Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 2

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'Your- ,Floors Paint preserves tà floors san'itry and heat1h1 the roome brîght and cheg easily cieaned- amnp el dust and"germa. Pàiù4 tnem aiwafys ibpic ana ýpan. 1 -Seno ur'sFlrPin is ail ready to brush on--anyone -càa appl it evenly and srnoothly. 1 ittïgv'es a hard, "g b1e, lustrous finish, that stay fesh,end, bright, and wears, and wcars, and weara. Ad îk costs lesa to use than other floor paint, 4becauseî it covers more. surface and mears longer, Senour's Floor Paint cornes. in 14 beautifuP, colors, suitable for every floor --ini the house from kitchen to garret. Write for a color card, and a copy of' -Sri eutcrtaining book, "Tii. House. That jack I3uilt". Writteîî for children, but "grown up" get a lot of fun out of it. NVe'li aso give yo i te naie of our îîearest dealer-agent. ADDRESS ALL ENQUIRIES TO MARTIN*SENOUR -Go. t'->- IThat'aful nifht baS Ileen oeeofTthe reviaitienm wbich the Tis. aDoreS lier as an educatien. Ineteaci cf slowering lier iilliifti, tales- bl tauglit ber h"' to veaive lier own destins- now, and elle vas 111E _FA JE 0F AZUMA;vear, neit Iyemr, Dol for several s-eare, but elie thought t-laI TH _ A F O U A it weu-id corne quicis-, becaue ehle wcm movsg qo-cleverly-&lonxg Lie lino. verk- lu" anether @et te hat which elie lad Or, ho Suth frian Mlliouaio ltherie worked ln, lîmitlng ber ambi- Or, he outh Afica Milionim.tion, lie 'whie ee ideneS Il, preainlg it out. maikin thle bauai cf It ftirtai. Tht. time mie 'veulS bave no revelatione, ne Il mrpries.becausoéelle 'wouid figlit lu tlie - open, Place herecîf ies-neuSLbpomibuf- f ty of reps-oaci. It 'vas a daning qcheaio, Oii.PTEIt XII. ln aaas sieesot been setter, bat it hail sud enaeIsh ýnover epoke of. When ber «, w' n alter ofT sanie, sarlîrioe îth-excted lier, gud aie bl iaSgven 'vsv te o treklb,'viaipesTd- the tiîvourt ameante taLanden an usual -tle expressfion eT lier loathiag. Oh, liw spaîr. 'vIail meIe teaded to do. ehe voxiid tht ig t.alat .Ju(lthlîooked amare ex.- rottes, bol ratonlier lite beceme, h<>w laugli and mas-:j qutV.atelY lbaî-eiyblair, ccir, had aillte cale thing aller th allier seernod 10 con. dodoT!iere oo ethe -lie Ap-rthg heurt, tle <our.%ge stie saiS, te ceaie; 1Iepia ta make It'vos-te anS verse, and as. d, onedler. motler ~ ier m utez for th'y tn,e fiv aw t thon. baSl beata Iftliey 'ver. lie ballting places of an ea-ovne htio h vaqi. a rani deul oft aak. Talk, tie word 'e 'cape.' eecouici mark tuhreo eat ' i-t eu..) h. Wehed thaît mieévann't.' iusclpçaîavta t, oexpreetail!tixat lad been 1tra-nsition@, the tîrce greae transition uhat ehe 'vôuld ehov more SeffieWe signe 'esîS twhet i cl nafeletwabrokan lier ohaxarscqb ail gaae tbroîighln ta et dementita. for thea eecould bliesfrf t- off licti ct Juditan~d that ment deuXr- portion o- "*htlhevea thle *"maîhlur" ci a.was-. If tliere waeue womau la t-ha ajjfvaf al met Ocoga Daîver. I~ va~~meemd<-uh av lestuîlepnid s-oaS-cooe' 'eaic b -vothe 'vasthe itterutttrial ski a i d 1tin erDnte. LvIt sa-' ee nffic avae ls - @ eT yad oon failt tohave a daugiter of nearis ind5, teli inte LayGlainetnt 'viti5al'Iglcaic..tients--five on lier bauds. it 'vas Lads- f. aî eli> ha tioofrcail eoe, n-i îith1r aS been lier love fan Sir Huabert, Giaucour.. lie baSl accpothe leburdea -truli l fiot n iae:(lcutly witb m. b-n ie lsnd st-iipaisemsed etreaks, as eTfeue' or tvaeasens, a aiaât as a con- gî;rd t>S le t tat .Judthhaiid It vere. a ains.parolhes eT sublirnits-.ceso,'rgTamlrli-mthred ýAaaa;ed lier aiind As one woman saiS: wlilch a goatîbe, Trgiving hanS miglil afnS marngf'but er lad neer bar- 'O v - li-' 'îaage aile', mide about have dravari tagetlier lie euoe behtifle co,- gaied fer moyen successive easanu, neyer, WIîbc ienhoyu t ic ihmeocesifoing: 'vîcat, ram gratitude, from saberand reailîs, next iaon, mie meant te go hile mort~e wlat r hy bcs ethper atot -love, tran rahaavatieaa t self-respect. from ber ov a vs-anS let Judith go liers. Sio Jia.