Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 5

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gradaZeund veri .- uewmi; scatieis ioe Aw S Don UMa-T woù1l4 net taste a bit- o! hest.y food, but wo'utd b..se t-oceonteng nyetf uit-h a bit- o!ý-et-ae bread. At~ti-mes I ouffered,,. excruciatuig pains iu nMY tornachh, und co-nIc gt fren them--and 'usturablly 1 wuaa in a. very reduced - st-te ofhealth. 1 liad coin t-o betievë t-bt I wa o-onied for tii-o- balance'o!'my hie! te t-hie nunot onstamtto>rture, wheu I rnd ! acas n**lIa ,t-o my own, cured tfrough titi une' o! Dr. Wil- liam.' PýInk Pille. .IýIhs gave me naew courage, sud1, decidoci e- tr'y theni. To mak long t-ory short-, t-he use oitbe Pilge for, a couplIe o! niontiha eomplietely Oured me.'l3us la-some two yerago-,P suad I have bad ne réturn oft tieIncsblé, and am nable >teo est a.liheamrtya.flIa.l- auyo-ne.P -. - 1 SYOU pu.got- Dr. Wiltiains' Pii* PiII; tmroughhyou-r mecicine'deater Or by niaat 50 cenit-ea,,sbox or six boxe& for $2.50 troini Tb.Dr. .Wil- liasus, edici-ne Co, B-rockville, * ont. 5uddenly Inereased in Size. A Scottieli fermer was eue dey frifing onte wCOol tea. carrier, andi -.- aftez' weighl!.n-g tlt iti.yard he went- into trieaboute t-o 'maie out an invoice. Coming -back hoa àmd a cheene which haàd. beeu staniding on a phei! beind t-be outer door, and.giauncing a-t-thbe biag o!f -llie obusaBrv-ed t-bat it - lied suddeuly. in- cresvcd inu size.i"Mean," lie uaid t-ent-o e igbt-o' t-ba-yg.Lot's. pit itout-he seule&gain." Tue .eazrier could not refuse. eUng duiy weighed t-le* bag wae fou nd te be fieaivier by thei.weighiW ft natructoD s 1- >Yal IY1igh Coni- $0 ente.r, on a #àipf oveir Irelanci. The d~eàà hOf lMTLfu L, Nizyum, J.P., head of the. firrn of M'mers. Nuyimi, oimpr*e Dublin, oecurred at hi.i reidecee 'Brunswick &reet. >re. Rcie MrhNw . County Dowu, who dl-d rece in her it year, 1 ive* oODst daughtere, 45 î,~I!~O grTeat-gradei~idT0i. A -gigautic echeure je on fOOt .1e . ct- b. developed 94Be1- lec& by t-h. water oit LauÉ,-me aud &tLim-.rik y tli on It je propoedto niDake a8eél0ItO liet ef ithée 1tfé. sof themÏ-'Q iO Y8 of 'Mountjoy School, Dûblil, who have come forward iu the'defence of K ia 1 y a d oeuntry.a d Li e i Dublin, ,Bemlast',adLmecl rhilway wcgkeM» (have passed reso- luïtiolns pWreng for a grent t-o Irish ra&ibwayz* Uof! a.similar war bSums t'O thatieu<dfer those in Eng- iaid an Scotiand. A zumber of rffsideult* O! Caatle- wel'aeoeiderinF -.feah1 lt-y of! apUib-i eiectric' ligin- et-mtioeu,' tuirg»s moks &i menti-oed as., a .