Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 4

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Once .more The Wiilys' Overland Co-,of ToWdo. hàver demonu. strated their leacl hp beyond ail .refutation. T7hi evidènited by the marvéllous' quality 'of the new 191 -«- models now on disply at the company9 s salesooms,-112 to I 16,RICHMOND, SW., TORONTO. This magnificenit 5-passengeri acýompendIum of -he latest and best deveiopment., in 'autoômobile' design, 'massive ni its make-up, iefined in detail, and utterly Uýp to the mr evey particular.f O verlanci Moclel 83 This Model 83 has'a 35-horsepower motor, 33 x 4-Inch tires (wltb non-skid on rear), de- mountable ims, collapsible windshield,. one-man top, full stream-line body, with bell back, and bell cowl, dometi mud-guards, dimmfer headlights, t 8-inch steering wheel, with electric control box on steering column. -Hundreds of Toronto's citizens are critically inspecting this latest 'production, and ail are of one-mind as to its startling value, its undeniable quality, and its supirme style. Very Big Business is in Store for Q~i Cars. W. are'Exclusive Distributors for C.umies of York, Peel, SiMcoe aud.Oatario THE IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES Arrange for J D.meustratiou.- Sales ' »ýCo. 112 to 116. RICHMOND ST. WEST TORONTO Blleinzi. aWhlit6y, ILB., 2n' ugit ugClaremonti, SrdT. W. BSS Whitby, 8" 2,Brood Muae with oSL-1lt#, W, F.Batty, Br~okliu1 2idk, Sidney Bond. à0,8-od_ or CarniageHos, ,4ý bands, aud over.-lst, Bobt Veu- flou, Myrt1e Station; 2n4, N. white, Brockllu; Zrd, Disney Bros., Brook- Uin; (th i . Mc,1&,igb4un shava. ,Sec, 4.--c-arrisg or Road lHorses under 163 bands.lt G. W. Me- Lugh ,Obw;2d, :NormDan lîoIj- bina, Leskail; Srd, Dr. John Moore, ,Broojk.i; ., w; .ilton, '>Osawî6. S 0 c,15. , or,,,c ürnia5 C olt of L p.5t W . Bat-t-y, Brooklil; -Znd, J. l Pamer pioenis; rd, Dr. Jas. M oore, Brooklin. Sec. 6.-Road or Carniage COlt Of 19t4-1st, E. Fiçe, Osliaw, IR. .No., 1. Opecia-Goenf's tùrnout., Gog Brown, Brocklil; 2nd, G. W. MLauh lin, Oshava. GLASS V.-PONIZOS IN L{ARNESS. Sec. 1-Pony -bet-wcen 12and 13%~ haànds-ls1t, Smith & RiChardson, Col- umbus; 2nd, R.. j. Fleming, Whitby; ,Zrd, W. J. Liavis, Oshawa. , 8eC. 2.-Pony,.12 handi and under.-' 1it- Mr. Couithard, Oshawa; 2nd, G. Canack; Srd, Roy Hall, Brookllu. Speial-,Pony ouffif drivé" by obuld- under 16 year.-lst, 1fr. CouWi8"4 'Oshawa. Cmus vL.-CATTE. (Reglst-ered 1Shortiioru) Sec. .-Âged BulLi-lât, Wv Dry- den, Brookla; - 2nd, Chu.Calder, Brooklin., Brd, C. E. Bain, Tautonl. Sec. 2.-Bull of 191.-lst, Robt- DuIf & Son, Myrtle, Sec. .-Bull of 1914.-let, Wm. Dry- den, Brookllu; 2nd, John Webber, Brooklilu; 3rd, W. F. Bat-ty, Brooklil; 4L1i, C. E. Bain, Taunton. Sec. 4.-Cow, 3 years.and over. -lat, WnI. Dryden, Brookiu; 2nd, Wm. Dry- den, Brooklil;% 3rd, s. McCormD.ck Son, Kinsale. Sec. 5.-Helfer of 1913.- let, 2nd sud 3rd, Wm. Dryden- Brooklil., Sec, 6.-Hielfer of 1914.-lst, Wm- Dryden, Brooklin; 2nd, Orval Burton, Broughamn. SPeclal.-_Herd, 1 mate and 3 fenialci over one year.-Wmi Dryden, Brook. Sweepstakes- Registered Sbort-born, auy age.