î . hieaîve. hui beier-n t rinifluthe future, ehe miglit have growu resus- 'vas quite couvioced that se Tfir hoi, lo Ttihedat.RO linthe second timo 'vhen, aher Judith lied net gone hein. except per- Adwî),t'o.'thataa I itl oth ruth 1beiug loft. avfulin luier calaousicie, lu laps that once. Aa i eeaio i hîadi'u-a1n-. 'bler lnttle ilich ram lire 'iat reranl. tle Siff ieulties nav. 'vmtlni s oi. tubrasorelaotalt,one, cdoS.and ta jealatiels-guard lier ecret, And la-lis, Lads- Judit- libaS even von. wocrma'ithad ma'.' h au't'l ilfieIendOfcame"hat mas-, ehe emlii 'veld have beeaSeS Iloy sie contS aven have been me thaukfnl tu lite gooda,- anS been a aiti- Of t: liiai eor. *"ayrt wneti 1etiakeai Le- fui, ra es aeaivT. -foclihae toa aiîov atas-engagement ta. litlaauni it.~i' .inlj waabaa' d ~: Aad oiv l't a her ea-y seulva .tak pligce 'vit-bout iaiving tiret squareS t-it t.al-ju tit,,la iI l oii atet t sî nie agîae herve atase artli tiet brute. HugliGiover. 0f coursçe aie abott t. n it'bvdar.' dat. calta. 'lai fct. W15 there scemed uctiiag ltfîbut Ilato i aber ogtt aekaaIallewe~ -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I le o h'ttnec ia'î'ec u-IethtofrOog avradh gentleman, anSd eeougil le h-aveoeon theoriy tili w( cai d,' mtat ale Soatria. h Dvo.%at. -a l ngiOive that lho ai oeho'v empuaged f rem lien fries. ssi) i, as uhl' lestrierai Lady Giau. - aefrle'oo vasafd u h Inde. Nov. aitieugli mie kne' t-lat le crt -id. prnti.ty ieeanst tis'vr, end thelad hoe power, amcestîli ilxolaghî iait Il iauiic tathi' '.îa i4îîLay ju4'aurîmenu 'via îreyed. hate foi, the treaçhery, 'a-ut.dklwtitle"as telliug oveny- fl)ùh9tl~ik lie4vautlofLtoyahîs-. île 'vauteof main hs iii wonlaatti*y the w(cart.ofie Wt u 0te adnemof ait.lads-.Gearge Danvers euldu'l, t-bat se w0ildr'teaytha eucou, te 3Faýit f lndenes, htekuev, for ailtie tnî'aciery mie-linS met 'viaueer day. ' itho s-carns ad ceie ith. al lie unkinduas, th"uick roa lýlllçh -I years had'comeIng o thevhiri'vlnd, iheYot coudmtiib ï 0Jl~~~i< .%"I~ ~ a î net d1isiiiinato. Il'vas ou Ihis discrimina- rebitekfor-lier lucherf vliahsanletn't tie tien t-ot sie canuleS. It 'vas no langer unhfirîk lttf-ruc, fitlt4h am begnlic k htuw iedifoai e Salis- 'vaund anaf - thea case of fanding a man, viaveuidu't thiik abýtru. itli£,utl he ijw i bledig o thýdaly oun, Sad ino.speak. nov t i a auestion of findt-uga 'vacac. - -îing tolnS, s-sl. anS aimealâ bite of lier m'as.W'vi hfaluTnua eut, veuiSu't caro, oxatln. rcli dtti hcievoalo wiifaîter, wh comlng and go îng Saili could or coulci not retaitiate. allie 'ouid Sudd ".Jùditli tlm «on eltageable, tme fngiit-futyiy attrea-tIupon ber face-tie imprnts eo lf h ai iraT ha iita ever bu .1 attf ditbelns-b ele Wit" br seule daspair.- iihtoderlfTa ngt.ht "I bih t te l ihn" ai btue Duleq If ance mIe hlldbecta sullied Lady Ju. avful ulgit at las-court, 'vhldlifer everf 1*T anthog teas'be," kat 'i r y ýUle S, iti ,an u lbcalcuta-ting Lady Judith, seemed aseeclated in uber mincit'vit-i mean- for touxi hevenknow l'n Go r o desiguiug, reliceul, colS, nov mlio lecame lîgit and a grinuins faun, anS fzirs- dia-t Zer, there ttlm tiselI tellitg more ia'q a 'vickiS Lady Judth,. seoklng -'vîcailie phartous drope of 'vater. mooktsg lier than Cocle iligeil ta--specteliy vîcanîighî Sevoun. regardleaa. Yas, I41 'va punît et he s. l'aèt ea reail psitt, af