Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 6

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coutrlbutlonWu8 wT, 77Bt the end of " 'Sruit teà yarsWJsich look& beu- toyion, The Equlty Life là the total abstaln. ens Company. If luterestd write fer Iurther partliml8T. fle 1 nwbso tudic, bis owm IUtorWwin pilmitu TbIlt w2lhou be ui L. W. DUDLEY, H.WTHERLAND, àProaldênt £Gà eri lugr MRS, WALKER Organiat ot Ail sainte' ChurCli, Wbit. bye amd teacher of piano and slinglng, will teacb ln Whitby on Saturdays. Pupils prepared for examlnatiofl. ATTRACTIVE TRIPS To Muekoka Lake$,,0.0 rgan Bar, French River, ma ntswa Rier, areof B sAlionquln Parr, 0,Timaithetc. Round - ri 0v ona ice.nW on calefrom ncertain stations is la to at v0t7 Iow tarai, wtb liberal @ top-over. _____ Levu-MISKOKA EXPRESS LevnToronto 10.15 a&.. dally. except Snnday, for linakoka Wharf, Huntsville, Agonquin Pr and North »ay. Connections are made at MUshoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakeg and at Huntsville for points on Lake of Baya. Parlor.Librazy- Buffet car te Agonquin Park; Fro-,brr-aocar and fratdos coaches to North Psy. Fo- u par. ticulaca and tickets on application to agents. 11.Iitopbeson, Agent, phono Se, Whltbr lany Collages close for Vacagtion at idiumner. Our (Jolloge doe not. Toronto, Ont. sa atrictiy irot..cless. Non@ botter la Canada. Enter now no aun to taire a posi. tion in the early fMIL. On@ graduate writesI My new pooltlonpayu three timn what 1 got at teaclilng ochool loe .than four yeareaq,.mt prViona to entenlng ou ol e pl ced thlsyoungrman nposition after graduatng and1bave now placed him again. Catalogue frue (1r, Yoag à il W. J. Millon, aObarlesamPrincipal F. E. LUKE. 0 EYRAOTI3 G 0 OPTICIÂN AT ALL]N'S, DRUG STORE> W)iTBY rS DESDY , MAY 4 '70 YONGE STREET. Corner KIng Ste, Toronto. CONTRÂOTORS9 J-. le)WELL JAMES Carpenter,. Builder and' Contracter. Plans drawn and estimates furnished. Saab, deers and trames. Agent for Brantford Reofina Box 467 WHITtIY Pho-no 149 C. IFOLILEST 9O0NTRAOTOR AND BUILDER PLANS 0? .&LL DESCRIPTION FURNIED. Residonco, Thornton's Corners ?oe41, Oshawa. THREADOOLDBROSe URPENTEhudMBUILDRM Aitoratiens and Repaira. WY5T lS.85 swom OUARÂKTEED. ApplY Dzains St. Weat or P.O. box 408 Tolophene No. 132, Oarrlok à Walklngshaw Dundas Bte, Whltby, Ont. (irl door west ef Peut Offie)> DENTAL W. ADAMB, Dentist, Office, Dzains Stroot, ResMonce Ne. 4, the Termes, ]Byro Street, Whitby. Phone No. 128. JAS. EISKOP- Oshawa,, Liceened Auctioneer. SucSoe or te I& IFairbanks. For term aid dates appiy tW self'er G. Robb, Whitby. WHE. HAW LICBNSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUAT.,OR. Al hindi et sales promptiy attendet _ te. Arrangements fer sales cen bo mado at the Gazette Office 1'erms rensîable. Bell amd*Independent phonos. WIITBY, oMT. Si Wu WALK ER Pump Eanulaturer essuUsor to E. W.EVane nup Dandu mtoatWbltby.- Throo oos voit fWhtbrNoua. W@ mi'opropam o teinstawiood or lmvmsoit - o4 -notie,&Wslo t ùqà o, u kidset repaii. Agmats for dmho Ontarie vIai miii paslfte onginos. Wlsao-EUJO, la&, M OLtawa wîçu the voucuursatm whevo itlah '%rofuly ehecked wifth the records, on Ile there, Sheuli ýWbitby raine moesmoney than la roquiroi looaily, tee surplus 111l b. usod lsowbe?