-Wm. Dryden, Brookli. li i ~yygs~1The Witby Boy Scouts, t-nOOP No. 1. BROOKLINFAIR A UN EL SUCCESU ere also preseut-, under Scout--Master G. A. Meos. ___________The boys succeeded lu demonstra- -BIG CROWD AND IDEAL WEATHi-îf. ing f0 t-be people what t-beir training B does for t-hem, sud it la sale f0 say t-batB - tbe Scouts are more popular sud areP No more favorable clrcunistancies tarlo dld lndeed upbold bier reputat-lon more respected because of their visit-« could have been vlshed for t-be second as t-be borneof stock breedlng. to B0ookllfl. annuai Sprlng Pair beld ut- Bro8klln The exhibition ring vas enclrcled ail The crovd did not disperse tror thbe on Victoria Day, Monaay, May 24t-b, atternoon by a large cnovd of specta. icone et th-eFuir unt-il woli on lu t-be than t-boue wbicb. prevalled for t-is tons, deeply lut-encst-ed lu t-ho long îîst oveniug. From t-bere tbe luterest vas no*w eli-kuovu event. The fair bud ot exhibits. Individual ment-ion of trunsterred t-o t-be Magonlc Hall, wbere been widely berslded througbout South these la impossible. a pat-nlotic concert vas given lu t-bef Ontario, sud all t-bat- vas needed f0oen- Near the ring vas locat-ed t-be band evenlng. The- hall was packed wlth a sure lt-s sucues as t-be good veut-ber, st-aud, vhere t-be Whlt-by baud vas lo- crowd st-lU ouger for ent-ertalunment sud Oid Sol did bis prettiest sud the - day cat-ed. The baud vas very generous lu êuioymeut-. The concert vas ail tbatc could not bave been more desirable. lt-s program of mugic, sud for four could be deslred, and many were t-be This made possible the at-t-ndsuce of bours provlded a splendid concert. appreciutive utt-6ances made In regard people from ail over the district, sud This, toe, attract-ed a large crowd. toIts character. Tbe selections vere t-be result- was a crovd tof froni 1,600 Furt-ber nort- lu t-ho grove t-be Wo- pnact-lcatly all patrlotlc, and t-beont-bu- t-o- 2,000 people. varlously estimat-ed, men's Ins tit-ute serve<i meuaslu a large slasm of t-be audienice vas theretore but- really Impossible of accurate calcu- te-ut and the tempt-lug menu provldod very bigli. Dr. Moore, et Breoklln, lat-lon, since t-bre vere mg very large coaxed a large sum into t-be coffens et acted as chaîrnian.' The program vas number of pensons vbo vere admit-ted the Institut. as tollova: on tickets vhlch lncluded a vbole fam- The refrosbment- boot- in l charge of Lecture, Bey. Mr. Johuston, Âsh- lly. In addition over 100 Boy Scouts Mossns. Willlson & McBnîeu, atteudef bun; chos, Bra ooto n Glo Clb; vene presont-, as veli uasesveral foot-- te t-hepasslug vaut-s of the cnowd, lu song, WMiss Jean JObsaa en, Wltby bail teanis. - t-be lineO0f Ibe cream, drinkis, caudies,sogW.AScleOha;rdn, The scene bftht-e Fuir alse, could net trui4 etc. Mn. W. Burdon, Oshavu; selection, have been more delîglt-ful. The big Tbe pnognam of sport t-ook a large Âsbburn Maie Quart-et-te; song, Miss grove on tue preperty et Mn. 'John Lplace luteIn mueet.l the Mann, Toronto; readlng, Miss C. Law- Vlpoud leuds lt-self ldeally te su event- rnrnng t-be juniors et Brooklilusud ronce, Kinsale; soug, Bey. C. P. Muir. of tits klnd. The trees gîve ample Pickering piayed a game, tue Pieker- head; *song, Mn. T. Breokes, Myrtle; sbade for spectators, t-be exhibition ing boys comlug eut- vîctonous. Th duett, Mosans. Spears & McKay, Bal- ring vas lu a place whlcb allovod senior tourna of the Me plac« es 31f un; song, Mn. E. Hazeil, Whitby; pleut-y et space for tue purpose, sud for up againut- eacb ot-bern utue aftennoon, song, Mr. C. Heury, Oshawa. spectat-ons outalde; and t-be large fleld sud aft-r a st-nunous battie tue Pick- Thoe