lier. tlaa, are tue longer 1belluve-d." r'vfauilaîdet- oved ve fel Y-$, il wanie atie diugu(slng that liis wn a ,evntelierself, liait sie lad lie reothîihsluoe0vuS rr cel s-oan eule acid I .ndîî aeaîarcecourage te face the London 'vorîci agalun, Y for ail ihat, boy Lie scenie clame seud sieoa-le at tked ta Juihte skebi< liheLondon 'vatîS, w'vh l wasmkuewm over lhen sometîmes, anS, beonuse shliedai anusivolhe atis tîsked maittei ex.thei 'vret e acecu'atel-y, anS pas-mnonet een Lie expression on bis face, ele civho ulitS a h at n, e uta ,, osSte tia redeeailug foatures, thes extea. 'voulS -uy ns-sd pictune to e oosef wliat- sNâîauaîdlon, aer hon' ourvt ofaine uatiatg cincunstaucce, 'oest 'vaut toGeorge Dauvere leaked lii. 'hen le aven-h tyreund-lieire,ar eib.a turc lis-1 a eS theum, for fear It cliauld lie'asieS te eard 1Il h Giever'e 'vends. Frevies- baS gype -,liiarteraina 'ljîtl? Vtera t ala-,pitj nvuoe aesen n' ii- toîcberow oveiliehobnci belaved. 11cr vys or mon s, li le e-Vrie 'voît.i, brther-ye. , iat camfert ait esut e a cruwd gratapea lu a picture gle .bu Ite oc i emk latue fnt'iihaiS, Liat tle men vie beleged te lier, aie kfoewetictsigusakf change.cThaif s ot it elaI te uh iau f chngc iee e. Tl ivie gootincos oan-position o t o r boa te"0 hom sha belauged, vere gentlemen. tha qtil ueourde lor ele oud ivdet-ln ie'vth 'valîli, 'valtli -uh -oaéThe ýwa'vul, awful feeling 'vas tiat ,nov latta iyjn,iwthorù were moai vlîaliaSt alevor tiail mie cauld blins- lia lieaof men n sd ee ouiS 'perlape have tlenotter the -proUocd. cuti couidrat or 'veixda't, 'iWihro -ofvmn ee faf.wrmranis of thôme 'vha l'one net quit.t-le fi 'net' hat atentteli taau~r ut the r pethefai enida en ifaterMpromieDu-veau, tie manufacturer, t-ho self-made th tueiea Men viehouiutalfn=rei e111epesue'rai±oî main. hiefdiStaxot katov, peor Lads- Ju- - ýta dr(-e. lier. "evori tu bus-ho beboeu, ibem aide. Sie lad gr -n cruel, Lads-y i ia teevn i e nmve li h ai-it .swait. rigniSaithoze lieJudith, cruel as a matlen he lise kileds mlecocuid expiecI lie moet goutieman-line4. Ot util' ttd idahocî4ting taLdn; but e lie nc. S ad'h nemti-ti hl t-luLatiitet. an- eclets- le nol. Ifs abc dIl te n515 er c eler laer, Liera în aamonf 'vtis- reavlizaS h periaipsmie 'vouid baveun-W 'vlantiîought- lier "equ.ise," "an 'reve"; ee uld net kilt ans-oàe elie 'vie ort, o anpoet rsd t o aid aiteat. vita- na atha noemed ore Ia f crooses lier pati; rcI,,,,calculatlng, bonerfpinit, fr«ugtt ithllmss sSonu. - rcalef en. uatt âe t ie oemoraew mant watc-ing evers- moe oo Iaboard ef Tas, lier breLler lied behavad vil, anS B eveilon c, 'vhof tlhe Siutmini feita.îtfa'e gae. 'Ith re'vî, o.im eyme, h.- Danvens lied Sene aIl Liat- 'as passible, 'vlv>dtueuireWhoa!itener 'vn, ievateSf te ievtng tan notliing, dm ¶îing ne mare ta perbaps, vicra t-le ouaeîlxîng eemed ian-. uatuîijeaoun, or îo coecîtern »,~r1o ~c-~ia drg, which oeb.Ie-vnsueedl-Oeern 'evtte ist ,Woaa ieaustimniai hrorof ethIe meet ardened; blelevlng la atll-hlenigh lîl alid veacied tlam beli n t ne edto Oaa thew; amn iermotizon , oranbeiieviug, epeuis- declaring lien- a 'vi> whieh mada il Impossible tle îeem th aisnualOttoîa af avdoir maire, o~ e f on Lie meldeTfîle devil, wbo alene mot le bear, or, bys-taie furlet stretchli o!P( hî-"tsaniîl- iautîmlofrnkume 'vlc aec-med le cane fanrlier 'veifaro, anS iti îe im m alien, net teunderataind, -hem, th 'u ritnvtatsIte eddanessedhIcon iegnuving haireS, -'ie growiug handen- b tl m., lied blteS for a second, but niwaiiît' inte'lsn eoaddree ad ber rng, Lie cenlailuts, as if semae Senizen ot anis- a moment. bell lustinctivais- avant- t seifl: bIb lad bolS lier. Liait mie ciel, SeTs- ing the danger of loaxing wt'v