>65imblC ýsite' for 'a generating, tation. The Standinig Council Of thbe Iri&h Te<alical , Intructien A£SSciatiOn1 have, de.dd, owa-ng I t he war, not te.coaer.tIe -1915 Toohul-cal Itrtion Congreu , îiich. waa te hâve been 'eid at- Larne. Thediverd--onli ne of the D>ublin papiy le now alnMt compeleted, and pavsenger trainis are 10w irunj*nn ove.r tLe Woodbroke sud Shawga- nagh section inthe Hamrourt Street- line. .Au-ners nm hear'n t-hait t-fr>n Gairnian Emperor preten's t.ae the raie ireleefflous'in a. wey O' hia ai~.'.' Mrdoch-AY, rele~ ie like 'is goa4tfheZ. D'ye min' Ï"e iO 11ï>njflrèfizn' , a m Ono uilaSeu te cher Aa1' i low. mnc4ing te t-tiê yard, to-id heber hti. T'Fi -"A've beard 1t. -Au' whin band'tlbat, tome t-meeV tou, the t-is yin aen'aJi. wer -a. 4izr>n, or t-vaf4 Kse.~ N, u., lMeg,," rePli-rd W ' 'is7Zeppe1i ns la». drap, bouibs on c Vhs fr rqui4tlY3,"I bar 1iit Olosca -be'1l b. singing' A11,good9 se-lt- thei. diee fer t-va aIi-liiilie te ius oaefrein bve.'"t punci." 't4 ' -Wbheu a pereen liii a fielibone i' Yaî « : If om n.w«e'r so tieuhra~ in- t t-be foefingersud ilmulsd-stO' <attyou a -lier, prem6 do-vu -spo-ut-le seat- fthle colou1, libawët-ligbt- vouMiIYeu t-en 00 M te induce. vomiien. regard thb e-"il If th.LaMele ibbi-hm '"8,10w, a large Kenucnky Coklo-nl: Iivo-nid e- pieece of pot-aô or -ÏOft- breas, and gard lit oisuly as a terni o! suicide, if t-b... ai- i gve a must-ard emet-lesiâ." -s TORONTO-S- MOST' POPULAR SUM- MER DISSIPATI0ëKIS CIT-Y DAIRY ICE, CR~A 41iedeminci has spreid from year ,üiyearüitic tis no o.n sole inIiearly every town inÃ"ntarl'o. There seenitoh sornething abo* ihe l*fSefcà*ijda that nmaltes :it the confection that everybody craves in warm wehr icodoheildien c*rigrown* ups, à itmltes no W1ference W-hat your state or r saton.Cîy airyler8f is most refresh- sin. C~sity D yan dcestbe --r «#rDi1i5 Y~,,tIun hD*PP 5eyh Look for the Bign. a e t s E a t as theO T8it Of s'u eluding ithe grandcbildrefl wo9 r reaAly the,.worst 01 ail. Tlhey are o0 impudent thât we cant eveu' njya rage eau ini peace. *They aig we carry diséqse geliflion our hiiry legs aDdýsiblgy feet. Js think9" and ashe 'wiieWaY s <u- ,Dg teaorl, "11 jour chi!dren gO-n amd ye asie & re Jeft withD a to pour.akf, çwe 5nImO~t E Or barns, and evegP lh. ve 4se lisreld md h plSC. $' eh ourj eggs. Oh, de&s 1 'l amnor ng 0se shy pince I ha.w been sw î dat e«)often that' rdede at every movenlent.N Eiodyto-oksaa* n&in a frienýdly w&Y any moapre. I keep out <4 rese, I can -tell yeu. Oh,j rwish ue 900d oid tinTes would returu."y 'i Nova :cotia tase Of lIterest te AI! WomôN.. te Many People. Haifax, N.B., Dec.. l5.-wuen inter- viowed ait, er homo at- 194 Argyl -et., Mra. Havèretock was duite witting te talle oftber pecutlry nfortuilato case. 111 was atwaya 'blue' and deprosaed. 'toit woWk. ia-gud, and utterly. unfit- fom au>, work. My istofiaâh was so disordlOed that I bailne appetite. What Iidfi est- disagroed. I suife!'