ô by tee Nation- ai Commlttoe. Should' Whttby net raise eaeugh fer its owa needi, -'the Natonal Puni wlli b. drawn upon for, whatovor sum may be-needed. As long au there ls>a 'dollar on"hbai preided by the Canadian people anyviioro, it i.l availablo for thé aaaiétaée et the sod- torK, familles regardiesi et where teey live ln Canada. W. dosire te raioe much more thon itli be roquired locally. WHÂT A FEW 0F THE SMALLER P4C4S IN ONTARIO HAVE DONEC. Berliun population 18,000, haye raisea $96»00. Welland, population 7,000, have rais. ed $25,000. Waterloo. population 5,o0oP hava raised $34,006. Belleville population 10,000, have ralsci $39,000. Brockvllce, population 9,000, have raisci $27,000. 110W THE FLJNDS WILL BE RAISED on Thureday and Fnlday, June 3rd and 4th, the cîtizens et Whitby wlll be given tbe pivilege of contrlbutIng te these funds. The canvasslng willI be done by tour teama ofet ctizenu, each composci et eig0t members. Headquarters have been established lu the Counili Cham- ber. GERMANY BEFORE THIE WAR. The patrlottc meeting hield lu thee mu- sic hall on Wcdnesday eveniug afford-,? ed an opportunlty te Wbltby people to llsten te eue et the meut eloquent addresses heard lu a long time. Mr. Norman Somervîlie, barristor, of Tor.é ente, was the speaker, and bis subject was Germauy betore the war, and Aus- tria Immédiately atter ýwar was de- ciared. Mr. Semerville was wtth 1a party et Ameticaus touring Germmny betore the war, and the partY'crssei the trontior Inte Austria the:,4ay be- fore wan was declared. Mr, Somerville described lu Most beautitul language the. perfection wbich Gerum manufacturera bad sÏ& miut nnebefUSAt, and bern neet summedered lu Kiel barbor. Thon Wouid 'comefor Genmany a few years et- great naval ghewtb,: and Engla would b. smasobed, and Gerniany would beoeme -the dominant power lu the werld. lu Austria, lu 48 heurs attor van was1 4eclarcd, 250,000 menwere mobillzod1 ani reaiy fer the borderaet te, Tyrol for action,. luAustia1 Everywbern otiaamd lenmany tee meut loyal and enthualastie sup- pont la given te the war, prognam et the milltary party, The wemen surreader their sons and fathers adhuebands te the cause witb tbe Most unselfis i cheerfulaeam aid though thein bearta bleai teey rejeice ln the hboer Olt s»c rifice fer their country.1 Every Industry, art, science- and, even demestie lite, lo ergaizod and perfectéd, aIl te the eui that the ceun-' tryrmay become the greateat. worldA power. I"WarIo latheir'motte; - and- for ,wan they live." "My gold ane blood for the Kaiser," Io the slogan'0f the peo. ple. Canadians, Mm. Somerville said, den't kuow there lý awar ou; andilu al Canada thoeelu no more happy and prosperous town thon Wbitby. Thene should bo a standard et sacrifice and service set up hiere,- as in Germsiny and Austria. THEM CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. Mn. H. B. Ames, M. P., Henorary Secnctany oft-the *Canadian Patrietie Fuud, was tbe second speaker at the Patrlotic meeting. The great war, said Mr. Ames. wIll be the dating per. led for al histery. Hiatoriani wil say such an eveut occurred befone the great war, or atter the great wa.r, as the case may ibe. Itl w11take Gernny centuries te lino down the stigma of thîs war. Belgium. France, Bitain, and ber colonies have stoid the test_ lu thls great conflilt. But unleas Ca- nada deu ail liat ubo lu able te do, she will net have doue ber full duty. Mr. Amen maie -a revlew et what bot been doue by -the Geverument ot For -Sais by Têoer Vi l Rosidon tial Propoerty ln the Town of Whitby SOUTH WARD The -placé known as the Pearson property is hereby offered for sale -by tender, either en1 bloc or, in -separate lots. 52 ft. X210 ft. 111 57 ft.x'z10 t. 52 ft. X 105 ft. 52 ft.xlOIft.52*ft.zlOuft. 