé week-end. plications should show a wondert ni lm- Mr. and lins. Gordon Hall, et Bramp- proemeat, soeéof thé ligliter frecis- ton, weré la thé village over thé heli- les vaaishlng entircly. day. Be sure te ask thé drugglst for thé lins. Latimer and family, of Toron.- double'strength othine; It la this that te, visited at their summér home over la sold on thé meney-back guarantée. the holiday. Mn. sud Ms-s. B. Hall and son, cf Lu- -KINS can, Ont., were guests et Mr. and bMre. Dnés'ýI O5utbr Wm. Ormisten ovér thé holiday. leba vnn yRv ,W Ilbne will hé a Union Communion laTîn batk.nn y e .W Seffce la thé Preabytenian Church,, 1Er. R .Mwrypaq uel Columbus, on Sunday moraing, liM a y M a.lyon thmowba s-ng etthé 9 30th. SeMvce will hé held la thé even- întafer a ongenmoingofnéte semé Mrg.l t Brohkl a v ue- yéara. His rémains wére laid at rest lin Rot. iilial hd vey sc-la the Salem cemétery on Fniday af- cessful barn raisiag on Friday last. térneon laut. Atheugli thé day Was Theré weré about fltty présent. very wét and meit disagrenle, a Mr. David'Bunas wislies, thnough thé goodîy numben turnéd eut te uay their columnas et this papen, te thaak ail laut respects ta one who spént hie lité these la Whltby who gave se liberally la oun midst. R. W. liewbray was la aid et thé Fair lield on Monda>'. Wi bornanad llved nearly ail bus lite whèié think lir. Burns la aIse déserving et hé dled. Hé was thé onîy son of thé praise for thé way lié las worked foi late Hugh Mowbray. Soe few ycans thé pust five weeks la collectiag and age hé was afflicted with a strokéeto advénising for thé Fair. . paralysis, tram which hé neyer récov- lin. and lins. Gordon Anderson wcre eebtsfee o oeyas rd with their parents ovér théeliolidays. ered, but sifesédmor emé e an , grad. Mr. Rusel AgWhi cultur alclèe, t-until that gniaimanstér, deatli réliéved tendiag Onéipl icutrlColghlm. Hé leaves a tamiîy of four boys lias succésstully passéd hae examina- adtogrswt hf ohr't tios-ad bs nw heegre o B.8.moura bis losa. lins. liowbray lias A. On Frida>' last lié attendéd Convo- béén constantly loakiag aftr thé slck cation, and lett this week fer Ottawa, fer yéars, and bas-e Up undér lier ard- where lielias sécunéd a position la thse uous dutiès with a woadèntully pat' Départaient et Field Husbaadry. lent and sélf-denyig spirit. Ne per- Mn. A. Ketchealis beén la Bruce-, son couîd do more than shlélias donc, field attéadlag thé tuneral et bis bnoth- Thé wheléeaomnilty unité Ia sym- ér, lir. John Kétchen. . pathy fer lier and thé tamily. Miss Rêva Kétchea, et Toronto, and David Bur-ns passed threugli oui- Miss irniam Reid, et Oshawa, spélit village earîy îast wéék sèlliag tickets thé holiday at thé home etflir. A.. ton thé great exposition at Brookla Kotchén. o n lMay 24tli last. Davié la a bustier, Thé most lhappy téature et thé Em- havîag secus-ed $400 fer- thé fair ln pire day célébration at Brookla was tickets and collections,. thé patriotie work doné by tour young Our public sehool teacliérla prepar- ladies, Misses Janet OrmIsten, Marié iag an entraace clasa. Wé wisli ail con- Holllday, Bell Fowlie and Eléanor cérned success. Johaston ton thé patniotie tuad. Dress- It is hinted that thé Ladies' Aid