.4 getty trom dizzinossansuaide bead- ache and tearod a nervout breekdowli. Upon my cdrugglst's roccammendatIon I used Dr. Hamiitoni's Pilla. 111 toit botter. at once. Every ýday 1 Impro-ved. j, six weeks I waa a wel YIýman, ciird competely atter differ- e»ýphyiéinsad failed to heIp me. I for thdia reason that I itrongty urge'sufferèra with atomsch or d'ges- Ulv. troublea to use Dr. Hauiiltou's *.Dr. Hamiltoii's Pilla trengtben the stemach, Improve diges tion,, streugth- on the nerves sud roatere debititatod aystelni to beatth. By cleauslng the btoed o! long-standing Impurtie, by briugiug the system to a biet- point of vigor, they efectuatty obase away weariuesa. deproséion asud isease. Good for -youug or o-Id. for meu, for women. to-r childreli. - Ail dealiers oeil Dr..,U&mflto-u'5 Piléo! Maudmalte and A mnan to hunit as udItook-, juiê thru 'bzegt- neye 6 l -intiheir duty ot straimiug the imipur ýties oufb l ci tIi bΫýd, wiro 1' a -g004 j, < ,~r toailé p*rto of Vh. body. attl, frocin fsfeen Wte - tiw fl TheqaoeOd i.g to-cure the. kidueyu peuid, n a eewhI"ngtîwoaivea, Eiea Aï Vou OrlI Pw.If-ousd1fmn1faieda90mi mun. "very nan," said Uncle Ebeo, Tour ;c. F haveu't U" iwm& kyou ni h Ti. uhý? Er ci iiî tggsts -'ta "thinks he's right nies' of de time. ailTp2% FrfkIaYfhk b r a.b»'t 1- theul. ' Nearly every use ony whe t-be sealle 3vantiflg, An',-dé roi' ofde tue he thinica bis tsmi-ly in e a Csu 4 1s i gor baIl as th e sale ist-h o nly -u > n - m istaùe . la puffeeily excusable."ý uïsid Doded's id:e Pi-li. ard. - When Sultan of Turkey, .Abdul- uk oiMlse'sma ~~suoossw Harnid poeeesiOd about twe t-heu- goIfS 0F ,PEERS MILLED. ÇOLICKY CIjILDREN teIW4aa ak i.werebuldpo. eofttu ihfeu of Ilarqilli OfNothampton A Highlandm anifrom Tberinezy »eaOjÀthers Woundcil. Colieky 1chil-drem cau b. roiply asicecititiprice ef a- railwoay ticket' XzfUinW Iumnt Z.umlmlo i rtisaiL oureci by Bab's Own T 'bet.b-fo enn b n 9 4ie o- b' l i i . ug OTTOI Off icial ad unofficial cu.ualty 810heeTbt.st4rcyonte Oban ra.iway ataitli. Seb BYIIECBEE OÂO5 lit ubihed include t-ho namea t-h. atoma.h auci bowels and cl'aeae. 9èr. 4ïheE O.T ,~. or tan20 oficrs m.n c tar o ~mTiutia.Çeîunguuch," poe h cek-"o pecially selscted "andGOVOwrnhIifl mres mther i th ritoac.the ,1 Ç' e'rrn awa'-"irelied Donald', "it's far AnsîLfr si nyimle unll Aaou tbekitci tar mervi., ti Mr&. o-JderisId rtherwa-k." nd r'Dolarper'busbol Lo.b. Brami' h.savte ReHohaci not pre- au w'to.nfotnwptte.Pries., fleutenait W. F. Rcdney, ci the usaci B4tby'e DWi Té-bltand-am 5150 Dollr é uD0155Ur5 Pie ani l flý*ïýg çoie- ion cf the late Lord giaci to say 1 have fowd,-ther n cedd ar hn ti.tai1a.'w~ ~ ~eon odiy';LQd "Pner Douglas excellent medicine for èoic sud I1f the aion. whistlinas