1152 Lt. X 105ft. Maitlas.d Street Lot No* I -Facing on Brock -St, 52 ft.- with a depth of 2i0 Lt. On this lot there is afIramie building 17 x grf t. one and one -haif stories high. Lot No. 2-Facing on Brock St,, 57 ft. with aý depth of 210 Lft. On this lot there is a two and on. . halL store>' frame house, 40 IL 6 in. X 24 ft. with 'rear addition - g ft. Xc 20 ft. 6 in., which can. readily be converted into a good double dwelling. -Lot No. 3-Facingron Broclc St. 52 t. Depth x05 t. Lot Nd. 4-C'orner Brock St. and Maitland Ët- . Brock St. frontaL e 52 ft , Maitland St. i05 t. Lot No. 5-acing Maitland St,, 5i t,. Depth 104 t. Lot No# 6--,-Facing Maitland St,, 5 2 t. . DePth 104 ft, On -each lot, except lot No. 1, there are a number of Young truit trees--apples, cherries and peurs, Tenders, addressed te the uÛdersigned, for an>' of the above lots or for the whole preerty will b. eceived üp to nodn on Tueosùy, June 1Sth, 1. Io tender necessailyaccpted. Barrieter and ýSolicitor, Whitby, Ont., 'Solicitor ior.the Vondoro., rimus aflua uai. - SCol Farewell, seconded by Mr. J3. B. lIdlavw, Moent ahoarty "Vote Ot thanki 'to,.the speakers, 14188 Taule, ofthte 0, L. C., and Mr-, IL. Hazell sang appropriato solos. . Mayor Warren,,prestded., ï Oi the Plattorm-were seated the 'etf f1leersof.- t1le Whitby braneb,, memberi ofet ti. Xejitve committee and others. MUr., George Pringle, et Peterboro, was ronewing 016 acquaintances-bore. lai wek ~ are aîways pleaod t hae Mr. Pringle tg our midet. Ptr. Louis Hubbeli, ef Torento, ipent Victoria Day with. bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. i ~..KHubbell. Miss' Gladys Johnston, ot Whitby, was the guest ef ber cousin, Miss Lelah Jebnaten, recently. SMnB. e; Geoffrey, ot Toronto, spent the Week-end wlth ber , aut, Mrs. Hartle.' Mr. and Mns. Welr jnetored from Port Perry on sa-turday and called at the parsenage. fitate efOhilo, City oE Toit-do, ga Luemasvount, -4 vWaBSb J. Ciiency makge ontil ibat beisasou - tn««erefiru Of P. 3CheneT &aCo. doing rù5ii lu1,11. Cty et Toledo, Couot e'gtV i4ue aforeuI&d tha.t sai .S'inl.t p*ytb@ .iluof ONtUDRD DorLARC for caai anJemy "cs*etautrhthscanobcr7OMCd HaI'a C 'tArril cure. FRA NKC . MoiiW 8uoru tobefore me and subscrfidii =y preu. ence, tOÙl 6th day of Decenibel. .D. iMc. (5<5) A.W. GLICABON, Norav yPUBLIC. iIl'uCatarrh Cnrs 1,1 ake,. InteruIiy.ald acta dlrcctly on lte bloc snd inucoul aurlaao 9the sYotem. Send for testinioîîlsl't tra F4l. Ci"13N £y Co., Toledo, o. Sold byoull daul q. Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE OF JANE WALLACE BAIN, LATE 0P THE TOWN 0F' WHITBY, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, SPIN- STER. DECEASED. C Notice ls hereby given punsuant te -lie Statute, that ail pensons having dlaims againut the spid estateofe Jane Wallace Bain, whe îlot on or about the 4th day et May, AD. 1915, are me- qulred te seni W Jr E. Farewell, Whlt- by, on- or betone the 101h day ot June noit, particulans of their dlami duly verifled, aidnotice la furlier given that atter thc lat named date theai- ministrater wlll proced te dîstribute the sai. estate, havlng regard only ho the dlaimsetfwhicb he shail lien have JO ~THOMSON, - e T Adminlatrate?. J.B. FAREWELL, --48. Selîciton fer the Admlnistraton Persona] Mention* Misan 4lllvan spent the holiday at ber home [lu OakvIlle. Miss Newman upent the hallday at her home lu Dunnvîlle. Mr. and Mns. C. Osborne spent tic holiday lu Bowmanville. Mme. T. C.