a m si 'I aail- lain yenmigî d 'vrsot-ie e Seees of lfe anS Sealb, -thal 7ele neil b>. quiokues ef Sciien. Fre'viey realy tinkyou igh doworf t 'vewuiS -suceed, that lie justice'vbi li eo îlhrqw vavas- île cigarette anS, Dauvore, lts- igia (*bven," Natwititilrdinlg SiebelioveS inlu'as s-semno'vwbere, anS turning le hlm, saiS 'vit-i suppremeod Pt ait Lliat lad la,îîleuod, il seetied teai-h ai i vuS u vel ilte irn<tai Ilti n de (10rav, l h- h ol nýdYwe t br lii 'e Lds (iaeontlirsif ldovu purîm,p - "AppareXnils- 'voare interruptiug a ifeni- belt ',i intLatdy a Jul'.raidsresur- ad Whaî geod couid it do, lien mether ask. Ouei onte5ation," sud -Luru fug ou hite f t-iot.lier bilal, Jtînit as 'ad iercdhenef, caaiiug te London, zevlv*ug hbol vent back'boiride tihe use. -eta ttlieeaiind 'va asîlts e evhole stenyl> Rie hllSboped, Lady Freaey dS o -'-foliev hlm. It 'vas Itî itui tîa diwaait eeadmireS, Glaucount. Lis-t mwelme 'veulS realîs- goo ttil.rg, -at Judîli,alIknov 'îv'at let o.tuaeti nuale, toapapear h'dbaovreà;ý eiofon tialbefeai timvt) ier foTanart erieusîs-. Rie even mnggembed d'len asd.frn litea incataneialiicTion, wanS Tbrai lat- ili I-linge liaS quiele d'n,*i vere 1toue, éefauit'jtiat Lie main 'viiait te l(I cgg tîuasllieanvfonSeluld go setuweirefor a ew mentis 'vas ctnnoylug ber. Ho pushed bis 'vas- toî <S,'Cl n-ire b]n'ad tiutPI le Sfothe onoo 'iti Ma-damne Dufour, bravaI, go round wirdm th. feuntain, O cdthe 'varîS, orrlilotl efJu ovan.okProee-ad aveu n lat neartli cas mie be tlIluklng j thre. beo 'viiiee te rl, t er.Ifl Hon n Va7n4. b-aetc-nr aptured ?nieea. off oreS te 0o veer.Ho meaorny Ton about,-0 COMe liane Ville esIt nigit, ut Gli i t Wo.uva ho',1~~ av ivtholit"knowi>ilthetful oxteul te ih otir sud'vi tlsthmms-np" Ho rital.- Idlshe mryHgl hc el t pty Tatfearfuli it Taiguels- stat ftwas 1a,11oyer batireenso killemnS lias t f oculd i enetald ail un w'vicio o appe e o iu, IabÎ hie simIen -and Dainvere, and ho lebaaed tiie hillat@o, laiore@,b aé81brongh i e'vust a iest lu hlm,- anS himl5f for ilI 'at on earîlihiac I slmm.PO' voîutmsnt, îtis mwense ai rli Sz.- ine ,li4htdtabou liimeeif .to tsekfor ed hlm <e brnig Qiover isth lI mP -weakçnlng bSr courage uaewed deoest, nol bavligfleaked s-fIr bxbte.liezI am ofth ru" otod j W thoro wuas-one jo>. loft. 'vliwl1 vas ierce.tlm u'hclaLud gebde botîwetel. andOt' ~n -uka o ~o aid.s'veeI, the Jos- liait bRnaiGloverthemen amd.1 -- - gla.til ha g»-,ner, en xoeý'e W -oupelh'v re'v, 1,don't-know hliw îî le, "Oe B£ Rbi, ulbsje~ ~e eia4 senmnacies-,ba e <t Yee.il <> ut 1 dont Boom te ihaled a chance.tire haaetirsSlm di-ouehm ne uderthe aët h5e thet die -mlSomeiuvoeecain't talk e mothxze n 1>1tt like- pitéoue eta-Ots- la ier fs-e,, 'Iloli gorpe- aapadl the a0ee as-id oVa co neunies-,tise ad tsaitlte aus-tlilug. anS-" Yen, 'vit-i al lien besuts- vs.seiaie ber tih" pre'vsyosI i' M a ton, cs- l d aro lu ie Ilafein It eoe nedeVoatreines-es, I ber bat f yii mnaibeen mismfug' Il-t oul1d hve hinm e ke nes-asd<>. mioàtotpeS'te ul jeed haS w te, es a 1t beeiwevaie,1blers- g,loku» motiing, -ometmlng 'which lmaucdred nound«,e, h iuglt lie net te go tlie paoa me muai. Butvenlie, ' -teXiet ânoteis- te gain Unlime. qould arrange 1laiui'vitb Danveru, "Ar. die! not kiaow quite how fTest #the p% as d I'm contit, Fer O h. osa utoe hnr-, s-age l al ili aues-.' Duele»erbeen at one lime, For mIe lad Vole! lm s-lied eiis-ast tueftgure of 1h. =aau-" lnan untruthal iat aiglit, anS althougl hiniaka aywthle rther. 07~s baSoactualis- made ber Émmle-iL 'vas s-o knew tIli Lwuasan unnrutli, lalg~b u-s-edtsiong If bbrog io .dek-IAÉ" i 2Bul1ev uob h. culiSee oirtal Lait undes- tle clrcunxstancei il wae4ex. 