itl er ayalodr.I .DwOl rm Conti, a ieuteiiaflt in -the Herse ef aieep." Tii.Tabletis ai'mesoli byedtb tiol.".edumhile1. O 1ads(so fo the -late Marquis of meddiie dealers Or by mil et 25fr'ne! adD al;"'mdye NWAPR FO SLE NorhaiPtO~ aci roter ud eircents s box f rom The Dr. Williams' amn offer ince, an. ye wadna taYc <W N oI 2 and brther ad heirgTig o.niomt no' e t- d Ontreigo tdwbg o! -bepreontMaqui; Leutn-Medicine Co., 'Br-oekville, Quit. it-; sae ye eugac .la n &-- flees for sagan 'd ntrlgor-izWM. anit, Keith Anthony Stewart, o-f the-bn e 4'cmm - imsî n zblthn ýonP% 0 BImci Watch, son o! the Earl of Wha.t h iti -<Wt AdLde 8. oronto. Galioway; cl'wpt8i~E' poo A coliege professr who wais 1 r'ZSN.5O» t-ho Royal Riesuo!Vson wayii ready itor a j-oke wazs afkled T - j*U EC -eu l t l .L r . . 8 t d n n d ay if he w o u ld i a B k 1 'O t p i Tylu Sr S, m e LUai4P . r itC . Cavenantîh, o te l L ancas- a go.od reoipe for catdhing rab- '@ifhId 1111 vi un bafototih"' Cav-en.ah, Ryal LaLas-itai. ollingwood. Or,!. ters, la iisted as wounded. He i5 a fossor "Wtbati-s itl,' W elY0il ou -ýMosbeelg s db1v a brother 01 the Duke of Devnsiire. eroucb dvwn be-hnd a tbik atone gPeree'ggcewb JZai Aimong t-be wounded as ar liu- wali and niake s nose ie a tur- içM uancur'.,W ynotpro ., tenant Chartes Huntington and miie"si h Lieutenant G. Bruce, son of Lord nip." Thât ma-7hlu" aici te ? CycleLssas'5SOYowv professor, witb a twinkle i-n his - Bruce. _ _ _ eyes, ',but a btter w ny t-han t-hait1.X au0 #qi __ _w-ould be for you.- t-o go andi oit-M -d Fr aI o1e RMU M ce bo. 1u1811 MS CaiIed o Ii. quietly in a be cd o abbage beade ' - -17 P~ g An Ir-Lîh eiaii apptied at thée wharf and lok natural." 9 for work as a gtevddore. He waè *only tourisud a- hal'l fee!t in height, rand the boss was idubéous. "W're l oadd'.ng 33l.anvils luto that d steamer," saici ho, "and a little chap like youirsolf couldn't hancle te uek bauclled -the anvila 4 'md a-llright. *~i WoueR Work Ail Winter,,to. )Iing 1The carg- aoue-F, !l'twe n " Prouet teMahetla prig. theho oli don tbe boss heard s As sopn as 't-e roada aore fit for splaâh. -Re ranV- t*.he rail, aind, foot travet tth. Ilidian wOuien wl1 tooking.over, aaw P ,ai strugg'iliS come beau it-hein-homne, lWing *10l in the voiter. "T1hrow me a rope 1" W .ondroua <meutIons ln bmakot-ry ad he yetled, -as ho went undér. Be qui-Il yvork ThroughoutlJe *in-- camme up, ca-lIed for a rope- and a ter tie women spnci t-eW- days aud went uncier aga-mn. A.ain he rose a Co evnnswrigonterba r.t-o thle surface. "If you don't gya It tok k;.ibeb Y&ÃŽYW throw me a ro-pe," ho ipuutite-red an- gat-her, prepame sud veuve bausketsa.Ipritly, "111ni going t. cdrop t-bis ani- Frei euesprig teanothor -bevil." w0mau la gat-bering ieveet- gnou. __ basswood bsrk, btack lasb, hedge- Laws ot the Moral World. - W9 hog quille and w-bite, birct bak -fer tun lier vomi, Sometimea having te go Tii. mormal iworld, li-ke thbe mater- paigi miles intotibiawoodsa $0 peel t-helI u i u tt ! tbeoU-1- f roar bark, slay t-be hedgehog or gatiher tibriumn by t-beombined ac1tion. o! t-be grasses from soine wieyside two laws. As tho planeta are kept ~ creoit. -il their orbita by thbe batancod - Tbse ee-prs, ch j.a a wlld cout-eradtion of tue cent-ripetsi fragment re gwan ad grows<'ou'ance cntrifugai forces. o ne homoral thle bauka o! creecisandi pond., la universe i-s maintained inluharmeny gat-red in t-be fait. Before it can a-nd seffitiec nov hy ti co-npto- bo woven or sewed inte basket- i t mentamy action o!'t-be two great bas t-o be molled acrom "ibe hot au-r- laws of vicarleils love snd person- facSe o. st-ob. WIi.n it îba, beau ai re.ponilbiity. stâtted by Paul in suofcbedlyreileci about aud ab- these ziniple terns-' 'Bear ye oe eobc neugh heat te niake i-tsuit- auot-ber's burdens," t-bat b-ong ale for hem purpose, th-be nin the leW of love; "Le.t every manj t-le int- L o ne en di sn d hang a prove bs ovin w ork ,' - th i b edn g it leaci dewnwàSd upou a nait o-n the law eof individual reesponsibil- ,t-be out"id waIl o! hr bouee, or ity.-Bruce. hooka i-t ove-r a t-mes branc i nlu the --96____ ___ sun. Tihis grasm lias'b-e-rauseci by WHN INE COE t-he Indiens 'for geaieratené, aind HN UNE CO S at-hough souxe omumercal basketO. ~ ttoav a'dAp- ut at-sturers bave begun its use, te t-be-lt ares de net bave t-be weaing tte quality o! those mde by the-Inda-n A god appetite ia the bet auace.- - womsu basket weeavers, beeau&as it It ge al-onig way tovard heiç,ung we net dri-rd by -baud, and it-bus les nluthbe digestive prooees, sud tiliat ils flexibitt.is bonelyesential $0 lealtu and Cthem wrk doue by t-becs I- atmengtb. din omen le of! w-bite bi-rh bark Ma-ny pensons bave founci -t-b-t - urimu-sty embreided aud enibe.-ra-eNuta 'fod i-s net oniy neur- li&Wed ivitht hedgehg quill. Tqiâising but la a great appetizer, andi reeptaolea are t-rimannd' with kads chitdreu 11h tâi ta-et.e ofit ad o! aeet graus sud tasalsed off vitb grov atrong and ro"y frenilta uns. a fibre ma-de o-f baeawoed brk- It i. esapl-y t-be fod to niait his fibr, hich'. mej"eesk> course a wiak st-omah at-roug and ere&te -yaM, - la ade by boitiugtbe brk aun sppetite fo dinner, tintil o!t-h. right con&iïsency, toiiu "I m 57 yeairs elci," wr-tes 'a draw.