« Osbrne bas gene te Bow. manvîlle fer a few days. Mr. Bert Seldon, ef Tenante, Wa8 home for the holiday. Miss Lililan Tliompuon, et Torento, was home fer the holiday. Mn. E. 0. Shannon spent the holiday at bis home lu Napanee. Mlii Ruby Toms, ef Omeme., upent the 241h with ber parents here. Mn. anid Mru. E. E. Sleep wene home for the holiday wtth thelr parents. Mn. uni Mns. Fnnk Seldan, of Hum-t ilton, were in tewu aven the holiday. Mn. James Robentson, of Pont Penny, spent the week-end wlth bis parents ber.. Mn. Rot Pannlub, et Burlngton,a scent the week-end with tienis Ilu town. Master Alfred M4ewat la visitlng wlth is granipanente,, Mr. and Mmi. Cee. Mowat. Miss Patzey Woodward, et Terontoe waî ut Mr. e. Mowat'i even 1h. bol- Iday, Mn. aid Mn, Gillies, et Hamilton, were.gueste et Mm. and Mmi. C. SeldeIl oven the holiday.,, Miss Violet Mîller, et Toronto, spent tbe holiday with -bon aunts, Mns. And snd Mns. Jenuinga.- Mm. and Mns. Chas. Blow, ot Oui-9 uaa spent th. week-end wlth Mm.,ani Mns. M. L. Jenlnge. Miss Muriol Le Motter, et Toronto, wua the gueît er miss Goldie Jeu- ulugO over lb. holiday. Missels Minute uni Grace Hay, et Te- rente, spent lie week-end aI the home et thoir aunl.Mn.. Jes. Kean. Mr. Chas, D. Gordon, Manager of t'l" Dominion Bank in Bruampton, waèn lown over Sunday and on Victoria Day. Mn. und Mmi. James Nicholson uni. tamlly metored te Cldwater and speut the bxoiday with their sono and daugi- ter. Mmi. Hall anid augliter, et Toronte, were with the tormer'e parents. Mn. u ni Mns. Aloi. Whitelaw, tor the holi- day. ýMm. and Mmi. Cee. Wllonrs and tam. ily, -motored tnom Toronto uni spent the week-end with Mmi.. George South- well. 1 Mr._ uni Mme. Th7es. Wilklis, uni Mn. Stanley Wilkins, et Toronto, speut the week-end wlth %4,ad Mmm. Gnaydon Goedtellow. '>, : li AtleShow , Mn. HurY Wl1. cou andBMn. David Young, et Toronte, apent tho'Week-end with Mr. ani Mme. F. E. arirson. Mn. anti Mra. C. Q. Frazer, iid'Miss M. H. MacBeth, e«'Toronto, were boli. ' day guesta ut lhe home et C. A. uni Mre. Goitellow. ,1 . .Mr. and Mmi, Sama. Jamvis, et Ottawa, aid Mr. John Balo anti sou, from. Osh- awa, metorei from Oshawa uni spent 1Sunday with Mr. aidcro. Wm. Bals- -Mr.-TOmpso8n, Mim If. ThompSen, MinesLillian -Tfiempsen sai m. V. Maffey,' of Toronte, spent tee. holiday vIiti Mr. aid,,Mnr. W. la. Thopef.- Fi.......... --1.00 Eueklïot........0.751 Dats......... ... ..0.601 RIW Ciover ........... 9.00 _ Alsilke'elever, pgr bushel 8,001 Fleur, per ew.. . *37 -Cbopped foot, cwt. ..2.00) CorMoal-....... . --.-2.00 Bran,- per ton.......... 28.00 -shorts,per ton.....0.00 Rzoyal $Baking Powderisd Of tartâr-derived from g ýCntoJw No- 1m1a1- :ed food., r wvhich a Cream Causda's ta retlned itu sr, "Ya Olde Sugar Loeta"oet1854, wua EDPATH; se wau the tirs Canadian grsnulaiad sugar, la - 1880,anid the iret Sugv' Cartons la 1912. The leader ln cv.ry ivance, Sugar sanids to-day tirai -la the estimation of tans et thousanda et Canadiau tamillas. -iàn a &"ài lb. Cartons. 