proeeds eftht-e concert, amouîi't- to the veat gave ail tue ground noces- ering boys vere declared vinuens by lng f0 over $80. are t-o be devot-ed sary for foot-bal, sports, boy scout 1-0. A good prograni of races, jumping, entlrely f0 tue Pat-niot-le Fond. - manoeuvres, et-c. e te., vas also carrled ont vit-b a great- The Brookllu people are ludeed ou-ý Earlylu tho day exhibitora com- doal of lutenest- f0 bot-h spectators sud t-tled t-o be pnoud of t-ho succeas of menceod f0 mako tueln appeunance on contestants. t-hein second Sprlug Pain, vbich la a. t-be gnouud, and by noon t-be display A big test-une of tue day vas tue testimn of t-their neegy gnd pensîs- of bonses sud cat-tlo t-bat çould be seen prouence eftht-e Oshava troop of Boy tqnt- effort-. Ail those wbobad suyt-hlug voutd bave donc credift-to a clt-y 0x- Scouits unden tue direct-ion et Commis- f0 do vite tue Pain as directors are do-' hibition. Such well-kuovu sotpck,.broed- iener ýw. p. Baton sud- Scout--Mater senviug et praise, but especlal men- ors es Sritu & Rîcharduon, Wm., Dry- Mack Soanes. The Scouts arrivod lu tion should bo made to-t-ho wonk oethte don, W. P. Bat-t-y, R. J. Wlemlng; sud-t-ho moruing by C. N' -R,. train, suad Prosident-, Mn. Thôs. Hall, Vice-Prosi- many et-hrs of well-kuown reput. con- Dlt-ched t-hein teuts for tue day.'Dur. dent W, P. Batt-y, sud Secretary-Treas- trlbut-ed many exblbits. That- -thbe Iug tue attennoon tueY gave a demon- urer R. M. Tîpper. These gentlemen standard lu every clanssvas bigh ln stratignu of tue Varions arts which t-bey have given a large part efthteir time easlly deduced by a glance ut t-be priz, aro- taugbt drilla, manoeuvres, et-c. lat-ely f0 tue tain, sud have vonkcd un- 1sf, lu vblcb those vell-kno*'u b>reed- Vhe big bugle baud aise gave an exlil- ceaslngly and unselflshly.lIn ts inter- crs are net lu every case vinuens .of' bitionof vunious cuB admarcies, ftrst prize, showlng that, tii. coPetl- and occled ,a large part Of the aiter- . to-ion as Iuteusely keen. Sonthb on- noon iu entertatnlug thee crova. Prize Winnmers- * z,.. r-u~iuuoîu'.:î"" ~"- ~-'-'-~ ~ '-' ~ Pots and pn ucl shed their grimer and grease, and shn ike new whep you use- Gîensevryn:DU rn leavtis purity behi d it.- t5o and larger paciages. THEýN. FAIRBAK=cOA,« du Yom, won" Sec. 1.-Cow, 3 years and ovei.- lst, John Blokie, . Brooklln; 2nd, W. H. BaMson, Whltby. Sec. 2.-Houfer ef 1913.- lot, Lester Hall, Brooklin; 2nd, John Bickle; 3rd, WJ. H. Balsdon, Wbltby.. Sec. 3.- Heiter of 1914.- lot, ROY Hall, BrooU X. Baladon, y; 2nd, W. H. Bals- on, Whlt-bM SweepotaâZ.-et beef grade. any age.-Jobn Biekie, Brooklln. Sec. 6.-Best Dual Purpose COw. - lot, Wm. Dryden, Brooklu; 2nd, W.P. 3att-yBrooklil. Special.-Dolated By Uriab Jones, Brooklin, -Best Cuit fed 50 Ibo, Royal Purple Caîf Meut, by boy undor 16 yrs. of age.-Roy Hall, Brooklu. Fotbllma-cORTS-. ckrlg Football match, Sunior -Pickrng. 100 yards dash, senior-G. M. Good- fellov. 100 yards dusb, Junion-D. Lavis. Hep, stop sud jumP, senior-G. M. lloodfellow. Hep, stop, Juuip, jr--D. Lavis. Boot race for boys-L. Smith, G. Hall, J. Long. H-lgb Jurnp, Jn.-D. Lavis. Sack race, ar.-R. Kelly. Suck race, jr.-D. Lavis. Fatigue race-D. Lavis aud G. MC- Cullough. Tbnovlug basebaîl, ar-J. Hlckle. Tbroving bazebali, jr.