et éd la white with saches and girdlés la our churcl i wll givé a strawberry tés- thé Nation's colora, thé>' seld small tîval on or abotit thet ir-et Jul>' next. fiage te one and ail la thé atternoon.Laépntclra!tsawspoét Tuée Young ladies wéré se attractively Lteber rict.r fthsnw POeI a$~tnedaadse wéély ersasIe l li. Péagally has had a man looking their canvasa that oe could net hélP atter his tliseshiflg autfit. Wé undér- assisting thé good cause thé>' werkéd stand James wottld seIltthé wliolé huai- reor. Thé>' gatliéred la $83 tor thé patnietic tuad. lir. and lins. Mitchél Sutherland, et Whltby, vlslted thé latter's mothér, ~Pioo Mrs. Bella China. S Miss Jean Joliaston, et Wbitby, spént c Suaday witli lis. lieNél>'. a od C Théne will hé service ln St. Thomas, Churcli on Suada>' évcaing, liay' 3tl To retain thse aturai beauty et theO at 7 o'llck. - skh Onîy emcsn sd teatutent le lir. and lira. Harold Kircli and son, iiéded. lkliklfaxae natuiulYy demi et Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrsi and iseltisy but the demnanda Of evy- H. Kirch aven thé holiday.- day lue asti sautuma living qi The déath occunred licré on Fnîda>', 'POittier freuunes sud beaut>'. t liaY 218toet-George Mlicfnn, lanh ueesryl a 11"1je5"cmiStisaI 1n0 WOffl 83rd ycar, afttr a lonfg Ilîncas. De- M fèril te neglect it. The Nyai céaaed wu bora la Ceunt>' et Ferman- à naejutlste ew beoklet, agli, Ireland, and came te this coun- epei., wihcetll trywhén qulté a Young ama. Ater ttilsefU sud interesting lnfornitio living la.-New York for a short timé, ounisow tg cmr for the coulflxoul lié camé te Breeklan,and lias r-éslddd mcIh& beoeévt bnmandY5m.j! hère even inée. His business as paInt. wyt@a itv b u>'a rs isa I a1alFI desd for m5èrnW i~ er and decoraton, made hlm widély &hIet assag e ecotaOnt use et sem knon hrugou te ieniy.His o msag. te oschasntyal'iOface wlfé prédeceased hlm about a year ago, Sd la aS gu cesa N>' t keeau Hé éavs ataml>'othredaughtens the .kin dean a, d héalt>.&IM and three sens te mouru bis l'osa. Theola n eaty ïf tunleral was held -on Sunda$' teot S& ni5si ,ezge»rtea' gré"-eleM Thomas' Churcis, whené a ver>' Impres- ib db5i jsr udrb t nty ine tse sive service WUa béld. Inérénttok. d ui ly in lu a plc a rvsieCmter. toe, 2rn ti-e iiiiiriéatleY11 - Let us quoe.Our-prices 0o Brantford Ideal.- Iy, WHITE Ly excellent exhibits. Theï concert he -cvcnlnig wuaa 4e well patron- 'it, wha t àd oeravs" Slm.eAtlieCreator fnsa It en. the sky and oma buls bées the. bread. Mmdbutter ëoir, Wbl gra,'"Ky" lias soesmel 'te ilth the otiser ,for poptalarity. Ti& seeson more "grays mai :blues" wil1b. Worm thànanml.,- others combine&. Ws're eh"ls mauy ricli toues la deep blues medium blusblues w 1,th>a a stripe effet woee mm Inter- wowen, . plais ý-weves and ~grysS rea close meond. fsyweaves. And thse RIh pulent fabries: that look wellou yung, mlddle- spd or thie elderly man. OumT. FMM $20 te $35 IWemare Sole Ai Hoberflln Tai Get cash certificat Rogers Silverware,absi W. M. Lawe BROOKLIN, gents for ilorhsg ites for Our olutel>' free. prence ONTARIO I The farmers, are rejoicing over the fine spring ramo.' lira. May, of Weston, was ln attend-- suce at ber brotlier's. tuner!al