'va>', desarted now b>. lie 'olImoon- m'tlng.of 'vhci emhaltered s-lblbhe caurov etsable, anS ha didu' t 51toLektiew Via 1 tthes-ceuýlti mas- lie main L t aies- aS a etI ber-44 _ - pmo, ha.ngltwm b idIulai. .bhn,'sleilgmli. 0llse oh' eant 'an .1ter lieh Mi 'Wbem tlb.? w'.re close tO hxue nmde,'1es-brotiîerr veet Usem, a Yoii asG GUre thst tbme 'Woee the Ko tibsue'l. eudnYs 0p5 millât verbaas-withli anollie- kld of i Mhave Inventei set Dry,0f iievansfife Wilbth t. m an -Glover, lIbt ho wIiUd *4 t0 know .vervytblnfg lie woild wantý ePan,ton, lan ation"ittoh. as lei 'wold euandetanotlier power i~ lied eilglited tlie prestige cf Ociat BrlLa 5h.woùu dhave 1t40wliilit ëlmdc oohe.renly Ana 'bèbu nmot. -'8o ý2UoUlU1m ag- o pebeos-e wouId ha Iead -eifeent vlï'4e1 -r4, Invon t a Pli - 'bIs tale. buat t-niglit éeou8'OOcl1 t-hat ehe wa, ïmentas. if not phy.6kOu weakOY t aun ee libeeoa before ber niglit, cftér et'brcavratol lhG éh Was d4zed, .tunned Ohe could n fidwürds n'wlli4 giin. Am4-n bened 1%s Îe'nnoeh.70 dered L Ie honid UUe 'gatinefor ber, ai ahe tld, lber livtoîbr th"haJgie otld in "Ton bS4 r botter ueo hlm now h, ý>s-otbthOjd 40 - ter, 'W - -i.appo'xte doit 711 now biIst ven;. ,and ti 4611nir ghlm tb îay' bilgiardg--wbet. earth ,1.. I 'Oh 'don't don't Il Judithi pleaedspit Olesis-.It -wee noe good asklng llier, ivi "aed poeeMmed ber. It wmm lei evil go lue@ tlzb iii-luck -which eemed te Pumi beraway. auilemS.'?ow 'oee aw. au a lbw humas. de In *good 'Unms. thatî no Zlïthat, thes- oan dom>,aile, tba&t t on mcoiate ar ysih.zoel that fer mil the goëd ehe U'donse e ýmigllit " waeli have lof t Dmnvero, and Glu eor 10 themmeves. for. ae suréIs-as* if wrse'OWitten acrosa Vhesmks-, @hellTIt h evebrsthini bnail corne te an eud.*,Bue cou] PeTer -«Plai~n nver. ani if ehe did,1 ans- moment Glever mi<ht 1811. evT InOw, ln a fev momentcs thos- mdgçb-tt .tolking together. In ber confusionc tliougli Inlier d-azed state, of mind eh <ergot.lia.ving juat coame -Trom an M 'View Owitli a man lest, t» .41 menue of ho% 'Or, tbat ail men were not like GIovoi tiâ.4 IllaDainvans uhe wae destfng wl 9- tent,0lem..Who would teke no word be lier own. But *,bon the- returneci to thie hemc Danvere iWeu net Waitifg for tbe>n.8 thlng. fheeauld not have tol bus back from ciseengber tUI@oesmnt fo hlm. Aund more than thaît ho wanted t think. What -lie lid heard would no have affecteS l fm se muchi if 41 iad no cora ne 1the' te of a cert l4ln messe, el nost of duofort, wb4ch bad pervad& hie. wble engagement to lier. eHeixaci never, ho teld himlf lTTeit quit etain eT ber, neyer beau quit. msure tli @Il*- careS for -hlm deepîs-; there lied a ws.Ym been reserres. ibarries. on her mide wbich lie bad feund it dlif f uit temsur Mnount, te evercome, whicli lie ad nove, been quit. mare that lie lid broken dowv lied eurmeunteci. andi nov te tlo<plLi tien semeci te lie in these wordm: 'When thut Tellow Danver knows." As iet. he theaglit onis- that it mena that se. had -beau etigaged Io hlm, Hugt Giover, but even that Tact dimlurbed bim because Abh id told limtaihat ahchat never been engiaged. The Taet that meh. e d lthave telc lman untrulli, tra id 'huia,-the TSao. that in ler Iîft îlc ilîtie apioodes whicl ish. had rdot confided-te hlm., yuIlll hg, wauted ta trust lier. tw-f a-Npst onn oclock when lie haý loft 1,ho rlododendroln walk; Ilit as titre wlien hao'vent te bed, and- ne Word hacj corne from her that she viÊmhed te mec bis aud t1hii 'va« li@ laot nilit. It muse men«hat <ah. lnîended to îhrow lii Over. Iu the merning him valet came t eawa-en hlm ror the cars- train, but he told hlm that ho 'vould net go t111 elever. The ca-rrage WVhich roiied aways- sn af tert moyen, .zarried llugh Glover albat Huli