-A . Wil-son. To Reduce Your Weight Easfiy and Quicly -* If you are ovenstout t-ho cause et your everatout-ness la lacketof xygon- carryiug power lu blood sud tuit-y as- similatien oethte food. TO lit-t-le 15 belug made into,-the barder tissue et muscle sud tee much lut-e lit-tt ge' bules et fat-. Thenetere yeu should cor- rect t-ho mal.assîmuîation sund Incremle t-be OXYgeu-carrylug power et t-he bloed. To do t-bis g..% te uny geed druggiat- and get- oillofet ene, only seld lu originial Packages ind ln capsule torm, sud tale eue capsule aftÈLr eacb meal sud oee t- bedt-lme tilt your vaight la neduced te vhat it- aboula b. on al parts oetihei body. The effect- et 011 et orilone lu capsule torm la remunrkable as a weigit- raducen sud it la pirfectly safe.--E.J. Auy drugglst can, supply you, on a large sîze box vîli be seit oni recelpf Of $1- Âddress1D., j. Lit-t-leDrug Ce., Box 1240, montreal, canada CLÂSB .-MORTED CLYDES- TO FIGHT TE GERMAN L*AO. DAIES. The Whltby War Relief Society re- Sec.1-Aed MiilionIItBmlb ~cently sent $2r> f0 the Respirator Fund RIihadson, Columbus-, 2nd, John VI-, which fa for the purpose Of 5iiPPIytag pond, Broohlilu; Srd, Wm. ormiston,' hoidiers wlth respirators, witb vhieh ]3rokn,*. 4t4 Sith& Rchadso,,theY may be protected fro02 the dead- C o bus;. h B ih & Rihzan ly fumes of the gag launched agint Sec. 2-Imported Boo lmre, îi them bythie Gerians. The. Treasurer POal-lst, W. F., Batty, Brookuin; 2ni, bas recelved* the followlfl8 aelmow- W. F.Batt, Brokul. '1reasurer War Relief Society, 1LÂS I-rANÂDIAN BRED ,Wity1Ot CLYIESDAES.Dear Madaz,-We beg 0 8acDDW- Sec, L-Stailon 1912, azid oer...st ledge'with many i ans recelpt of YOur John Vipofd, Brookln. favor enclostng choque for tÎventy.flVe aem.a3-Btaflou e 94-sW. p.dollars 025-00), being a 0OftributIoii Batty, Brookim . rOni the WlIltby War Relief BOCietY See.4e-Brood Mare la FoaL-lot , *to our ROspirator Fund. We asureY Blekle; 2nd, John VIPOnld,ýBrooklin. ,you tusg la very much appreciated. En- Sec 5.--flly of 19124lst, . .j.: closed berewith;ýi8.nd Treatueyr' Xallett, Whitby; 2iid, John Vipond; oMcial recep Brooklin. Again thanking you, Se. 6,-Fiy 0fr191- 1so, W. P. Yours truly, Bafty, Brooklln. 2nd, Chu. Groaf, ÂdadeIL. plUnlPre Oshawa, IL R. NO. 3; rd, I. Grant, Brooklin. Se& 7.-Puy of 1914-lit,-W. F. AL UT LUG ONWN Eatty, Brooklin.ALETcLU]TNWN Se1, . S.-Heary Draught -,Team-îst, AGAIN. Wm. Seott, Columbus. 1A. E. Claughtou, of ttica, has been Sweepstakes Canadian Bred Clydes. winnig horse racs aul over Cana"a da1s.W. P. Batty, Brookiin. for thi, e,-Ist ' Ly~oyOT. v Graham Bres'SPeea- Pair of. vin vasmade witbhorses uof hi. owU Cn4ian Bred Fiies.under sa - breeding and training, and mont of the W. P., Eatty, BrokiÊn. -time UÂmL» vas An the iasddia. On Mour M.-AGICULURAL day, Ify 2U;thioyterac. rider sElla CLS I.aRCUPURL Won out against a big field, la t"i HORSESrunning race't Uzbidp, wtli his Sec. 1.-Eroe . i u poa.ist, Iehestnut mare, Anc. IL NO wondri rolii furtt Wim At àblY tioný *061 Rail, Tuem Dr 1the accommodation Of Home- pgs and genieral toulstt Uaf4 * etern 'Cnada, tb1rougi- train,'carr- tourlst sleepei'5 andi cAoêl5t cars Co mmeucing juge, 1t, leave To- to 10.46 P..M, each Tuesday imtil îier notice, ruzing throue te aipeg' -I - ±entiofl 15 directof0the remrk- l ow round t-rip 'fares ti connec- Lwith Homùeseekerl'5'Excursions to, stem *Canada, via Canadian Pacife' .vay. Tickets are. on sale baci wdsy until bOctber 26th, Inclusive, i for tflO OflBWfl ré7.