-ug itt-rough a lcite i-n a boue graudnotuio,", ad bave haW à o-r tne unt-it tt latwistrd inte weak atoinsol frin cildhoed. By stra<nds. ' -Itla t-heu dr winlu thbe great, cars aâ,Vo- ne d it Ienjye -4 4 sun ad wQiefr d ýed la re dy for reasoua bIe .degnre o-f ' ea it-h, but bmitslng or for wàâtever pur.Pese iever flûu &Da.ythiM e 1wa itis te be put. CÙra4se..Nuts a a s -a siadby . B.l.ak no-h let-ho wood mat-erili "W-hn I have no appet-te for p scd for bai!t-ry. Tis aah je fit- breakfta ndjut esto-kepup Poundurd wi-t- a dulli imptement n- my t-rengtb, I tske 4 tsaspooufu-l til itbegina te plit. A beavy.'tuLe. of OiIpsNdtO -wth ged ridu iiii i-s t-heu ruu under tb trpcure-ý andi wl.u dinner cornie I ar n n- !ully removing t-hem i-n 1h deaired ' rY. hleif ig itou-snyT vicitb . Wb-en-t-bey are né-eded'tley _- fa" - 1 I- 1 -ee e l lký.tI are firt1 lainlua bùciceit O!wa.rm d 'e.Gripe-Nlts for 1,reaýW&at îater, whicfL etftens tem i Ï0 t-bey !.* em & znm a lie th Y app , canbe vyo iitho-tbreaking. fordimer. . Hem liedgeber quillisare dsmipeued-,"Mytittie n U55 ekvith by placing thèm» » bq 6 f Wî*fltheo 'l"$ 1 va-t-or wile ae je workin. Hem ,ueiirW b.ka.put, lo a wrm Oeu. O - ~ Ij'iW$135 F'renen-Iyabs' nemty:veatber pin' " 1 , q. Who if he -suit"a.blete bauhtviea.vlug sud ý- 1j iw o Xpe t-iire i o r uso tl4n 4 g .- l. - -,tWnso Ot e , t-heir Woýk "o-ber-L'yard nd'the Pyeùgs -tlrely..;1%r;s ýfl. any a woen i bo-tlhiiks mli wd motbe-r la ouly a dave te mny of a chiid. reington's mon and officers of- fojug'ht through s wlole cam- ;n wxtlhcut receivingi a letter n home. Xlaaoe'à Zduimsut la tueh m@u. i pj;' STUDY Arts Comurse euY. S c H O0O-L Jcs, a"d AvoW5T RT DUAIEN DC S O Ir NI E R IT cHEMIAL MRIIANCAL 'CVlu 8 t<1NR : Guo. iT.*CH0WK,,Egat GUTT~ Ford ownmrwiefi Our itJg . MEÂUiCesS ÈïWaceter ttléo- If ancosCan gîve yQen ib fation, It lea s"PETERBOROUGH?' AIw«s aud evor theaue if, rne e*vc, moisI.trengtb sund-fln. lsh Ovr tttystylos a -d i aies. Write- for catalogue. The latest canos lu tbo Peterborougb canvas covered. Ask for iliustrated tolder. Skiffs for the pepular Outboard Motoms. Io-vOr Lauudhes5. all siteisud. pow- e laý ors. Get tolders telflng ail about theso. PETERBOROUGH,'ONT- M'Oert.rl"v Dotom $ 5 Motor $5at Freight ,Prtpiâd t$0 a y R eailway sesion in Otario. IIgh10 F Bàm a t9'. DeptE 1 i Et. Ol.MtMOO61~ e.ic.OlNé. 2B lvln< englOe Prim .on reQue C et- our quotitiofli 0~-ThS Penta l in" anSlSdP eure Lalinhes, Row boatssuCio. TEE tDLY BOAT CO., LIMITD, PÇN ETAG A~ 'PerfectlifeafFPor -Any Kin-d of Cooking, ClTRIiCE amt-n* lois than -a.innute the 'NEW <O PPERFECTION Oil Coo-kstovois glving ful, eas , ii regultod ~at1or",y kind of-cokiUg. Tho EWPJWETîiq-gme's youp, toc, a cool, condfeftble *lièhn No ouwokgtno odor, no goal, ausrS orL yo. 1 1 - dl"ruh OW you the NEW FEkR tody, 'lu thie1'2,'à Ia&4 biàer gMme. If ho cau't supply y,io write ROBAUUkL £RAiVCRES -cmKS -'IL ~ 4- ýARCHIVES -0 Ni ý 1 ý te lue bottlen NOW SEMNG

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