O lover w'v 'xougbt it 'vas nfot bet, ter te mes y. î-hubaalgn .Iuet tow 1town 'mit At breakfast t h diS net' eppear, and 'ber silence %Id la il something cm. !noum for George anver. Aftaer breakf.a&t, lieattdown aud ivrote lier a letter. He lad lioped te seclier be. fore b loft. and liaped Io lieu- Trc:ui ler own Ilis what thote 'word, lied meant. Hie repoatci ihem aven agein. lHe vae certain that ho could have faitll abler, but surels- thcY muot have an interview If abh id bcen mieltaken in thlnkiaî that @heo aeS for him, 'veli-she muli rive hlm np.H1e muont bave now la hait an heur. WVould mli. fot corne down and eo hirn and tell hlm franks- wiat il wnm aIl aboutP When 'the mald -brought the. bIter tn lier mistrmfm roem, Judi-th, Who lied not elept all nîglit. ad Piet Tai-Ian aiileep. The maiS 1-aid the boîter by her 'bedside, and vent ava y When she avoke, if 'van th.eRound of carriage 'wheels on- the avenue. whldh awakened 'ber, the carrnage 'vhoels w'htch bore gay George Danvere.lIfe lied val- cd tiUb the laetmment. -but shie liaS gv- on ne Slgn. In ber nilence, it eeaied to hlm, las hon aingver, And wleioae awoke. Judith knew- that il rwad a ftite. -a Sisinal Kismetshe doired ual vtitaaUd. tbat ih would be no goed nov to cali hlmn back. She diS net~ write. She dtd net e«Platn, 5h. oould nal. (Ta lbe ,ontinued.) - The, daheen, a compairatively news edible, threîeîis te stîpreai- acy cf tie poInte fIt ha hcti-g' cul- tivateal in itionida with mmcli suc- cess anal witb uali profit te ils cuxîtivatýors, acordiaîg ite the Fruit- man'sa Guide. The alaslîeen staîks grcw te a heîgit cf f-rom four te six feet. The plaint bhas 'siiield-.4haped leaves, uot uinlîke ciephant's eea.rs. Eacb bll 'of dahleen ceontaine onc eor îwo large sphp-rical coi-ms, whicih gnow 'o five Potini- in weigiit; round fhem are alevelcped nîjaieraus Vu- bers, B'oth ýoi-ms nda tubens are "ike the potaVe in comipositioa, but ihey co-ntain leew-at-en. One pi-ut, wil proaluce from four te t-eu pounds ot tubons 'in good rich so. Both corne anal tubens have an. agreeabIle Tiltty flavor, anal are easiiy- digested. Thé. cok can serve m dasheen in b.e sBane waY Viat sie se.rvesa potato, anal Meen aie prepare le blanoito a hoots, forcea f rom Ie cernash ottbouses, as site alces 'Psa-ziim. 'Tie leaves, whien ten- ler, will talc. the.place o! spiltacli. 'enhaps tii. dasheen wiRu be a f a- niliar vegetable-in ou-r snarkebs be- ire, long.1 On. Sunday morning a deacou bserved -a boy iudýustniou-eîy fish- qg. After -the lad had landeal 5Ov- 'ai h. approactealanal sid: "My anl,. iV 15very' cruel Vo lipale Viat os-, heiplesa beetie upon that bar~ hook.11 Saaid theé boy: 11Oh, &&y, mister, -la ie oniy an iSxt$Ïon. lItIVain't re.a b~ug.,, -Biesi, nie 1" 'replied the deacon., The boy, litnjqa fine string-'t eb, Sawl: "So dxi thée e uokers." Only forty post-offices lin Londion re open on 8undays. lhe &arai 4florssin a pes- etly fresi condition wmes sent Vo frienal is ensureai if eadh stalk la et-ted in a piece of eplit VomaVO., foas, 61 r 'ý r mi'm UE '14PURE AND HIGHLY ADULT>- à ATEO LYES NOW SOLD. * Few products in - ""' household -use '" oï l'soi~e~inauj,,;llue todyhv ridged 74usllJ the ap ror th prmte thingsof ixtyyearsago.as rha Il r' min.gie fih.a« On- kfeeIr7 tully satin hih ae n lai nakafbar. To6keepsuet/in hot "5ter remove aind lWbte or lard is required Yu O<JR GROCER HAS, IT- tbee nbrane or ski~n f rom it whiie for greaauisg. 