- ]RESlmPII4CANADL&N PÂCIPIC GREATT LAKESSERVICE. Passler -service via'- the Great ULke Canadian Pacifie route from Port, MeNilcoU viiiberesumed com- meneing satuz'day, May 22mà. The. service tuis season wl b, maintained by-tbe .steamers "KeevatinY' -sailing TuesdaYs, .-,Manitfoba' Wednedayo,, j "Aiberta" Thuîrsàayo,, and "Âssinfr bola"l on Saturdays from Port !W- Nci- at 4.00 p.m The. "Manifoba"' of Omtauîon Tho adjourned meeting of theo Coun- ,-en Of the. Corporation of thie County of Ontaro, vili1 be held ut the. court House, Tôu of Whitby, on Tuesday, the',rst day f June, 1915, at the hour of two o'clock ln the abternoon. i. Aill accounts to - be laid before the Council -uhould be forwarded tote Clerk, properly certilled, at toast thre day. before t-e meeting f t-e Coun. Dated at Whitby this 25th day 0f May, 1915. -' J. E. FAREVELIL, * County Clerk, Co. 0f Ontario. the I 'I M. La.i Absolutely pure powdered sugar- the sugar for fruits and çereals. The cartons have a mol*sturê-proof insi4de waxed kag, which pre- vents the sugar from caking. soldi n2 lb. aealed cartons Weight Guaranteed 35- HoS» IIPowex -4 q -/ i TORONTO The urget n nc< ~Çfrom îndigeioc) m trength E so that t exf.ra,,.:- nourishrneI taken. Pain àfte! way the stomiach i i wurk. 'Tu. take -pi to> aggravat-e tho ta iains' Pink Pillra g to 4k.stemachs *rioh andi purifv y th-uis enabling i~ gest food naturafl tlie fln5-t the appet fzM~' can lie taken t.he burd.n of -hI peaurs. The fýolk>i thse truth ji theýse living, in the vîse IN.S.., ay "Fo.Tr *years i 1 was tortu *tion exbmcI woulLI nbt taste' f4xJ'cl but vtuld iayse'f wîtlj a btit paîri; in Mîy SW] 'har<lly reîp at n.i fi t f rUmntîem an4 i!4'.~y rcduice. <loelfoi, th-,- i 1 I r"ad of a ca£se 1'a Lng' - p' nk p; 1 -nrw c4ourage, an- tlîern. To make i the 1-4-Ce-ft- Pi i erilorntit-w. year luid n(e retin oi -rnm ab!v te eat a Y ou e u n -g t J r y îrl at 5 lioxes for S2.5f) Ont. Sii d<'nfly lui -A i(cttit!i fa aft2r wt-iging l t jet-O fti hi achee'e whi-h ofl a hal-'f beéh: -ar,;d,.glan-cing ai ereanccl in size t( the, ie arrier, ten the weig1ht pt it, on the-- ea-ar ~-could duly vw-eiglieclt be hahavicr bý inad2 outac rier ient e6WUe n.ft once ma&- ruiing to thje chiesa. "Na, tis afurner, q t)?lt the Chazee puind." When a- peri Plie tlircat zuse press down U t<onguS o " if, th.a,- 0ils lei piee ocf potat MTe RediMi on. each -package is the-"'MarkI of Quality" Hermetically sealed against moisture and impurities. No spilling, no waste; j'ust cut a corner off the car- ton and, pour but, I the sugar. tfrQujjh1pSold in 2and5lIbo lafrd - aaled carton& Wi#eght Guaranteed P~m4 -'Lantic -granula-, ted is also sold * -in 100, lb. jute _A bags p rovid ed wit-h s nôwy white cotton linings-- and in 10 and 20 lb.1 white cotton. bags., Look. for the Red- Bail on eachbag. W.ight Guaranteed - nfctiono, icings and cakes. -Absolutely pure -sugar,-,wit.h -a moisture.-proof inside waxedt bag, which prevents the sugar -from Sold in 1I-lb. sealed cartons Weight'Guaranteed Lantic Su gara, are refined exclusively from Pure Cane -Sugar. No hand touches the sugar from the refinery- to your pantry.l Buy in Original Packag, and look for'the Lantic Red Bi on each paýckage. Ailauttc Sugar Rtelinerles Llrnited UONTleAL QU&. ST. JOHN. N. e. 1 Al il -Tc ME] CRt to y tow aboi Coni lips stat 1 1 Ili 1 -- -, - ý An 1 r)

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