10, 20, se0aud 100 lb.age. QMAD IGiMa nomDI W.IG oe . UNITID Mr. N. (Granger, wbe bas been at- lenixg -0. E L,-T. Ã"nnit lu last Louis tor th attree wceks, was [n town on Tueiday. Mmi. Granger and chlidren, wbe bave been visiting ln tewn. returned enWeineuday te temr home lu Searberret,- wlth Mr. Oranger. j- Many Përsons In town, wvbO bave taken much care te keep. thoir lawns' and flower beds appearing beautiful, cemplain that careless or wantonly de- structive Persona walk across the cor- ners et the lawns ln turning trem one street te another, thus tendlng Wo wear- a path acroa the graas. Other persona deliberately.trespas on the. grounds, and break off flowers ln bloom. This, practice should b. dlscentinued, as persons se deing render themselves Il- able to presecutien fer trespass. Own- ers of well-kept premisea would only be wlthin their rlghta -ln thus endeavor- lng te step the vandalism. Tbe triends ot Mr. Wesley Saunders, et Brooklyn, N. Y., -will learu with re- gret et the deatb et bis wit., Elizabeth Bruce Barclay, on Wednesday, May l9th, ifter a briet illneos. Your. Systoin Domands ln ocWasina, orrective t. Insu. good hWoan d trmgt.b. fSee lu almoSt Impouble for the weak and aiffng. 'IEnjoent -la flot snd 'serionls slcneum us Ufy bogin lu derangedcondiIonsof the to~1 te~ te9 Mo.0 2.00- 28.00 30O.00 MEÂT, POULTRY AND, PRODUiCE, Beef, cwt., dressed .... .$12.26 te $2o Cattie, 1ti'e.,welght ,..7.50 tW 8.00 Laùbi, efch .....5.00 te 11.00 Heis, dressed . ......11.00 tW 12.25 H9ega, select ...... ...8.25 We 8.50 Chiekens, per lb ..... ..0.18 te 0.20 Ducks, per lb.. ... .... 0.18 te, 0.20 Geese, dresscd, per lb. . % 0.15 to o.îs Turkeys, dressed, Der lb. 0.20 to* 0.-25 Butter, per lb. . .. .... 0.33 to.--0.85 Egigs, ne-w, per dozen . .. 0.18 to& 0.20' Lard, per Ibi ..... .... 0.18 te,- 0.20 Potatees, per bag ...0.75 tW .0.80 Apples, per barrel,..1.50 te e.00 Onlons, per bag .... ... 1.00 ta 1.25 Hay, per ton .......... 1.4.00 te 15.00 IIIDES. Wool, unwashed . 8... 0.14 te $0-17, Calf skins, per lb ...0.15 te 0.16 Lamb skins, each ...0.70 ta 0.75 Hides, per cwt.... .... 13.00 to 13.Qo Sheepakins ...... .. ... 0.75 to 1.15 Dea ,ns ..........**0.25 to 10 IHorse Hidesa.... ....2.-50 te 3.00 Tallow, rend, per lb.. 0.06 ta 0.06 4 4 'h onde ,iota,' keepq - fine cembl) and sami.F froni $2.50 A. sale -willt the Dêpartmen, day aftem'noan, There will les, tarte, caaz candy.: - ceain, 5 IcgE cr' am au Iecream co~ Came, everyt Thiose prav4 -please have do, elock. - - -IMPOR1TA Prees news fr giCates that thi - Gearge lu havii mntlg total ai~ .Evcning Echlo -replies from d promînent- lu p equlry as te the the- inatter. 1 -statemeuts: - Dr. Robent B: 4"My- heuseheld -jesty's example use ef alcehel'" Sir A. Conant ed the geai cii John Galswoi t up tlll atten tii John Sargent. Archblshop e -blshop ef York Moe alcehol le p q* Gelthe DOne mLales wash da Phone your a to C. A. Gool Bcell phione *23,$ Den't torget~ on Wedu-esday;- ef Mn. Wm. 010 Al l thelatms and winidew se Everythiug ln Division Colt Tuesday, June Court Flouse. Tic Couuty1 June session oi * at 2 P~.. On Thur*ÃŽy 'Votera' List C4 * Judge McIutynî ditions of naMn The Baptlst by have arraflf ,plcnlcte oRose d6th. .Plmonds gai this- year ou 'W Mt, at the ui splendid .pnogr * Ge("o6un a trexnC.A. Goq supply ye0i iv -or at1pleul AP~ T'S di wife goodîcas oui you wilb- les at Io msy asevce as aiictiom, by ag B~iram-Hmmendron's "Engish". ýPainet andurmcpeit nt i muIsucsfully wMuid the ffecPu IYa longer thaae mu' ' > W at GimieR cnomy, - becam ynwilmoa have to e tim 0eul m om mi widt lï a'ùl Ciirsatl t ibecênsoB.H -PeintsreunIai beas ad weatueur yearsnc T@ soofertiisit 2ê BHu'Endwps" Pitw htcm 70% eBrandrmm's B. B.,,Cumula. White Lied 30% Pure White Z=inc. ' -ý A iomMaedw produmo aasuaea a£~ coelgcapity, bemut, b ih~ md dwablIity. Tisfom la podsly guar by th. makers." Je MGINTYREI0 Whiby MoWhn You,DotldeYur -l'MW obrty Y«M(ý-9cl

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