lut wcek. .Amon& the visitors fw £rom- outaide pointe -on the 241h Were Miss -Harvey, or, ThoIDhill, ex-teacher. of our school hÎa%ý, Mr. and 3Mn., Astrldge, Toronto; Tbôoa Lewis, Toronto; Levi MlackeY, Toi0to;- Mr. mnd irs. Wmn. Miler, To- rOn~#~ud ay others., 80oqf dIfr Young mcn arc talking u istingad going te the front. We - cemmead 'the Idea as entirely, ne- essary. Sûrely our duty la plain. ~The Empire needs ail who cazi go. The eall te armeatg aa rightcous, one and worthy of aay young man's most amn- bitious actions. *Let us sacrifice, If ne- cessary, not only a share of our Young men but ourselves, ii the* demand la urgent. -MAIDE IN CANADA CO)LLARS SWi1IINDERM B2!. BLUSES "-WIWAMS. GREENE & ROME CO..- 2 Esgtablished ovev Fourty-eweYem TE SADADBANK 0f CANADA _& J oint Accounts sme a Con. venacace,' *Keep a Savings Acomt, end Le our Money Accu. WC, solicit your accunt in eutr SAVINOS DBPARTMRN T WHITBY BRANC-H C. A.L iclela, Maag-er. Sj.As B0owmsmvttl. usookin (C. A. MCls 4wata Oa C.aaWMa (J- . P Cwoul4an magr), Pickering sud i y -- h Profès- ÈJ ~1Carda IJEGÂL tINO. F. FAREWELL, K.C. Darrister, COunty Crownl Attorney and * Countysolicitor. Ofice, south wlng court HîougeWhîtby A- F- CHRISTIAN- anss.Sliciter. Nosi"Publie. Etc. Office, Brock St., 0OP. Standard Banks. Money te Loan. IL VOSJNO SMITH, LL.B. Issuer 0f MARRIÂGE LICeNSIMS._ Court House, Whitby, or resi4enie. D. Aè I. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyanoer,ý etc., etc. Oshawa, - (5ntario. Office-No. 2 King St. B., Mackie BiL Residence-62 Drew St. Phone&--Office, 321; Residfence, 326. MONUMENTS of ail Dez1gis and laterll ept ln Stoct It will -Day you to aua at our works and Inspect for yourself. Don't be misled by agents. We de flot employ them. Conhcquently w. can and do allow the agent's commis- sion of 10 per cent, which you wil certalnly save by purchaaing trom u&. A Cali SolIclt.d.i IIilt8ij Iie oi Office sud Workis- opposite Hewis Brothers, Whitby. r u±i ~ r±~ s] y±~ ~ - -a TuB- Idéal Vacation Route POINT-AU4BARIL FRENCH and PlCKERELRIVERS' 5EVsRN RIVER MUSKOK LAKES RIDEAU LAKES LAÀKE ONTARIO RESORTS GEeRAL cmANuE 0F rimE M.AT ao hI How toPa.int for Less Money, WoIl tell you how in tire. words-uaô las gallon.. That's the. thing to go by in Paint--mot theic. ps-lepr gallou but the. number of gallons roquis-ed plus the eu9ot im It wiil wcmr mmd'look welI. '"10r/ Pure" Paint coats about hall as mueb, counIz« the msurfce It covers, and wemrs two or tiare. dimes as longem Qs-Dîas-y peint Tou psy byr the.galon-both Lot the. peint sud for putuiug t on.lb@ Wr"u thet J i ssepesOfur pou la tise pot that upreaduessîcaist ad e.vm &ai mest surface. MARTIN -SÈ,ENOURý 11100%L, PUR]E" PAINTý bas a "evariaf ait>' c&f 0square foso f aur" ace pe uiteemo »0*, om egalot M00square teet oevered b>' hsd-mlsed -Laud 11W O-cM 0noues lutevorod by-low psicod prepoted painte Aadesas uthesprool-i o llsa shdmuleoyubse we wlltUou7« heoumber ofgàUeus of I'lO0%Pur" PoIsulaug w$@mm h*ss*hly.Noe@harge fortidsieuo. Ask fera cmopcf eur lutest1àSgbook 0*Town »su- eotzy Home."l. il l fiele t. oui IrleM&a -~ -~ "y - -~ 2 -~ Th For Bell1 wilil Li

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