'Ur it is quite frfah,-then *pSmkle. tho- When -but er i o er s>red T6 'n Cuad4 &j1 jjý Mmaj,, J ughiy.wit)h malt, tie -.a aand pound' of kidney beef suetvr _________________________ aput dLWIand rnoisten ýith aiittle ,on. loth overthem beforer putting tii. dlive coh tili1 it is cf Vhe consisteny lot id on, They wilU talc. mu4dh less of butter. It is th-en ready for use tim teooc, 1nd e mcJ. nore iid can be used Ior pastry or cakes, li "than n IRdome in the. ord&- The results wiii be as good as if tý butter were usèd. on e , iisé a puding pont * g. Peel ahou>ld -b.put into ite- Canhy -Scot. àat'Water, It Ioell.ctstal tihe lue ii,,mking-, the puddving-eloth The following Btory is toIc by a- MJO mu Mur to WMh, and thu, mav- S3cottish Menuber of IaIae mue TctC Ies deal of both time and The kipper o! a trawer on naval ~n. Sies Cpatrol in the North sel. thought h. ent- ff cDaerI4 e n- get puddings',",wIth. qua wouid like some ftsh for breakfast tr~of nie sze4 bbae aid ilqqomtizeof aVall red, &>aked in > m »liiienoe<Ioperations. So oit it with suae t and pem îo"- wateç and squeezed dry -ina 8a",YWUP PçPPed a CGerinan subinarine ait some between te leaves. TMe e- ciipwn a, ada littie flour are cheaper clos by. T'e skippeIr (f rom Aber- at urey.ce.lthndbI n a_ýquitéie nouriahing a fnaein iyasaou o t a.nd earn Bn saltd"i1 u'ntil the. vegetable ia enf~~ with flour, the. prýize money when the umr of ted drain, then pour over it a Teit'j$.àt -acelai join la theii. coininander, not, 8uspeetn ;ho cu#._of'has vînegar. cc-Id tjoint naer a tap 'of cold w, tiis evil intention, oéffexed to h)uy or" Swedish Buns. - When' b'aking ter and à.ilow tViaier to run '80me fsh. So the. Canny Scot went )n- bread allow onepoulnd for bune. 0over it forî th ree mutes. Titan aIon ide, scai'is fi h-and then 1lh Work li a tablepoonfui of butter place in the ov4n toc 4eat, '-'and ft ramined the. subutarine. rand then roll out ono-quarter of an will taste ik. a f reshly eeoked ,on. do, ih'n thiokness, sprend wituh but- In- cake baking after 'greasig the .Soot-water is excellent fol le' er, then with a generous layer of cake-tin.,p ut 1Vi t i ie 0e n i lns uta otadwt wl or sugar andl dricd currants, and low1the fat too boil. Thenwihilé iV flot mix, the- former mnusv 1,e placed te sprimikle with cinnamon.- Begini et la b'oilng'pour ithe cake mlixture, in a coarsei bag i n the w-ate r fo(jr lotone endl andl roll up. Out into one This niakeýs the Mcke zn.ueut htes~ed al. ich suces. Place on buttered pan, 'd Vo rise to twioe their eize. Bf3uke leadieatrremoviug froni oven. ulig Ooo d st Engliîub 1âuin.-Scaid one pint B ia nS G o e, of mnik, ada three 1labespoonfuis_______ Lr- of butter. When iukewarm -acIc one or cake of coessdyatdsovd*i .pn.e .as csoje I osts the average Canadian sy-stematic -andl scientific way. Tie' ia- ini warm wat.er, andl adai haîf a te. fariner two dollars a ton to haul rod8 na e"raetpJdaa epoonful of sait. Begt in flour to bis produce to the market tou'xi, to rolleal." They shoul be construct- ni make a alrop batter. Beat wehI andl the raiiway station or lake port. ed 50 that water -wili quickly drain 'h let ris. for two bours. Heat and It is kn-own that tbe productionofffadoththegattapie d grease -a dripping pan with muffin fiel.d crops alone arnounts to about pressure will flot force open t.hýe rings,, haîf fil rings with batter. 40,000,000. tone a year. IV would be foundatien andlcueiu ooz et~ Place ip moderate ovein until moderitte to estimiate that 2,000o,- up anal ruts to be renewed-, ,h bron 000 o! tii tonnage is hauleal over Well-con'structed al odqs hot e French B1laekberry Tôast.- - Put roads, one way* or another; so w. distance by reducing the ýtime of Ld one cup of cannea or stewed blac~k. have $50,0(01,000 as Ccst cf team- travel. TheY woul give rise te i - ebernies in a sauç,epan with a bal-f ing field -crops by the fariners. This furtiier exploration of sparseiy W.t. cup of their juice, bring to the. cast coulal be reducecI if we iiad tIecI districts and would resuit in st boiiing point, titicken with une firet-class roads to $20,000,000, a the diboovery andl shippingof more In tabiespoonful of fleur 'whicb lias saving cf 60 per cent, leaving mnriaa iie eli 16 ben mixeal sinovh in tivo ab]le- $30,000,000 as a saving on one clàsse 1 feel confident that smneoth, hard aspoonfuls of colal water. Ad a aOf Product alone. rad oud en oe t- and ~littie nutmneg and somne sugar, if Tii. building of 'goocL roadh would titan any other, project . I believe ~necessary, and pour over six suces increase the value o! ta 'elneta etakbeaaeig ' cf dry toast, andl serve bot. Aot only lit'hé i -of citié.' rentaissance, would take place., The Spânlsh Fruit omelette. -Beat bu-also in !lie znost-rà'ý parts.' economic andi national advantagele four yoiks of eggs w'ith four tea- StuPeiidous arnounts 1 b-.' o-tbtwol n1 r iaiuai spofl ies-ugar. Adal a lecteal in taxes, andlo ii nr tcseuleïnient and de- pin-ci of sait fo tii. wbiites and beat th nation, as weii as tiie - rd, VelopmÈent -o!fkJanada woul swcl until dry ana i rai. Pour Vie yolks wVould incrense. New' townms ê114tii treasury andltii. country, wc'ld over the white's, adding th~e grateal apring -Up Ç new railway branohee- enjoy an:era cf prosperity unequ.ai- !rind c! one orange andl tiree table- would b. built, anal Canada would ed 1li hi àibstOrY. GoocI roads 'i-n spôânfuls cf juices. Mix iitty. be settied anad d-elelopeal at 'a mira- Canada would mean ._a hifier stan- Cook li hot butter until frai. culcus rate. dr fctznhp epepr fSpread witb orange pulp, fold over Our convicts coulai be profitably Vaclea bY èducaticýn anal good moil and garnisx with sections o! orngeemnployed. building ronds, !a. nlabte nesadn anai serve at once. $ag course, it le useless te have temi and a mutinai synip&thy betWeen tii. Butter-liloessue (for soup).-Take constructed iu-nle'ss oarried on in a di verse ý'peind-the. Dominion. a lump cf butter the. siz. of an egg ianal beat with two eggs until ligit, titen stir in four tablespoonfuLs cf gfouir. Drop witii a teaspoon into 1the boiling brotb anal cook for five minutes. Scetech Bralnblc.s. On. cup of butter, one cîîp of sugar, one cupi of cihoppeal raisins, one cgg, and t-he' grateal rinal anal julce o! a eion. Mix together anal ccok li a double boier. When cool, make pastry dough anal roll eut squares Mb1ce 701W home more of saine, put some cf the nuxture in attractve, and prtect it middle cf e-ach square anal bld from fire with these eau. over edge-s to make tiem in turn- tiul, sanitar ovcr forai. Pake. I *U u Porto Rican (lChees. - Season' V ~~Ig cottage cheese witii bu-tter, saI-t analM t ll* " paprika._ Pit large dates, fil-i cavi- I ties with 0the; prepared .chee.el ?î. weilîngfs.aa W alls pressing flsls st hwbt Tr w llout le* ,ý5btldlne e me very lneipmeslve. They «en b. brlglitened a lt-Ic f ii cb.se.Us.dak, esgn mu~eîeth& stls iom.. at n4 lIt.e-Maued ! I nnmrs ba ricit dates. f EbUidilu. Write for çetaogu. Rhubarb Foo.-Stew a quart cf w~5e ulbua md amshw mU dmiesgn MAh, ,, -A for a ù the frai 'N WHE care oà ment. Vto dep by Y-( 4 Cimaa, fh*rofined suMt, v Oa 'Sugr-Lefe"o! 154, s RDPATH; mu was -the tirai Casa&dlan granulated sugar,la 18,and t4e flnt 'ugu - aton Til$ I'*der lan.otety idvinoeAM&V Sugar stands,»to-day final ln- theesptimaa o! ]tenu ef tlusuadeta:fa" i.amgs 1 j--------------------------- 3L TORONTO "1 geth toge prON of ri prel ano whi froi ai no, -~ Wh --1 il f -l l warcw -,'W&M ý IZ «ý offle 'la "Doililial lintl'odueing the Dashpen. Pooled 'Em All. gives that léaviný -to th6 tion a protc~

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